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Small Ruminant Research 160 (2018) 54–58

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Short communication

Effects of feeding system, heat treatment and season on phenolic compounds T

and antioxidant capacity in goat milk, whey and cheese
Jorge L. Chávez-Servín, Héctor M. Andrade-Montemayor, Cecilia Velázquez Vázquez,
Araceli Aguilera Barreyro, Teresa García-Gasca, Roberto A. Ferríz Martínez,

Andrea M. Olvera Ramírez, Karina de la Torre-Carbot
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Av. de las Ciencias S/N, Juriquilla, Querétaro, Qro. CP 76320, Mexico


Keywords: Phenolic compounds are present in goat milk and cheese. The composition of goat milk and its products may
Phenolic compounds vary depending on factors such as season, feeding system and heat treatment. The aim of this work is to quantify
Antioxidant capacity total phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant capacity in pasteurized and unpasteurized samples of milk,
Goat dairy products milk whey, and cheese from goats fed in two different systems (free-range grazing and permanent confinement),
Feeding systems
during dry and rainy seasons. TPC concentrations were highest in unpasteurized samples from dry season
compared to pasteurized and rainy season: 132.4 ± 27.3, 76.5 ± 5.77 mg of gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/L for
unpasteurized milk and milk whey, respectively, and 363.21 ± 52.97 mg GAE/Kg for cheese. Antioxidant ca-
pacity for dry season produce was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than rainy season produce. Free-range grazing
was found to be a good option for producing a higher concentration of phenolic compounds and a higher
antioxidant capacity.

1. Introduction et al., 2010).

Data on goat milk phenolic content and antioxidant capacity can be
Goat milk and its derivatives are regaining prominence in the used to improve goat milk quality and therefore it is important to assess
human diet due to their composition and recognized benefits for human the impact of each of these factors on the composition of goat milk and
health (Raynal-Ljutovac et al., 2008). Goat milk and its products are goat milk products. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to measure
superior to cow's milk in a number of aspects: lower allergenicity of and compare the total phenolic compound (TPC) concentration and
their proteins, greater digestibility and more bioactive components, antioxidant capacity in pasteurized and unpasteurized samples of milk,
among others. Because of these, goat milk has gained the image of cheese and whey from goats fed in permanent confinement and free-
being a healthy, functional product (Albenzio et al., 2012; Raynal- range grazing, during dry and rainy seasons.
Ljutovac et al., 2008).
There have been a number of recent studies on phenolic compounds 2. Materials and methods
in foods, showing their benefits by reducing pathogenesis or severity of
chronic disease, including cardiovascular disease (Lewandowska et al., 2.1. Study design
2016; Rangel-Huerta et al., 2015; Redan et al., 2016). But phenolic
compound content in goat milk and dairy products like cheese and Healthy, multiparous goats, on their 2nd or 3rd lactation, from the
whey has so far been little studied (Hilario et al., 2010). Alpine breed were used, with an average weight of 50 ± 5 kg and an
The feeding system used–free-range grazing or permanent con- average milk production of 2.5 ± 0.4 kg/day. The milk samples were
finement–has been found to affect the composition of goat milk, and drawn after 60 days of lactation. The goats were raised in the state of
may influence antioxidant activity, not only in the milk, but in milk Querétaro, in the municipality of El Marques, on the Amazcala Campus
products as well (Jordan et al., 2010; Keles et al., 2017). Other factors of the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ). Animal welfare
that can affect composition is the season of the year (rainy or dry) and principles of the good practices manual for caprine milk production
the thermal treatment (pasteurization) process (Di et al., 2015; Hilario were followed (Kilkenny et al., 2017; SAGARPA, 2014). The project was

