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9 - Power Over Evil

The boy was fourteen years old. He should have been studying hard in school and
playing soccer like the rest of the boys. Instead people often saw him swinging a
stick, trying to smash everything in sight. Sometimes he had seizures and was
unconscious for two or three hours. Frequently his parents had to search for him
because he would suddenly run away from home, and wouldn’t know how to get

What was wrong with the boy? Everyone agreed that he was possessed by an evil
spirit. His father and mother had spent a lot of money trying to get help. One
traditional healer told them to offer a pig. When that didn’t help, another healer
said it needed to be a chicken. One healer made a statue of the boy to see if the
spirits would make a trade. Nothing helped. The only thing that changed was that
the family lost more and more money while the boy continued to suffer.

Have you seen anything like this? It’s not just in the movies. In villages
throughout the world there are similar happenings, with evil spirits showing
strong powers, and people demanding a high price for help. What should a person
do? Where would you find help for such a boy?

One day this family met a man named Ing Nang from a nearby village. He had
grown up in their district, but then left as a soldier, traveling through other
provinces. In his travels Ing Nang had learned about the eternal God called the
Father of Life. He had been impressed by God’s power, along with the wise
teachings and compassionate example of Jesus. As Ing Nang talked with the
family and heard their problems, he thought of a similar story involving Jesus. He
hoped by telling them the story it would encourage their hearts.

The Power of Jesus

Many years ago, Jesus and His disciples were riding in a boat looking for a place
for a quiet retreat. The boat touched the shore and Jesus stepped out. Suddenly a
naked man with matted hair came rushing at them from behind the large rocks.
Broken chains hung from his wrists where villagers had tried to restrain him. The
disciples fled back towards the boat, frightened of what a man possessed by an evil
spirit might do to them.

Jesus stood calmly before him. The Bible says, “When he saw Jesus, he gave a loud
cry, threw himself down at his feet, and shouted, “Jesus, Son of the Most High
God! What do you want with me? I beg you, don’t punish me!” (Luke 8:28).

Jesus’ disciples stared in amazement. There was a huge contrast between the
compassionate peaceful expression of Jesus and the frightened and tormented face
of the man on his knees. The Bible tells what happened next. “Jesus asked him
saying, ‘What is your name?’ And he said, ‘Legion,’ because many demons had
entered him.’” (Luke 8:30). Then with one word, Jesus sent the evil spirits away.
Within a short time the people from the city nearby came and saw the man “sitting
at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind.” (Luke 8:35b).

As Ing Nang told the story about Jesus the parents listened eagerly. Ing Nang
smiled as he said, “You have done your best to help your son as a loving father and
mother. Jesus taught that there is also a God called the Father of Life who has
compassion for people who struggle. It does not matter what nationality they are
or whether they are rich or poor, He is pleased to help them.”

Then Ing Nang asked, “Would you like me to pray for your son?” They led him to
their home and there Ing Nang asked God to send His power to cast out the evil
spirit. He prayed in the power of Jesus’ name and the spirit left. From then on the
boy was free. Can you imagine how relieved the family was? Their experience
showed the truth of the ancient Scriptures: “Then they cried out to the Lord in
their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He brought them out of
darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their chains in pieces. Oh, that men
would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to
the children of men!” (Psalm 106:13-15). They determined to learn more about the
Father of Life and Jesus the miracle worker. They’d found it true that, “The name
of Jesus has power over darkness.”

Why Do Evil Spirits Harass People?

It is not always clear why an evil spirit is harassing someone. There are many
reasons it can happen. To understand this better, let’s compare a person to a
house that has windows and a door. Evil spirits are like thieves that want to get
inside to hurt and destroy us. The windows are our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body,
and heart. Through those windows the evil spirits try to tempt us. We choose
whether or not we open the door to their influence.

Sometimes people want business success or an advance in position so they seek

the power of evil spirits. Others want to know the future and so try to contact
supernatural beings that might know. Some want to get revenge on their enemies

and seek power to curse them. While the power of evil spirits may seem helpful at
first, any of these magical practices can open the doors to evil spirits hurting the
person who sought their help. It’s like the Thai saying, “If you play with the spirit,
it will break your neck.” We know that even close friends sometimes betray each
other, how much more so evil spirits!

