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4, DECEMBER 2004 293


at Signalized Intersections
The chosen signalized intersection for data collection is located
Huang Ling and Jianping Wu near a shopping mall, which joins a corridor (west–east) and an avenue
(north–south). The volumes of bicycle, automobile, and pedestrian
traffic at this intersection in peak hours are all quite large. They are
Abstract—A study on the cyclist behavior at a signal-controlled in- 5000 veh/h, 4100 bic/h, and 2500 people/h, respectively (excluding
tersection was conducted to determine the behavioral characteristics those crossing by the pedestrian overpass). This is a wide complex
representative. The study focused on the cyclists’ behavior at signalized intersection and is not only equipped with traffic lights for automobile
intersections, including the crossing speeds, crossing gap/lag acceptance
behavior, and group-riding behavior. Traffic data were collected by using and pedestrian traffic, but also with special lights for bicycle traffic.
video cameras from a wide and complex signalized intersection. The These traffic lights are all on a fixed cycle. There also is a pedestrian
statistical analysis of data was conducted to determine the characteristics overpass, crossings, and special waiting zones for left-turning auto-
of bicycle traffic crossing speeds, gap/lag acceptance, and group riding. mobiles in the intersection.
Interesting group behavior of cyclists at a signal-controlled intersection
was discovered and analyzed. The results are useful for understanding
The traffic light for the automobile is three staged; there is a special
the performance of mixed traffic at signalized intersections and building green phase for left-turning traffic in the east–west direction. The traffic
microscopic simulation models. light for the bicycle has two stages. Therefore, some conflicts exist
between the bicycle and motor traffic (see Fig. 1).
I. INTRODUCTION Two synchronized video cameras were set on the L-shaped pedes-
trian overpass to obtain visual data (see Fig. 2). Then, by certain media
In a Chinese city, the bicycle is an important traffic mode and takes software, the data on tape was digitalized into Microsoft video files.
up quite a part of the urban traffic volume. This paper is focused on the Premiere software from the Adobe Company was then used in the
study of cyclist behavior at signalized intersections, including cyclist’s data-reduction process, for it can easily break down the video files as
gap/lag acceptance behavior when crossing automobile traffic streams, fine as 25 frames/s. Using the above method, the error of time measure
crossing speed characteristics, and group-riding behavior in Beijing, is estimated less than 0.04 s.
China. This work is part of a Project (Microscopic Simulation on Mixed Within the data-reduction process, the speeds of traffic entities were
Traffic at Signalized Intersection), which is sponsored by the Ministry determined by noting the time required to traverse a known distance
of Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China. The results (usually about 15–20 m), which is defined by a set of fixed objects
of this study have been used to build up the basic theoretical cyclist’s (i.e., the width of roadways or the distance between stop lines). By this
behavioral models for a microscopic simulation program. The results method, the error of the distance measure is estimated to be less than
may also be helpful for the planning, management, and facility design 0.5 m. The time required to traverse the section was obtained by noting
of bicycle traffic. the number of frames during the traverse. The time can be calculated by
