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C 2006 May
2007 December Some program need to check
2009 December
2009 May
2010 December
2012 December
2013 December
2014 April
2015 April
2015 December
2016 May
2016 October
2017 May
2017 December
2018 May
What is flowchart? Explain its basic symbols with an example.

Explain the character set & basic data types in C language along the size in bytes of each type. || What is mean by user-define
What are control statements? Demonstrate usage of if-else construct through an example program. || Discuss various control
Explain break statement and continue statement with an example.
What are arrays? Write the syntax to declare, initialize and access two dimensional arrays || What is Array? Explain the detail s
Clearly differentiate between function prototype, function definition and function call along with an example.
Explain getchar() & putchar() functions with examples. Differentiate between scanf() and gets() functions. || What is the differ
palindrome or not.
Explain different modes of accessing a file. || List any 3 file handling functions. Explain in detail. || What is a 'File Structure? Ex
suitable examples
What is recursive function? Write a program to demonstrate recursive function. || What is Reursive Futio? Deostrate Fatorial y
Explain structures. Illustrate with an example structure initialization. Write the syntax for array of structures. || what is structur
Explain the concept of structure with suitable examples. || How to initialize the structure variable? Explain with suitable exam

Give a brief note about the elements in a pointer data type. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pointers || Explain
is the purpose of data type included in the declaration? explain pointers to 1D array. || What is a pointer? How is a pointer var
apointer variable declared ? What is the purpose of data type included in the declaration? Explain pointers to 1D Array.

What is a preprocessor, what are the advantage of preprocessor || What is meant by Macros? List constructs in C for preproce
are preprocessor directives? Provide the differences between macros and functions. || what is a preprocessor directive? Expla
calculate area of circle.
What is malloc () & callac () ? Explain difference between malloc () & callac () with example.
What is the purpose of static, auto and register variables in C? || What are static variable? Compare with standard local variab
What are different parameter passing mechanisms in C? Give examples.
Write any five string functions with suitable example of each. || s || What is String? How to Arithmetic operatorperfoun on st4
of reverse string such that if the input string is "Prograteng with C"
Differentiate between call by value and call by reference with suitable example || s
Discuss operations on pointer and pointer Arithmetic
What is escape sequence? Give example.
Differentiate union and structure with example. ||||s || What is union? Discuss with suitable example of union. || What is un
List and explain operators in C. Also write operator precedence || s || Explain the different operator with suitable examples us
Explain enum with suitable example. |

what are the storage classes ? Explain with suitable example.-1 || what are the different storage types suported by C langauage
detail the various storage classes available in C. || What are storage classes? Explain the various sorage classes with appropriat
What is Symbolic Constant? How is a symbolic constant defined? Example || what is a symbolic constant ? How is a symbolic c
be placed with in a C program. || What is symbolic constant ? How is a symbolic constant defined? Explain wih suitable examp
Explain the different control structure implementation in C programming.
what is stream ? Describe two different methods of creating a stream oriented data file. |
explain actual parameter, formal parameter, local variable, global variable and external variable with an example.

Summarize the Bitwise operators available in C. Give apprpriate axamples to illustrate the use of each operator. State the differ
Explain the following with two examples 1) for Loop 2) do- While Loop
Arrays are always passed by reference. Explain the statement.
Exemplify in detail the various decision making constructs available in C.
What is an expression ? What are its components?
What is a file? Compare binary and text file. Give the examples to open and close the files.
Summarize the use of gets nd puts function to transfer strings between the computer and the standard input/output device. C
Explain the difference between an array of character pointers and two dimensional array.
As a programmer what motivates you to use functions in the program? What is recursion? Explain with suitable example.
What is the purpose of return statement? Summarize the rules governing the use of the return statement. Can multiple expres
Why is the use of goto statement generally discouraged? Under what conditions might the goto statement be helpful? What ty

