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To imposed equal treatment, the program‘s policy should be directed with impartiality,
fairness, and justice towards the beneficiaries. The officials involved in the project must not display
biased treatment to any members and beneficiaries.

Also, as not to limit the role of the farmers as mere beneficiaries only, NOAP must give them
a proper guidance, training, institutional and resource support to become implementers and
partners in the conduct of research. In this way, they could stand independently on their own and at
the same time, they could help their fellow farmers.

In the distribution of the seeds, the program must set proper rules on which it could help to
determine the adequate and right amount of the seeds to allocate to each farmer or beneficiary. In
addition to this, they must ensure that the official assigned must not show biased treatment to any

To promote equality between males and females, NAOP must ensure a gender perspective
in the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including
legislation, policies or programs, in all areas and at all levels. In such way, gender mainstreaming
would be necessary to advance gender equality and equity in the development of plans and
programs for organic agriculture. To be truly effective, crafting of policies, plans, programs, and
projects should take into account the differing needs and conditions of women and men in the
sector. The organic agriculture development plan will have to consider policies, plans, programs and
projects that will strive for more equal rights, benefits and opportunities, and participation in all
activities for both men and women.

The policy embedded in the program is not only to ensure that it is properly regulated but
also promotes equality and equity to all beneficiaries.


In order to achieve the goals or visions of the organization which is to become a vagriculture
sector that contributing an overall growth and development of the country, in terms of
sustainability, competitiveness and food security; the National Organic Agriculture Program (NOAP)
should present the ideal, but an achievable outcome. They must consider the factors that could
affect the implementation of the project. Moreover, they must set parameters or limitations in their
overall strategy to ensure that they do not overdo the strategic visions they set. Furthermore, the
most effective way to have a good strategic vision is to ask the beneficiaries and the officials
involved in the program and know what they really need in order to effectively implement it. They
should firsts interview the farmers before conceptualizing the details of the said project so that they
could really know what they must put in the program and also to know what appropriate action they
should do.

Overall the NOAP aims to promote, propagate, further develop and implement the practice of
organic agriculture in the Philippines towards a competitive and sustainable organic industry that
contributes to better farm incomes and sustainable livelihood, improved health, environmental
protection, disaster risk reduction and resilience to climate change, and social justice.

To accomplish these following goals, NOAP must do the following:

 Increased farm productivity, reduced expenses on imported farm inputs, better incomes for
farmers and reduction of poverty in the rural sector;
 Protect the health of farmers, consumers and the public in general;
 Enhanced soil fertility and farm biodiversity, reduced pollution and destruction of the
environment as well as prevention of further depletion of natural resources;
 Improved resiliency to disaster risks and climate change vulnerabilities caused by human
interventions and naturally induced hazards through diversification and less exposure to
external inputs; and
 Meeting the basic materials needs and improving the standard of living for all, upholding
human rights, gender equality, labor standards and the right to self-determination.

Moreover, the project must incorporate the laws that appropriate and that could help defines
the overall framework and strategies of their program. Also, they must provide an indication of its
key performance measures.

Key program strategies for the successful NOAP are as follows: continuous policy, legal and
institutional reforms, the public-private partnership, participatory/ multi-stakeholder process,
integration/ convergence with existing development initiatives, local-national-global relationship,
counter parting/ cost-sharing, and ecologically- sound, socially acceptable and area-based
interventions. These strategies must consistent with the thrust of the current leadership of the
Department of Agriculture (DA) on broad- based growth and development ; better grass-roots
participation in development efforts; adherence to certain quality assurance system; and lastly,
further strengthening national-local and global linkages for OA.
To address the challenges and issues facing of the sector, there must be programmatic
development intervention including positively contributing to the overall equitable growth and
development envisioned in the Philippine Development Plan as well as in the Agri-Pinoy Framework
and Strategy of the current leadership of Department of Agriculture.

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