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Emotional Intelligence

Uzezi Eta

Health behavior

Jonathan Hood

16 February 2018

According to John Mayer, emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to Perceive,

comprehend and deal with our own particular feelings. it can also be seen as Perceiving,

comprehending and impacting the feelings of others (Mayer, n.d.). Mayer also claimed that

staying alert that feelings can drive our conduct and affect individuals (decidedly and adversely),

and figure out how to deal with those feelings; both our own and others; particularly when we

are experiencing tension. There are four (4) aspects of emotional intelligence which include: self-

awareness, social awareness/empathy, self-management and relationship management.

Self-awareness is defined as monitoring distinctive parts of the self including qualities, practices,

and sentiments. Basically, it is a mental state in which oneself turns into the focal point of

consideration (Cherry, 2017). There are two types which include private and public self-

awareness. When people are aware of how they look or appear to others (eg talking to a group of

people) that is an example of public self-awareness. Private self-awareness happens when

individuals end up mindful of a few parts of themselves, however just privately (Cherry, 2017).

E.g. looking at your pretty face in the mirror, blushing when you see your crush pass by etc.

Social awareness/empathy is the ability for someone to respond and understand the needs of

others. e.g. caring, listening, understanding, trust etc.

Self-management refers to the “tasks that an individual must undertake to live well with one or

more chronic conditions. These tasks include gaining confidence to deal with medical

management, role management, and emotional management” (Adams, Greiner & Corrigan,

2004). This definition touches on some few things talked about in class like getting along well

with others, handling conflict effectively etc.


Relationship Management incorporates the recognizable proof, investigation, and administration

of associations with individuals inside and outside of your group and also their advancement

through criticism and instructing. It additionally joins your capacity to impart, induce, and lead

others, while being immediate and legit without estranging individuals (Goleman, n.d.). Some

example of relationship management includes leadership, communication, etc.

After defining the 4 aspects of emotional intelligence and getting to know the meaning and some

examples, I have assessed my emotional intelligence based on experience in an evaluation of

either poor, fair, good, very good, excellent. Based on my personal outcomes, I came to

conclusion to this evaluation:

Self-awareness: good

Comment: I can talk to a group of people but sometimes I get shy and start to wonder what

others are saying about me.

Social awareness: excellent

Comment: this is an aspect where I excel at. I love to care for people, listen to people’s problems

like it's my own.

Relationship management: fair

Self-management: very good

Comment: this can be just basic things like brushing our teeth, brushing our hair and even

wearing a seat belt.

I took two online emotional intelligence tests to compare and contrast the results with my

personal evaluation.





Based on the results of the online test, I easily deal with my emotions and personality. I might

not always give myself enough credit and underestimate myself but I can quickly find my

confidence back. I trust my own judgments and do not let others influence them.” (memorado

test results, 2018). This is a comparison with my own evaluation because It falls into the

category of self-confidence, getting along with others, and caring what others are going through.

The second test gave a score of 16/20. From this test, I discovered that I am naturally well

attuned to others’ emotions. This discovery matches my evaluation of social awareness which is


Not everybody is perfect, especially not me! There are things concerning my emotional

intelligence I need to work on to improve. In the aspect of self-awareness, I need to learn how to

talk in public without thinking about what people are saying. I just need to focus on the

information I am passing on. This would help me a lot when it comes to presentations and public

speaking. In the aspect of self-management, I just need to be able to manage my time and to

make sure I have everything in order. In the aspect relationship management, I need to improve

on how to set a good example for others. Be a good leader. And lastly, I just need to keep doing

what I do in social awareness.



Adams, K., Greiner, A.C., & Corrigan, J.M. (Eds). (2004). Report of a summit. The 1st annual

crossing the quality chasm summit: A focus on communities. Washington, DC: National

Academies Press.

Emotional Intelligence Quiz. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2018, from

Goleman D. (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2018, from

Kendra Cherry | Reviewed by Steven Gans, MD. (2017). Self-Awareness: How It Develops and

Why It Matters. Retrieved February 14, 2018, from

Mayer, J. (n. d). What Is Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman? Retrieved February 14, 2018,


My Emotional IQ is 130! What’s yours? (n.d.). Retrieved February 14, 2018, from


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