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Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies

Volume 58 Nomor 1 (2018) 12-17

DOI: 10.15575/
ISSN 1693-0843 (Print) ISSN 2548-8708 (Online)

Posisi Sandiaga Uno Sebagai Cawapres Prabowo Dalam Merebut Suara

Politik Di Kalangan Muslim Milenial
Asep Nuryaman1, Weno Dwi Restu2
1UIN SGD Bandung, Indonesia
2 UIN SGD Bandung, Indonesia
*asepnuryaman@gmail.com1 dwirestuweno4@gmail.com2

Sandiaga Uno with his young soul was able to become a vice presidential candidate to
accompany Prabowo Subianto. Many doubted him because he had not experienced in the
world of politics, only briefly became the deputy governor of DKI he immediately joined
the competition to become vice president. By bringing economic issues, the password as
an entrepreneur has many ideas to build the Indonesian economy by attracting the
millennium. This study uses qualitative analysis to analyze how the millennial Muslim
community responds to the Sandiaga Uno campaign strategy. The results of this study
found that there were at least 9 Sandiaga Uno strategies in gaining community votes. The
9 strategies are: Blending into markets, will prioritize the fate of the mother of the mother
regarding the prices of basic commodities, millennials must create jobs, millennials must
become entrepreneurs, will give ministerial positions to millennials, will accommodate
ideas from millennials related to the economy, it will roll out a santripreneur program,
will carry out cool campaigns, not drop each other, and not elbow each other, and will
conduct entertainment campaigns (entertaining). This research is to analyze how the
millennial response to the strategy.
Keywords: Politics; Milineal, SandiagaUno

Mahasiswa program pasca sarjana KPI A UIN SGD Bandung
Mahasiswa program pasca sarjana KPI B UIN SGD Bandung
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Framing Analysis is an analysis used to find out how reality (actor, group, or whatever)
is constructed by the media (Eriyanto, 2005, p.3). Framing analysis has two concepts,
namely the psychological and sociological concepts. Psychological concepts emphasize
more on how a person processes information on him while sociological concepts look
more at how social construction over reality. Framing analysis itself is also part of content
analysis that evaluates the discourse of competition between groups that appear or appear
in the media.
Framing analysis is also known as the frame concept, which is a central idea that is
organized, and can be analyzed through two derivatives, namely symbols in the form of
framing devices and reasoning devices. Framing device refers to the mention of certain
terms that indicate "nickname" in a discourse, while reasoning device refers to the
analysis of causality. In it there are several 'derivatives', namely metaphors, parables or
presuppositions. Catchphrases are slogans that must be done. Exemplar associates frames
with examples, theories or past experiences. Depiction is "an enemy that must be fought
together", and visual images are images that support the overall frame. In reasoning
instruments, Roots shows an analysis of causality, Appeals to principles is a premise or
moral claim, and Consequences are conclusions of reasoning logic.
Sandi is the youngest of two siblings from the pair Razik Halik Uno and Rachmini
Rachman who was born in Pekanbaru, June 28, 1969. While still living in Pekanbaru, his
father worked at the Caltex company in Riau, while his beloved mother was famous as a
personality education expert. However, not long ago the family moved to Jakarta because
his father stopped working. During his time in Jakarta, Sandi completed his education,
starting from Bulungan Elementary School PSKD, going to 12 Wijaya Middle School
and high school in Pangudi Luhur. Then he continued his education in college at The
Wichita State University, Kansas, United States and graduated with the title Summa Cum
Laude in 1990.
Not waiting for a long time, in 1992 the younger brother of Indra Cahya Uno graduated
with GPA 4.00 as Master of Business Administration at George Washington University,
United States with a scholarship path. The man who was once the chairman of Hipmi

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(Association of Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs) has a career journey that often moves
from company to company. Even so, he has great potential and is able to become an
extraordinary company leader.
His early career began as an employee in 1990 at Bank Summa. After three years, he
joined Seapower Asia Investment Limited in Singapore and immediately served as
investment manager at the same time as MP Holding Limited Group in 1994. Later, the
company moved again in 1995 to NTI Resources Ltd, Canada with a position as Executive
Vice President. But unfortunately, the monetary crisis that occurred since the end of 1997
caused the company to go bankrupt. Not having another job or being unemployed, Sandi
decided to go back to Indonesia and live with his parents.
Do not want to be unemployed for a long time, this eye glasses man rose by building a
business. In fact, his parents preferred his youngest child to work in a company, not to
become an entrepreneur. However, Sandi remains optimistic that eventually the first
business built will develop rapidly, and even later the business will spread in various
Starting from accidental results in mature thinking. Before officially joining the Gerindra
party, the husband of Nur Asia was only a financial consultant to Prabowo Subianto who
was in charge of providing financial advice and input on the business run by Prabowo.
Over time, they both exchanged ideas about politics and Prabowo invited his personal
financial consultants to plunge into politics. After careful consideration and getting the
blessing of his beloved mother, right on February 6, 2015 Sandi officially entered the
Gerindra Party and was tasked with developing policies on populist, entrepreneurship,
and SMEs in the Gerindra party. As Gerindra's General Chairperson, Prabowo Subianto
sees Sandi has extraordinary potential. Until finally in 2015, the man born in Pekanbaru
was appointed directly by Prabowo to become Anies Baswedan's partner to lead DKI
Initially hesitant, but the father of three children continued to be given full support by
Prabowo by giving him three months to study everything about Jakarta. After going
directly to 257 urban villages, there was a conviction that he had a great opportunity in
Jakarta and won in the 2017 elections. He fought fiercely against other couples Basuki or

