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10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 of our interstate overseas additional supplementary package. If that hasn’t been filled in correctly or they have provided the scores in a way that is merely descriptive: superior, gifted, whatever they say, and we can’t deal with it, we can’t quantify it, and this is the only thing on which we can depend, then in those cases the psychologist will be contacted and asked for clarification. But I’ve got to say that that’s in the case where people are relying entirely on those alternate marks. If they're presented as additional evidence of academic merit and there is something wrong with them they're just discounted. Q. Without contact? A. Mmm. Q. Without, sort of, going into the details of how the chart works and how those profile scores are calculated, can you describe briefly, sort of, whether it’s a complicated process or a simple process, like mathematically it’s complicated? A. Incorporating an IQ? Q. The process that would be involved if you were calculating a profile score based on that - including that IQ score. A. There are two ways in which we use - which selection committees can use IQ scores. One of them as the equivalent of our profile score for students who come with no other information. But there is another process which enables the selection committee to incorporate into the score an IQ equivalent, a most likely - a partial most likely equivalent. I guess it is a little bit complex in that you say to the selection committee, on the one hand we have told parents they can give us other evidence of academic merit and IQ’s can be interpreted as another piece of evidence of academic merit provided that it’s under two years old and all of those things. However, there is nothing to say that our procedures, our general ability test, our school marks or anything like that are at fault in this case. So there’s no ~ the selection committee can say, all right, I will incorporate this 10 score into the profile score because it’s a piece of evidence of academic merit. Another selection committee will say, no, even though it’s under two years and it’s this, that and the other thing, we won’t incorporate it because this really is a piece of evidence that somebody can go out and pay for to get. They can get another bite of the cherry and that is not equitable. So selection committees can go either way on this. They can say, all right, let’s incorporate this but there’s nothing at all wrong with our process so we'll just incorporate it in the following formula, we'll take one-third of the IQ most equivalent profile and we’ll take two-thirds of the general ability component of that profile and we will aggregate that. So that usually makes a difference of a few marks if it makes a difference at all. So that’s how the partial most likely profile is incorporated. But as I 29/11/05 14 POLLAK X 10 15 20 25 30 35 4a 45 50 55 say other selection committees will say, no, that’s really giving the wealthy another stab at it so we won’t use it. Q. The criteria you just referred to, one-third 19, two-thirds-- A. General ability. Q. --general ability, can I just show you a page from Mrs Challita’s statement which is the one filed 4 November in 053290 and there’s a bit which has sort of been highlighted. A. Yeah. Q. Does that reflect the kind of calculation you were talking about? A. It does, yes, one-third 1Q, two-thirds general ability test, that’s what GAT stands for. LUDLOW: That’s annexure B to that statement. MONTGOMERY: Which statement is that? LUDLOW: That’s the statement of Mrs Challita filed on 4 November in 053290. Q. How many staff work in the selective schools unit that you are a part of? A. At the moment we have nine permanent officers and up to 26 seasonal data entry people. However, that’s only occurred since the restructure. We used to have - and those nine people include now five education officers. Before 2004 we had three education officers, the leader of the team and two SEO 1s and in 2003 I was an SEO 1 in the unit. Q. The seasonal staff you refer to, what kind of season? Are they casual staff or are they just employed for certain times of the year? A. They're data entry and telephone staff, yes. Q. You’re aware that Mrs Challita has made a number of freedom of information applications to the department, some of which pertain to selective schools and opportunity class applications. A. I am. Q. Your unit - I think you state in your statement that you hold a number of files and folders relating to those applications. A. We do. Q. If it was necessary to go through those files and folders - at the moment they’re stored I believe, is that correct? AL Yes. Q. If it was necessary to go through those files and folders to locate particular information relating to the 29/11/05 15 POLLAK X

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