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Island Archaeology, Model Systems, the Anthropocene, and How the Past
Informs the Future

Article  in  The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology · March 2018

DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2018.1447051


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2 authors:

Scott M. Fitzpatrick Jon Erlandson

University of Oregon University of Oregon


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The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology

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Island Archaeology, Model Systems, the

Anthropocene, and How the Past Informs the

Scott M. Fitzpatrick & Jon M. Erlandson

To cite this article: Scott M. Fitzpatrick & Jon M. Erlandson (2018) Island Archaeology, Model
Systems, the Anthropocene, and How the Past Informs the Future, The Journal of Island and
Coastal Archaeology, 13:2, 283-299, DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2018.1447051

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Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology, 13:283–299, 2018
Copyright C 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1556-4894 print / 1556-1828 online

DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2018.1447051

Island Archaeology, Model Systems, the

Anthropocene, and How the Past Informs
the Future
Scott M. Fitzpatrick1,2 and Jon M. Erlandson1,2
Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA
Museum of Natural and Cultural History, University of Oregon, Eugene,
Oregon, USA


The use of islands as ‘model systems’ has become particularly rele-

vant for examining a host of important issues in archaeology and
other disciplines. As papers in this special issue of the Journal of Is-
land and Coastal Archaeology demonstrate, islands can serve as critical
and ideal analytical platforms for observing human populations in
the past and their evolutionary histories within complex and insular
human ecodynamics. In this paper we address the issue of how islands
are also important models for future sustainability and as corollaries
for the survival of humans generally. In a sense, island cultures and
ecosystems can be seen as microcosms of the issues we have faced as
humans, and provide important insights for understanding the fate
of our species, particularly as it pertains to the exploration and colo-
nization of new worlds.

Keywords historical ecology, human impacts and ecodynamics, colonization, space


Since, in the long run, every practical reason imaginable: stay-

planetary civilization will be en- ing alive …. If our long term sur-
dangered by impacts from space, vival is at stake, we have a ba-
every surviving civilization is sic responsibility to our species to
obliged to become spacefaring— venture to other worlds.
not because of exploratory or ro-
mantic zeal, but for the most — Carl Sagan (1994:371)

Received 27 January 2018; accepted 26 February 2018.

Address correspondence to Scott M. Fitzpatrick, Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon,
Eugene, OR 97408, USA. E-mail:
Color versions of one or more figures in the article can be found online at http://www.

Scott M. Fitzpatrick and Jon M. Erlandson

’A’ohe wa’a ho’ohoa 0 ka la ’ino millions of square kilometers of the Pacific

(“No canoe is defiant on a stormy and Indian Oceans that commenced more
day.”) than 3,000 years ago (Kirch 2007), and the
Norse colonization of Iceland, Greenland,
— Hawaiian proverb (Mary and other parts of the North Atlantic in the
Kawena Pukui in 0lelo No‘eau: ninth and tenth centuries AD (McGovern
Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical 1990; McGovern et al. 2007).
Sayings)—1983 (216). These and other seafaring endeavors,
regardless of timescale or extent, were all
pivotal in changing the trajectory of hu-
man history, for they led to the discovery of
INTRODUCTION landmasses that had been isolated from hu-
mans for millennia up to perhaps a million
The Age of Exploration, sometimes re- years ago. These pristine island ecologies
ferred to as the Age of Discovery, is of- were dramatically disrupted by the arrival of
ten used by historians to describe a time Homo sapiens, with well-documented de-
between the fifteenth and eighteenth cen- struction to native biota, although such im-
turies during which Europeans began voy- pacts were significantly amplified by the ar-
aging to many different parts of the world, rival of Europeans during the colonial era
including Africa, Asia, Australia, and the (e.g., Fitzpatrick and Keegan 2007; Kirch
Americas, as well as numerous islands in 2007; Rick and Erlandson 2008).
the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans. Because of their relative remoteness,
This ultimately led to colonization ventures isolation, and boundedness, islands can
that drastically transformed both European serve as model systems for examining not
cultures and the indigenous peoples with only the impacts humans may have had on
whom they came into contact, effectively novel landscapes, but also the degrees to
creating the first truly globalized economy. which they enhanced or managed differ-
The arrival of Europeans dramatically trans- ent resources (Kirch 2007; Vitousek 2002,
formed numerous islands and archipelagos 2004) as papers in this special issue illus-
around the world, culturally and ecologi- trate. Our goal here is not to review the nu-
cally (Braje et al. 2018; Leppard 2017; Rick merous case studies that demonstrate the
et al. 2013). devastating effects of human colonization of
Despite the monumental calamities, islands around the world, or to identify in-
conflicts, transmittable diseases, and stances where humans implemented more
changes that occurred thereafter, which sustainable practices to manage resources
were disastrous for most native peoples and population size. These are important
(e.g., see Crosby 2003), the fact is that this issues that archaeologists have explored
was not the first real age of exploration more intensively during the last 20 years. In-
by sea, but one of many that had taken stead, we are interested here in how islands,
place over millennia. Among others, these and the modeling of highly variable island
included the dispersal of Homo sapiens systems, might also inform our understand-
from Africa to Eurasia at least by 50 kya ing of human exploration beyond the terra
and likely earlier (Petraglia et al. 2010; firma that is our planet.
Quintana-Murci et al. 1999), the coloniza- The comparison of island colonization
tion of greater Australia ca. 55–65 kya and human impacts to spaceflight and the
(Clarkson et al. 2017) and the Americas ca. movement beyond our atmosphere to in-
15 kya (Dillehay et al. 2015; Erlandson et al. habit other worlds may at first seem fan-
2007; Gilbert et al. 2008) the settlement cifully futuristic. However, manned flights
of the Caribbean islands that began in to Mars—where abundant and relatively
the early to middle Holocene (Fitzpatrick accessible water sources have recently
2015; Keegan and Hofman 2017), the been found (e.g., Martín-Torres et al. 2015;
Austronesian/Polynesian diaspora across Villanueva et al. 2015)—are planned within

