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Mary Vitti Boyd




American Federation of Astrologers


This book is published for astrologers, interested in financial astrology, to provide an

example approach to this item together with several maps that can be used as a
basis for research. She is was prompted by the requests of students and a large
share of the assertiveness of my husband. With four planets in Scorpio he such
head - at least he got me something.

Financial Astrology - complex thing, and first of all, a deep basic knowledge of
astrology is required. The road to wealth is full of frustration, if you imagine that
financial Astrology meets the basic needs of stock trading. However, With the desire
to work and research, astrology can be a valuable tool in predicting trends and
movements on the stock market in general, as well as for individual shareholdings.

The wording below is not comprehensive; they are intended only for Togo, to
serve as a guide for learners of financial astrology for the first time and to stimulate
reflections of those others who are already interested in the subject.

My husband, Harvey, with over 30 years experience work as a representative of the

New York Financial Exchange, responsible for Part II of the book, relating to some of
the methods of consideration of the maps of the exchange. This book is the result of
many hours conducted jointly in studies of various systems financial astrology. We
hope she helps you.

Mary Vitti Boyd

1425 Beau Monde, New York

Salem, Oregon 97304


While, as it is some people, which made great amounts money in the stock
market, there are others who have suffered great losses. We rarely hear about the
last group. because, that it's unusual for people to report their mistakes. Anyway,
Always follow the precautions when dealing with the market.

There is a certain number approaches at using astrology as a trading tool. Some of

the main points for research are set forth. below. After checks Make your own
conclusions about which method will be most useful for you in achieving the maximum


Natal chart, First of all, Good for identifying market opportunities. This is of paramount

Determine is whether your card is an indicator of ease or difficulty in order to make

money some way. Consider the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter and the planets that rule
the second house. Saturn in the second house basically means that a person will
have to work to get money, and I discovered that this position often indicates a person
who is not interested in the market.

Next, look at the fifth house of speculation and excitement. (Note: in my opinion, the
eighth house is not related to transactions of stock exchanges. At the same time, it can
be attributed to business or investments, in no case can the purchase of shares be
considered as an investment, or attachment. This is a risky speculative enterprise.
and should be attributed to cases of the fifth house ( quite a controversial statement.
Most researchers believe that the purchase of shares is related to cases of both 2
and 5 at home. It is clear, in any case, that investing in a share is a secondary
fact. The primary here is an investment for profit, and therefore without taking
into account the effects of 2 homes can not do here. - Notes Ed. ). Robert
Benchley once said: "It must to be called an unsafe market, not a safe market. "Price
movements in the markets in recent years confirm this. For example, Eastman
Kodak reached a price of 84 in 1977, although almost at the same time (January 1978)
an estimated 46. Five years ago it was sold. for 150! US Steel sold for 49 in the last
twelve months - now 31. These are not the exchanges involved in the quick money
scheme, but considered good, solid places of investment for many years).

Analyze the ruler the fifth at home and the planets in it, bearing in mind their
strength, corresponding to exaltation or falling, their aspects. Pests in these houses
do not always reflect in the map the difficulties in speculation, also beneficiary planets
do not show the opposite.

Well located here Saturn can be favorable he will give caution in trading and the ability
to apply logic in choosing a particular stock exchange for gradual multiplication of
capital. An affleted Jupiter can show the absence of common sense or its oversupply,
an innate passion for risky play. A well-shaped Neptune in the fifth house can give an
intuitive feeling in choosing corresponding Exchange to approach the goal, but do
not discard dreams of huge profits.

After analysis second and fifth houses separately consider their relationship. One of
the best signs of happy for speculation horoscope - finding the rulers of these two
houses in good aspects or, secondly, the planets in the houses arranged happily and
without conflicting influences. It is often difficult to find, which is why the synthesis of the
entire card will be necessary to make a decision to trade in the market.
Always be realistic and take advantage when it turns out that the market has reached a
“stuck” point or stocks are highly valued. Note on the termination of the depreciation
stock can usually be obtained by the broker on items below current prices to prevent
loss, becoming too big or to protect profits.


