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463 Highland Rd., Peterborough, Ontario, K9H 5J8 (705)745-0841

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January 2019
Mission Statement: “As Christians living in God’s grace we seek to demonstrate our
faith in Christ by caring, listening, and responding to the needs of the whole person,
serving each other and those beyond our Lutheran community.”

People of God, do you promise to support and pray for the newly baptized in their new
life in Christ? We do. --
from the order of Holy Baptism in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship p. 228
As you receive this newsletter we are at a moment of celebration of light at Christ. We
have celebrated the light of Christ on Christmas Eve, the light of the star that directed
the Magi, and the light revealed in the opening of the skies at the baptism of Christ. It
seems rather fitting than that as we celebrate light that we celebrate the joy of another
baptism on January 14, that of Myley Jennett, child of God and member of Christ
Lutheran Church.
Myley has been participating at Messy Church once a month on a Monday night. Messy
Church includes crafts and worship and a bit of food and is attended by many
generations. Worship although geared to a younger group maintains the basic teachings
we confess and use on Sunday mornings. Baptism is no exception. Worship is always a
lot of fun!
When is Baptism not fun? We smile and splash in water. We make promises. We are
loved freely by the Lord. It is for all to enjoy.
To make the evening of Monday January 14 complete we need your help!
There is a very important response in our order of Baptism. After sponsors are given a
candle. The congregation says:
We welcome you into the body of Christ and into the mission we share: join us
in giving thanks and praise to God and hearing God’s creative and redeeming
word to all the world.
As you were once welcomed into the body of Christ through baptism, come and join us
for an evening of celebration, some crafts and then some food. Support Myley and the
children of our parish as they continue on their journey of faith and grow in your own.
We start at 5:30 pm.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Pastor Scott

Church Council Meeting – Wednesday Dec. 11th: 6:30-8:30 pm
Present: Sylvia, Iris, Scott, Al, Marlys, George
Regrets: Connie, Brenda, Janice
Opening Devotion led by Pastor Scott.
The minutes of November 6 approval: Motion to approve – Sylvia, Second – Iris, Passed.
Mail and Other
We received confirmation that we not receive any funding for the Student Ministry this
Electronic Updates- Facebook continues to be updated regularly.
Pastors Report - highlights
GTA East Meeting and general discussion with Bishop Pryse on January 31, 7pm at
Christ the King, Whitby. Members of the congregation are invited to attend.
Student Ministry: Painting and doors will be complete in early 2019
Meeting with Dr. Jenny Ingram and Peterborough Housing and City Planning: Christ
Lutheran was encouraged to pursue help groups (VON, Community Care…) directly to
learn about their needs and offer the church space for their programs. With the
available land, Christ Lutheran has a start to developing much needed housing units in
Peterborough, if this a direction Christ Lutheran would want to pursue.
Sanctuary Piano: It may be possible to get a used piano from one of the closing United
Churches. A motion was made by Marlys, and seconded by Iris, that “if Gerry feels the
piano is an improvement from what we have in the Sanctuary, and if the cost of moving
it is less than $300, we will proceed to get the piano”. Motion was approved. Note:
Following up after the council meeting Scott found that the piano is no longer available.
No further action.
Parish Support (George)
 Ongoing is working with the furnace maintenance people to solve the problem with
the furnace cutting out at times. A dirty furnace heat exchanger may be causing the
problem and may have to be cleaned.
 George and Scott are investigating the sound problem (intermittently cutting out)
with the Sanctuary sound system.
Treasurers Report (Brenda)
We are about $9,500 behind in our overall financial situation. We are hoping that
offerings in December, which is generally a very generous month for giving, will help
close the gap.
Outreach (Robin, Milan, Connie)
Christ Lutheran provided over 150 meals at the One-roof diner on December 2. Scott
and Robin will be planning the dates for 2019.
Messy Church (Sylvia)
The monthly program is a success, growing to around 11-13 children and 12 adults on a
consistent basis. Each month presents a theme, and guests participate in a casual few
hours of crafts, play, meal and a short lesson. Everyone is welcome. The next program
is January 14, with the theme New Year, New Beginning.
Kids Club (Marlys)
11 children attended the past Kid’s Club. We can’t promote the program at the Highland
Heights School any more, so we advertise with signs on the front lawn of the church.
They seem to attract attention.
Next Kids Club is February 1.
Health and Wellness (Iris)
Blood pressure clinics and workshops are being planned for 2019.
Social Activities (Iris)
Cal hosted a congregational get-together on December 9.
Milan and Elizabeth are hosting a congregation get-together on December 15.
Stewardship & Fund-raising (Connie)
The Christmas Bazaar raised $3,136 from the event, and an additional $300 from
FaithLife, for a total of $3,436.
The Raise-the-Rood concert and dinner was a sell-out, raising $2,420. With a top-up of
$61.50 we have been able to raise money to cover the total amount of $8,452.80 to
shingle the parsonage roof!
Council thanks everyone who donated their time, gifts and money to make these fund-
raisers such a success.
Mutual Ministries (Sylvia)
 The Employment Agreement was signed by Scott and the Council.
 Following Scott’s marriage to Sue, his insurance was changed from single to family.
Sue’s congregation will split the cost of the insurance with us. The net change will be
an increase of approximately $500 per year.
Old Business
Student Ministry: Parsonage painting (4 bedrooms plus basement family room) new
doors (four bedrooms), flooring (basement family room), rooming house permit
New Business
“We Care” Community Outreach Program: Adli presented the “We Care” community
outreach program he is working to start up in the Peterborough North End. The
program provides assistance in the form of food and clothing to anyone in need. The
program is looking for a space to meet every Saturday from 2-5pm where people can
meet to discuss their needs and receive assistance. Following Adli’s presentation a
motion was made by Sylvia to “Offer the “We Care” Program the use the church
basement for the “We Care” Programs, on Saturdays between 2-5 pm, providing the
conditions or our Facilities Use Agreement are met”. The motion was seconded by
Marlys, and approved. Scott will communicate Council approval to Adli.
Upcoming Events:
December 24, 4:00pm and 7:00pm Christmas Eve Services
January 7, 6:30pm Budget Meeting
February 3, following service Annual General Meeting light lunch served
Next meeting: Tuesday January 15, 6:30pm


