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School : Hdjira Moussa Middle School School Year : 2018 /2019

Level : 4AM Time : 1h 30Mn

The First Term Exam of English

Text :

Kim : Your brother is graduating from high school this year, right? What’s he going to do?
Greg : He will take a trip. He wants to relax after he graduates.
Kim : Where will he go? Europe?
Greg : No, he won’t go to Europe. He doesn’t have a lot of money.
Kim : Will he travel alone?
Greg : No, he won’t. He’ll travel with his friends.
Kim : And after that? Will he go to college?
Greg : No, he won’t go to college until next year. He needs to earn some money before he goes to college.
Kim : So, what will he do this year?
Greg : He’ll work for our father in his office. He needs help.
Kim : Maybe someday he’ll get a great job!
Greg : He will. He is smart. But he will have to finish college first before he works.
Kim : If he lives at home for another year, he will help you with your Spanish homework.
Greg : He won’t. He says I have to learn Spanish by myself.
Kim : Then we can work together. I have to study Spanish this year, too!

Adapted from : Connect Student’s Book 4

Part One :

A/ Reading Comprehension : ( 7 pts )

Activity 1: Choose “ a- b - c “ or “d” to complete the following sentences ( 2pts)

1. The dialogue is about Greg’s brother ………………………………..

a. daily routine b. personality c. future plans d. hobbies
2. Greg’s brother is ………………………………..
a. rich b. clever c. stupid d. old

Activity 2 :Read the following statements and write: « true », « false », or « not mentioned » (3pts)

1. Greg’s brother is a high school pupil. ……………….

2. Gred’s brother will graduate from college next year. ………………
3. Greg and Kim are classmates. ……………….

Activity 3: Match each word with its appropriate definition (2pts)

word Definition
1. trip a. up to the time of the event mentioned.
2. until b. a journey to a place and back again.
3. graduate c. get money for work that you do.
4. earn d. complete school studies.

B/Mastery of Language:

Activity 1: Reorder the following words to get a correct sentence ( 2pts )

my Algeria . After exams , I I’ll around finish travel


Activity 2: Write the correct form of the verbs between brackets (3pts)

1. He ( finish ) …………………………..all of his work before he ( leave ) …………………………….

2. What ( Ahmed / study ) …………………………….when he goes to university ?

Activity 3: Find in the text four words that have the following sounds (2pts)

/ ǝu / = no / ei / = eight

1………………….. 1…………………..

2………………….. 2…………………..

Part Two : Written Expression (6pts)

Your friend sent you a letter talking about his/her future expectations and wants to know about yours.
Write him/her a letter talking about your future plans and expectations.
Use : time clauses.

Teacher : Benmansour Faten

Typical Correction
Part One :

A/ Reading Comprehension : ( 7 pts )

Activity 1: Choose “ a- b - c “ or “d” to complete the following sentences ( 2pts)

1. The dialogue is about Greg’s brother c. future plans (1pt)

a. daily routine b. personality c. future plans d. hobbies
2. Greg’s brother is b. clever (1pt)
a. rich b. clever c. stupid d. old

Activity 2 :Read the following statements and write: « true », « false », or « not mentioned » (3pts)

1. Greg’s brother is a high school pupil. True (1pt)

2. Gred’s brother will graduate from college next year. False (1pt)
3. Greg and Kim are classmates. Not mantioned (1pt)

Activity 3: Match each word with its appropriate definition (2pts) (0.5*4 = 2pts)

word Definition
1. trip a. up to the time of the event mentioned.
2. until b. a journey to a place and back again.
3. graduate c. get money for work that you do.
4. earn d. complete school studies.

B/Mastery of Language:

Activity 1: Reorder the following words to get a correct sentence ( 2pts )

my Algeria . After exams , I I’ll around finish travel

After I finish my exams, I’ll travel around Algeria.

Activity 2: Write the correct form of the verbs between brackets (3pts)

1. He ( finish ) will finish all of his work before he ( leave ) leaves.

2. What ( Ahmed / study ) will Ahmed study when he goes to university ?

Activity 3: Find in the text four words that have the following sounds (2pts)

/ ǝu / = no / ei / = eight

going – go – take – maybe –

won’t – alone - someday – great -
homework says

Part Two : Written Expression (6pts)

Dear John, format (salutaion : 0.25pt)

Thank you for your letter. Now, it’s my turn to tell you about my future plans
and expectations. Opening letter (0.25pt)

 Ideas are well-organized (topic sentence –

supporting sentences – conclusion).
All sentences are linked correctly (1.5pt) Topic (1pt)
 Correct use of language (1.5pts)
 Excellence (1pt)

Thank you very much. I hope to hear from you soon. Closing letter (0.25pt)

Yours, (0.25pt)

( the learner signs his/her name)

Teacher : Benmansour Faten


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