After defining your horoscope as favorable for speculation, select the well-known New
York Stock Exchange firm for your first high-risk enterprise. at world exchange

Try to find an individual broker, which You are compatible. And I had to choose a
broker, who would not give his date of birth to others, and not was would
fascinated by the idea of using astrology for the market.

Although the broker can not take responsibility advise, on which exchange to buy, it
can make recommendations on various markets from time to time. At that same time
you should be convinced that the exchange you have selected is interacting with your

Happy teamwork between two horoscopes can be quite profitable. When comparing
broker and client cards first take a look on the main trends and warehouse of
individuals. For example, if you have Mars doing quadrature to Jupiter and inclines you
to take risks, choose a broker who would be stable, with possibly strong Saturn or
Taurus influence. Then he can endure your enthusiasm and curb your propensity to
buy under the influence of momentum. Of course, if his Saturn or Taurus does not
harmonize with your card, the result may be irritability on your part.

Check how his planets fall into your natal homes. And although his planets are
benefactors and the Sun or the Moon in your fifth house may be favorable be careful -
Jupiter can provoke over-optimism.
Concerning pests in your fifth house (and often in the second), pay special attention
to Neptune, the planet of illusions. This can give you a mutual relationship like a crane
in the sky, while all stock market acquisitions should be made on the basis of
premeditation and logical conclusions. Uranium can be the result of falls and highs in
relation to money matters. With brokerage Pluto at your fifth at home, he may be a
little too persistent in convincing you of acquisitions on the stock exchange - contrary to
your best judgment. His Saturn may have a frustrating or silencing influence; or it can
provide stability. (As an example, I had one broker with Saturn in my second home,
making trine to my MS and sextile to ASC. His Saturn did not make any more aspects
in my map. While, how his influence many times kept me from confident acquisitions,
that would be successful, he also prevented me from a lot of boiling water, when my
passion to risk was maximum).

Of course, no relationship is ever perfect and brokers too busy to allow you to
collect each seller’s birth data. So, if after the trial period doing business with a broker
you do not feel comfortable, then find yourself another broker.


Obviously, you should not choose stocks at random. The selection should be made with
great care; there is no places for emotions. It is wise to choose a share in a category
with growing potential. Sometimes it can be a stock that has been in decline years but
where the company is financially stable. But this may be a share which, at the
whim of the current public interest, can increase its value in the future (such as oil
stocks, environmental controls, etc.).

For beginners, I would recommend buying stocks rank C or higher in the list included
in the calculation of the Standard & Purpose Index (excluding gold shares), or the Dow
John Index.

To determine, which group of shares can provide benefits for you, Analyze your natal
chart. Take into account:
(a) Sign the fifth house and the cusp can be a category indicator for initial search.
Fish here can mean oil petrol, medicines, vodka, cinema; Cancer on the cusp of
the fifth house refers to food, restaurants, glassware, motels, and silver.

(b) Any planet in the fifth house (exchanges, related this planet or the sign in which
they are located).

(c) Planet, managing a second home or a planet in it. Although I believe that this
house is the second most important in this matter, but the fact remains that any money
that comes to you through speculation will be the result of your personal initiative.

(d) Ascendant, The sun, Moon and Jupiter can to give the key, especially if they
relate to both the fifth and second home. Venus can also be taken into account but I
think, that it is, in fact, a smaller monetary planet — leads to small gains with greater

When you decided how the type of stocks you may be interested in; ask your broker
to give you a list of stocks of this particular category. He may also suggest reading the
material. or provide analysis which brokerage offices are released from time to time.



