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Final Report

Engineering 1282.01H
Spring 2018

Team B6
Kathleen Albert
Luke Ciccone
Kara Flint
Christopher Wright

R. Freuler 8:00
April 22, 2018
Executive Summary
This report documents Team B6’s project of designing, building, programming, and testing

an autonomous robot for the chance to be chosen as the pit crew robot in the Formula EH Grand

Prix. The robot had to be programmed using a Proteus microcontroller to complete multiple tasks

on a course and compete against other robots to be chosen.

The team went through a brainstorming process involving decision matrices before

building a mockup out of cardboard to determine what aspects of the design should change before

beginning to build the actual robot. Once the robot was built, it was heavily tested in terms of

design as well as code in order to perfect it for the competition, and modifications were added as

necessary to allow the robot to compete as well as possible.

The robot was made up of a laser-cut rectangular acrylic chassis with two wheels which

each had a VEX motor and two skids made of spoons. Many additional pieces were laser-cut out

of acrylic and attached, and the task mechanisms were custom-made and 3-D printed for use with

servo motors. Sensors that were added to the robot include a line following circuit board, shaft

encoders, bump switches, a QR code for use with RPS, and a CdS cell.

The final design worked very well and enabled the robot to complete all of the tasks,

although not always consistently. Many methods of navigation and task completion were

implemented, allowing the team to earn 80+ points out of a possible 100 fairly regularly by the

end of the project, with only fluke accidents causing significantly less than 80 points.

However, in the future, the team would certainly make some changes. The biggest change

would be to use templates in the placement of the robot on the course, which would remove

inconsistency and prevent the aforementioned fluke accidents from happening often, if at all.

Table of Contents
List of Figures ....................................................................................................................................... vi

List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................ vii

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Preliminary Concepts & Ideas ......................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Specifications of the Robot ............................................................................................................. 3

2.2 Description of the Course ............................................................................................................... 3

2.3 Initial Brainstorming ....................................................................................................................... 5

2.3.1 Chassis .................................................................................................................................... 5

2.3.2 Task Mechanisms.................................................................................................................... 6

2.3.3 Course Strategy ....................................................................................................................... 6

2.4 Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 7

2.4.1 Decision Matrices ................................................................................................................... 7

2.5 Final Decisions ............................................................................................................................... 8

2.6 Mockup Design Review ................................................................................................................ 10

2.7 Preliminary Pseudocode................................................................................................................ 10

2.7.1 Enumerations and Constant Definitions ............................................................................... 11

2.7.2 Maneuvering Functions ........................................................................................................ 11

2.7.3 Position Adjustment Functions ............................................................................................. 12

2.7.4 Miscellaneous Functions ....................................................................................................... 12

3. Analysis, Testing, and Refinements............................................................................................... 13

3.1 Drivetrain Calculations ................................................................................................................. 13

3.2 Explorations .................................................................................................................................. 15

3.3 Performance Tests......................................................................................................................... 16

3.3.1 Performance Test 1 ............................................................................................................... 16

3.3.2 Performance Test 2 ............................................................................................................... 17

3.3.3 Performance Test 3 ............................................................................................................... 17

3.3.4 Performance Test 4 ............................................................................................................... 18

3.4 Design Modifications .................................................................................................................... 18

3.5 Code Modifications....................................................................................................................... 21

4. Individual Competition .................................................................................................................. 23

4.1 Strategy ......................................................................................................................................... 23

4.2 Performance .................................................................................................................................. 23

4.3 Changes Required ......................................................................................................................... 24

5. Final Design ................................................................................................................................... 26

5.1 Design Strengths ........................................................................................................................... 27

5.1.1 Chassis .................................................................................................................................. 27

5.1.2 Drivetrain .............................................................................................................................. 28

5.1.3 Task Mechanisms.................................................................................................................. 29

5.2 Electrical System & Sensors ......................................................................................................... 29

5.3 Code .............................................................................................................................................. 30

5.4 Budget ........................................................................................................................................... 31

5.5 Schedule........................................................................................................................................ 33

6. Final Competition .......................................................................................................................... 34

6.1 Strategy ......................................................................................................................................... 34

6.2 Performance .................................................................................................................................. 34

7. Summary & Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 37

7.1 Future Modifications..................................................................................................................... 38

References ............................................................................................................................................ 40

Appendix A: Decision Matrices .......................................................................................................... A1

Appendix B: Mockup ...........................................................................................................................B1

Appendix C: First Design .....................................................................................................................C1

Appendix D: Electrical Systems .......................................................................................................... D1

Appendix E: Code ................................................................................................................................ E1

Appendix F: Budget ............................................................................................................................. F1

Appendix G: Schedule......................................................................................................................... G1

Appendix H: SolidWorks Models ....................................................................................................... H1

List of Figures

Figure 2.1: A graphic model of the competition course is shown, with each of the tasks labeled. [1]. ........ 4

Figure 2.2: The strategy for what order the robot should run the course is in shown. [1]. ........................... 7

Figure 2.3: A sketch of the chassis and a SolidWorks model of the T-bar are shown................................ 10

Figure 3.1: Small modifications to the chassis are shown. ......................................................................... 19

Figure 3.2: The drivetrain system with modifications is shown. ................................................................ 20

Figure 3.3: Modifications to the task mechanisms are shown. ................................................................... 21

Figure 5.1: The SolidWorks model of the entire design is shown.. ............................................................ 26

Figure 5.2: The laser cut main body of the chassis is shown. ..................................................................... 27

Figure 5.3: The left motor-encoder-wheel system is shown. ...................................................................... 28

Figure 5.4: The two task mechanisms are shown. ...................................................................................... 29

Figure 5.5: Pie chart displaying the amount of budget expended across each category.. ........................... 31

Figure 5.6: Line graph showing how the budget was spent over time. ....................................................... 32

Figure B1: Front, rear, and side views of the first mockup of the robot are shown.. ................................. B2

Figure C1: The side view of the robot is shown. ....................................................................................... C2

Figure C2: The front view of the robot is shown. ...................................................................................... C2

Figure C3: The rear view of the robot is shown......................................................................................... C3

Figure D1: The Proteus Block Diagram of the elctrical connections for this robot. .................................. D2

List of Tables
Table 2.1: The decision matrix for the chassis and drivetrain is shown. ...................................................... 8

Table 2.2: The final weighted decision matrix for the entire layout of the robot is shown. ......................... 9

Table A1: The decision matrix for the chassis and drivetrain is shown again for reference. .................... A2

Table A2: The decision matrix for the car jack mechanism is shown. ...................................................... A2

Table A3: The decision matrix for the fuel crank mechanism is shown. ................................................... A2

Table A4: The decision matrix for the wrench mechanism is shown. ....................................................... A2

Table F1: The Excel table that displays all purchased parts is shown. ....................................................... F2

Table G1: The team’s full schedule of tasks is shown. .............................................................................. G2

1. Introduction

In the world today, robots are used to perform countless tasks, from building products in

factories to cleaning up in homes. The engineers who design these robots spend a great deal of

time carefully planning out each step of the process so that their final product can be as perfect as

possible. They brainstorm, build prototypes, run tests, and change the design when necessary.

When these steps are followed carefully, engineers can produce incredible products that help a

countless number of people.

This design project was meant to follow the steps as laid out in the previous paragraph, also

known as the engineering design process. The goal was to design, build, and program an

autonomous robot that would act as part of a pit crew and compete for the chance to be chosen for

use in the Formula EH Grand Prix. Through multiple tasks, this robot was tested to determine if it

could be successfully implemented in a real pit crew scenario. Ohio State Research and

Development (OSURED) contacted many first-year engineering students at The Ohio State

University to compete for the chance to be chosen. This team was made up of Kathleen Albert,

Luke Ciccone, Kara Flint, and Christopher Wright. Kara and Kathleen were in charge of

programming the robot; Luke was in charge of building the robot, including soldering electrical

components and designing and putting together the robot; and Christopher was in charge of the

documentation. However, each team member helped out wherever necessary, particularly in the

building and testing of the robot. The team was formed on January 24, 2018, and had ten weeks to

brainstorm, design, build, test, and perfect their robot before the final competition in which the

winning design was chosen. There were four performance tests along the process to track the

team’s progress. Additionally, there was an individual competition on March 30 before the final

head to head competition on April 7, 2018.

Section 2, Preliminary Concepts & Ideas, will describe the requirements for the project and

the team’s brainstorming process. Section 3, Analysis, Testing, and Refinements, will explain how

the robot was tested, what was learned from the tests, and what changes were made along the way.

Section 4, Individual Competition, will discuss the individual competition, including the team’s

strategy, performance, and reasons for success or failure. Section 5, Final Design, will describe the

final design of the robot, including sketches, prototypes, and other items such as budget and the

robot’s final code. Section 6, Final Competition, will examine the strategy and results of the final

competition, as well as analyzing the team’s success. Finally, Section 8, Summary & Conclusions,

will provide a summary of the most important details from the report and a discussion of future

improvements that could be made to the robot. After that, the references will be listed and the

various appendices will be attached.

2. Preliminary Concepts & Ideas

This robot had very specific requirements for its size, materials, and capabilities. It was also

given a list of tasks that it should be able to accomplish. These requirements are listed in the

following subsections, as well as the brainstorming process that the team went through, all the way

from initial concepts to decision making and the first design of the robot.

2.1 Specifications of the Robot

The robot had to be an autonomous vehicle programmed to drive across the course and

complete the tasks all on its own. It was required to fit in a 9-inch-by-9-inch box on the course, be

less than 12 inches tall, and be controlled by a programmable Proteus microcontroller. To allow

the course control system to recognize it, it had to have a QR code mounted on top of it 9 inches

above the course. Additionally, the team was given a total budget of $160 which it could not

exceed; the parts and services, such as laser cutting and 3D printing, all had to be bought from the

FEH Company Store or approved as a purchase from outside sources.

The robot was also required to connect with the Robot Positioning System, or RPS for short.

The robot could use this to know its location in real time and to detect signals that told it which

type of fuel the racecar needed, which affected the direction it needed to turn the fuel crank.

2.2 Description of the Course

The course to be completed was designed to model a real-life pit crew scenario. It had many

tasks that the robots had to complete in order to determine which one was the best choice. These

tasks are each labeled in Figure 2.1. Each robot was given two minutes to complete the course,

and each task earned it points, adding up to a total of 100. Only in the case of a tie would the total

time taken by the robot take effect on the team’s score.

Figure 2.1: A graphic model of the competition course is shown, with each of the tasks labeled [1].

To begin, the robot had to be placed in position 1, detect a light turning on beneath it with a

CdS cell, and react by beginning its run. Then, the rest of the tasks could be completed in any

order, not necessarily in the numbered order shown in the figure. At position 2, the robot had to

deliver a certain type of fuel to the racecar. Through a signal in the RPS, it would have to deliver

either 98 octane fuel by turning the crank 180° clockwise or nitromethane by turning the crank

180° counterclockwise. There was a tolerance of 20° either way to allow for slight error. At

position 3, the robot had to pick up a wrench, secure it, and deposit it in the garage at position 4.

It had to push up a car jack to release the car at position 5, and read a light on the ground at position

6, then determine whether it was red or blue, and press the corresponding button to run a certain

type of diagnostic test on the racecar. If the light was blue, the robot would run a test on the car’s

telemetry sensors, and if the light was red, the robot would run a test on the electronic control unit,

or ECU. Finally, the robot had to press the final button at position 7 to end its run, as well as the


2.3 Initial Brainstorming

Each team member brainstormed ideas for every aspect of the robot on their own, and then

held a meeting to share, discuss, and build upon each other’s ideas in order to come up with the

best plan. The categories that the group brainstormed and discussed were the chassis and

drivetrain, the mechanisms for each of the individual tasks, and the strategy for the order in which

the tasks should be performed.

