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Empowering Growth

©2018 CAGIXasia P1 - Confiden6al

We are a Venture Services and Advisory Bou4que
We are a Venture Services and Advisory Bou4que

We empower scalable businesses with integra6ve capital

solu6ons to achieve the greatest impact and ROI possible

Scalable - Clear scalable value proposi6ons based on strong IP technology,

cultural awareness, and realis6c business models

Integra,ve capital solu,ons - hybrid solu6on of incuba6on, venture

capital and investment banking

Impact - Unique and impacLul offerings with clear roadmaps

©2018 CAGIXasia P2 - Confiden6al

Diverse thinking for the right Solu?on

We apply 30,000 +. views with sub-atomic deep dives with discipline and support.

To get companies for?fied, energized and “Investor Ready” for growth and capital.

We may even back and build industry-changing businesses and co-found

companies alongside excep?onal entrepreneurs through Cagix Innova*on Growth

Our team members have unique personal and professional achievements, with
deep entrepreneurial insights and global corporate leadership.

We simplify and help ar?culate complex technological and cultural issues.

We cul?vate values-driven management teams with strong leadership skills that

can execute strategically and mindfully.

©2018 CAGIXasia P3 - Confiden7al

Key Advantages

Integra(ve Venture Capital We apply a hybrid solu7on of incuba7on, venture capital and investment banking;
and Investment Banking Supported by a proprietary ins7tu7onal grade web based FINRA compliant funding
Approach plaNorm and robust due diligence process

Align Great Companies Deep Inside Networks US, EU, Asia, Australia) to deliver high quality deals
with the Right Partners • Strategic Partners
• Family Offices
• Venture Capital
• Corporate VC
• Private Equity
• Founda7ons

Leverage Global Experience and extensive networks to accelerate business

Opportuni(es growth into exis7ng commercialized markets for rapid trac7on
To Scale
and revenue growth

Simplified Funding • Direct company to investor engagement

Process • Lower transac7on costs
• Capital efficient scaling model

©2018 CAGIXasia P4 - Confiden7al

Value-Added Services

Venture Services Marke0ng and IP Strategy

• Corporate Services • Market Research, Brand Strategy

• Capital Forma7on and Closing • IP Strategy, Tech Transfer, Licensing
• Syndicated pre-IPO ,M&A • Interna7onal Planning
• Direct access to the Singapore
SGX and HK GEM Stock

Fintech So9ware Management Training

Development Thought Leadership

• Blockchain Strategy • Team Development

• Customised Funding PlaXorm • Leadership (Hard and SoN Skills)
Licensing • Cultural Awareness
• Media, PR, Investor Rela7ons

©2018 CAGIXasia P5 - Confiden7al

Our Partners and Syndicate

©2018 CAGIXasia P6 - Confiden7al

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