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Roy Bagus Kurniawan

Herrod, P., Doleman, B., Blackwell, J., O’Boyle, F., Williams, J., Lund, J. and Phillips, B.
(2018). Exercise and other nonpharmacological strategies to reduce blood pressure in older
adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Society of
Hypertension, [online] 12(4), pp.248-267.

Available at:
[Accessed 25 Oct. 2018].

Urrico, P. (2018). Nonpharmacological Interventions in the Management of Hypertension in

the Adult Population With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, [online]
42(2), pp.196-198.

Available at:
[Accessed 25 Oct. 2018].

Nonpharmacological therapies for hipertension with diabetes mellitus risk person


Interventions that focus on controlling body weight, sodium diet, quitting smoking, and proper
diet according to hypertension guidelines, regular exercise, and independent blood pressure
monitoring can reduce blood pressure in the population of type 2 diabetes mellitus

Other positive results that can be observed from changes in lifestyle patterns include increasing
the quality of sugar levels, heart function, and reducing the risk of almost all cardiovascular risk

Nonpharmacological therapy as intended is best used as a choice of first-line therapy for the
treatment of hypertension with diabetes

(Uricco, 2018)

In detail described as follows

Weight loss

For individuals who are overweight or even obese, a weight loss program is considered effective
enough to reduce blood pressure. It is said that, there is a direct relationship between body
weight and the risk of diabetes and hypertension. Thus, making weight factors as non-
pharmacological therapy needs to be considered.

Dietary Changes

The approach to changing daily food diets has shown a decrease in systolic blood pressure of 5.5
mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 3.0 mmHg compared to western diets for diet sodium in
people with or not hypertension, including controlled diabetes patients. With this approach also,
it is said that this method can reduce level of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C), fasting blood
glucose level, weight, waist circumference, LDL-C, reactive protein level, and increasing HDL-C
levels in more or less weeks.


Physical activity in the form of regular exercise has been mentioned as one of the therapies for
hypertension and decreased insulin resistance in diabetic patients. For people with
hypertension, it is said that dynamic light exercise (walking, jogging, cycling) for 30-60 minutes
with a frequency of 4 to 7 times a week can be used as a non-pharmacological therapy. By
carrying out routine physical activity coupled with dietary modifications, a significant reduction
in blood pressure seems to be logically associated with therapy as well as discussed at this point.

Smoking Cessation

Cigarettes are still the leaders of cardiovascular disease risk factors. But for diabetes, this is an
independent risk factor for all causes of death. This strategy should not be used as an initial
strategy for controlling hypertension and other CVS diseases.

Self-measured Blood Pressure Monitoring

(Herrod et al, 2018; Uricco, 2018)

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