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RA — Read aloud

1. Yellow

Yellow is the most optimistic color, yet surprisingly, people lose their tempers most

often in yellow rooms and babies cry more in them. The reason may be that yellow is

the hardest color on the eye. On the other hand, it speeds metabolism and enhances

concentration; think of yellow legal pads and post-it notes.

2. Father

Ever since I remembered, father woke up at five thirty every morning, made us all

breakfast and read newspaper. After that he would go to work. He worked as a writer.

It was a long time before I realized he did this for a living.

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3. Blue V2

Blue is the most popular color. Food researchers disagree – when humans searched

for food, they learned to avoid toxic or spoiled objects, which were often blue, black,

or purple. When food dyed blue is served to study subjects, they lose their appetite.

4. Akimbo

Akimbo, this must be one of the odder-looking words in the language. It puzzles us

in part, because it doesn’t seem to have any relatives. What’s more, it is now

virtually a fossil word, until recently almost invariably found in arms akimbo, a posture

in which a person stands with hands on hips and elbows sharply bent outward, one

that signals impatience and hostility.

5. Funds

At the beginning of each fiscal year funds are allocated to each State account in

accordance with the University’s financial plan. Funds are allocated to each account

by object of expenditure. Account managers are responsible for ensuring that

adequate funds are available in the appropriate object before initiating transactions

to use the funds.

6. Legal writing

Legal writing is usually less discursive than writing in other humanities subjects, and

precision is more important than variety. Sentence structure should not be too

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complex; it is usually unnecessary to make extensive use of adjectives or adverbs, and

consistency of terms is often required.


At the beginning of each fiscal year funds are allocated to each State account in

accordance with the University’s financial plan. Funds are allocated to each account

by object of expenditure. Account managers are responsible for ensuring that

adequate funds are available in the appropriate object before initiating transactions

to use the funds.

8.Legal writing

Legal writing is usually less discursive than writing in other humanities subjects, and

precision is more important than variety. Sentence structure should not be too

complex; it is usually unnecessary to make extensive use of adjectives or adverbs, and

consistency of terms is often required.

9.Industrial Revolution

As to the Industrial Revolution, one cannot dispute today the fact that it has

succeeded in inaugurating in a number of countries a level of mass prosperity which

was undreamt of in the days preceding the Industrial Revolution. But, on the

immediate impact of the Industrial Revolution, there were substantial divergences

among writers.


Although it hails from a remote region of the western Himalayas, this plant now

looks entirely at home on the banks of English rivers. Brought to the UK in 1839, it

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quickly escaped from Victorian gardens and colonized river banks and damp

woodlands. Now it is spreading across Europe, New Zealand, Canada and the US.

11.How Shakespeare became Shakespeare

A young man from a small provincial town — a man without independent wealth,

without powerful family connections and without a university education — moved

to London in the late 1580’s and, in a remarkably short time, became the greatest

playwright not of his age alone but of all time. How did Shakespeare become


12.Language diversity

The diversity of human language may be compared to the diversity of the natural

world. Just as the demise of plant spices reduces genetic diversity, and deprives

humanity or potential medical and biological resources. So extinction of language

takes with it a wealth of culture, art and knowledge.

13.Private equity houses

It isn’t rate for private equity houses to hire grads fresh out of business school, he

said, but 9 times out of 10, the students who nab these jobs are the ones who had

private equity experience under their before even starting their MBA program.


“Thompson recognized and exploited all the ingredients of a successful

amusement ride.” writes Judith A Adams in The American Amusement Park

Industry. “His coasters combined an appearance of danger with actual safety,

thrilled riders with exhilarating speed, and allowed the public to intimately

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experience the Industrial Revolution’s new technologies of gears, steel, and

dazzling electric lights.”


Augustus was given the powers of an absolute monarch, but he presented himself as

the preserver of republican traditions. He treated the Senate, or state council, with

great respect, and was made Consul year after year. He successfully reduced the

political power of the army by retiring many soldiers, but giving them land or money

to keep their loyalty.


Lincoln’s apparently radical change of mind about his war power to emancipate

slaves was caused by the escalating scope of war, which convinced him that any

measure to weaken the Confederacy and strengthen the Union war effort was

justifiable as a military necessity.

17.Administration option

Another administration option is to bake marijuana at a relatively low temperature

to kill any dangerous microorganisms and then allow that patient to eat it or drink it.

Both of these methods of administration make smoking the drug unnecessary.

However, criticism of medical marijuana has also been raised because as a natural

plant, it cannot be patented and marketed by pharmaceutical companies and is

unlikely to win widespread medical acceptance.

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18.Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide and attains a depth of over

a mile. While the specific geologic processes and timing that formed the Grand

Canyon are the subject of debate by geologists, recent evidence suggests the

Colorado River established its course through the canyon at least 17million years


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RS — Repeat sentence
1. All essays and seminar papers submitted must be emailed to your tutor.
2. Columbia is a world leading coffee exporter.
3. In consultation with your supervisor, your thesis is approved by the faculty
4. Knives and forks should be placed next to the spoon on the edge of the table.
5. Most scientists believe that climate change threatens lives on the earth.
6. Our class is divided into two groups, you come with me, the others stay here.
7. Portfolio is due to the internal review office no later than Tuesday.
8. She is an expert of the 18th century French literature.
9. Students’ identification cards will be issued today and tomorrow.
10. The college welcomes postgraduate students from all over the world.
11. The computer viruses destroy all my files.
12. The lecture on child psychology has been postponed until Friday.
13. The meeting will take place in the main auditorium.
14. The Psychology Department is looking for volunteers to be involved in research
15. The real reason for global hunger is not the lack of food, but poverty.
16. The seminar papers should be submitted in the main office which is located behind
the library.
17. Various measures were proposed which would not have aggravated to the
18. We are not going to accept the assignment after the due date on Friday.
19. You must establish a day and a time with your tutor.

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DI — Describe image

1. Rhino distribution

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2. Pet expenditure

3. Simple circuit with light

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4. Fish

5. Growth of the bean

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6. Baby sleeping hour

7. Feeder

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8. Percent of university and college students who did educational

activities, by hour of day on weekdays

9. Planets

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10. Artificial tree storage size guide

11. Electricity Generation in China by Type, 1994-2004

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12. How solar yard lights work

13. XXX by gender

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14. Number of Internet Users per 100 people

15. Life cycle of an apple

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16. Height in centimeters

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17. Simple circuit with light

18. Typing manner

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19. Rubbish soup

20. Planets

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21. Percentage of population in urban areas

22. Life cycle of a frog V2:

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RL — Retell lecture

1. Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

Protons are finally transferred to the LHC (both in a clockwise and an anticlockwise

direction) where they are accelerated for 20 minutes to 6.5 TeV. Beams circulate for

many hours inside the LHC beam pipes under normal operating conditions.

For each collision, the physicist’s goal is to count, track and characterize all the

different particles.

The charge of the particle, for instance, is obvious since particles with positive electric

charge bend one way and those with negative charge bend the opposite way. Also

the momentum of the particle can be determined.

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest particle accelerator lies in a tunnel.

The LHC is a ring roughly 28km around that accelerates protons almost to the speed

of light before colliding them head-on. Protons are particles found in the atomic

nucleus, roughly one thousand-million-millionth of a meter in size. The LHC starts

with a bottle of hydrogen gas, which is sent through an electric field to strip away the

electrons, leaving just the protons Electric and magnetic fields are the key to a particle


Sample answer: The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most

powerful particle accelerator. It first started up on 10 September 2008, and remains

the latest addition to CERN’s accelerator complex. The LHC consists of a 27-kilometre

ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost

the energy of the particles along the way.

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2. Logger head Turtles

Sample answer:Geomagnetic cues help young loggerhead turtles navigate the open

ocean during their epic 8,000-mile journey between leaving their natal beaches in

Florida, and returning 5-10 years later to breed. Researchers have just worked out how

they do it”. “Hatchling loggerhead sea turtle is tethered via a soft cloth harness, or

“bathing suit,” to an electronic tracking system that monitors its steering in

response to different magnetic fields”.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

3. Climate changes

Some adverse effects of climate changes change agricultural productions. Some lands

are just merely unsuitable for growing crops. There will be millions of people facing

hunger in Africa in the near future. Climate change will result in less production and

less food. It is difficult for developing countries to deal with climate change due to

their financial status and other issues. There are many people living in hunger

especially in Africa. The climate change has devastating effects on world economy.

The tropical areas on earth are dry and hot, and are originally not suitable for food

production. The change of the climate leads to extreme weather conditions such as

floods and hurricanes, which exacerbates the food production issues. As a result, it

leads to a continuous decline in food supply annually around 10-17%. And this trend

is perceived to be continuing in the future by 2017. The regions suffering the most

will be some African countries.

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Sample answer: This lecture talks about influences of climate change. Climate change

will result in less production and less food. It is difficult for developing countries to

deal with climate change due to their financial status and other issues. There are many

people living in hungry, especially in Africa. The climate change will also have negative

effects on the world economy. The tropical areas on earth are dry and hot, and are

originally not suitable for food production.

4. Randomness of flipping coin

Flipping a coin may not be the fairest way to settle disputes. About a decade ago,

statistician Persi Diaconis started to wonder if the outcome of a coin flip really is just

a matter of chance. He had Harvard University engineers build him a mechanical coin

flipper. Diaconis, now at Stanford University, found that if a coin is launched exactly

the same way, it lands exactly the same way.

The randomness in a coin toss, it appears, is introduced by sloppy humans. Each

human-generated flip has a different height and speed, and is caught at a different

angle, giving different outcomes.

But using high speed cameras and equations, Diaconis and colleagues have now

found that even though humans are largely unpredictable coin flippers, there’s still

a bias built in, if a coin starts out heads, it ends up heads when caught more often

than it does tails. NPR’s David Kestenbaum reports.

Sample answer: The speaker talked about coin flipping. He mentioned that flipping

a coin may not be the fairest way to settle disputes because of the probability of

getting different outcomes by sloppy random human flippers. However, a research

was done by Persi Diaconis who asked engineers from Harvard University to build a

machine to flip coins. Results show that if a coin is flipped in the same angle, height

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and speed by human beings, the outcome of getting heads or tails is dependent on

how a coin starts out.

5. Bomb Calorimeter

This is a bomb calorimeter, this is the actual piece of equipment that researchers used

to calculate the energy content of either biodiesel or maybe even the potato chips

that you had for lunch today. When they calculate the amount of energy. They’re

going to calculate it in heat unites which would either be joules or calories. I want you

to look inside the bomb calorimerter inside here, you can see that there’s a silver

bucket water goes all in here and this is actually the bomb is the smaller silver cylinder

what you do is put your fuel sample in there then these two electrodes are connected

to the bomb. These provide the spark that will ignite your sample when your sample

burns or combust that gives off energy. So how is the energy collected or how did a

scientist figure out how much energy is being given off. Well, it’s a closed system,

there’s a lid here that goes on top of this calorimeter and what’s in here in the lid

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is a stirrer. The stir is going to stir the water. That’s in this big pool here so that the

heat given off from the sample is going to warm the water in a uniform way. This is

the temperature probe, this goes down in the water also and measures the change in

temperature because as the sample is burned, it will give off heat and the temperature

the water will increase. So the lid goes on the sample is prepared. The last thing that

you need to make a combustion reaction happen is oxygen and at some point during

the process, some oxygen is added by a tank. That’s connected to the calorimeter

here. So we are going to burn a sample of the biodiesel that you’ve prepared and

get some feedback on the energy content of it. You’ll be able to use this to compare

it to petroleum-based fuels like octane.

Sample answer: Bomb calorimeter is the actual piece of equipment that researchers

used to calculate the energy content in heat unites. Inside the bomb calorimeter, you

can put your fuel sample in it to connect to the bomb with the silver cylinder, which

provides spark. It’s a closed system, there is a stir to stir the water. There is also a

temperature probe, and a combustion reaction is needed to be happened. You should

burn a sample of the biodiesel that you’ve prepared and get some feedback on the

energy content of it, then you can use this to compare it to petroleum-based fuels like



Tim Berners-Lee believes the internet can foster human understanding and even

world peace Times Online, March 20, 2010. He is the man who has changed the world

more than anyone else in the past hundred years. Sir Tim Berners-Lee may be a mild-

mannered academic who lives modestly in Boston, but as the inventor of the world

wide web he is also a revolutionary. Along with Galileo, William Caxton and Sir Isaac

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Newton, he is a scientist who has altered the way people think as well as the way they


Since the web went global 20 years ago, the way we shop, listen to music and

communicate has been transformed. There are implications for politics, literature,

economics even terrorism because an individual can now have the same access to

information as the elite. Society will never be the same.

The computer scientist from Oxford, who built his own computer from a television

screen and spare parts after he was banned from one of the university computers, is

a cultural guru as much as a technological one. It is amazing how far we’ve come,

he says. But you’re always wondering what’s the next crazy idea, and working to

make sure the web stays one web and that the internet stays open. There isn’t much

time to sit back and reflect. We speak for more than an hour about everything from

Facebook to fatwas, Wikipedia to Google. He invented the web, he says, because he

was frustrated that he couldn’t find all the information he wanted in one place. It

was an imaginary concept that he realized.

Sample answer: Tim- Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world wide web, is a scientist

and a revolutionary who has altered the way people think as well as the way they live,

believing the internet can foster human understanding and even world peace. And

individuals now have the same access to information as the elite; there is not much

time to sit back and reflect because society will never be the same.

7. Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics is simply defined as the branch of physics that deals with the

conversion of different forms of energy, and the relations between heat and various

energy forms such as mechanical, electrical or chemical energy. Kinetics deals with the

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actions of forces that cause various motions (also known as dynamics) and it is

concerned with the rate of reactions. Temperature is the average kinetic energy within

a given object. Thermal energy is defined as the total of all kinetic energies within a

given system. It is important to remember that heat is caused by flow of thermal

energy due to differences in temperature (heat flows from object at higher

temperature to object at lower temperature), transferred through

conduction/convection/radiation. Additionally, thermal energy always flows from

warmer areas to cooler areas. Energy occurs in many forms, including chemical energy,

thermal energy, electromagnetic radiation, gravitational energy, electric energy,

elastic energy, nuclear energy, and rest energy. These can be categorized in two main

classes: potential energy and kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the movement energy

of an object. Kinetic energy can be transferred between objects and transformed into

other kinds of energy. Kinetic energy may be best understood by examples that

demonstrate how it is transformed to and from other forms of energy. For example,

a cyclist uses chemical energy provided by food to accelerate a bicycle to a chosen

speed. On a level surface, this speed can be maintained without further work, except

to overcome air resistance and friction. The chemical energy has been converted into

kinetic energy, the energy of motion, but the process is not completely efficient and

produces heat within the cyclist.