284 VOLUME 13 • ISSUE 2 • 2018

How the Past Informs the Future

the next decade or two, and colonies on the Gregg 2004). Results from decades of re-
moon or nearby asteroids could also soon search here and elsewhere on Earth have
become realities. Ultimately, the accelerat- provided substantial data on how volcan-
ing pace of technological change suggests ism shapes landscapes, the chemical con-
that ever more distant planets and stars stituents that form in the atmosphere as
may be reached in the coming decades or a result, and their potential for predicting
centuries. human habitability. But why should this
The simple answer is that humans, in
ISLANDS AS MODEL SYSTEMS an era of globalization and profound eco-
logical transformation can no longer conve-
In two influential publications, Vitousek niently compartmentalize the fragile ecosys-
(2002, 2004) outlined four fields of re- tem that is Earth. There are both isolated in-
search in which islands are useful model cidents (e.g., volcanic eruptions, nuclear ac-
systems—-evolution and speciation, conser- cidents) and widespread, collective actions
vation biology (especially involving species (e.g., burning of fossil fuels, rising atmo-
on the brink of extinction), human–land spheric carbon levels, and global warming)
interactions, and ecosystem structure and that affect us on a worldwide scale. Echoing
functioning. He noted that: “One of the earlier statements by Carl Sagan and other
essential factors of model systems, be they scholars, the theoretical physicist Stephen
nematodes or plants or lakes, is that they Hawking (2010) remarked that:
are an integrated, functional, persistent
example of the larger set of systems whose
If we can avoid disaster for the
functioning they are meant to illuminate”
next two centuries, our species
(Vitousek 2002:574). This perspective be-
should be safe as we spread into
came a much-needed alternative to the
space. If we are the only intelligent
“cultural laboratory” concept which for
beings in the galaxy we should
decades had been an exploratory, but not
make sure we survive and con-
entirely useful mechanism for archaeolo-
tinue …. Our only chance of long-
gists to explain why island cultures were
term survival is not to remain in-
different (see further discussion below).
ward looking on planet Earth but
In addition to these biological perspec-
to spread out into space. We have
tives on island model systems, other schol-
made remarkable progress in the
ars have sought to study naturally occur-
last hundred years. But if we want
ring phenomena such as volcanoes and how
to continue beyond the next hun-
eruption and formation processes on earth
dred years, our future is in space.
can be used to infer what is happening
on other planets (e.g., Lopes and Gregg
2004). The reasoning behind these efforts is Hawking’s remarks might be consid-
in part to extrapolate from remote sensing ered a pragmatic commentary on the possi-
data (telescopes, satellites, space probes) ble fate of humans given a number of ongo-
the geological histories of planetary bod- ing and impending crises: overpopulation,
ies and to some extent, infer whether they climate change, accelerating extinctions
are capable of supporting extraterrestrial and declining biodiversity, and continual
life based on atmospheric conditions, the conflicts between groups and nations that
presence of water, and other criteria. The threaten to destabilize global economies,
Hawaiian archipelago has served as an ideal governments, and human communities. His
case study in this regard given the nearly general perception that humans must leave
25-year continual eruption of Kı̄lauea on Earth over the next few centuries is a pes-
the island of Hawai‘i and its active volcan- simistic, but probably realistic scenario in
ism in historic times along this island arc which our species’ survival depends on a
system (see Fagents et al. 2013; Lopes and movement beyond terra firma.


