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Is Roofted in a ll fthe A n cien t S a cre d Wriftings

Let one conquer the mean man by a It is more blessed to give than to re-
gift. B u d d h ist S crip tu re ceive. A cfs 20:35 B ib le
Charity is rich in returns; charity is God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 C or.
the greatest wealth for though it scat- 9:7 B ib le
ters, it brings no repentance. B u d d h ist And they that dwell upon the earth
G o s p e l C h a p . 8:11 shall rejoice over them and make merry
and shall send gifts one to another.
Know there is more delight in being R e r . 11:10 B ib le
without what thou hast given. than in
Give. and it shall be given unto you;
possessing millions which thou knowest
good measure, pressed down, and shak-
not the use of. U n to T h e e I G ran t en together. and running over, shall men
T h e hand o í the generous man is like give unto your bosom. F o r with the
same measure that ye mete withal, it
the clouds o í heaven, which drop upon
shall be measured to you again. L u k e
the earth, fruits, herbage and flowers.
6:38 B ib le
U n to T h e e I G ran t
And give unto him who is of kin to
T h eirs was the fulness of heaven and you his due. and also unto the poor, and
earth; the more that they gave to others. the traveler. C h a p . 17 K o ra n
the more they had. T e x ts o f T a o ism T h e good which ye bestow . let it be
given to parents and kindred and or-
T h a t alms given to one who does phans and the poor and the stranger.
nothing in return. believing that a gift C h a p . 2 K o ra n
ought to be made, in a fít place and time, And what good ye have sent before
to a worthy person, that alms is ac- for your souls. ye shall find it with God.
counted puré. B h a g a v a d -G ita C h a p . 2 K o ra n
TH IS CHRISTNAS GIVE AROSICRUCIAN GIFT M ansions oí the So u l— the Cosm ic
C onception.
T h e T e c h n iq u e of th e M aster.
T h e T e c h n iq u e of th e D isciple.
Unto T h ee I G ran t. (A SAVING OF 50c)
You may not give many gilts this year C om binations MANSIONS O F THE SOÜL concern# reincarnanon the world’s most
THE TECHNIQUE O F THE MASTER is a book that c o n s titu ís a guide
to m ner unloldm ent ll t« the new est an d sim ples! eaplanation tor a*
but you wtll give a few almost everyone The book c o m b in a tio n s b e lo w , b ecau se ol th e ir
disputed doctrine ft presenta on inlelligent easily understood on iw er taintng a átate of Cosm ic C s u d o u t o t u It m a roasterful work or.
to the eternol questioo. ’ W hy a r e w e h e r e ? " It reveáis in a n aslound peychic unloldment
does, for it is a hallowed iradition we are r e d u c e d p n c e s , c a n n o t b e e p lit a n d th e ir b o o k s s e n t ing manner many loets lo support reincarnabon including quotahon»
THE TECHNIQUE O F THE DISCIPLE is a m odern deecnpnon ol the
reluctant to dtscard Why not. therefore, give 10 s e p á r a t e a d d r e s s e s . The books ol one c o m b in a - from the Bible and other so cred works
an cien t e s o te n c poth lo S p tn tu al lltum ination trod by the M aster* and
UNTO THEE I GRANT is one ol the rarest Oriental books known a v a ta rs of yore It ha# long be e n said tnat Christ elt a s i greot
some of the many mteresting and instructivo non can nol b e exchanged fo r th o se ol a n o th e r
It w as translated by sp ecial permission ol the G rand Lam a and dis- h e n ta g e to m em bers of his s e cre t council such a prívate m e’hod as
11 y o u d e s ite th e books s e p a r a te ly , or w is h each ctples ol the Sacred C ollege tn the G rand Temple in Tibet Wntten
Rosicrucian books as giits — one does not sen t to a s e p á ra te ad d ress, c o n s u lt th e s e p á ra te 2000 year# a g o it is a book that deal# with m an’# passions loves
this lor g u id an ce in ble.
have to be a Rosicrucian to enjoy and derive b o o k p n c e list a p p e a n n g e ls e w h e r e in th is io ld e r
desirva. strengths and hopos
benetit {rom their contents Your friends will SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PHICE $3.i 5
appreciate your thoughtíulness ORDER AT Self M astery an d F a te with the
TION O F THE MAILS R osicru cian M anuaL G la n d s— O u r In v isib le G u a rd ia n s.
