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*******************OTHER BOOKS WERE IN ESSENSE MISTAKES***********************************

THE WARNING by William F Matters Jr. 04-29-2016 Anno Domini

We can't achieve whatever we want seems to be the prevailing rule in America. The apple can't fall
far from the tree by nature. If we fail to maintain our relationships or our own emotional stability we are in
in trouble. We can not operate as a corporation or machine or animal just own mere needs and yet that
is why we see humans reduced. There is no escaping prayer or work or not achieving pure purpose.
Humans require a variety of things beyond color matching clothing or aesthetics to be social yet we need
monotonous compensation financially and/or emotionally from our positions and roles which we can not
without there being a God to quite understand. There is no preplanning for most of us in life.

In all there is the father of all fear which is if I make a mistake in thought does it become reality
for me? In all religion this is the most loving and forgiving of God’s acts that it is not so. Between Quantum
Mechanics and Relativity or even String Theory lies this mystery perhaps for our own good. As more
Technology and markets develop we need more education and less time for family depleting us of love.
One thing I miss about Pop music is it seemed less dark than my deep faithless thinking in younger years.
Purely objective thought in a fallen world is dark by nature since faith is not a component.Writing these
words does not make my stomach go inside out.

We live in a world of darkness so any objectivity will be devoid of truth. We claim there is no truth as
Pontius Pilate. I initially wrote these works so anybody could use them however it excluded Christianity
due to it’s complexity yet requires it for it’s very human need of not forcing us to be enslaved to our
passions which are self destructive.In many ways it addresses the complex need of sex. Nobody dies
without it but only wishes they were no more psychologically. It opens the door to family and personhood.
Later it opens the door to society, self respect and ultimate role in dissolving problems as a rote yet
necessary purpose. It is how our faith(s) grow and our ultimate appreciation of God in sanity.

As a Schizo affective/OCD individual you see the purposeless, faithless and impoverished while
insane males who are single dependent on casual sex and drugs to face today and tomorrow. This is not
a human ranking system but a real view of family definition not to evolve as roles were sane. Now two
people in a family need work and it forces dual roles on each sexual partner (male and female).In the
end we are going against God in progress’s name and denying we can go further in the name of faith.
Where there is no definition there is no role or sanity yet only loneliness and fears.Yes there is treasure to
be found in the streets but the true treasure is to never have to pick up change or look for money or
compromise. We all seek to have the perfect product, solution, role or purpose but that will not come
without God. Philosophers, singers, comedians, politicians, actors, etc. will not be remembered in time so
I seek Christ as the guarantee of my immortality. They create the very chaos they hope to distract from or
take a different view of as do all humans in one way or another. Today I can afford to honor my human
limitations and let God be God .The truth is we are told who or what we should be or especially have yet I
was created fine as God made me and this is the most profound treasure. Artists, philosophers, scientist,
theologians, song writers and free thinkers all seem to die in romance and drugs these days as politicians
are purposeless or assassinated. Few live on as remembered prophets. This effort all seems as worthless
as 1,000,000 collapsed dinars from Yugoslavia. Those that survive are slaves to money to prove the
value of their respective dominate systems as Capitalism. Most fears are
imagined and never come to place yet we budget for them burying us in fear or unnecessary wealth.
The reason we have suicides is to qualify for love. People seem positive to survive each other lose hope
and in fear consider death silently as the only act of sanity.We serve self or others in love. The only thing
that is impossible by our mind is everything.To think all is possible is our worst fears too then become

Filled with clutter we are disorganized in fear to prepare or plan every possibility. We can support
charitable thrift shops or church programs. We can seek money in a corner alley trapped by rain or wind
with extras in tourist areas but poverty is inescapeable. We are wealthy if we do not need to look for
change or money or live clean and comfortable.A possible way to look at life.
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Self Definition: Direction/Answers, Requirements, Purpose/Problem Solving/Product or Roles

Self Direction: Accomplishment, Freedom, Driver’s License, Education, Art, Literature, Music, Games,
Auto, Air Conditioning, Religion, Philosophy, Hobbies, Material Philosophy/Politics, Vacation/Retreat, Pet,

Social: Music, Computer, Video, Sports, Taste, Relationships, Color Coordination, Style, Peers,
Community, Patriotism, Investment/Vested Interest, Change, Routine, Spouse

