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With this programming you are able to develop your cardiovascular and respiratory
endurance and stamina together with strength and power output.
This could be described to resemble traditional Crossfit-training.

Day 1
3 rounds for time:
30 Wallball
15 Hang Power Clean (60/40kg)
Go as fast as possible.
Scale the reps or weight if needed.
Rest 5-10min
3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
20 Alternating DB Snatch (30/20kg)
Scale if needed. You can use KB if you don´t have dumbbells.
Rest 5-10min
3 rounds for time:
20 GHD Sit-Up
40 DU
Scale if needed:
GHD→ V-Up→Tuck-up, DU→ scale the reps or do 80 single unders.
Day 2
30 Burpee MU for time.
Time Cap 10min
Go as fast as possible. Scale if needed (Bar MU, C2B Pull-Up)
Find 1RM Squat Clean in 20min
You can do as many lifts as necessary under the 20min timeline.
For time
30 Squat Clean @80% of todays best.
This should be heavy and hard. Scale if needed. Go as fast as possible.
5 sets, rest 1-2min between sets:
1) 5-10 Strict TTB
2) 8+8 Seated DB Press AHAFA
3) 10 Banded Pull-Apart
Go by feel. Scale if needed. Check the videos.

Choose Engine plan when you want to increase your endurance and aerobic working
capacity over longer time domain workouts. These workouts are not designed to be
“all-out” if not especially specified, but to develop your ability to keep going on
higher-end pace.
Day 1
10 rounds:
Run 400m,
7 C2B,
7 STOH (shoulder to overhead) (50/35kg)
Rest as needed, but each round must be within 10sec window!
Target is to maintain a steady pace. This is not all out effort! Be consistent. Scale the
weights and reps if deeded.
4 rounds, rest 1–2min between movements:
1) Banded 10sec Core Hold
2) 10-15 Manmakers
Go by the feel. Scale the rounds and reps if needed. Check the videos.
Day 2
10 rounds as AMRAPS:
1min ON, 30sec OFF
1) 5 TTB + 8 Burpee
2) 5+5 KB Single Arm Thruster (moderate weight) + 8 Box over Jump
This is an AMRAP. First you do 1min of 1) then rest for 30sec, then 1min of 2), rest
for 30sec and continue from 1) where you left off. Keep a steady pace through the
whole workout. Total time of workout is 30min. Scale the reps if needed.
4 sets:
6+6 Seated DB Press
10 Banded Pull-Apart
When following Power&Speed programming, you will develop the different areas of
strength, your explosiveness and abilities to produce power. This programming has
one to two basic conditioning workouts per week.
Day 1
Cone Drills
6 sets: L- Drill (3 L + 3 R)
5 sets: 3-3-3m Suicide Sprint
This is todays most important part. Aim for maximum speed. Rest as needed between
sets. Warm up well. Check the videos.
20min EMOM:
1) 1 Power Snatch
2) 3 High Box Jump
Use moderate weights. Be consistent. If your snatch starts to slow down, decrease the
14min EMOM of your choice
Pick 1-2 movements and go by the feel. You can do odd/even emom as well.
Day 2
12min EMOM: 2-position Snatch (above the knee, floor)
3set: 60% of 1rm snatch
3set: 65%
3set: 70%
3set: 75%
First snatch is right above the knee, second from the floor. You can drop and go. Scale
the percentages if needed.
Front Squat 6x4 AHAFA
As heavy as form allows. Rest as needed. Bar from the rack.
4 rounds, rest 1-2min between movements:
1) 6 Bench Press AHAFA
2) 4 Weighted Pull-Up
3) 8+8 Single Leg KB Deadlift
4) 15-25 GHD Sit-Up
Scale if needed. Use AHAFA (as heavy as form allows) weights.