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Ahok and Djarot, finally Anies-Sandi won the 2017 DKI Jakarta Governor election in the
second round with a vote 57.96% and began his term as Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta
in October 2017.
Types of Research Data
There are two types of data, namely qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative
data are data that cannot be analyzed by statistical techniques. While quantitative data are
data analyzed by statistical techniques. Data analysis is the process of organizing and
sorting data into patterns, categories, and basic description units so that themes can be
found and work hypotheses can be formulated as suggested by the data.
Based on the source, qualitative data can be divided into historical data, text data, case
data and individual experience data. The research that will be used is seen from the
sources, including research sourced from case data and individual data. This is because
the data taken comes from certain cases and only applies to certain cases. And this is an
explanation of what an individual experiences / experiences in a particular family.
In this study the data to be taken is a type of qualitative data. Because in this study the
data will be extracted from the statement of words or images of something expressed in
the form of explanations with words or writing. From the above formula we can draw an
outline that data analysis intends to first organize the data. After the data from the field is
collected using the data collection method above, the researcher will process and analyze
the data using descriptive-qualitative analysis, without using quantitative techniques.
Politics is the process of division and formation of power in society which includes
tangible decision-making processes, especially in the State. Politics is the art and science
of constitutional or constitutional power & besides politics can also be viewed from a
different perspective, namely 'politics is the effort taken by citizens to realize the common
good (classical Aristotelian theory) politics is something that is related to the
administration of government and political countries is an activity directed to obtain and
maintain power in a political society is everything about the process of formulating and
implementing public policy.

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Political socialization is a way to introduce political values, political attitudes and ethics
that are applicable or adopted by a country. The formation of political attitudes or to form
a political attitude and belief takes a long time through a process that goes on without
stopping. According to + abriel, in Political Socialization, there are two important things,
namely 'Socialization of Politics goes on continuously for a person's life. Attitudes and
values obtained and formed in cooking will always be adjusted or will be strengthened
while i experience various social experiences . School education, family experience and
the influence of association play a role in strengthening belief but can also change it
drastically. Socialization Politics can take the form of transmission and teaching. This
means that in the socialization there is an interaction between an attitude and political
beliefs possessed by the older generation towards the younger generation who tend to be
flexible and accept the influence of the teachings. Such transmission and teaching can
take the form of 'direct interaction in the form of formal teaching or the doctrine of an
ideology. For example, teaching Pancasila courses in higher education. Indirect
interaction, which has a profound effect on childhood, has evolved obedience or
disobedience towards parents, teachers or friends that influence his attitude in adulthood
to his political leaders and to fellow citizens. "the problem is when childhood, the
experience he gained was the occurrence of family divisions and authoritarian parents.
Such conditions and experiences gave birth to hatred, so that when a condition occurs
within a country that can be equated with its small circumstances and experience, hatred
is manifested in illegal political participation such as demonstrations, opposition and sub-
ersive movements Political outreach is carried out through various institutions including
'family, school, social groups, work and mass media.) recruitment function Political
recruitment politics is a process of selection or recruitment of members group members
to represent their groups in administrative and political positions.Every political system
has a different recruitment system or procedures.The members of the recruited group1
are selected who have a very strong ability or talent needed for a position or po function
lytic. Every political party has a different recruitment pattern. The pattern of recruitment
of party members is adjusted to the political system it adheres to. Indonesia & i, political
recruitment takes place through elections after each candidate proposed by his party is

