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Archives of Perinatal Medicine 16(4), 201-205, 2010 ORIGINAL PAPER

Breastfeeding of twins

Natural breastfeeding is beneficial to a mother and to twins. Twins fed with breast milk less frequently suffer from
infections of the respiratory system and septicaemia. Breast milk ingredients have a positive influence on the
digestive system, the immune system, and other systems, especially in case of premature twins. Organisation
of hospital units, professional training for employees supporting mothers of twins, plays a vital role in natural
feeding promotion.
Key words: milk, breastfeeding, breast, mother, twins

Natural feeding is one of bodily functions that deve- various advantages of natural feeding and emphasises that
loped during evolution in order to support harmonious “the breastfed infant is the reference or normative model
development of men. It sustained human life and exi- against which all alternative feeding methods must be mea-
stence for millenniums. It is also fundamental to the sured with regard to growth, health, development, and all
development of a modern man. During evolution the other short- and long-term outcomes” [18].
perfecting human genetic program has guaranteed opti- Advantages of breastfeeding are well documented
mal composition of mother’s milk which is compatible and there is no question about their plausibility. Ingre-
with the needs of a newborn and an infant. Its ideal, spe- dients supporting the immune system in mother’s milk
cific ingredients make it incomparably better than all ar- protect a baby against bacterial and viral infections [5].
tificial mixtures, milk-like products or milk of other The duration of natural feeding is also crucial to the de-
mammals. According to our present knowledge, mo- velopment and health of a baby. A human is a mammal
ther’s milk is the optimal food for newborns, infants, and and mammals are born immature to independent exi-
small children. Its influence on immune system is also stence and they need mother’s milk during the time of
widely appreciated. It is especially beneficial in case of growing up to independence. Natural feeding is not only
premature children because of its effect on NEC, ROP, a natural phenomenon. It is also a relationship that is
and BPD. Moreover, it facilitates neural development. born between a mother and her newborn baby [1].
Mother’s milk is also applicable to the treatment of so- Milk has an ideal composition as far nutritional va-
me diseases in older children and adults, among them lues are concerned. It contains all ingredients that are
immunodeficiency, allergies, metabolic disorders. The indispensable to a developing child:
composition of mother’s milk changes during the day, • water (clean, filtered),
later during subsequent weeks and months of breast- • proteins (easy to digest, do not sensitise),
feeding, depending on the needs of a baby [14]. • fats (mainly unsaturated, necessary for the develop-
Mother’s milk is the best food for a baby, which has ment of nervous system and retina),
been confirmed for years by many Polish, foreign, and • sugars (lactose — material necessary for nervous
international organisations which deal with the problems tissue),
of baby’s nutrition. • vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes,
In December 1997, the American Academy of Pe- • growth factors,
diatrics (AAP) published the statement entitled Breastfee- • hormones,
ding and the Use of Human Milk which contains scientific • and many other substances that adjust proportional-
researches, information, and recommendations for pa- ly to the digestive efficiency of a baby [6].
rents and people supporting women after childbirth. The While expecting a baby women most frequently do
statement of The American Academy of Pediatrics indicates not show interest in thorough knowledge of breastfee-

Department of Obstetrics, Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland
Department of Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing, Pomeranian Medical University of Szczecin, Poland
Faculty of Languages, University of Gdańsk, Poland
202 B. Kiełbratowska, D. Ćwiek, K. Preis, W. Malinowski, A. Hofman