Scott M. Fitzpatrick and Jon M. Erlandson

RELINQUENS TERRAM the ‘mystery islands’ were not sustainable

(Fitzpatrick and Anderson 2008), though
A human diaspora beyond Earth has corol- others like Rapa Nui (Easter Island) devel-
laries in the archaeology of islands as the an- oped strategies such as lithic mulching of
thropologist and experimental voyager Ben gardens to significantly improve produc-
Finney (1992; Finney and Jones 1992) dis- tivity in what was otherwise a marginal
cussed in several essays examining how and fairly harsh environment (Hunt and
Polynesian seafarers were not unlike mod- Lipo 2013). These corollaries also have
ern day astronauts. important implications for how we can use
islands as model systems to examine the
impacts we may have on different environ-
Perhaps the most evocative phase
ments. How for example, can archaeology
of humanity’s spread over Earth
inform other scientific disciplines on the
for thinking about the future ex-
probable effects of humans occupying new
pansion into space is the explo-
environments for the first time? How might
ration of the sea and the foun-
islands serve as microcosms of what is
dation of island and overseas
happening on Earth (vis-à-vis Kirch 1997).
colonies. Like space today, the
And how might Earth as a whole serve as
ocean was once a vast unknown.
a model system for other planets or moons
Just as we cannot definitely say
within or beyond our solar system?
if any planets suitable for life or-
When researchers began in earnest to
bit other stars, so our not-too-
study islands anthropologically and archae-
distant ancestors did not really
ologically, they often sought to examine
know what lands lay over the
the similarities and differences observed
seas. Then, when those first in-
between populations to help determine
trepid voyagers took to the sea,
where islanders originated from and what
like the space pioneers of to-
processes (cultural and natural) may have
day they had to develop a rev-
led to these perceived variances. Margaret
olutionary technology to pene-
Mead’s (1928) work in Sāmoa was seminal
trate an alien environment. And
in this regard, leading to her notion that
those colonists who followed in
islands were ideal “cultural laboratories”
their wake had to uproot them-
because of their remoteness and aquatic
selves from all that was familiar
circumscription. Mead’s research, one of
and take their chances on foreign
the first substantive anthropological studies
shores. (Finney 1992:164)
of Pacific Islanders, was highly influential to
other scholars, so it was not surprising that
Finney (1992), and to a certain ex- archaeologists borrowed this concept as an
tent, Smith and Davies (2012), focused on explanatory mechanism in their research
highlighting the similarities between an- (e.g., Burney 1997; Fitzhugh and Hunt
cient seafaring and modern spacefaring— 1997; Kirch 1980).
and how humans have overcome drastic However, it became clear over time
changes in environment, dealt with the that this perspective privileged isolation
psychological underpinnings that promote as a major factor in why and how cultural
voyaging, the social and economic effects behaviors manifested themselves. Isolation
surrounding a voyage’s departure and sub- has influenced how many island societies
sequent absence, and how translocated developed through time (Fitzpatrick and
plants and animals were and still would Anderson 2008), but further research
be necessary for survival. In regards to the demonstrated that it was not particularly
latter, it is important to note that many useful as a catchall explanation. For one,
Polynesian islands would have been unin- humans in the Pacific and elsewhere had
habitable without humans producing their the capability of voyaging long distances be-
own food (e.g., Addison 2008). And even tween islands for centuries using sophisti-
with this capability, some settlements like cated wayfinding techniques and watercraft

