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Research Log #5

Christian Arakawa
16 October 2017
EQ: What are the foundational differences between the primary political parties in America?
Three points to prove #1: Each political party differs in their fiscal policies.
#2: Each party focuses on a specific voter base that drives its
social issues
#3: The political parties have different stances on the
military and diplomatic issues.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: Each party focuses on a specific voter base that drives its social
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the designated Point to Prove):
"Groups who voted for Obama by a margin of 2-1 or better, a good measure of a true demographic base, were
African Americans (95%), Latinos (67%), voters under 29 years old (66%), Jews (78%), gays and lesbians
(70%). " Huffington post (D)
"African Americans are the biggest and most loyal part of the Democratic base. Gays and lesbians are less
numerous than African Americans, but are also an important part of the base. Jews are too few in number to
have a comparable role in the party. The rest of the Democratic base is ideological, not astrictive, in nature. "
Huffington post (D)
"For many, the Democratic base includes African Americans, Latinos, gays and lesbians, young voters, union
members and women. These voters combine for about 70% of the electorate, so obviously they are not all the
base." Huffington post (D)
"Among GOP voters who were interviewed after Trump called white nationalists “very fine people,” 66 percent
said he’d done the right thing." - Daily intelligencer – R

"The Desperate Middle-Class Voters Who Made Trump the Republican Nominee" - Everyday money – R

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

Every election major election (Presidential, Senatorial, House of Representatives, and Gubernation) see's
many parties but the two major ones are Democrat and Republican. These two parties have their own voter
base. Voter base is the people, race, religion, sexuality. This is how parties see their voters and appeal to them.
They want to have a strong voter base in order to win the election whether it be through popular vote or
electoral college.
The Democratic Party voter base contains a variety of people. To the Democratic the African-American
community is a major help to their voter. An estimated 95% of African American's vote democrat in every
major election. Latinos, and the LGBT community both garnish almost 70% of the vote. The democratic party
makes up about 70% of the electoral college. Though the percentage (70%) shows they should win every
presidential election it doesn’t happen. The party and the candidate have to appeal to their own voter base and
try to gain more people.
The Republican Party voter base is manly one group of people, but one group of people can't elect a
president. An estimated 50% of the GOP is "white". About 70% of Morman's vote Republican. The Republican
voter base tends to be younger than those of the Democratic party. Whereas, people who failed or dropped out
of high school or college tend to support the Republican Party more.

Mitchel, Lincoln. "what is the democratic party voter base". Huffington Post. Oath Inc. 28
pa_b_741708.html Accessed 30 Oct. 2017

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