ding. When a woman starts to learn how to breast-feed, • expressing breast milk before planned breastfeeding,
it is important for her to know something about physio- • get a baby to latch on whenever the baby’s condition
logy of processes stimulating lactation. Mother’s milk is favourable.
has a perfect composition that acts as a protection in- A mother of premature twins should be taught how
comparable to any artificial mixture. to hand-express breast milk and how to use a breast
Breastfeeding is especially important for twins who pump. A mother of twins is under stress which makes
are frequently born prematurely and thus are excep- her feel lost in new reality so she requires special care.
tionally susceptible to many infections. A multiple child- After childbirth it is crucial for a mother of premature
birth is an exceptional situation for a mother and for twins to begin breast stimulation by expressing milk as
hospital’s health service. Nevertheless, nature enabled quickly as possible. Premature infants are not breastfed
a woman to breastfeed more than one child. Yet, it is at the beginning. Most frequently they are nourished pa-
commonly believed that breastfeeding of twins is diffi- renterally. Nevertheless, since the first hours and days
cult, troublesome, and even impossible. For years hospi- after giving birth to a premature infant it is recommen-
tal practice and convictions have favoured supplemen- dable to give him or her drops of mother’s milk. This
ting natural feeding with a bottle since the birth of twins will facilitate the development of the digestive tract and
which has no scientific background and proves negli- prepare mucous membrane for digestion of other food.
gence of perinatal services in hospitals. However, there Mother’s milk contains immune bodies which protect
are instances of twins, or even triplets, fed solely on mo- a baby against bacteria and infections.
ther’s milk who often do not know any other kind of food When a baby’s condition stabilises, it is best to pro-
for the first 12 months of their lives [1, 4]. Anxiety about vide him or her with regular, direct contact with a mo-
the deficiency in mother’s milk for both newborns is ther. If a mother decides on stimulating lactation and if
groundless. The scientific researches demonstrate that newborns seem ready to coordinate sucking and brea-
the production of milk in case of mothers of twins is thing, a mother should try to lay a baby on her body and
doubled. Six months after childbirth a body of a mother of to begin latching a baby on, which is called kangaroo
twins can produce from 1.0 to 2.0 kg of milk per day, care. When a mother of a premature infant is taught how
while a body of a mother of triplets, more than 3.0 kg to look after her baby, she is encouraged to establish her
[9, 17]. relationship with it by touching, stroking, and hugging.
Most often mothers of children from multiple preg- Initial breast milk expression often limits itself to
nancies want to breastfeed their babies or feed them single drops of milk which discourages a mother who is
with their milk from the bottle. Giving birth to twins is not aware of the development of lactation physiology. In
neither a contraindication to breastfeeding, nor an indi- this case, health service taking care of a baby should sup-
cation to bottle-feeding. Nonetheless, giving newborns port a mother by informing and motivating her during
bottles can cause disorders in mechanics of sucking and breast milk expression training.
consequently make normal breastfeeding impossible. First days after childbirth is a special time during
Breastfeeding of twins is much easier than breast- which every woman, especially a mother of twins, requi-
feeding of triplets and is possible but requires help from res help and support in initiation of lactation.
health service and family. Encouragement to mothers to
Difficulties which might hinder breastfeeding:
breastfeeding should not be limited solely to presenting
• more common complications of pregnancy, child-
its advantages. Mothers should be informed also about
birth, and the puerperium,
obstacles which are to be avoided so that lactation pro-
• tiredness,
ceeds without difficulties, especially in the event of pre-
• stress,
term birth.
• emotional problems,
Natural breastfeeding of premature twins requires
• doubts about feeding potential.
preparing a mother by informing her how she should
stimulate lactation and how she should maintain lacta- Difficulties resulting from giving birth to twins:
tion on the level indispensable to baby’s nutrition. • there are two of them – coordination in feeding
two children,
A mother should be encouraged to:
• condition of children preventing breastfeeding diffi-
• an early and frequent contact with a newborn baby,
culties in initiation and sustenance of lactation,
• begin regular expressing of breast milk as quickly as
• prematurity,
possible, at least 8 times per day, also at night,
Breastfeeding of twins 203

• absence of sucking reflex or poor sucking reflex 6 • Improving her self-esteem.

poor food consumption, • Encouraging a family to join in housework in order
• absence of coordination of sucking – swallowing – to help a mother.
breathing 6 poor food consumption ŕ slow weight • Treatment of concomitant diseases without distur-
gain, bing lactation.
• CNS injuries or immaturity, • Health service willingness to support and to help
• necessity for the separation of children because of a mother.
treatment in Neuro-Intensive Care Unit. • In case of children who cannot be breastfed, helping
Most often problems with the beginning and conti- a mother to express milk and providing her with
nuation of natural feeding appear already in a delivery necessary accessories, including freezing sets (ra-
room or later in maternity unit where a mother stays tions should be small, initially 1-5 ml).
with her child. They depend mainly on the knowledge Treatment of children
and involvement of health services. • Individual and/or simultaneous feeding of babies
Among hospital practices influencing the pro- depending on their needs. Each twin is an individual
cess of lactation are: with different needs and different sucking rhythm.
• absence of latching on in a delivery room or post- • Feeding a baby according to its condition, favourably
operative room, on mother’s milk.
• separating a mother from a child 6 difficulties in the When babies cannot be fed:
beginning of lactation, • expressing food by mechanical breast pump after
• rare breastfeeding, birth, as quickly as possible (during first 6-12 hours).
• supplementary feeding, • expressing food 8 times per day or every 100
• giving a pacifier, minutes per day.
• absence of support from health service. In hospitals a majority of mothers starts to breast-
On the other hand, there are perinatal practices feed babies but many mothers decide to give their ba-
which can facilitate natural feeding: bies artificial formulas and drinks too early. Some of
Introduction of friendly hospital practices them rashly resign from breastfeeding. Such situation
• Latching on half an hour after childbirth, if possible. demands continuous promotion of the recent knowledge
• Prevention of separation of a mother and a child, if on feeding and bringing into effect recent findings so
possible. that children are nourished properly. Breastfeeding pro-
• In case of prematurity, encouraging and permitting motion in hospitals should make women realise the role
a mother to be with her children as often as possible of breastfeeding as an exclusive form of nourishment.
and to introduce kangaroo care and touch stimula- The more so because mothers who are to become
tion. adept at breastfeeding initially feed their babies separate-
• Avoiding supplementary feeding, unless it is neces- ly. One child should be breastfed and suck from a breast
sary. at least 8 times per day. In case of twins this number dou-
• Avoiding pacifiers in silencing a child. bles approximately to 16-20 feedings per day while one
• Health service support for a mother. feeding of a baby lasts more or less 30-40 minutes. During
• Establishing a constant, regular support for a mo- first days after birth twins should be fed in turns so that
ther by fixed service which does not change during each twin learns how to suck a breast properly. Con-
duty hours. sequently, feeding of twins in turns lasts approximately 12
• Continuous, professional service providing informa- hours per day and may be exhausting for a mother.
tion on lactation. A mother, who becomes an adept at feeding babies,
• Easy access to pillows and other accessories nece- should be encouraged to simultaneous twins feeding.
ssary for a proper position of a child. Methods of breastfeeding of twins should be used con-
• Access to breast pump or to breast pump rental. currently.
Treatment of a mother Positions which might facilitate twin feeding:
• Allowing her to rest and motivating her to breast- • initially when a mother is still tired she should sit in
feed. a reclining position with a baby on a pillow tuck un-
• Mother’s education. der her arm,
204 B. Kiełbratowska, D. Ćwiek, K. Preis, W. Malinowski, A. Hofman