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K. de la Torre-Carbot).
Received 16 September 2017; Received in revised form 19 January 2018; Accepted 21 January 2018
Available online 31 January 2018
0921-4488/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.
J.L. Chávez-Servín et al. Small Ruminant Research 160 (2018) 54–58

reviewed and approved by the Bioethics Committee of the UAQ’s School methanol-water (1:1, v/v); and protein precipitation was carried out
of Natural Sciences (FCN). To monitor animal health, a somatic cell with 500 μl of Carrez I, 500 μl of Carrez II and 5 ml of acetonitrile. The
count (SCC) was performed each week with an EKOMILK ™ device. An solution was complemented to 25 ml with methanol-water (1:1, v/v).
average SCC had a count of 260 × 103 ± 36 × 103 SCC/mL. After complete clot protein precipitation, the resulting solution was
A randomized experimental study with 2 × 2 × 2 factorial ar- placed in a centrifuge tube and centrifuged at 7800 × g and 5 °C for
rangement was made. First, goats were allocated into two treatments 15 min. The liquid phase was separated and subsequently used for
(n = 20): Group 1: goats were confined and fed a controlled diet de- quantification of total phenolic compounds.
signed according to their needs (National Research Council, 2007), For the extraction of TPC in goat cheese the samples were thawed in
consisting of 1 kg of concentrate (88% dry matter (DM)), 1.5 kg of al- a water bath at 35°–40 °C. Once thawed, 10 g previously ground, the
falfa hay (85% DM) and 1.5 kg of corn silage (40% DM) (White corn: samples were weighed, and 10 ml of methanol were added. Sample was
Zea mays L.). Group 2: free-range grazing from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on vortexed for 40 min, and subsequently centrifuged at 3000 × g for
12 ha of thorny deciduous forest land, with a predominance of shrubs 10 min at 5 °C. The extract was obtained as the supernatant, in which
such as Prosopis laevigata, Acacias spp, Celtis spp, Opuntia spp and other TPC were later quantified.
types of cactus, and grasses, with 450 mm of precipitation and tempe- All samples were prepared at room temperature and in low-light
rate climate. The diet was supplemented each day with preparations in conditions.
the following proportion: 0.8 kg of concentrate (88% DM) 0.75 kg of
alfalfa hay (85% DM) and 0.5 kg of corn silage (40% DM). The com- 2.3.1. Determination of TPC and antioxidant capacity
position of the concentrate in DM was as follows: 33.27% ground corn TPCs were quantified using the Folin-Ciocalteu method (Vazquez
(White corn: Zea mays L.), 33.0% barley, 11.17% soybean meal, 10.08% et al., 2015). A calibration curve was prepared using gallic acid (GA) as
dry destiller grain (DDG), 10.30% corn gluten meal (60% CP), and standard with concentrations of 0.005–0.12 mg/mL. GA is con-
2.16% mineral and vitamin premix™. Nutrient contents of foods were: ventionally used as standard reference, because it is a compound
concentrate 1.9 Mcal ENl/kg/DM and 19.26% CP, alfalfa hay: 1.35 cheaply available in highly purified form, and is endowed with average
Mcal ENl/kg/DM and 18% CP and corn silage: 1.45 Mcal ENl/kg/DM reactivity. TPC content is typically expressed in Gallic Acid Equivalents
and 6% CP. (GAE) (Miniati, 2007). The equation of the line used was
For both groups of goats, milk was drawn during two seasons of the y = 4.3008x + 0.0007, with a R2 = 0.9998. Values were reported in
year (rainy and dry). For each season, half of the milk samples were mg of GA equivalents (GAE) per liter for milk and whey, and mg GAE/
pasteurized and half were left unpasteurized, same milk samples were Kg for cheese. The antioxidant capacity was determined using de Ferric
used to produce cheese and whey. This produced a total of 8 classes of Reducing Ability of a Plasma (FRAP) method (Benzie and Strain, 1996).
milk, 8 classes of whey, and 8 classes of cheese (2 × 2 × 2). Four sub- A calibration curve was prepared using ascorbic acid (AA) at con-
samples were drawn of each of these categories: a total of 96 samples all centrations of 2.20–9.62 mg EAA/mL. The equation of the line used was
together. TPC concentration and antioxidant capacity were then eval- y = 0.0194x-0.0143, with an R2 = 0.9998. The antioxidant capacity
uated in an aqueous extract obtained from the milk, whey and cheese. was also determined using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, DPPH
method (Brand-Williams et al., 1995). A calibration curve was prepared
2.2. Milking, pasteurization and cheese making process using AA at concentrations of 2.20–39.62 mg EAA/mL. The equation of
the line used was y = −0.0139x + 0.5685, with an R2 = 0.9998. Va-
The goats were milked once a day (7–9 a.m.). After cleaning the lues were reported in mg EAA/L for milk or whey and mg EAA/Kg for
udders, a mobile milker was used (J. Delgado FLACO™ brand) to extract cheese.
the milk, with a 38–40 kpa vacuum and a pulse ratio of 70–30.
Pasteurization (for pasteurized samples) was carried out in a stainless- 2.4. Statistical analysis
steel double-bottom pasteurizer with automatic temperature control,
stirred at a temperature of 63–65 °C for 30 min, and subsequently The study was carried out on a completely randomized design basis
cooled to 26 °C. Lactic acid culture–Lactobacillus and Mesofilos MA400 with a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement: 2 feeding systems (free-range
(2 g/100 l)–was added to both pasteurized and unpasteurized milk grazing or permanent confinement), 2 seasons of the year (rainy or
samples at 30 °C, and organically-derived rennet (Cuamex ™) was added dry), and 2 thermal treatments (pasteurized or unpasteurized). The
in a solution with water at 28 °C (1.5 ml/L). The curd was added in differences between these groups were evaluated using ANOVA and
small grains and 1/3 of the serum (whey) was later removed, with post-hoc Tukey HSD tests. We used a 95% confidence interval and a
water added at 40 °C, and that temperature was maintained for 30 min. significance level of P < 0.05.
The mix was then salted in 10% brine for 12 h, molded and allowed to
stand for 24 h at room temperature. 3. Results and discussions