Security/Psychological: Locks, Cell Phone, Alarm Clock, Alarms, Watch/Jewelry, Computer Access,
Storage, Cleanliness ,Appliances, Friends/Family, Laundry Access ,Money/Bank, Hygiene Products,
Transportation Access, Climate Control, Grooming Supplies, Eating Impliments, Bed/Separate Space,
Furniture, Shower/Toilet, Waste Management, Pest Control, Law/Order

Basic Needs: Home, Water(hot, cold, running & clean), Food (nutrition not just resolving hunger or
cravings), Clothing, Rest/Sleep, Special Needs
Medicine, God (Dignity & Relationship with Self), Work or Volunteer/Reciprication (both ways).

All are essential.

I believe Baptism, Marriage, Confession/Sacrament of Sick and Confirmation of faith all exists in some
form or another in a Christian society and assist in allowing a person to live in security and forgiving
relationship to God. Our taste changes with age as our sense of security changes. We need to enjoy
today and not live in a static resentment or fearful state. Respect of your life via Burial. Marriage seems
the only remaining universal feature of religion.

Once I thought I was capable of uniting all religion into some lowest common denominator. It’s
impossible. Just dietary laws alone are problematic. If you are a Native American you believe in thanking
the hunted animal for its food and sacrifice. In Judaism there is the idea of giving thanks to a Creator and
items restricted from your diet as pork in Islam also. In Hinduism there is a code of not killing or cooking
an animal and in Christianity all is allowed but not recommended. We can’t honor one religion so why try
to unite them? All the truth adds up to Christ for me. To try to add up different truths adds up to insanity
and no true truth. All religions even if denying it have at its base some exclusivity even with violence.

As our world deteriorates I thought of writing what has never needed to be encoded which is Hetero-
sexual Male Rights. As we leave marriage as an option to a female we lose even more rights or find more
dangers. If we become Homo-sexual we really have lost it. If we pursue fornication or adultery there is
that collection of problems even without illegitimate offspring. Males can hit on or rape males but
heterosexuals can’t hit on females? Females can hit on males? Where is this going? One man will sell out
another for a female.

The main problems is we are aware of fat, sugar & salt or cleanliness killing bacteria and viruses, but not
a sense of evil or sin. We think as long as it’s cheap or makes more money, but we do not think about
good and bad money. We think as long as it works it must be okay. We think sex anyway is okay as long
as no disease. We think it okay to believe in time plus chance plus matter but not an infinite mind of God.
As long as it works or isn’t dangerous or taste or feels good it’s alright. False. THE REAL NEEDS ARE:
FAITH, HOPE & LOVE. At times knowledge, wisdom & a sense of true dangers not street bs is necessary
however this is not the 80’s so the list of needs above basics are not always practical to achieve. It does
have the basics of a sound gratitude list or goals. However:
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You know we need definition & categories to honor and respect things in their places. Even if it seems
futile at times. We can only guess and have to live even if we don’t have the answers to start. This is why
I believe in original sin and a fallen world. In the beginning man knew all he needed infused by God and
not confused by education containing indoctrination. Sometimes categories seem to slide into each other
but when you think about it truly then you realize it’s because we misunderstood things or have a lack of
respect and honor for it. We are not thankful these days.

We do not appreciate each other’s roles anymore as far as cultural applications of females occur and
that is why males have less rights now. Nobody teaches respect or why to respect. Lustful appreciation
can only take you so far or understanding of reproductive roles. Who doesn’t like a nice hairdo or dress or
outfit accentuating the sexual dimorphism of the other sex, but we take it too far without dignity. Am I a
person or only to be used for sexual purposes? As the roles grow more complex or even sinful the appeal
of one sex over another occurs due to the lack of rights maybe one male feels in comparison with a
female. One person feels more useful as poor or middle class than wealthy. One person feels more noble
if different than others yet we are all confused, yes even sinners .The price goes up on everything as
everyone losses their value to each other. We are due for a collapse. We do not value animal or plant life
much less or the environment if we can buy it. Fear of God is lost first in all of these situations. Can we
afford it then what’s the difference if we waste? What happened to provider, protector and father or
nurturer and domestic caretaker or mother? In a sense this is more a venture towards upward mobility
than a new car or gold jewelry or exotic pet? We can only go much further before we can exploit
everything and that is the ultimate of evil as not God’s will, but mine be done.Who cares if I could create a
cookbook involving tuna made with mustard as a twist on a tuna sandwich?