286 VOLUME 13 • ISSUE 2 • 2018

How the Past Informs the Future

technologies (Finney 1977; Irwin 1994, Many archaeologists who study humans
2008; Lewis 1994). Most island societies from a deep time perspective, however,
were not truly isolated in the strict sense. would argue that the beginning of the
There are exceptions such as Rapa Nui Holocene initiated the Anthropocene (e.g.,
(Easter Island) (Fitzpatrick and Anderson Braje and Erlandson 2013; Smith and Zeder
2008; Hunt and Lipo 2006), Palau (west- 2013). This argument can be supported
ern Micronesia) at certain points in time with data from islands and archipelagos
(Callaghan and Fitzpatrick 2007), and sev- around the world, where ancient humans
eral Caribbean islands such as the Caymans transformed ecosystems through the intro-
and Bahamas that seem to have remained duction of exotic plants, animals, and mi-
undiscovered or were settled exceptionally crobes, landscape burning, vegetation clear-
late compared to nearby islands (Fitzpatrick ance, overfishing, and landscape modifica-
2015). These and other case studies show tion (Boivin et al. 2016; Braje et al. 2018;
that the concept of “model systems” is more Rick et al. 2013). As Kirch (1997) and oth-
appropriate than “cultural laboratories.” As ers (see papers in Rick and Erlandson 2008)
Vitousek (2002:573) noted, “[p]rocess have demonstrated, the timing and scale of
studies, experiments and models arrayed such changes varied on different islands and
on these gradients [can be] used to deter- should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
mine fundamental controls over ecosystem Nonetheless, the cumulative and accelerat-
processes, with a precision that cannot be ing scale of such changes has reached global
duplicated in continental ecosystems.” proportions, with serious consequences for
If islands are different than their conti- the loss of coral reefs, fisheries, extinctions,
nental cousins and useful as model systems biodiversity, and even the survival of some
(as papers in this special issue effectively ar- smaller and low-lying islands in the face of
gue), we can treat them comparatively and sea-level rise and marine erosion. In a grow-
seek corollaries to other situations. One ex- ing number of cases, the human societies
ample is a recent debate about whether we that occupy such islands and archipelagos
are now in a new geological epoch, the are contemplating abandonment and reset-
Anthropocene, that is the direct result of tlement in new lands. On a global scale,
human domination of earth’s environmen- if humans cannot slow the acceleration of
tal systems on a global scale (see Crutzen such ecological devastation and catastro-
and Steffen 2003; Steffen et al. 2007; phes, is it unreasonable to assume that col-
Zalasiewicz et al. 2010). There is general onization of other worlds may be the key to
consensus among scientists that humans our long-term survival?
have altered landscapes, the atmosphere, Those planning such missions have al-
hydrosphere, and climate on a global scale. ready learned at least one important lesson
There has been vigorous debate across the from human history—a concern for con-
social and natural sciences about when the taminating other worlds with earthly mi-
Anthropocene began and the evidence that crobes or other organisms that could devas-
should be used to establish that baseline tate life abroad or for importing alien biota
(Braje et al. 2014; Erlandson and Braje 2013; back to Earth with equally devastating con-
Ruddiman 2003, 2005), but many scholars sequences. This lesson comes directly from
are now leaning toward an AD 1950 bench- the deep histories of island and continen-
mark when atomic testing and radioac- tal cultures and ecosystems that were more
tive pollution left global signatures. Such or less isolated from external contacts for
a baseline ignores major and much earlier centuries or even millennia. History is re-
changes that occur in human societies and plete with both the accidental (invasive)
global ecosystems, however, especially after and purposeful introduction of non-native
the appearance and spread of agriculture plants, animals, insects, and microbes that
and animal domestication in virtually every have destroyed or severely disrupted island
major world region over the last 10,000 to ecologies, caused the extirpation or extinc-
1,000 years. tion of countless endemic species, and cre-


Scott M. Fitzpatrick and Jon M. Erlandson

ated innumerable problems with managing one’s genes, but among those willing to em-
landscapes and the biota found within (e.g., bark on risky and exploratory voyages to
Grayson 2001; Hofman and Rick 2017; Red- distant islands and archipelagos, successful
man 1999; Rick and Erlandson 2008). While colonists might have seen strong positive se-
the inadvertent or purposeful transfer of lection (and founder effects) for such genes,
extraterrestrial life to Earth will likely be fueling further exploration. Additional re-
a major cause of worry in the future, the search into such patterns among indige-
inverse may not be as distressing. But as nous island populations may provide fur-
the colonization of islands here on Earth ther evidence of such phenomena and a
have shown, humans are not always aware stronger case for genomic screening of po-
or concerned about the effects of their en- tential space colonists.
counters, and this has led to some unfortu-
nate outcomes in places we have chosen to
Another lesson that might be learned ACCELERATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL
from the ancient colonization of islands INNOVATIONS
and archipelagos has to do with the op-
timal size and genetic diversity of viable As many archaeologists have noted, the
colonization populations on other worlds. course of human evolution and history is
There are numerous cases in the archaeo- marked by an acceleration of technological
logical records of islands of abandonment of change that continues to this day. From the
island colonies—from the Mystery Islands Oldowan and Acheulean traditions, which
of Southern Polynesia (Anderson 2001), to each span roughly a million years, to the
the Norse colonies in Greenland, and sev- Mousterian tradition which lasted several
eral islands located off the coast of Aus- hundred thousand years, there is only lim-
tralia (see Bowdler 2015; Flood 2000; Veth ited evidence for technological change (see
et al. 2017). Some of these cases may be at- Erlandson and Braje 2013). With the appear-
tributed to environmental limitations or de- ance of Homo sapiens, however, technolo-
terioration, but small and isolated human gies change much more rapidly with nearly
populations with limited genetic diversity continuous acceleration from the Middle
may also have played a role in some cases Stone Age to the Mesolithic and the Ne-
of failed colonization. Rapid advances in olithic to the Atomic and Space ages. Tech-
genomics suggest that we will be able to es- nological innovations are evident in many
timate the size and genetic variation of is- realms of human culture—agriculture, hunt-
land colonizing populations much more ac- ing, fishing, transportation, warfare, etc.—
curately in years to come. including the evolution of watercraft and
Recent genomic research also suggests seafaring, atmospheric flight, space travel,
another potential lesson for manned space and exponential increases in the distances
colonization mission planners: choosing a traveled in exploratory voyages (Figure 1).
high proportion of astronauts from among Interdisciplinary archaeological re-
people with a dopamine receptor gene search on islands around the world provides
(DRD4 R7) linked to risk-taking. Chen et al. a record for the chronology, geography, and
(1999) found high frequencies of this and evolution of increasingly long-distance
related gene variants among human pop- human voyaging. Linking that record to his-
ulations that had undertaken long-distance torical developments, in turn, reveals the
dispersals, including Native Americans (es- continuous nature of the acceleration of hu-
pecially from South America), Austrone- man technological change and exploratory
sians, and the Norse. Studies in mice have voyaging.
also shown links between dopamine lev- As we and others (e.g., Finney 1992;
els and enhanced or inhibited exploratory Smith and Davies 2012) have argued, these
behavior. One can imagine that risk-taking records have relevance not just on Earth,
and exploratory behaviors in humans might but are applicable beyond terra firma. As
sometimes be detrimental to passing on Finney (1992) emphasized:

288 VOLUME 13 • ISSUE 2 • 2018

How the Past Informs the Future

D Apollo 11
moon landing

Distance (km) First Spacecraft 8 years

Rutan Voyager
Soviet Vostok I
Charles Lindbergh
(1927) (1961)
100 ya Time 0 ya

C Charles Lindburgh
New World D
Distance (km)

Columbus’ 1st voyage

(1492) Amelia Earhart
Honolulu to Oakland, CA
(1935) 24 years

First Aircraft
Wright Brothers
250 ya (1903)

500 ya Time 0 ya

B Madagascar New World
Distance (km)

New Zealand
Society Is.
N. Caribbean Easter
N. Caribbean (Saladoid)
Palau Iceland
Channel Islands (CA) 7.5 kya (Archaic) Tonga Greenland
15 kya 100 ya
200 Manus
Distance (km)

Bismarck Arch.
Solomons Kozu
Australia Crete
First Watercraft?
Flores Melos
500 kya
1 mya Time 500 ya


Figure 1. Selected voyages and the Euclidean distances involved through human history (in years
before AD 2000 to accommodate twentieth-century events) showing the expansion and
acceleration of voyaging capabilities in human history (see Table 1). As can be seen in
A and B, the distances slowly increase through time between 1 million years ago and
10,000 years ago, then accelerate quickly as navigational (wayfinding) techniques and
watercraft technologies improve. By 800 to 1,000 years ago, the most remote areas of
the Pacific (Hawai‘i, Rapa Nui, New Zealand) were settled by Polynesians. In AD 1492,
Columbus reached the New World, making this and the colonization of Madagascar
∼2000 BP, the longest voyages known without a stopover at around 6000 km (Magellan’s
voyage across the Pacific in 1520–1521 was 15,000 km, but passed through part of the
Tuamotus en route). In C, just 24 years elapse between the first airplane flight (∼36 m or.
036 km) by the Wright Brothers and Charles Lindbergh’s historic non-stop Atlantic flight
(5800 km), and in 1986 (D), Dick Rutan and Jeana Yaeger co-piloted the Rutan Model