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strictly selected by an official body. This selection starts from administrative selection,
special research (litsus) which is concerned with loyalty to state ideology
Communication functions Politics of communication Politics is one of the functions
carried out by political parties with all available structures, communicating information,
issues and political ideas. mass media often act as a means of political communication
and shape political culture. Political parties carry out functions as a means of
communicating party views and principles, party work programs, party ideas and so on.
For party members to know the party's principles, party work programs or party ideas to
create moral ties to their parties, political communication uses party media itself or mass
media that support it.The political communication system in Indonesia is developed on
the basis of free and responsible communication. Every mass media is free to preach a
matter as long as it does not conflict with applicable rules, does not endanger the interests
of the state and society. & besides that mass media also functions to voice the voice of
development and government work programs, voice political ideas, foster the growth of
political culture and then preserve and inherit it to the generation of progressors. the
function of Social Stratification Social stratification is the vertical dimension of the social
structure of society, in terms of seeing differences in society based on existing coatings,
whether vertically layered and whether the coating is open or closed. Soerjono Soekanto.
class in stages or multilayered systems in society. Social stratification is the concept of
sociology, in the sense that we will not find a society like layer cake but coating is a
concept to state that society can be vertically differentiated into upper class, middle class
and lower class based on certain criteria. The above opinion is a description that
stratification is social as a symptom universal, meaning that in every society its existence
will certainly be obtained by the social coating. what was stated Aristotle. one proof of
the existence of social stratification in a simple society. Criteria of wealth and
occupational profession are simple criteria, while stating that in our society we will not
find a classless society. The development of society is then towards a more modern and
complex society, social stratification that occurs in society there will be more.
The Millennial Muslim

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World has indeed changed. Look around us. in homes, offices, schools, shopping
centers, markets, city parks, stations, train terminals, city buses, public transportation,
cafes, even in coffee shops people are seen paying attention to their gadgets or
smartphones occasionally smiling and for a moment then taking poses and styles .
then, yes tinkering with his smartphone and scattering photos in the world through
social media.
In one corner of the Cafe, a group of young people gather and talk a lot of things. when
the food they ordered arrived, the atmosphere changed. each issued a smartphone and
competed to take pictures of food and drinks whose position was arranged in such a
way. with the same pattern, for a moment they were silent and busy with their
respective smartphones. apparently they also spread photos of food on social media.
In the learning process, the internet has also become a loyal friend for some students.
Google and Wikipedia have become new "libraries" for children in the current
generation. they do not read books or newspapers in print, but in digital form. they not
only do school assignments or study in the study room at home, but also on the futsal
field while waiting for their turn to play or even at the cafe while waiting for their food
or drink to order.
Teenagers with these characteristics are referred to as digital natives. the term was first
put forward by Mark Prensky in 2001 in a paper entitled "digital natives, digital
immigrant". prensky (2001: 1) prefers the term digital native rather than terms such as
genes or digital genes that were also used at that time. in general the term digital native
and digital immigrant is a kind of analogy that explains the difference between two
generations in dealing with digital technology in computers, video games, and the
Digital native is those who from birth are familiar with the digital environment. they
usually use digital music players, read digital books, and games that are digital. while
the term digital immigrant - as the term immigrant - is those who try to adapt to an
environment that they think is new and at times still shows its tendency in the past.
Since then, the term has started to be used a lot. John Palfrey identifies the digital
generation of natives as children born after information and communication

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technology has developed rapidly. when their parents are still busy adjusting to such
rapid changes, they see information and communication technology as an integral part
of their lives. for their parents who are digital immigrants, this phenomenon may be
something new and therefore always try to adjust to the changes that occur in their
environment and daily life.
This phenomenon appears almost evenly globally, including Indonesia. we are social,
is an institution that often conducts census of internet users especially in Asia, showing
that in January 2016 internet users in Indonesia reached 88.1 million of the total
population of Indonesia, which amounted to 259.1 million people. active internet
users, as 7 are active users on social media. unique, the internet connection through
mobile devices is more than the total population of Indonesia. some see this possible
because some of the language communities have more than one digital device.
However, it should be explained that digital native is not just a concept that explains
the generation born after the 1980s when the world has entered the era of sophisticated
information and communication media. digital native is more a concept that explains
the lifestyle, culture, and mindset of a generation that is compact, complex in practice,
and sometimes technological. they were born in the information age, an era where
things are no longer measured by units of volume or physical form, but are digital in
the form of units of bits. they read and exchanged electronic books that no longer
counted from the number of pages but the number of bits that the electronic book had.
They are used to storage (digital storage media) which is spread in almost every device
they have on smartphones, notebooks, USB flash disks, and even in the form of
internet-based virtual storage.
Palfrey and Gasser (2008) assert that children in the digital native generation grow
differently. they learn, write, work, interact in ways that are totally different from what
we experience. globalization is slowly becoming a part of our lives. yes, it is no longer
the discussion themes at the desk tables of academics and lecture halls, but it has
become one of the common phenomena. we have entered and tasted the changes which
in the previous two decades were only limited to discourse. the acceleration of