2.3.1 Chassis

The discussion of began with possible drivetrain designs. Among these were drivetrains with

two wheels, four wheels, omnidirectional wheels, and treads. Omnidirectional wheels were a

special type of wheel which could move not only forward and backward like any normal wheel

but also to the right and left by having special rollers built into them. This meant that they allowed

for high maneuverability, but they also each required a motor to run. It was decided that this high

cost could not be justified, so they were removed as a possibility. Treads were also removed,

because it was determined they would not give the robot enough maneuverability. Finally, both

two wheels and four wheels had their merits; four wheels allowed for excellent control and good

maneuverability, and two wheels sacrificed a bit of this, but saved money on motors.

The materials that the chassis should be made from were also discussed. The options were

acrylic, MDF, and aluminum. Acrylic was a favorable choice because it could be laser cut to

provide precisely what was wanted. The MDF could also be laser cut, but the acrylic was thought

to be more durable, and extra acrylic features could be attached with acrylic glue, which is

incredibly strong.

2.3.2 Task Mechanisms

There were a multitude of different ideas for the various task mechanisms. One of the

criterion necessary for the task mechanisms was something that could be highly adaptable and

work for multiple of the tasks. A T-shaped bar, similar in design to a field goal post, was discussed

a great deal due to its versatility for use of picking up and dropping off the wrench, hitting the

crank to turn it, and pressing the buttons. A bucket similar in appearance to a bulldozer with a gap

in the middle was also considered for picking up and dropping off the wrench. Additionally, a

single bar was discussed due to the fact that it could have all the same functions as the T-bar, but

with much less precision. A circular wheel was also mentioned for use on the fuel crank, as it could

provide more precision than just hitting the crank with a bar.

2.3.3 Course Strategy

When deciding on the course strategy, a short, efficient route was desired, allowing the robot

to go from task to task quickly. There were a couple of ideas, but they all involved the robot going

around the course in a nearly circular pattern, so that it would do one task and then keep going in

the same direction to get the next one, and go in order like that before finally circling back around

to the finish button. The route laid out below in Figure 2.2 was decided upon because it was an

efficient route that provided a short path.

Figure 2.2: The strategy for what order the robot should run the course is in shown [1].

2.4 Decision Making

To judge each team members’ ideas after discussion, criteria were determined and used to

judge them. Criteria that were applicable for most of the aspects of the robot included cost,

maintenance, and complexity to build. Another criterion that applied to each of the task

mechanisms was how much precision would be required with that method of completing the task.

2.4.1 Decision Matrices

In order to remove subjectivity and opinion, decision matrices were applied to each of the

aspects of the robot. These involved selecting criteria to judge each possible design compared to a

reference design. A sample decision matrix is shown on the next page in Table 2.1, and the rest of

them can be seen in Table A-A5 in Appendix A.

Table 2.1: The decision matrix for the chassis and drivetrain is shown. Similar decision matrices were applied to
each task mechanism as well.
Reference: Four wheels, two drive, box frame C: Two drive wheels, three skids, pentagonal frame
A: Two drive wheels, two skids, box frame D: Four drive wheels, two motors, box frame
B: Two drive wheels, one skid, pentagonal frame E: Three wheels, two drive, box frame
Criterion Reference A B C D E
Cost 0 + + + 0 +
Maneuverability 0 + + + 0 -
Ability to get up the ramp 0 0 0 - + 0
Complexity 0 0 0 - - 0
Speed (friction) 0 0 0 0 + 0
Total 0 2 2 0 1 0

2.5 Final Decisions

After applying the decision matrices, the ideas for each part of the robot were narrowed

down. The chassis was narrowed down to two wheels with two skids and a box frame or two

wheels with one skid and a pentagonal frame. The task mechanisms were narrowed down to either

a T-bar or a single bar for use in most of the tasks, and possibly a wheel with pegs sticking out for

the fuel crank.

Three layouts for the entire robot combining various options were created, and these were

further tested with a weighted decision matrix. Weighted decision matrices were very similar to

decision matrices, but each criterion was given a percent weight (out of 100) and then each design

was given a score from 1-5 for each criterion. This allowed the most important criterion to have

more weight in the final decision. Layout idea #1 was a two-wheeled box-shaped chassis with two

skids and a T-bar. Layout idea #2 was a two-wheeled box-shaped chassis with two skids and a

single bar. Layout idea #3 was a two-wheeled pentagonal chassis with one skid and a T-bar. These

three layouts were tested with a weighted decision matrix to decide on the best design. This can

be seen below in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: The final weighted decision matrix for the entire layout of the robot is shown.

Layout #1 Layout #2 Layout #3

Criterion Weight Rating Weighted Rating Weighted Rating Weighted
Score Score Score
Cost 15% 2 0.3 4 0.6 2 0.3
5% 3 0.15 2 0.1 3 0.15
Complexity 7.5% 3 0.225 4 0.3 2 0.15
Maneuverability 10% 4 0.4 4 0.4 3 0.3
Maintenance 5% 3 0.15 4 0.2 3 0.15
Durability 5% 3 0.15 4 0.2 3 0.15
Time 7.5% 4 0.3 3 0.225 4 0.3

Ability to
12.5% 4 0.5 2 0.25 4 0.5
get/deposit wrench

Ability to use car

12.5% 3 0.375 3 0.375 3 0.375
Ability to use fuel
12.5% 4 0.5 2 0.25 4 0.5
Ability to push
7.5% 4 0.3 3 0.225 4 0.3
Total 100.0% 3.35 3.13 3.18

A box chassis with two wheels and two skids and a T-bar for the task mechanisms was

decided upon as the best design. However, after this, a wheel with pegs was added to the design,

as it was decided that it would be a better option to turn the fuel crank. Finally, sketches, CAD

models, and real-life mockups of the robot were created. An orthographic sketch of the chassis and

a CAD model of the T-bar are shown in Figure 2.3. A rough mockup of the entire robot built out

of cardboard and other scrap pieces can also be seen in Figure B in Appendix B.

Figure 2.3: A sketch of the chassis and a SolidWorks model of the T-bar are shown.

2.6 Mockup Design Review

After building the initial mockup, the team met with members of the OSURED staff to review

it. This mockup can be seen in Figure B1 in Appendix B. Potential problems were pointed out to

the team that needed to be changed. Chief among these was the fact that the chassis of the robot

was very low to the ground, which would have caused the robot to get stuck on the lip of the ramp

when trying to go to the upper level of the course. The chassis was redesigned to ensure that it

would be high enough off the ground to avoid this problem. Another problem was the plan to use

the T-bar to press the buttons. Although it would have been effective, the OSURED staff drew

attention to the fact that applying pressure perpendicular to the servo arm could be harmful to the

motor, so it was decided that the robot could press the buttons by driving into them instead.

2.7 Preliminary Pseudocode

The nature of the project and design of the robot required cooperation between components

that perform different operations and process different types of data. Because of this, the goal in

programming was to write code that could be easily modified and followed human logic as closely

as possible. In addition, the program needed to account for error in the robot’s physical

performance. Enumerations, global constants, and custom functions were essential to efficient

troubleshooting and consistent performance.

2.7.1 Enumerations and Constant Definitions

Components of the robot that received input from the environment returned different

numerical values depending on the state of that component. To simplify the interpretation of this

data, enumerations of all possible states for the components were defined and assigned to their

corresponding numerical outputs. For example, a CdS cell value of less than 0.92 was assigned to

the “RED_LIGHT” state and of more than 1.2 to the “BLUE_LIGHT” state. Constants were

defined for these numerical values so that if they needed to be changed, the adjustment could be

made quickly by redefining the constant. This was done to default values such as left and right

motor powers, the number of encoder counts corresponding to one inch, and the servo angle for

picking up the wrench.

2.7.2 Maneuvering Functions

Since much of the robot’s operation would be repetitive, creating custom functions for

moving straight and for turning seemed to be the most efficient structure for constructing the main

function. The arguments of the function for driving straight were percentages for left and right

motor powers and number of encoder counts to reach. When called, this function reset the encoder

counts to zero and set the motors at the percentages specified. The motors remained at this power

only while the average of the two encoder counts was less than the desired number of counts. The

functions for turning right and left followed a similar logic, except when called, only one motor

percentage was specified in the argument and one motor was set to the negative of this percentage.

Execution of these functions was originally independent of bump switch states.

2.7.3 Position Adjustment Functions

To supplement the maneuvering functions, additional functions were needed to execute some

sequence of corrections until a specific condition was met. The preliminary line following function

only executed while the average of the left and right encoder counts was below the amount

specified in the argument. A series of if statements determined the position of the robot relative to

the line based on the reflectivity measured by the optosensors, and a switch case structure set the

left and right motors to powers that would correct the position. This way, the robot would turn

slightly any time it was not centered on the line. Functions that utilize RPS were also written to

correct the position and orientation of the robot on the course. Their only argument was the x-

coordinate, y-coordinate, or heading angle the robot needed to be at. While the RPS value was not

in the desired range, the robot was driven straight or turned slightly in the direction that would

lessen the error in position. This was done by setting the motors to a default percentage for one

encoder count, stopping the motors, and re-checking the RPS value.

2.7.4 Miscellaneous Functions

In case the robot needed to perform a specialized operation more than once, these operations

were written as their own functions to expedite their implementation into the main function. One

such operation was pausing further execution of the program until the CdS cell detected a change

in light. While this was only required at the start of the robot’s run, it was thought that a light

detection function could be a useful tool for navigation. This way, instead of relying on encoder

counts, the robot could drive until it “saw” a light. Detecting the color of the light based on the

CdS cell reading was also written as its own function that returned a 1 for red light and a 2 for blue


3. Analysis, Testing, and Refinements

Once the initial design for the robot was decided upon, there was much more to do in order

to perfect the robot, both in terms of its design and its code. The team analyzed which motor would

be the best choice, the robot went through four performance tests, and the team modified aspects

of its design and programming along the way as necessary changes became apparent.

3.1 Drivetrain Calculations

In order to determine what motor would be most suitable for use with this robot,

measurements on the course and calculations were made to determine the speed and torque

necessary to move the required distance across the course in the allotted two-minute time period.

These speed and torque values were compared to multiple motors’ speed-torque curves to

determine which ones would provide both the speed and the torque necessary.

To determine the speed required, measurements and calculations had to be made. The

measured distance of the chosen path was 336 inches, the wheel radius of a VEX wheel was 1.375

inches, and the total time was estimated to be 1:45 to allow for some error. These values were used

to find a speed required of 3.2 inches per second, using Equation 1 below. (#4/5, showed the

equations as they were mentioned in the text)

𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = (1)

Next, the radius of a VEX wheel, 1.375 inches, was used to find its circumference of 8.64

inches, and this circumference was used to determine that a rotational speed of 22.2 revolutions

per minute would be necessary to complete the course in the desired time. The equations used to

solve for circumference and rotational speed can be seen in Equations 2 and 3.

𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 = 2𝜋 ∗ 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠 (2)

𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = (3)

Measurements and calculations were also necessary to determine the torque needed to

climb the ramp on the course. The mass of each part that the team could borrow from the FEH

Store was measured, and the masses of other parts that were not currently in stock were estimated.

These masses were added to up to find the approximate total mass of the robot. This approximate

total mass was found to be 1390 grams, which, when converted to weight, was 49 ounces. The

horizontal and vertical components of the ramp were 9 inches and 3 inches, respectively; these

values were used to determine the ramp angle of 18.4°, using Equation 4 below.

𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 (𝛳) = tan−1( ) (4)
ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑛𝑡

Finally, all of this was combined with force calculations to determine the force necessary

to drive up the hill, and that was used to solve for the torque, which was 32.27 ounce-inches. Since

the robot had two motors, this number was divided by 2 to determine that each motor needed to

provide a minimum torque of 16.1 ounce-inches. The internal friction used in the calculations was

estimated to be 8 ounces, a value provided by the OSURED team. The equations used to find the

force and torque can be seen below in Equations 5 and 6.

𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 (𝑚𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟) = 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 ∗ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛳 (5)

𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑢𝑒 = 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 ∗ 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑙 (6)

After finding both the speed and the torque required of the motors, these values were

compared to the torque-speed curves of the motors that were sold in the FEH Company Store. It

was found that every single motor could produce the required speed and torque, so the decision

had to come down to cost and performance of the motors. VEX-393 motors were chosen because

they were durable, had good levels of speed and torque, and were not too expensive. Servo motors

were eliminated because of the extra hassle required in hacking them to allow them to rotate 360°.