Sample answer: Thermodynamics is simply defined as the branch of physics that

deals with the conversion of different forms of energy. Kinetics deals with the actions

of forces that cause various motions (also known as dynamics). Thermal energy is

defined as the total of all kinetic energies within a given system. Kinetic energy may

be best understood by examples that demonstrate how it is transformed to and from

other forms of energy.

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8. Education Equality or Quality

When Australians engage in debate about educational quality or equity, they often

seem to accept that a country cannot achieve both at the same time. Curriculum

reforms intended to improve equity often fail to do so because they increase breadth

or differentiation in offerings in a way that increases differences in quality. Further,

these differences in quality often reflect differences in students’ social backgrounds

because the ‘new’ offerings are typically taken up by relatively disadvantaged

students who are not served well them. Evidence from New South Wales will be used

to illustrate this point. The need to Improve the quality of education is well accepted

across OECD and other countries as they seek to strengthen their human capital to

underpin their modern, knowledge economies. Improved equity is also important for

this purpose, since the demand for high—level skills is widespread and the

opportunities for the low—skilled are diminishing. Improved equity in education is

also important for social cohesion. There are countries in which the education system

seems primarily to reproduce existing social arrangements, conferring privilege where

it already exists and denying it where it does not. Even in countries where the

diagnosis might be less extreme, the capacity of schooling to build social cohesion is

often diminished by the way in which schools separate individuals and groups.

Sample Answer: Australians seem to accept that a country cannot achieve

educational quality or equity at the same time. Curriculum reforms intended to

improve equity often fail to do so. The need to Improve the quality of education is

well accepted across OECD and other countries. Improved equity is also important

because of the demand of high-skilled workers, and improved equity in education is

also important for social cohesion.

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9. Australia immigration history

The first inhabitants in Australia were the ancestors of the present indigenous people.

Whether these first migrations involved one or several successive waves and distinct

peoples is still subject to academic debate, as is its timing. The minimum widely

accepted time frame places presence of humans in Australia at 40000to 43000 years.

Before Present, while the upper range supported by others is 60000 to 70000 years

BP. In any event, this migration was achieved during the closing stages of the

Pleistocene epoch, when sea levels were typically much lower than they are today.

Repeated episodes of extended glaciation resulted in decreases of sea levels by some

100150 m. The continental coastline therefore extended much further out into the

Timor Sea than it does today, and Australia and New Guinea formed a single landmass

(known as Sahul), connected by an extensive land bridge across the Arafura Sea, Gulf

of Carpentaria and Torres Strait.

The ancestral Australian Aboriginal peoples were thus long established and continued

to develop, diversity and settle through much of the continent. As the sea levels again

rose at the terminus of the most recent glacial period some 10000 years ago the

Australian continent once more became a separated landmass. However, the newly

formed 150 km wide Torres Strait with its chain of islands still provided the means for

cultural contact and trade between New Guinea and the northern Cape York Penisula.

During the 1970s and 1980s around 120000 southern Asian refugees migrated to

Australia. During that twenty years, Australia first began to adopt a policy of what

Minister of Immigration AI Grass by termed "multiculturalism". In 2004-5, Australia

accepted 123000 new settles, 19 a 40% increase over the past 10 years. The largest

number of immigrants (40000 in 200405) moved to Sydney. The majority of

immigrants came from Asia, led by China and India.

Sample answer: The general topic of this lecture is about the history of Australian

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immigrants. First, the lecture mentioned that it happened during a closed stage when

the sea level was much lower; second, after that sea level rose and Australian remained

contact with New Guinea and other continents. Next, there were about 20000 refugees

who moved to Australia. In the end, Australia therefore became a multicultural society

which included many immigrants from Asia.

10. Frog population

Frogs are a diverse and largely carnivorous group of short--bodied, tailless

amphibians composing the order Anura. The oldest fossil "proto--frog" appeared in

the early Triassic of Madagascar, but molecular clock dating suggests their origins may

extend further back to the Permian, 265 million years ago.

Frogs are widely distributed, ranging from the tropics to subarctic regions, but the

greatest concentration of species diversity is found in tropical rainforests. There are

approximately 4,800 recorded species, accounting for over 85% of extant amphibian

species. They are also one of the five most diverse vertebrate orders.

Besides living in fresh water and on dry land, the adults of some species are adapted

for living underground or in trees. Adult frogs generally have a carnivorous diet

consisting of small invertebrates, but omnivorous species exist and a few feeds on

fruit. Frogs are extremely efficient at converting what they eat into body mass. They

are an important food source for predators and part of the food web dynamics of

many of the world's ecosystems. The skin is semi-- permeable, making them

susceptible to dehydration, so they either live in moist places or have special

adaptations to deal with dry habitats.

Frogs produce a wide range of vocalizations, particularly in their breeding season, and

exhibit many different kinds of complex behaviors to attract mates, to fend off

predators and to generally survive. Frog populations have declined significantly since

the 1950s. More than one third of species are considered to be threatened with

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extinction and over one hundred and twenty are believed to have become extinct

since the 1980s. The number of malformations among frogs is on the rise and an

emerging fungal disease, chytridiomycosis, has spread around the world.

Conservation biologists are working to understand the causes of these problems and

to resolve them. Frogs are valued as food by humans and also have many cultural

roles in literature, symbolism and religion.

Sample Answer: Frogs are a diverse and largely carnivorous group, which is widely

distributed, and the greatest concentration of species diversity is found in tropical

rainforests. Some species can adapt to different environments. Adult frogs generally

have a carnivorous diet and produce a wide range of vocalizations. Frog populations

have declined significantly since the 1950s and are considered to be threatened with

extinction, so conservation biologists are working to understand the causes of these

problems and to resolve them.

11. Welsh Language

This busy little town is named after sir David’s first cousin. It’s also a Welsh

language stronghold. According to the 2001 census results seventy percent of the

town’s population could speak Welsh but even here the language may not be

completely safe. The Welsh language board expects last year’s census results to

show a fall in the number of Welsh speakers living in its northern and western

heartlands. One of the main reasons for that the board says is migration. Many Welsh

speakers are choosing to leave the country. At the same time only a small percentage

of those moving in can speak the language or choose to learn it. Historically, over the

past 1788 Wales people have continually left in order to find better standard of pay

maybe in quality of employment and the things have change was probably is that

them there is a larger amount of English people now who have found Wales of the

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last 20-25 years particularly this corner of Wales and regarded as a desirable place to

come and live and as opposed to many areas in England and cheaper as well.

Sample answer: This lecture mainly talks about the 2001 census results conducted

over Welsh speaking in Wales. According to the census, the number of people

speaking welsh language is falling down, and one of the main reasons for this is

migration. While a larger number of English people regarded this corner of Wales as

a desirable place to come and live and as opposed to many areas in England and

cheaper as well.

12. Edmund Wilson

And I want to say that Wilson who died over 30 years ago, began his career before

modern lit was taught and analyzed in the universities, as he said at one time and I

think a piece about Christian golfs Gauss’s I called him Gauss as my father in his

generation at Princeton a year or two after Wilson called him. When Wilson was

studying there that the latest daring writers to get into the curriculum were widths of

the 90s and maybe Gauss had his reputation as a bohemian romantic because he had

known Oscar in Paris, but there was no modern lit Wilson came then from a different

world and he became the focal point of a broad mainstream American culture that

thought that modern literature and wanted modern literature to be able to be read

and appreciated by ordinary people, they were not modernists in an abstract sense

and certainly some of them like TS Eliot and Faulkner were too difficult for some of

their writings to be read by ordinary people, but this was a world before the division

between the brows or between a lead or whatever had established itself as part of our


Sample answer: The lecturer was talking about an American writer Edmund Wilson.

Edmund was a writer and critic who notably explored Freudian and Marxist themes.

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Edmund believed that literature is a part of life for everyone as for conversation.

Edmund influenced many American authors and his scheme for a Library of America

series of national classic works came to fruition through the efforts of Jason Epstein

after Wilson’s death.

13. Children overweight

Sample answer: This lecture talks about the overweight problem. There are 20% of

children today having the overweight problems, which brings the heart diseases are

more and more common in children, the smallest is 5 years old. This situation makes

the heart attack and other health problems become earlier and earlier. This issue

needs to be solved because the overweight problems will be in more serious situations

such as diabetes type 2 diabetes and blindness.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

14. Poverty in rural and urban areas

Sample Answer: The lecture talks about the poverty in countries including India and

Vietnam. According to the speaker, the poor are especially affected by environmental

problems such as water pollution, indoor smoke and gas emission in terms of their

health. Yet with the rising demand for energy consumption, these problems are in a

wider range. Moreover, it is said that poverty in rural areas is more severe than that in

urban areas. Therefore, more efforts should be made to combat poverty in rural areas

in order to reduce the global poverty population and decrease poverty rate in urban

areas since the urban poor are mostly from rural areas.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

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15. Robot

Sample answer: The lecture discusses the utilization and the development of robots.

Robots have been applied into car manufacture in the factories. Moreover, there are

also an increasing number of multi-functional service robots. Instead of robots for

general purpose, robots for special purposes such as vacuum cleaner robots have

been purchased by many bachelors. In conclusion, 25000 robots were sold out in one


The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls.

16. Robot V2

Sample answer: This lecture talked about the reason why making a robot is difficult.

First one is camera, which will be needed to exchange things, second one is there are

something that robots cannot do, such as color distinction, so robots’ sensory

function need to be improved. Task design in robot is hard because our humans can

separate things by our senses but for robot, even they have camera and the picture

contains many pixel, and the translation of every pixel could be difficult. Thus there is

no comparison between humans and robots.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls


Tim Berners-Lee believes the internet can foster human understanding and even

world peace Times Online, March 20, 2010. He is the man who has changed the world

more than anyone else in the past hundred years. Sir Tim Berners-Lee may be a mild-

mannered academic who lives modestly in Boston, but as the inventor of the world

wide web he is also a revolutionary. Along with Galileo, William Caxton and Sir Isaac

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Newton, he is a scientist who has altered the way people think as well as the way they


Since the web went global 20 years ago, the way we shop, listen to music and

communicate has been transformed. There are implications for politics, literature,

economics even terrorism because an individual can now have the same access to

information as the elite. Society will never be the same.

The computer scientist from Oxford, who built his own computer from a television

screen and spare parts after he was banned from one of the university computers, is

a cultural guru as much as a technological one. It is amazing how far we’ve come,

he says. But you’re always wondering what’s the next crazy idea, and working to

make sure the web stays one web and that the internet stays open. There isn’t much

time to sit back and reflect. We speak for more than an hour about everything from

Facebook to fatwas, Wikipedia to Google. He invented the web, he says, because he

was frustrated that he couldn’t find all the information he wanted in one place. It

was an imaginary concept that he realized.

Sample answer: Tim- Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world wide web, is a scientist

and a revolutionary who has altered the way people think as well as the way they live,

believing the internet can foster human understanding and even world peace. And

individuals now have the same access to information as the elite; there is not much

time to sit back and reflect because society will never be the same.

18. The Green Revolution

In 1943, what became known as the Green Revolution began when Mexico, unable to

feed its growing population, shouted for help. Within a few years, the Ford and

Rockefeller Foundations founded the International Rice Institute in Asia, and by 1962,

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a new strain of rice called IR8 was feeding people all over the world. IR8 was the first

really big modified crop to make a real impact on world hunger. In 1962 the

technology did not yet exist to directly manipulate the genes of plants, and so IR8 was

created by carefully crossing existing varieties: selecting the best from each

generation, further modifying them, and finally finding the best. Here is the power of

modified crops: IR8, with no fertilizer, straight out of the box, produced five times the

yield of traditional rice varieties. In optimal conditions with nitrogen, it produce ten

times the yield of traditional varieties.

By 1980, IR36 resisted pests and grew fast enough to allow two crops a year instead

of just one, doubling the yield. And by 1990, using more advanced genetic

manipulation techniques, IR72 was outperforming even IR36. The Green Revolution

saw worldwide crop yields explode from 1960 through 2000.

Sample answer: This lecture talks about the Green Revolution in 1943, for the

government of Mexico was unable to feed growing population and shouted for help.

A new strain of rice called IR8 was the first big modified crop to make a real impact

on world hunger, but in 1962 the technology was unable to manipulate the genes of

plants. IR8 was created by existing varieties, including selecting, modifying and

optimizing. By IR36’s yield is double and advanced genetic manipulation techniques

was used to create IR72. In concluding, the Green Revolution saw worldwide crop

yields explode from 1960 to 2000.

19. Dimension

Sample answer: Dimensions can be defined as the number of points required to

describe a position. One dimension space refers to one variable, which means

longitude. Two dimension contains two variables: longitude plus latitude. Three

dimension contains 3 variables: longitude, latitude and altitude. Four dimensions

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takes time into account other than the three variables talked above and it can describe

a position in space.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

20. Migration benefits

回忆要点: 有图,有数字,Migration has double the economy,People from

developing countries can work in developed country ,make them richer,For

example: immigration live in this country,buy products , newspaper, start business

and sent their children to school.

21. Happiness

回忆要点:一个是 gross national happiness. 有图,是一本书的封面,写的是 happiness,

government and politics. 一开始讲 gross national happiness, many countries start to

measure using this index, 很 interesting, 列举了几个国家,China France, 说政府和政


22. British policy

回忆要点:讲的是 British policy 在 18th century 言论自由,在各种公共产所,咖啡馆,街

道什么的都可以谈论各种事情,polity military,包括政府什么的。里面关键信息点有,

coffee house,人们在那里可以读报纸,评论政治所以是 public freedom 的一个重要标志

23. Comparison of Earth and Mars



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SWT — Summarize written test


1. Allowance of children

Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea

to pay your child for work around the home. These jobs are a normal part of family

life. Paying children to do extra work around the house, however, can be useful. It can

even provide an understanding of how a business works.

Allowances give children a chance to experience the things they can do with money.

