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Design History Class: BME 2910, 2920, 3910

Semester/Year: 2017-2018
File Team: Group 6
Team Members: Tim Burton, Fatimata Diop,
Department of
Veronica​​ T
​ chernychouk
Wayne State University
Project: Antibacterial Toothbrush

User Needs Summary: Design Input Summary:

● Low cost ● Cost less than $7
● Long lasting ● Brush weights less than 25g
● Able to sanitized ● UV case weighs less 140 g
● Easy to use ● Last about about 5 years
● Light weight ● Made relatively with cheap plastics, an Uv
● Have no risk of spreading bacteria bulb, and a small battery
● Resistant to environment factors ● Sanitize less than 20 minutes
● Single button mechanism
● Fits all average toothbrush size

Design Output Summary: Design Verification Summary:

● Brush handle: TPR( thermoplastic rubber) and ● Nylon, polypropylene, ABS, TPR, and UV
polypropylene, weighs 18.8 g light combined corresponding densities,
● Bristles: nylon; rounded and soft weights, and prices→ total price of $4.87 per
● UV case: polypropylene and Acrylonitrile unit
butadiene styrene (ABS), weighs 133 g ● UV bulb has 7000 hours of use→ 9.6 years for
● UV lamp covers upper half of case, lasts for a household of 4 people
7000 hours ● UV light reaction with thymine molecules
● Power of UV light makes the​ s​ anitization time guarantees 99.9% of bacteria killed.
~12.5 min
● Shape of case allows room for various brushes

Design Validation Summary: Design Review Summary: N/A

(Future validation plans)
Validation Testing:
● Time it takes for UV lamp to complete
● Exposure to environmental elements- water,
● Effectiveness of bacteria removal (99-100%)
● Finding best energy source (battery vs solar)
● Survey different populations for quality
● Explore options for a toothpaste alternative
(herbal powders, clays)

Broader Impact: Plans for Future Developments:

This device has the power to drastically improve oral Availability of product in multiple
and overall health in underdeveloped nations. An countries/continents with same affordable price;
antibacterial toothbrush will prevent the spread of possible expansion of the market into hiking/camping
countless viruses and make the population less business; making natural alternatives to toothpastes
affected by diseases. with herbal powders and clays.

1) Table of Contents
Design Input……………………………………………………………………………...pages 4-5
Problem Statement………………………………………………………………………...4
User Needs………………………………………………………………………………...4
Design Specifications…………………………………………………………………….. 5
Design Development……………………………………………………………………………5-7
Concept Map……………………………………………………………………………....6
Morph Matrix……………………………………………………………………………...6
Pugh Matrix……………………………………………………………………………….7
Design Review…………………………………………………………………………………….8
Design Output………………………………………………………………………………….9-11
Design Verification…………………………………………………………………………12-15
Prototype Plan……………………………………………………………………………15-18
Drawings and Design Changes……………………………………………………………..19

2) Design Input

a. Problem Statement
Through research and the interview process we found out that in Sub-Saharan Africa
there are a lot of communities that share or don’t use toothbrushes whatsoever. This causes
preventable dental problems such as periodontitis and oral cancer to be rampant in this area.
These people don’t use toothbrushes because of the cost of the brush itself and the fee to renew
products such as toothpaste. Our idea was to create a product that was affordable to these people
and lasts several years. Also, we wanted to create a product that would work efficiently so that
one could be used by an entire household. The device is a toothbrush case that use ultraviolet
light as sanitation so an entire house can share a single toothbrush.

b. User Needs
The target consumer for this antibacterial toothbrush is a resident of a third-world country
who might not have access to clean water and especially dental tools. The user requires
an affordable yet effective way to maintain oral health with zero to little risk of spreading
bacteria from user to user of the product
i. Low Cost
The group in particular that we are looking at are less affluent when compared to the rest
of the world so the cost of the device needs to be as low as possible.
ii. Long Lasting
Using long lasting materials, so that it will last for years rather than months, will
eliminate the need for a frequent replacement and subsequently bring down the overall price over
iii. Able to be sanitized
Our intents are for the toothbrush to be used by multiple people, which is why it is so
important for the design to kill 99.9% of bacteria on the brush.
iv. Easy to use
The design should be simple enough to understand so that people of all ages and abilities
can use it.
v. Lightweight
Materials that are not too heavy will allow the device to be stored and transported with
vi. Have no risk of spreading bacteria
vii. Resistant to environmental factors
The nature of our target consumer’s environment can expose the toothbrush to many
different contaminants, so the case needs to protect the toothbrush from these. It also needs to be