Scott M. Fitzpatrick and Jon M. Erlandson

…the global consequences of this (see Cherry and Leppard 2018; also Howitt-
development [seafaring] … led di- Marshall and Runnells 2016; Runnells 2014;
rectly to the bringing together of Runnells et al. 2014), but these claims re-
the many scattered branches of main controversial and vigorously debated
humanity into one global eco- (see Cherry and Leppard 2018; Leppard and
nomic system, in effect completing Runnels 2017).
the first, terrestrial, phase of hu- With the appearance of anatomically
man expansion, and setting the modern humans, evidence for hominin
stage for the second phase of ex- coastal dispersals, seafaring, and island col-
pansion into space. (p. 109) onization expands tremendously and ac-
celerates through time (Erlandson 2017).
The Polynesian discovery and set- Sometime after ∼70,000 years ago, humans
tlement of the far-flung islands moved through the islands of Wallacea,
of the mid-Pacific provides such eventually colonizing Australia via multi-
a case, for the adventure of ex- ple voyages across as much as ∼90 km of
ploring the unknown to establish ocean (Clarkson et al. 2017; Kealy et al.
colonies on worlds never before 2017; Norman et al. 2018). Between 35,000
occupied or even visited makes and 10,000 years ago there was a dramatic
this oceanic migration relevant to increase in the number of voyages and
the one about to unfold in space. the distances involved, particularly around
Furthermore, the development of the circum–New Guinea Archipelago where
new technology was as crucial to Manus (Admiralty Islands) and other islands
expansion into the Pacific as it in the Bismarcks and Solomons (O’Connell
will be for settling space. (p. 111) and Allen 2007) were colonized over dis-
tances between 50 and 200 km. Several is-
In retrospect, it is astonishing to think lands in Japan, including the Ryukyus and
that the first island known to be colonized Kozu were reached between ∼35,000 and
by hominins was Flores, which occurred as 20,000 years ago across distances of ∼50 to
much as one million years ago (e.g., Corvi- 100 km, respectively (Kaifu et al. 2015). By
nus 2004; Morwood et al. 1998), probably at least 13,000 and 10,000 years ago, Cali-
by Homo erectus. Because Flores was never fornia’s Channel Islands and several islands
connected to Sunda, crossings of roughly in the Mediterranean, including Melos and
10–15 km of open-ocean signify the use Crete, were reached as evidenced by the ac-
of watercraft, however simple (e.g., bam- quisition of obsidian in the former and a pre-
boo rafts; see Bednarik 2003) (Figure 1a). Neolithic phase on the latter (Cherry and
Claims for a Lower or Middle Paleolithic oc- Leopard 2018; Douka et al. 2017; Erlandson
cupation of Crete have also been advanced et al. 2011).

Figure 1. 76 Voyager to the first non-stop flight around the world, covering a certified 40,212 km.
Only 58 years after Lindbergh was the first manned spaceflight (D) by Yuri Gagarin in
the Soviet Vostok I, which orbited the Earth at maximum height of 327 km. Eight years
later on July 20, 1969, the first American Apollo 11 landed on the moon and traveled
385,000 km. Not shown here is the 1997 unmanned Sojourner space probe that landed
on Mars after voyaging more than 54.6 million km or the Voyager 1 spacecraft launched
in 1977 that is now nearly 19 billion km from earth. Given that some radiocarbon
dates and chronologies for the colonization of various islands are debated and that the
specific origin points for colonizers may be unknown, we have provided here generally
accepted dates and distances, which for the purpose of this model is suitable for drawing
comparisons between different regions and technologies.

290 VOLUME 13 • ISSUE 2 • 2018

How the Past Informs the Future

In the middle Holocene, the first islands velopment of the double-hulled canoe that
in the Caribbean were settled when Archaic allowed Polynesians to carry more people,
groups reached Trinidad, Cuba, Hispaniola, provisions, and domesticated plants and ani-
Puerto Rico, and several smaller islands in mals farther and faster than ever before (An-
the northern Antilles between 7,000 and derson et al. 2006; Goodwin et al. 2014;
5,000 years ago, followed by another major Montenegro et al. 2014, 2016), reaching
population dispersal (known as Saladoid) distances ranging from 2400 to 4100 km
that colonized much of the Lesser Antilles (Figure 1b; Table 1). Around the same time,
and Puerto Rico ∼2500 cal BP (Fitzpatrick the Norse colonized Iceland (670–1400 km)
2015; Keegan and Hofman 2017). Between and from there, Greenland another 300 km
∼3,000 and 1,000 years ago, there was an away between AD 870 and 1000. Five cen-
explosion of seafaring activity in the Indo- turies later in AD 1492, Columbus reached
Pacific as Austronesian-speaking groups be- the New World after traveling more than
gan the first forays into Remote Oceania, 6000 km across the Atlantic from the
with the Mariana and Palau archipelagoes in Canary Islands to the Caribbean.
western Micronesia settled between about While watercraft have been (and con-
3,300 and 3,000 years ago that covered tinue to be) an essential mode of trans-
distances between ∼800 km and possibly portation, a major technological revolution
2000 km (Figure 1b) (Carson 2008, 2013; took place only a little more than four
Clark 2005; Fitzpatrick and Callaghan 2013; centuries later when the Wright Brothers
Fitzpatrick and Jew 2018; Petchey et al. took their first experimental flight at Kitty
2017; Rieth and Athens 2018). Essentially Hawk, North Carolina (Figure 1c). Twenty-
contemporaneous was the Lapita expan- four years later in 1927, Charles Lindbergh
sion through island Melanesia to West Poly- was the first person to fly across the At-
nesia in which Vanuatu, New Caledonia, lantic between New York and Paris, a dis-
Fiji, Tonga, Sāmoa, and many other inter- tance of 5,800 km. Eight years after that his-
vening islands were colonized for the first toric flight in 1935, Amelia Earhart was the
time between ∼3,200 and 2,800 years ago first person to fly solo from Hawaii to the
(Burley et al. 2015; Denham et al. 2012; U.S. mainland, covering 3,900 km. Amaz-
Nunn and Petchey 2013; Petchey et al. ingly, it took only 58 years from the first air-
2014; Sheppard et al. 2015) with voyages plane flight for humans to reach outer space
between about 350 and 800 km. Around when Yuri Gagarin piloted the Soviet Vos-
2,000 years ago or slightly earlier, Madagas- tok 1 in orbit reaching a height of 327 km.
car was settled by Austronesian speakers, Eight years later the U.S. sent Apollo 1 to
probably originating somewhere along the the moon 385,000 km away where humans
western periphery of Indonesia (Fitzpatrick first walked on the moon (Figure 1d).
and Callaghan 2008). If these voyages were What these cases clearly illustrate is
direct, they would have entailed crossing an that if technological advances continue at
astonishing 6000 km of open ocean (Fitz- the current pace and sufficient investments
patrick and Callaghan 2008; Soares et al. are made in space exploration, there will
2011). be a time in the relatively near future
After a ‘long pause’ of roughly two when humans will colonize and possibly
millennia, East Polynesia was rapidly set- terraform other planets. Mars will likely
tled over what appears to be only a few host the first human space colony—and
centuries as the nodes of the Polynesian may or may not impact extraterrestrial life
triangle—Hawai‘i, New Zealand, and Rapa given our current understanding of that
Nui—and many of the islands in between planet’s environment—but there will in-
were reached for the first time between evitably be others as well. The number of
∼1,200 and 800 years ago (see Kirch ‘Goldilocks’ planets—those that are roughly
2017:184–212; Wilmshurst et al. 2011). The the same size as Earth and reside within a
extended temporal gap may have been re- star’s habitable zone—that have been iden-
lated to a combination of increased El Niño tified by scientists has grown significantly in
activity during the late Holocene and de- recent years (Tasker 2017). Dozens of can-