They can share it in the form of gifts or giving to a good cause. They can spend it by

buying things they want. Or they can save and maybe even invest it.

Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice: you have to cut

costs and plan for the future. Requiring children to save part of their allowance can

also open the door to future saving and investing. Many banks offer services to help

children and teenagers learn about personal finance.

A savings account is an excellent way to learn about the power of compound interest.

Interest rates on savings can be very low these days. But compounding works by

paying interest on interest. So, for example, one dollar invested at two percent interest

will earn two cents in the first year. The second year, the money will earn two percent

of one dollar and two cents, and so on. That may not seem like a lot. But over time it

adds up.

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Sample answer: Paying children to do extra work around the house can be useful,

helping them to understand how a business works and giving them a chance to

experience the things they can do with money, including sharing, spending or saving

their allowances; saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice

for future saving and investing, and a saving account is an excellent way to learn about

the power of compound interest.

2. Autonomy and modernity

Broadly speaking, there are two different ways of thinking about modern art, or two

different versions of the story. One way is to view art as something that can be

practised (and thought of) as an activity radically separate from everyday life or

worldly concerns. From this point of view, art is said to be ‘autonomous’ from

society – that is, it is believed to be self-sustaining and self-referring. One particularly

influential version of this story suggests that modern art should be viewed as a

process by which features extraneous to a particular branch of art would be

progressively eliminated, and painters or sculptors would come to concentrate on

problems specific to their domain. Another way of thinking about modern art is to

view it as responding to the modern world, and to see modern artists immersing

themselves in the conflicts and challenges of society. That is to say, some modern

artists sought ways of conveying the changing experiences generated in Europe by

the twin processes of commercialisation (the commodification of everyday life) and

urbanisation. From this point of view, modern art is a way of reflecting on the

transformations that created what we call, in a sort of shorthand, ‘modernity’.

Sample answer: There are two different ways of thinking about modern art, and the

first one is that art can be practised as an activity radically apart from everyday life or

worldly concerns, while the other one is that modern art is to view it as responding to

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the modern world, and to see modern artists immersing themselves in the conflicts

and challenges of society, which reflects and transforms ‘modernity’.

3. Book and television

Reference: To understand the final reason why the news marketplace of ideas

dominated by television is so different from the one that emerged in the world

dominated by the printing press, it is important to distinguish the quality of vividness

experienced by television viewers from the vividness experienced by readers. I believe

that the vividness experienced in the reading of words is automatically modulated by

the constant activation of the reasoning centres of the brain that are used in the

process of co-creating the representation of reality the author has intended. By

contrast, the visceral vividness portrayed on television has the capacity to trigger

instinctual responses similar to those triggered by reality itself and without being

modulated by logic, reason, and reflective thought.

The simulation of reality accomplished in the television medium is so astonishingly

vivid and compelling compared with the representations of reality conveyed by

printed words that it signifies much more than an incremental change in the way

people consume information. Books also convey compelling and vivid representations

of reality, of course. But the reader actively participates in the conjuring of the reality

the book's author is attempting to depict. Moreover, the parts of the human brain that

are central to the reasoning process are continually activated by the very act of

reading printed words: Words are composed of abstract symbols letters that have no

intrinsic meaning themselves until they are strung together into recognizable


Television, by contrast, presents to its viewers a much more fully formed

representation of reality without requiring the creative collaboration that words have

always demanded."

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Sample answer: The vividness experienced in the reading is automatically modulated

by the constant activation of the reasoning centres of the brain, while the visceral

vividness portrayed on televisions triggers the representations of reality without being

logical, and also the parts of the human brain that are central to the reasoning process

are continually activated by reading, while television presents to its viewers a much

more fully formed representation of reality without requiring the creativity


4. Overqualified worker

Reference: If your recruiting efforts attract job applicants with too much experience—

a near certainty in this weak labor market—you should consider a response that runs

counter to most hiring managers’ MO: Don’t reject those applicants out of hand.

Instead, take a closer look. New research shows that overqualified workers tend to

perform better than other employees, and they don’t quit any sooner. Furthermore,

a simple managerial tactic—empowerment—can mitigate any dissatisfaction they

may feel. The prejudice against too-good employees is pervasive. Companies tend to

prefer an applicant who is a “perfect fit” over someone who brings more intelligence,

education, or experience than needed. On the surface, this bias makes sense: Studies

have consistently shown that employees who consider themselves overqualified

exhibit higher levels of discontent. For example, overqualification correlated well with

job dissatisfaction in a 2008 study of 156 call-center reps by Israeli researchers Saul

Fine and Baruch Nevo. And unlike discrimination based on age or gender, declining

to hire overqualified workers is perfectly legal. But even before the economic

downturn, a surplus of overqualified candidates was a global problem, particularly in

developing economies, where rising education levels are giving workers more skills

than are needed to supply the growing service sectors .If managers can get beyond

the conventional wisdom, the growing pool of too-good applicants is a great

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opportunity. Berrin Erdogan and Talya N. Bauer of Portland State University in Oregon

found that overqualified workers’ feelings of dissatisfaction can be dissipated by

giving them autonomy in decision making. At stores where employees didn’t feel

empowered, “overeducated” workers expressed greater dissatisfaction than their

colleagues did and were more likely to state an intention to quit. But that difference

vanished where self-reported autonomy was high.

Sample answer: Companies believe that they exhibit discontent compared to an

applicant who perfectly fits the role, so the prejudice against too-good employees is

pervasive, but before the economic downturn, a surplus of overqualified workers was

a global issue, and in fact they tend to perform better than other employees; a simple

managerial tactic empowerment which gives them high self-reported autonomy in

decision-making can migrate their dissatisfaction.

5. Compulsory voting

Reference: Compulsory voting is often suggested as a solution to the problem of

declining turnout. But how are individuals and countries affected by compulsory

voting beyond boosting electoral participation? Shane Singh investigates the social,

economic, and political consequences of compelling citizens to vote.

There has been a lot of discussion about compulsory voting these days. In the United

Kingdom, in particular, as voter turnout rates have declined, many commentators and

politicians have begun advocating for mandatory electoral participation. Those in

favor of compulsory voting often adduce the importance of participation among all

segments of society. Citizens of democracies are forced to do many things in the

interest of the public good, they maintain, including serving on juries and educating

their children, and full participation serves the country as a whole. Those opposed to

compulsory voting often argue that, from a democratic theory perspective, the right

to vote implicitly includes a right not to vote. Such a right of abstention, they argue,

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is more important than any societal good that might accompany high turnout. In fact,

opponents of compulsory voting often contend that the country may be better off if

those who are disinclined to vole are not pushed to participate in public affairs.

Regardless of whether one of these sets of arguments is more persuasive than the

other, compulsory voting is commonly used around the world. Several European

democracies mandate voting, as do Australia and most of the countries in Latin

America. By evaluating results from these countries, it is possible to assess the

mechanics and effects of compulsory voting.

Sample answer: Even though compulsory voting is commonly used around the world,

there has been a lot of discussion about compulsory voting these days; some people

adduce the importance of participation among all segments of society but some

people argue that the right to vote implicitly includes a right not to vote; also, we

should assess the effects of compulsory voting.

6. Plug-in vehicle

Reference: Here's a term you're going to hear much more often: plug-in vehicle, and

the acronym PEV. It's what you and many other people will drive to work in, ten years

and more from now. At that time, before you drive off in the morning you will first

unplug your car - your plugin vehicle. Its big on board batteries will have been fully

charged overnight, with enough power for you to drive 50-100 kilometers through

city traffic.

When you arrive at work you'll plug in your car once again, this time into a socket that

allows power to flow from your car's batteries to the electricity grid. One of the things

you did when you bought your car was to sign a contract with your favorite electricity

supplier, allowing them to draw a limited amount of power from your car's batteries

should they need to, perhaps because of a blackout, or very high wholesale spot

power prices. The price you get for the power the distributor buys from your car would

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not only be most attractive to you, it would be a good deal for them too, their

alternative being very expensive power form peaking stations. If, driving home or for

some other reason your batteries looked like running flat, a relatively small, but quiet

and efficient engine running on petrol, diesel or compressed natural gas, even bio-

fuel, would automatically cut in, driving a generator that supplied the batteries so you

could complete your journey.

Concerns over 'peak oil', increasing greenhouse gas emissions, and the likelihood that

by the middle of this century there could be five times as many motor vehicles

registered worldwide as there are now, mean that the world's almost total dependence

on petroleum-based fuels for transport is, in every sense of the word, unsustainable.

Sample answer: While people can charge their plug-in vehicles overnight before

driving, they can plug their vehicles into sockets allowing power to flow from the car

batteries to the electricity grid, and an engine driving a generator will supply

alternative power to complete the journey when the batteries run flat, which means

more people will drive plug-in vehicles in the future because the world’s almost total

dependence on petroleum-based fuels for transport is unsustainable.

7. American English

Reference: American English is, without doubt, the most influential and powerful

variety of English in the world today. There are many reasons for this. First, the United

States is, at present, the most powerful nation on earth and such power always brings

with it influence. Indeed, the distinction between a dialect and a language has

frequently been made by reference to power. As has been said, A language is a dialect

with an army. Second, America's political influence is extended through American

popular culture, in particular through the international reach of American films

(movies, of course) and music. As Kahane has pointed out, The internationally

dominant position of a culture results in a forceful expansion of its language the

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expansion of language contributes to the prestige of the culture behind it. Third, the

international prominence of American English is closely associated with the

extraordinarily quick development of communications technology. Microsoft is owned

by an American, Bill Gates. This means a computer's default setting for language is

American English, although of course this can be changed to suit one's own

circumstances. In short, the increased influence of American English is caused by

political power and the resultant diffusion of American culture and media,

technological advance and the rapid development of communications technology.

Sample answer: While American English is a dialect with an army because the United

States is the most powerful nation on the earth and such power brings with it influence,

America’s political influence is extended through American popular culture which

also results in an expansion of its language, and the international prominence of

American English is associated with the quick development of communications

technology, which suggests American English is the most influential and powerful

variety of English.

8. Mini war

Reference: In such an environment, warfare is no longer purely directed against the

military potential of adversarial states. It is rather directed at infiltrating all areas of

their societies and to threaten their existences. The comparatively easy access to

weapons of mass destruction, In particular relatively and low-cost biological agents,

is of key concern. Both governmental and non-governmental actors prefer to use force

in a way that can be characterized as “unconventional” or also as “small wars”.

War waged according to conventions is an interstate phenomenon. The “small war”

is the archetype of war, in which the protagonists acknowledge no rules and

permanently try to violate what conventions do exist. The protagonists of the “small

war” observe neither international standards nor arms control agreements. They

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make use of territories where they do not have to fear any sanctions because there is

no functioning state to assume charge of such sanctions or because the state in

question is too weak to impose such sanctions.

This type of war does not provide for any warning time. It challenges not only the

external security of the nation states and international community, but also their

internal safety.

Sample answer: The “unconventional war” or “small war” is the archetype of war,

in which the protagonists can get easy access to weapons, making use of territories

to violate conventions without fear of any sanctions due to the lack of international

standards and arms control agreements, and because the war does not provide for

any warning time, it is a challenge nationally and internationally.

9. Computer programming

Reference: Consider the current situation like their counterparts in the United States,

engineers, and technicians in India have the capacity to provide both computer

programming and innovative new technologies. Indian programmers and high-tech

engineers earn one-quarter of what their counterparts earn in the United States.

Consequently, India is able to do both jobs at a lower dollar cost than the United

States: India has an absolute advantage in both. In other words, it can produce a unit

of programming for fewer dollars than the United States, and it can also produce a

unit of technology innovation for fewer dollars. Does that mean that the United States

will lose not only programming jobs but innovative technology job, too? Does that

mean that our standard of living will fall if the United States and India engage in the

international trade?

David Ricardo would have answered no to both questions- as we do today. While

India may have an absolute advantage in both activities, that fact is irrelevant in

determining what India or the United States will produce. India has a comparative

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advantage in doing programming in part because of such activity requires little

physical capital. The flip side is that the United States has a comparative advantage in

technology innovation partly because it is relatively easy to obtain capital in this

country to undertake such long-run projects.

The result is that Indian programmers will do more and more of what U.S.

programmers have been doing in the past. In contrast, American firms will shift to

more and more innovation. The United States will specialize in technology innovation

India will specialize in programming. The business managers in each country will opt

to specialized in activities in which they have a comparative advantage. As in the past,

The U.S. economy will continue to concentrate on what is called the best activities.

Sample answer: Although India programmers and high-tech engineers earn one-

quarter of what their counterparts earn in the United States, Indian has a comparative

advantage in doing programming in part because of such activity requires little

physical capital and lower dollar cost; as a result, Indian programmers will do more

and more of what U.S. programmers have been doing in the past, and both countries

will continue to specialize in activities where they have a comparative advantage.

10. Aging world

We live in an aging world. While this has been recognized for some time in developed

countries, it is only recently that this phenomenon has been fully acknowledged.

Global communication is "shrinking" the world, and global aging is "maturing" it. The

increasing presence of older persons in the world is making people of all ages more

aware that we live in a diverse and multigenerational society. It is no longer possible

to ignore aging, regardless of whether one views it positively or negatively.

Demographers note that if current trends in aging continue as predicted, a

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demographic revolution, wherein the proportions of the young and the old will

undergo a historic crossover, will be felt in just three generations. This portrait of

change in the world’s population parallels the magnitude of the industrial revolution

traditionally considered the most significant social and economic breakthrough in the

history of humankind since the Neolithic period. It marked the beginning of a

sustained movement towards modern economic growth in much the same way that

globalization is today marking an unprecedented and sustained movement toward a

"global culture". The demographic revolution, it is envisaged, will be at least as


While the future effects are not known, a likely scenario is one where both the

challenges as well as the opportunities will emerge from a vessel into which

exploration and research, dialogue and debate are poured. Challenges arise as social

and economic structures try to adjust to the simultaneous phenomenon of

diminishing young cohorts with rising older ones, and opportunities present

themselves in the sheer number of older individuals and the vast resources societies

stand to gain from their contribution.

This ageing of the population permeates all social, economic and cultural spheres.

Revolutionary change calls for new, revolutionary thinking, which can position policy

formulation and implementation on sounder footing. In our ageing world, new

thinking requires that we view ageing as a life long and older persons.