In this paper, a gap is the time between two successive vehicles, begin- multiplying the number of frames by 0.04 s. The speed was computed
ning with the front of the leading vehicle and ending with the front of the by dividing the reference distance by the elapse time for each entity. In
following vehicle. A lag is the time from the moment the crossing vehicle this method, the error of speed data is estimated less than 0.15 km/h.
reaches the point of conflict until the closing lag vehicle arrives. The pre- The duration of a gap is measured from the number of pictures be-
vailing notion of the critical gap is that it is the minimum gap duration, tween the beginning and end of the gap. The gap begins when the bi-
which will be accepted by an individual vehicle/operator unit in a spe- cycle front wheel reaches the conflict point; at this moment, the opening
cific situation [1]. This critical gap varies across the population and some gap vehicle arrived at point A and the gap ends when the closing gap
percentile can be used for analysis and design. A measure of the center of vehicle reaches point A (see Fig. 3). Likewise, we can measure an ac-
this distribution is often chosen as the design critical gap [2]. cepted lag in this way; the only difference is that point A locates at the
Opiela et al. [3] recorded a total of 260 bicycle crossings of two lanes of conflict point in this case.
one-way motor-vehicle traffic (7.3 m wide) and determined the gap-ac-
ceptance characteristics of the cyclists. They determined that the dis-
tribution of accepted gaps corresponded to a log normal function. The III. DATA ANALYSIS
average accepted gap was 3.9 s and the minimum was noted to be 1.1 s.
Taylor and Mahmassani [2] estimated discrete choice (probit) A. Crossing Speeds
models of both motorist and cyclist gap acceptance behavior when Signalized intersection crossing speeds for bicycle traffic were de-
crossing and merging with bicycle–automobile mixed traffic at three termined from the data collected for 561 bicycle entities.
low-speed stop-controlled intersections near a university campus. The speed data was classified by through and left-turning maneu-
Bicycle travel speeds had been studied by several researchers, in- vers in each data class. The highest five and lowest five observations
cluding Opiela et al. [3], Taylor [4], Pein [5], and Forester [6], and were filtered out; thus, we got 531 valid observations. The difference
in various environments. A common conclusion is that bicycle travel of crossing speeds between bicycle and tricycle was also analyzed (see
speeds are basically normally distributed. Table I). It is found that the speeds of through and left-turning bicycles
are all higher than those of the tricycle.
The effect of gender in through and left-turning bicycle speeds was
Manuscript received November 30, 2003; revised July 31, 2004. This paper
is based on the Beijing ITS Planning and Deployment Project, which was sup- also analyzed. (Due to the small sample size, the gender effect in tri-
ported by the Beijing Technology Committee. The Associate Editor for this cycle speeds was not analyzed.) The average through speeds for male
paper was S. Tang. and female bicyclists are 11.26 and 11.58 km/h, respectively, but the
H. Ling is with the Transportation School, Beijing Jiaotong University, Bei- difference between them was tested to be not significant at a 90% level.
jing 100044, China (e-mail:
J. Wu is with the Transportation Research Group, University of Southampton, The average left-turning speeds of male and female bicyclists are 12.91
Southampton SO17 1BJ, U.K. (e-mail: and 13.43 km/h, respectively, and the difference found is not significant
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITS.2004.837812 at a 90% level, either.