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information that occurs today ultimately has implications for the sides of our social-
cultural life.
Millennials who are internet users are generally less able to sort information. Today there
seems to have been a tendency for internet users who often exclude moral and ethical
values in communicating and disseminating information on social media. Whereas in
social order, ethics is very necessary to avoid friction that leads to conflict. This triggered
the spread of hoax news in the community. Quoting from Gun Gun Heryanto, a hoax in
the Cambridge Dictionary is a plan to deceive a large group of people; can also be
translated as deception. In essence, hoax is a massive dissemination of information not
based on correct data as a deception to deceive the community.
The decline in students 'morale is one of the consequences of the rapid development of
technology that is not matched by an increase in the quality of students' character, even
though technological development is really needed by this nation to continue to compete
in the era of globalization. Moral decline is much influenced by socio-cultural conditions
in the surrounding community. A bad social environment is a form of lack of social
institutions in controlling negative social change. Communication ethics and critical
attitudes are also very necessary.
The generation of millennial Muslims is a young generation of Muslims who are bound
by the way of looking at the world that faith and modernity can go hand in hand. Talking
about the generation of millennial Muslims, it means talking about today's modern
Muslim pioneers. Not all Muslims are part of the generation M. Generations of Muslims
who have similar characteristics, namely those who believe in faith as well as modernity
are those who deserve to be called the generation of millennial Muslims. Millennials
emphasize one part of the Muslim community to share attitudes and views throughout the
world that they believe faith and modernity are equally beneficial and are a fundamental
guiding principle for their lives. Their energetic and optimistic approach aims to build
togetherness among the people while reaching out to a wider community. They have a
huge influence that is not comparable to the wider Muslim population. The characters in
the generation M story are so striking, creative, energetic, and optimistic.

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Ogilvy & Mather, one of the world's leading communication and imaging agencies,
conducted a survey in four Muslim-majority countries, namely Saudi Arabia, Egypt,
Pakistan and Malaysia and then tested the findings in a number of places with a majority
population and other Muslim minorities. The results of this discovery provide information
that the Generation of millennial Muslims believe that faith and modernity are not
exclusive, precisely the collaboration between them is able to make generation M better.
Their faith certainly influences whatever they do, and they believe this can make
modernity work better. They are fully fused into modern life and take advantage of the
goodness of individuals and society, while at the same time being able to increase their
The generation of millennial Muslims has many ideas that have become pioneers of world
civilization, both among Muslims and the wider community. With their young
demographic, this influence will continue to grow. They will shape and direct the future
of the wider Muslim population and will further have a significant impact on the global
level. The economic influence gradually shifted towards the Islamic world and the east.
Countries such as Indonesia and Turkey regularly enter the ranks of predictions of global
growth. This growth is a result of the large labor resources and population of young
people who can create changes in dynamics.
Millennials are generations whose lives are connected 24 hours with the Internet. They
not only travel physically, but also virtually. The globalization of the Internet has brought
them to many places throughout the world and witnessed many disparities,
discrimination, and various other dark sides of the world. "We taught them," said Neala
Godfrey in Business As Not Usual: The Millennial Social Entrepreneur (2015), "... They
travel virtually via the Internet and in reality, as well. They see the social disparities and
global reflection situations like; climate change, gender inequality, resource scarcity, and
terrorism that are all happening in their world. They care. They want real meaning in their
lives beyond collecting things and homes and cars.
"So,here social entrepreneurship not just the" result "of the meeting of the millennial
generation characters with ekbis world development, but also a large selection of styles
and approaches required by the millennial. For me, in the hands of Muslim millennials,

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the change in Islamic philanthropism which was originally controlled by the state, or
concentrated in civil society, would shift towards social enterprises because it was in
accordance with the color of the generations of millennial Muslims.
These four things of course must be formulated in more detail to the technical and
strategic levels. With this four guide, a framework needs to be produced by Muslim values
to determine its cultural strategy. Every era produces a strategy and resultant culture of
each. Indonesian Muslim youths who grew up in the 70s and 80s, for example, in the
socio-political context they lived in, produced an era spirit that wanted to find the most
appropriate relationship between religion and state.
Various thoughts, intellectual works, movement struggles centered there — colored by
the spirit of fighting the status quo inspired by various world political events, including
the Islamic revolution of Iran. At that time various publishers, discussion forums and
others were the main features of this generation. The themes of the discussion were
mastered by matters relating to this spirit, starting from the comparison of schools,
religious-based political movements, and so on.
The next generation, the younger generation of the seasons that grew up in the 90s and
2000s, brought a different spirit of the times and cultural strategies. In this era, along with
the fall of the New Order political regime, Muslim youth entered practical politics and
were involved in reform and community development agendas.
At the same time, they also have to deal with major world issues regarding the war against
terrorism and extremism in the name of religion, following the events of 9/11 and the
United States agenda on War on Terror. Young Muslim activists are involved in various
civil society movements with the main mission to preach the face of peaceful, inclusive,
tolerant Indonesian Islam.
All that will change soon. The millennial generation of Muslims, in my opinion, will face
something different, along with the spirit of a different era. Millennial Muslim religious
discussions will no longer be about the difference of schools or about religious politics,
but further than that: Perhaps they will be forced to form Islamic relations with the
blockchain revolution technology, between religious and virtual reality, and so on.