Do we realize we were wrong or are we only now wrong? I am only thankful for Nietzche not because
his thought found a home in Naziism, but it was a venue to evaluate evil. Likewise I was thankful for Marx,
not for Communism, but for showing what a lack of the sacred could create.We live in a world where sick
ideas are shared as artistic freedom then we ask how can such evil things happen? Evil entertainment
leads to evil action aka sin.Playboy is not art as much as showing a person to only be a sexual object.
There is much foolishness and a craving for revolution but all that teaches is how to shed blood. How
come we never discuss reform? As for a person you can redefine yourself only so many times before you
crack.At a certain point stability is required without constant change.


The one thing I have always despised is people who believe what they want to supporting it by the
scriptures they like while ignoring the other ones that do not support such ideas. Somehow faiths have
become obsessed with proof(s) from scripture due to our scientific world.I can understand it to a degree.
When it was the 80’s I had foolish ideas as a book on thievery or a book to unite all world religions or
even more recently the handbook for the owner of a vagina, which would be comical as I am male.It is
believed Adam had God’s intended education for him instantly infused at creation. No education or
everything learned through trial and error if you can imagine such.One of the reasons we have so much
mental illness is nobody teaches you what to forget or disregard as foolishness since we are so
concerned with self esteem. No right or wrong answers anymore in a world where every nightmare or
wish is possible if you can prove your way to it. Doctors and lawyers are the new priesthood. In the end all
I wrote would be good in part for running a family business. I’ve learned the hard way that some thoughts
or ideas are not capable of producing good. That is futility. The biggest futility I imagined was a modern
Inferno revisited, but that involves judging people who were famous condemning them to hell. Even if just
imagination I do not want to put myself in the place of God subjecting myself to my own deviancies.
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Well all I know is I thought as a grandmaster that all is written what will be in one’s life but one must
choose to be there is false. Man makes plans but God directs his steps from Proverbs 16:9 is more
reasonable. Religion is too confusing. I ‘m glad I failed to become a priest or preacher.

I started young thinking the world was filled with beauty, but now some of the beliefs of some of the
cultures are disgusting. Maybe some art or music only get their rise through horrors of living hells and
desperation. Well I know my life has a lot in common with some other people, but I know now my life is
not so interesting and I want no fame. You really have to be famous to be famous these days I it’s not
worth the sin involved.In real life there is no absolute ability to plan everything or prepare for every

This section dedicated to Luke Gallo & Michelle Conrey

In this written work I give you a warning. These works were written by me, but I was
self centered & not surrounded by good people. It’s like rock n roll. It all becomes slavery to
money or wealth to justify your idea in any material philosophy.Manners is not a waste as it
is a way of investing in relationships or avoiding danger.Only God can bring good out of evil.
Things today can not always happen gradually and things being made possible by thought depends
on if today’s technology makes it within possibility.I may have concepts but they may not yet be feasible.
So I try to stop before I start.People know everything regarding others positions but nobody can
sum it all up to the ultimate truth.

Humans are not machines or animals so certain needs we can never shake off like proper
sleep,diet,privacy,social interaction,etc. A budget is not mere mathematics as sleep schedules.
Just knowing about sex doesn’t mean you know it all now as much as learning how to profit is not all there
is to business. As for politics they all grow government and cost to you no matter what you do.
We can not be a rock star without being addicted to being the man ourselves.The question in Storm Blue
was originally what was self acceptance and acceptance among us? Some would say sports, others
would say money and in the end if you can not accept yourself or selves nobody will respect you to
accept you. We really need to solve all need and have no war based on all having enough without
covetousness. If you work to have what you want and not just because somebody else you respect has it
all should be well.

I used to wish I had blue eyes, blonde hair, straight teeth and no mental illness. Now I am glad I have
eyes, a common hairstyle as bald, healthy teeth and am not mentally challenged. He who fights with
monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long
into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.This quote is from Fredereich
Nietzche.Whom died mad.