Futaba and Igwan motors were determined to be too expensive to be chosen for this robot.

3.2 Explorations

To learn how to code using various methods of navigation, the team participated in three lab

explorations. In each exploration, the team used robot provided by the OSURED staff which had

a CdS cell, bump switches on the front and back, two IGWAN motors, and a line following circuit

board with three optosensors. The team used the Proteus provided by the OSURED staff for each

of the explorations.

In the first exploration, the team learned how to use the Proteus to code for motors, bump

sensors, and light detection using a CdS cell. Light detection was implemented because it allowed

the team to start with the beginning light and detect the correct light color in order to press the

corresponding button at the button board. Bump sensors were also implemented because they

allowed the team to code the robot to drive to a specific location by bumping into walls and other

objects. This was very helpful in coding the robot to run into the wall near the button board to line

it up to press the correct button, as well as after pressing the button to successfully maneuver to

the top level.

In the second exploration, the team learned how to code the robot for line following and shaft

encoding. Line following was implemented because it allowed the robot to drive straight up to the

wrench to pick it up and the garage to deposit it. Shaft encoding was implemented because it

allowed the team to set the robot to drive a specific distance by telling it to stop after the wheels

turned a specific number of revolutions. This was used in many of the task mechanisms to allow

the robot to drive a specified distance to navigate the course successfully.

In the third and final exploration, the team learned how to use the RPS and how to log data

with the Proteus. Using RPS was implemented because it allowed the team to code the robot to

drive to a specific location and to check its heading to make sure it was driving in the correct

direction. Data logging was not implemented, but it would have allowed the team to test what went

wrong in any specific run by seeing what the robot read for various values such as its bump sensor

or light detection readings. The RPS was very helpful in allowing the robot to line up with the car

jack and the fuel crank to successfully complete those tasks.

3.3 Performance Tests

Along the design process, the team completed four performance tests which were monitored

by the OSURED staff. These were meant to keep the team on track for the final competition. Each

performance test had a set task that the robot had to perform, so that the teams could practice each

task that was required in the final competition.

3.3.1 Performance Test 1

In the first performance test, the robot was required to begin with the starting light, push up

the car jack, and drive up to the top level of the course. Difficulties were found in the consistency

of the robot; it could successfully complete the required tasks, but not every time. In fact, in the

five official attempts that the team completed, the robot never got it perfect. The robot needed to

be placed very carefully in the starting box to allow it to be successful; if it was placed incorrectly,

it would often run into walls or other objects such as the wrench stand and get stuck or be thrown

off path. This was due to the fact that the robot had no bump switches, so all the distances it drove

were hard coded based on the counts of the shaft encoder. This required a very precise positioning,

and the team’s failure inspired the implementation of bump switches for the future tests.

3.3.2 Performance Test 2

The second performance test was more successful than the first. The robot was required to

start with the light, maneuver to the buttons, determine if the light on the floor was red or blue,

and press the corresponding button. The implementation of bump switches allowed the robot to

make decisions on its own once it bumped into walls and other objects, which removed a lot of the

inconsistency. The team did have trouble with the robot’s corners getting stuck on walls from time

to time when it tried to turn, so the corners were filed down a bit to round them out before the

official test. The robot got full points on this performance test within the five tries.

3.3.3 Performance Test 3

In the third performance test, two new methods of navigations were implemented: line

following and RPS. These were used along with shaft encoding and bump switches to allow the

robot to start with the light, pick up the wrench, and deposit it in the garage on the upper level.

Unfortunately, there was trouble with consistency of both picking up the wrench and depositing

it. The team never got a perfect run in the five attempts allotted. Some of the error in picking up

the wrench stemmed from placement issues in the starting box, as well as an issue where the robot

sometimes would follow the diagonal red-and-white lines next to the wrench rather than the dark

blue line leading up to the wrench as was desired (this can be seen in Figure 2.2 on page 6). The

main issue with depositing the wrench was that the robot could maneuver to the garage very well,

but it would often never back up off the wall. It was supposed to back up after 5 seconds had

passed, but there was an issue with the time-out statement in the code. To fix these errors for the

future, the team decided to further test the line following and the time-out statement.

3.3.4 Performance Test 4

The task in the fourth and final performance test was to start with the light, connect to the

RPS, receive the signal for which direction to turn the fuel crank, and maneuver to it and turn it

180° in the appropriate direction. The team had a great deal of trouble achieving success in this

task. In order to turn the crank, the robot had to line itself up perfectly with the fuel crank, which

proved to be a difficult task. The code was written so that the robot would maneuver to the upper

level and turn itself towards the fuel crank. Then, it would use RPS to check its heading, and adjust

to allow itself to drive towards the crank with the correct angle. However, if its position was off,

it would still not line up correctly with the crank. As a result, the team attempted to use geometry

to write code that would allow the robot to check its position before checking its heading, but this

caused more error, and resulted in the team not finishing the performance test with a perfect score.

This performance test left the team with much to perfect for the individual and final competitions.

3.4 Design Modifications

Due to the nature of laser cut acrylic, once the chassis had been designed, no major design

changes could be made without completely scrapping the original chassis. This meant that the

initial design was very similar to the final design, and the only changes made to the design were

minor modifications to various aspects of the robot.

The chassis was designed initially with the intention of allowing every mechanism and part

of the robot to fit and function well. The locations and methods of attaching the motors, encoders,

wheels, and skids were all planned, as well as the Proteus and both of the servo motors needed for

the task mechanisms. However, small changes were still made about how these components fit

together. Holes were included in the initial design to fasten the servo motors in, but they were

attached using hot glue in the actual design. A CdS cell and a piece of cardboard were attached to

enable the robot to read the light, and the Proteus was attached with Velcro instead of the initial

idea of laser cut acrylic corners to hold it in place.

Additionally, new components were found to be required and added as necessary.

Throughout the testing process, parts had to be added to attach bump switches, a circuit board for

line following, and a mount for the QR code to use RPS; the QR code was required even if the

robot did not use the RPS in its code. Small rectangles, hooks, and beams were designed and added

to attach the microswitches, circuit board, and QR code, respectively. Similarly, small support

triangles were added to the skids and the motor walls to provide extra support, and the team

number, B6, was added as the OSURED staff specified during the testing process. Additionally,

some sharp corners were getting caught on walls or the edge of the ramp, so these corners were

filed to round them out. Specifically, the front two corners, including the bump switch platforms,

and the back corners of the two motor walls were filed. These additions and alterations can be seen

below in Figure 3.1. The whole robot can be seen in Figures C1-C3 in Appendix C.

A) B) C)

Figure 3.1: Small modifications to the chassis are shown. A) A wire holder keeps the wires organized and untangled. B) The line following
circuit board hangs underneath the chassis from hooks that were laser cut. C) A bump switch platform is shown, as well a one of the corners
which was filed to a rounder point.

Problems involving the drivetrain included that the wheels were not getting enough traction

on the course and the screws attaching the encoders to the motor walls loosening and repeatedly

requiring maintenance. To give the wheels a better grip, rubber bands were added to them, which

proved successful; to prevent the screws from loosening so frequently, nail polish was used as a

thread adhesive for the screws attaching the encoders to the motor walls. These modifications can

be seen below in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: The drivetrain system with modifications is shown. Nail polish was used as adhesive to prevent the
screws from loosening and rubber bands were added to the wheels to give them greater traction.

The task mechanisms both had modifications which increased the success of completion of

the tasks. The robot had a lot of difficulty lining up its pegs perfectly with the fuel crank, so rubber

bands were added over them. The goal of this was to allow the wheel to be able to turn the crank

without requiring so much precision in the robot’s position. The wrench arm was also lengthened

using cardboard and duct tape to allow the robot to pick up the wrench more consistently without

dropping it. These minor changes can be seen on the next page in Figure 3.3.

A) B)

Figure 3.3: Modifications to the task mechanisms are shown. A) Rubber bands allowed the wheel to turn the fuel crank more
efficiently with less precision required. B) The wrench arm was lengthened with cardboard and duct tape to allow it to more
consistently pick up the wrench.

3.5 Code Modifications

Testing the robot’s performance often had unanticipated outcomes and each revision

revealed new flaws in the program. As the code progressed, several modifications had to be made

to the preliminary functions to correct errors in logic and account for a lack of consistency in the

physical environment. One of these corrections involved increasing the threshold for light

detection to prevent a shadow from initiating the program instead of the starting light. The left and

right motors also did not perform the same when set to the same percentage, so their default motor

powers had to be adjusted to allow the robot to drive straight. Additionally, variations in RPS

readings between courses made it necessary to conduct a series of RPS calibrations before each

run and include these calibrations in position adjustments.

Precautionary measures were also implemented whenever it became apparent that failure

to complete a certain task could hinder the rest of the robot’s performance. One modification to

the turning function backed up the robot if a bump switch was pressed so it could complete the

turn without getting stuck on a solid object, and bump switch states were included alongside

encoder counts as a condition of all maneuvering functions. The functions that utilize RPS were

enclosed in conditional statements that only allowed execution if the RPS returned a positive value.

This way if the robot was not able to activate RPS on the top portion of the course or it accidentally

ended up in the dead zone near the garage, it would not try to adjust its position using RPS. Finally,

time fail-safes were included in the light detection, maneuvering, and position adjustment

functions. This prevented the robot from getting stuck at any point in the program. If a light could

not be detected or an encoder count could not be reached because the robot was stuck on a solid

object, the program would continue its execution when a specified amount of time had passed.

4. Individual Competition

The individual competition took place on Friday, March 30, 2018 at 8:00 AM on the official

course in Room 208 of Hitchcock Hall. The team had three runs to show the OSURED staff how

the project was going with just a week left before the final competition. In each of the three runs,

the methods for picking the course, the button color, and the direction that the fuel crank needed

to be turned was different; for the first run, it was random, for the second run, it was chosen by the

OSURED staff, and for the third run, it was chosen by the team. The scores from the individual

competition were used to seed the teams for the final competition bracket.

4.1 Strategy

The team’s strategy remained the same as the initial strategy determined at the beginning of

the project, at least in terms of the order in which the tasks are completed. Small changes to the

strategy occurred in the calibration of the robot’s RPS before every run in order to prevent error

due to the differences in each course’s RPS system. The team had a minute to prepare its robot

before each run began, so RPS heading and position values were read and stored in the code as

variables to enable the robot to drive to the correct positions and in the correct direction.

4.2 Performance

In its first run, the robot was on Course D, the button color was blue, and the fuel crank

needed to be turned clockwise. The robot earned 57 points. It did most of the tasks very well,

except that it missed the white button at the bottom of the course. This meant that it did not activate

the RPS at the top of the course, and it depended on that to deposit the wrench in the garage and

maneuver to the fuel crank. As a result, the robot did not complete those two tasks successfully.

The robot also missed the car jack by a tiny margin, so it did not earn those points either.

In the second run, the OSURED staff chose Course H, blue, and counterclockwise. This was

the robot’s most successful run, earning it 76 points. The main points it missed involved the

wrench, because it almost successfully picked it up, but then dropped it. This resulted in getting

points for picking it up, but none for controlling it or depositing it in the garage. Additionally, the

robot turned the fuel crank farther than 180° and got stuck on the wall while driving down the

ramp, preventing it from pressing the final button. These mistakes all seemed like flukes to the

team, so further testing was required to ensure that they would not occur on the day of the final


In the third and final run, the team chose Course A, the blue light, and counterclockwise for

the fuel crank. These choices were nearly random, because the robot had very similar performance

on each course and with each fuel crank direction during testing, but the blue light was chosen

because the robot was slightly more consistent with that than the red light. Unfortunately, the robot

never got a chance to run the course, because twice in a row it started before the light actually

turned on. These were declared as false starts, and the team was permitted to have one, but was

disqualified for the second one. This was an issue that had very rarely ever happened in testing,

and never twice in a row. The team made it a priority to determine what caused the false starts and

prevent it for the final competition.

