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Friday ,9th of November 2018

English Material (SMK)

By Miss Moniqe

Hai Everyone✋� ,, Happy Reading..

Past Future ( Akan dimasa Lampau)

There are 4 kinds of Past future tense :

13. Simple Past Future

14. Past Future Continuous

15. Past Future Perfect

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous

�Let's know one by one :


➡Menyatakan aktifitas yang akan dilakukan dimasa lampau tetapi batal (Seharusnya dilakukan)

⏰Time Signal :

- Last Night

- Yesterday

�Formula Verbal :

(+) S + Would/should + V1 + O

(-) S + Would/should + NOT + V1 + O

(?) Would/should + S + V1 + O + ?

�Example :

(+) He would visit her

(-) He would not visit her

(?) Would he visit her?


➡Menyatakan aktivitas yang akan sedang terjadi di masa lampau (Seharusnya sedang terjadi).

⏰Time Signal :

at 7 o'clock Yesterday

at . . . Last night

at the same time last week

�Formula Verbal :

(+) S + Would/Should + be + V_ing + O

(-) S + Would/Should + not + be + V_ing + O

(?) Would/Should + S + be + V_ing + O + ?

�Example :

(+) she would be singing a dangdut song at seven o'clock last night

(-) she would not be singing a dangdut song at seven o'clock last night

(?) Would she be singing a dangdut song at seven o'clock last night ?


➡Menyatakan aktivitas yang akan telah dilakukan dimasa yang lampau (Seharusnya telah terjadi)

⏰Time Signal :

By . . . Last . . .

By the end of last month

�Formula :

(+) S + would/should + have + V3 + O

(-) S + would/should + not + have + V3 + O

(?) would/should + S + have + V3 + O + ?

� Example :

(+) He would have eaten by 8 o'clock last night

(-) He would not have eaten by 8 o'clock last night

(?) Would he have eaten by 8 o'clock last night ?


➡Menyatakan aktivitas yang akan telah sedang berlangsung selama beberapa waktu di masa yang
lampau (seharusnya telah sedang)

⏰ Time Signal

- For... by... last...

- For two weeks by the end of last month

Formula Verbal :

(+) S + would/should + have + been + ving + O

(-) S + would/should + not + have + been + ving + O

(?) would/should + S + have + been + ving + O + ?

Example :

(+) She would have been singing a dangdut song for an hour by 8 o'clock last night

(-) She would not have been singing a dangdut song for an hour by 8 o'clock last night

(?) Would she have been singing a dangdut song for an hour by 8 o'clock last night ?

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