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Pointing Sets the Stage for Learning Language-and Creating Language

Author(s): Susan Goldin-Meadow

Source: Child Development, Vol. 78, No. 3 (May - Jun., 2007), pp. 741-745
Published by: Wiley on behalf of the Society for Research in Child Development
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May/June2007,Volume78,Number3, Pages741-745

PointingSets the Stagefor LearningLanguage and CreatingLanguage

Susan Goldin-Meadow
Universityof Chicago

Tomasello,Carpenter,andLiszkowski(2007)havearguedthatpointinggesturesdo muchmorethansingleout
objects theworld. Pointinggesturesfunctionas partof a systemof sharedintentionality
development. As such,pointinggesturesform the platform on which communication
linguistic rests,paving
the way forlaterlanguagelearning.Thiscommentary provides evidence thatpointinggestures establisha
foundationforlearninga languageand,moreover,set the stageforcreatinga language.

Children enter language hands first. Months before months is a better predictorof later vocabularysize
they are able to produce words to refer to people, than mother speech at 14 months (Rowe,Ozcaliskan,
places, and things, they point. Tomasello,Carpenter, & Goldin-Meadow,2007). Findings of this sort sup-
and Liszkowski (2007)argue convincingly that these port Tomasello et al.'s (2007) claim that children
early pointing gestures are used not merely to direct are not merely pointing to draw attention to them-
attention either to the self or to an object,but to in- selves-they are, at the least, drawing attention to
fluence the mental states of others.As such, pointing the objects they find interesting enough to commu-
gestures constitute the child's first foray into estab- nicate about.
lishing common ground with another person in or- In addition to presaging the shape of children's
der to affect how that person acts, feels, or thinks. eventual spoken vocabularies,gesture also paves the
According to this view, pointing gestures form the way for early sentences. Children combine pointing
platform on which linguistic communication rests, gestures with words to express sentence-likemean-
and thus lay the groundwork for later language ings ("eat"+ point at cookie) months before they
learning. In this commentary,I build on the argu- can express these same meanings in a word+word
ment laid out by Tomaselloet al. (2007)and provide combination ("eat cookie"). Importantly,the age at
evidence that pointing gestures set the stage not only which children first produce gesture+speech com-
for learninglanguage but also for creatinglanguage. binations of this sort reliably predicts the age at
which they first produce two-word utterances(Gol-
din-Meadow & Butcher, 2003; Iverson & Goldin-
Pointing as a Stepping Stone to Learning a Meadow, 2005;Iverson,Capirci,Volterra,& Goldin-
Language Meadow, 2007). Gesture thus serves as a signal that
The early gestures that children produce not only a child will soon be ready to begin producing
multiword sentences. Moreover, the types of ges-
predate their words, they predict them. It is, for ex-
ample, possible to predict a large proportionof the ture+speech combinationschildren produce change
lexical items that eventually appear in a child's over time and presage changes in children's speech
(Ozcaliskan& Goldin-Meadow,2005). For example,
spoken vocabulary from looking at that child's ear- children produce gesture+speech combinations
lier pointing gestures (Iverson & Goldin-Meadow,
2005).Moreover,one of the best predictorsof the size conveying more than one proposition (akin to a
of a child's comprehensionvocabularyat 42 months complex sentence, e.g., "I like it"+eat gesture) sev-
is the number of differentobjectsto which the child eral months before producing a complex sentence
pointed at 14 months. Indeed, child gesture at 14 entirely in speech ("I like to eat it"). Gesture thus
continues to be at the cutting edge of early language
development, providing stepping stones to increas-
The researchdescribedin this commentarywas supportedby ingly complex linguistic constructions.
grants from the National Instituteon Deafness and Other Com- Finding that gesture predicts the child's initial
municationDisorders(R01DC00491)and the NationalInstituteof
Child Health and Human Development (R01 HD47450and P01 steps into language learning raises the possibility
HD40605). that gesture could be instrumentalin bringing that
Correspondenceconcerningthis articleshould be addressedto
Susan Goldin-Meadow,Departmentof Psychology,Universityof
Chicago,5730 South WoodlawnAvenue, Chicago,IL 60637.Elec- ? 2007 by the Society for Researchin Child Development,Inc.
tronicmail may be sent to All rights reserved.0009-3920/2007/7803-0005