4.3 Changes Required

Most of the mistakes that the robot made during the individual competition were little

mistakes that were not repeated often, which made it difficult to determine what aspects of the

code needed to change. The team continued to test in the week between the individual competition

and the final competition to determine which mistakes repeated themselves and how best to correct

these issues in order to have the best possible performance in the final competition.

The biggest change made was to ensure the robot would not false start in the final

competition. The robot was always programmed to read the light value, and start once that value

changes by a certain amount. The team believed that the robot falsely read a change in the light,

so the amount that the light value needed to be changed in order to activate the robot was made

larger. This was meant to ensure that the robot did not sense a tiny change in the light due to

something like a shadow and have another false start.

5. Final Design

Every aspect of the robot’s final design will be described in detail in the following section.

As previously explained, major overhauls to the robot’s design were not possible due to the laser-

cut acrylic chassis. However, small changes to the task mechanisms, electrical systems, and code

were made, and additional features were added as necessary based on tests and, specifically, the

individual competition. In addition, the budget had to be monitored throughout the process, as well

as the team’s schedule.

The final version of the robot can be seen below in Figure 5.1. Each aspect of this design

will be described in more detail in the following subsections.

Figure 5.1: The SolidWorks model of the entire design is shown.

5.1 Design Strengths

One strength of the design was that the robot could change its orientation depending which

task it needed to perform. To flip up the car jack, pick up the wrench, and press the buttons, the

robot would approach with the front to use the wrench arm or the bump sensors. To turn the fuel

crank and to press the final button, the robot would approach with the back to use the crank wheel.

Another strength was that the robot had multiple methods to ensure it travelled in the correct

direction, by using bump sensors to turn at walls, using line following to pick up and deposit the

wrench, and using RPS to check its heading in multiple places, such as when driving towards the

fuel crank.

5.1.1 Chassis

The chassis’ main body was a rectangle made out of laser cut acrylic which was ¼ inch thick,

7.7 inches long, and 5.4 inches wide. It had rectangular holes in it to attach the motor walls and

skids and circular holes to provide places for wires to thread through. In addition, there was a small

rectangular cutout in the front to allow the wrench arm to rotate freely up and down without being

inhibited by the chassis. This is also where the line following circuit board hung from the chassis,

so that it could be centered on the wrench arm to allow it to be used when picking up and depositing

the wrench. Bump sensors sat on small laser-cut platforms that were attached to the front of the

chassis, and the QR code sat on a mount that was attached to the chassis on either of side of where

the Proteus sat. The 3D-printed chassis, without the skids and motor walls, can be seen below in

Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: The laser cut main body of the chassis is shown.

5.1.2 Drivetrain

The drivetrain was made up of VEX-393 motors, VEX encoders, and VEX wheels. The

encoders and the motors were attached on either side of the chassis’ motor walls with screws and

then attached to each other with the VEX square axles. The wheels were located at the back of the

robot, and two skids with spoons on the bottom were attached to the front of it. The drivetrain can

be seen below in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3: The left motor-encoder-wheel system is shown. The right system is a mirror image.

5.1.3 Task Mechanisms

There were two specific mechanisms for completing the tasks: one two-pronged arm for

picking up and depositing the wrench and one wheels with six pegs to turn the fuel crank. These

were both attached to FITEC servo motors to allow for rotation. Both of these parts were custom

designed by the team and 3D-printed by OSURED staff to ensure that they exactly met the team’s

needs. The task mechanisms can be seen below in Figure 5.4.

A) B)

Figure 5.4: The two task mechanisms are shown. A) The two-pronged arm to pick up and deposit the wrench.
B) The wheel to turn the fuel crank.

5.2 Electrical Systems & Sensors

All sensors and motors on the robot were plugged into the Proteus microcontroller. The VEX

motors used for the drivetrain were plugged into the first and second of the Proteus’ DC motor

ports. Two of the servo motor ports were utilized for the FITEC servo motors that controlled the

movement of the arm and the fuel crank wheel. All other sensors and mechanisms, such as the CdS

cell, microswitches, encoders, and line-following optosensors, were plugged into the Flex I/O

ports. Many of the wires were managed using laser-cut wire holders, which kept them organized

and out of the way. Information on the specific port that each mechanism was connected to can be

found in Appendix D.

5.3 Code

The final code began with a large amount of information grabbing from the course’s RPS.

Coordinates and headings were stored for the fuel crank, the top of the concrete ramp, the

diagnostic light, and the car jack. After this, the robot was placed in the start box and began

executing code once the start light was detected. First, the car jack was navigated to and raised by

the wrench arm. This was done by using a series of custom straight-moving, turning, and RPS-

coordinate-checking functions. Then, the robot turned toward the wrench stand and used a line

following function to fit the wrench arm into the holes of the wrench. The arm was raised to

retrieve the wrench, and then the robot turned 180 degrees toward the diagnostic button panel. The

indicating light for the diagnostic test was navigated to using the prior mentioned RPS-coordinate-

checking functions and the coordinates stored from the beginning. The color of the light was read

by a custom function that used conditional statements based on the value of the CdS cell. Then,

maneuvering was done based on the state that was returned and the correct test button was held

down along with the white RPS activation button. A while loop made it so that these would be

continually pressed until RPS was activated on the top level or until ten seconds had passed. Then,

the robot navigated to the top level using the concrete ramp and used a custom function to check

for the RPS heading that was grabbed initially. This heading allowed navigation directly to the

garage and line following was once again used to deposit the wrench. Then, the robot backed up

until it was just out of the dead zone that surrounds the garage and turned so that its rear was

directed toward the fuel crank. The fuel crank was then reached and turned using a custom rotation

function that rotated in the direction returned by the course. The robot then navigated back down

the concrete ramp and to the final button which was backed into by the fuel crank wheel. The

entirety of the code can be seen in Appendix E.

5.4 Budget

The budget allotted for the Formula EH autonomous robot project was $160. Of this amount,

the team spent $122.81. Figure 5.1 displays the breakdown of how this amount was spent across

the robot’s general categories.

Budget Across Categories

Mechanisms, $30.44

Drivetrain, $57.54

Sensors, $4.45

Chassis, $28.48

Fasteners, $1.90

Figure 5.1: Pie chart displaying the amount of budget expended across the robot’s assembly categories.

Nearly half of the amount spent went towards the robot’s drivetrain. This was due to the

expensive yet reliable VEX motor with VEX encoders drivetrain combination. Mechanisms made

up approximately a quarter of the budget due to the use of custom made 3D printed mechanisms

mounted on high-torque FITEC servo motors. The chassis made up about 20% of the budget over

the course of three laser cut acrylic orders for precise and sturdy structural elements. Sensors and

fasteners made up the remaining 5% of the amount spent.

The amount spent over time is a good indicator of the course of the project. Figure 5.2 is a

line graph that shows these changes in the amount of budget remaining. The steep drops in the

budget approximately one week apart from each other were combinations of laser cut and 3D

printing orders due to machining day schedules. The largest drop on February 20th was when the

majority of the motors and drivetrain elements were ordered due to them just coming in stock.

Most of the building was finished by early March as seen by the flatline in budget remaining for

the rest of the project. No more purchases were made after the second week of April. Details on

the exact purchases made and the costs of each are displayed in Appendix D Table D1.

Amount Remaining in Budget










Figure 5.2: Line graph showing how the budget was spent over time.

5.4 Schedule

In the initial stages of this project, the team made a schedule for every aspect of the project.

This kept the team on track to finish everything on time and not allow anything to be forgotten.

This schedule listed which team members were primary, secondary, or simply contributors for

each aspect. The team set estimated start and finish dates, estimated hours that would be spent, and

due dates for each aspect. In addition, spaces were left to document the actual start and finish dates,

as well as the actual hours spent. The general trend was that the team overestimated how early they

would begin each aspect and underestimated how many hours each aspect would take. However,

the team finished every assignment on time, usually a day or two early except for aspects of the

project that required large amounts of work and time. The entire schedule can be seen in Appendix


6. Final Competition

The final head-to-head team competition took place on Saturday, April 7 at the RPAC at The

Ohio State University. 63 teams competed in three rounds of round robin play before moving to

single-elimination tournament play. The three round robin runs were randomized, while in the

head-to-head tournament the teams were seeded based on the results of the individual competition.

In every round of the final competition, the course, button color, and fuel crank direction was


6.1 Strategy

The team had the same strategy for the final competition that it did for the individual

competition. The biggest part of this strategy was to calibrate the robot’s RPS values for important

points in its run by placing it on the course in the various positions and having it grab and save

those coordinates and/or heading angles in the one minute allowed before each run began. This

helped the robot correctly maneuver to some tasks, specifically the fuel crank, as finding the

correct heading angle to line up with the fuel crank proved to be quite difficult.

6.2 Performance

The team performed very well in the three round robin rounds. In the first round, the team

earned 83 points, only missing the car jack and accidentally turning the fuel crank in the wrong

direction. The distance that the robot drove to the car jack was shortened in the code to avoid

missing it in the future rounds. In the second round, the team earned 83 points again, but this time

missed both the fuel crank direction and turned it too far. Nothing in the code was changed, because

the robot was so inconsistent on the fuel crank that the team did not feel comfortable diagnosing

what the exact problem was. In the third round, the team earned 84 points, only failing to turn the

fuel crank far enough and to press the final button. Again, nothing in the code was changed,

because missing the final button was a fluke and the team would have required more testing to

know how to fix it.

Unfortunately, in the first round of the single-elimination tournament, catastrophe struck.

After starting with the light, the robot maneuvered to the car jack, but there the front left corner of

its chassis got stuck on the side of the jack, and this stopped it from reaching the encoder counts

that it was programmed to reach. Thus, the robot never stopped trying to reach these encoder

counts, and was stuck there for the remainder of the time allowed. This earned the team only 9

points, which meant they were eliminated because other teams had earned many more. This issue

had occurred during testing, though it was rare, and the team’s attempt to fix it by placing a time-

out statement in the code proved not to work.

The team ultimately decided that the biggest reason for the failure in the head-to-head

tournament was due to the fact that no templates were ever implemented in placing the robot in its

calibration positions or in the starting box. This caused the placement of the robot to be quite

inconsistent, and the team believes that the robot was placed too far to the left during its RPS

calibration near the car jack, which is what caused it to run into it and get stuck.

However, this did not discount the fact that the team had great success in performing many

of the tasks in the previous runs. The team successfully implemented many programs, such as line

following, bump switches, light detection, and RPS, to perform many of the tasks very dependably.

Before the robot got stuck near the car jack, it consistently earned most of the points available,

which is a clear success. Specifically, the use of line following for the pickup and deposit of the

wrench, as well as the use of the CdS cell and bump switches to line up with and press the correct

button, were nearly flawless; other than when it got stuck at the car jack, the robot never failed at

those tasks on the day of the final competition. With a few modifications, this robot could serve

the role as a pit robot in the FEH Grand Prix very well.

7. Summary & Conclusions

In this project, the team designed, built, and coded an autonomous vehicle to compete on a

course for the chance to be chosen as the pit crew robot in the Formula EH Grand Prix. The team

began by brainstorming ideas, drawing sketches, and designing the robot’s chassis, drivetrain, and

task mechanisms, as well as deciding the strategy for the final competition. The team used decision

matrices to make the most unbiased choices for each aspect of the robot’s design. Then, a mockup

of the robot was built out of cardboard and household objects to give the team an idea of where

the various parts could fit. After reviewing the success of the mockup with the OSURED staff, the

team began to build the actual robot, and eventually began testing it with code on the course.

To help learn how to write code for the various sensors, such as bump switches, line

following, shaft encoders, and RPS, the team went through three lab explorations. These involved

the team using robots provided by the OSURED team to learn from experience how to code the

various types of navigation. Additionally, the robot underwent four performance tests to keep the

team on track to perform well in the final competition. Along these stages of the testing,

modifications were made to the design and code of the robot as they became necessary.