1524-9050/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE


Fig. 1. Three situations of conflicts between bicycle and motor traffic at the signalized intersection: (a) right-turning motor traffic versus bicycle; b) through motor
traffic versus left-turning bicycle; and c) left-turning motor traffic versus through bicycle.

Fig. 2. Survey site draw.

The speed distributions of the through bicycle, left-turning bicycle speeds at (signalized) intersections. Fig. 4 gives an example of the
speeds, and through tricycle speeds were analyzed, respectively, and through bicycle-speed distribution.
the normal distribution was proven to provide the closest approxima-
tion to all classes of the collected data by using the chi-square test. (Due
B. Gap/Lag Analysis
to the small sample size, the speed distribution of left-turning tricycle
was not analyzed.) 1) Distribution: The valid sample contains 104 gap decision
This finding is similar to some former research results on bicycle observations and 217 lag observations for bicycles (after filtering
speeds carried out by Opiela et al. [3], Taylor [4], Pein [5], and Forester out the longest five and shortest five observations). It was found
[6]. However, they all studied the speeds on links, not on the crossing that the average accepted gap length is 4.52 s and the minimum

Fig. 3. Measure of cyclist accepted gap.


Fig. 4. Frequency distribution of observed through bicycle speeds.

accepted gap length was noted to be 1.56 s. The average accepted and the 2 value of gaps and lags were 11.78 and 10.58, respectively,
lag was 2.93 s in length and the minimum lag was noted to be much smaller than their critical value 22.36. The frequency distribution
as short as 0.52 s. of the accepted gaps is shown in Fig. 5.
The distribution of the accepted gaps and lags of the bicyclist were The design critical gap and lag as mentioned above—the center of
analyzed and the natural log normal distribution was found to provide a the distribution—are 4.19 and 2.47 s, respectively, and the standard
close approximation to the data collected. The chi-square test was used deviation  1.81 and 1.06 s.

The gap/lag acceptance decision rule is: if the actual gap/lag duration
Lgvm is less than the critical gap/lag, then the gap/lag is rejected or else
it is accepted. It can be modeled as

Ygvm = ( + gvm ) 0 Lgvm : (2)

If Ygvm  0, the gap is accepted; otherwise, it is rejected.

As determined above, the gvm are natural log normal distributed
across the cyclists and situations, a choice probability function can be
modeled as

Pr(accepting) = Pr(Ygvm  0)
= Pr( + gvm 0 Lgvm  0)
= Pr(gvm  Lgvm 0 )
Fig. 5. Frequency distribution of accepted gaps.
= 8 ln(Lgvm ) 0 ln()
The same type of distribution of accepted gaps were also found by ln L

Opiela et al. [3]. With another definition, they found that the critical =8 ln() (3)
gap was 3.2 s.
where 8() is the standard cumulative normal distribution and 2 is the
2) Model: Referring to Taylor and Mahmassani’s methods [2], dis-
crete choice models of cyclist gap and lag acceptance behavior when
total variance.
crossing a motor-traffic stream at signalized intersection were made.
Using the impact factor groups defined above, any systematic ef-
First, the factors that might impact gap/lag acceptance behavior were fects can be tested by including attributes in the specification and by
divided into four groups. replacing  in the choice probability expression (3) by the above spec-
1) Inherent gap characteristics group. This group includes the ification. The following choice gap acceptance probability function is
types of gap opening and closing vehicle (in the lag model, only obtained as shown in the equation at the bottom of the previous page,
the closing vehicle were considered). Herein, they were divided where
into three major types: car, minibus and bus. Other types of ve- 0 mean critical gap when all other attributes are zero;
hicle would be included into these three types according to their Xgap vector of attributes characterizing the gap;
size. Xman vector of attributes characterizing the acting vehicle ma-
2) Acting bicycle/tricycle maneuver group. This group includes neuver;
the through and left-turning maneuver and whether the cyclist Xvo vector of attributes characterizing the individual cyclist;
stops when making a gap/lag decision. Xgroup vector of attributes characterizing the riding state and gap ,
3) Individual cyclist characteristics group. This group contains all man , vo , and group are vectors of parameters to be esti-
the factors associated with a cyclist, such as gender, vehicle mated.
type (bicycle or tricycle), etc. Then, gap/lag acceptance situations were separated to estimate the
4) Riding state group. This group contains the state of the cyclist linear regression model for mean critical gap and lag, respectively.
when making a gap/lag decision (riding individually or riding After the regression process, a t-test was applied to find out whether
in a group). each of the factors determined above gives a significant effect to the
Following is a presentation of the theory and specifications of dis- man critical gap (or lag). In the mean critical gap regression model, the
crete choice models of gap- and lag-acceptance behavior, assuming significant factors include gap opening and closing vehicle types and
that all the decisions are made independently, even by the same cyclist, a bicycle maneuver; the insignificant factors include tricycle in Xvo ,
under the same situation. Models estimated under this assumption are minibus in the gap-closing vehicle types, and riding in a group.
called independent decision models. It was found that the effects of factor Xgroup and tricycle in Xvo
Consider the critical gap/lag duration Tgvm for a individual bicycle
vector are very stochastic. An explanation is that when the bicycle
group crossing a left-turning motor vehicle, it probably made the ve-
(or tricycle) facing a gap/lag acceptance situation, where the situation is
hicle slow or even stop, so for bicycles/tricycles not close to the vehicle
defined by the acting vehicle maneuver, whether he is riding in a group
of bicycles, and any factors associated with the gap. Tgvm varies over
or in the front of the group, the gap/lag would be longer than riding in-
dividually in the same situation, while for bicycles/tricycles near the
the cyclists and situations and can be modeled as
vehicle or in the rear part of the group, the gap/lag would be shorter.
So the factor of riding in a group does not simply lengthen or shorten
Tgvm =  + gvm (1) the critical gap/lag; it gives stochastic effects.
The effects of gender and minibus in the gap-closing vehicle are
found very small, 0.006 75 and 0.000 45 s, respectively. Therefore,
where  is the mean critical gap/lag over all cyclists and situations and these factors were removed from the model. The independent decision
gvm is a stochastic disturbance item. model of bicyclist gap and lag behavior, specified in (4), are presented