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742 Goldin-Meadow

learning about. Gesture has the potential to play a pointing gestures) to do so (Lenneberg, 1964; Mo-
causal role in language learning in at least two ores, 1974;Tervoort,1961).These gestures are struc-
nonmutually exclusive ways. tured in language-likeways despite the fact that the
First, children's gestures could elicit from their children do not have a usable model for language to
parents the kinds of words and sentences that the guide their gesture creation (Goldin-Meadow,2003).
children need to hear in order to take their next lin- In fact, the gestures are structuredenough like lan-
guistic steps. For example, a child who does not yet guage to have earned the label "homesigns." Im-
know the word "cat" might refer to the animal by portantly from the point of view of Tomaselloet al.
pointing at it. His mother might say in response to (2007),the children use their homesigns not only to
the point, "yes, that's a cat," thus supplying him get others to do things for them (i.e., to make re-
with just the word he is looking for.Or a child in the quests) but also to share ideas and request informa-
one-word stage might point at her father while say- tion (i.e., to make comments and ask questions). The
ing "cup."Her mother replies, "that'sdaddy's cup," children even use their gestures to serve some of the
thus translatingthe child's gesture+word combina- more sophisticated functions of language-to tell
tion into a simple (and relevant) sentence. It turns stories, to comment on their own and others' ges-
out that mothers often "translate"their children's tures, and to talk to themselves. In this sense, the
gestures into words, thus providing timely models children's communications are qualitatively differ-
for how one- and two-word ideas can be expressed ent from those produced by nonhuman primates,
in English (Goldin-Meadow, Goodrich, Sauer, & even language-trainedapes who use whatever lan-
Iverson, in press). Gesture thus offers a mechanism guage they are able to develop only to change peo-
by which children can point out their thoughts to ples' behaviorand not to change theirideas (see, e.g.,
others, who then calibrate their speech to those Greenfield & Savage-Rumbaugh,1991).
thoughts and potentiallyfacilitatelanguage learning. As one example, the homesigning deaf children
The second way in which gesture could play a use pointing gestures to refer not only to visible
causal role in language learning is through its cog- objectsbut also to objectsthat are not present in the
nitive effects (Goldin-Meadow & Wagner, 2005). room. For example, one child pointed at the chair at
Work on older school-aged children solving math the head of the table in his dining room and then
problems has found that encouraging children to produced a "sleep" gesture. No one was sleeping in
produce gestures conveying a correctproblem-solv- the chair, nor did anyone appear to be planning a
ing strategy increases the likelihood that those chil- nap in that location.However, the head dining room
dren will solve the problem correctly (Cook & chairis where the child's fathertypically sits, and his
Goldin-Meadow, 2006; see also Broaders, Cook, father was, at that moment, asleep in his bedroom
Mitchell,& Goldin-Meadow,in press;Cook,Mitchell, down the hall. The child was, through his gestures,
& Goldin-Meadow,in press). These findings suggest telling us that his father (denoted by the chair) was
that the act of gesturing can promote learning.Simi- sleeping, and he fully expected us to understandhis
larly,when learning language, the act of pointing to message. This interchange is a striking example of
an object might itself make it more likely that the the kind of "mindreading"that, according to To-
pointer will learn a word for that object.Our future masello et al. (2007),must take place in order to re-
work will explore whether gesture can promote lan- cover the intended meaning of a pointing gesture.
guage learningnot only by allowing childrento elicit Hearing children learning a spoken language use
timely input from their communicationpartnersbut pointing gestures to refer to objects, people, and
also by directly influencing their own cognitive state. places, and so do deaf children inventing their own
homesign systems. Moreover,the homesigners use
their pointing gestures to refer to the same range of
Pointing as a Building Block in Creating a
objects that young hearing children refer to using,
Language in
first, pointing gestures and, later, words-and
Children make use of pointing gestures even if they the same distribution (Feldman, Goldin-Meadow, &
are not learning language from their elders but are, Gleitman, 1978). Both groups of children refer most
instead, forced to create their own language. Deaf often to inanimate objects, followed by people and
children whose hearing losses are so severe that they animals. They also both refer to body parts, food,
cannot learn a spoken language and whose hearing clothing, vehicles, furniture, and places, but less
parents have not exposed them to a sign language frequently.
nevertheless communicate with the hearing indi- However, whereas hearing children rarely com-
viduals in their worlds and use gesture (including bine their pointing gestures with other gestures, the

