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Anomalous Hall Effect of CoFeGe and FeMnGe

project submitted by :
Dibya Kirti Mishra,
Central University Of Kerala

Under the supervision of :

Dr. Ajaya Kumar Nayak
Assistant professor
School of Physical Science
National Institute of Science and Education research
For few years anomalous hall effect is becoming great interest for everyone.In
1879 Edwin H. Hall discovered simple Hall effect which describes about conduction
property of solid.He discovered that when current carrying conductor is placed in
magnetic field ,Lorentz force pushes electrons to one side of material and other side
gets positively polarized hence produces Hall Voltage.From this Hall effect we came
to know about carrier concentration of materials therefore it became connecting
bridge between semiconductor and solid state physics.
After some years Hall discovered anomalous hall effect in ferromagnetic
conductor.Later it was found that Hall resistivity ρXY is qualitatively different in
ferromagnetic and non magnetic conductors.In non magnetic compounds ρXY is
linearly proportional to HZ but in ferromagnets ρXY initially increases with HZ in weak
field but in strong field region it becomes saturated which is independent H Z.After
that Pugh and Pugh and Lippert gave emprical formula
R0 term comes from simple Hall effect and RS comes from spontaneous magnetization
which is different for different materials.There are mainly three mechanisms that give
rise to AHE i.e (a)intrinsic contribution(Berry phase),(b)Scew scattering,(c)side jump
mechanism.Here I was mainly interested in intrinsic contribution,so I will give
elaborated explanataion for this.
2.Berry Phase contribution
This was first derived by Karplus and Luttinger in1954.Its relation to
conductivity depends upon band structure of crystal.It can be derived from Kubo
formula and eigen values єn(k) of Bloch hamiltonian H,

σijAH-int=e2ħ ∑n≠ n´∫ dk/(2π)d [f(εn(k)) – f(єn´(k))]× Im <n,k|vi(k)|n´,k><n´,k|vj(k)|n,k>


where H is k dependent Hamiltonian and velocity operator is defined as


After inegaration over fermi sea of Berry curvature it was derived by

Using above equation we arrived at

σijAH-int= −єijl e2/ħ ∑n ∫ dk/(2π)d f(εn(k)) bln(k)

where εijl is antisymmmetric tensor.
In 1984 Michael Berry wrote a paper on different fields of physics including quantum
chemistry.That was about adiabatic evolution of eigen energy state when the external
parameters of a quantum system change slowly and make up a loop in the parameter
space.In the absence of degeneracy, the eigenstate will surely come back to itself
when finishing the loop, but there will be a phase difference equal to the time inte-
gral of the energy(divided by ħ)plus an extra, which is now commonly known as the
Berry phase.The Berry phase has three key properties that make the concept
important. First, it is gauge invariant. The eigen wave function is defined by a
homogeneous linear equation (the eigenvalue equation), so one has the gauge
freedom of multiplying it with an overall phase factor which can be parameter
dependent. The Berry phase is unchanged (up to integer multiple of 2π) by such a
phase factor, provided the eigenwave function is kept to be single valued over the
loop. This property makes the Berry phase physical, and the early experimental
studies were focused on measuring it directly through interference phenomena.
Second, the Berry phase is geometrical. It can be written as a line
integral over the loop in the parameter space and does not depend on the exact rate of
change along the loop. This property makes it possible to express the Berry phase in
terms of local geometrical quantities in the parameter space. Indeed, Berry himself
showed that one can write the Berry phase as an integral of a field, which we now
call the Berry curvature, over a surface suspending the loop. A large class of applica-
tions of the Berry phase concept occur when the parameters themselves are actually
dynamical variables of slow degrees of freedom. The Berry curvature plays an essen-
tial role in the effective dynamics of these slow variables.
Third, the Berry phase has close analogies to gauge field theories and
differential geometry.This makes the Berry phase a beautiful, intuitive, and powerful
unifying concept, especially valuable in today’s ever specializing physical science. In
primitive terms, the Berry phase is like the Aharonov-Bohm phase of a charged
particle traversing a loop including a magnetic flux, while the Berry curvature is like
the magnetic field.The integral of the Berry curvature over closed surfaces,such as a
sphere or torus, is known to be topological and quantized as integers (Chern
numbers). This is analogous to the Dirac monopoles of magnetic charges that must be
quantized in order to have a consistent quantum-mechanical theory for charged
particles in magnetic fields. Interestingly, while the magnetic monopoles are yet to be
detected in the real world, the topological Chern numbers have already found
correspondence with the quantized Hall conductance plateaus in the spectacular
quantum Hall phenomenon
(a)cyclic adiabatic evolution
Consider a physical system described by a Hamiltonian that depends on time
through a set of parameters, denoted by R = (R1 , R2 , . . . ), i.e.,