2.3. Analysis of samples All variables– feeding system, season of year and pasteurization–had
an impact on the studied variables: antioxidant capacity and, especially,
Samples of goat milk and whey were taken in 12 ml screw-cap TPC concentration.
plastic tubes, and sampling of goat cheese was done in Ziploc-type TPC concentration was found to be 34.69% higher (P < 0.05) in
plastic bags. Samples were covered with aluminum foil to protect them milk from free-range goats than in milk from confined goats. These
from light. They were refrigerated during transport and then stored in a results are consistent with the results of other previously published
deep freezer at −40 °C until further analysis. All samples were prepared studies which concluded that it is possible to improve the quality,
at room temperature and in low-light conditions. The phenolic com- achieve changes in the composition of and increase the concentration of
pounds in milk, whey and cheese were extracted by a previously de- phenolic compounds in milk by making some modifications to the
veloped method (Hilario et al., 2010; Vazquez et al., 2015) and sub- goats’ feeding system, by adding high content phenolic compounds
sequently quantified using the Folin-Ciocalteu method (Singleton and foods (Jordan et al., 2010; Keles et al., 2017), increasing consumption
Rossi, 1965). of fresh forages (Di et al., 2015), or with the free-range grazing system
Briefly, for obtaining phenolic compounds in milk and whey, sam- (Hilario et al., 2010). TPC concentration was also significantly higher
ples were thawed in a water bath at 35°–40 °C and then homogenized. (P < 0.05) in cheese made from unpasteurized milk than in pasteur-
Then 8 ml of fluid goat milk or milk whey was measured and trans- ized milk. Antioxidant capacity, measured by the FRAP assay, was
ferred to a 25 ml volumetric flask; where it was dissolved with 10 ml of significantly higher in unpasteurized whey and cheese (P < 0.05) than

J.L. Chávez-Servín et al. Small Ruminant Research 160 (2018) 54–58

Table 1
Total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity (FRAP and DPPH) in goat milk, whey and cheese, by feeding system (free-range grazing and permanent confinement), heat treatment
(pasteurized and unpasteurized), and season (dry or rainy).