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They will also produce network models and movements that are different from previous
generations. The consultant is no longer a civil society movement, social movement, or
political party, but perhaps produces something else such as social enterprises. The area
of motion is no longer just in real spaces, but collects into virtual spaces — with the
internet and social media that make everything limitless, penetrate private spaces.
It is interesting to wait and see what millennial Muslims will contribute to this country.
They will give a new color, bring a new spirit, offer a variety of things that are still unclear
but at the same time promising and worth looking forward to. For something like that, we
are always given two offers: optimistic or pessimistic. Born in Rumbai, Pekanbaru, Riau
on June 28, 1969 under the name Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno. The man who has been
named one of the richest humans in Indonesia several times by a number of international
media actually started his career like most people. In 1990, Sandiaga was listed as an
employee of Bank Summa.
The scholarship delivered Sandiaga to continue his studies in the United States and was
optimistic about looking for a brighter future. From 1993 to 1995, he worked for large
companies in Canada and Singapore with a substantial income.
The monetary crisis that hit Asia in 1997 turned out to have a considerable impact on his
livelihood. "At that time the Asian economic crisis began, and the company where I
worked began to drag on it. Since the middle of that year, I have no longer received a
salary, "recalls Sandiaga in the Completed Work book, Job Ikhlas (2017: 118).
After being fired without severance pay and increasingly depleted money, Sandiaga and
his small family decided to return to their homeland even though it was very heavy. In
Jakarta, the economic situation turned out to be even worse. He had to struggle to find
work when layoffs were rife. "I sent 25 job applications, all of which were rejected," he
However, even without his guessing, Sandiaga was able to rise in the middle of a crisis.
In between the difficulties, he met two old friends, Rosan Perkasa Roeslani and Elvin
Ramli. They ventured to establish a financial advisory company called PT Recapital
Advisors. Sandiaga seems to have special expertise in the affairs of healthy companies
that are sick or on the verge of bankruptcy. He claimed to have learned from William

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Soeryadjaya, a top business owner of PT Astra International, who had extended Bank
Summa's breath in the early 1990s, when Sandiaga began his career.
Om Willem, as soon as Sandiaga summoned a figure he had considered like his own
father, was recognized as his mentor. Sandiaga was able to rise in the midst of a crisis
thanks to William's guidance. Together with Edwin Soeryadjaya, Om Willem's son, he
moved the investment company PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya in 1998 (Tempo, Volume
7, 2007: 46).
The reliability that had disappeared from Sandiaga's life was felt again. When many
companies were hit by the storm, he bought it, healed it, then resold it at a higher price.
In this way, Sandiaga Uno took the road to become a conglomerate.
Later, after being elected as Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta in 2017, he had a chance to
deal with Edward Soeryadjaya, William's eldest son, Edwin's brother, who was dragged
down by a legal case.
However, the actions of Sandiaga Uno in the political arena were unstoppable, even now
he would fight for the RI-2 seat in the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election.
The large capital New politician
Sandiaga Uno, has been included in the ranks of the richest people in Indonesia several
times according to a number of international media such as Forbes and Asia Globe. The
progress of the business is even more overwhelming. With this convincing financial
capital, Sandiaga decided to go into politics. The Gerindra party he chose. In 2015,
Sandiaga joined the political party made by Prabowo Subianto and held the position of
Deputy Chairperson of the party's Board of Trustees bearing the Garuda logo.
Prabowo himself appointed Sandiaga on April 8, 2015 and introduced him to the ranks of
Gerindra management and cadres. In his speech, the former Kopassus Danjen mentioned
Sandiaga as a young figure whose work would be very useful for the party. The DKI
Jakarta Election 2017 has increasingly catapulted the name Sandiaga Uno on the national
political scene. Before Anies Baswedan emerged as the challenger cagub of Basuki
Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), Sandiaga was actually the champion even though he was
willing to "just" become a cawagub. To defeat incumbents was not easy, nor was it cheap.