H = H(R),R = R(t)

We are interested in the adiabatic evolution of the system as R(t) moves slowly
along a path C in the parameter space. For this purpose, it is useful to introduce an
instantaneous orthonormal basis from the eigenstates of H(R) at each value of the
parameter R, i.e.,


According to the quantum adiabatic theorem , a system initially in one of its

eigenstates |n,R(0))> will stay as an instantaneous eigenstate of the Hamiltonian
H(R(t)) throughout the process.Therefore the only degree of freedom we have is the
phase of the quantum state. We write the state at time t as

|Ψn(t)>=eiγn(t) exp[-i/ħ ∫0t dt΄εn(R(t΄))]|n(R(t))>

For a closed path, γ n becomes a gauge-invariant physical quantity,now known as

the Berry phase or geometric phase in general; it is given by

γn = ∫c dR. An (R)

where A n (R) is a vector-valued function


From the above definition, we can see that the Berry phase only depends on
the geometric aspect of the closed path and is independent of how R(t) varies in

(b) Berry curvature

It is useful to define, in analogy to electrodynamics, a gauge-field tensor derived
from the Berry vector potential:

Ωnμv (R)=∂/∂Rμ Anv (R)-∂/∂Rv Anμ (R)

=i [< ∂n(R)/∂Rμ|∂n(R)/∂RV > – (v↔μ) ]
This field is called the Berry curvature.
Berry curvature can be also written as a summation over the eigenstates:

Ωnμν (R)= i ∑n´≠n < n|∂H/∂Rμ|n΄><n΄|∂H/∂Rν|n΄> ─ (ν↔μ) ∕ (εn-εn΄)2

The summation formula has the advantage that no differentiation on the wave
function is involved, therefore it can be evaluated under any gauge choice. This
property is particularly useful for numerical calculations, in which the condition of a
smooth phase choice of the eigenstates is not guaranteed in standard diagonalization
algorithms.It has been used to evaluate the Berry curvature in crystals with the
eigenfunctions supplied from first principles calculations.
The adiabatic approximation adopted earlier is essentially a projection
operation, i.e.,the dynamics of the system is restricted to the nth energy level.In fact, if
all energy levels are included, it follows from Eq that the total Berry curvature
vanishes for each value of R,
∑n Ωnμν (R)=0
This is the local conservation law for the Berry curvature.Equation also shows
that Ωnμν(R) becomes singular if two energy levels ε n(R) and εn΄(R) are brought
together at certain value of R.
Compared to the Berry phase which is always associated with a closed path,
the Berry curvature is truly a local quantity. It provides a local description of the geo-
metric properties of the parameter space. Moreover, so far we have treated the
adiabatic parameters as passive quantities in the adiabatic process, i.e., their time
evolution is given from the outset.we can further know how this Berry Phase is
producing AHE in half metallic compounds.