Table 1. The distances and years (pre-AD 2000) in which the discovery or rediscovery of different environments took place
(see Figure 1).

Distance Origin (established

Island/Landmass Years BP Involved archaeologically or nearest
Vessel Type Arrival Point (pre-AD 2000) (km) potential landmass)

Watercraft Flores ∼1,000,000 15 Sunda

Watercraft Australia 68,000–55,000 90 Sunda
Watercraft Bismarck Archipelago 35,000 140 Sunda
Watercraft Solomon Islands 34,000 50 Bismarck Archipelago
Watercraft Ryukyu Islands 35,000 100 Asia
Watercraft Kozushima (Japan) 30–20,000 50 Japan mainland
Watercraft Melos (Greece) 13,000 24 Greece mainland
Watercraft Channel Islands (CA) 13,000 6–8 California mainland
Watercraft Admirality Islands 12,000 200 New Guinea?

VOLUME 13 • ISSUE 2 • 2018

Watercraft Crete 10,000 40 Rhodes, Karpathos/Kythera,
Watercraft Fiji 3000 800 Vanuatu
Watercraft Samoa 3000 750 Fiji
Watercraft Tonga 3000 350 Fiji
Watercraft Palau 3000 800 Philippines/Moluccas?
Watercraft Marianas 3200 1,800–2,000 Philippines/Moluccas?
Watercraft Northern Caribbean 2500 800 South American mainland
Watercraft Madagascar 2000 6,000 Indonesia
Watercraft Iceland 1080 1,000 Norway
Watercraft Society Islands 1000 2,400 Samoa
Watercraft Hawaii 1000 4,100 Society Islands
Watercraft Easter Island 800 2,600 Mangareva?
Watercraft New Zealand 700 3,000 Southern East Polynesia
Watercraft Greenland 965 320 Iceland
Watercraft New World 458 6,000 Canary Islands
Aircraft — 97 0.0061 Kitty Hawk, NC
Aircraft (Spirit of St. Louis) Paris, France 73 5,800 Long Island, NY
Aircraft (Lockheed 5 C Vega) Oakland, CA 65 3,900 Oakland, CA
Aircraft (Rutan Voyager) Mojave Desert, CA 24 40,212 Mojave Desert, CA
Spacecraft (Soviet Vostok 1) Outer Space 39 327 Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazakhstan)


Spacecraft (Apollo 11) Moon 31 385,000 Kennedy Space Center (Florida)
Spacecraft (Sojourner probe) Mars 3 54,600,000 Earth