* * *
Total Phenolic Compounds Antioxidant Capacity by FRAP Antioxidant Capacity by DPPH

Free-range Confinement Free-range Confinement Free-range Confinement

a b a a a
Milk 87.90 ± 30.19 65.26 ± 11.26 26.71 ± 9.19 23.45 ± 10.14 23.22 ± 3.41 20.86 ± 3.33a
Whey 74.02 ± 8.67a 61.04 ± 10.07a 17.66 ± 9.89a 16.37 ± 9.36a 18.03 ± 1.33a 16.81 ± 1.14a
Cheese 235.76 ± 110.14a 217.29 ± 94.32a 37.02 ± 10.06a 33.31 ± 18.81a 58.78 ± 2.76a 56.11 ± 3.74a

* * *
Total Phenolic Compounds Antioxidant Capacity by FRAP Antioxidant Capacity by DPPH

Unpasteurized Pasteurized Unpasteurized Pasteurized Unpasteurized Pasteurized

a a a a a
Milk 89.01 ± 29.30 64.15 ± 10.46 55.70 ± 22.20 43.28 ± 18.47 24.82 ± 1.55 19.25 ± 1.83b
Whey 72.72 ± 9.75a 62.34 ± 11.04a 18.73 ± 2.41a 15.30 ± 8.39b 18.33 ± 1.14a 16.51 ± 0.74b
Cheese 245.43 ± 114.76a 207.62 ± 84.45b 41.93 ± 12.09a 28.39 ± 1.72b 59.69 ± 1.14a 55.21 ± 2.28b

* * *
Total Phenolic Compounds Antioxidant Capacity by FRAP Antioxidant Capacity by DPPH

Dry Rainy Dry Rainy Dry Rainy

a a a b a
Milk 86.98 ± 30.41 66.17 ± 12.91 32.81 ± 5.31 17.36 ± 2.69 22.18 ± 3.53 21.90 ± 3.73a
Whey 73.11 ± 7.56a 61.94 ± 12.19a 25.12 ± 3.24a 8.92 ± 1.21b 17.88 ± 1.57a 16.96 ± 1.01a
Cheese 312.04 ± 41.17a 141.01 ± 7.68b 40.69 ± 12.9a 29.64 ± 4.75a 58.73 ± 3.91a 56.18 ± 2.60a

* TPC values expressed in mg GAE/L in milk and whey, and mg GAE/Kg in cheese. Antioxidant capacity values are expressed in mg AAE/L in milk and whey, and mg AAE/Kg in cheese.
Different letters indicate significant difference (P < 0.05) between feeding systems, between pasteurized and unpasteurized and between dry and rainy season.

in pasteurized whey and cheese. Measured by the DPPH technique, significantly higher (P < 0.05) in unpasteurized milk from free-range
antioxidant capacity was found to be significantly higher (P < 0.05) in goats, whey from pasteurized milk drawn from confined goats, and all
both unpasteurized milk and its derivatives, whey and cheese. The re- cheese samples from milk drawn in the dry season. Dry-season milk and
sults obtained are consistent with the work done by Hilario et al. its derivatives (whey and cheese) always presented higher TPC in un-
(2010), which found that TPC concentrations and antioxidant capacity pasteurized samples from free-range goats than in pasteurized samples
are significantly higher in cheeses from the milk of free-range grazing of milk, whey and cheese and confined goats (P < 0.05). This is in
goats and without pasteurization treatment. Furthermore, TPC con- accordance with the study by Kuhnen et al. (2014), where it is shown
centrations were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in cheese made from that the amount of phenolic compounds in milk samples differs between
milk drawn during the dry season, than in rainy season. Antioxidant seasons of the year, due to differences in the botanical composition of
capacity, determined by the FRAP technique, was also significantly ingested forages, diversity of plant species and pastures in each season.
higher (P < 0.05) in milk and whey drawn during dry season For rainy season samples, the same held true: a higher concentration
(Table 1). of TPC in unpasteurized milk from free-range goats (P < 0.05). In
The ANOVA model was used to compare milk samples drawn from addition, whey samples corresponding to pasteurized milk from con-
goats fed in two feeding systems (confined or free-range), in two sea- fined goats had lower concentrations of TPC than the other whey
sons season (rainy or dry), and in two treatment systems (pasteurized or samples (pasteurized milk from free-range goats and unpasteurized
unpasteurized) (Table 2). TPC concentrations were found to be milk from both feeding systems) (P < 0.05).