If we see ourselves as serving a cause we lie as it is only survival comfortably. What fills in the gaps
usually is addiction with it’s problems of not acknowledging others plus the cost of irreparable damages.
Like a child who wants to know Easter's Jesus yet not understand the Easter Bunny as a mere symbol of
fertility as wel as the Easter Egg we look in magical wonder. What seems magical is always deceptive by
it's nature. What does Jesus really have to do with Santa or sales at malls? This is commercializing the
sacred which I believe to be a sin in and of itself birthing confusion and inevitable insanity. We see it all

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in rebellion against the sacred in All Saint's Day versus Halloween where people pretend to be too
intelligent to be frightened by so-called lies.

I am glad I failed as a self help guryu or a philosopher since famous philosophers usually have bathed
in blood historically and wishes to be responsible for such atrocities? There are too many famous people
in our history as it is so I guess it is the end.


The Name of Book + Chapter # + Verse #= Quote

for example: DEUTERONOMY 10:17

At a certain point human reason breaksdown to it's own inventions

and reason gives way to exhaustion. Therefore the idea that you can

accomplish anything by sheer grit and force of will is impossible which

gives birth for us the idea of possible and impossible. You can not be

anything you want because for most of us that is not doing what you is

impossible which is nothing.

Nietzche proposed such a superman yet seemed quite a bit insane himself.

The will to power or will power is the basis of most addictions whereby the

will is enslaved to a substance or practice. We can not budget food or needs

strictly according to cost without sacrifice of health or even mental health.

We can not survive on two hours a sleep per day or one meal or only using

a glass of water. We have needs that seperate us from animals to support

or compliment our brain/mind and we need routine. The idea you can be

anything or anybody in this country is a lie. You are reduced to odds or the
will of God. This can be demonstrated in Daniel 4 with the king's vision of

God and more so we find not freedom as a mere human construct but a truth.

Freedom is not do whatever you wish but honoring terms and limits that make

Page 6 freedom possible which we term as laws whether natural or divine although

there is no difference. This is best demonstrated in King David's 119 Psalm.

This psalm treasures the law but not frredom to honor contradictory lusts of

the flesh hence the birth of freedom. Hedonism is the birth of slavery and

addictions. The law defining terms of freedom in the Bible whether Catholic

or Protestant is the first five books of Moses starting especially in the second

book known as Exodus.

The issue of self respect is a bi-product of reverence for God. The purpose

of wealth is to purchase the right to personal limitations so I do not have to

work the graveyard shift and have abnormal sleep or starve to maintain a

budget or be ill without medicine to afford requirments to advance. We are

free to do anything yet be not mastered by it or have it be unprofitable as we

see in 1 Corinthians 6:12 & 1 Corinthians 10:23-26. If born again we are from

from old practices as Ephesians 4:22-24 & Collosians 3:9-10 shows us. Some

Christians use Galatians 5 or Hebrews 9:14 to show we are forgiven and free

, but they are saying we are free from old Judaism and it's requirements such

as certain ceremonial laws or sacrifices. Why is money so important in God's

economy? Well it is tradeable with exact values and we accomplish more

through trade than we ever do with war to fufill our needs. God is a God

of peace and order. Money usually provides this and is far more transportable

than goods for trade which is approximate or could spoil. Ironically people go

to war and confusion for monetary reasons too. Western civilization is or was
based on Judeo-Christian ideas. Although over commercialized for profit

it is still the basis of basic law or right and wrong as well as our stigmas.

I do not see a world of bubble cities or aircars in our future. It is not

Page 7 financially correct for travel. We live in a time where the end can really

happen. Our markets can do almost anything and we communicate too

easily. Sin makes everything spoiled. There is no harmony between good

and evil or getting rich while resting on laurels. As a Christian you will have

what you need for the day or here and now. Schedules and budgets are

not the wealth except in keeping discipline.

I am not getting into a religious discourse on the path to heaven if

we do not discuss the need of a God for you on Earth. We can not

plan for every possibility and only pray we are in his will and plan.

Just knowing what to do for a person at the right time can be part

of his will while refraining from certain activities is part of it too.

You see without God we are animals with no rights or purpose.

So Storm Blue leads us here despite the spiritual destitude and errors

some of my previous works contain. We are not accidents although I

believe the universe was not created just for us alone. Although some

of those beings may not be benevolent.