Words of thanks - thanks to all of you at Christ Lutheran. We are a small congregation
but are really blessed with a lot of great and talented members, leaders and volunteers;
in worship, in caring for the church property, on Congregational Council and committees,
in providing church dinners, in community service. Your work is so much appreciated.
We would also like to send out personal thanks to the following:
To Pastor Scott for his continuous pastoral guidance for our church.
To Iris, Audrey, June for Christmas decorating in the basement.
To Connie Baker who organized our Senior’s Hymn Luncheon’s this past year. We
enjoyed the luncheons, and everyone agrees they are most welcome!
To Shirley Gillespie & Connie Baker for making a great visitation team for our shut-ins.
To all the volunteers and organizers for our Yard & Rummage Sale May event.
To everyone who decorated the church for Christmas, with special thanks to Cal for
making our church upstairs look beautiful.
To Ralph Bastian who got our tree and to those who helped to put up our church
Christmas tree and decorate it.
To Barry & Pauline Parsons who installed and decorated our Candle stands and their
continued support when help is needed.
To Sarah who keeps our church clean.
To Gerry who provides beautiful music to our congregation.
To our Honorary Rev. Mike Schroeder who is always stepping in to help when needed.
To the Craft Ladies Team for a great Christmas Bazaar. Thank you ladies!
To our Slice & Dice Team with their continued efforts for keeping young tummies full of
nutritious snacks.
To Marlys and Johanna for their continued leadership of our Kid’s Klub efforts in March
and summer and PA’s days. And to the many volunteers who come out to support this
great outreach project.
To George Maschke & Glenn Coombs for their parish support getting things fixed &
To Church Council and Al Butson our Chairperson, who continue to lead our church with
God’s spiritual & financial work.
To all our Kitchen team with our many great socials, outreach dinners and tremendous
food contributions.
To our Health and Wellness team for the informative guest speakers at our coffee times.
To all our committee members for faithfully helping our church community.
To our Treasurer Brenda Bastian for her hard work to keep our church books organized.
To our Financial Secretary Janice LeClair for all her work with our weekly giving’s.
To Sylvia Shea who heads up our Mutual Ministry and all her hard work.
To our Outreach group and its wonderful work.
To Yvonne Williamson who has provided beautiful picture cards for Christ Lutheran.
To our Men’s Club who always find a project that they can lend a hand with and enjoy
great breakfasts!
To Robin Butson our secretary who keeps our administrative services working.
We all help in our individual ways. If anyone was missed please accept our apologies.
We are always thankful for all the caring individuals who help run and maintain our
congregation and church.