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Pointingin Learningand CreatingLanguage 743

homesigning deaf children frequentlycombine their to acquiring spoken vocabulary items suggests that
pointing gestures with both pointing and iconic pointing gestures can, for young children, function
gestures. We consider a string of gestures to be a as object-referringterms. And, as it turns out, in-
single unit if the child does not pause or relax his cluding pointing gesturesas object-referringtermsin
hand between gestures (Goldin-Meadow& Mylan- homesigners' gesture systems is not an unprece-
der, 1984).The homesignersuse their gesture strings dented analyticstep-when researchersdescribethe
to convey the same kinds of semantic relations as early sign systems of deaf childrenwho are learning
hearing children acquiring spoken language from conventionalsign languages from their deaf parents,
their hearing parents (Brown, 1973) and as deaf they too consider pointing to be object-referring
children acquiring sign language from their deaf terms in children's (and adults') linguistic systems
parents (Newport & Meier, 1985). Moreover, even (Hoffmeister,1978;Kantor,1982).
though they do not have an explicit model to guide The pointing gesture thus seems to function as a
them in constructing their gesture systems, the lexical item in the sign languages developed by deaf
homesigners produce gesture strings that are struc- children learning a conventional sign language, in
tured in sentence-likeways (Goldin-Meadow,2003). the early gestures developed by hearing children
For example, their gesture sentences are organized learning a spoken language, and in the gesture sys-
around predicateframes (e.g., x sleeps, x goes to z, x tems developed by deaf children exposed to no
beats y, x gives y to z) and thus are structuredat an language model whatsoever.However,as we will see
underlying level. The gesture sentences are also in the next section, the pointing gesture may not
structuredat the surface level-they are character- have word-like status in the gestures that hearing
ized by the consistent production and deletion of adults produce when they talk.
gestures playing particular thematic roles (e.g., a
sentence with an x_y frameis more likely to contain
a gesture for the patient drumthan for the actor sol-
The Development of Gesture With and
dier), and also by consistent orderings of gestures Without Speech
playing particularthematicroles (e.g., the gesture for
the patient drumwill tend to precede the gesture for We have seen that children at the earliest stages of
the act beat).Finally, the gesture sentences can be learning a spoken language use gestures to stand in
complex, containingmore than one proposition(e.g., for words-a pointing gesture can take the place of a
drumbeatstrawsip, produced to describe a scene in word that a child does not yet have in her spoken
which a soldier is beating a drum and a cowboy is vocabulary, and combining pointing gestures with
sipping a straw). words gives the child a way to express sentence-like
We consider pointing gestures to be object-refer- meanings before she is able to express those mean-
ring terms, akin to nouns or pronouns. Is this a ings entirelyin speech. Importantly,these early uses
legitimate analytic decision, or have we pushed of gesture predictthe entry of particularlexical items
Tomaselloet al.'s (2007)faith in the pointing gesture into the child's spoken vocabulary and predict the
too far? We attribute lexical status to the pointing onset of the child's earliest sentences. At the least,
gesture for several reasons. First, if we consider early child gesture reflects the child's readiness for
pointing gestures to be lexical items, the homesign- learning language. At most, gesture plays a role in
ing deaf children turn out to have vocabularies the learningprocess itself, eitherby eliciting targeted
identical to hearingchildren (Feldmanet al., 1978).If responses from the child's communicationpartneror
we exclude pointing gestures from our analyses, the by altering the child's own cognitive state.
homesigners end up looking as though they have We have also seen that gesture can function like
remarkably impoverished vocabularies, with no way words for deaf children who have not been exposed
to refer to just those objects that hearing children talk to a usable model for language and must invent their
about most often. Second, if we treat pointing ges- own. Pointing gestures serve as object-referring lex-
tures like object-referring terms, the homesigners' ical items in the homesign systems these deaf chil-
gesture combinations turn out to be structured as are dren create, and pointing gestures are combined
hearing children's early sentences (Goldin-Meadow, with each other and with other gestures to convey
2003, chaps. 10 and 11). If pointing gestures are ex- sentence-like meanings in structured ways. But be-
cluded from our analyses, the homesigners' gesture cause their gestures must carry the full burden of
systems appear to be incomplete and less structured. communication, the homesigning deaf children need
Finally, the fact that hearing children's pointing to continue to develop their gesture systems-and
gestures seem to serve as stepping stones on the path they do, building more and more linguistic proper-

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744 Goldin-Meadow

ties into their gesture systems over time (Goldin- significant communicative act that sets the stage for
Meadow, 2003, 2005, chap. 12). language, be it learned or created.
Hearing children, in contrast, are learning the
spoken language that surrounds them. Eventually,
they will become proficient language users and will References
no longer need to substitute gestures for words. But Broaders,S. C., Cook, S. W., Mitchell, Z., & Goldin-Mea-
they will continue to gesture. The question is-What dow, S. (in press). Making children gesture reveals
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a substitute for the words children cannot yet ex- hands help us learn. Trendsin CognitiveScience,9, 230-
press. Later, once language is mastered and other 241.
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Pointing in Learningand CreatingLanguage 745

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