See how odd it gets, but all of Christianity begins and ends with faith

in Jesus Christ as we repent. So any catechism should agree on most sins,

but for the naive I'll do some discourse on some cultural common

misunderstandings. Yes we are free from the laws of Moses, but we

still can not get tatoos as it is a form of self abuse. Sex is okay within
the confines of marriage. When one or both are breaking marriage

bonds it is called adultery. Thinking sex is okay even neither side is

married is not okay as commonly thought and is called fornication.

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Well what is bearing false witness? It is all forms of lying. Isn't it a sin

to kill anything? No. It is saying do not murder. What is a Sabbath? A

period of rest and worship generally Sunday. How about coveting?

It means wanting and not being satisfied with what you have or who

you are in the end. Is it okay to have another God just not before him?

No it means no other God in his sight. As for art. It is okay as long as you

do not worship it as a god. Finally how about if I honor my mother and

father but have authority issues? No you are to respect your teacher or

police or other authorities too.

As for needs your greatest needs are law and means of salvation.

Without such we are just animals. There is at a certain place no turning

everything around or redefining oneself since everything to a certain point

is a variation on the same theme usually with similar goals. This can be

seen through easily and yet we fight the need of redemption. Seeking

God is not seeking an ally who is on your side no matter what and this

is a good thing as he is seeking no allies either. No one thing will take you

through life as much as accepting the life God has given you and that I am

not the center of the universe with all my unholy desires. You never stop

learning so these books are futile. The hardest way for the poor is the

easy way since nobody has interest to help him.

If you do not know by now human civilization is not great. Sin

corrupts judgment and justice. You can not reverse things everytime

something bad happens. The systems all cost us and we kill living

things to have paper or clothes or food and medicine. We build with

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it and rape stones for metal to make things. We take synthetics and

make stupid purposeless items or novelties to sell claiming they are

keeping the world spinning. We make things out of stone too. In

sight of human needs nothing is sacred. The poor get poorer and

the rich get richer while evil is rewarded under Satan's usurped

kingdom which is less than God's kingdom but we live here.

Disease and poverty due to sin with nothing getting better

all will one day at his return collapse. You can not do anything

just by planning but only by God's will and so the lies end.

The biggest problem with my idea of no price is it interest no

one. There is no message for the illiterate and even the most

poor man has little respect for something for free he has to invest

time and energy to apply and practice.Plus some people only believe

what they themself believes due to seeing and witnessing what they've

seen thus far not allowing growth by mere faith. All I've learned is true

freedom lies in always having something to trade like health & work.

The most important unit is family to protect the person. There is no

impersonal force as in the Tao or Star Wars where a person can be

in union or it as its ally fufills all your needs and wants as you want them.

Lone wanderers do not succeed or usually live long.You can not find what

you are worth in the world and only family and your start is sacred. I find
myself therefore bowing before the Cross accepting my defeats and
finding God on his terms. The simplest and yet most complicated questions do not mean you know
everything. Questions as where do babies come from?; How does money work? or How
do you get to heaven lead us thus far. Question one the sex act is the answer.
Question two is buy low, sell high and above the overhead

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is profit hopefully with some purpose. Question three is complicated. As a

Caucasion of European descent the answer lies in the act of the crucifixion and
ressurrection of Jesus Christ applied to your person. Some based on Ephesians
2:8-9 claim this is all that is required, but they ignore James 2 where faith
without works is dead. I say if you have faith in Christ your life will change
through repentance of sin and new direction. For some

this is instant for most it is gradual I believe. In this course there is application of
sacraments also, but which are sacraments are in dispute whether Catholic and
Orthodox or Protestant. Baptism and Eucharist are undisputed. In Baptism the
mode of pouring, sprinkling or emersion are questioned however it is really I
believe in a desert environment it depended on what source of water was
availible. Eucharist whether the person of Jesus Christ is present or it is just a
memorial or mystically present is usually the dispute, but the point is intimacy.
You in a sense confirm your faith through out life. You do not just check off
salvation in life and then move on to live as you wish. I believe without faith
you live a meaningless life of self manufactured meaning which just becomes
an illusion that become a liability greater than all your other problems instead
of as a help throughout life and to face death. To worship means to assign
worth so when you are worshipping you are telling God he is worthy. What if
you do not gather together with other Christians to worship you are essentially
telling God he is not worth your time and wonder why you are not blessed. I have
questions for our modern people like how do we know different combinations of
chemicals we take in from food, transportation, grooming, hygiene & medicine
do not activate cancer cells from the start?


