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3. The pulaw used for signal compression is described in Smith (1957), The pela is used in the United States, Cana, and Japan, In Europe, the A-law is used for signal compression, This 275 PROBLEMS compression law is described in Cattecmole (1969, pp. 133—140). Fo discussion ofthe paw and A-law, see also the paper by Kaneko (1970), 4, For more information on optical fiber transmission and SONET, see Keiser (2000). ‘modulation See the book by Jayant and Noll (1984) for further discussion of the-various forms of delta 6 A’more detailed description ofthe MPEG coding standards may be found in Sikora (1997). Initialy, the term pixel was the abbrev commonly used ton for a picture element. Now the ttm pel is more 8. Linear interpolation is a well-known method, of estimating interim samples. More complex, interpolation strategies can have beneficial efféts such as reducing the harm caused by noise See Crociere and Rabiner (1983). PROBLEMS it eae rere 7.1 A natrowbend signal has a bandwidth of 10 ki centered ‘on a cartier frequency of 100 kHz. It is proposed to represent this signal in eiserete-time form by sampling its in-phase and qued- rature components individually. What isthe minimum sampling rate that can be used for this representation? Justify your answer. How would you reconstruct the original narowband signal from the sampled versions ofits in-phase and quadrature components? 7.2. In natural sampling, an analog signal g() is multiplied by a periodic train of rectangular pulses ci). Given thatthe pulse rep- tition frequency of this periodic tran is f, and the duration of cach rectangular pulse is T (with f.7 > 1), do the following: (@) Find the spectrum ofthe signal s() that resus from the use of natural sampting. You may assume that time 1 = O core- sponds tothe midpoint of ectangule pls in (. Show thatthe orginal signal rm) may be recovered exatly from its naturally sampled version, proved thatthe con- ditions embodied in the sampling theorem are satisfied. o) 7.3 Specify the Nyquist rate and the Nyquist interval for each, of the following signals: (@) (= sine(200 (6) (©) (= sino(2000) + sine(2001) 14 (@) Plc the spectrum of a PAM wave produce by the modula ing signal mt) = Aw c6s(2n fut) ‘assuming a modulation frequency jy = 0.25 He, sampling period 7, = Is, and pulse duration 7 = O45 s. Using an ideal reconstruction fle, plot the spectrum ofthe filler output. Compare this result with the output that woul be obtained if there were no aperture effect. ) 7.5. in this problem we evaluate the equalization needed for the aperture effect in a PAM system. The operating frequency is {= {22 which comesponds to the highest fequency component of the message signal fora sampling rate equal to the Nyquist rate Plot I/sinc(0.STIT), versus T/T, and hence find the equalization needed when 7/7, = 0.1. 7.6 Consider a PAM wave transmitted through a channel with * white Gaussian noise‘and bandwidth By = 1/27, where T, is the sampling period. The noise is of zero mean and power spectral density No/2. The PAM signa uses a standard pulse g(t) with its Fourier transform defined by 1 se <8; an yp W
Br By considering a ful-4oad sinusoidal modulating wave, show that PAM and baseband-signal transmission have equal signal-to-noise ratios forthe same average transmited power. 7.7 Twenty-four voice signals are sampled uniformly and then time- 7.22 4 tinea delta modulator is designed to operate on speech signals limited to 3.4 Kiz, The specifications of the modalator are as follows © Sampling rate = 10f qu, Where fryguin is the Nyquist rate ofthe speech signal. © Stepsize A= 100 mV. ‘The modulator is tested witha L-kHz sinusoidal signal. Determine the maximum amplitude of this test signal permissible to avoid slope overload, Computer Problems 7.23 The signal (i) = sin(400 xt) +0.5 cos 12000 x1) is sampled ata 10 KH rate (a) What is the spectrum of the sampled signal? () Use the following Matlab script to simulate thé sampled spectrum, Explain the results Fs= 10; Sample rate (kHz) Ts= Us 8Sampl period (ms). t= 10:7: 160k Observation period fms) 82 Siil2"pi" 2+ 0.5*cas(2"pi*64t); FFTsize = 1024, spec = ftshittabs((s,FFTsize)).A2), freq = {-F/2: FFFTsize: F/2I; ‘req = freq -end— 1) plottrea spec) : atabel Frequency(kHz)) ‘abel(Aplitudp Spectrum’) (©) How does the sampled spectrum change if he sample rate is changed to 11 Kitz? Why? 724 (@) Determine the mathematical expression for the expanding Potion ofa j-law compander () The signal a is sampled at an 20 Hz rate over the interval from 0 t0 20 seconds. The signa is then quantized 1Oexp(-1) + sin(2nt) {If 8-bit quantization is performed without compand. ing, determine the root-mean-square (ims) eror be teen the unquantized and quantized signals quantization i perform witha yl compandee with 1 = 255, determine the ms exrorbetiveen the un- ‘quantized signal and quantized signal after expansion. Use the following Matlab script asa guide for computing the mean square eror. Fs= 20; % Sample rate (Hz) - T= % Samplepercd (3) ¢='10: Ts: 20 % Observation peri (s) 5= 10%exp(-t) + sini2"pi"D, += Compression ~ mu= 100; = sinax(abs(s)-epsh- _% normalize signal level = log( + mu*absts)og( 1+ mu).* signs); % muelaw compression %--- Quantization --- a= 8 9% numberof bits of quantization .mu.q= flonl2NQ-1)'s mu}; % non-uniform ‘% quantization to 256 levels (-128. 127) 277

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