3.Half metallic compound and its property

There are conductors which have no band gap,semiconductor which is small

band gap and insulator in which band gap is very high.But there other kind of
materials exist like semi metal which makes transition between metals and
semiconductor at certain temperature.It is conducting on both surface and bulk which
is not same for topological insulator.
Half-metallic magnets attracted the last two decades a lot of
attention due to their possible applications in spintronics/magnetoelectronics.For half-
metallic Heusler compounds the total spin magnetic moment M t scales linearly with
the number of the valence electrons Zt in the unit cell.In the half-metallic materials
the two spin bands show a completely different behavior. The majority spin band
shows the typical metallic behavior, and the minority spin band exhibits a
semiconducting behavior with a gap at the Fermi level. The existence of the gap leads
to 100 % spin-polarization at the Fermi level and thus a fully spinpolarised current
should be feasible in these compounds maximizing the efficiency of
magnetoelectronic devices.
Just like Co3Sn2S2 we can predict from its density of state whether it is half metallic
or not.In the non-magnetic materials, the charge Magnetic Weyl semimetals (WSMs)
with time reversal symmetry breaking exhibit Weyl nodes that act as monopoles of
Berry curvature and are thus expected to generate a large intrinsic anomalous Hall
effect (AHE).

Fig.-Half metallic compounds in periodic table coloured in orange

Fig.- Density of state (DOS) of Co3Sn2S2 at ground state. For spin-up channel, the
Fermi level is located in a pseudo-valley of DOS, indicating a (semi-)metal
character. For spin-down channel,an energy gap with a width of about 0.30 eV
appears. Nevertheless, the Fermi level is located very close to the conduction band.
In total, a half-metal character can be expected in this compound.
Since the discovery of the anomalous Hall effect (AHE), the anomalous Hall
conductivity (AHC) has been thought to be zero in an antiferromagnet, where there is
no net magnetization.However, the relation between the intrinsic AHE and the Berry
curvature predicts other possibilities, such as a large AHC in non-colinear
antiferromagnets. Here we demonstrate that the AHC can be controlled by selectively
changing the Berry curvature distribution.
However, it is possible to split the degeneracy of the Dirac node in
momentum space or energy space by breaking either time-reversal or inversion
symmetry. This gives rise to two Weyl nodes with opposite chiralities (or helicities),
whose dispersion is given by the massless Weyl Hamiltonian. The basic idea behind
the existence and stability of these Weyl nodes is very simple.Close to the degeneracy
points where two non-degenerate bands touch each other and the energy is cone-like,
the electronic excitations are described by the Weyl equation, simply because the
effective Hamiltonian at that point has to have two dimensions, and besides the
identity, there are only three anti-commuting σ matrices. More explicitly, the low
energy Hamiltonian for a two band model is given by