ln ( + X +
X + X + X
Pr(accepting) = 8 ln()


The standard deviation for natural log normal distribution () is 1.81 sec.


The standard deviation for natural log normal distribution ( ) is 1.06 s.

in Tables II and III, respectively. All variables are Boolean categorical

variables (1=true and 0=false). Each coefficient has the unit of
seconds and the interpretation is that a positive coefficient increases
(and a negative one decreases) the mean critical gap.
The following are the significant factor effect analysis.

• Effect of the Gap-Opening Vehicle Type

The effect of a large gap-opening vehicle on the mean critical
gap is the most significant (+2.09 s in value). The effect of a mid-
sized gap-opening vehicle (a minibus or light vehicle) is much
less significant, only +0.3 s. This may be due to its approximation
in size with a car.
• Effect of the Gap-Closing Vehicle Type
The effect of a large gap-closing vehicle on the mean critical
gap and lag are both quite large (+0.68 s in the gap and +1.89 in
the lag).
On the other hand, the other gap-closing vehicle type, minibus Fig. 6. Comparisons of the effects of significant factors on mean critical gap
and lag.
or light vehicle, has an insignificant effect on the gap, making
almost no difference (actually 0 in the gap model and 00.24 in
the lag model). In both gap and lag models, the effect of gender is very small.
• Effect of a Cyclist’s Maneuver It seems that, in gap and lag acceptance behavior, at a signalized
Left-turning cyclists seem to need a longer gap and lag. In both intersection, there is no gender difference. The differences in ve-
gap and lag model, the left-turning maneuver effect is quite large, hicle type of gap opening and closing for the minibus and light
+0.72 and +0.83 s, respectively. vehicle are not significant either.
The effect of stopping before crossing on the gap is the largest Fig. 6 shows the comparisons of the effects of significant factors on
except for the large gap-opening vehicle factor (+0.98 s). mean critical gap and lag.
However, in the lag model, the effect of stopping before
crossing is not so significant and, furthermore, in an opposite C. Group-Riding Behavior Analysis
direction (00.19). This means that a stationary cyclist needs a Unlike the motor vehicles, when the signal turns green, the bicycles
shorter lag than a rolling cyclist. at the stop line start moving in a group, not in platoons. Group riding is a
• Insignificant Variables unique characteristic of bicycle traffic (when the bicycle traffic volume

Fig. 7. Microscopic simulation on mixed traffic at the signalized intersection.

TABLE IV traffic light before them. While the bicycles waiting at the east stop
COMPARISONS OF BICYCLE GROUP DENSITIES OF line would obey the traffic light, the only difference between the two
stop lines is that there is no pedestrian beside at the east stop line, as
there is an overpass overhead.
This phenomenon indicates that the existence of pedestrian crossing
and pedestrians seem to have a negative influence on the cyclist be-
havior, which make them feel safer and thus obey the traffic light less.