Sample answer: It is only recently that the aging world has been fully acknowledged

and this demographic revolution will be felt in three generations, which parallels the

magnitude of the industrial revolution, bringing both challenges and opportunities;

the aging of the population permeates all social, economic and cultural spheres and

calls for new thinking.

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11. Skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast seems a simple way of losing weight or saving time while getting

the children ready for school or rushing off to work. But it can also be a sign of an

unhealthy lifestyle with potentially dangerous consequences, including a higher risk

of premature death. According to a study, adults and teenagers who miss the first

meal of the day are less likely to look after their health. They tend to smoke more,

drink more alcohol and take less exercise than those who do eat. Those who skip food

in the morning are also more likely to be fatter and less well-educated, meaning they

find it harder to get a job.

Researcher Dr. Anna Keski-Rahkonen said: Smoking, infrequent exercise, a low level of

education, frequent alcohol use and a high body mass index were all associated with

skipping breakfast in adults and adolescents. Our findings suggest this association

exists throughout adulthood. Individuals who skip breakfast may care less about their

health than those who eat breakfast.

Previously, experts assumed that missing breakfast often called the most important

meal of the day was simply the marker of a hectic life or a way to try to lose weight.

But Dr. Keski-Rahkonen, who led the study at Helsinki University, said the results

revealed starting the day without food suggests an unhealthy lifestyle.

Sample answer: Although skipping breakfast seems an easy way of losing weight or

saving time for both adults and adolescents, it also can be a sign of unhealthy lifestyle

such as frequent smoking and drinking, because individuals who start the day without

food may care less about their health than those who eat breakfast.

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12. Nobel prize

This year’s Nobel Peace Prize justly rewards the thousands of scientists of the United

Nations Climate Change Panel (the IPCC). These scientists are engaged in excellent,

painstaking work that establishes exactly what the world should expect from climate


The other award winner, former US Vice President Al Gore, has spent much more time

telling us what to fear. While the IPCCʼs estimates and conclusions are grounded in

careful study, Gore doesn’t seem to be similarly restrained.

Gore told the world in his Academy Award-winning movie (recently labeled "one-

sided" and containing "scientific errors" by a British judge) to expect 20-foot sea-level

rises over this century. He ignores the findings of his Nobel co-winners, the IPCC, who

conclude that sea levels will rise between only a half-foot and two feet over this

century, with their best expectation being about one foot. That’s similar to what the

world experienced over the past 150 years.

Likewise, Gore agonizes over the accelerated melting of ice in Greenland and what it

means for the planet, but overlooks the IPCCʼs conclusion that, if sustained, the

current rate of melting would add just three inches to the sea level rise by the end of

the century. Gore also takes no notice of research showing that Greenland’s

temperatures were higher in 1941 than they are today.

Gore also frets about the future of polar bears. He claims they are drowning as their

icy habitat disappears. However, the only scientific study showing any such thing

indicates that four polar bears drowned because of a storm.

The politician-turned-movie maker loses sleep over a predicted rise in heat-related

deaths. There’s another side of the story that’s inconvenient to mention: rising

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temperatures will reduce the number of cold spells, which are a much bigger killer

than heat. The best study shows that by 2050, heat will claim 400,000 more lives, but

1.8 million fewer will die because of cold. Indeed, according to the first complete

survey of the economic effects of climate change for the world, global warming will

actually save lives.

Sample answer: The scientists of the United Nations Climate Change Panel have

different conclusions with Al Gore toward the prediction of the sea level rise; the worry

of animals’ survival, and their study indicate that fewer lives will die because of the

cold weather.

13. Technology prediction in IBM

As far as prediction is concerned, remember that the chairman of IBM predicted in the

fifties that the world would need a maximum of around half a dozen computers, that

the British Department for Education seemed to think in the eighties that we would

all need to be able to code in BASIC and that in the nineties Microsoft failed to foresee

the rapid growth of the Internet.

Who could have predicted that one major effect of the automobile would be to

bankrupt small shops across the nation? Could the early developers of the telephone

have foreseen its development as a medium for person-to-person communication,

rather than as a form of broadcasting medium? We all, including the ‘experts’,

seem to be peculiarly inept at predicting the likely development of our technologies,

even as far as the next year. We can, of course, try to extrapolate from experience of

previous technologies, as I do below by comparing the technology of the Internet

with the development of other information and communication technologies and by

examining the earlier development of radio and print. But how justified I might be in

doing so remains an open question. You might conceivably find the history of the

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British and French videotex systems, Prestel and Minitel, instructive. However, I am

not entirely convinced that they are very relevant, nor do I know where you can find

information about them on-line, so, rather than take up space here, I’ve briefly

described them in a separate article.

Sample answer: It is quite difficult, even for experts, to predict the likely development

of technologies, since the only foundation we could rely on is the experience on

previous technologies which might not be relevant or from reliable sources; thereby

related issues have been discussed separately.

14. Grass and cow

The co-evolutionary relationship between cows and grass is one of nature's

underappreciated wonders; it also happens to be the key to understanding just about

everything about modern meat.

For the grasses, which have evolved to withstand the grazing of ruminants, the cow

maintains and expands their habitat by preventing trees and shrubs from gaining a

foothold and hogging the sunlight; the animal also spreads grass seed, plants it with

his hooves, and then fertilizes it with his manure.

In exchange for these services the grasses offer ruminants a plentiful and exclusive

supply of lunch. For cows (like sheep, bison, and other ruminants) have evolved the

special ability to convert grass which single-stomached creatures (like us can't digest-

into high-quality protein) they can do this because they possess what is surely the

most highly evolved digestive organ in nature: the rumen. About the size of a medicine

ball, the organ is essentially a forty-five-gallon fermentation tank in which a resident

population of bacteria dines on grass.

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Sample answer: The correlation between cows and grass is undervalued while its

significance is essential to comprehend the meat industry, for example, ruminants like

cows, in order to maintain their eating ground, evolve to enlarge their habitats

through minimizing the shrub-occupied areas as well as planting and fertilizing seeds

with hooves; grass offers ruminants who feed on it a food source, thanks to the

uniquely-formed rumen organ which enables the conversion from plants to protein.

15. Living in countryside

I knew it was a good idea because I had been there before. Born and reared on a farm

I had been seduced for a few years by the idea of being a big shot who lived and

worked in a city rather than only going for the day to wave at the buses.

True, I was familiar with some of the minor disadvantages of country living such as an

iffy private water supply sometimes infiltrated by a range of flora and fauna (including,

on one memorable occasion, a dead lamb), the absence of central heating in farm

houses and cottages, and a single-track farm road easily blocked by snow, broken-

down machinery or escaped livestock.

But there were many advantages as I told Liz back in the mid-Seventies. Town born

and bred, eight months pregnant and exchanging a warm, substantial Corstorphine

terrace for a windswept farm cottage on a much lower income, persuading her that

country had it over town might have been difficult.

Sample answer: While (Although) living in country has some minor disadvantages

including water supply and the absence of central heating, the author still thinks it is

a good idea to move back because he had been there before and seduced for a few

years, but persuading Liz back to country is hard because she wouldn’t exchange a

warm terrace for a windswept farm cottage on a much lower income.

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16. Parent control children watching TV

Why and to what extent should parents control their children’s TV watching? There

is certainly nothing inherently wrong with TV. The problem is how much television a

child watches and what effect it has on his life. Research has shown that as the amount

of time spent watching TV goes up, the amount of time devoted not only to

homework and study but other important aspects of life such as social development

and physical activities decreases.

Television is bound to have it tremendous impact on a child, both in terms of how

many hours a week he watches TV and of what he sees. When a parent is concerned

about the effects of television, he should consider a number of things: what TV offers

the child in terms of information and knowledge, how many hours a week a youngster

his age should watch television, the impact of violence and sex, and the influence of


What about the family as a whole? Is the TV set a central piece of furniture in your

home! Is it flicked on the moment someone enters the empty house? Is it on during

the daytime? Is it part of the background noise of your family life? Do you

demonstrate by your own viewing that television should be watched selectively?

Sample answer: Sample answer: Parents should control their children’s TV watching,

both in terms of time consumption and contents, because television has a tremendous

impact on children; on the other hand, parents should demonstrate by their own

viewing that television should be watched selectively.

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17. The City of London

Who would have thought back in 1698, as they downed their espressos, that the little

band of stockbrokers from Jonathan's Coffee House in Change Alley EC3 would be

the founder- members of what would become the world's mighty money capital?

Progress was not entirely smooth. The South Sea Bubble burst in 1720 and the coffee

house exchanges burned down in 1748. As late as Big Bang in 1986, when bowler hats

were finally hung up, you wouldn't have bet the farm on London surpassing New York,

Frankfurt and Tokyo as Mammon's international nexus.

Yet the 325,000 souls who operate in the UK capital's financial hub have now

overtaken their New York rivals in size of the funds managed (including offshore

business); they hold 70% of the global secondary bond market and the City dominates

foreign exchange trading. And its institutions paid out £9 billion in bonuses in

December. The Square Mile has now spread both eastwards from EC3 to Canary Wharf

and westwards into Mayfair, where many of the private-equity 'locusts' and their

hedge-fund pals now hang out.

For foreigners in finance, London is the place to be. It has no Sarbanes-Oxley and no

euro to hold it back, yet the fact that it still flies so high is against the odds. London

is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in, transport systems groan and

there's an ever-present threat of terrorist attack. But, for the time being, the deals just

keep on getting bigger.

Sample answer: Although the progress of London overtaking New York in the funds

was not smooth, it has become the world’s largest global secondary bond market

and foreign exchange trading center despite it is not a pleasant city to live in.

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18. Wine industry

In 1920, the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution created yet

another setback for the American wine industry. The National Prohibition Act, also

known as the Volstead Act, prohibited the manufacture, sale, transportation,

importation, exportation, delivery, or possession of intoxicating liquors for beverage

purpose, and nearly destroyed what had become a thriving national industry. In 1920

there were more than seven hundred wineries in California. By the end of Prohibition,

there were 160.

Prohibition, which continued for thirteen years, nearly destroyed what had become a

thriving and national industry. One of the loopholes in the Volstead Act allowed for

the manufacture and sale of sacramental wine, medicinal wines for sale by pharmacists

with a doctors' prescription, and medicinal wine tonics (fortified wines) sold without

prescription. Perhaps more important, Prohibition allowed anyone to produce up to

two hundred gallons yearly of fruit juice or cider. The fruit juice, which was sometimes

made into concentrate, was ideal for making wine. People would buy grape

concentrate from California and have it shipped to the East Coast. The top of the

container was stamped in big, bold letters: caution: do not add sugar or yeast or else

fermentation will take place! Some of this yield found its way to bootleggers

throughout America who did just that. But not for long, because the government

stepped in and banned the sale of grape juice, preventing illegal wine production.

Vineyards stopped being planted, and the American wine industry came to a halt.

Sample answer: Although there are loopholes in the American National Prohibition

Act such as allowing the sale of medicinal wines and the production of fruit juice,

which is ideal for making wine when concentrated, the government soon stepped in

and therefore the Prohibition nearly destroyed the wine industry.

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19. Human and animals

All non-human animals are constrained by the tools that nature has bequeathed them

through natural selection. They are not capable of striving towards truth; they simply

absorb information, and behave in ways useful for their survival. The kinds of

knowledge they require of the world have been largely pre-selected by evolution. No

animal is capable of asking questions or generating problems that are irrelevant to its

immediate circumstances or its evolutionarily-designed needs. When a beaver builds

a dam, it doesn't ask itself why it does so, or whether there is a better way of doing it.

When a swallow flies south, it doesn't wonder why it is hotter in Africa or what would

happen if it flew still further south.

Humans do ask themselves these and many other kinds of questions, questions that

have no relevance, indeed make little sense, in the context of evolved needs and goals.

What marks out humans is our capacity to go beyond our naturally-defined goals

such as the need to find food, shelter or a mate and to establish human-created goals.

Some contemporary thinkers believe that there are indeed certain questions that

humans are incapable of answering because of our evolved nature. Steven Pinker, for

instance, argues that "Our minds evolved by natural selection to solve problems that

were life-and- death matters to our ancestors, not to commune with correctness or

to answer any question we are capable of asking. We cannot hold ten thousand words

in our short-term memory. We cannot see ultra-violet light. We cannot mentally rotate

an object in the fourth dimension. And perhaps we cannot solve conundrums like free

will and sentience.

Sample answer: All non-human animals are constrained by the tools that nature has

bequeathed them through natural selection so that/because they are incapable of

asking questions or generating problems that are irrelevant to its immediate

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circumstances while some contemporary thinkers are likely to believe that there are

certain questions that humans cannot answer due to our evolved nature regardless of

humans ‘capacity to go beyond naturally-defined goals.

20. The Myth of the Overqualified Worker

If your recruiting efforts attract job applicants with too much experience—a near

certainty in this weak labor market—you should consider a response that runs counter

to most hiring managers’ MO: Don’t reject those applicants out of hand. Instead,

take a closer look. New research shows that overqualified workers tend to perform

better than other employees, and they don’t quit any sooner. Furthermore, a simple

managerial tactic—empowerment—can mitigate any dissatisfaction they may feel.

The prejudice against too-good employees is pervasive. Companies tend to prefer an

applicant who is a “ perfect fit ” over someone who brings more intelligence,

education, or experience than needed. On the surface, this bias makes sense: Studies

have consistently shown that employees who consider themselves overqualified

exhibit higher levels of discontent. For example, overqualification correlated well with

job dissatisfaction in a 2008 study of 156 call-center reps by Israeli researchers Saul

Fine and Baruch Nevo. And unlike discrimination based on age or gender, declining

to hire overqualified workers is perfectly legal. But even before the economic

downturn, a surplus of overqualified candidates was a global problem, particularly in

developing economies, where rising education levels are giving workers more skills

than are needed to supply the growing service sectors .If managers can get beyond

the conventional wisdom, the growing pool of too-good applicants is a great

opportunity. Berrin Erdogan and Talya N. Bauer of Portland State University in Oregon

found that overqualified workers’ feelings of dissatisfaction can be dissipated by

giving them autonomy in decision making. At stores where employees didn’t feel

empowered, “overeducated” workers expressed greater dissatisfaction than their

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colleagues did and were more likely to state an intention to quit. But that difference

vanished where self-reported autonomy was high.