The final design included a chassis made out of laser-cut acrylic, two VEX motors along

with encoders and wheels, and two skids made out of spoons. It also included two servo motors

for use with the 3-D printed wrench arm and fuel crank wheel as well as bump switches, a CdS

cell, a line following circuit board, and a mount for the QR code. The team spent $122.81 out of

its allotted $160 on all of the robot’s parts, leaving $37.19.

Only a week before the final competition, the team competed in the individual competition

to show the OSURED team how far the robot had come, to test how prepared it was for the final

competition, and to allow the OSURED staff a chance to seed the teams based on performance for

the final competition. The team did well in the individual competition, earning 76 points out of a

possible 100, but there was still plenty to improve for the final competition. The team spent the

week in between the two perfecting the code to ensure the robot did as well as possible in the final


Finally, the team competed in the final head-to-head competition. In the final competition,

the team performed well during the round robin, but the robot got stuck near the car jack during

the first elimination round, earning only 9 points and removing itself from the competition. The

team believed that this problem was caused by inconsistent placement of the robot during

calibration and in the starting box.

7.1 Future Modifications

Although many of the tasks worked quite well, the robot could be improved in many ways

to allow it to be more successful in the future. Main areas of improvement that the team sees are

the crank wheel, the wrench arm, and the use of a template in the robot’s placement.

Although the crank wheel’s six pegs allowed it to turn the fuel crank very effectively, it

proved a very difficult task to ensure that the robot could line up with the fuel crank so precisely

that the pegs would fit in the holes. Accordingly, the team recommends that in the future, a flat,

frictional wheel should be used to allow the fuel crank mechanism to require less precision, which

would also increase the consistency.

In addition, the wrench arm was great at picking up and depositing the wrench, but only

after the team extended its length with cardboard was it flawless. Thus, the team recommends that

the wrench arm should be 3-D printed again with longer arms so that it could be more consistent

in picking up the wrench without dropping it.

Finally, the team’s worst enemy proved to be the placement of the robot on the course. In

the future, the team recommends the use of one or multiple templates while placing the robot on

the course to calibrate its RPS, as well as placing it in the starting box. This would allow for much

more consistency, and would prevent such issues as getting stuck by the car jack which ended the

team’s tournament run in the final competition.


[1] Robot Scenario. 2018, February 24.

[2] GrabCAD Spoon Design. 2018, March 28.

Appendix A: Decision Matrices
Table A1: The decision matrix for the chassis and drivetrain is shown again for reference. The best ideas were two
wheels and two skids, two wheels with one skid, and four wheels with two motors and a gear system so all motors were

Reference: Four wheels, two drive, box frame C: Two drive wheels, three skids, pentagonal frame
A: Two drive wheels, two skids, box frame D: Four drive wheels, two motors, box frame
B: Two drive wheels, one skid, pentagonal frame E: Three wheels, two drive, box frame
Criterion Reference A B C D E
Cost 0 + + + 0 +
Maneuverability 0 + + + 0 -
Ability to get up the ramp 0 0 0 - + 0
Complexity 0 0 0 - - 0
Speed (friction) 0 0 0 0 + 0
Total 0 2 2 0 1 0

Table A2: The decision matrix for the car jack mechanism is shown. The best ideas were found to be a T-bar, a
wedge, and a single bar. Simply driving into the car jack with any part of the chassis was also considered.

Reference: Two-pronged arm/T-bar C: Bulldozer-like bucket

A: Wedge-shaped piece D: Single bar
B: Mechanical 3-pronged “hand”
Criterion Reference A B C D
Cost 0 + - 0 0
Complexity 0 + - 0 0
Precision Required 0 + - 0 -
Path 0 - 0 - +
Total 0 2 -3 0 1

Table A3: The decision matrix for the fuel crank mechanism is shown. The best ideas were found to be a single bar
and a two-pronged arm in combination with a T-bar.

Reference: Two-pronged arm fits between teeth C: Mechanical 3-pronged “hand”

A: Single bar D: T-beam with prongs
B: Two-pronged arm closes on either side E: Circle with rubber pegs
Criterion Reference A B C D E
Cost 0 + - - + 0
Precision Required 0 + + 0 0 0
Complexity 0 + - - 0 0
Time 0 - 0 0 - 0
Accuracy of Rotation 0 - 0 0 - 0
Total 0 1 -1 -2 -1 0

Table A4: The decision matrix for the wrench mechanism is shown. The best ideas were found to be a T-bar and
a bulldozer-like bucket with a hole in the middle that the post holding the wrench would fit through.

Reference: Two-pronged arm/T-bar that threads the holes C: Bulldozer-like bucket

A: Two-pronged arm that closes on it from both sides D: Mechanical 3-pronged “hand”
B: Single bar
Criterion Reference A B C D
Cost 0 - 0 0 -
Precision Required 0 + 0 0 -
Complexity 0 - + 0 -
Security 0 0 - 0 0
Deposit Ability 0 0 - 0 0
Total 0 -1 -1 0 -3

Appendix B: Mockup
A) B)


Figure B1: The first mockup of the robot is shown. This mockup was meant as a rough estimate of the final design to help get an idea for how the
various parts should fit together to be effective and fit the size requirements. A) The front of the robot is shown, in which the wrench arm can be
seen. B) The back of the robot is shown, in which the wheel to turn the fuel crank can be seen. C) The side of the robot is shown, in which most
aspects of the robot’s design can be seen well.

Appendix C: First Design
Figure C1: The side view of the robot is shown. The beam holding up the QR code mount can be seen in detail, as well as the
beams attached to the skids.

Figure C2: The front view of the robot is shown. The T-bar used to pick up and deposit the wrench can be seen in detail, as well
as the line following circuit board and the bump microswitches.

Figure C3: The rear view of the robot is shown. The wheel used to turn the fuel crank is shown in detail, as well as the motors,
encoders, and wheels.

Appendix D: Electrical Systems
Figure D1: The Proteus Block Diagram of the electrical connections for this robot.

Appendix E: Code
#include <FEHLCD.h>
#include <FEHIO.h>
#include <FEHUtility.h>
#include <FEHServo.h>
#include <FEHMotor.h>
#include <FEHRPS.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <LCDColors.h>

#define PI 3.14159265359

//define motor powers for driving straight & turning

#define L_FULL_POWER 63
#define R_FULL_POWER 61
#define L_HALF_POWER 43
#define R_HALF_POWER 41
#define L_GENTLE_POWER 16
#define R_GENTLE_POWER 15

//Define servo mins & maxes

#define ARMSERVO_MIN 666
#define ARMSERVO_MAX 2363
#define CRANKSERVO_MIN 677
#define CRANKSERVO_MAX 2420

//Define useful servo motor angles


//define number of encoder counts per inch & counts for making 90 degree turns
#define FACTOR_90_R 6.5
#define FACTOR_90_L 6.3
#define COUNTS_1_INCH 18.197186

//define integer values assigned to desired bump switch operations

#define ONLY_LEFT 1
#define ONLY_RIGHT 2
#define BOTH 3
#define EITHER 4

//Define optosensor color return constants

#define LEFTOPTO_BLUE 2.25
#define LEFTOPTO_BLACK 2.9
#define MIDOPTO_BLUE 2.3

#define MIDOPTO_BLACK 2.8
#define RIGHTOPTO_BLUE 2.6
#define MIDOPTO_GRASS 3.2

//Declare T-beam servo motor and left and right wheel motors
FEHServo armservo(FEHServo::Servo0);
FEHServo crankservo(FEHServo::Servo7);
FEHMotor leftmotor(FEHMotor::Motor0,9.0);
FEHMotor rightmotor(FEHMotor::Motor1,9.0);

//Declare CdS cell for light detection

AnalogInputPin lightcell(FEHIO::P2_7);

//Declare bump switches for navigation

DigitalInputPin frontleft(FEHIO::P3_0);
DigitalInputPin frontright(FEHIO::P0_7);

//Declare motor encoders

DigitalEncoder rightencoder(FEHIO::P0_0);
DigitalEncoder leftencoder(FEHIO::P2_1);

//Declare optosensors for line following

AnalogInputPin leftopto(FEHIO::P1_7);
AnalogInputPin midopto(FEHIO::P1_5);
AnalogInputPin rightopto(FEHIO::P1_3);

//Declare checklist function

void checklist();
//Declare light reading function
void light_detection();
//Declare color reading function
int color_detection();
//Declare forward/backward driving function
void move_straight(int, int, int, int);
//Declare right turning function
void turn_right(int, int);
//Declare left turning function
void turn_left(int, int);
//Declare line following function
void line_follow_blue(int);
void line_follow_black(int);
//Declare RPS heading function

void check_heading(float);
void check_x_plus(float);
void check_x_minus(float x_coordinate);
void check_y_minus(float);
void check_y_plus(float);
void diag_position_adjust(float, float, float);
//declare crank rotation function
int crank_rotation(float, float);
//define grass adjustment function
void get_off_my_grass();

//Declare bump switch state function

//Declare line following state function
//Declare light color states
enum LightStates {RED_LIGHT, BLUE_LIGHT};
//declare fuel type states
enum FuelStates {CLOCK, COUNTER_CLOCK};
//declare states for position after crank rotation
enum CrankPosition {BACK, FORWARD, MIDDLE};

double tstart;

int main(void)
//declare variables for touchscreen position
float xposition, yposition;

//Set min and max for arm and crank servos



//fuel crank
float crankheading, crankX, crankY;
while (frontright.Value() == 1 && frontleft.Value() == 1)

crankheading = RPS.Heading();
crankX = RPS.X();
crankY = RPS.Y();

//top of ramp approaching garage

float topheading, topY, topX;
while (frontright.Value() == 1 && frontleft.Value() == 1)
topheading = RPS.Heading();


//colored light
float lightX, lightY;
while (frontright.Value() == 1 && frontleft.Value() == 1)
lightX = RPS.X();
lightY = RPS.Y();

//wrench Y and car jack X

float wrenchY, jackX;
while (frontright.Value() == 1 && frontleft.Value() == 1)
wrenchY = RPS.Y();
jackX = RPS.X();

//print checklist

//get arm out of way



//calibrate RPS heading

float heading_calibration;
heading_calibration = RPS.Heading() - 270;

//start when light is detected


//set initial crank servo position based on the direction it needs to turn
int crankdirection;
if (RPS.FuelType() == 1)
crankdirection = CLOCK;
if (RPS.FuelType() == 2)
crankdirection = COUNTER_CLOCK;
switch (crankdirection)
case CLOCK:


//Leave start box toward car
//Turn toward the wrench
//Drive toward the wrench
check_x_minus(jackX - 3.5);
//Turn toward car jack
//Set arm angle low
check_heading(270.0 + heading_calibration);
//Drive arm into car jack space

//Raise servo arm and lever
int degree = 70;
while (degree < 160)
degree += 33.3;
//Back out of car jack space
check_y_minus(wrenchY + 1.0);
//move_straight(-R_FULL_POWER, -L_FULL_POWER, 0.002 * COUNTS_1_INCH,


move_straight(-R_HALF_POWER - 1, -L_HALF_POWER, 2.3 * COUNTS_1_INCH,
line_follow_blue(6 * COUNTS_1_INCH);
//check_heading(180.0 + heading_calibration);
move_straight(-R_HALF_POWER - 1, -L_HALF_POWER, 2.3 * COUNTS_1_INCH,
line_follow_blue(4.1 * COUNTS_1_INCH);

//pick up wrench incrementally

degree = 90;
while (degree < 170)
degree += 10;

turn_right(L_HALF_POWER, FACTOR_90_R * COUNTS_1_INCH);
check_y_plus(lightY + 4);
check_heading(90.0 + heading_calibration);

turn_right(L_HALF_POWER, 0.9 * FACTOR_90_R * COUNTS_1_INCH);


//drive toward light

int color;
color = color_detection();