Scott M. Fitzpatrick and Jon M. Erlandson

didates have already been found within our amine the pathways humans took to settle
galaxy and there are potentially millions or the Indo-Pacific (see Bednarik 2003; Finney
even billions that might be found that fulfill 1992; Finney and Jones 1992; Smith and
the necessary criteria for human habitation Davies 2012:179–202), for they are ideal
based on the Habitable Exoplanets Catalog analogues to show how these experiences
(HEC) and data from the NASA Exoplanet have shaped our world. But there are many
Archive (Akeson et al. 2013). other cases of seafaring and ideologically
driven voyaging across the world’s seas and
oceans that are equally useful and appli-
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS cable to our understanding of the human
condition and how watercraft technologies
For decades, earth-bound archaeologists, and wayfinding techniques have evolved
biologists, geologists, and other scientists over tens or even hundreds of thousands
have studied islands as discrete entities be- of years. Regardless, all of these histori-
cause they serve as ideal model systems for cal cases, when connected to more mod-
examining the interplay between humans, ern events where air and space travel have
their technologies, and the environment. become commonplace and exponentially
For reasons that have been explored in this more sophisticated, they demonstrate what
special issue (Anderson 2018; Cherry and is probably an inevitable scenario—that of
Leppard 2018; DiNapoli et al. 2018; Gio- human colonization of space. Whenever hu-
vas 2018; Harris and Weisler 2018; Pilaar mans colonize space—by necessity, curios-
Birch 2018; Ramis 2018) and elsewhere (see ity, economic, or other reasons—there are
Braje et al. 2014; Erlandson and Fitzpatrick important issues to consider that islands as
2006; Fitzpatrick et al. 2015; Rick and model systems can help address.
Erlandson 2008; Rick et al. 2013), islands What scholars have generally ignored
have qualities that are highly amenable when using ancient seafaring and the pre-
to these types of studies. As papers here historic settlement of islands as analogues
demonstrate, there are many environmental for human exploration beyond Earth are the
and social reasons why islands may (or may ways in which humans would affect novel
not) have been colonized in the past (An- extraterrestrial environments and how we
derson 2018) and why humans adapted to might respond to those actions based on
insular landscapes to varying degrees and in past collective experiences. If we conceive
different ways through space and time (Di- of Earth as an island, and that one of the
Napoli et al. 2018). In the Mediterranean, primary motivators (or necessary reasons)
issues of environmental productivity and at- to leave our planet is the result of human
tractiveness greatly influenced subsistence agency (e.g., overpopulation, pollution, cli-
strategies (Cherry and Leppard 2018; Ramis mate change, sociopolitical instability, war,
2018) and various islands differed from one etc.), then we must be cognizant of not re-
another as well as from nearby mainland ar- peating the problems that caused our de-
eas (Pilaar Birch 2018). In the Caribbean, parture in the first place. The Norse set-
changes in marine resource use may have tlers of Iceland, fleeing civil wars created
been climatically driven (Giovas 2018). And by rival kings, for instance, intentionally cre-
in the Marshall Islands and elsewhere, ar- ated a monarch-less parliamentary society
chaeologists studying human harvesting of on a remote island in the North Atlantic
marine resources (in this case, mollusks), (Byock 2001). As archaeologists working
must consider the analysis of large assem- on islands around the world have shown,
blages and the potential for climatic shifts they are microcosms of how humans can
to affect the availability of various species, create new societies and affect pristine
lest we misinterpret them for evidence for ecologies, whether destructive or sustain-
overharvesting (Harris and Weisler 2018). able. These are valuable lessons for a hu-
In addition, as we have discussed in man future that may arrive sooner than we
this paper, it is particularly interesting to ex- think.

294 VOLUME 13 • ISSUE 2 • 2018

How the Past Informs the Future

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Braje, T. J., J. M. Erlandson, C. M. Aikens,

T. Beach, S.M. Fitzpatrick, S. Gonzalez, D. J.
We thank Robert DiNapoli and Thomas Kennett, et al. 2014. An Anthropocene with-
Leppard for inviting us to contribute to out archaeology—should we care? SAA Ar-
their special issue and providing useful chaeological Record 14(1):26–29.
Braje, T. J., T. Leppard, S. Fitzpatrick, and J. M.
comments. Thanks also go to co-editor
Erlandson. 2018. Archaeology, historical ecol-
Todd Braje for handling the external re- ogy, and the construction of anthropogenic
view and Torben Rick and Victor Thomp- island ecosystems. Environmental Conserva-
son who gave constructive comments that tion 44(3):286–297.
helped us improve on an earlier draft of Burley, D., K. Edinborough, M. Weisler, and
the paper. J. X. Zhao. 2015. Bayesian modeling and
chronological precision for Polynesian settle-
ment of Tonga. PLOS ONE 10(3):p.e0120795.
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