Skill day
Second workout of the week is always skill based workout common for all of the
three programs. This day gives you the opportunity to target your weaknesses and to
work with the mobility and movement together with challenging your body
Day 1
Work your Gymnastic weakness for 20min.
You can work only for one movement or pick a few. Concentrate on the movement,
not volume.
3-5 rounds for Quality:
1) 10m Dragon Squat
2) 1-3 Skin the Cat
3) 5+5 Banded Press in Split (alternate legs after 5 reps)
4) 5+5+5 Wall squat
5) 10+10 Single Arm SOTS Press
Scale if needed. Check the videos, move well and rest as needed.
Day 2
Work your Gymnastic weakness for 20min.
Info: You can work only for one movement or take couple. Concentrate on the
movement, not volume.
3-5 rounds for Quality:
1) 10-20 Manmakers
2) 10m Lateral Lunge
3) 30-60sec Active Hang
4) 10m Banded OHWL
5) 360 Hollow Rock
Scale if needed. Check the videos, move well and rest as needed.

De-load week
Day 1
3-5 rounds for Quality:
With an empty Barbell:
5 Snatch pull
5 Muscle snatch
5 Behind the neck push press
5 Good morning
5 From good morning into snatch balance
5 Scarecrow snatch
1+1 Slow motion snatch (normal and backwards)
3-5 Rope Climb
20m DB/KB OHWL (10m L + 10m R)
500m Row/400m Run
10+10 Man Makers
10-20 GHD Sit-Up
One round consists of barbell complex, rope climbs, overhead walking lunges,
running/rowing, man makers and GHD sit-ups. Don´t set a watch, just go by feel and
enjoy the movement. Scale if needed.

Winter is Coming – 10 Tough Workouts to

Build Strength and Test Toughness
With the cold months drawing in, it's time to step up your training.

It’s about that time of the year where you have to put on your sweatpants over your sport shorts, a thick
pullover over your shirt and a woolen hat just to get into the car. With the cold starting to set in, you
should add some new workouts into your programming and kit yourself out in gear that is specially
designed to help you train in the freezing months. If you don’t have the chance to spend December in
Australia, here is how to train to build strength and toughness during the coldest part of the year.


It takes dedication to get to the gym or Box in the morning for an early session, but even more so when
it’s cold, wet and dark outside. But the winter months can be the perfect time to work on these elements
of your fitness precisely because of these reasons.

Making yourself train whatever the weather and avoiding all excuses will help you to become a much
tougher, more disciplined and fitter athlete by the time Spring rolls around again.
Train hard whatever conditions you face


When your muscles are cold they are porous and injury-prone. When warm they are flexible and strong.

A quality warm up is even more important if it is cold outside.

No matter what time of year it is, the quality of your warm up will often become a reflection of the quality
of your workout. In the autumn and winter months, take additional time and make sure that your heart rate
is sufficiently elevated in order to get the blood flowing into your outer extremities.

Nike Pro HyperWarm clothing for Women and Men will speed up the process of warming up and help to
preserve the heat your body creates once you are warm and ready to go. Specially designed for cold
weather, it will help to improve your performances and provide breathable warmth with the following
 Breathable fabric
 Capacity to wick sweat away from the body
 Built in insulation

The breathability and sweat wicking technology work in close conjunction in the HyperWarm range.
Often when running or working out outside in the colder months, you can feel too cold at the beginning,
yet too warm half way through the workout or run. Wearing breathable garments can be highly useful
because it allows your body to adjust accordingly.

Tough workouts will make you sweat, despite the cold conditions. If you then let the sweat dampen your
skin and clothes whilst you cool down, it can lead to cold and sickness. This is why it is important to
make use of this sweat wicking technology.


At a time when most people are turning down the intensity and getting ready to fatten up for Christmas,
you are dialing your training up a notch. Despite the dark nights, you are taking things forwards. Now is
the perfect time to implement strongman exercises into your training, improve weightlifting skills or build
up that much needed power for those muscle ups.