Our Annual Congregational meeting will take place following our worship service on
Sunday February 5th, 2019. A light lunch can be picked up on your way to your seat and
enjoyed while our meeting is under way. Coffee/tea will also be available. We will be
done no later than 1:00 pm. We need 20% of our confirmed, active members to have a
quorum for this meeting so YOUR PRESENCE IS URGENTLY REQUESTED. The
meeting is a constitutional requirement and gives us the opportunity to look back at the
past year and to plan for the future. We will also have council members elected to our
Congregational Council. Please come. Come to be informed. Come to share ideas.
NOTE: All reports to be included in the Annual Report Booklet should be in our
secretary’s hands by Wednesday January 23rd so they can be ready for distribution on
Sunday January 27th.

CHARITABLE RECEIPTS The 2018 receipts will be available soon, please contact
Janice LeClair if you have any questions about yours.

Tuesday January 15 at 10 am.

COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday January 15 6:30 pm.

SLICE & DICE TuesdayJanuary 8 at 10:30 pm.


We enjoyed another successful year of eating, sharing good stories, and supporting
worthwhile causes. We usually have about 10 out for these monthly feasts, and besides
our own Lutherans, we have enjoyed the presence of Anglicans, Greek Orthodox, Tim
Horton friends, and a local TV personality. This year we gave Marlys and the Kids Klub
$75 for their March Break “going to the dogs” program, and $100 to the Buckhorn
Singers Benefit. We welcome all (males) to join us every second Saturday of the month
and experience this unique fellowship. We will meet Saturday January 12 at 8:30 am at
the church. Come and enjoy the fellowship!

We are currently exploring a few new and exciting ideas for our health and educational
workshops for the New Year 2019. Please stay tuned for further updates. Do stay
healthy and, well and oh yes, warm too!


Please see the sign-up list on the vestibule door. There are cookies/muffins/loaves in
the freezer and cheese in the fridge provided ready for the coffee time. Coffee/tea and
cream/milk in the fridge are also provided. You just need to set up the coffee/tea and
cut up cheese and set out cookies/muffins/loaves.
If you need assistance with anything please contact Robin (705-749-7371) and she will
show you how the coffee maker works and how to set up for Coffee time. Let’s work
together to keep our coffee time for every Sunday after worship. Thank you.


In December the singers gave a concert at Christ Lutheran to raise money for local
Foodbanks. The result was the gift of $755 for Kawartha Food Shares, Lakefield
Foodbank, and the Buckhorn school kids food program. Thanks to our own church
members who were in the audience, and Marlys as the Singers director, Milan a featured
soloist, and Barry the rookie member.

Join the GTA East Lutherans and Bishop Pryse on Thursday

January 31 7pm at Christ the King Whtiby. This evening will be a time for you to
ask open ended questions of the Bishop, and to find out what is going on in the Synod.
Carpooling will be arranged if you wish to attend and need a ride.

March 5 We will gather at Christ for this occasion.

Service at Christ–Wednesday March 6, 7pm

Lenten Mid-Week Worship and Soup & Sandwich Gathering

6pm-730pm Beginning Wednesday March 13th, we will begin our journey through Lent.
Wednesday nights we will gather for soup and sandwiches at 6 pm, worship begins at


Reader Ushers Communion Assistant
January 6 Al The Butson’s Al
January 13 Iris The Butson’s Iris
January 20 Marlys Barry & Pauline Marlys
January 27 Al The Butson’s Al
February 3 Al The Butson’s Al

Altar Care for January – Robin Butson

Altar Care for February – Shirley Gilbert
Counters for January – Al Butson & Iris Gravel
Counters for February – Connie Baker & Barry Parsons

Christ Lutheran Church is continuing to grow and looks forward to 2019 as

another year of growing, inspiring and reaching out to our Peterborough
community. Blessing to all with health & happiness in the coming years at
Christ Lutheran Church.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5

6 Epiphany 7 8 9 10 11 12
Of our Lord Budget Mtg Slice & Dice Men’s
Holy 6:30 pm 10:30 am Breakfast
10:00 am Club
Coffee time 8:30 am
after worship

13 Epiphany2 14 15 16 17 18 19
Holy Messy Bible study
Communion Church 10 am
10:00 am Food for Kids
Coffee time Baptism of
Myley Noon
after worship
5:30 – 7 pm
Council 6:30
20 Epiphany3 21 22 23 24 25 26
Holy Bible study All Council
10 am reports in
10:00 am
Food for for the
Coffee time
after worship Kids Noon 2018 Annual
Report to
27 Epiphany 4 28 29 30 31 GTA East Feb 1 Feb 2
Holy communion
10 am
Bible study Lutherans
Annual report 10 am and Bishop PA Day Kids
published Food for 7pm at Christ Klub
Coffee time Kids Noon the King
after worship Whitby

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