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Soprano Alto Tenor ¢ of 10, 2Led Bass af 10, 2Led A Tr dear Savior's cradle we B dear Savior's cradle we O Holy Night Ho- ly by the are bright - ly se-rene - ly ~ fing, it isthe of - | ing, With glow - ing night hearts —S Ho-ly Night the stars arebright-ly shin - ing, it isthe night of the by the light of faith se-rene - ly beam - ing, Withglow- ing hearts by his — the} world in by | light of a star — the | world by | light of a birth, stand, birth stand, Public Domain = 1847 and er ~ ror soft ~ ly ing, ‘il He ing, therecame pin ~ gleam - and er ~ ror soft = ly pin - gleam - ing, ‘il He ap-| ing, therecame the peared, and the wise man from peared, and the soul. felt its | worth, Or ent | land, soul felt s | worth. wise manfrom| Or ~ i - ent | land. yon-der all our yon-der all. our yon-der all our breaks a i - als breaks a ri - als breaks @ i als breaks @ ti - als born and glo~ be and glo- to be and glo to be and glo to be A The A The A ‘The A The cour | friend af our | friend our friend. Publi Domain - thrill of King of thrill of King of thrill of | King of thrill of King of Fall He. 187 hope the kings lay hope the kings lay hhope the kings lay hhope the kings lay on your knows our knows our knows our on your knows our wea-ry soul re } joie - es, for thus in lowly | man-ger, in weary soul re { joie - es, for thus im lowly | man~ger in weary soul re { joie - es, for down in lowly | man-ger, in weary soul re ~ joie - es, for down in low~ly man-ger, in St On f oh knees Oh hear__ need. to our weal - — the an-gel — the an-gel — the an-gel = ness is no | sti — the an-gel t oh Be f stran -| ger ces.— Oh | night hold. ees. Oh | night -| ger. Be + hold. stan - ger voi_ | ces. Oh ran -| ger. night, hold. ces. Oh night Be - hola night, -| hold. di on | night. Be -| hold. — Sf bom. Oh night, di - bend. Be hold. your di + vine. your | king i - vine. King. Ob Be king. night fore ob night be - fore king. Public Domain = 1847 night. ~ fore, ob him whenChrist was him low - ly ight when Christ was him Tow - ly hrist was Tow - ly ight when him when Chris him low -ly night di low - ly night di low - ly bend. night di low - ly low -ly

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