These 10 workouts are designed to be tough and hard, and we know you wouldn’t want it any other way.
Staying warm in a cold Box is also especially important, as many are unheated. Time to get stuck into
these 10 punishing WODs.

Every 2:00 x 20:00 (10 rounds)

 1 squat clean and jerk 125/90kg

 3 strict muscle ups (scale to 6 strict pull ups)
 5 burpee box jump overs 24/20 inch

7 rounds each for time:

 4 power snatch 60kg

 8 bar muscle ups (scale with C2B)
 12 burpees
Dynamic stretching
3 rounds:

 5x Strict Weighted Pull-ups (find a weight where the last rep is close to failure)
 Rest 10 seconds
 Max UB 2s Eccentric Strict Pull-ups
 Rest 3:00 btw rounds


This is a simple workout. Choose a 3, 5 or 10km distance, pick a scenic route then go and run it. If you
can, get out into the hills and countryside and enjoy the fresh cold air. If you are out on the hills, warm
clothing is absolutely essential. Additionally, gloves and a hood can also be a good idea to keep you
warm. Nike HyperWarm training tights and tops are also an effective base layer for colder conditions
as well.
Use base layers to keep warm

2 total rounds of:

 5x rope climbs
 8x bench press 100kg
 12x 10kg weighted pull-ups
 15x 4″ deficit HSPU

Rest 2:00

 5x rope climbs
 8x bench press 100kg
 12x 10 weighted pull-ups
 15x 4″ deficit HSPU

Rest 4:00 between the 2 total rounds.

5 rounds for time of:

 12 deadlifts
 9 hang power cleans
 6 push jerks

Men use 90kg. Women use 60kg


This workout is perfect if you are feeling brave and want to get out of your comfort zone! You will need
to find a decent lake, river or sea in order to do this properly. Alternatively a lido or other kind of outdoor
swimming pool can work well too.
Make sure that you enter the water slowly, and if you don’t feel confident then stay within your depth (so
you can touch your feet down if necessary) and swim with your head above the water.
Even if you are a confident swimmer, don’t underestimate the effect that the cold water can have on your
body. Using a tow float is a good way to keep things safe, just in case you experience any difficulties.
Swim for as long as you can. Make sure that you have warm clothes to change into after your swim as

10, 10, 10 AMRAP

10 Minute AMRAP (Alternating Movements)

 2 rope climbs
 100ft handstand walk (or 100 sec handstand hold)
 Rest 5 Min
10 Minute AMRAP (Alt. Movements)

 7-5-3 pull up/CTB/bar MU

 50 double unders
Rest 5 Minutes
10 Minute AMRAP (Alt. Movements)

 20 GHD
 30 push ups


It takes dedication to get to the gym or Box in the morning for an early session, but even more so when
it’s cold, wet and dark outside. But the winter months can be the perfect time to work on these elements
of your fitness precisely because of these reasons.

Making yourself train whatever the weather and avoiding all excuses will help you to become a much
tougher, more disciplined and fitter athlete by the time Spring rolls around again. Train hard whatever
conditions you face
When your muscles are cold they are porous and injury-prone. When warm they are flexible and strong.

A quality warm up is even more important if it is cold outside.

No matter what time of year it is, the quality of your warm up will often become a reflection of the quality
of your workout. In the autumn and winter months, take additional time and make sure that your heart rate
is sufficiently elevated in order to get the blood flowing into your outer extremities.

Nike Pro HyperWarm clothing for Women and Men will speed up the process of warming up and help to
preserve the heat your body creates once you are warm and ready to go. Specially designed for cold
weather, it will help to improve your performances and provide breathable warmth with the following

 Breathable fabric
 Capacity to wick sweat away from the body
 Built in insulation

The breathability and sweat wicking technology work in close conjunction in the HyperWarm range.
Often when running or working out outside in the colder months, you can feel too cold at the beginning,
yet too warm half way through the workout or run. Wearing breathable garments can be highly useful
because it allows your body to adjust accordingly.
Sara in training

Tough workouts will make you sweat, despite the cold conditions. If you then let the sweat dampen your
skin and clothes whilst you cool down, it can lead to cold and sickness. This is why it is important to
make use of this sweat wicking technology.


