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第 1 学期 第8周 每日教学计划


日期 22. 02. 2018 星期 四
Tarikh Hari
BI Focus skill Reading
2H Theme World of self, family and friends
8.30- 9.30 Topic Friends
Content standard 3.1
Complementary CS 1.2
Learning standard 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final sounds in a word
Complementary LS 1.2.4 Understand short basic supported classroom instructions
Learning objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and circle 3/6 numbers correctly.
Complementary LO By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and count the numbers.
Activities Starter: Action song
Act 1: Listen and count.
Act 2: Show me your answers. Pupils listen and write the numbers on their white board.
Closure: Action time
Success criteria Pupils can count 1 - 10
CCE Language

BI Focus Writing
4T Theme World of self, family and friends
10.20- Topic Unit 3: Love Others
11.20 Learning standard 3.2.1 b
Learning objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to create a poster in group.
Activities Starter: Speak aloud
Act 1: Stand N Share – elements of the poster (time, date, place etc)
Act 2: Fill in the blanks/ stand up pair up
Closure: Gallery walk
Success criteria Pupils can find information in the passage and make a poster.
CCE Interpersonal
I-think/ VLE FROG -
Focus words Charity, shelter, donations, organiser

BI Focus Writing
6T Theme World of knowledge
11.50- Topic Unit 4: Learning how to learn
12.50 Learning standard 3.2.2
Learning objective By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write an informal letter to your friend.
Activities Starter: Types of letter.
Act 1: Pupils recognise the format of informal letter.
Act 2: Pupils write the letter with guidance.
Closure: Activity book
Success criteria Pupils can write an informal letter with correct format.
CCE Linguistic intelligence
I-think/ VLE FROG -
Focus words -

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