where σ = (σX ,σY, σZ) are the three Pauli matrices.We can now expand the
Hamiltonian around the touching or gapless points (k = k0) in the Brillouin zone to
H ( k≈k0) ≈ const+σ.b(k0)+σ.∂bi (k-k0)
∂kj (k=k0 )
This is precisely the Weyl Hamiltonian (though offset and anisotropic) and
the wave-functions are two component Weyl fermions with positive or negative
chirality. These band-touching points or nodes can move around in the momentum
space,by perturbations that change the Hamiltonian slightly, but the only way for
them to gap out and disappear is if they meet another node with the opposite chirality.
This is very different from what happens in graphene. In fact, a straighforward
generalisation of the graphene Hamiltonian to 3+1 dimensions can also be made
simply by adding a term proportional to σz to obtain
H=σxpx+σypy+σzpz ,
Perturbations can only move the nodes, but cannot gap them out. Hence, we
have gapless fermions with a single chirality at each band touching point.In a system
with both inversion symmetry and time-reversal symmetry intact, one always gets
Dirac nodes both left and right handed chiral nodes, at the same point, in which case
it is always possible to add a mass term using the fourth anti-commuting four
component γ matrix and gap it out. So to get Weyl nodes in the condensed matter
system, one needs to break either inversion symmetry or time-reversal symmetry.
The stability of the Weyl nodes can also be connected to a topological
quantum number, which is the conservation of the total charge of the Weyl nodes. As
we said above, a single Weyl node cannot disappear by itself. It has to annihilate with
a Weyl node of the opposite charge. This also means that for the Weyl nodes to have
well defined coordinates, momentum has to be a good quantum number, so
translational invariance has to be unbroken. So disorder has to be fairly weak.
Also, Weyl nodes can be thought of as monopoles in momentum space.
The charge of the Weyl node can be related to the quantised Berry flux, which can be
computed from the momentum space wave-functions of the filled states near the
Weyl node. It turns out to be ±2πκ depending on the chirality of the node (positive or
negative) and the ‘monopole’ charge κ. The topological stability of the Weyl node is
thus related to the Gauss law, which keeps the total flux inside a given surface
invariant. The Weyl node can only vanish when it annihilates with another Weyl node
with opposite chirality. Also, since the net charge of all the Weyl nodes inside a
Brilloiuin zone has to be zero, the Weyl nodes always come in pairs and the minimum
number of Weyl nodes that one can have in any model is two.
Time reversal symmetry:Time reversal symmetry implies a system which looks the
same when you reverse the sign of time. In quantum mechanics, it is represented as
an anti-unitary symmetry. For particles with 1/2 integer spin, this leads to the
Kramer's theorem which states that all time-reversal invariant states are doubly
For Weyl semi-metals, inversion symmetry breaking does not give rise to
surface states.Surface states arise only when TR is broken at the phase boundary
between the normal and the topological insulator. For instance, if we choose the TR
symmetry to be broken by b = b xx^, then each Dirac point yields a pair of Weyl nodes
with a separation of bx / λz x ˆ in momentum space, and we note that away from the
Weyl nodes, there is a gap in the spectrum. If we put the chemical potential at the
energy of the Weyl nodes, we can consider the state obtained by filling all the
negative energy states. By studying how this state evolves as a function of the crystal
momentum, we define the Berry phase and the Berry flux B ( k ) = ∇k × A ( k ) . The
Weyl nodes here are the sources of this flux ∇ B( k ) = ± δ3 ( k − k ± ) .
Since the Weyl nodes can be thought of as sources and sinks of Berry
phase monopoles, there is a flux penetrating all the two-dimensional layers between
the nodes. All these layers have non-zero Chern number, whereas two-dimensional
planes not between the nodes have zero Chern number. So the two-dimensional
planes between the nodes are like quantum Hall planes, and they all exhibit integer
quantum Hall effect and have edge states. In other words, for each value of k x
between the Weyl nodes,we have a Chern insulator. This is precisely the reason that
there is an anomalous Hall effect proportional to the separation between the Weyl
nodes. The Fermi arc is just the line that one gets by stringing the edge states of the
Chern insulator together and clearly these states only exist between the Weyl nodes.
This is illustrated in Fig. It also clear from the figure that surface states can only exist
on the x-y and x-z planes. No surface states exist on the y-z planes since the
separation between the Weyl nodes is along the x-axis.
Now I will go through the reason behind of using CoFeGe and FeMnGe for
anamolous Hall effect.

4.Previous work on CoFeGe and FeMnGe

At first these two compounds are proved to be half metallic ferromagnets.We
know in half metallic ferromagnets there is possibility of high intrinsic AHE.So I
choosed these compounds for measurement.For CoCrSi, CoCrGe, CoFeGe, CoMnSi,
CoMnGe,FeMnGe and FeMnAs, the total energy differences between the half-
Heusler structure and the corresponding ground-state structure are small (0.07-0.76
eV/f.u.), thus it is expected that they would be realized in the form of thin films under
metastable conditions for spintronic applications.