Sample answer: Companies believe that they exhibit discontent compared to an

applicant who perfectly fits the role, so the prejudice against too-good employees is

pervasive, but before the economic downturn, a surplus of overqualified workers was

a global issue, and in fact they tend to perform better than other employees; a simple

managerial tactic empowerment which gives them high self-reported autonomy in

decision-making can migrate their dissatisfaction.

21. Benefits of honey

According to Dr. Ron Fessenden, M.D., M.P.H. the average American consumes more

than 150 pounds of refined sugar, plus an additional 62 pounds of high fructose corn

syrup every year. In comparison, we consume only around 1.3 pounds of honey per

year on average in the U.S. According to new research, if you can switch out your

intake of refined sugar and use pure raw honey instead, the health benefits can be

enormous. What is raw honey? It's a pure, unfiltered and unpasteurized sweetener

made by bees from the nectar of flowers. Most of the honey consumed today is

processed honey that's been heated and filtered since it was gathered from the hive.

Unlike processed honey, raw honey does not get robbed of its incredible nutritional

value and health powers. It can help with everything from low energy to sleep

problems to seasonal allergies. Switching to raw honey may even help weight-loss

efforts when compared to diets containing sugar or high fructose corn syrup. I'm

excited to tell you more about one of my all-time favorite natural sweeteners today.

Honey bees do a waggle dance to direct other bees to sources of nectar but dancing

bees like this one can be halted by a head-butt from another bee. Now researchers

have found that this head-butt is actually a warning signal. A feeding station was set

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up in the lab to mimic a source of nectar then foraging bees were introduced to

dangers at the station such as competition from rival colonies when foragers returned

to the hive, they stopped bees dancing. Scientists think the behavior warns dancers

of a dangerous source of nectar.

Sample answer: According to a new research, if you can switch out your intake of

defined sugar and use pure raw honey instead, the health benefits can be enormous,

and unlike processed honey, raw honey is a pure, unfiltered and unpasteurized

sweetener made by bees and does not get robbed of its incredible nutritional value

and health power, which can help with low energy, sleep problems, seasonal allergies

and even weight-loss.

22. Parents’ birth order

Parents' own birth order can become an issue when dynamics in the family they are

raising replicate the family in which they were raised. Agati notes common examples,

such as a firstborn parent getting into "raging battles" with a firstborn child. "Both are

used to getting the last word. Each has to be right. But the parent has to be the grown-

up and step out of that battle," he advises. When youngest children become parents,

Agati cautions that because they "may not have had high expectations placed on them,

they in turn may not see their kids for their abilities."

But he also notes that since youngest children tend to be more social, "youngest

parents can be helpful to their firstborn, who may have a harder time with social

situations. These parents can help their eldest kids loosen up and not be so hard on

themselves. Mom Susan Ritz says her own birth order didn't seem to affect her

parenting until the youngest of her three children, Julie, was born. Julie was nine years

younger than Ritz's oldest, Joshua, mirroring the age difference between Susan and

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her own older brother. "I would see Joshua do to Julie what my brother did to me,"

she says of the taunting and teasing by a much older sibling.

"I had to try not to always take Julie's side." Biases can surface no matter what your

own birth position was, as Lori Silverstone points out. "As a middle myself, I can be

harder on my older daughter. I recall my older sister hitting me," she says of her

reactions to her daughters' tussles.

"My husband is a firstborn. He's always sticking up for the oldest. He feels bad for her

that the others came so fast. He helps me to see what that feels like, to have that

attention and then lose it." Silverstone sees birth-order triggers as "an opportunity to

heal parts of ourselves. I've learned to teach my middle daughter to stand up for

herself. My mother didn't teach me that. I'm conscious of giving my middle daughter

tools so she has a nice way to protect herself."

Whether or not you subscribe to theories that birth order can affect your child's

personality, ultimately, "we all have free will," Agati notes. It's important for both

parents and kids to realize that, despite the characteristics often associated with birth

order, "you're not locked into any role."

Sample answer: Parents’ own birth order affects parenting as they may replicate the

family in which they were raised, for example, youngest parents may not see their

children’s abilities but can help their firstborn babies with social situations. Despite

the characteristics associated with birth orders, It’s important for both parents and

kids to realize that no one is locked into any role.

23. Malaysia

Malaysia is one of the most pleasant, hassle-free countries to visit in Southeast Asia.

Aside from its gleaming 21st century glass towers, it boasts some of the most superb

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beaches, mountains and national parks in the region.Malaysia is also launching its

biggest-ever tourism campaign in effort to lure 20 million visitors here this year.

Any tourist itinerary would have to begin in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, where you will

find the Petronas Twin Towers, which once comprised the world's tallest buildings and

now hold the title of second-tallest. Both the 88-story towers soar 1,480 feet high and

are connected by a sky-bridge on the 41st floor. The limestone temple Batu Caves,

located 9 miles north of the city, have a 328-foot-high ceiling and feature ornate Hindu

shrines, including a 141-foot-tall gold-painted statue of a Hindu deity. To reach the

caves, visitors have to climb a steep flight of 272 steps. In Sabah state on Borneo island

not to be confused with lndonesias Borneo you' 川 find the small mushroom-shaped

Sipadan island, off the coast of Sabah, rated as one of the top five diving sites in the

world. Sipadan is the only oceanic island in Malaysia, rising from a 2,300-foot abyss in

the Celebes Sea.You can also climb Mount Kinabalu, the tallest peak in Southeast Asia,

visit the Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary, go white-water rafting and catch a glimpse of

the bizarre Proboscis monkey, a primate found only in Borneo with a huge pendulous

nose, a characteristic pot belly and strange honking sounds.

While you're in Malaysia, consider a trip to Malacca. In its heyday, this southern state

was a powerful Malay sultanate and a booming trading p 此 in the region. Facing the

Straits of Malacca, this historical state is now a place of intriguing Chinese streets,

antique shops, old temples and reminders of European colonial powers.Another

interesting destination is Penang, known as the Pearl of the Orient. This island off the

northwest coast of Malaysia boasts of a rich Chinese cultural heritage, good food and

beautiful beaches.

Sample answer: Malaysia, which is one of the most pleasant, hassle-free countries to

visit in Southeast Asia with gleaming 21st century glass towers and the most superb

beaches, mountains and national parks, is launching its biggest-ever tourism

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campaign in effort to lure 20 million visitors this year, and with an itinerary starting

from Kuala Lumpur and ending in Malacca, you can enjoy a lot of rich cultural heritage,

good food and beautiful beaches.

24. Online learning

What makes teaching online unique is that it uses the Internet, especially the World

Wide Web, as the primary means of communication. Thus, when you teach online, you

don't have to be someplace to teach. You don't have to lug your briefcase full of paper

or your laptop to a classroom, stand at a lectern, scribble on a chalkboard (or even

use your high-tech, interactive classroom "smart" whiteboard), or grade papers in a

stuffy room while your students take a test. You don't even have to sit in your office

waiting for students to show up for conferences. You can hold "office hours" on

weekends or at night after dinner. You can do all this while living in a small town in

Wyoming or a big city like Bangkok, even if you are working for a college whose

administrative office is located in Florida or Dubai. You can attend an important

conference in Hawaii on the same day you teach your class in New Jersey, logging on

from your laptop via the local café's wireless hot-spot or your hotel room's high-speed

network.Or you may simply pull out your smartphone to quickly check on the latest

postings, email, or text messages from students.

Online learning offers more freedom for students as well. They can search for courses

using the Web, scouring their institution or even the world for programs, classes, and

instructors that fit their needs. Having found an appropriate course, they can enroll

and register, shop for their books, read articles, listen to lectures, submit their

homework assignments, confer with their instructors, and receive their final grades-

all online.

They can assemble virtual classrooms, joining other students from diverse

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geographical locales, foraging bonds and friendships not possible in conventional

classrooms, which are usually limited to students from a specific geographical area.

Sample answer: When you teach online, you don’t need to be in a certain place to

teach, and you can hold office hours anytime and everywhere, while online learning

offers more freedom for students as well, and students can forge bonds and

friendships which is not possible in conventional classrooms.

25. Rosetta Stone

When the Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799, the carved characters that covered

its surface were quickly copied. Printers ink was applied to the Stone and white paper

was laid over it. When the paper was removed, it revealed an exact copy of the text

but in reverse. Since then, many copies or facsimiles have been made using a variety

of materials. Inevitably, the surface of the Stone accumulated many layers of material

left over from these activities, despite attempts to remove any residue. Once on

display, the grease from many thousands of human hands eager to touch the Stone

added to the problem. An opportunity for investigation and cleaning the Rosetta

Stone arose when this famous object was made the centerpiece of the Cracking Codes

exhibition at The British Museum in 1999. When work commenced to remove all but

the original, ancient material, the stone was black with white lettering. As treatment

progressed, the different substances uncovered were analyzed. Grease from human

handling, a coating of carnauba wax from the early 1800s and printers ink from 1799

were cleaned away using cotton wool swabs and liniment of soap, white spirit, acetone

and purified water. Finally, white paint in the text, applied in 1981, which had been left

in place until now as a protective coating, was removed with cotton swabs and purified

water. A small square at the bottom left corner of the face of the Stone was left

untouched to show the darkened wax and the white infill.

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Sample answer: Since the Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799, many copies or

facsimiles have been made using a variety of materials, along with thousands of

human hands eager to touch the Stone, causing the surface of the Stone accumulated

many layers of materials, and an opportunity for investigation and cleaning the stone

arose at the British Museum in 1999, after which the origin was removed, and the

stone was black with white lettering.

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WE — Write essay

1. Work and personal life (高频)

Nowadays, people spend too much more time on work than on their personal life, do

you agree with it? Discuss the physical, financial and psychological reasons. / Do you

think it is difficult for people to balance their time for working and other things like

family? Give your reason.

2. Digital media (高频)

With the increase of digital media available online, the role of the library has become

obsolete. Universities should only procure digital materials rather than constantly

outdated textbooks. Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of this position

and give your own point of view.

3. Cashless society (高频)

In a cashless society, people use more credit cards. What are the advantages and

disadvantages of this phenomenon?

4. Study effectively (高频)

In order to study effectively, it requires comfort, peace and time. So, it is impossible

for a student to combine learning and employment at the same time.

5. Deduction of late submission (高频)

There is a phenomenon that submitting later than the deadline will deduct the score.

Do you agree or disagree on this phenomenon and what is your recommendation to

these students?

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6. Pressing problem (高频)

There are many global problems. What is the most pressing problem? What solution

would you suggest? / Inhabitants. The world’s governments and organizations are

facing a lot of issues. Which do you think is the most pressing problem for the

inhabitants on our planet and give the solution?

7. Experiential learning (高频)

Some people point out that experiential learning (i.e. learning by doing it) can work

well in formal education. However, others think a traditional form of teaching is the

best. Do you think experiential learning can work well in high schools or colleges?

8. Children’s acts (高频)

Parents should be legally responsible for their children’s acts. What is your opinion?

Support it with personal examples.

9. Music affects children’s learning (高频)

Certain type of music affects young children’s learning. Researchers have researched

on it. Some people agree and some disagree. What is your opinion? / Some people

say music promotes children leaning. However, there are mixed results on impact of

music generated from researches. To what extent do you agree or disagree that: music

has impacts on humans’ life?

10. Build more roads (高频)

Should government build more roads to allow more vehicle owner or improve the

network of public transport?

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11. Mass media (高频)

Mass media have an influence on human, particularly on younger generation. It plays

a vital role on shaping the opinions of people. What do you think about it?

12. Children’s acts (高频)

Parents should be legally responsible for their children’s acts. What is your opinion?

Support it with personal examples.

13. Large shopping malls or small shops (高频)

Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is your opinion about this?

Discuss with appropriate examples.

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FIB — Fill in the blanks

1. Estee Lauder

Leonard Lauder, chief executive of the company his mother founded, says she always

thought she “was growing a nice little business.” And that it is. A little business

that controls 45% of the cosmetics market in U.S. department stores. A little business

that sells in 118 countries and last year grew to be $3.6 billion big in sales. The Lauder

family’s shares are worth more than $6 billion.

But early on, there wasn’t a burgeoning business, there weren’t houses in New York.

Palm Beach, Fla., or the south of France. It is said that at one point there was one

person to answer the telephones who changed her voice to become the shipping or

billing department as needed.

You more or less know the Estee Lauder story because it’s a chapter from the book

of American business folklore. In short, Josephine Esther Mentzer, daughter of

immigrants, lived above her father’s hardware store in Corona, a section of Queens

in New York City. She started her enterprise by selling skin creams concocted by her

uncle, a chemist, in beauty shops, beach clubs and resorts.

No doubt the potions were good – Estee Lauder was a quality fanatic – but the

saleslady was better. Much better. And she simply outworked everyone else in the

cosmetics industry. She stalked the bosses of New York City department stores until

she got some counter space at Saks Fifth Avenue in 1948. And once in that space, she

utilized a personal selling approach that proved as potent as the promise of her

skin regimens and perfumes.

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2. Bronze vs Silver

In an often -cited study about counterfactuals, Medvec, Madey, and Gilovich (1995)

found that bronze medalists appeared happier than silver medalists in television

coverage of the 1992 Summer Olympics. Medvec et al. argued that bronze medalists

compared themselves to 4th place finishers, whereas silver medalists compared

themselves to gold medalists. These counterfactuals were the most salient because

they were either qualitatively different (gold vs. silver) or categorically different

(medal vs. no medal) from what actually occurred. Drawing on archival data and

experimental studies, we show that Olympic athletes (among others) are more likely

to make counterfactual comparisons based on their prior expectations, consistent

with decision affect theory. Silver medalists are more likely to be disappointed

because their personal expectations are higher than those of bronze medalists. We

provide a test between expectancy-base versus category-based processing and

discuss circumstances that trigger each type of processing.

3. Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget, the pioneering Swiss philosopher and psychologist, spent much of his

professional life listening to children, watching children and poring over reports of

researchers around the world who were doing the same. He found, to put

most succinctly, that children don’t think like grownups. After thousands of

interactions with young people often barely old enough to talk, Piaget began

to suspect that behind their cute and seemingly illogical utterances were thought

processes that had their own kind of order and their own special logic. Einstein called

it a discovery “so simple that only a genius could have thought of it.”