At a time when most people are turning down the intensity and getting ready to fatten up for Christmas,
you are dialing your training up a notch. Despite the dark nights, you are taking things forwards. Now is
the perfect time to implement strongman exercises into your training, improve weightlifting skills or build
up that much needed power for those muscle ups.

These 10 workouts are designed to be tough and hard, and we know you wouldn’t want it any other way.
Staying warm in a cold Box is also especially important, as many are unheated. Time to get stuck into
these 10 punishing WODs.
Every 2:00 x 20:00 (10 rounds)

 1 squat clean and jerk 125/90kg

 3 strict muscle ups (scale to 6 strict pull ups)
 5 burpee box jump overs 24/20 inch

7 rounds each for time:

 4 power snatch 60kg

 8 bar muscle ups (scale with C2B)
 12 burpees
Dynamic stretching

3 rounds:

 5x Strict Weighted Pull-ups (find a weight where the last rep is close to failure)
 Rest 10 seconds
 Max UB 2s Eccentric Strict Pull-ups
 Rest 3:00 btw rounds


This is a simple workout. Choose a 3, 5 or 10km distance, pick a scenic route then go and run it. If you
can, get out into the hills and countryside and enjoy the fresh cold air. If you are out on the hills, warm
clothing is absolutely essential. Additionally, gloves and a hood can also be a good idea to keep you
warm. Nike HyperWarm training tights and tops are also an effective base layer for colder conditions
as well.
Use base layers to keep warm

2 total rounds of:

 5x rope climbs
 8x bench press 100kg
 12x 10kg weighted pull-ups
 15x 4″ deficit HSPU

Rest 2:00

 5x rope climbs
 8x bench press 100kg
 12x 10 weighted pull-ups
 15x 4″ deficit HSPU

Rest 4:00 between the 2 total rounds.

5 rounds for time of:

 12 deadlifts
 9 hang power cleans
 6 push jerks

Men use 90kg. Women use 60kg

With this workout you need stable and supportive footwear for the lifting.


This workout is perfect if you are feeling brave and want to get out of your comfort zone! You will need
to find a decent lake, river or sea in order to do this properly. Alternatively a lido or other kind of outdoor
swimming pool can work well too.

Make sure that you enter the water slowly, and if you don’t feel confident then stay within your depth (so
you can touch your feet down if necessary) and swim with your head above the water.

Even if you are a confident swimmer, don’t underestimate the effect that the cold water can have on your
body. Using a tow float is a good way to keep things safe, just in case you experience any difficulties.
Swim for as long as you can. Make sure that you have warm clothes to change into after your swim as

10, 10, 10 AMRAP

10 Minute AMRAP (Alternating Movements)

 2 rope climbs
 100ft handstand walk (or 100 sec handstand hold)
 Rest 5 Min

10 Minute AMRAP (Alt. Movements)

 7-5-3 pull up/CTB/bar MU

 50 double unders

Rest 5 Minutes

10 Minute AMRAP (Alt. Movements)

 20 GHD
 30 push ups
HyperWarm tights constructed from breathable material


Work to a 1RM of the following combination (don’t drop the weights)

 2 x deadlifts with farmers handles

 50ft farmers carry with handles
 2 x deadlifts with farmers handles

3 rounds:

 Deadlift 8 reps 1.5 bodyweight

 Rest 45 seconds
 Single-arm dumbbell shoulder press 8 reps each arm
 Rest 45 seconds
 Strict Toes to Bar x 8-10 reps
 Rest 45 seconds

3 rounds:

 30 sec hollow body flutter kicks

 10 superman lift straight arms only
 10 superman lift straight arms and chest only
 10 superman straight legs lift only
 10 complete superman lifts (arms, chest, legs)
 10 ghd situps into 10 sec hollow hold
(repeat this pattern 3 times)
7 Rope Climb Workouts:
1. Rope Climb Workout from Thuri Helgadottir:
4 Rounds

 10 Parallette handstand push up (deficit of choice)

 20 Over the box jump, 24/20″ 4
 Rope climbs
 60 Double unders
 8 (squat) clean @ 85/60kg (185/135lbs

2. Regionals Rope Climb Workout:

10 min cap:

 21 Thrusters @ 95/65
 3 Legless Rope Climbs
 15 Thrusters
 2 Legless Rope Climbs
 9 Thrusters
 1 Legless Rope Climb
3. Rope Climb Workout:
3 Rounds:

 400 m Run
 15 D-ball Cleans 100/70
 3 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
4. Workout from Sara Sigmundsdottir:
10 Rounds:

 1 legless rope climb

 15 Wall balls
5. Rope Climb Workout
For time:

 10 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
 100/80 Cals, Assauls Bike
 5 Rope Climbs
 50/40 Cals, Bike
6. Rope Climb Workout from Emily Abbott:
5 Rounds:
 3 legless Rope Climbs
 10 chest facing wall HSPU
15 secs rest in between
“I started to fail the last round so I did some negative descents. #160lbs”
7. “Glen”:
For time:

 30 Clean & Jerks, 135lbs

 1.6km Run
 10 Rope Climbs
 1.6km Run
 100 Burpees

 Gwen
Clean & Jerk 15-12- and 9 reps
Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use
same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.
 CrossFit Total
 1RM Back Squat
 1RM Shoulder Press
 1RM Deadlift
Post the total amount
 Angie
 100 Pull-ups
 100 Push-ups
 100 Sit-ups
 100 Squats
Annie does Angie
 Barbara
Five rounds:
 20 pull-ups
 30 push-ups
 40 sit-ups
 50 squats
 Rest 3 mins
CrossFit Tampere doing Barbara
 Chelsea
On the minute every minute for 30 minutes:
 5 pull-ups
 10 push-ups
 15 squats
 Diane
21 – 15 – 9:
 225/155lb or 100/70kg deadlift
 handstand push-ups
Jay does Diane
 Cindy
20 min AMRAP:
 5 pull-ups
 10 push-ups
 15 squats
 The Gauntlet
30 minute AMRAP of:
 1000m Row
 50 Thrusters (45/35 pound)
 30 Pull-ups
 10 rounds
 3 Snatches (135/90 pounds)
 15 Wall Ball (20/14lbs @ 10″/8″ target)
AMRAP of Cindy in the remaining 30 minutes:
 5 pull-up
 10 push-up
 15 squat
Your result is rounds of Cindy completed.
 Elizabeth
21 – 15 – 9:
 135/95lb or 60/42kg clean
 ring dips
Power Elizabeth by Amundson
 Fran
21 – 15 – 9:
 thruster 95/65lb or 42.5/30kg
 pull-ups
Mikko Salo does Fran
 Heavy Fran
15-12-9 reps of:
 Thrusters (60/42,5kg or 135/95 lbs)
 Weighted pull-ups (20/15kg or 45/30 lbs)
 Grace
30 reps:
 135/95lb or 60/42kg clean & jerk
Froning does Heavy Grace
 Helen
3 rounds for time:
 run 400m
 21 kettlebell swings (55/35lb or 24/16kg)
 12 pull-ups
Classic Helen
OPT crushes Helen
 Fat Helen
3 rounds for time of:
 400 m Run
 21 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
 12 Chest-To-Bar Pull-Ups
 Isabel 30 reps:
 snatch 135/95lb or 60/42kg
Josh Everet + Isabel
 Jackie
For time:
 1000 m row
 50 thruster 45/35lb or 20/15kg
 30 pull-ups
Jackie @ UFC Fan Expo
 Karen
For time
 150 wall balls 20/14 lbs
Jay hits Karen hard
 Linda
10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1:
 1.5x body weight deadlift
 body weight bench press
 3/4x body weight cleans
Speal does Linda
 Mary
20 minutes AMRAP:
 5 handstand push-ups
 10 one legged squats (pistols)
 15 pull-ups
 Nancy
5 rounds:
 400 m run
 15 overhead squat 95/65lbs or 42.5/30kg
Rob Orlando does Nancy
 Annie
50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10:
 double unders
 sit-ups
Speal does Annie
 Eva
5 rounds for time:
 Run 800m
 30 KB Swings 32kg/24kg
 30 pull-ups
 Kelly
5 rounds:
 run 400 m
 30 box jumps
 30 wall balls 20/14lbs
Josh Everett
 Lynne
Five rounds:
 Bodyweight bench press max reps
 Pull-ups max reps

