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Dalcroze Activity

Teacher Name: Mr. Crow

Standards Being Addressed:

MU:Re7.2.Ka With guidance, demonstrate how a specific music concept (such as beat or
melodic direction) is used in music.

Materials of Instruction: “Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands”

- Bass marimba
- Ball

Lesson Sequence:
Entry activity:
1. Teacher: “Can you pat with me as I play the marimba?” Students pat quarter notes with
teacher. Teacher sings the song while playing on the bass marimba
Activity Objective: 1st grade students will practice finding a steady beat to “Clap, Clap,
Clap Your Hands.”

1. Teacher uses echo strategy to teach the students the song. Teacher continues to play bass
marimba to help teach/emphasize steady beat.
2. Once students have learned the song.
3. Teacher: “Now I’m going to give you guys a little challenge. Do you remember patting
together at the beginning of class? Now we are going to see if we can pass this ball to the
same beat we patted earlier.
4. Next, have the class audiate the word ‘pass’ in their thinking voice. Teacher gives them a
good starting tempo when starting off the class.
5. Teacher: “Now I’m going to add something new. Anytime I say ‘Whoop!’ you must pass
the ball in the opposite direction.”
6. Using the bass marimba change the tempo slightly to see if the children can stay with the
7. The children will pass a ball around a small circle (like they have been) but let them
suggest how they want to move or use the ball on the chorus (‘La, la’). One possibility
for the chorus: whoever is holding a ball can step the rhythm of the eighth notes
anywhere outside the circle but return ‘home’ in the time to begin the verse again.

Closure: Good job! You guys really kept a steady beat today!

Assessment: Can all students pass the ball in time? (Teacher observation)

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