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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Ms. Spence, Ms. Stanley, Ms. Stephens

Grade Creative Writing 10 Topic Mask Based Character Sketch

Date TBA Allotted Time 80 minute block

STAGE 1: Desired Results

Cite sources used to develop this plan:

BC ed curriculum, English in Middle School and Secondary Classrooms- Kendrick James, Writing a
Character Sketch-

Rationale: How does this lesson fit in with the unit being studied? How does this lesson prepare for future
learning? How does this lesson relate to the students’ real life?
This lesson provide students an opportunity to make meaning. Also, this lesson helps students
understand how previous knowledge (ie Fairy Tales) of literature helps form our own literary process.
This is important, as it helps students understand that writing process is often not formed on new
ideas. Also it helps them become aware of their own writing style and vocabulary by consciously
exploring and applying elements of style. Lastly, by starting with a character sketch, it helps students
develop how to plan their writing.

Prior Learning: What previous learnings do students need to know to be able to be successful in the lesson?
How does this lesson extend prior learnings? What connections if any can be made to First Nations Culture and
ways of knowing?
Students will have already made and decorated their plaster mask and have it present as a source of
inspiration. Students will also have knowledge of fairy tale modes and motifs, as we will now be
asking them to apply this knowledge practically. Student will also need intermediate writing skills
(differentiation available).

Curriculum Connections: What Big Ideas (Understand,) Core and Curricular Competencies (Do), Content
Standards (Know) does this lesson develop? What connections if any can be made to First People’s principles
and ways of knowing?

● Big Ideas:The exploration of text and story deepens our understanding of diverse, complex ideas
about identity, others, and the world.
● Texts are socially, culturally, geographically, and historically constructed.

Essential or Guiding Questions: How do ubiquitous texts shape culture and vice versa?
Core Competency: Creative Thinking and Communication
Curricular Competencies:Respond to text in personal, critical and creative ways.
Transform ideas and information to create original texts.

Content Standards:Text forms and text genres, writing processes, elements of style

STAGE 2: Assessment Plan

Learning Intention(s): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to recognize and apply fairy
What will students learn? tale motifs. Students will also learn about allusion, and how to incorporate
classic literary ideas into their own creative writing
Evidence of Learning: Students will complete a character sketch that incorporates an
How will students show their understanding of literary stock characters related to fairy tales. Students
learning? will then use the character sketch to create a piece of writing that
incorporates these motifs with intentional elements of style
See attached rubric for assessment

Criteria: Indicators of success are if students are able to create a unique character
What criteria will help that features fairy tale motifs/archetypes.
students know how to be They are then able to use that character in a larger, creative context.

STAGE 3: Learning Plan

Resources, Material and Preparation: What resources, materials and preparation are required?

-chrome books (for creative writing)

-student’s personal mask
-Exemplar masks/pictures for class activity
- large paper for placemat brainstorming
- writing utensils for each student
- Character Sketch Worksheet
- Character Sketch and Assignment worksheet

Differentiated Instruction (accommodations, adaptations, extensions, other): How will you plan for students
who have diverse learning abilities/behaviour or require enrichment?
- Pair student X and others appropriately for dialogue: e.g potentially put strong students with E.L.L
- Weight the character sketch heavier for students who need more structure (but require more robust
- offer scribe service accordingly
- Modify elements of style portion for students who are struggling

Lesson Development

Connect (Hook):
How will you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and activates their thinking (pose
questions, build background knowledge, capture interest, make connections, share learning intention)?
Teacher will Students will Management Pacing
*Assumes students sit in pod

Welcome Class, go over day’s Listen, get settled The day’s agenda will be on
plan the board

-Present an exemplar mask to -brainstorm characteristics - group check ins to 10 mins

each group of students. Ask about exemplar “placemat” ensure students stay
them to brainstorm style on task
characteristics about the - ensure each student
exemplar. Purposely leave has a writing utensil
“characteristics” vague to so they can be
allow different kind of “heard”
responses. - let them know that
each group will be
presenting their
character to the class
for accountability.

Process (activities):
How will students interact with new ideas, build understanding, acquire and practice knowledge, skills
and/or attitudes? How will you build in any guided practice? How will you embed assessment activities?
Transformation (application):
How will students apply and/or practice learning, incorporate personalized representation of learning,
and/or provide “real life” applications?
Management strategies:
What decisions will you make regarding groupings, passing out and collecting in materials, questioning,
monitoring progress, safety, clean up, getting student attention, etc?
How will you meet the needs of diverse learners?
Teacher will Student will Management Considerations Pacing

-depending on class energy,

-have each pod have one -listen while each group either choose by popsicle >10 mins
member present their presents sticks or allow students
character mask and a few choose their own
things about them. representative

- Wait time during

-Highlight the variety of -listen conversation, encourage 5 mins
answers and celebrate the more robust and developed
interpretations. Emphasize answers
how we rely on our prior
literary knowledge, and that’s
okay! even good! It’s about
making it your own: I.E you
used what you know about
Snow White, but you didn’t
say “this is Snow White”
-Emphasize that they just did
-Present assignment. Go over -listen and read along this. 5 mins
the criteria. Focus on
Character Sketch -Explicitly draw attention to
examples that just happened
in class

-have someone hand out the

-Hand out Character Sketch -prepare: get out a writing character sketch worksheet 5 mins
Worksheets and mask. utensil, clear off desk, etc.. while you hand back the
Emphasize that this is the first masks.
step. -Ensure you did not allow
them to take the masks
home so they cannot be

-allow for some discussion,

-Have them work - Work independently on but ensure the volume stays 45 mins
independently on Character character sketch at an appropriate level by
Sketch worksheet. Let them walking around and doing
know to use this time wisely check ins
since we will be moving on to
the descriptive/dialogue scene
Closure: (2 – 5 min)
How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning process?
Teacher will Students will Management Pacing

-Recap what tomorrow will - put their character sketch in - gauge where the class 5 mins
look like (working on the their binder when they pack is: if most are done,
descriptive/dialogue scene) up assign the rest of the
Emphasize the importance of sketch for homework
keeping the character sketch if most aren’t done,
worksheet safe as they will be give time tomorrow
using it tomorrow.

Reflection What was successful in this lesson? If taught again, what would you change to make this lesson
even more successful and inclusive for diverse and exceptional students? What timing adjustments might you

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