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Ahok's slip which was then dragged into a case of blasphemy and had a fatal impact was
utilized really by the Anies-Sandi pair to escape the predictions of many parties.
Objective Condition of Research by the
Circle of Civil Politics Observer (Lima) Ray Rangkuti assessed that the chances of the
presidential candidate and vice-presidential candidates Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga
Uno were greater to attract the middle mass or the masses who had not made their choice.
Ray Rangkuti also glanced at the role of Sandiaga.
"The potential of Prabowo-Sandi has more opportunities to attract the masses. If you look
at the middle sector, you want millennial voters, middle-class groups, who are able to
enter here," Ray said in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Saturday (11 / 8).
According to Ray, Sandiaga could take the hearts of millennial voters because the DKI
Jakarta Deputy Governor did not have a tendency or religious figure. While the
presidential candidate pair Joko Widodo, Ma'aruf Amin did not have an appeal among
the middle masses. "So what can be done by Pak Ma'aruf is to consolidate people who
have made their choices from the start," Ray said.
In fact, the presence of Ma'aruf Amin also posed a risk for the middle masses to delay
their political choices from those who initially tended to vote for Jokowi. "Pak Prabowo
has the potential to gain votes. So far the problem is Pak Prabowo how to attract the
middle group. The problem is that Pak Jokowi is actually not a middle group, but with
Pak Ma'aruf present, who was 60 percent to Pak Jokowi, could delay," Ray explained .
CSIS Political Observer Arya Fernandes considers the Prabowo-Sandiaga pair to have an
advantage. Sandiaga is considered a political elite and a new generation of entrepreneurs.
"Plus I think, Sandi brought a political renewal and composition of the candidate pairs.
He (Sandiaga) brought a new generation, Indonesian political elite from professional
businessmen who chose to enter practical politics, DKI Deputy Governor," Arya said
when talking to AFP on Friday ( 8/8/2018).
In addition, Arya said that Sandiaga is easy to adapt to millennial voters. Sandiaga is also
considered easy to understand the character of beginner voters. "Then because it has a
new political elite, it is easy to adapt to political changes that occur such as increasing
millennial voters. So, because he was born of a new generation, he will easily adapt to

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millennial voters. Then he also understands the character of young voters," explained
Arya .
Furthermore, he considered Prabowo would change the campaign narrative without
offending religion. Because, Jokowi has a pair of religious figures KH Ma'ruf Amin. In
addition, three Prabowo-Sandiaga support coalitions have experience in simultaneous
regional elections. Their political elite in the area is very solid. "The support of political
parties has experience in local level coalitions such as West Java, Kalimantan and others.
They have experience in coalitions of local level elites who already have experience in
campaigning, they have high solidity," explained Arya. Minus Prabowo-Sandiaga, Arya
assessed that this couple must be able to change the campaign narrative. Including naming
coalitions of political parties that do not use religion. "If the narrative is still about
religion, for example starting with the naming of the coalition, if you use a religious
narrative it will not be effective. Because Jokowi's religious narrative is stronger, Pak
Ma'ruf is a stronger religion," explained Arya.
Against the Jokowi-Ma'ruf couple, Arya considered there were concerns on religious
issues. So Jokowi chose Ma'ruf in the 2019 Presidential Election. "Before this
determination period I saw that there was concern for Mr. Jokowi regarding religious
issues. So Jokowi was concerned that the issue of identity politics would erode his voice,
worries were then translated with the meeting of elite Islamic organizations and pesantren
roadshows," said Arya. On the other hand, Arya said Jokowi had an identity political
concern since the action of 212. The existence of KH Ma'ruf Amin, Jokowi was not easily
attacked with negative issues or identity politics.
"Jokowi since the action 212 was concerned about the existence of an identity politics
which is why Pak Ma'ruf apart from Jokowi's efforts to accommodate the interests of
political parties, there were political parties that disagreed with Mahfud but Jokowi's way
so that negative issues based on identity politics could not attack Jokowi," Arya said.
Minus towards Jokowi-Ma'ruf, Arya explained the pair's new challenges if Prabowo did
not use religious narratives. If Prabowo changes the campaign narrative, then the MUI
Ketum is not considered by the voters. "If Prabowo changes the campaign narrative, of
course Ma'ruf's position is less attention to the voters," said Arya. In addition, Arya said