Table 2
Total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity (FRAP, DPPH) in goat milk, whey and cheese by season (dry versus rainy), and by heat treatment (pasteurization versus non
pasteurization) and feeding system (free-range and confinement).

* * *
Total Phenolic Compunds Antioxidant Capacity (FRAP) Antioxidant Capacity (DPPH)

Samples n = 4 Dry Rainy Dry Rainy Dry Rainy

1,a 1,b 1,a 1,b 1,a

Milk Free-range-Unpasteurized 132.45 ± 27.33 80.01 ± 11.4 37.05 ± 4.01 20.02 ± 7.09 26.34 ± 4.15 25.62 ± 3.521,a
Confined-Unpasteurized 74.51 ± 6.72,a 69.07 ± 6.952,a 36.68 ± 1.811,a 17.82 ± 4.661,b 22.75 ± 7.271,a 24.58 ± 1.891,a
Free-range-Pasteurized 72.36 ± 5.572,a 66.78 ± 4.232,a 31.81 ± 2.941,a 17.99 ± 5.86 1,b 21.9 ± 8.45 2,a 19.01 ± 2.591,a
Confined-Pasteurized 68.61 ± 5.733,a 48.85 ± 2.863,a 25.69 ± 0.481,a 13.6 ± 7.452,b 17.73 ± 5.642,a 18.38 ± 2.871,a

Whey Free-range-Unpasteurized 83.97 ± 5.771,a 76.56 ± 17.051,a 29.31 ± 1.911,a 10.5 ± 3.871,b 19.93 ± 5.031,a 17.99 ± 5.021,a
Confined-Unpasteurized 69.06 ± 3.142,a 61.28 ± 7.11 1,a 26.02 ± 0.551,a 9.1 ± 2.451,b 18.19 ± 7.76 1,a 17.23 ± 3.891,a
Free-range-Pasteurized 72.37 ± 4.902,a 63.17 ± 6.431,a 22.37 ± 1.81,a 8.46 ± 2.171,b 17.14 ± 6.071,a 17.07 ± 6.451,a
Confiined-Pasteurized 67.07 ± 2.623,a 46.77 ± 8.222,b 22.76 ± 0.921,a 7.62 ± 3.422,b 16.27 ± 4.041,a 15.56 ± 2.181,a

Cheese Free-range-Unpasteurized 363.21 ± 77.971,a 149.11 ± 5.641,b 52.77 ± 4.611,a 36.61 ± 10.611,b 61.65 ± 10.861,a 59.92 ± 11.191,a
Confined-Unpasteurized 324.52 ± 66.692,a 144.89 ± 10.091,b 50.95 ± 1.411,a 27.39 ± 10.962,b 61.52 ± 15.091,a 55.69 ± 3.961,a
Free-range-Pasteurized 292.21 ± 52.072,a 138.52 ± 13.831,b 30.23 ± 6.272,a 28.47 ± 8.852,a 58.43 ± 16.451,a 55.14 ± 3.221,a
Confined-Pasteurized 268.24 ± 55.843,a 131.51 ± 5.461,b 28.82 ± 5.512,a 26.07 ± 4.112,a 53.3 ± 7.321,a 53.95 ± 4.841,a

* TPC values expressed in mg GAE/L in milk and whey, and mg GAE/Kg in cheese. Antioxidant capacity values are expressed in mgEAA/L in milk and whey, and mg AAE/Kg in cheese.
Different letters indicate significant difference for each season (Dry versus Rainy) Different numbers in the same column indicate significant difference (P < 0.05) by type of feeding
system (free-range versus confinement) and heat treatment (pasteurized versus unpasteurized). (SPSS-post hoc Tukey Test).