made well enough so that it can last multiple years without corroding or getting broken over
c.​​ ​Design Specifications
Looking at our user needs, the most important part of our device is that it is affordable to
our predicted consumer. We chose seven dollars as our maximum price because the average
family is roughly five people at a dollar a toothbrush that would cost them roughy five-six
dollars every 3-4 months to replace their regular toothbrush. The price being seven dollars would
roughly be the cost of a family buying toothbrushes.
We wanted the toothbrush to be under 25 grams as the average nonelectrical toothbrush is
roughly 25 grams and to save on expense we wanted it to be just lighter than a normal
toothbrush. Similarly we were not really sure how much an UV case would weigh. After some
research, we found that the weight of a simple UV case sanitizer varies between 130-170 g and
from there we put the weight limit of the UV case at 140 g as this is in that interval.
Also, it was necessary the case last a long period of time as it is an investment that is too
expensive to be renewed annually. Five years was chosen because the average triple A battery
life is three-five years. Since either the battery or the UV bulb will be the first part to go, it’s
necessary that our device outlast this unchangeable lifespan. Since people usually brush their
teeth similar times, morning or night, we needed the device to work quickly so that individual
didn’t have to wait a long time to be able to brush their teeth. Twenty minutes was chosen as it
isn’t an unreasonably long time to wait to brush your teeth and because if an average sized
family, five people, all wake up an hour before they have to leave for work they will all have
sufficient enough time to brush their teeth.
For everyone in the house to be able to use this device it has to be extremely user
friendly, ie. children and the elderly will be able to use it. So, our device will be a single button
mechanism, being able to open with one push. The UV sanitation would begin as soon as the
case is closed and automatically shut off after the sanitization is complete.

3) Design Development

a. Brainstorming/Concept Map
While brainstorming ideas for our device we decided the best idea would be to create a
case that would sanitize the toothbrush. We focused on five areas in particular, but all of our
ideas were wide ranging and didn’t really fall into specific subsets. After looking at all the
possibilities three design stuck out the most: using ultraviolet light, using heat, and using natural
materials for sanitization. Using natural materials seemed liked the best option as it would be the
cheapest and most accessible to our intended consumer but we were unable find any idea that
could be improved upon using our own “design” or any type of engineering. We decided to go
with ultraviolet light because it is known for its effectiveness at sanitization, it is faster than
using high heat or cold, and can be incorporated into a portable case.

Concept Map from Brainstorming Session

​ .​​ ​Morph Matrix

The goal of a morph matrix is to lay out the different options that are though of when
brainstorming and “mix and match” combinations of ideas. However, we found that for this
particular project it was not possible to use a morph matrix in the same way that other groups
could because there was little to no overlap of components of different ideas. Because the
categories in the concept map lead to fundamentally different designs, we had to create multiple
morph matrices for multiple visions: Heat sanitization and UV sanitization.

c. ​Pugh Matrix

4) Design Review

The feedback we received contained a lot of positive encouragement for the original
ideas presented along with multiple questions and suggestions. The most frequent question
related to power source, as there was concern about how these batteries would be repurchased or
recharged. These are valid concerns and the power source for the UV light will be one of our
main focuses going forward. We wanted to use batteries that last as long as possible while still
powering the strength of our UV bulb however this is not feasible for years of use. The best
energy source, especially looking into solar power, will be found through more extensive
research as well as validation testing. These steps will allow us to find out which options are
most convenient for the user and last the longest.
Another important concern was the price of the device. Because the case itself is only
around 25 cents, with the UV bulb accounting for almost the entire price of the brush, it will be
difficult to lower the overall price unless we can find a UV light that is cheaper than the one we
found. The price is one of the most important factors of the design, however, so we will need to
do extensive research to see if there are any more cost-effective UV bulbs on the market. The
feedback about the price will also go into our validation testing. We are planning on surveying
people from this region and experts on this region to see if this device is marketable and people
will be able to afford such a commodity.

