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Unit 7 Describing and comparing

Pag. 40

7.1 Comparisons and contrast

Exercise A. Comparing cities

1.- Bigger

2.- More populated

3.- Dryer

4.- Shorter

5.- More recent

6.- Cooler

7.- Longer

Exercise B. Incorrect statistics


1.- The hottest

2.- The most populated

3.- The driest

4.- The oldest

5.- The coldest

6.- The smallest

7.- The shortest


1.- Tabasco is smaller than Sonora

2.- Tabasco is least cold than Chihuahua in winter

3.- Tabasco isn't safer than Mérida

4.- Tabasco is prettier than CDMX

5.- Tabasco is less populated than Durango

Exercise C. Travel, Tip, and journey

1.- Travel

2.- Trip

3.- Trip

4.- Travel

5.- Travel

6.- Journey

7.- Journey

7.2 Describing products and services

Exercise A. Describing processes

1.- Is picked up

2.- Recorded

3.- Is taken

4.- Is sent

5.- Flied

6.- Is located

7.- Is transported

8.- Transfer

9.- Is delivered

10.- Is monitored

Exercise B. Active or passive?

1.- Is spoken, speaks

2.- Make, Makes

3.- Used

4.- Given, gives

5.- Arranged

6.- Showed

7.- Sold, sells

Exercise C. Word Puzzle

1.- Database

2.- Process

3.- Customer

4.- Within

5.- Arrange

6.- Repair

7.- Can apply

8.- Delivered

9.- Cashier

10.- Send

11.- Resolve

12.- Technicians

Exercise D. Word partners

1.- Customer

2.- Cashier

3.- Within

4.- Resolve

5.- Delivered

6.- Arrange
7.3 Evaluating products

Exercise A. Describing objects

Bed Diskette Door Coin

3 14 4 1 18
10 19 20 12 2
11 15 9 7 6
16 8 5 13 17

Exercise B. Size and dimension

B.1 Complete the table


Long Longer The longest Length
Deep Deeper The deepest Depth
High Higher The highest Height
Wide Wider The widest Width
Heavy Heavier The heaviest Weight

B.2 Now complete the following sentences using words from the table

1.- Long

2.- Weight

3.- The longest

4.- Height, Higher

5.- Wide, High

6.- Deep
Exercise C. Pronunciation

My Why High White Wide Height

Ten Wet Depth Length Red Heavy
Day Eight Weight Grey
Sit It Deep Width
See Be Green Pink

Exercise D. Giving opinions

1.- Think

2.- I think Ireland isn´t

3.- In

4.- What

5.- I agree

6.- I don’t agree

7.- me

8.- are

9.- I think

10.- I think so

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