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that Jokowi-Ma'ruf political parties would focus more on legislative elections than the
Presidential Election. While the political party bearer Prabowo-Sandiaga will focus on
the presidential election because the party's machine is solid.
"Besides that, it is the political party's machine because this is carried by many political
parties, for example in PDIP. Political parties will focus on legislative elections. From
Prabowo's side, they will solidly win the presidential election because the electoral
position is still far away and the political machinery will be solid," he said.
Sandiaga Uno blurted out Prabowo's rebranding plan to become The New Prabowo. One
of them is by changing the dressing style of the Gerindra Party presidential candidate.
The aim is to attract the hearts of millennials.
The concept of The New Prabowo according to Sandiaga is Prabowo Subianto who
appears more "millennial". One of the rebranding programs was to fix Prabowo's dress
method which was identical to a white safari shirt with four bags becoming more flexible
according to the target of their audience.
When viewed from the side of brand identity, Prabowo's figure and his safari shirt are
very iconic. It's hard to describe Prabowo without a safari shirt. Maybe even when we see
a white safari shirt, we will immediately imagine the figure of Prabowo. The preference
for the Gerindra presidential dress is clearly not arbitrary. There are strong reasons behind
his safari shirt.
Judging from history, the safari shirt that is usually worn by Prabowo, including when
running for the 2014 Presidential Candidates, is a style of British military heritage that
served in the tropics in the mid-19th century. Its hallmarks are four pockets on the front
and epaulet, decorative clothing elements on the shoulder which are places for embedding
This safari style is then attached to a number of national figures. Sukarno may be a
character who is quite identical to a safari shirt before Prabowo regularly wears it. This
style was later adopted into the mainstay style of Prabowo when appearing in public until
now. Clean white is the choice so that the image of a clean and firm figure without
forgetting Prabowo's background who had a career in the military world, plus a nuance

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of clothing that reminds a little of Sukarno's figure who is recognized as one of the
founding fathers of the nation.
The problem is that this shirt for some circles is too militaristic and rigid, especially for
millennial generation voters who are no longer born in the midst of military aggression.
This generation was born in a peaceful atmosphere so that the militaristic approach was
beyond their minds. The style of dressing with a safari shirt also feels elitist because the
wearer usually comes from among officials.
Not surprisingly, Didit Prabowo, the only son of wayang Prabowo who was also a fashion
designer - as revealed by Sandiaga - was also worried to see his father's appearance that
was just like that. It's less millennial, he said. Compare this with the style of his rival,
Joko Widodo, who is more flexible in appearance on various occasions. Sometimes
formal, sometimes it looks sporty, or even like a star skirt with a denim jacket. This
strategy of changing styles was in fact successful, making his appearance many times a
1. Targeting Millennials The
reason is quite clear. The portion of millennial voters is the largest portion for the 2019
Election. Poltracking Indonesia notes that at the 2019 Election there are at least 40% of
voters aged 17-35 years. Conceptually, this age range actually includes Generation Y
(millennial) born in the period (1980-1994) and Generation Z who were born after 1994.
However, later the term millennial in Indonesia was used to refer to "the younger
generation". The potential for millennial voter participation is estimated to be around 76%
-77%, quite large compared to other age ranges.
Millennial voters are also the target because they are currently not only consumers of
information. Millennial voters are those who are quite active in surfing, where political
discourse spreads almost without control. The Indonesian Internet Service Providers
Association (APJII) noted in 2017 that the age range of 19-35 years touched 49.52% of
Internet users in Indonesia. This means that millennial voters will contribute greatly to
the spread of discourse around the world of politics. Winning the hearts of millennial
voters means winning the "war" discourse in the mass media because the vortex of
information will be in their hands. To win their hearts, tactical imagery must be chosen.

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In Prabowo's case, Prabowo's firm image was sufficiently illustrated through the military
career he had lived. Rebracing lightly by removing a safari shirt does not seem to
eliminate this firm image as long as the chosen costume is not too eccentric. After all, for
this matter, Sandiaga was far more stylish and fit the millennial voter target. The task of
the success team of Prabowo and Sandiaga at this time was to prepare the style of clothing
they would wear during the campaign period so that the stiff and militaristic impression
attached to Prabowo's figure was slightly reduced, and a cool figure appeared and was
able to protect his people kindly. Not substantive, indeed. But, the fact is that the selection
of leaders in this country has not been based on work program data, more weighing on
the aspect of character. What is clear, discussing the matter of fashion choices for the
future leaders of the country every time they appear in public will be far more cool and
exciting than the issue of SARA.
The results of Sandiaga Uno's political strategy analysis in seizing political votes among
millennial Muslims.
1. Put it on markets. One strategy that is of concern to a number of groups is
campaign activities by entering into markets. Sandiaga Uno for the first time
visited Daeng City, Makassar, Sunday (8/19). The first target is to visit the
traditional eggplant market. Sandiaga said the traditional market was his concern,
because 70 percent of the distribution of food staples was still through traditional
markets. Also 70 percent of the people get their basic needs in traditional markets.
Sandi said, traditional markets must be revitalized, business access is managed, the
business land is well organized, cleanliness and interaction places of traders must
be more current.
2. Entertainment campaign. Another strategy from Sandiaga Uno that received
public attention wascampaignancampaignentertainmententertainmentor.
According to Sandiaga, when inaugurating the Millennial Community Command
Post with Prabowo-Sandi, Tuesday, September 18, 2018 then, to win millennial
votes, campaign content must be interesting. His campaign system was made
moreentertainmentand acceptable to millennials. In
implementingcampaigntainment, Sandi provides an understanding of millennials