Other critiques that were brought up include: the design needing more long-lasting
qualities to prevent corrosion, preventing harm to the light from dropping/every day use, how
fluid from use will be removed from the toothbrush, ways of isolating UV ray to protect the user,
and how the material with degrade with water. All of these will be taken into consideration as we
continue to make changes and improvements to the design.
A great suggestion given during the design review was to test the product’s success by
giving it to hiking/outdoor travelers and recording their feedback and reviews. This is definitely
an idea that would help in the process of finalizing our design to make sure it performs well in
real life before introducing it third world countries. A hiking/camping crowd could also be
another group of people that the toothbrush could be marketed and sold to, which is something
that we did not think of on our own.

5) Design Output
a. Design Overview
For our design we chose to create a toothbrush sanitation case that uses a ultraviolet light
source to eliminate bacteria. The purpose for this case is that it will be used in poorer countries in
which they don’t have the money to afford a tri-annual renewal of toothbrushes. This device will
be a one time cost and will allow entire households to use a single toothbrush safely.

b. ​List of parts/materials needed

There are three differents components in our design: the bristle, the handle and the UV
case sanitizer. Each will be made using differents plastics. We used plastics because they are
inexpensive, lightweight, and perform well.
For the ​bristle,​ we plan to use nylon 6 because it has the property to be made into fibers
and has excellent mechanical strength and durability. For the ​handle​, we will be using
thermoplastic rubber and polypropylene because of its ability to return to their original shape
when stretched, which contributes to its durability. It also has high temperature and fatigue
resistance which is important for the environment that the brush will be in as well as how long it
is intended to last. For the​ case​, we chose to use a mix of polypropylene and acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene (ABS). Polypropylene is inexpensive ($1.6 / Kg) and has a tensile strength that
would be strong enough to resist a fall (40 MPa). It does not react with dilute acids and bases
making it great for keeping out harmful contaminants and increasing the longevity of the case’s
life. ABS will be used because it is resistant to corrosive materials and physical harm. When
looking at different materials it was important to us that we choose materials that protect the
toothbrush and the UV bulb but are also extremely inexpensive. The lightweight aspect of both
of these plastics also make the device easy to transport and use.
The most long lasting part of our design at this stage in our development process is the
UV lamp. The light bulb we chose is said to have 7000 hours of continuous use, meaning it

would last for 9.6 years in a four person household. This is a quality amount of time for a less
than seven dollar purchase. Time efficiency of the sanitization process is also important as we
want an entire family to be able to use it but not have to spend a significant portion of their day
just waiting to brush their teeth. Using the UV strength chosen it would take around 12.5 minutes
for the toothbrush to be sanitized. This fits into our parameter of wanting the toothbrush to
sanitize in less than 20 minutes.

Design Input Design Output

Cost less than $7.00 Using thermoplastic rubber and polypropylene

handle, nylon bristles, and most cost efficient UV
case on the market

Weigh less than 140 g Lightweight yet effective materials

Handle: TPR( thermoplastic rubber) and


Bristles: nylon

UV case: polypropylene and Acrylonitrile

butadiene styrene (ABS)

Lasts up to 5 years Average 4 people/household * longest allowable

use 30 min = 120 min of usage/day
UV bulb lasts roughly 7000 hours = 420,000
min/120 min/day = 3500 days of usage
3500 days/ 365 days/year = 9.6 years

Sanitizes in less than 20 minutes Based on the Department of Human Health and
Services they that the minimum irradiance in a
biosafety container is 40 W/cm^2 and it should
roughly take take 12.5 minutes for ours to reach
30,000 J/cm^2 (1 W = 1 J/s)

99.9% of bacteria killed on toothbrush Shape and size of UV lamp covers entire brush
head, eliminating bacteria from entire affected

c.​​ CAD model-outside of case

Battery on the left, open/close button in the middle.