Piaget’s insight opened a new window into the inner workings of the mind. By the

end of a wide-ranging and remarkably prolific research career that spanned nearly 75

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years—from his first scientific publication at age 10 to work still in progress when he

died at 84.

4. Global textile industry

The environmental impact of the global textile industry is hard to overstate. One-

third of the water used worldwide is spent fashioning fabrics. For every ton of

cloth produced, 200 tons of water is polluted with chemicals and heavy metals. An

estimated 1 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity powers the factories that card and

comb, spin and weave, and cut and stitch materials into everything from T-shirts to

towels, leaving behind mountains of solid waste and a massive carbon footprint.

“Where the industry is today is not really sustainable for the long term,” says

Shreyaskar Chaudhary, chief executive of Pratibha Syntex, a textile manufacturer

based outside Indore, India. With something of an “if you build it, they will come”

attitude, Mr.Chaudhary has steered Pratibha toward the leading edge of eco-friendly

textile production. Under his direction, Pratibha began making clothes with organic

cotton in 1999. Initially, the company couldn’t find enough organic farms growing

cotton in central India to supply its factories. To meet production demands,

Chaudhary’s team had to convince conventional cotton farmers to

change their growing methods. Pratibha provided seeds, cultivation instruction, and

a guarantee of fair trade prices for their crops. Today, Pratibha has a network of

28,000 organic cotton growers across the central states of Madhya Pradesh,

Maharashtra, and Orissa.

5. Film

Film is where art meets commerce. As Orson Welles said: ‘A painter just needs a

brush and the writer just needs a pen, but the producer needs an army. And an army

needs money. A producer is just like an entrepreneur, we raise money to make films.

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First, we need to find an original idea or a book or a play and purchase the rights, then

we need money to develop that idea often a reasonably small sum. Besides, to

commission a writer for the screen play isn’t something you would want to gamble

your own money on, so you find a partner. We are lucky here in the UK, as we have

Film4, BBC Films and the UK Film council, all of these are good places to develop an

idea. Producing in Britain is very different to producing in America or EVEN Europe

because the economic dynamic is different.

6. Ikebana

More than simply putting flowers in a container, ikebana is a disciplined art form in

which nature and humanity are brought together. Contrary to the idea of a

particolored or multicolored arrangement of blossoms, ikebana often emphasizes

other areas of the plant, such as its stems and leaves, and puts emphasis on shapes,

line, and form.

Though ikebana is an expression of creativity, certain rules govern its form. The

artist’s intention behind each arrangement is shown through a piece’s color

combinations, natural shapes, graceful lines, and the implied meaning of the


7. Father’s Books

None of the books in my father’s dusty old bookcase were forbidden. Yet while
I was growing up, I never saw anyone take one down. Most
were massive tomes – a comprehensive history of civilization, matching
volumes of the great works of western literature, numerous others I can no
longer recall – that seemed almost refused to shelves that bowed slightly from
decades of stead fast support.

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8. Push and Pull factors

People move to a new region for many different reasons. The motivation for moving

can come from a combination of what researchers sometimes call ‘push and pull

factor’- those that encourage people to leave a region, and those that attract people

to a region. Some of the factors that motivate people to move include seeking a

better climate, finding more affordable housing, looking for work or retiring from

work, leaving the congestion of city living, wanting a more pleasant environment, and

wanting to be near to family and friends. In reality, many complex factors and personal

reasons may interact to motivate a person or family to move.

9. Concept of retirement

For a start, we need to change our concept of ‘retirement’, and we need to change

mindsets arising from earlier government policy which, in the face of high

unemployment levels, encouraged mature workers to take early retirement.

Today, government encourages them to delay their retirement. We now need to think

of retirement as a phased process, where mature age workers gradually reduce their

hours, and where they have considerable flexibility in how they combine their work

and non work time.

We also need to recognize the broader change that is occurring in how people work,

learn, and live. Increasingly we are moving away from a linear relationship between

education, training, work, and retirement, as people move in and out of jobs, careers,

caregiving, study, and leisure. Employers of choice remove the barriers between the

different segments of people’s lives, by creating flexible conditions of work and a

range of leave entitlements. They take an individualised approach to workforce

planning and development so that the needs of employers and employees can be

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met simultaneously. This approach supports the different transitions that occur across

the life course – for example, school to work, becoming a parent, becoming

responsible for the care of older relatives, and moving from work to retirement.

10. What Are Allergies?

Allergies are abnormal immune system reactions to things that are typically harmless

to most people. When you’re allergic to something, your immune

system mistakenly believes that this substance is harmful to your body. (Substances

that cause allergic reactions- such as certain foods, dust, plant pollen, or medicines-

are known as allergens.)

In an attempt to protect the body, the immune system produces IGE antibodies to

that allergen. Those antibodies then cause certain cells in the body

to release chemicals into the blood stream, one of which is histamine (pronounced:

HlS- tuh- meen).

The histamine then acts on the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin, or gastrointestinal tract

and causes the symptoms of the allergic reaction. Future exposure to that same

allergen will trigger this antibody response again. This means that every time you

come into contact with that allergen, you’ll have some form of allergy symptoms.

11. Paris

Paris is very old— there has been a settlement there for at least 6000 years and its

shape has been determined in part by the River Seine, and in party by the edicts of

France’s rulers. But the great boulevards we admire today are relatively new, and

were constructed to prevent any more barricades being created by the rebellious

population; that work was carried out in the middle 19th century. The earlier Paris

had been in part a maze of narrow streets and alleyways. But you can imagine that

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the work was not only highly expensive, but caused great distress among the half a

million or so whose houses were simply razed, and whose neighborhoods

disappeared. What is done cannot usually be undone, especially when buildings

are torn down.

12. The Petrified Forest

The Petrified Forest is home to some of the most impressive fossils ever found and

more are being discovered each year as continuing erosion is exposing new

evidence. Fossils found here show the Forest was once a tropical region, filled with

towering trees and extraordinary creatures. More than 150 different species of

fossilized plants have been discovered by paleontologists and

evidence indicating ancient native people who inhabited this region about 10,000

years ago have been confirmed by archeologists.

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RO — Re-order paragraphs
1. Mario de Andrade

1) Early in 1938, Mário de Andrade, the municipal secretary of culture here,

dispatched a four-member Folklore Research Mission to the northeastern

hinterlands of Brazil on a similar mission.

2) His intention was to record as much music as possible as quickly as possible,

before encroaching influences like radio and cinema began transforming the

region’s distinctive culture.

3) Traveling by truck, horse and donkey, they recorded whoever and whatever

seemed to be interesting: piano carriers, cowboys, beggars, voodoo priests, quarry

workers, fishermen, dance troupes and even children at play.

4) But the Brazilian mission’s collection ended up languishing in vaults here.

2. A requirement of Humanities

1) A requirement of Humanities 104 is to write a persuasive paper on a topic of your


2) The topic you choose should be supported by a range of sources.

3) The source should be cited under APA guidelines, and the final draft should be

written in APA styles.

4) The final draft is due one week before the final exam

3. Sustainable development

1) Whatever happened to the idea of progress and a better future? I still believe in


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2) The Brundtland Report, Our Common Future (1987), defines sustainable

development as “development which meets the needs of the present without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

3) Implicit in this definition is the idea that the old pattern of development could not

be sustained. Is this true?

4) Development in the past was driven by growth and innovation. It led to new

technologies and huge improvements in living standards.

5) To assume that we know what the circumstances or needs of future generations

will be is mistaken and inevitably leads to the debilitating sense that we are living

on borrowed time.

4. greenhouse gas emission

1) There is a growing consensus that, if serious action is to be taken to reduce

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Canada, a price must be applied to those


2) There are, however, challenges associated with the political acceptability of carbon


3) If Canada implements a carbon price on its own, there are worries that Canadian

factories will relocate to other countries to avoid the regulation.

4) Even if other countries act in concert with Canada to price carbon, the effects will

be uneven across sectors, and lobbying efforts by relatively more-affected sectors

might threaten the political viability of the policy.

5. Speak English

1) Anyone wanting to get to the top of international business, medicine or academia

(but possibly not sport) needs to be able to speak English to a pretty high level.

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2) Equally, any native English speaker wanting to deal with these new high achievers

needs to know how to talk without baffling them.

3) Because so many English-speakers today are monoglots, they have little idea how

difficult it is to master another language.

4) Many think the best way to make foreigners understand is to be chatty and


5) This may seem friendly but, as it probably involves using colloquial expressions, it

makes comprehension harder.

6. International Economics

1) International Economics: Theory and Policy is a proven approach in which each

half of the book leads with an intuitive introduction to theory and follows with

self-contained chapters to cover key policy applications.

2) The Eighth Edition integrates the latest research, data, and policy in hot topics

such as outsourcing, economic geography, trade and environment, financial

derivatives, the subprime crisis, and China’s exchange rate policies.

3) New for the Eighth Edition, all end-of-chapter problems are integrated into

MyEconLab, the online assessment and tutorial system that accompanies the text.

4) Students get instant, targeted feedback, and instructors can encourage practice

without needing to grade work by hand. For more information visit MyEconLab.

7. Sherbet powder

1) A reaction that needs some type of energy to make it go is said to be endothermic.

It takes in energy.

2) For example, the sherbet you used for the chapter problem on page 25 is a mixture

of baking soda and citric acid.

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3) When it is mixed with water in your mouth an endothermic reaction occurs, taking

heat energy from your mouth and making it feel cooler.

4) Another example of an endothermic reaction is seen with the cold packs used by

athletes to treat injuries. These packs usually consist of a plastic bag containing

ammonium nitrate dissolves in the water.

5) This process is endothermic-taking heat energy from the surroundings and

cooling the injured part of your body. In this way the cold pack acts like an ice


8. Ants Communities

1) The communities of ants are sometimes very large, numbering even to 500,


2) And it is a lesson to us that no one has ever yet seen quarrel between any two

ants belonging to the same community.

3) However, it must be admitted that they are in hostility not only with most other

insects, including ants of different species, but even with those of the same species

if belonging to different communities.

4) I have over and over again introduced ants from one my nets into another nest of

the same species; and they were invariably attacked, seized by a leg or an antenna,


dragged out.

5) It is evident, therefore, that the ants of each community all recognize one another,

which is very remarkable.

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9. Arcelor V2

1) It was taken over by Mittal, a Dutch-registered company run from London by its

biggest single shareholder, Lakshmi Mittal, an Indian who started his first business

in Indonesia.

2) The takeover battle raged for six months before Arcelor’s bosses finally listened

to shareholders who wanted the board to accept Mittal’s third offer.

3) The story tells us two things about European business, both positive.

4) First, shareholder activism is increasing in a continent where until recently it was

depressingly rare.

5) Second, and more important, the Arcelor Mittal deal demonstrates Europe’s

deepening integration into the global economy.

10. Religious

1) Yet my study of the history of religion has revealed that human beings are spiritual

animals. Indeed, there is a case for arguing that Homo sapiens is also Homo


2) Men and women started to worship gods as soon as they became recognizably

human they created religions at the same time as they created works of art.

3) This was not simply because they wanted to propitiate powerful forces.

4) But these early faiths expressed the wonder and mystery that seems always to

have been an essential component of the human experience of this beautiful yet

terrifying world.

11. Car(Traffic)Accident

1) Frequently, car accidents occur in the morning;

2) Particularly, accidents occur from 5 am to 7 am;

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3) During this time, teenage drivers

4) Raise concerns about this age group;

5) The system also to address; New measures more qualifications for teenager to get

license. (Also there is a system)

12. An underperforming company

1) Take an underperforming company

2) Add some generous helping of debt, a few spoonful of management incentives

and trim all the fat.

3) Leave to cook for five years and you have a feast of profits.

4) That has been the recipe for private-equity groups during the past 200 years.

13. Fiber VS. Wool and Silk

1) Fibers suitable for clothing have been made for the first time from the wheat

protein gluten.

2) The fibers are as strong and soft as wool and silk, but up to 30 times cheaper.

3) Narendra Reddy and Yiqi Yang, who produced the fibers at the University of

Nebraska in Lincoln.

4) He says that because they are biodegradable, they might be used in biomedical

applications such as surgical sutures.

14. IT Innovation

1) Innovation in India is as much due to entrepreneurialism as it is to IT skills, says

Arun Maria, chairman of Boston Consulting Group in India.

2) Indian businessmen have used IT to create new business models that enable them

to provide services in a more cost effective way.

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3) This is not something that necessarily requires expensive technical research.

4) He suggests the country’s computer services industry can simply outsource

research to foreign universities if the capability is not available locally.

5) “This way, I will have access to the best scientists in the world without having to

produce them myself,” said Mr. Maria.

15. Peru Timber -SEPAHUA

1) SEPAHUA, a ramshackle town on the edge of Peru’s Amazon jungle, nestles in a

pocket on the map where a river of the same name flows into the Urubamba.

2) That pocket denotes a tiny patch of legally loggable land sandwiched between

four natural reserves, all rich in mahogany and accessible from the town.

“Boundaries are on maps,” says a local logger, “maps are only in Lima,” the


3) In 2001 the government, egged on by WWF, a green group, tried to regulate

logging in the relatively small part of the Peruvian Amazon where this is allowed.

4) It abolished the previous system of annual contracts.

5) Instead, it auctioned 40- year concessions to areas ruled off on a map, with the

right to log 5% of the area each year. The aim was to encourage strict management

plans and sustainable extraction.

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SST — Summarize spoken text


1. Language in danger

Language death is not mainstream theatre. It is not mainstream anything. Can you

imagine Hollywood taking it on? It is so far outside the mindsets of most people that

they have difficulty appreciating what the crisis is all about, because they are not used

to thinking more about language as an issue in itself. Somehow we need to change

these mindsets.

We need to get people thinking about language more explicitly, more intimately, more

enthusiastically. Interest in language is certainly there, in the general population –

most people are fascinated by such topics as where words come from, or what the

origin of their town’s name is, or whether their baby’s name means anything; they

are certainly prepared to play Scrabble and a host of other language games and

infinitum; and language games are often found on radio and television, too – but a

willingness to focus that interest on general issues, a preparedness to take on board

the emotion and drama inherent in the situation of language endangerment, is not

something that happens much.