Figure 1 (color online) Calculated total energy of CoFeGe as a function of the lattice
constants for magnetic and nonmagnetic states

In the first step, the lattice constants were determined. The total energies
forXYZ compounds as a function of the lattice constant for both nonmagnetic state
and magnetic states are calculated. The magnetic state is found to be more stable in
energy than the nonmagnetic one. The equilibrium lattice constants were derived by
minimizing the total energy. As an example, the lattice constant dependence of the
total energy for CoFeGe is shown in Fig. 1. The predicted equilibrium lattice
constants and the energy differences between the magnetic and nonmagnetic states
are summarized in Table 1. We further calculate the total density of states (DOS) in
the magnetic state with the equilibrium lattice constants. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3(b) presents
the spin-polarized DOSs of the nine compounds at their equilibrium lattice constants.
For these nine compounds, the electronic states in the majority-spin band are
metallic, and there is an energy gap at the Fermi level for the minority-spin band. So
they are half-metals. Furthermore, the calculated total magnetic moment per formula
unit (see Table 1) is integral, which is a typical characteristic of half-metallic(HM)
ferromagnets .
In order to investigate the electronic structure in detail, we further
show the spin-polarized band structure for FeMnGe in Fig. 4. In the majority-spin
bands, at about -3.0 eV the two fully-filled Γ 12 bands mainly originate from the
hybridized d-eg electrons of Fe and Mn (Here, the three Γ 15 bands originating from p
electrons of Ge overlap with them). The higher three fully-filled Γ 15 bands at about
-2.0 eV mainly originate from the hybridized d-t2g electrons of Fe and Mn. The two
narrow Γ12 bands crossing the Fermi level are mainly occupied by the d-e g electrons
of Fe and Mn. On the other hand, in the minority-spin bands the three Γ 15 bands just
below E F are created by the bonding t2g states of Fe and Mn with a small part of Ge p
states. Above the Fermi level the two narrow antibonding Γ 12 bands and three
antibonding Γ15 bands can be found. The covalent hybridization between the 3d states
of the Fe and Mn atoms pushes the minority-spin Γ 12 bands above the Fermi level,
opening the minority-spin energy gap at the Fermi level, and meanwhile pulls the
majority-spinΓ12 bands cross the Fermi level, showing metallicity in the majority-spin
bands, which results in the HM ferromagnetism in FeMnGe. In the minority-spin
band structure of FeMnGe, the valence band maximum (VBM) is at the W-point and
the conduction band minimum (CBM) at the X-point. Thus, the minority-spin band
structure shows semiconducting behavior with an indirect energy gap. The band gap
energies for these nine compounds are summarized in Table 1.Thus it is expected that
they would be used in spintronic applications.

5.Sample preparation

(a) arc melting furnace

High purity metals Co,Fe,Mn and Ge were melted in arc melting chamber.In an arc
melting furnace, an electric arc is generated by using direct currentbetween two
conductors. The tungsten electrode with negative polarity and the hearth with
positive polarity. The negative electrode is heated principally by the direct
impingement of positive ions coming from the anode and the sample pool receives its
greatest amount of heat from the collision of thermionically emitted electrons from
the cathode [1]. The molten metal, which forms the anode, is contained in the water –
cooled metallic hearth.The melting process results in the vaporization and removal of
selected volatile impurities from the liquid metal. In addition, due to the large thermal
gradient between the cathode and the molten metal, results in direct solidification
which enhances the columnar grain structure [1]. The basic feature of arc melting
furnace is a high temperature electric arc as a heat source, a liquid cooled metallic
hearth and an enclosure in which the melting is carried out. First components were
calculated for 1gm alloy.For CoFeGe total mass after iron melting was 0.9949
gm.After melting it became 0.8552 gm so loss was 14.154%.For FeMnGe total mass
after iron melting was 1.0589 gm.After Melting it became 1.0389 gm so loss was
1.8%.Before melting chamber was purged thrice with argon gas so that no impurity
will remain.Then sample was sealed in tube and placed in annealing furnace at 8000C
for 100h.After that it was cooled slowly to room temperature.