Usually a person is doing better when him The horoscope is in harmony with the
horoscope of the Corporation ( here we are talking about the time when the
company was created. However, nowadays, the vast majority of astrologers work
with the cards of the first stock deals. on the stock market - Ed . A look at the
ephemeris will give you the opportunity to determine can you and the corporation "go
together". Some points to think about (specially designed Tools for working with
these items are in the programs of the Market Trader timing Solution , Almagest -
approx. Ed) :
(a) Jupiter or Venus Corporation makes the aspect of connecting with your money

(b) At least one of the luminaries in good aspect to one of yours. (In my personal
experience, Syntex was very suitable for me. While there are afflectations between our
two cards, and will always be yet the Syntex Moon does the aspect of connecting
with my Moon, and its Jupiter in trine with my Ascendant).

(c) Avoid Saturn (Restriction) Corporations from entering your second or fifth home and
in conjunction with your Ascendant.

(d) Saturn on your Sun or Moon can be a disappointing factor in some cases, but not
always. It depends on other favorable aspects. If you find this configuration, try not to
be too addicted from exchange, if you can not sell the paper at the right time.

(e) As far as possible. Avoid harmful aspects between the pests of the Corporation
card and your second and fifth houses.

When calculating aspects between two cards I I limit the orbits to 3 degrees.


The Corporation Card gives an additional rating in determining whether its market is
worth shopping. And even if the whole market tends to decline, There are always
stocks that do better than most.

When you narrowed down your choice to a few stocks (you same you do not want
spend my life checking their cards) make a Corporation card for the day when
papers on its registration were signed ( date of foundation - ed .), using the Registration
Book for the state in which the Corporation was established. Your broker can tell you
where to look for the creation date.
Many states do not put on creation papers a time when they are full. Then we use the
time of half a day, because it's working time, when institutions are open. The moon will
have an accuracy of three degrees, which will provide the basis for rectification.

May I ask, why the horoscope is not calculated on the physical location of the
Corporation. Although the Corporation may be located in another state, still the birth of
a corporation and her powers to lead business will not take effect until how the
merging papers will be filled. Birth of a child", of course, in a place where the paper
is filled. Of course, this does not preclude the use of a new card. location the main
center of the company if you want to do it.

Among astrologers involved financial astrology no consent regarding the definition

of houses in the map of the Corporation. (The Rulership Book of Rex E. Bills is the
latest source information by houses in the maps of organizations.) In the absence of
agreement and good certain formulas for reading houses you can use common
planetary rulers in determining the nature of the event and its net effect on stock For
example, a progressive moon in trine to natal Jupiter can predict the benefits growing
for the public (through fund holders) because of business expansion, new line of goods
or increased revenue.

For some unexplained reasons, I found in many cases, that the card at noon describes
the administration companies, financial plans for the future and operations fairly
accurately. While, like a card at noon is six o'clock accuracy (or 3 degrees) (out of
24 possible hours), it will often have the same marks on the cusps of houses, as the
rectified card. Study The history of the company and its work can help you in
determining if the exact map corresponds to the events. Since astrologers use different
tables of houses, methods of progressions and so on, use that card which works best
for you.


The following pages show two cards. for New york Currency Exchange. The first is
calculated at 10:00 am May 17, 1792; in general, sometimes used by astrologers.
Yet I I use second card calculated at 8:52 am TLT May 17, 1792. This card was
received many years ago from another astrologer, who found it in a book printed in
India. She also appeared in the Astro-Economic Interpreter L. J. Jensen. This card, it
seems to me, more accurately reflects the work of the Exchange. With the Ascendant
in Cancer and her ruler (moon) at tenth home business influence of the public is
very strongly accented; Pluto, manager of the fifth house of speculation in the eighth
house (other people's money); Uranus running the eighth house in the second house
shows what is new york Currency exchange earns your money through other
people's money and its location indicates instability at cash (stocks) affairs are just a
few of the reasons who talk about the validity of the card at 8:52 am
There is still one time card when the nyse was merged 18th of Febuary 1971 of
the year 10:00 am Est Albany, New York. Although we should use the merger
dates for other companies as needed due to the lack of more specific dates that I do
not like the map for 1971 in this case. I think, that the nse existed so many previous
years that we cannot imagine that she was born no later than 1971. Association can be
considered more than just state in evolution and can be compared with the main
event in the life of an individual, such as: first job, marriage, or any other important
event for a person.