Sample answer: The lecture talks about the language in danger. Although language

death is not a mainstream theatre, many people have no idea what it is about and do

not take it as an issue. However, these mindsets need to be changed. Although most

people are fascinated by some language games, a willingness to focus that interest

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on general issues is rare.

2. Drug Ads

The amount of money drug companies spend on TV ads has doubled in recent years.

Studies show they work: Consumers go to their doctor with a suggestion for a certain

prescription drug they saw advertised on TV. Now a study in the Annals of Family

Medicine raises questions about the message the ads promote. You’re most likely

to see drug ads during prime time, especially around the news. Researchers analyzed

ads aimed at people with conditions like hypertension, herpes, high cholesterol,

depression, arthritis and allergies.

The drug industry says the ads arm consumers with information. Researchers found

that the information was technically accurate, but the tone was misleading.

”Typically, what we would see with these ads is that before taking a particular

prescription drug, the character’s life is out of control and the loss of control

extended beyond the impact of their health condition says UCLA psychologist

Dominick Frosch, who headed the study.

For example, herpes patients were portrayed as being incapacitated for days.

Insomniacs were utterly out of 23 synch on the job. Depressed patients were friendless

and boring at parties.

”When the character is then shown taking the drug, he then magically regains

complete control of his life.” Frosch notes.

None of the ads mentioned lifestyle changes that could also help treat the condition.

That’s not surprising, given that the ads are just another form of mass marketing.

But prescription medicines are not soap.

Sample answer: The amount of money that drug companies spend on TV ads has

doubled in recent years. However, the drug companies said the ads harmed

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consumers with information and researchers found that the information was

technically accurate, but the tone was misleading. None of ads mentioned lifestyle

changes could help the condition, because ads are just another form of mass

marketing. Prescribed medicines are not soap, so medicines should be regulated.

3. The livable planet

"How often does a civilization occur? By studying that, we could look at stars that are

suitable for the development of civilizations. How many new stars appear every year?

Seven, but some stars are too cold and some are too hot. Only about 20% can be

considered as suitable. We all know that there are some factors for species and

animals to survive and reproduce, including environmental conditions, temperature

tolerance range, body size, weight, diets, seasonal and daily activity, behavior, and the

altitude they live.

Animals migrate to find a new habitat because the change of environment and only

species that have the tolerance for new environment could survive and reproduce.

Human beings are the only organism that makes extensive use of technology to

extend the limits of its natural tolerance range"

Sample answer: This lecture talks about the possibility of a civilization occurs. There

are seven stars appear every year averagely, among which only 20% can be considered

as a suitable place for living. A lot of factors may affect the survival of animals, such

as environmental conditions, body size, weight, diets and living altitude. Human

beings can survive and reproduce because they use technology to extend the limits

of their natural tolerance range.

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4. Indian peasants’ debt

The debt today is so high, it’s two hundred thousand rupees, three hundred

thousand rupees of peasant who have no capital. They who know within a year or two,

when they accumulate that kind of debt. Where is the debt coming from? It's coming

from a seed that is costing a hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rupees per

kilogram, depending on what you got. Seed that used to be free, used to be theirs.

Pesticides each time, they more they use, the more they have to use, 12 sprays, 15

sprays, 20 sprays. Pesticides used in just the last five years in the land areas of India

has showed up by 2000 percent. That is what the free market and globalization have

brought and since we are talking about peasants, who have no money, who have no

capital, they can only buy expensive seeds and expensive pesticides by borrowing.

And who lend that money? The seed companies that sell the pesticides, which are the

same companies that sell the seeds, as you know, are now also the major creditors.

Sample answer: In this lecture, the speaker talks about the debt of Indian peasants,

coming from the high cost of seeds and pesticides. Though lacking of capital, Indian

farmers still have to buy them and lend money from the seed companies, the major

creditor, arising from the free market and globalization.

5. Globalization

What is globalization?

Globalization can usefully be conceived as a process (or set of processes), which

embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations, and

transactions, generating transcontinental or interregional flows and networks of

activity, interaction and power.

It is characterized by four types of change:

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First, it involves a stretching of social, political and economic activities across political

frontiers, regions and continents.

Second, it suggests the intensification, or the growing magnitude, of

interconnectedness and flows of trade, investment, finance, migration, culture, etc.

Third, the growing extensity and intensity of global interconnectedness can be linked

to a speeding up of global interactions and processes, as the evolution of world-wide

systems of transport and communication increases the velocity of the diffusion of

ideas, goods, information, capital, and people.

Fourth, the growing extensity, intensity and velocity of global interactions can be

associated with their deepening impact such that the effects of distant events can be

highly significant elsewhere and even the most local developments may come to have

enormous global consequences. In this sense, the boundaries between domestic

matters and global affairs can become increasingly blurred.

Globalization has three definitions. There are more trade transactions,

communications, services and multinational companies across the border. There are

more travels and cooperation between different countries. A global and integrated

economic system has been formed in the world. One country does not depend on

itself only, but countries interact more with each other in terms of production and


Sample answer: Globalization is a process which embodies a transformation,

generating transcontinental flows and networks of activity. It has four types of change.

Furthermore, globalization has three definitions. There are more trade transactions,

communications, services, more travels and cooperation between different countries

and multinational companies across the border. A global and integrated economic

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system has been formed where countries interact more with each other in terms of

production and consumption.

6. Marketing

In the most developed countries, especially in those with democracy, market economy

is the essential in history development. In the 18th and 19th century, industrial

revolution had a negative effect on people living in all class in the world, which

resulted in decreasing in life expectancy, height, human population and poor medical

records. However, legislations were issued to deal with corporate coordination and

business behaviors. Other legislations were issued to start battling with environmental

conditions. These legislations helped market economy worked. Thus, nowadays, the

market economy brings benefits far more than we shared 100 years ago.

Sample answer: In this lecture, the speaker illustrated the importance of market

economy in history development. The industrial revolution resulted in negative

impacts on many aspects of human life. Then, some laws were published to address

those issues and helped market economy worked. Therefore, the market economy

brings more benefits compared to that in 100 years ago.

7. DNA & RNA

The biology lecture is about DNA and RNA. In the PPT, from the left to right are

butterflies, flowers and dolphins and other animals. They look different, but actually,

they are interconnected. All creatures are based on genetic and inherited information.

Cells are the foundation of building organs, within which the same chemicals are

contained. All cells have DNA and RNA, which are used for storing and transmitting

genetic and inherited material. All organs have metabolism systems, which convert

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energy from one form to another by chemical reaction. DNA RNA is to record and

transmit genetic information 23% from each parent.

Sample answer: The biology lecture concerns the concept of DNA and RNA.

Creatures are interconnected and based on genetic and inherited information which

are stored and transmitted by DNA and RNA contained in cells – the foundation of

building organs. Furthermore, DNA and RNA are capable of recording and

transmitting 23% of genetic information from each parent.

8. Fishing industry in Africa

Sample answer: A major source of food for residents in Africa who have long being

suffered from poverty is fish. They live on fish and it is where their protein mainly

comes from. What’s more, besides animal tourism, the fishing industry is also a

source of foreign income. By attracting tourists from all over the world, it effectively

contributes to the economic development of the country.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

9. Animal survives and reproduces

Sample answer: The lecture discusses the factors for animal survival and reproduction.

The main factors include environmental conditions, temperature, tolerance range,

body size, diets, seasonal and daily activity, and behaviour. One creature would die if

put into a refrigerator. Some species even migrate to find suitable habitats for

different climate and season. Climate and season are vital factors for animal survival.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

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10. The definition of risk

Sample answer: When looking up the dictionary, there are different literal definitions

of risk. One means the possibility or chance of loss, injuries or being in danger. The

other is the consequences of danger like injuries. Also, there is a difference between

safety and safe. Safe means being out of dangerous situations, and safety is a

condition of being safe.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

11. History

Sample answer: This topic is described as good quality of history. Qualities of history

and journal are similar because they all need resource and evidence, attention of logic,

style and writing, which are crucial factors for academic and journal papers. Thus,

there is no clear line between qualities of history and journal.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

12. Laugh and humor

Laughter is one of the greatest therapies in combating adversity; and whole

communities and nations have frequently relied on humour to get them through their

bleakest times.

On august 13, 1961, the barbed wire was rolled out of Berlin to create the Berlin wall.

For nearly 30 years, until it was dismantled, wall jokes proliferated -especially among

those living in the east. Laughing was all that was left.

Jokes about those who rule you - and sometimes those who tyrannise you - are a

form of folklore that has existed in societies as seemingly different as communist

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Eastern Europe, Czarist Russia, modern Egypt, 12-century Persia, and modern-day Iran.

Humour can also be wonderfully subversive. It can protect self-respect and identity.

Sample answer: The lecture focuses on the salient strength of laughter as a cue to

adversity. Accordingly, a further example about Berlin wall is given, in which joke acts

as the spiritual support for people there. Besides, it is common to find the jokes about

ruler, but they vary in different countries. Though humour can be a form of

subversiveness, it protects self-respect and identity.

13. Vitamin D

Vitamin D refers to a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for increasing

intestinal absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc. In humans,

the most important compounds in this group are vitamin D3 (also known as

cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). Cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol can

be ingested from the diet and from supplements. Very few foods contain vitamin D;

synthesis of vitamin D in the skin is the major natural source of the vitamin. Dermal

synthesis of vitamin D from cholesterol is dependent on sun exposure (specifically

UVB radiation).

Vitamin D from the diet or dermal synthesis from sunlight is biologically inactive;

activation requires enzymatic conversion (hydroxylation) in the liver and kidney.

Evidence indicates the synthesis of vitamin D from sun exposure is regulated by a

negative feedback loop that prevents toxicity, but because of uncertainty about the

cancer risk from sunlight, no recommendations are issued by the Institute of Medicine

(US) for the amount of sun exposure required to meet vitamin D requirements.

Accordingly, the Dietary Reference Intake for vitamin D assumes no synthesis occurs

and all of a person’s vitamin D is from food intake, although that will rarely occur in

practice. As vitamin D is synthesized in adequate amounts by most mammals exposed

to sunlight, it is not strictly a vitamin, and may be considered a hormone as its

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synthesis and activity occur in different locations. Vitamin D has a significant role in

calcium homeostasis and metabolism. Its discovery was due to effort to find the

dietary substance lacking in rickets.

Sample answer: Vitamin D refers to a group of fat-soluble elements responsible for

increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, iron and zinc. Furthermore, very few foods

contain vitamin D and it is the major natural source of the vitamin. In conclusion,

evidences indicate that vitamin D from sunlight exposure is regulated by a negative

feedback but still significant. Vitamin D is not strictly a vitamin and may be considered

as a hormone.

14. Citizenship curriculum V1

Last month I published alongside my annual report a subject report on the

development of citizenship in schools. The report celebrates the success of some

schools in implementing the citizenship curriculum. It praises those schools where

there have been substantial developments in the subject, and which now go a long

way towards fulfilling national curriculum requirements. In the report we are critical

of schools which have not taken citizenship seriously, either through reluctance or lack

of capacity to make appropriate provision in the curriculum. Citizenship is

marginalized in the curriculum in one fifth of schools. It is less well established in the

curriculum than other subjects, and less well taught and some critics have seized on

this as a reason for wanting to step back from supporting it. Yet, the progress made

to date by the more committed schools suggests that the reasons for introducing

citizenship are both worthwhile and can be fulfilled, given the time and resources.

Indeed, those reasons are given added weight by national and global events of the

past few months. While not claiming too much, citizenship can address core skills,

attitudes and values that young people need to consider as they come to terms with

a changing world.

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Sample answer: This topic is described as the importance of citizenship curriculum.

Citizenship curriculum is neglected by many schools. There are only one fifth schools

introducing this class to campus and they allocated less time for the curriculum than

other subjects. The curriculum will be beneficial to improve student’s skills and install

positive attitude. In conclusion, school’s management and authorities do not pay

enough attention on the curriculum.

15. Citizenship curriculum V1

Citizenship education is important subject in schools as compared to the past.

However, only 1/5 of schools have such courses that provide student right skills and

attitudes. In the past, people were reluctant to teach. It is important for students in

this changing world. There are still problems in teaching this subject due to lack of

commitment and lack of teachers to teach. Criticism about the theory of citizenship

education is ineffective, unless schools themselves reflected democratic practices by

giving children the opportunity to have a say over decision making. It suggests that

schools are fundamentally undemocratic institutions, and that such a setting cannot

instill in children the commitment and belief in democratic values that is necessary for

citizenship education to have a proper impact. Citizenship education is one critical

element, and students will acquire knowledge of civics, including the principles of

democracy and associated local, state and Australian government structure and

processes. In addition, students will also learn to participate responsibly and

cooperatively in community.

Citizenship curriculum is very important for students, but it is neglected by many

schools. There are only 1/5 schools introduced this class to campus and allocated less

time than other subjects. Moreover, the professor pointed out if given enough time in

citizenship curriculum, it will be beneficial to improve student's skills and install

positive attitude towards the changing world and tackle the issues such as lack of

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Sample answer: Citizenship curriculum is important for students, but it is neglected

by many schools. There are only one fifth schools introducing this class to campus

and allocated less time than other subjects. Moreover, the professor pointed out if

given enough time in citizenship curriculum, it will be beneficial to improve student’s

skills and install positive attitude towards the changing world and tackle the issues

such as lack of leadership.

16. Novelist

I have been writing non-fiction for years, and secretly wanting to be a novelist.

When I first started writing at the age of 30, it was with the intention of writing fiction,

but I took a little detour for 10 or 12 years, and write non-fiction which I absolutely

have no regret about at all. I think it's exactly the right thing for me to do. But there's

this dream tucked away inside of me to do this. Now I am remembering reading

something that Eudora Welty wrote, who is a great novelist from Mississippi who had

a big influence on me actually. She said, " No art ever came out of not risking your

neck." And I think she's absolutely right. It felt that way to me at the time, it actually

feels that way every time I sit down to write something. Finally, in the early 90s, I took

my deep breath, and started writing fiction. It felt risky to me at the time to do that.

And one of the very first things I wrote was, what I thought was going to be the first

chapter of a novel, called "The Secret Life of Bees". I wrote it in 1992, and it is actually

essentially the first chapter of the novel as it is now.

Sample answer: A novelist, who has been writing non-fiction for years with the

intention of writing fiction at first, took a little detour for about 10 years. Moreover, a

great novelist had a big influence on her. Finally, in the early 90s, she started writing

fiction even though she felt risky at the time to do it. To conclude, the first chapter of

the novel is called the secret life of bees.