Fig-Arc melting furnace of our lab

(b)XRD Technique
X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) is a rapid analytical technique primarily
used for phase identification of a crystalline material and can provide information on
unit cell dimensions. The analyzed material is finely ground, homogenized.Max von
Laue, in 1912, discovered that crystalline substances act as three-dimensional
diffraction gratings for X-ray wavelengths similar to the spacing of planes in a crystal
lattice. X-ray diffraction is now a common technique for the study of crystal
structures and atomic spacing. X-ray diffraction is based on constructive interference
of monochromatic X-rays and a crystalline sample. These X-rays are generated by a
cathode ray tube, filtered to produce monochromatic radiation, collimated to
concentrate, and directed toward the sample. The interaction of the incident rays with
the sample produces constructive interference (and a diffracted ray) when conditions
satisfy Bragg's Law (nλ=2d sin θ). This law relates the wavelength of electromagnetic
radiation to the diffraction angle and the lattice spacing in a crystalline sample. These
diffracted X-rays are then detected, processed and counted. By scanning the sample
through a range of 2θangles, all possible diffraction directions of the lattice should be
attained due to the random orientation of the powdered material. Conversion of the
diffraction peaks to d-spacings allows identification of the mineral because each
mineral has a set of unique d-spacings. Typically, this is achieved by comparison of
d-spacings with standard reference frame.X-ray diffractometers consist of three basic
elements: an X-ray tube, a sample holder, and an X-ray detector. Bruker's X-ray
Diffraction D8-Discover instrument. Xray is generated in a cathode ray tube by
heating a filament to produce electrons, accelerating the electrons toward a target by
applying a voltage, and bombarding the target material with electrons. When
electrons have sufficient energy to dislodge inner shell electrons of the target
material, characteristic X-ray spectra are produced. These spectra consist of several
components, the most common being Kα and Kβ. Kαconsists, in part, of Kα1 and Kα2.
Kα1 has a slightly shorter wavelength and twice the intensity as K α2. The specific
wavelengths are characteristic of the target material (Cu, Fe, Mo, Cr). Filtering, by
foils or crystal monochrometers, is required to produce monochromatic X-rays
needed for diffraction. Kα1and Kα2 are sufficiently close in wavelength such that a
weighted average of the two is used. Copper is the most common target material for
single-crystal diffraction, with CuKα radiation = 1.5418Å. These X-rays are
collimated and directed onto the sample. As the sample and detector are rotated, the
intensity of the reflected X-rays is recorded. When the geometry of the incident X-
rays impinging the sample satisfies the Bragg Equation, constructive interference
occurs and a peak in intensity occurs. A detector records and processes this X-ray
signal and converts the signal to a count rate which is then output to a device such as
a printer or computer monitor.

Fig-XRD machine in our lab

(c) SEM
The scanning electron microscope (SEM) uses a focused beam of high-
energy electrons to generate a variety of signals at the surface of solid specimens. The
signals that derive from electron sample interaction reveal information about the
sample including external morphology (texture), chemical composition, and
crystalline structure and orientation of materials making up the sample. In most
applications, data are collected over a selected area of the surface of the sample, and a
2-dimensional image is generated that displays spatial variations in these properties.
Areas ranging from approximately 1 cm to 5 microns in width can be imaged in a
scanning mode using conventional SEM techniques (magnification ranging from 20X
to approximately 30,000X, spatial resolution of 50 to 100 nm). The SEM is also
capable of performing analyses of selected point locations on the sample; this
approach is especially useful in qualitatively or semi-quantitatively determining
chemical compositions , crystalline structure, and crystal orientations . Accelerated
electrons in an SEM carry significant amounts of kinetic energy, and this energy is
dissipated as a variety of signals produced by electron sample interaction when the
incident electrons are decelerated in the solid sample. These signals include
secondary electrons (that produce SEM images), backscattered electrons diffracted
backscattered electrons (that are used to determine crystal structures and orientations
of minerals), photons (that are used for elemental analysis and continuum X-rays),
visible light and heat. Secondary electrons and backscattered electrons are commonly
used for imaging samples: secondary electrons are most valuable for showing
morphology and topography on samples and backscattered electrons are most
valuable for illustrating contrasts in composition in multiphase samples (i.e. for rapid
phase discrimination). X-ray generation is produced by inelastic collisions of the
incident electrons with electrons in discrete ortitals (shells) of atoms in the sample.
As the excited electrons return to lower energy states, they yield X-rays that are of a
fixed wavelength (that is related to the difference in energy levels of electrons in
different shells for a given element). Thus, characteristic X-rays are produced for
each element in a mineral that is "excited" by the electron beam. SEM analysis is
considered to be "non-destructive"; that is, x-rays generated by electron interactions
do not lead to volume loss of the sample, so it is possible to analyze the same
materials repeatedly. Essential components are:
(a)electron source(gun)
(b)electron lenses
(c)sample stage
(d)detectors for all signals of interest
(e)data output device
(f)power supply
(g)vacuum system
(h)cooling system
(i)vibration free floor