All the quotes of man contradict each other's view, but I want to give you some advice. First
never quit a job until you have another one to go to and never lend more than you can afford to lose.
Never keep with the Jones's or be forced to go into debt just to appease other people. Never have
sex with a female who you are not married to or is already married.
Read book of Proverbs agreed upon by Catholic or Protestant alike. Always maintain identification.
Do not waste your life on too much education. Even with an education learn a trade. Do not acquire too
much credit. Never operate without neccesary insurance. A wedding does not have to be expensive. Just
because you know where babies come from or the idea of profit does not mean you know everything. You
do not have to know everything.You can not have everything.As females they are sinners too, no matter
how innocent they appear. Disrespecting or exalting females is dangerous.Children are not born to fufill
our desires where we failed or be entertainment.There is a platitude for every situation but it does not
make a person wise.You can be witty without being intelligent. Do not use people especially family without
compensating them.If you are a female do not give out the milk for free because nobody will buy the cow.
In life money talks and bull***** walks.Everything is capitalistic in life if you do not have respect for
yourself or others you do not receive it. You need it from the start just like you need money to make
money even if you
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have to borrow it.

You know I had to go to jail over an misunderstanding to learn to be a criminal. We all need a 12 step
program, but when people are not yet addicts and we put them in a group that is spiritual this spirituality
can corrupt morals. In the end the person conforms to a bad element and grows into addictive behavior
just because their issue involved a drug was a part of their problem maybe just with one or two
uses.However the attempt to cut church out has had these effects even though we try to kill an addiction
early to save lives erring on the side of caution.Whether we say the lies in our head come from the devil
or a sickness they are still lies and the truth must be found in a world of opinions.You therefore must
cultivate your beliefs.Bad company corrupts good morals.The world generally concedes to an idea of right
and wrong and in all cases hells are to be avoided regardless of content.
Welfare can take care of you better than you in a lot of cases, but doing so you will never get
ahead.Be able to respond to situations hence the meaning of being responsible. Abuse is to be
abnormally used. Spoke to Jesus telling him I had my pride and he asked me would not you rather have
your self respect? Credit is good to have but savings or social capital is better. You have to realize bad
advice or stupid thoughts.For instance let's say your father says "Join a fire department and you will
always have a place to stay" or you think so to have a place to store things and live you should buy a
car.These are bad ideas on so many levels. Good ideas always involve work or investment.Never quit a
job If you do not have a new one.As for females not how other females get along with her since beauty is
fleeting and charm decieving.They tell everybody you have to start at the bottom but that is only if you
no education or experience.The only thing you learn in being a good follower to be a good leader is the
need of a chain of command.Never hang around your job if you are not working or buying something.
One of thr biggest lies told is philosophy ia way of life while religion is concerned with the after-
life.One's way of life always has a result in the after-life so the two are inseperateable.A female once told
me life is really about relationships because you achieve to have relationships.
Always carry identification and money not to be thought a vagrant.There is no replacement for a
listening ear.Sex is actually about relationship than strictly reproduction for humans.Females are not
saviors or angels of infinite patience or virtues, but sinners too. That is why the most innocent looking
beautiful girl can be evil or deceptive. Never forget to carry a pen and receipt book for cash
purchases.Remember females generally want without conflict with guaranteed security therefore these
people are more inclined to love money.Men want to see what they by themselves canaccomplish while
certain females manipulate other people to their ends which in both cases both deny glory to God. In
such cases there is no winner.You want to know a woman better watch how she is treated by other
women or vice versa.There are no master plans to achieve so the need to micromanage every fiber or
minutia detail is not your responsibility.We say scientically we are animals and seeking the cravings of
sinful man brings us to insanity with its ends. We need claim our human dignity through God being still
and knowing God is in charge rather than pursue our insane plans for sin.We have to let go. Only then
can we be truly human with limitations and contentment.Nietzche shows us the insane end.Thinking we
are hopeless animals is the basis I believe with which many have committed suicide with no intent to
repent.As an amatuer sociologist I have an interest in what causes suicide aside from just despair.I
received so much rejection
I lost my belief in love from humans only to find it in odd ways from Christ.Every path and purpose is
different with him so neither I nor you can map an exact path for everyone except to give up our lust or
ways to supply it. Jesus said "Man can not live by bread alone, but by every word of God." in John's
Gospel. At Dueteronomy's end Joshua says "As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord." Timeless
truth is life to everybody and society.Recognizing right and wrong is more of a unifying force for
acceptance of each other than writing the greatest rock ballad in the end.