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about economic growth and fostersspiritentrepreneurialentrepreneurialor.
Millennials also have to play an important and strategic role in opening jobs with
Prabowo-Sandiaga. That understanding is also to strengthen the choice of
millennials, the majority of which are those who have not made a choice orswing
voters. The majority of millennials usually only make decisions in thelast
minutesbefore the election. So before they make a choice, Sandiaga Uno will give
an understanding: is the Indonesian economy currently improving or not.
3. Involving millennials in economic affairs. Sandiaga Uno assessed the existence
of millennials to be involved in improving the Indonesian economy. So, to attract
the millennial voice, a special, interesting strategy is needed. According to
Sandiaga, to reap the millennial votes in the 2019 Presidential Election, his party
has prepared special interesting content. Where the campaign system that will be
carried out by Sandiaga is made moreentertainment. He admitted, young people in
Indonesia were the majority ofswing voters. Thecampaign
methodentertainment(campaigntainment) was considered more effective in
seizing the votes of the millennials.
4. Offers a peaceful, clean and cool campaign. Sandiaga Uno is a vice presidential
candidate who wants a peaceful, clean and cool campaign. When inaugurating the
house of victory on Jalan Kapten Rambuddin, Gang Jagung, Marelan District,
some time ago, the bespectacled man invited his supporters to campaign politely.
Passwords, supporters must use the present-day method, which is a cool campaign,
not dropping each other, not elbowing each other. Today's campaigns must
embrace each other.
5. Inviting you millennia to create jobs. According to Sandiaga, Indonesia will get
a demographic bonus in 2020 where more people with productive age will be. For
this reason, Sandiaga Uno invites millennials to create jobs.According to him,
theilliteracy group should not only look for work but must be able to create jobs.
According to him, the economy is indeed being sluggish and looking for work is
not easy. But millennials don't need to despair because they can create jobs. For
that, said Sandi, millennials must be observant in finding opportunities in creating

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jobs. Starting from the culinary business to various other business opportunities
that can provide benefits. Sandiaga said, before becoming an entrepreneur, he was
a company employee. But after being laid off, it was more open his mind to become
an entrepreneur. Sandi also requested that millennials continue to innovate by
thinking of new ways, finding breakthroughs, and always being ready to take risks.
6. Accommodating the voice of millennials. In addition, the strategy of Sandiaga
Uno in targeting the voice of the Millennials is to invite millennials to convey
7. ideas and ideas in building the economic climate in the future. Sandi said, by
accepting input from thegenerationmillennialhe hoped that later it would be able
to create a strong platform for creating entrepreneurship formillennials. Sandi
hopes that by receiving this input, Prabawo-Sandi can haveplatforma strongto
drive theeconomymillennial start-up.
8. Include millennials in the cabinet. One interesting thing about the Sandiaga Uno
stratagi in seeking political support is that he will give a ministerial position to
millennials. Sandi said there were four ministerial seats that were worthy of being
led by youth. The four chairs are three of them ministers of youth and sports,
minister of communication and informatics, and minister of research and
technology. Meanwhile, one other chair to be filled by millennials is one that is
still related to the present. This strategic position he believes will be more
developed if led by young people. According to Sandi, it is time for us to entrust
the minister's position to the millennials.
Promising the Santripreuneur program. Not only young people, Sandiaga also targets
santri who are also classified as millennials. To the students, Sandiaga will offer the
Santripreneur program. The Santripreneur Program is an adaptation of the Oke Oce
program which he initiated when he was serving as Deputy Governor of DKIJakarta. He
explained, santripreneur has 7 stages, ranging from registration to marketing assistance
for reporting assistance and capital assistance.

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Uno passwords side by side with Prabowo presidential candidate after registering with
theKPU office

From the various strategies that have been carried out by the password of Uno which
is most often carried out by sandiaga uno is to enter markets, visit ulama to follow
various kinds sports that are very popular with millennials such as running, swimming
and even playing basketball. Running a peaceful campaign full of smiles and resolute
in responding to the evils that occur even though he is a team of success. so that social
media often neutralizes their opinions in terms of entrepreneurs, in terms of
economics, even in terms of their unity. It turns out that the strategy launched by the
Codaga Uno has had a very positive impact and has produced results that are effective
enough to attract millennial Muslims and mothers.

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