Sketch of inside of case

6) Design Verification

Design input Design output Verification result


Cost less than $7.00 Using thermoplastic rubber Combined prices of materials:
and polypropylene handle, Plastics
nylon bristles, and most cost Nylon: US $2.2 / Kg * .00381 Kg = 1
efficient UV case cent
Polypropylene: US $1.6 / Kg *
.04215 + .00976 Kg = 8.3 cents
ABS: US $2.7 / Kg * .09099 Kg =
24.57 cents
TPR: US $2 / Kg * .00904 Kg = 2
UV lamp: $4.50
Unit Price of one UV case + brush:
$.01 +$.09+$.25+$.02+$4.50 =
$4.87​​< $7

Case + toothbrush: weigh Lightweight yet effective Measurements:

less than 140 g materials Handle
Handle: TPR( thermoplastic width: 1.27cm
rubber) and polypropylene Height:0.476 cm
Bristles: nylon Length:2.86 cm
Width: 0.9525 cm
UV case: polypropylene and Depth:1.11cm
Acrylonitrile butadiene UV case
styrene (ABS) Length:21 cm
Width:5.3 cm
Height:2.8 cm
[Measurements of design Densities:
shown in attached sketch] TPR(thermoplastic rubber):
Polypropylene: 0.95 g/cc
ABS : 1.04 g/cc
Nylon: 1.26 g/cc
Polypropylene for handle
(17x1.27x0.476)cc x0.95g/cc =9.76 g
Brush alone: TPR for handle
weigh less than 25 g (17x1.27x0.476)cc x0.88g/cc=9.04 g


We will be using 2 different

materials for the uv case
Polypropylene for Uv case
(21 x 5.3x2.8)ccx 0.95g/cc=281g
Will only use 15% of the volume
(21 x 5.3x2.8) ccx 1.04 g/cc= 337g
Will only use 27%
mass = 90.99

Lasts up to five years The UV bulb and the battery Average 4 people/household *
are the most inferior longest allowable use 30 min = 120
components when it comes to min of usage/day
how long the product lasts. UV bulb lasts roughly 7000 hours =
Considering that the user has 420000 min/120 min/day = 3500
the ability to reach batteries, days of usage
the UV bulb is the limiting 3500 days/ 365 days/year = 9.6 years
part of the case.

Sanitizes in less than 20 Type of sanitization; Interaction of material with the UV

minutes Will use UV, 253.7 nm light to sanitize-theoretical

99.9% of bacteria killed on UV lamp shape and size UV light causes a reaction against
toothbrush covers entire brush head, multiple thymine molecules, which is
eliminating bacteria from a base of DNA. The reaction of these
entire brush head thymine molecules causes the DNA
to become unstable and die as a
result. With enough exposure to UV
light 99.9% of bacteria will die.

Polymer type Ultimate tensile Elongation % Tensile

strength (MPa) modulus(Gpa)

ABS 40 30 2.3

Nylon 70 90 1.8

polypropylene 40 100 1.9

● Background info/justification for verification process:

Given above the design inputs and outputs, the design verification is done to confirm that
the design outputs meet the design inputs. When exploring existing UV case sanitizers on the
market, the cheapest one that we came across was around 10 dollars, and some were as high as
$50. For our product to be made for people in underdeveloped countries, where the price of a
regular toothbrush is at most $1, we needed our price to be well below what currently is on the
market. As explained in the design specifications, a typical Sub-Saharan African family with five
or six people would spend five or six dollars every 3-5 months for toothbrush. From that, we
decided to set our price to a maximum of $7. To get an exact estimated price for the design, we
found the price of each material per kg and multiplied it by the amount of mass each material
will weigh.
For the bristle, we stated we will be using nylon. We found its dimensions by researching
the average dimensions of a plain toothbrush since we want the UC case to fit all regular
toothbrush. We found 9/8 inches in length, 3/8 inch in width and 7/16 inch in depth then
converted them into SI units that give 2.86 cm(L), 0.9525 cm (w) and 1.11cm(H). From those
dimensions, we got the volume of the nylon that will used to be 3.024 cc. The density of nylon 6
according one of the sources is 1.26 g/cc that gives the total mass of the nylon in the bristle to be
3.81g by multiplying the volume and the density. After researching the price per kg of the nylon
which turn out ot be 2.2$ per k, we derive to the exact price with that mass to be 0.01 $.
We repeated the same calculation for the handle but with two different plastics:
polypropylene and thermoplastic rubber. After doing the same calculations we did with the
nylon, we calculated the price for the handle to be 3 cents.
Finally, for the UV case, we derived its dimensions based on the dimensions of the
toothbrush. The length of the toothbrush (from the verification column) is 17 cm so to give more
space to any other toothbrush to fit in, we added 5 cm of room for various other toothbrush sizes.
We also added 4 cm to its width and 2.5 cm to the height which give us the dimensions of the
UV case to be 21 x 5.3 x 2.8 and its volume to be 311.6 cc. Using polypropylene for the top
cover (2D), we found that it will take up ~15% of the whole volume of the case, and found its
mass of 42.15g by multiplying it with its density found during research. For the ABS bottom,
where the toothbrush will be placed, we repeat the same calculations we did with the cover
except the bottom will be in 3D shape and will represent ¼ or 25% of the whole volume.
After doing all the calculations above, the mass of both the handle and bristle is ~23g
which less than our target mass 25g, and the mass of the UV case is 133.2 (less than 140g from

