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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist



All Hail to the King of Our Hearts!

n this last Sunday of the liturgical year, we are invited to renew
our total allegiance to Jesus as our Lord and King. He deserves
no less than that.
Today, we have also a new opportunity to realize the immense num-
ber of graces the Lord has granted us in the course of this liturgical year.
And as we call to mind these favors, we gladly express our most sincere
gratitude for them.
At the end of this Eucharistic celebration, we will renew the conse-
cration of ourselves, our families, and the entire nation to Jesus, King
of the universe. Let this act of worship be a clear manifestation of our
love for him who is our Lord and Savior, and a treasured opportunity to
recommit ourselves to be his loyal subjects and faithful followers.

ours that are against these for your great glory, Lord
two virtues. Lord, have God, heavenly King, O God,
mercy! almighty Father.
All –Lord, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
Entrance Antiphon gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
(To be recited only when no Entrance P –Lord Jesus, you are King of
Holiness and Grace. For- God, Son of the Father, you take
Hymn is sung.)
give our sins of materialism, away the sins of the world, have
How worthy is the Lamb lust, and pride. Christ, have mercy on us; you take away the
who was slain, to receive power mercy! sins of the world, receive our
and divinity, and wisdom and All –Christ, have mercy! prayer; you are seated at the right
strength and honor. To him be- hand of the Father, have mercy
long glory and power for ever P –Lord Jesus, you are King of on us. For you alone are the Holy
and ever. Justice, Love, and Peace. One, you alone are the Lord, you
Forgive our sins of unfair- alone are the Most High, Jesus
Greeting ness, hatred, and aggres- Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
P –Long live Jesus Christ, our siveness. Lord, have mercy! in the glory of God the Father.
King! May his grace and peace All –Lord, have mercy!
be with you all! Amen!
All – And with your spirit! P –May almighty God have
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Collect (Opening Prayer)
Penitential Act and bring us to everlasting life. P –Almighty ever-living God,
P –To prepare ourselves to cel- All – Amen! whose will is to restore all things
ebrate the Sacred Mysteries, let in your beloved Son, the King of
us call to mind our sins and ask Gloria the universe, grant, we pray, that
the Lord for pardon and strength. the whole creation, set free from
All – Glory to God in the high- slavery, may render your majesty
(Pause) est, and on earth peace to people service and ceaselessly proclaim
P –Lord Jesus, you are King of of good will. We praise you, your praise.
Truth and Life. Forgive any we bless you, we adore you, we Through our Lord Jesus
thought, word or action of glorify you, we give you thanks Christ, your Son, who lives and
reigns with you in the unity of * Your decrees are worthy holy Gospel according to
the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever of trust indeed; holiness befits John
and ever. your house, O Lord, for length All – Glory to you, O Lord!
All – Amen! of days. R. Pilate said to Jesus, “Are
you the King of the Jews?”
2nd Reading Rv 1:5-8
Jesus answered, “Do you
This short passage from the say this on your own, or have
prologue of the Book of Rev- others told you about me?” Pi-
elation contains a description late answered, “I am not a Jew,
1st Reading Dn 7:13-14 of what Jesus has done and still am I? Your own nation and the
The “Son of Man” to whom does for us, namely: out of sheer chief priests handed you over to
the “Ancient One” grants domin- love, he has freed us from our me. What have you done?”
ion, glory and kingship is a pro- sins and has made us a royal Jesus answered, “My king-
phetic figure of the Risen Christ. nation of priests. This is what dom does not belong to this
He is the one who will come at entitles him to be our King. world. If my kingdom did be-
the end of time to proclaim his R –A proclamation from the long to this world, my atten-
eternal kingship over the whole Book of Revelation dants would be fighting to keep
universe. me from being handed over to
Jesus Christ is the faithful
R –A proclamation from the witness, the firstborn of the the Jews. But, as it is, my king-
Book of the Prophet Daniel dead and ruler of the kings of dom is not here.”
the earth. To him who loves us So Pilate said to him,
As the visions during the “Then, you are a king?” Je-
night continued, I saw one like and has freed us from our sins
by his blood, who has made sus answered, “You say I am a
a Son of man coming on the king. For this I was born and
clouds of heaven. When he us into a kingdom, priests for
his God and Father, to him be for this I came into the world:
reached the Ancient One and to testify to the truth. Everyone
was presented before him, the glory and power forever and
ever. Amen! who belongs to the truth listens
one like a Son of man received to my voice.”
dominion, glory, and kingship; Behold, he is coming
all peoples, nations, and lan- amid the clouds, and every eye The Gospel of the Lord!
guages serve him. will see him, even those who All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
His dominion is an ever- pierced him. Christ!
lasting dominion that shall not All the peoples of the earth
be taken away, his kingship will lament him. Homily
shall not be destroyed. Yes! Amen!
“I am the Alpha and the Profession of Faith
The Word of the Lord! Omega,” says the Lord God, (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
All – Thanks be to God! “the one who is and who was All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
and who is to come, the al- ther almighty, maker of heaven
Responsorial Psalm Ps 93 mighty.”
and earth, of all things visible
R –The Lord is king; he is The Word of the Lord! and invisible.