The NYSE horoscope is very useful for predictions trends, although it does not show
what specific stocks will move up or down (for this can use individual card
Corporations). Despite on this, using progression and transits, especially the
"heavy" planets, may well track movements in this direction and act accordingly.


The most popular map of the United States with a rising sign Twins included here for
convenience ( most European astrologers prefer to work with a map with ascending
Sagittarius - Ed. ). I believe, that the NYSE and US maps are most important for
accurately determining actions on the exchange.

A map of the USA will show the main wealth of the national economy. And, at the very
least, they reflect stock prices. Sometimes the market will change simultaneously with
national events. In the same time, these developments may not coincide with the
increase in the stock price, so you always need to be alert. By the time of writing
(January 1978) corrosion of our The dollar has attracted a lot of media attention - the
average Dow Jones has been falling since late 1976 with small periods of recovery
from time to time.

In the past, aspects in the sky between heavy planets have always been attributed to
the economic conditions in the country with sufficient accuracy. And yet, I doubt their
effectiveness in the future because of of our large national debt trade deficit,
unemployment statistics, etc. It would seem more appropriate to consider transits in
relation to the map of the United States.


Some other cards which can be helpful when analyzing trends:

(a) Equinoxes and Solstices ( In other words, maps of the Sun's inress into cardinal
signs - Ed .)

(b) New Moon and Full Moon Maps. The effect of the new moon lasts 28 days A full
moon map is only effective until the new moon. I found it valuable to identify trends. a
short period (According to many researchers, the effect of these cards can be felt
already three or four days before the event - Ed.) .

(c) Eclipses. Opinions about the timing of eclipses differ. Research would make it
possible to develop your own formula for describing the relationship of eclipses. to
Exchange activity.

(d) The horoscope of combining the two lower points (see Chapter 10, paragraph (c)).


Any card which you are looking for must always be matched with the current date - in
whatever way you like, which you usually use. Presumably, various methods of
directorates should be investigated in relation to map Corporations. In my experience,
the radix directorate system turned out to be most valuable for accurately determining
events and movements on the exchange in the maps of the Corporation. In
particular, I found that the progression of the lunar arc helps in determining the exact
time of the event on the exchange. It was said, that Mars controls the capital (stock)
of a company; aspects to it should be noted.


After finishing throughout homemade work you need special skills for timing
commit acquisitions on the exchange. Try choose limited time - for example, a
two-week period.

Presumably, US and NYSE maps are favorable:

(a) Check your own progression, including transits to your natal chart. Try to do so so
that your second and fifth houses are free from defeat. (I recall one client who was
very lucky in trading, but only then when the progression was favorable. A map
containing a large trine from Mars in the second house, Uranus in the fifth and Pluto in
the ninth. The sign of Scorpio was on the cusp of the second house, so two of the three
planets, involved in the configuration, treated money. When the moon in the secondary
progression favorably activated this throne, almost every deal Profit was realized.
However, on the contrary when another time, Mars was hit in the map, he was losing
money. Of course, Uranus in the fifth house indicates ups and downs in speculation,
and there were periods when he was forced to go on vacation.)

(b) Make a list of aspects for the Moonlight Progression Map in relation to the map of
the Corporation. Aspects to the Ascendant and the MC here have a dubious value,
since the exact time of incorporation unknown Note the time when the aspect is
accurate. Try to buy at a time close to the exact aspect, using the lines of directions
explained in Part II. Comparing past aspects with stock prices will allow you to rectify
the map and determine the exact position of the natal moon. Make purchases on the
exchange with bad aspects and sell at good ones When it turns out that adverse
aspects go one after another during period at some months, it is usually better to
buy at the last aspect. When favorable and unfavorable aspects are interspersed,
progressive aspects other planets can be used as conductors - or a short period of
time is possible for trade. In addition, always pay attention to the transits of heavy
planets, starting with Jupiter.