Rosicrucian Principies for Home R osicru cian Q u estion s a n d A nsw ers F a c e s — H ow to R e a d T hem .
and Business. with C om plete H istory of the Order. (A SAVING OF 50c)
To malte ít to your advantage to give (A SAVING OF 61c)
books and artides of the Rosicrucian Supply (A SAVING OF 50c) Do you re a b re that m inute o rg a n ic su b atan cea g lan d e olter. aflect
SELF MASTERY AND FATE is a book «herí reveata how we your g ro w th . h eight. w eighl an d that they m fluence your rhinking
Bureau as Chnstmas gifts this year. we have may lake advantoge of eertain penoda to brtng succeaa, THE ROSICRUCIAN MANUAL contorne a com plete outbre an es your líkos dislikc* an d p erson allty * This book GLANDS— Our lnvis
reduced the pnce considerably on almost all happinea* and heolth into ou r b re e , and it hkewiae potnts
out ihoae pef>ods which a re not fa ro ra b le for m any o! the
planation ol all of ihe cusióm e habite and terminologíes of the Roti-
cructans with diagram a aym bols dictionary o! terms hographie»
ible G u ard ian s p resen ta the acientihc ¡acta of this im portan! subiect
tn a sim ple a n d e a s ily com pre hended m anner It is com plete with
ítems Under the hsting of combinations you things we Iry jo accomplish It does not d e a l with astrology and most essenttal Information illustrabon*
or any ayatem of fortune telltng
will find many of tfie books offered at a ma­ The book, ROSICRUCIAN PRINC1PLES la ülled with hun-
sentad ol all the histories of the Rosicrucian O rder. b a s e c upon actuó! E ach g lan d u lar e x c e sa or d eh cien cy prod uces a glándula- typ»
terial savmg All prices inelude postage and dreda o! p ractica! potnts deahng eapecially with the prob­ lacts. thaf >t availab lo anyw here ll ts free from the usual contro a distinct kind of p erson ab ty Are you one ol th ese glandu lar types
lema of the overog# husmeas toan or peraon tn buameae versies which so-called histories ol the O td er contatn It answ ers —o re vour oraployer yo u r a s a o c ta te s , an d In en d s? You ca n better ht
wrapping charges. employ II pointa out the wrong an d rtgnt w ay lot the use many questions which ariae tn the minds ol atudents yoursell into tne so cia l or b u sin ess worlds if you know The book
oí m etaphysical and cnystical principies tn ottractlng busl- FA C ES, HOW TO READ THEM ollera o m ost nteresting explonation
an d tllu strated gu td e
W e Medí Your G ilts for Y ou— FREE ness and increasing on»'# income SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PF.ICE $3.85
If you wish to send the Rosicrucian books Lem uria, the Lost C on tin en t of the P acific.
or other articles desenbed here as Chnstmas The M ystical Life of Jesú s.
gifts we will save you the expense of wrap­ The Sy m b olic P ro p h ecy of the
The S e cre t D octrines of Jesú s. G rea t Pyram id. M e n ta l P o iso n in g .
ping and mailing them. fust send us your
(A SAVING OF Sl.00) (A SAVING OF 75c) M y stics a t P ra y e r.
order and remittance, with the addresses of
your friends and say Mail these as gifts." THE MYSTICAL LIFE O r JESUS rev eáis the real [esas at 11 you a re a lever ol reyatery, of the unknown. the weird, read the (A SAVING OF 40c)
Jast It is Ihe lull accoun t ol the blrth routh. earlv man- book LEMURIA It tella ol a m tghty continent n o * beneath the rolbng
We will wrap them attractively and endose bood, and later periods of le s a s ' ble ít reveáis tne un- aeaa of the Pacific. and of a g re a t lorgotten civilízanos and culture MENTAL POISONING a n s w e rs the questaon a s »o whether tho--ahts
tnown pertod of the Master s lile, and contorna exceptional and ol the traditions m enhoned in m any works concernirg the peoples c a n en slav e mtnds from a sen sib le, scien tih c po»nt of n r » !t aborda
in each package a little Chnstmas card lacts regardm a the cructbxion. resurrection. and ascensión who on ce tnhabited it the an sw ers to such q u estion s a s C a n en v y. hate an d jealousy be
beanng your ñame, and mail them direct for THE SECRET DOCTRINES O r 1ESUS contorna «nuch of the The world s greatest m valer y an d hrst wonder is the C rea! Pyramid p to iected through op ace from th e muid of a n o th e r?"