the design inputs). The cheapest UV bulb on the market thus far is $4.50. Thus, the estimated
overall price of the device is $4.87.
The other thing we needed to verify was the durability which mostly depend on the UV
bulb and the battery. On average, if there are 4 people per household and we want the longest
allowable use to be 30 min for each person so 120 minutes can be used each day. Our UV bulb
lasts roughly 7000 hours which correspond to 420000 min and we divide by 120 min/day, we
will get 3500 days of usage or ~9.6 years.
We wanted the sanitization process to be no longer than 20 minutes. Based on the
department of Human Health and Services it takes roughly 30,000 J/s to completely sanitize a
biosafety device. Our UV bulb having a wavelength of 253.7 nm which corresponds to roughly
40-45 microW/cm^2 which reaches 30,000 microJ/s in 12.5 minutes.
Finally, light causes a reaction against multiple thymine molecules, which is a base of
DNA. The reaction of these thymine molecules causes the DNA to become unstable and die as a
result. With enough exposure to UV light 99.9% of bacteria will die. This is the most vital part of
our design and was shown in the verification based on the UV light process and its interaction
with bacteria from previous research already published.


Prototype plan (Plan outline, NX model, technical drawing)

To have a physical representation of our device and reduce uncertainty, we had planned a
prototype to be able to actually see what the device will look, especially its size because we
wanted to know if all the components listed above would perfectly fit. The type of prototype we
used is a comprehensive prototype. It is often best for integration and milestone. We want our
customers to get an understanding on how the device will function and get their feedbacks if
something needs to be changed.
Our prototype was a comprehensive prototype that was three dimensionally printed that
would be able to show our audience the look of our device, as well as its size and dimensions,
and how the device works. It’s imperative to show the audience what the device looks like as the
NX model doesn’t show all the crucial features. These features missing from the model include
the dimensions. These dimensions show our audience that the device is big enough to hold and
clean a toothbrush as well as small enough to cheaply ship the device overseas and to carry
around with the user. We also need to show the audience how the device works. By the look of
the device it can seem confusing as to how it actually works, when in reality it’s really simple.
By creating this prototype we are able to show the audience how the toothbrush sits and how the
toothbrush is sanitized by the bristles being right in front of the light.

The prototype was three dimensionally printed 3mm PLA that contained all the features
of our device. It included the battery case attached to a plastic representation of an ultraviolet
light that had a light bulb taped to it to represent the ultraviolet light. The device also had a
open/close button, and a two prong stand used to hold the toothbrush straight. The prototype was
made of bottom and top halves that were held together via three hinges that were placed in the
back. The top and bottom halves were 210X53X28 mm each with front and back walls being
7.5mm thick and sidewalls being 5mm thick. The bottom half had a divot in the center that
allows for a spot for the open/close button to rest.

The prototype created will be distinct from our actual device in that it will allow
placement of a battery, wiring, and an ultraviolet light. We plan on hollowing out where the
battery is as to allow for the placement of actual double a batteries. Also, we plan on removing
the plastic light that we have placed to allow the placement of an actual light as well as the
placement of wiring to connect the battery and light. The open/close button will actually be
functional by putting teeth on the top half to hold the device closed when left unpressed. The
final distinction is that we will create a mechanism that will cause the device to turn on for an
appropriate amount of time once the device is closed.

