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Reader Summary

Reader: Kimiah
Grade: 3G
Tutor: Alex Schiavoni
Date: September 2018

Quantitative Summary:

In the first meeting, the tutor administered reading assessments to determine the reader’s text
level at three stages, independent, instructional, and frustration. The first text given was at a level
23. The reader scored 93% accuracy, a frustrational text for her due to difficulty with decoding
and vocabulary. In the reading, there were 14 errors, 0 self corrections, a self correction rate of
1:0 and 40 WCPM.

The second reading was with a level 17 text. The reader scored 95% accuracy, an instructional
level text due to her continuous substitution of multiple words. There were 7 errors, 5 self-
corrections, a self correction rate of 1:2 and 41 WCPM.

After scoring an instructional level on a level 14 text, the last text Kimiah read a level 12 text.
The reader scored 96%, an independent level text. There were 5 errors, 2 self-corrections, a self-
correction rate of 1:4, and 34 WCPM.

Qualitative Summary:

At the instructional level, level 17, Kimiah made some substitutions for many sight words, but
this did not affect her overall understanding of the text. She was focused on understanding the
story so she glossed over words such as “a” which she substituted for “the” and “the” for the
word “one”. These substitutions did not drastically change the meaning of the text, but shows
that she was not reading each word carefully. For words that Kimiah was unsure about, she read
them the best she could, and continued to self correct until it sounded right to her. Since Kimiah
was reading quickly and using sensible substitutions, it was clear that she was inserting the
words she believed to make the most sense in the sentence. She also found the illustrations to be
useful in her understanding of the story as a whole, but did not aid her in decoding words such as
the name of the dog, “Jip”. The one time she omit words in a sentence, the sentence was still able
to have meaning because she could understood which character was talking.

Kimiah’s fluency integration is a 2 out of 4 on the scale for assessing fluency. Her phrasing is a
little inconsistent when it comes to chunking words together that are in the same sentence and
naturally pausing at periods. Kimiah does not often make use of intonation while reading aloud,
but usually has a consistent rate. The consistent rate helps her to listen to herself speaking and
remember to go back and self correct/repeat when a word or phrase does not sound correct.

Although Kimiah’s pausing and phrasing are not completely natural yet, her comprehension
skills are very high. Even when reading frustration level texts, Kimiah’s can still tell you specific
details about what she understood from the text. When asked to retell the text, her retelling
scored at an independent level because she was able to retell the text almost page by page,
covering many specific details.

Reader Summary:

Overall, Kimiah was very focused and motivated when it came to comprehending the big picture
of the text. This sometimes led her to substitute simple words, but allowed her to have a very
detailed retell. Although Kimiah became frustrated with some texts because of their vocabulary,
she could still retell what she had understood. Kimiah’s ability to decode and use other reading
strategies allowed her to understand the main ideas of the book even when she did not
understand some of the language.

Goal/s for the reader:

Goals for Kimiah are to practice reading fluently. I would like her to work on stopping at periods
for a pause, and read sentences fluently and fully without awkward pausing. I would also like her
to practice more decoding skills for words in frustration level books. I hope to help her build a
stronger grasp on the decoding process and vocabulary for when she is reading books above her
independent level.

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