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Bird of Prey rules simplification

Aircraft flight range determination

1 determine number of fuel points used (FU) per minute at engine setting by altitude as follows:
FU per min = (engine output)10 / fuel usage number at bottom of engine data entry
2 Determine total flight time in minutes: Min of flight = fuel pts / FU per min
3 Determine range by multiplying cruise speed of 7nm per min by flight time

Dogfight position
Roll for visual sighting if first turn of dogfighting. Each turn roll d100 to determine altitude.
Determine each aircrafts turn rate, expressed in Gs - roll on the pips table using each aircraft’s “lift used”
as the Pips Column, modified for both Drag and Size as follows:

1. If the aircraft used afterburner, compare the Drag per G value associated with the lift used with
the engine output. Apply the difference as a positive or negative percentile modifier on the pips

2. If the aircraft used the dry setting of its engine apply any negative difference derived from
subtracting the DpG value from the engine output as a modifier to the Pips Column. Positive
differences have no effect

a. Additional drag due to stores is applied as a negative column modifier on the Pips table

3. Both aircraft apply any difference in sight values as a negative or positive Pips column modifier
4. Any aircraft using a lift value coloured in orange is considered to be using a super maneuver and
must roll for recovery

Neither aircraft’s turn rate may exceed their max safe load. Additionally, should an aircraft roll a pips
value higher than their departure value they are considered to have lost control and must recover.

Conduct attack
Once the relative positions have been established roll 1d20 for range and 2d6 to determine target
aspect. Roll for Pipper on, or Radar acquisition or fire an IR missile (remember min range for missiles is
their boost distance. If the pilot fails either a pipper on or a radar acquisition attempt the weapon is not
fired. In the case of an IR missile the IR acquisition attempt is made while the missile is in flight. If the
pipper on or radar/IR acquisition test is successful go to resolution section below. Note that in a dogfight
all RH missiles must perform one sensor maintenance test prior to shot resolution

Decoy dispensers deploy 1d6 flares/chaff per usage at single rate and 2d6 at double rate.

Important notes for radar acquisition.

 Jammer ratings are the only track mods used during the radar acquisition phase. chaff is only
applied as a track mod for sensor maintenance rolls
All weapon attacks follow the main rules
Radar mode explanation
Boresight mode (Bo) – mode used to acquire one target
Search mode (Srch) – as boresight but track conversion is not automatic and must be rolled
Super search mode (SS) – as boresight but may acquire any number of targets per turn
Dogfight mode (Dog) – mode used to employ RH missiles in a dogfight
STT mode – used to track a single target for missile fire
TWS mode – a combination of boresight and STT but may acquire and track up to 4 targets

Time from acquisition to track-Bo/Dog mode – immediate/SS/TWS/Srch – game turn after acquisition

BVR combat uses the table from Persian Incursion as an abstraction to determine intercept and
missile ranges

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