What can we do to make sure we are not possessed by evil spirits? A first step is
to stay away from magic and any attempt to contact evil spirits or seek their
powers. We’d be wise to keep the door shut.

However, these spirits, which are like thieves have other ways to harass and tempt
us. Sometimes they use the seeming fun of alcohol to get a person’s mind so
befuddled that he lets down his guard and opens the door to evil spirits. Just look
at what often happens after drinking: family fights, drunk-driving accidents, and
suicides. It’s clear that the evil spirits have stolen harmony and life from many
through the influence of alcohol.

Lust, intemperance, depression, and anger are powerful temptations lurking at the
windows of people’s hearts. The Father of Life warned people about this in the
Bible. “Do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil (a
word for an evil spirit).” (Ephesians 4:26b, 27).

A lady named Khwanjay was in the kitchen cooking. Her husband came in and was
talking with her. Something he said made her mad. It brought back to her mind
other things that irritated her about him. Slowly her anger grew and grew.
Suddenly she picked up a large knife and lunged toward him. He ran down the
stairs of their apartment, looking for help.

“She’s acting crazy,” he cried. “I think she might be possessed by an evil spirit!”
Two ladies who knew this man and Khwanjay quickly ran up the stairs to see if
they could help. Though fearful, they both trusted in the Father of Life and were
confident that God could help.

Khwanjay came towards them brandishing the knife. Her voice sounded rough
and scary. Her strength was greater than normal. The two ladies began to pray in
Jesus’ name. Slowly the knife came down and Khwanjay let go of it.

Soon other believers in the Father of Life came around and prayed more for
Khwanjay. The spirit didn’t want to leave. Because of her sin of anger, it seemed
to think it deserved to stay. It was as if Khwanjay had invited it into the house of
her body. The spirit demanded that Khwanjay make a sacrifice for it, but the
believers just continued to pray. Finally the spirit went away.

The two ladies counseled with Khwanjay and led her to confess to God her angry
feelings and actions. They helped her to solve her problems with her husband
peacefully. Never again did the evil spirit return to her. She learned that, “The
name of Jesus has power over darkness.”

A Step Forward

Is your house secure? Not your house of wood or brick. Not secure with locks or
a high-tech security system. Is the house of your heart safe and secure? Locks the
doors and bar the windows by determining right now to stay away from magical
practices. Choose to reject the temptations of alcohol, lust, anger, and other such
things. Remember too that it’s often friends who pull us into doing something we
know is wrong. Keep in mind the phrase, “The farmer and the cobra”. It’s
dangerous to hang out with those leaning towards trouble. It’s better to lose a
friend, than to be led by such a friend into connection with spirits. Ask the Father
of Life to help you, and you will not need to be afraid of the attacks of evil spirits.

Freedom from Evil Spirits

Just how powerful is the name of Jesus in dealing with evil spirits? One day nine of
Jesus’ disciples were waiting for Jesus to return from a quiet retreat He had taken
in the mountains with three of His disciples, Peter, James, and John. The nine were
feeling upset, jealous that they hadn’t been chosen to go with Jesus. Their minds
were stuck in the desire to feel important and receive praise from others.

While they were waiting, a father brought his son who was possessed by an evil
spirit. He asked the disciples to help since he had heard Jesus’ disciples had been
given power to cast out evil spirits. The disciples tried but nothing happened. The
boy was in just as much trouble as before.

Then Jesus returned. The father, feeling hopeless and desperate called out,
“Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him
of speech. Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the
mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out
the spirit, but they could not.” (Mark 9:17-18). Can you imagine if it was your
son, if you were always afraid your boy might be injured or even accidentally kill

Jesus knew why the disciples hadn’t been able to help. He knew their hearts were
still filled with jealousy and pride. He would not let that stop Him from helping a
man in need. The one thing that would stop Him was if the father refused to trust
When the evil spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He
fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth. The father said,
“Often he has thrown himself into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if
You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” (Mark 9:22).

“Jesus said to him, ‘If you can? All things are possible to him who believes.’”
(Mark 9:23). Jesus would not force His help upon anyone. He did not come as a
thief or a robber. Would the man trust Him?

