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-netGroup netGrpName
-layer {id | id1:id2}
{[{-centerLine { x1 y1 x2 y2 } -width value } [-beginExt value ] [-
endExt value ]] | -rect { x1 y1 x2 y2 }}

Create bus guides associated with net groups, to guide routing for all the nets of the specified net
group. You can create horizontal, vertical, and 45-degree bus guide segments. 45-degree bus
guides are required for flip chip routing.
Use this command after defining a net group that will be associated with the new bus guide
After a bus guide is created, you can modify its layer or width later by using
the update_bus_guide command.

-help Prints a brief description that includes type and default
information for each createBusGuide parameter.
For a detailed description of the command and all of its
parameters, use the man command:
man createBusGuide .

-beginExt value Specifies the value, in microns, by which the bus guide segment is
to be extended in the beginning.

-centerLine x1 y1 x2 y2

Specifies the coordinates of the center line of the bus guide

The direction of the guide segment is derived from the x1 y1 x2
y2 coordinate values.

Note: Non-orthogonal bus guide segments are not supported.

-endExt value Specifies the value, in microns, by which the bus guide segment is
to be extended in the end.
-layer Specifies the routing layer constraint honored by the router.
{ id | id1 :id2 } Icon
Routing done on non-preferred routing layers or on layers which
are not part of the specified layer constraint can have high cost
-netGroupnetGrpName Specifies the name of the net group that will be associated with
the new bus guide segment that you are creating.
-rect { x1 y1 x2 Specifies the lower-left and upper-right coordinates of the
y2 } rectangle formed by the bus guide segment.
-width value Specifies the width, in microns, of the bus guide segment that you
are creating.


 The following command creates a horizontal bus guide segment whose width is 120 microns,
and layer constraint is from METAL4 to METAL8:
createBusGuide -netGroup netGroup1 -centerLine 4421.8 10749.36 4960.8
10749.36 -width 120 -layer METAL4:METAL8
 The following command creates a bus guide segment whose lower-left coordinate is at pt { 464
1240 } and upper-right coordinate is at pt { 528 1260 } for the net group test and with a layer
constraint of Metal1 to Metal4:
createBusGuide -netGroup test -layer {1:4} -rect {464 1240 528 1260}
 The following command creates a 45-degree bus guide segment:
createBusGuide -netGroup test3Group -centerLine 400 500 450 550 -width 20 -
layer {METAL7:METAL8}

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