•xpurgated principie* of Ihe Bible which eertaln htgh This book, THE SYMBOLIC PROPHECY O F THE GREAT PYnAMID.
you in time to reach their destinaron just church council m ee tinga of the post wilhheld from the peo- reveáis some ol the secreta closeted wtthm this alone nooument lor
p ray ers of
AT PRAYER is the hrst com plete com pilaban ol the tam ous
the ren ow n ed m ystics a n d adep ta of a ll a g e s It bkewise
pie These principies inelude formula# for co n rey in g the
before Chnstmas There is no charge what Vhr at spini—unknown law s fot the deveioom ent of self,
centurtea lt expíam e ita m athem atteal m ethod of prop tecy what it • xplains m sim ple la n g u a g e the reaso n lor p ray er how to pray and
has presaged lor the p ast which has com e true and what it predlcts th e C osm ic law s involved
soever for this service. Iruths which have m ade man a true Im age oí hls maker for tomorrow.
A B a « tb a » b ip a m b la » n o n ttg n a i ib a t d io » » ou t o l Iba
d o tlr p a a in g ihrong Iba tn d:!(araot « o » Id iba p eop U you
ib o u id Vnow an d » a * « your írvcnds
Tba nivg « moda ol darUng illvar, *rth bao-jbtui anona:
liniah. and bol an «¡rboitad l'giplian da»ign •-omumvj ot
iba ipbtnx and p|-aoi>dj Tba Roa«ruc>aa inavgnta ta lia
praaatvaly «al otl
O b ta ta yotir u x a b y CMtttng o bola m 9 c o ré la ircoom
m o d o * your n o ? Hogar an d «and tb a co rd * l d t »asir o rd at
an d rasrO tanca w ib a nddraa» balow
fOR ¥ » . MM> ros WOMEM. M.00- « a l a g a x>clxdad
(Pncaa en 70Id ring* ItO karat) Man. f l 8 oó Wowan <li 001
*JU e G ltA ¿itm a¿ S pÁ su t. . .
Is Roofted in all fthe Ancient Sacred Writings
*7U& GUnUtn
Is Rooted in all fthi

Let one conquer the mean man by a

gift. Buddhist Scripture
Charity is rich in returns; charity is
the greatest wealth for though it scat-
ters, it brings no repentance. Buddhist
G ospel C hap. 8:11
Know there is more delight in being
without what thou hast given, than in
possessing millions which thou knowest
not the use of. Unto T h ee I Grant
The hand of the generous man is like
the clouds of heaven, which drop upon
the earth, fruits, herbage and flowers.
Unto T h ee I Grant
Theirs was the fulness of heaven and
earth; the more that they gave to others,
the more they had. T exts o f Taoism
That alms given to one who does
nothing in return, believing that a gift
ought to be made, in a fit place and time,
to a worthy person, that alms is ac-
counted puré. Bhagavad-G ita
You may not give many gifts this year—
but you will give a few — almost everyone
does, for it is a hallowed tradition we are
reluctant to discard. Why not, therefore, give
some of the many interesting and instructive
Rosicrucian books as gifts — one does not
have to be a Rosicrucian to enjoy and derive
benefit from their contents. Your friends will
appreciate your thoughtfulness. ORDER AT
To make it to your advantage to give
books and articles of the Rosicrucian Supply
Bureau as Christmas gifts this year, we have
reduced the price considerably on almost all
Ítems. Under the listing of combinations you
will find many of the books offered at a ma­
terial saving. All prices inelude postage and
wrapping charges.
W e Mail Your Gifts for You— FREE
If you wish to send the Rosicrucian books
or other articles described here as Christmas
gifts, we will save you the expense oí w rap­
ping and mailing them. Just send us your
order and remittance, with the addresses of
your friends and say: "Mail these as gifts.''
We will wrap them attractively and endose
in each package a little Christmas card
bearing your ñame, and mail them direct for
you in time to reach their destination just
before Christmas. There is no charge what-
soever for this service.
EXPIRES DEC. 23, 1939
Simple Things More Often Reflect The Trae
B t ja m e s h en ry b r e a st e d
Renowned Egyptologist and Historian
How man wrested from the mud of the
Nile Valley, thousands oi years ago, the
elements out of which he created one
of the world's greatest civilizations and
caused to come into existence the funda­
mentáis of ethics, moráis, and religión and
even Science, is a tremendous true tale of
human achievement. How at that early
time one man opposed centuries of super-
stition to awaken the slumbering souls of
men is also to the credit of man. Who he
and the wonder people of his age were
is fascinatingly told in “The History of
Egypt," the marvelous book by the emi-
nent James H. Breasted.