robed in majesty! All – Thanks be to God! I believe in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten Son
Gospel Acclamation of God, born of the Father be-
fore all ages. God from God,
All – Alleluia! Alleluia! Light from Light, true God from
Blessed is he who comes true God, begotten, not made,
in the name of the Lord! consubstantial with the Father;
Blessed is the kingdom through him all things were
of our father David that is made. For us men and for our
to come! salvation he came down from
Alleluia! Alleluia!
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
Gospel Jn 18:33-37
gin Mary, and became man.*
* The Lord is king, in splen- As Pilate tried to investi-
gate the basis for the accusations For our sake he was crucified
dor robed; robed is the Lord under Pontius Pilate, he suf-
and girt about with strength. against Jesus, the truth about his
Kingship surfaced. Jesus Christ fered death and was buried, and
R. rose again on the third day in
is indeed “King,” but not like the
* And he has made the world kings of this world. accordance with the Scriptures.
firm, not to be moved. Your He ascended into heaven and is
throne stands firm from of old; P –The Lord be with you! seated at the right hand of the
from everlasting you are, O All – And with your spirit! Father. He will come again in
Lord. R. P – A proclamation from the glory to judge the living and the
25 November 2018
dead and his kingdom will have P –Lord Jesus, King of the uni- And so, with Angels and
no end. verse, reign in our country, our Archangels, with Thrones and
I believe in the Holy Spirit, communities, and our families. Dominions, and with all the
the Lord, the giver of life, who May everything we think, say, hosts and Powers of heaven, we
proceeds from the Father and and do contribute to the realiza- sing the hymn of your glory, as
the Son, who with the Father tion of your plan of love. You without end we acclaim:
and the Son is adored and glori- who live and reign for ever and All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
fied, who has spoken through ever. of hosts. Heaven and earth are
the prophets. All –Amen! full of your glory. Hosanna in
I believe in one, holy, cath- the highest!
olic and apostolic Church. I Blessed is he who comes in
confess one Baptism for the the name of the Lord. Hosanna
forgiveness of sins and I look in the highest!
forward to the resurrection of
the dead and the life of the world Preparation of the Gifts Memorial Acclamation
to come. Amen! P –Pray, brethren . . . P –The mystery of faith!
All – May the Lord accept the All –When we eat this Bread
Prayer of the Faithful sacrifice at your hands, for the and drink this Cup, we
P –Christ is the King of the praise and glory of his name, proclaim your Death,
universe. He is the first-born of for our good and the good of all O Lord, until you come
all creation; from him all good his holy Church. again!
things come. With confidence,
let us implore him: Prayer over the Offerings
All –Christ, our King, gra- P –As we offer you, O Lord,
ciously hear us! the sacrifice by which the hu-
man race is reconciled to you, All – Our Father . . .
C –Christ, our shepherd, gather we humbly pray that your Son P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
your sheep from every land into himself may bestow on all na- All –For the kingdom, the
one flock, and pasture them in tions the gifts of unity and peace. power, and the glory are
green and fertile meadows. Let Through Christ our Lord. yours, now and for ever!
us pray! R. All – Amen!
C –Christ, our Savior, heal the Sign of Peace
sick, seek out the lost, guard the Preface of Christ the King
strong, call back those who have P –The Lord be with you! Breaking of the Bread
wandered far away, and strength- All –And with your spirit!
en the weak. Let us pray! R. All –Lamb of God . . .
P –Lift up your hearts!
C –Christ, judge of all human All –We lift them up to the Communion
beings, when you hand over the Lord!
Kingdom to your Father, place P –Let us give thanks to the P –Behold the Lamb of God,
us at your right hand, so that we Lord our God! behold him who takes away the
may inherit the Kingdom pre- All –It is right and just! sins of the world. Blessed are
pared for us from the beginning those called to the Supper of the
P –It is truly right and just, Lamb.
of the world. Let us pray! R. our duty and our salvation, al- All – Lord, I am not worthy
C –Christ, Prince of Peace, ways and everywhere to give that you should enter under my
break the weapons of war, and you thanks, Lord, holy Father, roof, but only say the word and
teach all peoples to live in har- almighty and eternal God. my soul shall be healed.
mony, mutual respect, and coop- For you anointed your Only
eration. Let us pray! R. Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Communion Antiphon
C –Christ, heir of all nations, Christ, with the oil of gladness as (To be recited only when no
gather humanity into your Church eternal Priest and King of all cre- Communion Hymn is sung.)
so that all hearts may love and ation, so that, by offering himself The Lord sits as King for
serve you as their sovereign Lord. on the altar of the Cross as a spot- ever. The Lord will bless his
Let us pray! R. less sacrifice to bring us peace, he people with peace.
might accomplish the mysteries
C –Christ, firstfruits of those of human redemption and, mak-
who have fallen asleep in death, ing all created things subject to
Act of Dedication
bring all who have died to the of the Human Race
his rule, he might present to the
glory of the resurrection. Let us to Jesus Christ the King
immensity of your majesty an
pray! R. eternal and universal kingdom, a Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer
C – Let us pray in silence for our kingdom of truth and life, a king- of the human race, look down upon
personal intentions. (Pause) dom of holiness and grace, a king- us humbly prostrate before you. We
Let us pray! R. dom of justice, love and peace. are yours, and yours we wish to be;

