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: Part 1 :1972

ffi'] - be placed and compacted
soon after
,ete should normally
th'."oni'"t""""" u" pracld'and effectiverv
f,,,,:,::f::,l1,Hl;1""Tf:!'t:[i1i"r'*;;il "n*"*
!t::i;;;ii"ut r,re addir:o.i-.:.1.::Ti'i,:,1T;iil-rx;ttl**:[t ]l^^:::::"-,"

F,i. trave ther€Qulreunuuil;td;;pplied continuously during tnc PrauurE vr vsv" ote segregation of the
does not prom
;;t*::':T""f uoo in a manner which
!t' expulstoll et
orr has
rrE- practicattv
r- '"u"j - ,--.:-1. --,t .licnosition of vibrators
* ;;ffi'ffit': ,0rr,,", has to be applied externatlv the designrcrfjT#Jff:l,lj:3i]'.H:l::.]::,:
efficient of compaction'
'1,'; should receive
;tiii"o"'ia""tion io''nsurebe excess *"::'-water on the top surface
on col
The mix ,t,""rjilJ,,"t,
.r,", tr,.,. o,iriooibe
"1i""t "^::ll::'-:J'i"""" ,#;"";;;;..."te for water

wi'be innuenced bv the fo,owing
which formwork is struck
llli.i:I,:i:i"ffi::t in the case of precast units'
(l) concrete.strength, -- in the construction pcriod which,
iii 'i*',*stresses po.itio" und subsequent handrins'
lnouutru vJ v'Jr-'--
includes (see 6'11-'6)' ..:---.ents.
(4) subsequen, ,urru", treatment
re{uirementsr to be removed as soon
-: posl
as -^. sible after concrete
i5\ ,rr"sence of re'entrant angles "o'*n''ioimwork
u* lli" ""oid shrinkage cracks' is equivalent to a shock-load
as the sudden remov
al of wedges
be removed slowly'
The formwork should
ttre permission of the
ottit.'prtrfY hardened concrete' ' ,rt
ut stacked nn
on anv
any newly constructed floor without
Materials ona pru'ii'ilJa ""t
engineer' by tests on
crete strength is confirmed

:#;::i,:'J:TiJ:'fr,il:'il:Ji[:":"#:dfi l,iii:i:if i:,'#1*"H1TlJ'"T'il?,'fi i:+'i:i:

i" u"a"'ptabre denec'
due io shrinkage' creep
etc' given in Tabre 52
be used for ordinary
tions .

resurts thc periods

before striking lav pcriods
In rhe ahsenc. or.,',t, t.*t ;; o'i*' tf ;t';il ;'i t"ttl' lottg'er or sltorter
c'rirrg or slip
irirr,,.rc,r uffii; *i""
wlrcn ntlnrixtuf'
Iortlnnd ccnrurt .u,to*,*.
rrriry rrc rer*rircd.
i,, r-nil
1r,;'il;i,J;';;; Ii il;J'ypt' u".,rtrnted
tt. rurru., i.irpJri,r*.ofconcrere'
air temperaturcs
r*rri^r" according to the
forms are use,l. where,i,ir'no,irrcticabre,r p;l';;'id be increasei
;;.;;;;Gs precise.1"."ra *t'ther'
may be used though
reduced maturity. noi'"*u*pr", foi.soft
f#;;'k tt ''*oura u; tn""oti"lt l" i" :1ti"ttJl;3#:
between '
temperature was generallv
by half a dav for ;i';;;;.lni:o'lt-:iicrete
i""[f HJ::x,{TJ,i.},1'**:.,"":r;f':'ffi ti{i:iiil'?''?;""*"".,'lli:}lLt:.IT
;: ifi :JH,*"*:i,',#*l*:,"J";il8i}H:dlfiqi*'wff
.oi"rete should ol nr"i."iJiro*
to* ;;;igh rempcratures by means
such earry ag., an,r-tie
insulation (see 6'll'6)'
t2: 1 989