I'll tell you this that not every scenario can be addressed by a book. Man works and is compensated for
resolving complex problems and not necessarily a purpose.Compensation is based on training in
education and with poverty and drugs there is a need of credit since noone can do so gradually any
longer. In all cases meaning comes from God otherwise we all decompensate into the madness of

Remember police are doing their shift for pay like you and females have needs as you do. We can
not do anything we can necessarily think of as possible without work.If we can not work it out it is
except to God and in finding acceptance or sanity this can only be done through religion. There for we
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know our limits while never trying to limit God.God can not do evil and there is no personalizing a true
science of God’s paths for every person except his will is done in each life where he is cooperated with
in such a way no man can define.Teachers think they can make a student know why they know what they
know which is a bridge to foolishness.I know what I know because God has allowed it and what can be
defined does not equate with all that is possible or impossible.If a person think they can define life on their
terms with no female or family they are mistaken as thinking anything thinkable is possible on sheer
is beyond foolishness to a path of both addictions and madness.Without faith, hope or love we fall into the
trap of asking what can we accomplish on our own and that leads to total despair, a perceived valueless
life and suicide.Without God there is no love and therefore no value or appreciation of life just lusts
by greed which we say keeps the world going around.I realize now one can not make a catalogue of all
human knowledge or know that they know anything to teach it.You can not teach talent.

This page done in remembrance of Bobbie Jo Soloman

Machiavellian technique of planning to do anything to achieve all one wants is foolish and grotesque
when one sees what men or women are capable of doing.If there is no God there is no restriction of evil
and therefore we must advance in his will or at least its parameters. There is no planning for all
or worst possible circumstances as they can always be worse on a human level so we must use common
sense and God’s common graces which go beyond human definitions or formulas.For those of the world
Storm Blue’s ideas can apply but for God’s people our plans must be within his will by his means.OCD is
common for those who seek out every possibility to avoid their fears and in all cases we must know there
is no answer but trusting God for the result if we do what he wills in general. We are sinners so we must
reconcile with God by some means of confession regularly and then his opportunities become more
apparent. Just as I can not teach karate from a book, so I can not teach basic life skills since literacy
would be a requirement. You will need other people in this life and it is unavoidable.There will be other
books and no perfect way to plot out your life so the cost of experience is inevitable. The only way people
know how bad some places are by going there yet when you return going there alone discredits you. So
people believe tv or movies which is not education and if it is then one is altered by either quite probably
with no credit.I try to have people not have to learn the hard way or have those experiences.

Living by daylight having 6-8 hours of sleep, three meals and a routine or job is best to avoid the
odd or weird life leading to criminality or mental illness. Sanitation is part of it. No amount of cutting
corners or quality of what is needed will make you wealthy.Really getting to sleep by midnight is
necessary.I can not define the workings of the mind or brain but I use just as sanity demands faith in
God for what we can not foresee. You can not teach talent but only coach it without a book as it is God
given I believe.All we can do in life is work with what we start out possessing.Anybody who tells you
otherwise is propagating lies which we all believe.Any material philosophy starts with this truth.I will not
bore you with overwhelming evidence to learn without question as is done in education which I call
indoctrination.To relieve you of such burdens I’ll not direct you to many overlapping themes in the Old
Testament but method as found in the New Testament.

For all of us there is no final answer but we believe the answers lie in a personal answer as always
found in the person of Jesus Christ. That is the best I believe anybody can do. It sounds too subjective,
but the New Testament containing the Pauline Epistles are sometimes suggestive of methods to different
situations yet not every situation per se. The same problem may have different nuances so the LORD’s
will maybe expressed differently than if this then this .We have a mind and we have to use it in
conjunction with prayer waiting for an answer and being active in the solution or staying out of the way of
the solution. Our earthly teachers grade us based on if we came to the same conclusion their curriculum
was designed to guide us verses using our minds .I dare say science is more boring than religion.Jesus
will not bore you into submission and I believe some teachers have been abusive until we learn to break
us yet Christ Jesus is better than that approach or at least his teachers are supposed to be better than

The Axiom of Evolution By William F Matters Jr.