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17. Definitions of globalization

There are many definitions of what the economic globalization is, but an important

aspect of most is that it involves reducing or removing the barriers limiting the free

movement of business, trade (exports and imports), investment and even labour

across national borders. First, globalization means the increase in international trade

transactions and multinational companies across the border. Secondly, globalization

represents an integrated economic system than ever before. Some countries produce

goods, and some consume goods, which means one country's economy may depend

on another country more transactions across countries. But in the past, they are

economic independent while they are now parts of global economy.

Sample answer: This topic is about economic globalization for reducing or removing

the barriers. The increase in international trade transactions and multinational

companies can be used to explain increasing interactions and communications among

countries, Furthermore, integrated economic system can be used to explain that

countries play different roles. In conclusion, the current global status is used to explain

that countries rely on each other, becoming economic dependent rather than


18. Differences of memories

Sample answer: Memory system includes implicit memory and explicit memory.

Implicit memory is also called procedural memory, which cannot be consciously

recalled. With implicit memory, behaviour is automatic, and we do not know when we

use it such as using language naturally, driving and reading. However, explicit memory

consists of personal memories related to time, space and people including

remembering one's birthdays and answering multiple questions.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

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19. Genes development

Sample answer: This lecture talks about development of genes. Firstly, there are some

genetic differences on cognitive abilities between modern people and ancestors.

Furthermore, the small number of different genes between modern people and

people from 5000 years ago can be highlighted. And the way people piss has no

difference with our ancestors in half million years ago, because the genes didn't

change too much.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

20. Sign language

Sample answer: Sign language is a language theory of human communication. Sign

language and movements are used to convey ideas. In other words, you can ask for

help with your gestures instead of using words language. The origin of symbolic

system was developed when people try to communicate with each other, and sign

language means hand words. This is supported by example of comparing human

beings and rhinoceros.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

21. Decline of bees

Sample answer: The well-documented and real conclusion show the sign of a

decrease in a number of bees. It is not yet catastrophic but it could be. The drivers of

these declines vary, depending on different species. The loss of pollination could be

huge and catastrophic, which was not yet been proved. But the positive side is that

people are aware of this and are taking actions to fix it.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

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22. Time machine

Sample answer: A main problem of time travel is that people need to know what

exactly time is. People know what time means when they talk about it. But no one can

explain it in specific. Talking about what is time has been a popular topic in modern

society. Time is not a new subject, it appeared 600 years ago.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

23. Language extinction

Sample answer: This topic is described as language and convention. The rules of

languages are reflected by convention, which represents the ways that people think

and understand. Each language is unique, valuable and not translatable, since the

meaning of a word in different languages is not exactly the same. Even some simple

languages let us understand the world and are important. All the languages are

important for document review purpose and human heritage.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

24. Development of gene

Sample answer: This lecture talks about development of genes. Firstly, there are some

genetic differences on cognitive abilities between modern people and ancestors.

Furthermore, the small number of different genes between modern people and

people from 5000 years ago can be highlighted. And the way people piss has no

difference with our ancestors in half million years ago, because the genes didn't

change too much.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls.

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25. Obesity and body fat

Sample answer: 31 obese women volunteered an experiment that tested on body fat

changes. They followed strict daily diet requirements and did exercise regularly. After

6 months, some of them lost weight, while others stayed the same and some even

gained weight. There are two explanations: some of them may have cheated on the

diet, or some of them consciously or unconsciously did less exercise.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls.

26. Einstein and space

Sample answer: This lecture talks about the theory of relativity and space and the

dynamic change. In the past, people believed that universe was absolutely fixed and

unchanged. However, this has been transformed by Einstein's concept of

transformation. Stars and planets are under continuous dynamical changes. In

conclusion, Einstein is not the first person who proposed this theory.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls.

27. Australian housing

Sample answer: Australian housing price has increased dramatically recently as

Australia has been through a long period of uninterrupted economic growth over the

past 15 years. At that time, the mortgage rate was half. Therefore, everyone can afford

to borrow money from banks to buy a house. However, the house price has been

soaring now because of the increase in immigration and purchasing power.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

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28. Climate change

There can now be no reasonable, science-based, doubt about the reality of global

climate change effects brought on by the cumulative and rapidly growing emission of

so-called ‘greenhouse’ gasses – primarily carbon dioxide – into the atmosphere.

As these effects become increasingly more obvious worldwide, so commercial

interests, groups of concerned individuals and national governments have been

gripped by what amounts to mass panic about what to do about it. To many, Paul

Ehrlich’s Malthusian ‘Population Bomb’ of 1968 appears about to explode in the

world’s face in an indirect version of his millenarian vision of population growth

which outpaces agricultural production capacity-with predictably catastrophic results

for humanity. And his three-part crisis scenario does indeed seem now to be present:

a rapid rate of change, a limit of some sort, and delays in perceiving that limit.

Ehrlich’s work was roundly criticized at the time, and later, from many quarters, and

much of what he predicted did not come about. Nevertheless, can the world afford to

take the risk that the climate scientists have got it wrong? Is it not in everyone’s

interests to apply the Precautionary Principle in attempting to avoid the worst of their

predictions – now, rather than at some future time? As the Chairman of the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, has recently

pointed out, eleven of the warmest years since instrumental records began have

occurred in the past twelve, while major precipitation changes are taking place on a

global scale.

Sample answer: The lecture talks about the prediction and reality of global warming.

Individuals and governments are worrying about what to do as the effects of climate

change become more obvious and population growth would cause terrible results for

humanity. Although the predictions do not come true, human beings cannot afford

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the result of wrong prediction and must take actions to avoid the worst of their


29. Global warming

There can now be no reasonable, science-based, doubt about the reality of global

climate change effects brought on by the cumulative and rapidly growing emission of

so-called ‘greenhouse’ gasses – primarily carbon dioxide – into the atmosphere. As

these effects become increasingly more obvious worldwide, so commercial interests,

groups of concerned individuals and national governments have been gripped by

what amounts to mass panic about what to do about it. To many, Paul Ehrlich’s

Malthusian ‘Population Bomb’ of 1968 appears about to explode in the world’s

face in an indirect version of his millenarian vision of population growth which

outpaces agricultural production capacity-with predictably catastrophic results for

humanity. And his three-part crisis scenario does indeed seem now to be present: a

rapid rate of change, A limit of some sort, and delays in perceiving that limit. Ehrlich’s

work was roundly criticized at the time, and later, from many quarters, and much of

what he predicted did not come about. Nevertheless, can the world afford to take the

risk that the climate scientists have got it wrong? Is it not in everyone’s interests to

apply the Precautionary Principle in attempting to avoid the worst of their predictions

– now, rather than at some future time? As the Chairman of the Intergovernmental

Panel on Climate Change, Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, has recently pointed out, eleven of

the warmest years since instrumental records began have occurred in the past twelve,

while major precipitation changes are taking place on a global scale.

Sample answer: The lecture talks about the prediction and reality of global warming.

Individuals and governments are worrying about what to do as the effects of climate

change become more obvious and population growth would cause terrible results for

humanity. Although the predictions do not come true, human beings cannot afford

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the result of wrong prediction and must take actions to avoid the worst of their


30. Talent war V1

Talent is premium and there is a war for talents in 1990's because of the talent

shortage. Companies and countries are recruiting young talented people from

different countries and sending young people to universities. Some young people

immigrated after they graduated from the university. They compete with the local

students. Countries and organizations should put talents at the primary positions. The

collapse of loyalty makes employees happy to change their workplace because of the

higher income. There are three reasons: first, the change of nature of economy leads

to increase in the talents demand and need skills.

Second, the shrinking labour force after the baby-boom causes less supply of skilled

workers and the retirement of baby-boomers will cause a shortage of experienced

workers. Third, there is also a mismatch between what schools are producing and what

companies need.

Sample answer: The lecture was about the talent war and the reasons behind it. In

1990s, companies and countries recruited young talents from universities around the

world, which intensified the competition with local students. Higher income, shrinkage

of labour force and mismatch between university education and the company

requirements were the main reasons for this phenomenon.

31. University competition

Today a university like the LSE certainly has to acknowledge that it is in competition

for the best students, all of whom have choices they can exercise, and many of them

choices which run across national and continental borders. We are in competition, too,

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for staff. The academic job market is one of the most global 25 there is. And in the

21st century English is the new Latin, so universities in English speaking countries are

exposed to more intensive competition than those elsewhere. We are in competition

for government funding, through the assessment of research quality. We are in

competition for research contracts, from public and private sector sources, and indeed

we are in competition for the philanthropic pound. Many of our own donors were at

more than one university, and indeed think of the LSEs requests alongside those of

other charities to which they are committed. That is a competitive environment which

is particularly visible to a vice-Chancellor.

Sample answer: The competition between universities is not only for best students

who had choices nationally and internationally, but staff in the academic job market.

It is more intense in English-speaking countries since English is the new Latin. There

are also other competitions such as research contract from public and private sectors,

government funding assessed by research quality and charity donations. Overall, the

competitive environment is particularly visible to the vice-chancellor.

32. Government power

Sample answer: The lecture talks about the necessary of modifying government

powers. It is also important to address the different opinions holding by the

democratic party and the republican party. While the democratic party claims that the

government should hold the big power and entitlements, the republicans believe the

government should share its powers with the states and people.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

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Sample answer: The lecture talks about the misuse of drugs and corresponding

solutions. Firstly, parents should put drugs in closed lid box to avoid children taking

wrong drugs accidentally. Secondly, wrong prescription may cause drugs misuse as

some people are allergic to certain drugs. Lastly, it is dangerous for patients to take

drugs without knowing their different resistance and duration. Therefore, medical

courses can be introduced to prevent these circumstances.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

34. Prevention of pandemic Transmitting

Sample answer: This topic is described as prevention of pandemic transmitting that

the impact of pandemic is catastrophic. The government of the United States makes

efforts to prevent pandemic transmitting within communities. Furthermore, clinical

preparation or other treatments were researched, such as antiviral drugs and vaccine.

However, there are some difficulties of preventing pandemic transmitting in

developing countries than more developed countries because of the insufficient

resources in developing countries.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

35. London architecture

Sample answer: The architectures in West London are very ugly. Bad architecture can

have negative impacts including feeling frustrated and angry because buildings last

long enough to affect people’s life. However, whether architectures are beautiful or

ugly depend on the eye of different people, since the architects may regard them as

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beautiful. There is a book about how architectures work in cities such as San Francisco,

Madrid and Frankfurt.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

36. Adam Smith

Sample answer: The lecture mainly talks about Adam Smith’s social theory.

Although democracy has been established in developed countries, the severe

pollution caused by industrial revolution has done massive damages including the

decline of living expectancy and living standards. Therefore, some legislation about

working and environmental conditions were introduced to rectify our behaviours. In

addition, industrial development is the output instead of the input, which should be

equally important to national income.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

37. The Big Bang Theory

Sample answer: This topic is described as cosmology and Big Bang Theory, which is

an amazing discovery. It is previously believed that big bang happened around 10 to

20 billion years ago, but it actually happened 13.8 billion years ago instead of 13 or

14 billion years ago. After the Big Bang, the universe keeps changing. Even when the

universe started is known, we still need to understand the future that how it developed.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

38. Devolution of Power

Sample answer: The topic is about the devolution of power from the government to

the general public, and the need of modifying government power is a philosophical

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question. While the Democratic Party claims that the government should hold the big

power and entitlements, the Republicans believe the government should share its

power with the states and people. Therefore, the Republican Party decides to hide

power from the general public.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

39. Genes affect human behaviours

Sample answer: This topic is described as gene study. Recent research has shown that

genes can determine not only humans’ physical features, such as height and hair,

but also psychological and mental features, such as our behaviours. Therefor our

research on genetics has provided interesting information to biology, psychology and

neuroscience as well.

The sample answer is derived from candidates’ recalls

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WFD — Write from dictation

1. A synopsis contains the most important information.
2. All of the assignments should be submitted in person to the faculty office.
3. Animals raised in captivity behave differently from their wild counterparts
4. Artists are other than politicians played their own roles of cultural critics.
5. Clinical placement in nursing prepares students for professional practice.
6. he most striking thing about the/this budget of smartphone cannot be seen on
its face.
7. It is absolutely vital that you acknowledge all your sources.
8. Leading companies have changed their policies after reports were released.
9. Many graduates studying journalism get jobs in communications field.
10. Most of students have not considered these issues before.
11. Native speakers’ language tests are/ test is examined in their own language.
12. Observers waited nervously and held their breath for the concert.
13. Remember, the prestigious selection has strict eligibility criteria.
14. Review all materials before drawing your conclusion.

15. Scientists are always asking the government for money.
16. She used to be an editor of the student’s newspaper.
17. Students are instructed to hand in their assignments by the end of this week.
18. Students have the options to live in college residencies or apartments.

19. Students will focus on reporting news on changing media world.
20. Supply and demand is one of the most fundamental concepts in economics.
21. Teaching assistants will receive a monthly remuneration for housing.
22. The aerial photograph was promptly registered for federal evaluations.
23. The artists tied with the conservative politicians earned the roles of critics.
24. The campus tour runs daily during summer for prospective students.
25. The chemical / chemistry building is in the interior of the campus. (something like
26. The evaluation form will be reviewed by university personnel.
27. The library has/holds a substantial collection on economic history.
28. The massive accumulation of data is converted into a communicable argument.
29. The nation achieved prosperity by opening its exports for trade
30. The placement test of mathematics and science is open to every semester.
31. The same issue featured both explanations of the problem.

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32. The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide.

33. The students are/were instructed to submit their assignments by Friday.
34. The teacher asks the group to commence the task.
35. The theatre study course encourages students to exercise creativity.
36. The toughest part of public transport is funding.
37. The ways (in which) people communicate are constantly changing.
38. They were struggling last year to make their service pay.
39. University departments should carefully monitor articles and publications by
40. While reconciliation is desirable, the basic underlying issues should/must be
41. You are required to complete your research paper by next Monday.
42. You may need to purchase an academic gown before the commencement.
43. You must submit your assignment by next Friday at the latest.
44. Your lowest grade has been eliminated from calculation. /Your lowest quiz grade
has been omitted from the calculations.

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