S pecificatron

3.3 Pigmented Portland cements shall comply witlt this

1 ScoPe British Standard providerJ that:
ies requirements for the
This British Standard specif {a) the pigrnents comply with BS 1014;
the physical and
.o-oorition, the manufacture and (tr) the chemical composition of the Portlanrl ce nrent
of controlled f ineness' ordinary and
.n"-"r, properties cements' constituent, excluding pigment, complies with clause 8
r',rtritl hardetrirrq Portland of this British Standard;
tilllrs of thr: t:utrlications relerred to in this standard
trOTE. Tlrc (c) the cement as a whole, includirtg pigment, complies
i,., lrsl[r, rlrt the irlside l)ack
with this British Standard, with the exception of
clause 8.

2 Definitions '
For rlrrt purposes of this British Standard the def initions 4 Fineness
in BS 6100 : Section 6. I apply togelher with the following'
Wherr tested for f ineness in accorcfarrce ',vitl.r BS 4550 :

controlled fineness Portland cement. Portland cement Section 3.3, the cements shall have the f ollowing nrirtimunt
lravirrg a specif ic surf ace controlled within a small agreed specific surfaces: ti,,s
range that usually lies below that for ordinary Portland
controlled fineness Portland cement: 225 n'- lkg;
ruCTE. This 1znge is usually agreed between the manuf acturer
orclinary Portland cement: 275 n2 lkg:
,:.rri t i:o lturcltasrlr. rapid-hardeningPortlanclcement: 350rlr/kg.

3 Composition and manufacture 5 Setting tirnes

3.'l Controllert f ineness Portland cemeni (CFPC), ordinary $/hen Cetermined in accoriance l;ith BS 4550 : Sectierl 3.6,
Por rlarrcl cement (OPC), or rapid-hardening Portiand the setting times of cement pastes of sisrrdarci consistence
cer!.i.:rrt (RliPC), shall be obtained by grinding Portland (as determined in accorclarrce with BS 4550 : Sectiorr 3.5)
cpment clinker. . shali be:
3.2 The ce,ien[s slrall contain no other added materials initial setting time: not less than 45 rnin;
cliri "rs follc,,
{-'x :
{inal setting time: not nlcrs than@B f
(ri r;ypsunr or anhydrite or oiher icrms of calcium
sul;;lrate, or any cornbinaticn of them {see 8.4 for
rirn ir );
il:) not more tl:an 0.'i 0 9.6 by
6 Soundness
rnass cl propylene glycol
v.'it4r1 1jp1py^sined 6.1 The cements shall have arr expat:sirln of not mo!'e ihar')
in acCorcjance'.';rth ClauSe 18 Cf .

S 4550 .. pari Z : 1970. 10 mm whr:n tested f or sounCness in a'cccrdance with

BS 4550 : Section 3.7.
i'r!r1;;11v.rron or waler remair.ring ait,:r the grinCing process
sitrll ;re1 t:e reqarcled as aclditions (see 8.5 for loss on
ritrrrl ()n irrnili.

;:_Tal:ie 1 ComJ:ressive strength o{ cements


, Cnrnqnt tvue- Srrength

Test age

Co n cr ete Mortar

day s [r] /rn rn N;'rnnrl
{l"r:tro lucj f irrerress portlarrd flot
3{72r1h} lrlot less tharr 'l 3 less than 23

Not less than 29 I1..-

i'Jot less tharr 41
lC,,lin;.rrr Portland I

Y li\ot less than 15 I Not less than 25


| ruet
tess tlran 34 . i. i Not less :hart rl7
.rhar, 67
i and not more than 52 I and not rrore
ar rlrrnirri; Pcrtiarrd 2(48t1h) Not less than I5 Not less than 25 hai

28 j Not less than

38 i l'l ot lqss
ss ilran 52


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