Evolution, the problem I've always had with it is people feel all responsible for being who they are if it
is great. If it is not so great also which creates a type of caste system. If a young female seeks the best
possible mate with the greatest income she can claim it is natural selection without any guilt. If a male is
strong he can abuse that trait claiming it is his territorial drives and it is natural.I believe GK Chesterton
said when we ignore the supernatural all that is left is the unnatural.In this world view there is no God
and the natural becomes even more perverted as in Romans 1.Social Darwinism is not too far removed
from the ideals of Fredereich Nietschze with is not far from ideas practiced in National Socialism in which
we have very beautiful or handsome monsters known as Nazis.

Evolution feeds pride or low self esteem but never humility since it is not the truth about humans. To
say humans are not made in the image of God and say they are animals is sadly appealing to our sinful
desires. To believe we can make things perfect or utopia or have better ethics than God by fixing a few
issues leads not to perfection but utter complexity and a obsession as madness. It works as long as you
can afford to be perfect or normal in your own eyes. Highly evolved we believe we deserve everything as
in religions but this religion attempts to answer questions only God should know to ask or answer.

To believe we have a right to everything because we are creations of God is futile also and we have to
learn we are not God collectively or gods. When God addresses us through Moses in the Pentateuch he
does not need to discuss viruses or bacterium just cleanliness. When disclosing numbers there are
comparisons but not scientific notation since we do not need to imagine such numbers. Many things we
accept as being educated or the need to be liberated from God is the road to OCD or similar problems.
Immorality leads to very warped thinking and I believe as every person gets what they can out of their
lives ignoring God leads to a so-called mind without limits I call mental illness.

We share timelines with Archeology, Cosmology, Astronomy, Geology and Biological Anthropology
with Evolution as a axiom we just use interchangeably in all the sciences. Science has a paradigm of fear
where we fear certain possibilities leading to a need to change all we think we know. Those possibilities
that there is no theory of evolving or there is alien life or even worse that there is a God. Why do we only
have a choice of a party who is invested in war or a party who cites abortion on demand? We argue over
the wealth and grow government only to devalue humans.Why else is there anything but lies to create
our freedoms?

-William F Matters Jr. 12-10-2018

Page 13

BULLYING By William Matters Jr.:

It all started with stopping in one area for awhile and let me say everybody has a story with a
beginning. It should not be revealed only after a homicide or suicide. It starts with being bullied from
everybody unless people side with the bully then bad things can only happen.

It is especially is the case when one is punished or ignored for being bullied until you fight back when
you come home and by your mother. It gets worse when you try to bully people to love you but they
have more social capital then you and you feel like you are less than a person. Then you face a system
that seems to bully and coerce on every level as a minor (under age of 18). Introduce smoking or drugs
and alcohol as distractions to justice then the true problem of bullying escapes notice. Everybody in the
80’s seemed to bully and if you were related to the right person you were entitled since nobody wanted
to do their job or lose it. The 80’s had great music but that is where the part of it being cool ended. The
act of others bullying me made me lose hope and almost consider suicide in this so called cool era we
call the 80’s.

In my case I had a disposition towards certain mental illnesses which happened without diagnosis. In
this state it is normal to feel isolated and even angry if bullied.Where people value others as more
important than their selves we do not need discuss weapons. Today my illnesses are medicated and I’ve
learned through the years to cope, however I was forced out of high school due to what I percieved as
bullying. I bullied too and the first experience fought back with more social capital than I ever imagined.
My mother horrified by my behavior acted against me in some situations with my father and having my
secrets I ran away in the winter. Considered suicide that night.I felt I didn’t have a person in the world on
my side. It was incredible a college prep student now a drop out and my family not perfect anymore. I
was now one of those stupid people that caused problems and new laws to be written. I thought I could
never make such blunders plus I was facing courts, possible homelessness and nobody willing to hear
me. That really is the key to be heard and have the courage to both expose the others with your
part in it.

When you have a psychotic break it is always possible to have other ones. You are never cured and no
one trigger really exist but if you have mental illness you are on the system usually. Your ability to be
productive and not to burden society is greatly decreased. Your relationships change. You can not
realistically be part of first responder work or the military.

William F Matters 12/10/2018

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