//drive to wall
turn_left(L_HALF_POWER, FACTOR_90_L/3.6 * COUNTS_1_INCH);
move_straight(R_HALF_POWER, L_HALF_POWER + 2, 2 * COUNTS_1_INCH, BOTH);
if (RPS.Y() < (lightY + 2.0))
move_straight(-R_HALF_POWER, -L_HALF_POWER, 2 * COUNTS_1_INCH,
turn_left(L_HALF_POWER, FACTOR_90_L/5 * COUNTS_1_INCH);
move_straight(R_HALF_POWER, L_HALF_POWER + 2, 2 * COUNTS_1_INCH, BOTH);

//maneuver based on color of light
if (color == 1)
while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < (3.65 *
turn_right(L_MANEUVER_POWER, 1.05 * FACTOR_90_R * COUNTS_1_INCH);


//face button board

//press and hold buttons

rightmotor.SetPercent(R_MANEUVER_POWER + 5);
leftmotor.SetPercent(L_MANEUVER_POWER + 2);
tstart = TimeNow();
while (((RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 0) && (TimeNow() - tstart < 10.0)) ||
((RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 1) && (TimeNow() - tstart < 10.0)))
if (frontright.Value() == 0)


while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < 1);

while (frontleft.Value() == 1 || frontright.Value() == 1);
//move_straight(R_FULL_POWER, L_FULL_POWER, 8 * COUNTS_1_INCH, BOTH);
turn_left(L_HALF_POWER, 0.8 * FACTOR_90_L * COUNTS_1_INCH);
turn_left(L_HALF_POWER, 0.15 * FACTOR_90_L * COUNTS_1_INCH);


if ((RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 0) || (RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 1))
turn_left(L_HALF_POWER, 0.525 * FACTOR_90_L * COUNTS_1_INCH);

turn_left(L_HALF_POWER, 0.8 * FACTOR_90_L * COUNTS_1_INCH);
degree = 170;
while (degree > 100)
degree = degree - 15;
line_follow_black(11.5 * COUNTS_1_INCH);

diag_position_adjust(crankX, crankY, crankheading);
int checks = 0;
while(checks < 3)
move_straight(-R_FULL_POWER, -L_FULL_POWER, 5.3 * COUNTS_1_INCH,
checks += 1;

int position;
position = crank_rotation(crankX, crankY);
move_straight(R_FULL_POWER, L_FULL_POWER, 11.25 * COUNTS_1_INCH, ONLY_LEFT);

/*go back down ramp*/

turn_left(L_HALF_POWER, 1.18 * FACTOR_90_L * COUNTS_1_INCH);
check_heading(topheading + 180.0);

//drive to ramp based on position at crank
switch (position)
case BACK:
move_straight(R_FULL_POWER, L_FULL_POWER, 17.25 * COUNTS_1_INCH,

move_straight(R_FULL_POWER, L_FULL_POWER, 15.75 * COUNTS_1_INCH,

case MIDDLE:
move_straight(R_FULL_POWER, L_FULL_POWER, 16.25 * COUNTS_1_INCH,

turn_right(L_HALF_POWER, 0.42 * FACTOR_90_L * COUNTS_1_INCH);

move_straight(R_HALF_POWER, L_HALF_POWER, 16.5 * COUNTS_1_INCH, EITHER);
check_y_minus(lightY + 1);
turn_right(L_HALF_POWER, 0.7 * FACTOR_90_L * COUNTS_1_INCH);
if (RPS.Heading() < 170.0)
move_straight(R_FULL_POWER + 5, L_FULL_POWER + 5, 10 * COUNTS_1_INCH,
turn_left(L_HALF_POWER, 0.75 * FACTOR_90_L * COUNTS_1_INCH);
move_straight(-R_FULL_POWER - 7, -L_FULL_POWER - 7, 18 * COUNTS_1_INCH,

/******MISC FUNCTIONS******/

//print checklist before starting run

void checklist()

LCD.WriteLine("DID YOU.....");
LCD.WriteLine("- fix the crank");
LCD.WriteLine("- push down the lever");
LCD.WriteLine("- plug in everything");
LCD.WriteLine("- check the optosensors");
LCD.WriteLine("- check the motors");
LCD.WriteLine("- push in servo");

while(frontright.Value() == 1 || frontleft.Value() == 1);

LCD.WriteRC("READY TO ROLL", 7, 7);

//pauses further execution until a light is detected

void light_detection()
//Declare CdS Value variable
float initlight, light;
//Declare time varibale

//Get time value

tstart = TimeNow();
//Read initial no-light value of Cds cell
initlight = lightcell.Value();
light = lightcell.Value();

//Implement while loop to check for a change in light

while(light > initlight - 1.0)
light = lightcell.Value();
if (light > initlight - 1.0)
light = lightcell.Value();
//Implement failsafe if robot has not started with light cue
if ((TimeNow()-tstart) > 30.0)
light = initlight - 1.1;


//determines if the color of the light is blue or red

int color_detection()
//Declare CdS Value variable
float light;
//Declare local state function value variable for light color
int color;

light = lightcell.Value();

if (light < 1.0)

color = RED_LIGHT;
if (light < 1.9 && light > 1.1)
color = BLUE_LIGHT;

switch (color)
return 1;
return 2;

//turns fuel crank in the direction for specified fuel type

int crank_rotation(float crankX, float crankY)
int direction, degree, position;
if (RPS.FuelType() == 1)
direction = CLOCK;
if (RPS.X() < 0 || (RPS.X() < (crankX - 1.28) || RPS.X() > (crankX +
if (RPS.X() < crankX - 1.4)

position = BACK;
position = FORWARD;
direction = COUNTER_CLOCK;
//back up from crank and set servo to proper initial position
move_straight(-R_MANEUVER_POWER,-L_MANEUVER_POWER, 1.25 *
position = MIDDLE;
if (RPS.FuelType() == 2)
direction = COUNTER_CLOCK;

//if on the side of the fuel crank, switch the direction of rotation
if (RPS.X() < 0 || (RPS.X() < (crankX - 1.28) || RPS.X() > (crankX +
if (RPS.X() < crankX - 1.4)
position = BACK;
position = FORWARD;
direction = CLOCK;
//back up from crank and set servo to proper initial position
move_straight(-R_MANEUVER_POWER,-L_MANEUVER_POWER, 1.25 *

position = MIDDLE;

switch (direction)
//turn crank clockwise
case CLOCK:
degree = 2;
while (degree < 177)
degree += 2.5;

//if not centered on crank, turn it more

if(RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 0 || RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 1 || RPS.X()
< (crankX - 0.31) || RPS.X() > (crankX + 0.3))
move_straight(-R_MANEUVER_POWER, -L_MANEUVER_POWER, 2.5 *
degree = 2;
while (degree < 85)
degree += 5;
if((RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 0) || (RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 1) ||
RPS.X() > (crankX + 0.35) )//RPS.X() > (crankX - 1.0) || RPS.X() < (crankX +
1.0)|| RPS.X() < (crankX - 0.6) || RPS.X() > (crankX + 0.6))
move_straight(-R_MANEUVER_POWER, -L_MANEUVER_POWER, 2.5 *
degree = 2;
while (degree < 90)

degree += 5;

//turn crank counter clockwise

LCD.WriteLine("counter clockwise");
degree = 178;
while (degree > 3)
degree = degree - 2.5;

//if not centered on crank, turn it more

if((RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 0) || (RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 1) ||
RPS.X() < (crankX - 0.31) || RPS.X() > (crankX + 0.3))
move_straight(-R_MANEUVER_POWER, -L_MANEUVER_POWER, 2.5 *
degree = 178;
while (degree > 95)
degree = degree - 5;
if((RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 0) || (RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 1) ||
RPS.X() < (crankX - 0.35) )//RPS.X() > (crankX - 1.0) || RPS.X() < (crankX +
1.0)|| RPS.X() < (crankX - 0.6) || RPS.X() > (crankX + 0.6))
move_straight(-R_MANEUVER_POWER, -L_MANEUVER_POWER, 2.5 *

degree = 178;
while (degree > 100)
degree = degree - 5;
return position;

//adjustment to get off grass

void get_off_my_grass()
if (midopto.Value() > 3.0 || rightopto.Value() > 3.0)
while (midopto.Value() > 3.0 || rightopto.Value() > 3.0)
move_straight(-10, -10, COUNTS_1_INCH, ONLY_LEFT);


//driving straight
void move_straight(int percentR, int percentL, int counts, int switches) //using
//Declare state variable (whether or not the robot should self-adjust against
a wall)
int state;

//Reset encoder counts


//Decision structure for state of swtitches

if (switches == 1)
state = ONLY_LEFT_HIT;

if (switches == 2)
if (switches == 3)
if (switches == 4)
state = EITHER_HIT;

int n = 0;
tstart = TimeNow();
//set motor percentage to start driving

//Drive straight until encoder count is reached or a bump switch is pressed

while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < counts &&
frontleft.Value() == 1 && frontright.Value() == 1 && n == 0)
if (TimeNow() - tstart > 7.0)
n = 1;

switch (state)

//both motors stop if left bump switch is pressed


if (frontleft.Value() == 0)


//both motors stop if right bump switch is pressed


if (frontright.Value() == 0)


//robot straightens itself against wall


//drive forward until encoder count is reached or until both bump

switches are pressed
while (frontright.Value() == 1 || frontleft.Value() == 1)
//keep motors running if bump switches are not pressed
if (frontright.Value() == 1)
if (frontleft.Value() == 1)

//stop motors if corresponding bump switch is pressed

if (frontleft.Value() == 0)

if (frontright.Value() == 0)

if (frontright.Value() ==0 || frontleft.Value() == 0)


//if either bump switch is pressed, back up to release switches

if (frontleft.Value() == 0 || frontright.Value() == 0)
while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < 1);

//Stop motors if not stopped in any case



//turn right
void turn_right(int percent, int counts)
//using encoders
//Declare variable for partial turn adjustment
int partturn;

//Reset encoder counts


//Set both motors to desired percent

//hint: set right motor backwards, left motor forwards

//Turn until encoder count is reached or a bump switch is pressed

while(((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < counts) &&
frontleft.Value() == 1 && frontright.Value() == 1);

//Stop motors

//Determine how much of turn is remaining

partturn = counts - ((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2.);

if (frontleft.Value() == 0 || frontright.Value() == 0)
//Back up off of the wall that was hit
while ((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < (1 *

//Reset encoder counts


//Turn the remaining amount of the orignial turn

while ((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < partturn);

//turn left
void turn_left(int percent, int counts)
//using encoders
//Declare variable for partial turn adjustment
int partturn;

//Reset encoder counts


//Set both motors to desired percent

//Turn until encoder count is reached or a bump switch is pressed

while(((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < counts) &&
frontleft.Value() == 1 && frontright.Value() == 1);

//Stop motors

//Determine how much of turn is remaining

partturn = counts - ((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2.);

if (frontleft.Value() == 0 || frontright.Value() == 0)
//Back up off of the wall that was hit
while ((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < (1 *

//Reset encoder counts


//Turn the remaining amount of the orignial turn

while ((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < partturn);


//blue line
void line_follow_blue(int counts)

//Declare local optosensor value variables
float leftvalue, midvalue, rightvalue;
//Declare local state function value variable for line following
int position;

//Reset encoder counts

tstart = TimeNow();

LCD.WriteLine("I'm following a line!");

//Follow a straight line for the given distance/counts

while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < counts &&
TimeNow() - tstart < 1.5)
leftvalue = leftopto.Value();
midvalue = midopto.Value();
rightvalue = rightopto.Value();

if (midvalue > MIDOPTO_BLUE)

position = ON_LINE;
if (leftvalue < LEFTOPTO_BLUE)
position = LINE_ON_RIGHT;
if (rightvalue < RIGHTOPTO_BLUE)
position = LINE_ON_LEFT;

switch (position)
leftmotor.SetPercent(L_GENTLE_POWER + 10);
case ON_LINE:

rightmotor.SetPercent(R_GENTLE_POWER + 10);

//black line
void line_follow_black(int counts)
//Declare local optosensor value variables
float leftvalue, midvalue, rightvalue;
//Declare local state function value variable for line following
int position;

tstart = TimeNow();