634 Pages 200 Illustrations
An especially large volunte, 9 j" x 64",
de luxe fabric, magnificent Egyptian de-
sign stamped in gola.

Sp ecial Christm as Price, only $6.50

(You Save $1.00 on This Special Offer)
Renowned Egyptologist and Historian
How man wrested írom the mud of the
Nile Valley, thousands oí years ago, the
elements out of which he created one
oí the world's greatest civilizatíons and
caused to c o m e into exislence the funda­
mentáis of ethics, moráis, and religión and
even Science, is a tremendous true tale of
human achievement. How at that early
time one man opposed centuries of super-
stition to awaken the slumbering souls of
men is also to the credit of man. Who he
and the wonder people of his age were
is íascinatingly told in 'T h e History of
Egypt," the marvelous boolc by the emi-
nent James H. Breasted.
634 Pages 200 Illustrations
An especially large volume, 9 J" x 6 i",
de luxe fabric, magnificent Egyptian ae-
sign stamped in gola.
Specicrl C h ristm as P rice. o n ly $5.50
(You Sare $1.00 on This Special ORer)
An exquisitely designed, daintv Rosy Cross emblem, only on« inch
in length. made oí heavy, long-lasting, grain-filled gold, surmounted
with an attractive synthetic ruby. Not only is it a beautiful piece of
jewelry, but_ it also is the ofíicial emblem ol the Order. The women's
type, mcluding a gold-filled chain, 18 inches in length, is only $2.50.
Filled-gold cross íor men, same small size, with saíety-pin clasp,
price $2.00.
A beautiful replica of the large oil painting of the Master
Jesús, by the late Impérator, which hangs in the initiation
chamber of the Supreme Temple may now be had. We
have had an art photographer make a very fine photograph
of the painting, that registers the beautiful expression and
the mystic, Aryan character of the Great Master.
To tnose who wish copies of this picture. we are able to
furnish photographic prints in black and white on heavy
paper, size 8 x 10 for $1.00 each. You may secure these
portrans, hand painted in oils, for $1.50 each These will
make beautiful pictures for your sanctums or homes. Post­
age prepaid.
Send a unique Christmas folder this year—something distinctive—
that truly bespeaks the mystical spirit of Christmas. Obtain our
specially designed Christmas folders; you will be pleased. They are
printed in two colors and embossed in gold, with appropriate wording
and an inconspicuous emblem of the Order. Envelopes to match.
Síx for 80c ; One dozen for $1.30.
You may not give many gifts this year—
but you will give a lew — almost everyone
does, for it is o hallowed tradition we are
reluctant to discard. Why not, therefore, give
some of the many interesting and instructive
Rosicrucian books as gifts — one does not
have to be a Rosicrucian to enjoy and derive
benefit from their contents. Your friends will
appreciate your thoughtfulness. ORDER AT
To make it to your advantage to give
books and articles of the Rosicrucian Supply
Bureau as Christmas gifts this year, we have
reduced the price considerably on almost all
Ítems. Under the listing of combinations you
will find many of the books offered at a ma­
terial saving. All prices inelude postage and
wrapping charges.
W e M ail Your Gifts for You— FREE
If you wish to send the Rosicrucian books
or other articles described here as Christmas
gifts, we will save you the expense of w rap­
ping and mailing them. Just send us your
order and remittance, with the addresses of
your friends and say: "Mail these as gifts."
We will wrap them attractively and endose
in each package a little Christmas card
bearing your ñame, and mail them direct for
you in time to reach their destination just
before Christmas. There is no charge what
soever for this service.
EXPIRES DEC. 23, 1939
Rosicrucian M anual.
Rosicrucian Questions and Answers
with Complete History of the Order.
THE ROSICRUCIAN MANUAL contains a complete outline, an ex-
planation. of all of the customs, habits, and terminologies of the Rosi-
crucians, with diagrams, symbols, dictionary of terms, biographies.
and most essential information.
sented of all the histories of the Rosicrucian Order, based upon actual
facts, that is available anywhere. It is free from the usual contro-
versies which so-called histories of the Order contain. It answers
many questions which arise in the minds of students.

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