(c) For Greater accuracy can be made Map combining the two lower points for the
exact time of the day of purchase. In selectable map At the beginning of the
enterprise we are trying to include many favorable aspects. In the overlap map of the
two lower points, I do the opposite. When choosing a time when there are many
unfavorable aspects both in the Map, combining the two lower points, and in the Map
Corporations, the reasons following: the lowest point has already been reached -
everything should go better. There is no guarantee for including this method, but it
works for me. I can't stress too much that the market is a refined arena that requires
good experience and knowledge from any trader. Research is a key word and a
beginner is advised to "trade on paper" for a period of time, before operating cash.
Successful acquisitions!


The maps in this part illustrate the principles of working with levels of resistance and
support (hereinafter, briefly about technical analysis, however, in order to understand
the principles used in it, it is better to read other literature - it is full of it on the Internet.
Note Ed. ) by many traders or stock market analysts. Maps can be constructed in a
similar way. to show daily or weekly prices. The maps included here on the graphic
sheets show weekly price limits.

Vertical line drawn to to show high, low or closed price. Last shown small
horizontal line crossing the main line to the right. The open price can also be shown by
a horizontal line. crossing the main line to the left.

The next important step in maps is the use of lines. directions. These are the lines
drawn on the main map and connecting the lowest points at elevation and the highest
points at falling.

Penetration of lines of directions indicates changes or movements in the market.

To make directional lines more efficient, I used what I call Stilts and Spiers when they
appear. Simply put, stilts and spiers appear when one day the top or bottom point is
pulled one degree below or higher, than the price of the previous or next day,
creating the impression of a prominent line on the map. When two or more spiers are
detected in a falling market, the direction line is drawn across the spire; when market
turns or promoted through this line of directions for more, than one degree point of
purchase reached. On the contrary, when two or more stilts are found in a rising market
and the line of directions is penetrated by more than one degree, a sell signal is given. It
is better to use stilts, as a signal for sale to go closer to the top after long speculative
rises on the market. Use spiers as buy signals, after long precise lows, to install
the least risky long standing.

It is assumed that you first check astrological values before taking actions based on
line charts. If the two species match in type of influence, then one stilt or spire will
suffice. If possible, always place a loss signal in case a false signal has been given. on
the line card to prevent this from happening again.


Golden shares were chosen for this part, as many financial observers consider them
to be protected from inflation. Due to the current economic conditions in the world as a
whole, as well as individual countries with their huge national debts, trade deficits, etc.,
It may be good that gold and gold markets are continually becoming attractive to the
mainstream. AND, in many cases, the level of capital return on dividends is greater
than the average.

Maps on the following pages include Corporation The United States and the South
African Corporation, which own the largest proportion of gold in the world (obviously, we
are talking about the dates of creation of national banks of these countries - it is in their
bins that the gold stock is kept. .
Thank Patricia D. Rice, Santa Barbara, California, for incorporation dates relating
to South Africa.

All Maps calculated on the computer at noon ( alas, I don’t know what kind of
promotions in question - ed.) . No attempts were made to rectify them.

Die Deutsche Ephemerides were used to calculate horoscopes with ACD (Adjusted
time) accordingly on this basis.

In computer aspects were I installed the following orbs:

Major aspects: Sextile - 6 degrees Connection, Opposition, Trin, Square - 8 degrees.

If the sun is involved or the moon or the corner planet - degrees

If the sun or the moon is involved and they are angular, - 4 additional degrees, i.e. 12
degrees (10 for sextile).

Aspects to Asc or MC are considered as corner planets, i.e. 10 degrees

(8 degrees for sextile).

Minor aspects: Semi-textile, Semi-square, aspects of latitude and declension - 1


It should be noted that the use of minor aspects is limited (in my opinion, they should
not be taken into account at all - ed) . These aspects were specifically limited to the
theory that at map a corporation (including and controlled by a multitude of people)
minor aspects are not so important.

The dates for calculating the maps given below were obtained from reliable sources, but
their accuracy is not guaranteed. This material not contains petitions about keeping
or selling something secret.



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