//Reset encoder counts


//Follow a straight line for the given distance/counts

while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < counts &&
TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0)
leftvalue = leftopto.Value();
midvalue = midopto.Value();
rightvalue = rightopto.Value();

if (midvalue > MIDOPTO_BLACK)

position = ON_LINE;
if (leftvalue < LEFTOPTO_BLACK)
position = LINE_ON_RIGHT;
if (rightvalue < RIGHTOPTO_BLACK)
position = LINE_ON_LEFT;

switch (position)
leftmotor.SetPercent(L_GENTLE_POWER + 15);
case ON_LINE:
rightmotor.SetPercent(R_GENTLE_POWER + 15);

/********RPS FUNCTIONS*******/
//check RPS heading angle
void check_heading(float heading)

//this function is skipped if the robot is in a dead zone or not seen by RPS
if (RPS.X() > -1)

float upperbound, lowerbound;

tstart = TimeNow();

//adjust upper and lower bounds to reflect the same degree measurements
as the RPS
if (upperbound >= 360)
{ upperbound = upperbound - 360; }
if (lowerbound < 0)
{ lowerbound = lowerbound + 360; }

//if acceptable range is positioned over 0 degrees
/*NOTE: the "upper" angle is less than the "lower" angle in this scenario
of their relative positions when viewed in the standard unit circle*/
//i.e., the "upper" angle is in the 0-90 degree quadrant, the "lower" in
if (upperbound < lowerbound)
//turn until heading is within 2 degrees of the desired angle or 5
seconds has passed since starting the adjustment
while ((RPS.Heading() > upperbound) && (RPS.Heading() < lowerbound)
&& (TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0))
//if angled 180-270 degrees
if (lowerbound - RPS.Heading() < RPS.Heading() - upperbound)
{ turn_left(20, 1);
//if angled 0-180 degrees
if (lowerbound - RPS.Heading() > RPS.Heading() - upperbound)
{ turn_right(20, 1);

//if acceptable range does not cover 0 degrees

if (upperbound > lowerbound)
//turn until heading is within 2 degrees of the desired angle or 5
seconds has passed since starting the adjustment
while ((RPS.Heading() < lowerbound && (TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0)) ||
((RPS.Heading() > upperbound) && (TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0)))
if (RPS.Heading() < lowerbound)

//turn right if correct heading is to the right
if (RPS.Heading()+(360-upperbound) < lowerbound -
turn_right(20, 1);
//turn left if correct heading is to the left

if (RPS.Heading()+(360-upperbound) > lowerbound -
{ turn_left(20, 1);

if (RPS.Heading() > upperbound)

//turn left if correct heading is to the left
if ((lowerbound+360-RPS.Heading()) < (RPS.Heading() -
{ turn_left(20, 1);
//turn right if correct heading is to the right
if ((lowerbound+360-RPS.Heading()) > (RPS.Heading() -
{ turn_right(20, 1);

//check RPS X coordinate while front of robot is in the +X direction

void check_x_plus(float x_coordinate)

//this function is skipped if the robot is in a dead zone or not seen by RPS
if (RPS.X() > -1)
tstart = TimeNow();

//check whether the robot is within an acceptable range

while ((RPS.X() < x_coordinate - 1 && (TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0))||
((RPS.X() > x_coordinate + 1)&& (TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0)))
LCD.WriteLine("checking x plus");
//pulse backward if too far forward
if(RPS.X() > x_coordinate)

//Reset encoder counts

//pulse the motors for a short duration in the correct direction

while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < 1);

//Turn off motors

//pulse forward if too far backward
else if(RPS.X() < x_coordinate)
//Reset encoder counts

//pulse the motors for a short duration in the correct direction

while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < 1);

//Turn off motors


//check RPS y coordinate while front of robot is in the -y direction

void check_y_minus(float y_coordinate)
//this function is skipped if the robot is in a dead zone or not seen by RPS
if (RPS.Y() > -1)
tstart = TimeNow();

//check whether the robot is within an acceptable range

while (((RPS.Y() < y_coordinate - 1) || (RPS.Y() > y_coordinate + 1)) &&
(TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0))

LCD.WriteLine("checking y minus");
if(RPS.Y() > y_coordinate + 1)
//Reset encoder counts

//pulse the motors for a short duration in the correct direction

while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < 1);

//Turn off motors


else if(RPS.Y() < y_coordinate - 1)

//Reset encoder counts

//pulse the motors for a short duration in the correct direction

while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < 1);

//Turn off motors


LCD.WriteLine(TimeNow() - tstart);
LCD.WriteLine("I'm not stuck");

//check RPS y coordinate while front is pointing in +y direction

void check_y_plus(float y_coordinate)

//this function is skipped if the robot is in a dead zone or not seen by RPS
if (RPS.X() > -1)

tstart = TimeNow();
//check whether the robot is within an acceptable range

while((RPS.Y() < y_coordinate - 1 && (TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0)) ||

(RPS.Y() > y_coordinate + 1 && (TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0)))

LCD.WriteLine("checking y plus");
if(RPS.Y() > y_coordinate)

//Reset encoder counts

//pulse the motors for a short duration in the correct direction

while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < 1);

//Turn off motors


else if(RPS.Y() < y_coordinate)

//Reset encoder counts

//pulse the motors for a short duration in the correct direction

while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < 1);

//Turn off motors



void check_x_minus(float x_coordinate) //using RPS while robot is in the -x


//this function is skipped if the robot is in a dead zone or not seen by RPS
if (RPS.X() > -1)
tstart = TimeNow();
//check whether the robot is within an acceptable range

while((RPS.X() < x_coordinate - 1 && (TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0)) ||

((RPS.X() > x_coordinate + 1)&& (TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0)))

LCD.WriteLine("checking x minus");
if(RPS.X() > x_coordinate)

//Reset encoder counts



//pulse the motors for a short duration in the correct direction



while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < 1);

//Turn off motors



else if(RPS.X() < x_coordinate)

//Reset encoder counts


//pulse the motors for a short duration in the correct direction

while((leftencoder.Counts() + rightencoder.Counts()) / 2. < 1);

//Turn off motors

void diag_position_adjust(float refX, float refY, float goalH)
//adjustment before approaching crank
//this adjustment will only be executed if dead zone is limited to the garage
if (RPS.IsDeadzoneActive() == 2)
tstart = TimeNow();
while ((RPS.X() != -2) && (TimeNow() - tstart < 5.0))
move_straight(15, 15, 1, ONLY_LEFT);

Appendix F: Budget
Table F1: The Excel table that displays all purchased parts with their ID’s, dimensions, quantity purchased, price per unit,
total price, order number, and date of order.

Part Part ID Dimensions Quantity Price per Unit Total Price Order Date
Laser Cut Chassis LASER01 1 $10.68 $10.68 1 15-Feb
VEX Motor Axle Rod, 3 VEXAX07 3" length 2 $0.75 $1.50 1 15-Feb
VEX Wheels 2.75" WHLVEX01 2.75" diam. 2 $2.50 $5.00 1 15-Feb
Plastic Spoons - 2 $0.01 $0.02 - 15-Feb
VEX Motor 393 MOT11 2 $15.00 $30.00 2 20-Feb
VEX Encoder VEXENC 2 $10.00 $20.00 2 20-Feb
Analog Optosensor SENOPTA 2 $0.77 $1.54 2 20-Feb
Line Following Circuit Board ELEC02 1 $1.00 $1.00 2 20-Feb
6 Pack #6 Screws, Nuts, Washers SCREW10 0.75" screws 1 $0.20 $0.20 3 20-Feb
Motor Terminal Block MOTTERM 2 $0.05 $0.10 4 20-Feb
6 Pack #8 Screws, Nuts, Washers SCREW04 0.75" screws 1 $0.20 $0.20 5 20-Feb
Plastic Spacer 038B Small OD 2 $0.22 $0.44 6 20-Feb
Velcro Strips VELCRO per inch 6 $0.15 $0.90 7 20-Feb
Carboard - 2.0" x 4.0" 1 $0.01 $0.01 - 20-Feb
Microswitch SENSWSS Straight blade, small 1 $1.00 $1.00 8 21-Feb
Laser Cut Attachments LASER01 1 $7.21 $7.21 8 21-Feb
Rubber Bands RBAND03 Wide 8 $0.03 $0.24 9, 10, 11 22-Feb
Shrink Tubing ELEC13 3/32" diameter, per foot 1 $0.20 $0.20 12 26-Feb
High-Torque FITEC Servo Motor MOT14 2 $12.00 $24.00 12 26-Feb
Red Plastic Filter FILTERR 3" x 3" 1 $0.10 $0.10 13 26-Feb
Male Header Strip SENHDRM 36 pins 1 $0.60 $0.60 14 27-Feb
3D Printed Mechanisms 3D 1 $3.23 $3.23 15 28-Feb
Epoxy EPOXY 1 $0.20 $0.20 16 1-Mar
Epoxy EPOXY 1 $0.20 $0.20 17 5-Mar
3D Printed Revised Crank Mechanism 3D 1 $3.09 $3.09 18 7-Mar
Laser Cut QR Mount LASER01 1 $9.78 $9.78 19 7-Mar
Epoxy EPOXY 1 $0.20 $0.20 20 8-Mar
Rubber Bands RBAND03 Wide 4 $0.03 $0.12 21 29-Mar
Rubber Bands RBAND03 Wide 8 $0.03 $0.24 22 4-Apr
Paper - 3" x 3" 1 $0.01 $0.01 - 11-Apr
Crystals - 4 $0.20 $0.80 - 11-Apr

Appendix G: Schedule
Table G1: The schedule of all the tasks is shown, including estimated and actual start and finish times, due dates, estimated and
actual hours, and labels of which team members were primary (P), secondary (S), or just contributors (C) to a task.

Task Est. Est. Due Actual Actual Katie Luke Kara Chris Est. Act.
Start Finish Date Start Finish Hrs Hrs

Sketches, Designs, 2-Feb 6-Feb 7-Feb 2-Feb 6-Feb P P P P 3 5

and Strategy

Decision Matrices 2-Feb 5-Feb 7-Feb 2-Feb 5-Feb P P P P 2 4

Design Schedule 2-Feb 7-Feb 9-Feb 2-Feb 9-Feb P P P P 1 2

Mockup/Solid Model 8-Feb 10-Feb 12-Feb 8-Feb 11-Feb P S 3 9.5

Solid Works 8-Feb 10-Feb 12-Feb 9-Feb 11-Feb P 2 7


Physical Model 8-Feb 10-Feb 12-Feb 8-Feb 8-Feb P S 1 2.5

Drivetrain Analysis 9-Feb 12-Feb 14-Feb 12-Feb 12-Feb P P 1 2

Initial Materials List 12-Feb 14-Feb N/A 12-Feb 19-Feb P 1 1.5

Laser Cut Chassis 14-Feb 14-Feb 15-Feb 14-Feb 15-Feb P S 4 10


Chassis 16-Feb 16-Feb 23-Feb 16-Feb 19-Feb S P 1 3


Exploration 1 Report 11-Feb 15-Feb 16-Feb 14-Feb 16-Feb P P P P 1 2


Agendas and Notes 2-Feb ongoin 19-Feb 2-Feb C C S P 1 1


Purchased Parts List 12-Feb ongoin N/A 12-Feb P 4.5

& Budget g

Drivetrain 20-Feb 20-Feb 23-Feb 20-Feb 20-Feb C P C S 1 4.5


CdS Cell 20-Feb 20-Feb 23-Feb 20-Feb 22-Feb P S C C 1 2.5


Final Report Outline 19-Feb 20-Feb 21-Feb 19-Feb 20-Feb C C C P 1.5 1.5

Laser Cut 20-Feb 28-Feb N/A 21-Feb 21-Feb P S 3 4.5

Attachments CAD

Line Following 20-Feb 28-Feb N/A 21-Feb C P S 2 9


Bump Switches 26-Feb 28-Feb N/A 22-Feb 28-Feb S P C 2 4


Complete Car Jack 16-Feb 21-Feb 23-Feb 20-Feb 23-Feb P C S 2 6


Complete Drive 16-Feb 21-Feb 23-Feb 20-Feb 23-Feb S C P 2 3


Task Est. Est. Due Actual Actual Katie Luke Kara Chris Est. Act.
Start Finish Date Start Finish Hrs Hrs