Fig-SEM technique in our lab

Quantum design’s physical property measurement system measures all kinds
of magnetic properties,Hall resistivity,heat capacity etc.Its temperature range is 1.9K
to 400K and magnetic field range to 9T.It has many measurement options like
ACT,thermal transport,ACMS II etc.It has features-

• Versatile sample mounts couple easily to the 12 electrical leads built into
the cryostat insert.
• The PPMS is controlled by the Model 6000, a sophisticated
microprocessor-controlled device that eliminates the need to use or
purchase external bridges, current or voltage sources, or lock-in
• Continuous Low-Temperature Control – maintains temperature below 4.2
K and offers smooth temperature transitions when warming and cooling
through 4.2 K.
• Temperature Sweep Mode.
SQUID MPMS measures M-T ,M-H curve of samples.It is so sensitive that
it can catch data in low magnetic field.
Its features are-
• cryogen free with evercool

• SQUID sensitivity
• multiple measurement modes
• Tempearture range 1.8-400K
• 7 Tesla magnet

Fig-SQUID MPMS in our lab

6.Result and Discussion

We did XRD of CoFeGe and FeMnGe .In CoFeGe sample hexagonal structure
is verified.To confirm it we also did SEM and saw structure is hexagonal.
In FeMnGe three extra peaks are observed in XRD image due to small
impurity.To confirm it we did SEM and observed there is additional phase in
sample.For XRD we made powder of sample and then paste it on glass film.For SEM
we used rectangular shaped sample after polishing with diamond pest.EDX was not
available in SEM so we did not do EDX of materials.
Fig. 1-XRD pattern of CoFeGe

pattern of
Fig.3(a)-SEM of CoFeGe

Fig.3(b)-SEM of CoFeGe
Fig.4(a)-SEM of FeMnGe

Fig.4(b)-SEM of FeMnGe
M-T and M-H measurement
We did M-T and M-h measuremnt of both samples in SQUID.Here is the

Fig-M-T curve of CoFeGe at 1000Oe

For measurement of CoFeGe we took 0.019 gm of sample and set the magnetic field
at 1000 Oe for different temperatures.We got transition temperature at 225K which
may not be curie temperature bacause at high temperature we are getting M-H loop
which shows ferromagnetic phase .so we will further study about this in future.
After that we did M-H plotting for 3K,150K and 300K for different
magnetic field values.Here we are getting M-H loop after transition temperature.
Fig-M-H curve of CoFeGe at 3K,150K,300K

We took 0.013 gm of FeMnGe for SQUID measurement.Below M-T

curve is plotted at 1000Oe for zero field cooling and field cooling.In the middle part
of curve is ferromagnetic phase and after that it is becoming paramagnetic as moment
is becoming zero. So we will again prepare sample for single phase and study further.
Then we did M-H curve at 3K,300K and 380K.
Fig-M-T curve of FeMnGe at 1000Oe

loop of

Anomalous Hall Measurement
For anomalous hall measurement we cut sample in rectangular shape and
polished surface.We did Hall measurent of CoFeGe only.Its length is 3.95mm,breadth
is 1.60mm and thickness is 2.08mm.We did contact for it and placed in PPMS at