Illustrate the rule of data type promotion( type conversion ) in an expression

d1 = (c*i)+(f/i)-(f+d)
double d1, d;
char c; int I; float f;
What is menat by bitwise operations? What is the purpose of complement operator? To what types of operands does it apply?
decimal number be found?
Write a program in C to calculate factorial of a number.
Write a program in C to find the symmetry of the matrix.
Write a program using recursive function to print sum of digits of a given number.
Write a program to pass an array to a function which returns the sum of the elements of the array.
Write a program to find even and odd numbers in given range.
Write a C program to write & read contents with respect to text file
Write a code to simulate a simple arithmetic calculator |
Write a program to print Pasal’s Triangle.
Write a C program to accept 10 numbers entered by user, store it in an array and display these numbers in ascending order. |
write a program to find n! using recursive function. | |
write a C program for matrix maultiplication using function.
write a C program whoch accepts two file names as command line parameters and append the second file to the first. |
write a complete C program to simulate a digital clock. | |
write a program in C for returning starting location of a substring using pointers.
write a C program to reverse the string. | | Write a program with .0 to demonstrate Reverse nunktii' by user given
write a program which will accept two numbers n and r and calculate value of nCr = n!/ (n-r)!. Program should make use of rec
write a program to check whether the given number is palindrome or not. |
Write a program in C to count tabs number of line, characters and blank spaces
in file.
Write program to verify the number prime or not with user number. || write a program to print prime no in given range of num
Write a C prçam with to compare 10 numbers and print minimum and maximum | |
Write a program to read the records of 100 employees. Calculate salary of each employee. (Net Salary = gross - deduction, gros
Write a modular program to multiply two (3x3) matrices A & B obtain C as a resultant.
write a program to display first n fibonaci numbers.
write a program to convert a decimal into binary representation using recursion.
write a program to display the sum and count of all numbers between 100 and 200 which are divisible by 7
Write a function that will scan a character string passed as an argument and convert all upper case characters to their lower ca
write a program to convert a binary number into a decimal number |
write a program to read a text file and print the number of words in that file. |
write a program to declare a void pointer. Assign address of int, float, char variables to the void pointer using type casting. Disp

write a program which accepts a string and converts it as below



Write a program to find the sum of both the diagonals a square matrix of order n x n . The program must have user defined fun
Write a program to accept an unsorted list of names and sort them.
Write a complete C program which passess two structure variables of type complex to a function read() and reads the data in r
Write a program to print number into words (123 = one two three)
Write program to declare pointer to array of pointers to integer(integer should be created at run time), sort the values in ascen
s in ascending order. |

file to the first. |

should make use of recursion.

no in given range of number.

= gross - deduction, gross = basic + DA + TA+Allowances + HRA, deduction = PT + IT, TA = 10% of Basic , DA = 30% of basic, HRA = 20% of ba

racters to their lower case equivalent. | |

using type casting. Display the contents of the various variables

ust have user defined functions to read and display n x n matrix.

) and reads the data in read function, write a function sum() to add two complex variables( struct complex has two elements real and imag

, sort the values in ascending order.

= 30% of basic, HRA = 20% of basic, PT = 200, IT = 4% of basic) |

has two elements real and imaginary)

Pointers | what is pointer ? How to declare a pointer? Explain with suitable example. c
File operations c
Static variables c
Difference between Call by reference & Call by Value | | | | c
Difference between union & Structure | | | c
Difference between Continue & Break | | c
Difference between Buffered and unbuffered files
Difference between typedef and typecast
Type Casting | |
Array of structures c
Macro || function and macro
Preprocessors in C | | c
Storage Classes. c
Multidimensional Array
Stream File |
Escape Sequence. c
Operators in C || relational operators-| | |
Array and pointers
Iteration and recursion || Difference between Iteration and recursion
Binary file and text file | | |
input/output statements in C language
Multi-dimensional arrays |
Difference between getch(), getchar(), getche()
difference between actual parameter and formal parameter | | | |
Diiference between enumerations and typedef
Symbolic constants
Function Pointer |
Structure within a structure.
Programs -->> Exam and practical questions
Distinguish Between
Theory Questions

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