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STANDARISASI HASIL BELAJAR (SHB) SEMESTER GENAP 4. The Indonesian flag is........... (Merah-putih)
TAHUN PELAJARAN 2015/2016 a. blue-white c. White-brown
b. red-white d. Brown-black
5. I have a bag,. The color is ............... (Abu-abu)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama :
a. blue c. red
Hari/ Tanggal : Nomor:
b. brown d. gray
Kelas : I (SATU) Waktu : 90 Menit
6. A : What color is the bike?
B : it is..................(merah muda)
My Classroom a. pink c. grey
b. red d. white
That is my classroom 7. A : is the t-shirt white?
We study there everyday B : No, it.................
We get many lessons a. is not c. Yes, it is
Our teacher is Mrs. Deniyeh b. is d. Iam Yes
She is very kind and friendly 8. I write the words tidily with a.......
a. Book c. Bag
I. complete the sentences! (Lengkapi kalimat berikut) b. Pen d. erasser
9. A : What is it?
1. That is my ............................................... B : it is..................
a. compass c. book
2. We study there......................................... b. bottle d. lunch box
3. We get many ........................................... 10. I keep my.... in the pencilcase
a. dictionary.
4. Our teacher is .......................................... b. pencil case
5. She is very ............... and ........................ c. bag
d. eraser
11. Good Afternoon artinya........
II. Choose the correct answer ! (Pilihlah Jawaban yang benar) a. Selamat Siang c. Selamat Malam
b. Selamat Sore d. Selamat Tidur
1. “U” it is........... 12. Good Bye artinya........
a. Ti c. ai a. Selamat Tinggal c. Selamat Makan
b. doubel yu d. yu
b. Selamat Pagi d. Selamat Siang
2. “F” it is...........
a. fi c. fu 13. I like playing...............
b. fo d. ef a. Rope skiping c. slide
3. A : What color is the book? b. See saw d. Swing
B : it is..................(Putih)
14. Vito and Cindy wants to play......
a. Rope skiping c. slide
b. See saw d. swing
15. I can play.....................
a. Rope skiping c. slide
b. See saw d. swing

III. Translate into English Language !

(Terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggris)

1. Selamat Pagi = ......................................................

2. Kolam =.......................................................
3. Penggaris =.......................................................
4. Kamar Tidur =.......................................................
5. Layang-layang =.....................................................

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