Fig-Hall measurement of CoFeGe at 2K

At 2K Hall conductivity is σ = - ρHall/(ρxx)2

ρHall=4X 10-7Ω Cm
ρxx=8.3X10-5Ω Cm
Hall conductivity=58 Ω-1 Cm-1
Overall all plots are very noisy .The reason may be contact problem.For the time
being we did not do connection again,further we will make contact and measure.
Fig-Hall measurement of CoFeGe at 200K

Fig-Hall measurement of CoFeGe at 300K

Fig-R-T curve of CoFeGe at 0 Oe

We performed experiment of CoFeGe and FeMnGe.In CoFeGe we obtained
very much fluctuations in graph and Hall conductivity is also Very low.So we will
further make new connection to it for Hall measurement.In FeMnGe we are getting
impurity so we will prepare single phase sample and measure Hall conductivity.
Firstly, I would like to thank, Dr. Ajaya Kumar Nayak for guiding me, giving me a
chance to do independent research at NISER, providing me all experimental facilities,
introducing me to the basic concepts of Anomalous Hall Effect and helping me
throughout the project.I am indebted to Mr. Charanpreet, Mr. Subir, Dr. Subhendu
and Mr. Bimlesh,Ms Dola,Mr.Pradeep,Mr.Jamal for their considerable help and
assistance throughout this summer project work.Without their help I can not complete
my project .

1.First-principles investigation of half-metallic ferromagnetism of half-Heusler

compounds XYZ
L. Feng ,E. K. Liu ,W. X. Zhang ,W. H. Wang ,G. H. Wu



3.Anomalous Hall effect

Naoto Nagaosa
Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan and
Cross Correlated Research Materials Group (CMRG), ASI, RIKEN, Wako 351-0198,
Saitama, Japan
Jairo Sinova
Department of Physics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843-4242,
USA and
Institute of Physics ASCR, Cukrovarnická 10, 162 53 Praha 6, Czech Republic
Shigeki Onoda
Condensed Matter Theory Laboratory, ASI, RIKEN, Wako 351-0198, Saitama, Japan
A. H. MacDonald
Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712-1081,
N. P. Ong
Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA

4.Giant anomalous Hall angle in a half-metallic magnetic Weyl semimetal

Enke Liu ,Yan Sun ,Lukas Müchler , Aili Sun , Lin Jiao , Johannes Kroder , Vicky
Süß ,
Horst Borrmann , Wenhong Wang , Walter Schnelle, Steffen Wirth , Sebastian T. B.
Goennenwein , and Claudia Felser

5.Anomalous Hall Effect in Type-I Weyl Metals

J. F. Steiner, A. V. Andreev, and D. A. Pesin
ITP, Heidelberg University, Philosophenweg 12, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
84112, USA
6.rom colossal to zero: Controlling the Anomalous Hall Effect in Magnetic Heusler
Compounds via Berry Curvature Design
Kaustuv Manna,Lukas Muechler, Ting-Hui Kao, Rolf Stinshoff, Yang Zhang , Nitesh
Kumar, Guido Kreiner, Klaus Koepernik , Roberto Car , Jürgen Kübler , Gerhard H.
Chandra Shekhar , Yan Sun, Claudia Felser

7.Weyl Semi-Metals: A Short Review Sumathi Rao

8.Spin chirality induced skew scattering and anomalous Hall effect in chiral magnets
Hiroaki Ishizuka and Naoto Nagaosa

9.Berry phase effects on electronic properties

Di Xiao
Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak
Tennessee 37831, USA
Ming-Che Chang
Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 11677, Taiwan
Qian Niu
Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA

10.Magnetization relaxation and structure of CoFeGe alloys

H. Lee, Y.-H. A. Wang, C. K. A. Mewes, W. H. Butler, T. Mewes, S. Maat, B. York,
M. J. Carey, and J. R. Childress

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