• both children crosswise in classic position, food, which is a matter of great importance for a dep-
• latch on one twin from under an arm and the other leted family budget. A mother of twins is capable of fee-
in classic position, ding her children but she often doubts about her feeding
• both children latched on from under an arm potential. Nonetheless, breastfeeding is of utmost impor-
secured with pillows, blankets. tance for twins who are frequently born prematurely and
During breastfeeding of twins it is possible to use: are therefore more susceptible to different infections [7].
• Breastfeeding rotation (depending on a mother’s First weeks after giving birth to children are a true
decision): challenge not only for a mother, but also for her family.
– change of breast every feeding, When a woman is learning how to breastfeed it is nece-
– change of breast every day, ssary for her to gain knowledge on the physiology of pro-
– each child has its own breast. cesses stimulating lactation. In first two days mammary
• If one twin has bigger problems with sucking (is glands produce a thick substance called colostrum. It
weaker) it is recommended to devote him or her may be yellow, clear, or olive green. It appears in nipples
more attention, latching him or her first or more during the last months of pregnancy. Simultaneously it
frequently. constitutes a perfect food for twins, especially those born
• If one of twins or both of them have to stay in an in- prematurely. After giving birth to a child the whole fe-
cubator or need individual specialist care and cannot male organism prepares itself for fulfilling the needs of
be breastfed, a mother should express food as often newborns.
as in case of breastfeeding. The balance between “supply and demand” is essen-
A woman who breastfeeds twins should take care of tial for breastfeeding. The manner and frequency of
herself, rest anytime she can, eat right, drink more etc. child’s sucking from the breast influences the production
In order to control twins sucking and activeness a mo- of milk. If a baby sucks more often and longer, it can in-
ther can “allocate” each twin to one breast for a day. crease the food production. During the period of breast-
Feeding of twins and triplets based solely on breastfee- feeding there are days where feeding seems to have no
ding for the first 6 months is absolutely normal but re- end [20].
quires discipline from a mother and help in organisation Women frequently complain that they do not have
from a family [14]. food or that they do not have enough milk and then they
resort to supplementary feeding. It is a mistake. Stimu-
Sometimes a breastfeeding mother may face some lating nipples (sucking) is a factor that influences milk
difficulties: production. If women do not latch their babies on, the
• A child who has problems with sucking should be reflex stimulating milk production will not appear. Sup-
latched on after the first one because the reflex go- plementary feeding of newborns is the main reason for
verning the outflow of milk is already working. loss of milk and consequently for cessation of breast-
• In case of slow weight gain a mother should express feeding. That is why introducing bottle-feeding frequent-
milk and use alternative methods of feeding. ly marks the beginning of an end of breastfeeding. Con-
• If a mother has big bust and children have problem stant contact between mother and children enables fee-
with holding a nipple it is advisable to apply sand- ding of twins according to their individual needs. This
wich nipple technique. method of feeding is called feeding on demand, which de-
Mothers can benefit from twins breastfeeding. When pends on the needs of a mother and children, and is be-
they do not have to waste time on additional time-consu- neficial to a mother and to her children. Initial latching
ming activities connected with preparing artificial food, on should occur already in a delivery room or in a post-
washing and sterilising bottles they can devote more operative room. Later frequent unlimited feeding stimu-
time to direct contact with children which has an unque- lates lactation and enables its long sustenance.
stionable influence on their emotional relationship. Bre- Direct meetings of pregnant women and mothers
astfeeding helps a mother to avoid superfluous equip- who efficiently breastfed their twins are the best method
ment when she takes a walk, travels with her babies, or of natural feeding promotion. Prearranged meetings with
does anything else that demands going out. Material mothers of twins who breastfeed at present should be
gains are significant as well. Even if costs of additional the perfect way of encouragement [4].
nutritional needs of a mother are taken into account, the As far as breastfeeding promotion is concerned, it is
costs bore still will not exceed 1/3 of costs of artificial necessary for a midwife, a nurse, a doctor, and a lacta-
Breastfeeding of twins 205

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