Solemnity of Christ the King (B)

but to be more surely united with order to all nations; and make the May Christ the King protect
you, behold each one of us freely earth resound from pole to pole with you from all dangers and
consecrates oneself today to your one cry: Praise to the Divine Heart make you always aware of
Most Sacred Heart. Many indeed that wrought our salvation; to it be his saving love.
have never known you; many, too, glory and honor forever. AMEN! All – Amen!
despising your precepts, have re-
jected you. Have mercy on them Prayer after Communion P –May he strengthen your
all, most merciful Jesus, and draw
faith so that you may be
P –Having received the food brave heralds of his King-
them to your Sacred Heart. of immortality, we ask, O Lord,
Be King, O Lord, not only of the
that, glorying in obedience to the All – Amen!
faithful who have never forsaken commands of Christ, the King of
you, but also of the prodigal chil- the universe, we may live with P – May he direct your steps
dren who have abandoned you; him eternally in his heavenly to himself, and teach you
grant that they may quickly return Kingdom. how to walk in charity and
to their FatherÊs house, lest they die Who lives and reigns for ever peace.
of wretchedness and hunger. and ever. All – Amen!
Be King of those who are de- All – Amen! P –And may almighty God
ceived by erroneous opinions, or
bless you: the Father, and
whom discord keeps aloof, and call
the Son, and the Holy Spir-
them back to the harbor of truth
and the unity of faith, so that soon
All –Amen!
there may be but one flock and one
Shepherd. P –The Lord be with you. P –Go in peace, glorifying the
Grant, O Lord, to your Church All –And with your spirit! Lord by your life!
assurance of freedom and immu- P –Bow your heads and pray All – Thanks be to God!
nity from harm; give tranquility and for God’s blessing. (Pause)


• Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB

H erod the Great had already made a big blunder. On

hearing that there was a newborn king of the Jews,
he felt threatened, challenged in his greed for power. And
is human escapes it. And all men are invited to be
part of it – all races, cultures, traditions, languages can
find in it not just a place but their “home.”
he ordered that heinous slaughter of the innocents for This Kingdom will last for ever. The splendor of its
which he will always be remembered with horror. (See achievements and the fulfillment of its program span be-
Mt 2:16.) yond the boundaries of time and earthly decay. God’s
In this respect, Pilate was wiser. He did not see in Reign is everlasting. It shares in the eternity of its Rul-
Jesus any threat to the Roman occupation. As far as he er, and draws its vitality from the very Source of Life.
was concerned, there was no case against the harmless Founded on the ashes of a rotten mankind, now
preacher/philosopher from Nazareth who appeared to be made new by God’s merciful love, this “unconvention-
interested in the truth, rather than in political power. (See al” Kingdom was established at the cost of the life
Jn 18:38.) of the King’s Son. It advances irresistibly toward a
Not that Pilate had understood much of Jesus’ clari- final triumph, in spite of occasional setbacks.
fication that his kingdom was “not of this world.” For him, Its program and overriding concern is the total
it was enough to hear that Jesus did not entertain any and lasting happiness of all humans. Its flag/symbol
political ambitions . . . . is a resplendent cross; its fundamental law is love
But for those who love Jesus and are interested in of God and neighbor. Radical in its demands, this law
the Kingdom he has been “advertising” for three years, has a transforming power: it can fashion frail human
his answer to the Roman procurator should be intriguing. creatures into children of the Most High, patterned
Jesus’ answer is an invitation to reflect on the nature after Jesus, the First-born of the Father’s family.
and demands of his Kingdom. What’s this Kingdom, Such is the X-ray chart of the Kingdom rejected by
then, which is so different from any other earthly king- the Jews and dismissed by Pilate as irrelevant. For us,
dom, empire or republic? It is not identified by any visible privileged to be part of it, this is the most precious treasure
borders. It has no taxes, no parliament, no army . . . . man can ever dream of – something to possess which we
God’s Reign is a “kingdom within.” It encompass- should be prepared to lose everything, including earthly
es the whole person: body, mind, heart. Nothing that life itself.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco and T. Mojica • Circulation: R. Saldua

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