This paper is focused on the cyclist behavior at signalized intersec-

tions. Following are the main conclusions.
• The difference of the average crossing speeds between the bicycle
and tricycle is significant; the through and left-turning crossing
reaches a certain standard). Ninety-five bicycle groups were analyzed speeds of the bicycle are 11.44 and 13.21 km/h and those speeds
at the signalized intersection, all of which were made up of through bi- of the tricycle are 8.72 and 11.34 km/h.
cycles, including 49 riding in a group at a normal speed and 46 groups • The average through speeds of the male and female bicyclists are
with conflicting motor traffic ahead and then had a slowing speed. As 11.26 and 11.58 km/h, respectively. The difference between them
we expected, the data indicates that the slowing bicycle groups are gen- is not significant.
erally wider and shorter than the normal speed groups and have greater • The average left-turning speeds of the male and female bicyclists
traffic density (see Table IV). are 12.91 and 13.43 km/h, respectively. The difference between
An interesting effect of pedestrian crossings on bicyclist behavior them is not significant.
was discovered: when the east–west through traffic light for motor • For through bicycles, left-turning bicycles, and through tricycles,
traffic turns red and the left-turning traffic light turns green, the the speed distribution all corresponds to a normal distribution.
north–south pedestrian and bicycle groups waiting at the west stop • The average accepted gap length for bicycles is 4.52 s and the
line would start moving, regardless of the red pedestrian and bicycle minimum accepted gap length was noted to be 1.56 s.

• The average accepted lag was 2.93 s in length and the minimum 1) It is necessary to obtain similar information at more signalized
lag was 0.52 s. intersections of a greater variety of situations.
• The natural log normal distribution was found to provide a close 2) The data-reduction procedure can be enhanced through the use
approximation to the distributions of the accepted gaps and lags of a special computer program to detect the image of different
of the bicyclist. The design critical gap and lag are 4.19 and 2.47 cyclist and extract the data from video file directly, as well as
s, respectively, and the standard deviation was 2.48 and 1.67 s. do some statistical analysis.
• A discrete choice model of cyclist gap-acceptance behavior when 3) Further studies are necessary to investigate a bicycle’s acceler-
crossing motor traffic at a signalized intersection was given as (5), ation and deceleration behavior.
with estimated coefficients listed in Tables II and III. 4) Further studies are necessary to obtain more information about
• The significant influence factors in the gap-acceptance model in- group-riding characteristics, such as the headway, speed, etc.
cludes a large gap-opening vehicle type (+2.09 s), large gap-
closing vehicle (+0.68 s), left-turning maneuver (+0.72 s), and
stopping before crossing (+0.98 s).
• The significant influence factors in the lag-acceptance model in-
cludes a large gap-closing vehicle (+1.89 s) and left-turning ma- REFERENCES
neuver (+0.83 s).
• The average crossing bicycle group density of normal speed and [1] A. Miller, “Nine estimators of gap acceptance parameters,” in Proc. 5th
slowing speed are 3.23 and 2.38 m2 /bic. The difference between Int. Symp. Theory of Traffic Flow and Transportation, G. F. Newell, Ed.,
average traffic densities of the two types of group is significant New York, 1971, pp. 215–235.
[2] D. Taylor and H. Mahmassani, “Bicyclist and motorist gap acceptance
through a t-test. behavior in mixed-traffic,” presented at the 78th Annu. Meeting Trans-
• The existence of the pedestrian crossing and pedestrians seem to portation Research Board and Publication in Transportation Research
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tics of bicycle traffic at urban intersections, in Transport. Res. Rec. 743,
Parts of the results of this study were applied to the “microscopic
TRB, Nati. Res. Council, Washington, D.C., pp. 30–37, 1980.
simulation on mixed traffic at signalized intersection” (see Fig. 7). The [4] D. Taylor, Analysis of traffic signal clearance interval requirements for
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Further research should focus on extending the information about cy- 1997.
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