Measurable Objectives:

The main goal of the prototype was to give our users a realistic representation of the
device such as how it will function and what its actual size will be. We did the prototype to see
for ourselves how the components (the toothbrush, UV light, and the battery) will fit and if it
would need any adjustments after the 3D printing. The prototype would allow us to get any
criticisms and or feedback that we could use to improve the future work so we develop a more
effective and accurate device. The feedback showed us that our prototypes met our objectives by
showing the audience how the device will function, what the device will look like, and the
dimensions of the device. Overall our objective for the prototype was to evaluate where the
improvements are necessary and if the device will be marketable.

After printing the design, we realize that almost all of our objectives were met because
we were able to test it by putting a regular toothbrush and see if it fits but came out that it fits
perfectly well, except that the bristle did not really face the light we used as our UV light. The
other issue we had was the open and close button, it does not function 100 % as we intended it
would be unless a large force was applied. We were also able to get feedback from people which
led us to believe that our objectives were successfully met and the audience could easily
visualize how our device would work.

The schedule we created at the beginning of creating our prototype was not stuck to at all.
We were very behind schedule in our timeline. For example, we said that we would print our
device by the middle of March when in fact we didn’t print our device until the second week of
April. Also, we said that in late March we would complete validation testing on our device but
that never occured. Our main problem was that at the beginning we weren’t really sure what
would go into creating our prototype. We thought that all we had to do was print it but we
learned we would have to fix our NX model, buy extra supplies, and really plan out what we
wanted from our prototype prior to actually making it. Next time we will be more prepared
because this experience allowed us to learn about what really goes into making a prototype.
Also, we were slowed down via the tissue testing lab. A lot of March was taken up working on
this lab and that was a tremendous setback to the creation of our prototype.

Revised Schedule:


Parts Cost Quantity Total


3mm PLA for 3D printing $20/kg .2 kg $4.00

Lightbulb $2.00 1 $2.00

3 Hinges $2.50 1 $2.50

Toothbrush $1.00 1 $1

Total $9.50

NX model/technical drawings
To build an accurate and well designed prototype, we have decided to use NX. We
thought that NX would be a good software to accurately represent the device, it would help us to
set exactly how we want the UV case sanitizer. Instead of writing all the plan for the NX model,
we used technical drawing as a best way to effectively communicate the dimensions. It allows us
more dimensions analysis with multiple views to get more details and accuracy.

Design Specifications
There were no significant changes to the user needs or design inputs from the fall
semester to winter semester. Our overall goals of the design remained the same, but the main
additions to the process was the construction of an NX model and prototype. However, the above
technical drawings and 3-D model in NX displays much more specific parameters for the device

than the original hand sketches. There was also a section added to the case, next to the
toothbrush handle, that takes up space in order for the toothbrush to stay in place while the UV
light is working. This was thought of while making the model and prototype this semester.

Design Changes
The main change that we made in our design over the past couple months was to include
the battery inside of the device. The entire goal of this device is to make it as cheap as possible
for our intended consumer so to save material we thought it would be best to hollow out empty
space in the device and add room for batteries. We had the space necessary in between the
handle of the toothbrush and the back wall of the case so we thought we would put it there rather
than outside the case. This also makes the case a better shape and allows for easy transport
especially for our secondary intended consumers hikers and campers. Another design change we
made was including a stand that the toothbrush could rest on to hold it in place. This was
extremely important because the device will only stay on for the shortest time possible to save
the battery so we need the brush to take in the full effects of the light under that time period. This
stand will hold the toothbrush in place to make sure it doesn’t move when the device is moved
and the toothbrush will be cleaned properly. The final design change that was made was adding
hinges on the back of the device to allow it to open/close. Last semester we weren’t exactly sure
as to how we wanted to go through with connecting the two pieces of the device. We ended up
deciding that putting hinges on the device was the superior way of doing so, so we added that
into our device.

Date Description Rationale Section of DHF

1/25/18 Including stand to Makes sure that even

hold toothbrush in if the case is being
place moved the UV effect
still works

2/15/18 Including battery Saves material/cost Design Output

inside of the device and efficient to carry

4/5/18 Adding hinges on the Allow for easy and Prototype Plan
back of the device swift opening and
closing of the device


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