Exploration 2 16-Feb 21-Feb 23-Feb 22-Feb 23-Feb P P P P 1 2.5


Report for Peer 20-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb 24-Feb 25-Feb P 4 4


Draft of the 20-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb 24-Feb 25-Feb P 2 1.5


Draft of Prelim. 20-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb 24-Feb 25-Feb P 2 2.5

Concepts & Ideas

Code Representation 21-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb 23-Feb 25-Feb S P 3 4

Represent and 21-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb 23-Feb 25-Feb S P 1.5 2

Describe Main

Represent Custom 21-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb 23-Feb 25-Feb S P 1.5 2


Budget and Testing 21-Feb 26-Feb 28-Feb 26-Feb S P 2.5 3.5


Summary of Current 21-Feb 26-Feb 28-Feb 26-Feb P S 1 2


Summary of Hours 21-Feb 26-Feb 28-Feb 26-Feb S P 1 1


Sample Page of 21-Feb 26-Feb 28-Feb 26-Feb S P 0.5 0.5

Testing Log

Mechanisms 3D 27-Feb 28-Feb N/A 27-Feb S P 3 3

Printing CAD

Complete Button 16-Feb 28-Feb 2-Mar 26-Feb 2-Mar C P S C 3 7


Laser Cut 26-Feb 28-Feb N/A 26-Feb 5-Mar S P 2 3


Wrench Mechanism 6-Mar 7-Mar N/A 28-Feb 6-Mar P S 3 3.5

& Motor

Crank Mechanism & 6-Mar 21- N/A 1-Mar 19- P S 3 3.5

Motor Construction Mar Mar

Revision 20-Feb 3-Mar 5-Mar 27-Feb 3-Mar C C C P 3 4

Review Another 20-Feb 2-Mar 5-Mar 27-Feb 2-Mar P P P P 2 2.5


Team Reflection 20-Feb 3-Mar 5-Mar 3-Mar 3-Mar C C C P 1 1.5

Exploration 3 Report 28-Feb 5-Mar 7-Mar 6-Mar 6-Mar P P P P 1.5 2


Task Est. Est. Due Actual Actual Katie Luke Kara Chris Est. Act.
Start Finish Date Start Finish Hrs Hrs

Crank Mechanism 5-Mar 7-Mar N/A 6-Mar 7-Mar S P 2 3

Revised 3D Printing

Laser Cut QR Code 5-Mar 7-Mar N/A 7-Mar 7-Mar P S 2 3

Attachment CAD

QR Post 8-Mar 8-Mar N/A 8-Mar 8-Mar C S C P 1 1.5


Complete Wrench 16-Feb 5-Mar 9-Mar 5-Mar 9-Mar P C S 5 10


Final Report First 6-Mar 19- 21- 6-Mar P 5 7.5

Draft Mar Mar

Complete Fuel Crank 2-Mar 21- 23- 19- S C P 6 6

Mechanism Mar Mar Mar

Electrical Systems 7-Mar 23- 26- S P 1 2

Documentation Mar Mar

Motors/Sensors 7-Mar 23- 26- S P 0.5 1

Diagram Mar Mar

Proteus Port 7-Mar 23- 26- S P 0.5 1

Connection Tables Mar Mar

Final Report Second 21- 1-Apr 2-Apr 26- C C C P 10 10

Draft Mar Mar

Isometric for Display 26- 2-Apr 4-Apr 26- P S 5 7

Mar Mar

Working Drawing 23- 15-Apr 16-Apr 26- 15-Apr P S 12 25

Set Mar Mar

Oral Report 21- 16-Apr 18-Apr 15-Apr P P P P 3 3


Final Written Report 19-Feb 20-Apr 23-Apr 19-Feb 22-Feb C C C P 20 21

Project Portfolio 2-Feb 20-Apr 23-Apr 14-Feb 22-Feb C C C P 20 22

Appendix H: SolidWorks Models
1 Proteus N/A 1
2 Chassis Assembly N/A 1
3 Drivetrain Assembly N/A 2
4 QR Mount Assembly N/A 1
5 Bump Switch Assembly N/A 2
6 Wrench Arm Assembly N/A 1
7 Line Following Assembly N/A 1
8 Crank Wheel Assembly N/A 1
9 CdS Cell Assembly N/A 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: ROBOT ASSEMBLY (2) Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:4 Dwg. No.: R19-25
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18



1 Proteus N/A 1
2 Chassis Assembly N/A 1
3 Drivetrain Assembly N/A 2
4 QR Mount Assembly N/A 1
5 Bump Switch Assembly N/A 2
6 Wrench Arm Assembly N/A 1
5 5 7 Line Following Assembly N/A 1
9 3 7
8 Crank Wheel Assembly N/A 1
9 CdS Cell Assembly N/A 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: ROBOT ASSEMBLY Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:4 Dwg. No.: R19-1
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18
1 Bump Sensor Bottom Acrylic 1
2 Bump Sensor Side Acrylic 2
3 Microswitch (Small) N/A 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: BUMP SWITCH ASSEMBLY (2) Inst.: RJF Scale: 3:1 Dwg. No.: R19-26
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18


1 Bump Sensor Bottom Acrylic 1
2 Bump Sensor Side Acrylic 2
3 Microswitch (Small) N/A 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: BUMP SWITCH ASSEMBLY Inst.: RJF Scale: 3:1 Dwg. No.: R19-2
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18

1 CdS Cell Carboard Box Carboard 1

2 CdS Cell Red Filter Plastic 1

3 CdS Cell N/A 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: CDS CELL ASSEMBLY (2) Inst.: RJF Scale: 2:1 Dwg. No.: R19-27
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18


1 CdS Cell Carboard Box Carboard 1

2 CdS Cell Red Filter Plastic 1

3 CdS Cell N/A 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: CDS CELL ASSEMBLY Inst.: RJF Scale: 2:1 Dwg. No.: R19-3
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18
1 Main Chassis Acrylic 1
2 Skid Leg Acrylic 2
3 Spoon Skid Plastic 2
4 Support Triangle Acrylic 6
5 Wire Holder Acrylic 3
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: CHASSIS ASSEMBLY (2) Inst.: RJF Scale: 3:5 Dwg. No.: R19-28
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18





1 Main Chassis Acrylic 1
2 Skid Leg Acrylic 2

3 4 3 3 Spoon Skid Plastic 2

4 Support Triangle Acrylic 6
5 Wire Holder Acrylic 3
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: CHASSIS ASSEMBLY Inst.: RJF Scale: 3:5 Dwg. No.: R19-4
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18
1 VEX_Motor N/A 1
5 Motor Wall Acrylic 1
3 VEX Axle Steel 1
4 VEX Shaft Encoder N/A 1
5 Spacer (Small OD) Plastic 1
6 VEX Wheel N/A 1
7 #6 Screw (0.75") Steel 2
8 #8 Screw (0.75") Steel 3
9 #8 Hex Nut Steel 3
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: DRIVETRAIN ASSEMBLY (2) Inst.: RJF Scale: 3:5 Dwg. No.: R19-29
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18

1 VEX_Motor N/A 1
5 Motor Wall Acrylic 1
3 VEX Axle Steel 1
4 VEX Shaft Encoder N/A 1
5 Spacer (Small OD) Plastic 1
6 VEX Wheel N/A 1
7 #6 Screw (0.75") Steel 2
8 #8 Screw (0.75") Steel 3
9 #8 Hex Nut Steel 3
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: DRIVETRAIN ASSEMBLY Inst.: RJF Scale: 3:5 Dwg. No.: R19-5
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18
1 Crank Wheel Plastic 1
2 Servo Arm N/A 1
3 FITEC Servo Motor N/A 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: CRANK WHEEL ASSEMBLY (2) Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:1 Dwg. No.: R19-30
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18


1 Crank Wheel Plastic 1
2 Servo Arm N/A 1
3 FITEC Servo Motor N/A 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: CRANK WHEEL ASSEMBLY Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:1 Dwg. No.: R19-6
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18
1 Circuit Board Holder Acrylic 4

2 Analog Optosensor N/A 3

3 Line Following Circuit Board N/A 1

The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: LINE FOLLOWING ASSEMBLY (2) Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:1 Dwg. No.: R19-31
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18




1 Circuit Board Holder Acrylic 4

2 Analog Optosensor N/A 3

3 Line Following Circuit Board N/A 1

The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: LINE FOLLOWING ASSEMBLY Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:1 Dwg. No.: R19-7
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18
1 QR Post Acrylic 4
2 QR Beam Acrylic 1
3 QR Square Acrylic 1
4 Wire Holder Acrylic 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: QR MOUNT ASSEMBLY (2) Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:2 Dwg. No.: R19-32
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18


1 QR Post Acrylic 4
2 QR Beam Acrylic 1
3 QR Square Acrylic 1
4 Wire Holder Acrylic 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: QR MOUNT ASSEMBLY Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:2 Dwg. No.: R19-8
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18
1 Wrench Tool Plastic 1
2 Servo Mount Plastic 1
3 Servo Arm N/A 1
4 FITEC Servo Motor N/A 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: WRENCH ARM ASSEMBLY (2) Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:1 Dwg. No.: R19-33
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18
4 3 2 1


1 Wrench Tool Plastic 1
2 Servo Mount Plastic 1
3 Servo Arm N/A 1
4 FITEC Servo Motor N/A 1
The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: WRENCH ARM ASSEMBLY Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:1 Dwg. No.: R19-9
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18
.630 2x .050



The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: BUMP SENSOR BOTTOM Inst.: RJF Scale: 2:1 Dwg. No.: R19-10
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18



The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: BUMP SENSOR SIDE Inst.: RJF Scale: 8:1 Dwg. No.: R19-11
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18
.450 .500

.050 .050


The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: CdS CELL CARDBOARD BOX Inst.: RJF Scale: 2:1 Dwg. No.: R19-12
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18
2.24 2.28



1.57 Approximately .25 inches deep

Original file obtained from Grab CAD

The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: SPOON HEAD Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:1 Dwg. No.: R19-13
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18



The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: SUPPORT TRIANGLE Inst.: RJF Scale: 4:1 Dwg. No.: R19-14
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/4/18




The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: WIRE HOLDER Inst.: RJF Scale: 4:1 Dwg. No.: R19-15
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/5/18
6x .450
.800 6x .230
2x .250 .450 .150 .230
2x .600
2x .230 4x .138

2.540 3.240

.130 4x .138
1.500 .400

The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: MAIN CHASSIS Inst.: RJF Scale: 2:5 Dwg. No.: R19-16
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/5/18
.13 .23

2.23 2.11


The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: SKID LEG Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:1 Dwg. No.: 4/6/18
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/6/18
.45 .23


2x .14
3x .16 .48


The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: MOTOR WALL Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:1 Dwg. No.: R19-18
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/6/18
2.50 .74
.24 .21
.10 R.53



All radii are for full circles

The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: CRANK WHEEL Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:1 Dwg. No.: R19-19
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/10/18

.06 .12



The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: CIRCUIT BOARD HOLDER Inst.: RJF Scale: 2:1 Dwg. No.: R19-20
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/6/18
.25 .23



The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: QR BEAM Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:2 Dwg. No.: R19-21
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/6/18
.75 .23



The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: QR POST Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:2 Dwg. No.: R19-22
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/6/18
.21 R.53 .24
.02 .14




All radii are for full circles

The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: SERVO MOUNT Inst.: RJF Scale: 2:1 Dwg. No.: R19-23
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18
2.86 3.80
2.99 3.50

30.00° .62

The Ohio State University Dwg. Title: WRENCH ARM Inst.: RJF Scale: 1:1 Dwg. No.: R19-24
First Year Engineering Drawn By: B6 Hour: 8:00 Units: INCH Date: 4/15/18

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