“Immediately the boy’s father cried out and said, ‘I do believe; help my unbelief.’
When Jesus saw that a crowd was rapidly gathering, He rebuked the unclean
spirit, saying to it, ‘You deaf and mute spirit, I command you, come out of him and
never enter him again.’ After crying out and throwing him into terrible
convulsions, it came out; and the boy became so much like a corpse that most of
them said, “He’s dead!” But Jesus took him by the hand and raised him; and he
got up.” (Mark 9:23-27).

The people were amazed at the power of Jesus’ word. No ceremony had been
made, no sacrifice offered. They wanted to understand more about who Jesus was.
There was nothing showy in Jesus’ miracle. He had quickly done it before the
crowd could get any bigger. Jesus did not want curious seekers, but those who
would truly follow Him and shut the doors of their hearts to the evil ones.

Today the Father of Life continues to help those who feel their need for help. His
qualities are the very opposite to those of the evil spirits. Where they want to
destroy, He seeks to heal. Where they try to deceive and trick, He shines His
truth. Where they want to enslave, He makes people free. Many have found
freedom from spirit possession, drug addiction, and a lifetime of crime. They’ve
found it is true, “The name of Jesus has power over darkness.”

How did they experience such power? They finally realized they could not fight
the spirits in their own strength. Then they called to the Father of Life for help,
trusting in Jesus’ name. Next time you know someone is in trouble with evil
spirits, why not call on the Father of Life for for help through the name of Jesus?
Try it and see what God will do.

Power Over Temptation

Maybe you are not worried about evil spirits. Can the power of God help you with
ordinary, everyday temptations? Let’s explore this further.

A Burmese folk tale tells of a huge elephant who died beside a river bank. His
body fell into the water and began floating down the river. A crow saw it and said,
“Look at this lovely big feast just waiting for me!” He perched on the elephant. “I
shall never be hungry again.” he crowed. The dead elephant floated clear into the
sea, but the bird never left him. He never called any other crows to join him, in
fact, he chased them away. He was so pleased with himself. After many days of
feasting, the rotting elephant slowly began to sink. Finally the crow had no choice
but to fly. But now there was no land in sight. The crow flew and flew but found
no place to rest. Exhausted, he fell into the sea and drowned.

Aren’t people sometimes like the crow? It’s just like the Bible’s proverb: “There is
a way that seems right to a man, but the end is death.” (Proverbs 14:12).
Temptation tricks people by offering attractive things. The fact that desire leads to
suffering is hidden from view. People jump on the pleasure and it carries them
away like the elephant and the crow. In time, pain and sadness follow the wrong

The Bible clearly pictures this process: “But each one is tempted when, by his own
evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it
gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full-grown gives birth to death” (James

Some temptations seem big and the consequences appear frightening. We usually
stay away from such sins. Other temptations seem small and it’s easy to feel it’s
worth the risk for the pleasure. Let’s return to the house illustration and see what
we can learn. Temptations to do what’s wrong are like thieves, trying to get into
our hearts. They may come from evil spirits, or they may simply be attractions
from the world, or from our own wrong thoughts. Just the same, if we give in to
them, they will steal away our peace and joy.

The Bible promises help to overcome every single temptation we face. “No
temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful, he
will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,
He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Corinthians
10:13). If the Father of Life has enough compassion and power to help people
escape from evil spirits, He surely can help us escape from every temptation. Let’s
discover how to do that by looking closely at how Jesus overcame difficult

Jesus Meets Temptation

Approximately five hundred years before Jesus came to earth, a prophet named
Daniel predicted that a great teacher would be given the special task of setting
people free from evil. On the very year predicted, A.D. 27, a large crowd saw

evidence that Jesus was the One who had come to help. “The heavens were opened
to Him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon
Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven saying, ‘This is My beloved Son in
whom I am well pleased.’ ” (Matthew 3:16b-17). Many were eager to see what
Jesus would do.

Almost immediately, however, Jesus disappeared into the desert to fast and pray.
He knew that the work of teaching, healing, and helping would be difficult. Jesus
Himself must face trials and temptations to overcome them as part of His plan to
bring victory to other people.