Post total reps

Kristan Clever and Dave Lipson
 Nicole 20 min AMRAP:
 400 m run
 max rep pull-ups
Report pull-up reps
 Special Mary
For time, all strict:
 5 handstand push-ups
 10 one-legged squats, alternating
 15 pull-ups
 10 handstand push-ups
 20 one-legged squats, alternating
 30 pull-ups
 15 handstand push-ups
 30 one-legged squats, alternating
 45 pull-ups
 10 handstand push-ups
 20 one-legged squats, alternating
 30 pull-ups
 5 handstand push-ups
 10 one-legged squats, alternating
 15 pull-ups
 J.J.
For time:
 1 Squat clean 185 lbs/125 lbs
 10 parallette handstand push-ups
 2 Squat clean 185 lbs/125 lbs
 9 parallette handstand push-ups
 3 Squat clean 185 lbs/125 lbs
 8 parallette handstand push-ups
 4 Squat clean 185 lbs/125 lbs
 7 parallette handstand push-ups
 5 Squat clean 185 lbs/125 lbs
 6 parallette handstand push-ups
 6 Squat clean 185 lbs/125 lbs
 5 parallette handstand push-ups
 7 Squat clean 185 lbs/125 lbs
 4 parallette handstand push-ups
 8 Squat clean 185 lbs/125 lbs
 3 parallette handstand push-ups
 9 Squat clean 185 lbs/125 lbs
 2 parallette handstand push-ups
 10 Squat clean 185 lbs/125 lbs
 1 parallette handstand push-up
 Cindy XXX
Complete as much as possible in 20 minutes of:
 10 Pull-ups
 20 Push-ups
 30 Squats
 15 Pull-ups
 30 Push-ups
 45 Squats
 20 Pull-ups
 40 Push-ups
 60 Squats
 25 Pull-ups
 50 Push-ups
 75 Squats
 30 Pull-ups
 60 Push-ups
 90 Squats
 Marguerita
50 reps for time of:
 Burpee/Push-up/Jumping-Jack/Sit-up/Handstand Video link
 Baseline
For time:
 row 500 m
 40 squats
 30 sit-ups
 20 push-ups
 10 pull-ups
 CrossFit Total II
 Clean
 Bench press
 Overhead squat
Post the total amount.
 Fight Gone Bad!
Three rounds of:
 Wall-ball, 20/14 pound ball, 10/8 ft target (Reps)
 Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
 Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps)
 Push-press, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
 Row (Calories)
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not
reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute
break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next
station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on
the rower where each calorie is one point.
 Nasty Girls V2
3 rounds for time of:
 50 one-legged squats, alternating
 7 muscle-ups
 175/115lb. hang power cleans, 10 reps
 The Ghost
6 rounds of:
 1 minute of rowing
 1 minute of burpees
 1 minute of double-unders
 1 minute rest
 Christine
3 rounds for time of:
 500m Row
 12 Deadlifts (Bodyweight)
 21 Box jumps (60/50 cm)

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