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1. What are the Publish Site modes?

a. Normal, Fast
b. Full, Partial
c. Incremental, Smart, Republish
d. Add, Revert, Antipublish
2. What’s the difference between SOLR and Azure Search?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. Solr is the default search engine for content search and Microsoft Azure Search is the
default search engine for cloud deployments on Microsoft Azure PaaS
3. Which tool is created for authors content management?
a. Content Editor
b. Experience Editor
c. Media Library
d. Launchpad
4. What is Launchpad?
a. Used for browsing content
b. Main entrypoint for Sitecore – dashboard
c. Windows-like menu
d. Application search
5. What is the recommended way to add settings to web.config?
a. A
b. b
c. Create a new .config with patch statement, which will add or modify existing
settings. New config should be inserted to the right layer (Environment –
environment-specific settings or Include - custom)
d. d
6. Which are the databases used in Public facing site?
a. Master
b. Web for live, Master for authors
c. Core, Master, Web
d. Web
7. Why you should not use Context Database for adding items?
a. The Context Database may not be a database that we expect (we want Master)
b. B
c. C
d. D
8. How will you render the raw list of IDs in Multilist field?
a. MultilistField m = item.Fields[“MultilistFieldName”];
var myItems = m.GetItems();
foreach(var item in myitems)
9. You want to give access to certain item to all Sitecore Users. Which is the best way to achieve
a. User Manager
b. Security Editor
c. Role Manager
d. Access Viewer
10. Why and where would you use Insert Options?
a. To control what authors can add; Insert options” on a template
b. To control what authors can add; in Standard Values of a template
c. To make it easy for authors; in a field “Insert options” on a template
d. To allow more choices for authos; in Standard Values of a template
11. Where would you set sorting of child items of a parent item?
a. Standard Values -> Subitems sorting
b. B
c. C
d. D
12. What is a template?
a. A
b. B
c. An item which defines structure and behavior of other items (created based on this
d. D
13. Which interface Sitecore Marketer will use to personalize item?
a. Experience Profile
b. Marketing Automation
c. Content Editor or Experience Editor - Optimization
d. Federated Experience Management
14. How to login to Sitecore after first installation?
a. sitecoreAdmin:b
b. b: admin
c. admin: b
d. admin: password
15. How Sitecore will identify returning users?
a. Sitecore relies on cookies to track anonymous contacts - specifically the
b. Sitecore stores data in session
c. Sitecore checks user biometrics
d. Sitecore asks user about his email
16. How to add custom property to Contact?
a. Create custom logging
b. Implement own tracking
c. Create custom Facet
d. Add new field to Contact template
17. Why is GetChildren() better than Children property?
a. A
b. This flexibility is why .GetChildren() is preferred over .Children for retrieving a
ChildList collection of children items.
c. For example, to ignore any security applied on those items, use:
d. D
18. Where Sitecore looks first to set language?
a. Sitecore.Context.Language
b. Language in cookie
c. Sc_language in query string
d. Sc_lang in query string
19. What happens when item doesn’t have insert options defined?
a. Sitecore Standard Templates can be added
b. No role can add anything
c. Authors can add every template with insert from template
d. Authors can’t add anything, admins can insert from template
20. Which part of Sitecore returns Item’s URL?
a. UrlProvider
b. MediaManager
c. LinkManager
d. SitecoreContext
21. Web Content Management Tool?
a. Experience Management
b. Experience Connect
c. Experience Platform
d. Contact Editor
22. What’s a vertical scaling?
a. Split the work of single server into multiple servers (servers with smaller, dedicated
b. Add more servers fulfilling the same function
c. Add more memory to servers
d. Add more developers
23. When the field can be editable inline?
a. When it’s a complex type
b. Always
c. When it’s a simple type and DisableWebEdit is set to false
d. Never
24. Which sitecore’s element is the most MVC in its’ shape?
a. View Rendering
b. Template
c. Controller Rendering
d. Placeholder Setting
25. When to use Shared fields?
a. When value of the field should be the same in each language
b. When value of the field should be the same in each version and language
c. When value of the field should be the same in each version
d. When value of the field should not be visible
26. What should be done when there are two fields of the same names in Templates A and B?
a. Nothing
b. Inherit B from A and delete fields from A
c. Inherit B from A and delete fields from B
d. Create a base template and inherit A and B from it
27. Two templates with Rich Text field called “Rich Text Description”. But one field should have
the font editable, and the other not. Can we inherit one from the other?
a. Yes, the one with editable font with the one without
b. Yes, the one without editable font with the one with
c. No
d. Create a base template
28. Bucket has over 1000 elements – how should we get them?
a. .GetChildren() on bucket item
b. Content Search
c. Fast query
d. Axes.GetDescendants()
29. Which databases are used by Content Delivery and Content management servers?
a. CD – web + core; CM – master
b. CD – web + core; CM – master + core
c. CD – web; CM -all of them
d. CD – web + core; CM – all of them
30. What is stored in Core Database?
a. Content items
b. Published Items
c. Security tables; sitecore UIs, .NET membership
d. Security tables; sitecore UIs, .NET membership, content items
31. How to publish the file changed in solution (not in content)?
a. Smart Publish in Sitecore Rocks
b. Publish site in Content Editor
c. Publish in Visual Studio
d. Rebuild in Visual Studio
32. What’s the recommended architecture for Sitecore instances?
a. Habitat
b. Unicorn
c. Glass.Mapper
d. Helix
33. Why would you use General Link Field?
a. Correctly inserts <a> tags
b. Allows to insert many different link types and worries about link compatibility
c. C
d. D
34. What’s the name of unique identifier of a placeholder?
a. Placeholder Setting
b. Placeholder Key
c. Placeholder Name
d. Placeholder Id
35. Where are Rendering Parameters stored?
a. Item configuration
b. Standard Values => Presentation Details
c. Presentation Details ( plain text as key-value-pairs )
d. Template field
36. Where to set Presentation Details?
a. Template field “Presentation Details”
b. Rendering
c. Standard Values
d. Insert Options
37. What problem do Dynamic Placeholders solve?
a. Too many items in the content tree
b. Too many placeholder settings
c. They allow multiple controller renderings
d. They allow multiple placeholders of the same type
38. What does RenderingContext.Current.ContextItem contain?
a. Null
b. Current Url
c. DataSource
d. Context Item
39. What does RenderingContext.Current.Rendering.Item contain?
a. Null
b. Current Url
c. DataSource or Context Item
d. Context Item
40. How to filter SearchResultItem’s descendants?
a. Paths
b. BaseTemplates
c. Children
d. GetDescendants
41. Why store Media Items in Sitecore and not on file system?
a. Less space needed for storing the item
b. Simpler publishing and deploying
c. Just a pattern that everyone follows
d. d

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