After Jesus had fasted for forty days, He was very hungry. That is a long time to go
without food. The leader of the evil ones, often called Satan, came to Jesus at His
weakest point, hoping to overcome Him. Evil spirits have often led people into
doing wrong things simply because it tastes and feels good. Many times they are
successful when people are physically weak or tired. The true heart of people is
exposed when their lives become difficult or they have little to eat. Then many of
them lie, cheat, or steal in order to survive.

Satan said to Jesus, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become
bread” (Matthew 4:3). Satan may have appeared like a beautiful angel from
heaven who was having a hard time recognizing Jesus as the Great One. Could
this thin man really be the one prophesied to help people? If so, Satan urged,
Jesus could prove it by performing a little miracle to give Himself food.

Jesus refused to follow the temptation. He would not follow the counsel of evil
spirits. Jesus was committed to setting an example of trust in the Father of Life.
Though He had the power, He would not work a miracle to save His own life. In
fact, Jesus had gone without food for forty days in order to show that with strength
from the Father of Life, any person can overcome evil, even if they are so hungry
they are about to die.

Jesus answered Satan, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4). Jesus’ mind
was filled with words of truth and He chose to follow what was right rather than
what would feel good.

Jesus Battled More Temptations

For the next major temptation, Satan took Jesus to the top of the immense temple
in Jerusalem. From a towering height, Satan said, “If you are the Son of God,
throw Yourself down, for it is written, ‘He shall give His angels charge over you,’

and ‘in their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a
stone.’” (Matthew 4:6).

Satan knew that the Jewish people were waiting for a leader to come from heaven.
The people hoped He would rule as a king and overthrow the Romans whose iron
hand they were under. Satan urged Jesus to take the position of authority and
honor over His own people by jumping and appearing in the air before them.

Many times people are willing to do anything to gain a position of power. They will
act deceitfully, horde benefits for themselves, and even betray friends to gain a
higher place. How foolish it is to think we can find profit and gain by doing what is
wrong. Still people often try.

But Jesus had not come to seek power or earthly honor. He had come to serve the
poor and the sick, to free people from a worse slavery than to the Romans. He
came to free from the slavery of sin. Jesus would not fall to this temptation either.
He said, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’” (Matthew
4:7). Jesus would not do what was wrong expecting the Father of Life to still bless

Satan then showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their peoples. He said,
“All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.” Satan and the
evil spirits are jealous of God and want people to worship them. They do whatever
they can to turn people’s hearts away from the living, Almighty Father of Life.

Have you seen this? More people today know more about evil spirits than about
the Almighty Father of Life. People worship many things. They ask for help from
all kinds of powers. They forget to show gratitude to the God who gives life.

Jesus quickly answered, “Go away, Satan! Scripture says, 'Worship the Lord your
God and serve only Him.’” (Matthew 4:10) Jesus knew who has the greatest power
and authority of all. He refused to worship anyone else.

Today God also wants to help us to turn away from the power of evil spirits. We
must choose to worship the One who has great compassion for us and has such
mighty power. It is the only safe way.

Jesus said, “Get behind me Satan!” Satan went away, waiting to tempt Him
another time. We also can say to temptation and evil sprits, “In the name of Jesus,
go away!” They will go. “The name of Jesus has power over darkness.”

How to Keep Evil Spirits Away

The Burmese say, “Like a lizard sticks to the wall, so the evil spirit tries to stick to
a man.” Cambodians say “An evil spirit is like a leach.” They do not want to leave.
When Jesus makes them go out, they do not want to go. But because they cannot
overcome God’s power, they must leave when He sends them. However, they will
look for an opportunity to come back.

Jesus once warned that “When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through
arid places seeking rest and does not find it.” Then it says, “I will return to the
house I left.” (Matthew 12:43-44a).

The Bible says clearly that if we ask God to chase out evil spirits but do not invite
Him and His power into our hearts, the spirits will come back. This can be
compared to a house that has no one in it and a stranger breaks in and starts
living there. If you get the stranger out but do not put someone there to guard the
house, another stranger will come. The house must be occupied. In the same way,
just getting evil spirits out is not enough According to the experience of believers
in God, you can depend on Him to fill your life with His power. He can keep the
evil spirits away.

