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Describing good teachers is difficult because it isn’t an easy work. A superb teacher should be a
blend of skills, roles and knowledge that now I’m going to detail meticulously. Who teachers are in
classes is so much important because they are guides, initiators, monitors, facilitator and partner of
the process of learning.
Personality there is no a perfect teacher’s personality but I can say that teacher may be a mix
between kind, to have a nice feedback, and tight, to control the classroom.
Adaptability is as important as the teacher personality. It can show us the real teacher’s vocation to
finding the way to solve unexpected problems which can appear at any moment in the classroom.
There is different Teacher’s roles such as controller (who takes under control the classroom),
prompters (who makes feel students comfortable and encourage them to achieve the goal),
assessors (who congratulates students when they are a good job), resource (who provides
information), tutor (who guides the students’ work)
A good teacher should start establishing a rapport in the classroom. It can be reached through four
steps. Recognising students is important to them, because it makes feel them individual persons
and no like objects. Furthermore, it generates more confidence. The teacher should be able to
Listening to the students in order to show them interest in their production. Respecting students is
fundamental, not only in a teaching/learning process, but in any human relationship. It can help
teachers to avoid indiscipline. Being even-handed in the classroom is the best way to show respect
to the students, teachers must work with impartiality.
Be a teacher is not a relationship with students, he or she should perform certain tasks:
Preparation helps to develop an effective lesson, teachers must take into consideration each detail
when he or she are going to carry out a lesson plan. Keeping records can allow teachers to keep a
well-organised register of the class which is important to know what to do next. Being reliable is a
difficult work but teachers can do it through showing their students how reliable they are. It means
practising what teachers preach, students can form a habit of it and can be more responsible.
Teacher skills as we could note in the course of the text, roles, rapport and tasks are vital to be a
good teacher, but skills are not less important.
Managing classes show us the teacher’s ability to carry out a lesson plan, organizing student groups
of work or making them work individually depending the teacher necessity and the topic difficulty.
It helps teacher to avoid bad behaviours and build the correct environment to study.
Teachers should think carefully about matching activities and topics to the different groups that
they teach in order to catch their attention.
Successful teachers carry out a Variety of activities and topics over a period of time, it allow us
ensure that learner roles are not always the same and they are able to interchange roles and
produce in various activities.
Destination is the way how a teacher shows the students an idea about where they are going, what
they are studying and what they need it for.
Teacher knowledge is a fundamental tool to know what equipment and material are available in
the school and how to use it.
The language system and how it works is fundamental to be known by the teacher. It means know
the grammar structures, lexical system and pronunciation. A good teacher can explain for instance
grammar concepts and how or when used it.
Teachers should use different Material and resources such as books or websites to look for
information to clear the student’s doubts and he or she should be able to manage the chosen
coursebook. A good teacher should be able to use the Classroom equipment correctly, nowadays
technology is very important to innovate the teaching activity. Keeping up to date gives to the
teacher to find out new ways to teach because the knowledge is not static that’s why teachers
should be updated, it could be improved through teacher’s magazines, websites, books, etc.
Art or science? We could say that teachers are a blending of art and science. Understanding the
language system and how applied it, it could be consider as a science. On the other hand, if we
analyse how the teacher builds relationships between students and how he or she manages the
students’ work groups, how he or she achieve a good rapport, etc. , it could be considered as an art.

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