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CAN 2.

0B Data Transfer
What does the CAN data bus transfer?

It transfers a data protocol between the control units at short

intervals, runs at 500K Baud . It is sub-divided into sevenar ea’
Used to connect the engine control modules for high-speed engine
control and data exchange
The Data Protocol:
Comprises a long string of bits. The number of bits in a data protocol
depends on the size of the data field.

A bit is the smallest unit of information (one circuit state per

unit of time). In electronics, this information can only have the
value“ 0”or“ 1”,i.e.“Yes”or“ No” .

The diagram below shows the format of data protocol. This

format is identical on both data bus lines.
Field Data Field
Start 1 Bit = (max. 64 Confirmation
Field Unused Bits) Field (max.
(1 Bit) 64 Bits)

Check Safety End Field

Field (6 Field (7 Bits)
Bits) (16 Bits)
REV 1.0 Page 1
CAN 2.0B Data Transfer

The seven areas are:

The Start Field marks the start of the data

protocol. A bit with approximately 5 volts
(depending on system) is sent over the CAN
High Line and a bit with approximately 0 volts
is sent over the CAN Low Line.

The Status Field defines the level of priority of

the data protocol. If, for instance, two control
units want to send their data protocol
simultaneously, the control unit with the higher
priority takes precedence.

The Check Field displays the number of items

of information contained in the data field. This
field allows any receiver to check whether it
has received all the information transferred to

In the Data Field, information is transferred to

the other control units.
REV 1.0 Page 2
CAN 2.0B Data Transfer

BOSCH CAN based private datalink
Runs at 500 K-baud
Used to connect the engine control modules
for high-speed engine control and data exchange

The Safety Field detects transfer faults.

In the Confirmation Field, the receivers signal

to the transmitter that they have correctly
received the data protocol. If an error is
detected, the receivers notify the transmitter
immediately. The transmitter then sends the
data protocol again.

The End Field marks the end of the data

protocol. This is the last possibility to indicate
errors which lead to a repeat transfer.
REV 1.0 Page 3

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