A Step Forward

Do you want to make sure that you keep evil spirits away? Do you want power
when you face temptation? Quietly, in your heart or out loud, just ask the Father
of Life to come near and help you. Here is His promise in the Bible: “But thus
says the Lord: ‘Even the captives of the mighty shall betaken away, and the prey
of the terrible be delivered; for I will contend with him who contends with you, and
I will save your children.’” (Isaiah 49:25). God is a protector and deliverer.
Choose to not practice magic, then ask for help in Jesus’ name and you will know
it’s true, “The name of Jesus has power over darkness.”

A Battle Plan to Overcome Temptation

A man liked to drink alcohol with his buddies. He knew his wife and daughter did
not want him to drink, but the temptation seemed too great. One day his little
daughter looked up at him and said, “Daddy, please stop drinking. I don’t want
anything bad to happen to you.” Melted by her words, the father chose to quit.
Since then, he has worked hard and has been able to provide his daughter with a
good education. Now, years later, the daughter is a successful business lady,
hard-working like her father. She was inspired by how he overcame temptation.

If we make good choices in the face of temptation, we will see the results both for
ourselves and those around us. If you would like to have more victories in your
life, begin following this plan to overcome temptations. Here are five steps for
victory. The choice is yours.

1. Each morning before you go to work, school, or some other place, think about
the temptations you may face. Reflect on the suffering you would experience
or cause others to experience if you choose to follow the temptation. Focus on
the benefits of doing right and how it will bring you greater peace, happiness,
and harmony with your family members.

2. Remove temptations from your life as much as possible. Choose to not go

where you have fallen into temptation before. Take out of your house or work
place things that you know are hurtful to you. When you feel temptation is
coming, run to another place.

3. Memorize scriptures. This will help you have good things in your mind that you
can use to answer temptations like Jesus did. The Bible says, “Your word I
have hid in my heart so that I might not sin against You.” (Psalm 119:11).
Learn more about the Father of Life so that you will grow in confidence and
quickly call out to Him for help when you are facing temptations.

4. Ask God for help. The Bible says, “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil
and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
(James 4:7-8a). Ask other believers to pray for you and call them when you are
tempted so they can encourage you to do what is right.

5. Learn from your victories and your failures. Every evening before you go to
bed, reflect on the day. Think about what helped you and what you could have
done better. Determine to try again the next day with God’s strength. God
promises, “Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord
upholds him with His hand.” (Psalm 37:24).

Meditation Moment

It’s exciting to hear so much good news about God’s power to help us deal with
evil. Let’s meditate on some of the important ideas.

 “The name of Jesus has power over darkness.”

 “Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of
their distresses. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death,
and broke their chains in pieces. Oh, that men would give thanks to the
Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!”
(Psalm 106:13-15).

 “But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away
and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin,
when it is full-grown gives birth to death” (James 1:14,15).

 “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is
faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when
you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up
under it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Aren’t those helpful promises? The more we think about them, the greater victory
we’ll have over evil.

 Think about the joy of the family when Ing Nang prayed and their boy was
set free from the evil spirit.

 Picture the crow riding on the dead elephant and remind yourself that every
temptation is a trick to lead you towards suffering.

 Determine to follow Jesus’ plan for victory by filling your thoughts with
God’s word.

The Choice Regarding Temptations is Yours

We must remember that we are like a house. Some houses are beautiful and
peaceful, some are run down and chaotic. Evil spirits, wrong thoughts, and
wrong actions are like thieves that are trying to break into our lives. We can
choose what will happen. The Father of Life is a strong protector and He wants
us to be full of peace and free from evil’s power. Let’s rely on His power and
invite Him to help us each day.

Take Action: Check the things below that you will put into practice this week.
_____ I will follow the 5-point plan and gain victory over my temptations.

_____ I will stop any practices of magic and pray directly to the Father of Life for

_____ I choose to trust in the Father of Life to protect me from evil spirits through
the name of Jesus.

_____ I will help someone who is caught in evil’s power to find victory through this
helpful information.

Let’s tell the Father of Life right now that we want to cooperate with Him.

Prayer Power

“Mighty God, who has compassion like a Father, please protect me from all evil
spirits. Help me to not practice any magic or do any evil. Help me to turn from
anger and hatred. Send away all evil spirits from my house and fill my heart with
Your power. I thank You in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.”

Aren’t you glad that you know who to rely on in this battle with evil? Tell others
the good news, “The name of Jesus has power over darkness.”


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