J.L. Chávez-Servín et al. Small Ruminant Research 160 (2018) 54–58

In the case of antioxidant capacity measured by FRAP, in dry season release of phenolic compounds from their bonded forms, the degrada-
all milk samples, all whey samples and the two cheese samples from tion polyphenols and the breakdown, hydrolysis and transformations of
unpasteurized milk were found to have higher antioxidant capacity phenolics. The differences in susceptibility to thermal processing de-
than in rainy season (P < 0.05). The two pasteurized cheese samples pends on the compounds’ structure and the phenolic subclass to which
from dry season had lower antioxidant capacity than their un- they belong (Chen et al., 2013; De et al., 2014).
pasteurized counterparts (P < 0.05). For the rainy season samples, Finally, the season of year has also been found to affect TPC content
antioxidant capacity was greater (P < 0.05) in pasteurized milk and in the plants that goats consume in the free-range system. Several stu-
whey from free-range goats, as well as in unpasteurized milk and whey dies show an increase in secondary metabolites in stressed plants
from both confined and free-range goats, than in pasteurized milk and (drought being a stress factor) (Puente-Garza et al., 2017) as a meta-
whey from confined goats. In the case of cheese, the samples made from bolic response. This response increases when the plant is subject to a
unpasteurized milk of free-range goats had a higher antioxidant capa- lack of water, an abiotic stress known as water stress. The result is an
city (P < 0.05) than the rest of the samples (unpasteurized milk from increase in the phenolics consumed by free-range goats during dry
confined goats and pasteurized milk from both feeding systems). This is season. In this study, a significant difference in antioxidant capacity
consistent with the results of Di et al. (2015), which show that the was found in most of the dry-season samples using the FRAP assay,
consumption of fresh forage diets provides an antioxidant effect in the most clearly in milk and whey (Table 2).
products, due to the role of phenolic compounds that have a direct
effect on antioxidant activity in milk. Kuhnen et al. (2014) show that 4. Conclusions
TPC and antioxidant capacity measured by FRAP showed the highest
values in milk from cows fed by free-range grazing when compared This paper found TPC concentrations and antioxidant capacity in
with different feeding system. goat milk products to be affected by the ways the goats are fed (the
DPPH analysis revealed that for the dry-season samples, un- plants free-range goats consume in a semiarid zone), the season of the
pasteurized milk samples from both free-range and confined goats had year, and the pasteurization of their milk. There was a beneficial in-
higher antioxidant capacity than pasteurized samples from both feeding crease in TPC concentration and antioxidant capacity in milk, whey and
systems (Table 2). Hilario et al. (2010) analyze antioxidant activity cheese from goats fed under the free-range grazing system, without
using different tests, including the DPPH method, in cheese from two pasteurization, and drawn in dry season. The free-range grazing system
feeding systems. They found that free-range grazing represents a better represents a good option for producing goat milk products with higher
option than confinement to produce a healthy profile of bioactive concentrations of phenolic compounds. More research is needed to as-
compounds, providing an increase in phenolic compounds and anti- sess the bioactivity and potential of the different components of goat
oxidant capacity. dairy products and to evaluate the effect on humans as consumers of
These results are consistent with other studies analyzing the milk of these products.
goats and other species, and it concluding that farming systems and
feeding aspects affect milk production, quality and composition, in- Conflict of interest
cluding macro, micro and volatile components, which consequently
affect the characteristics of the products, as in the case of the cheese, The authors report no conflict of interest.
considering additional factors such as rheological and sensorial quali-
ties. Feeding factors can be modified to improve the characteristics of Acknowledgements
the products and therefore benefit the health of those who consume
them. Free-range grazing has been reported to result in milk with a The authors are grateful for the support of the technicians and re-
higher content of compounds listed as healthy, than milk from animals searchers in charge of the laboratories of Human Nutrition, Molecular
fed in intensive feeding systems (Morand-Fehr et al., 2007) and Cell Biology and Animal Nutrition–Josué F. López-Martínez,
In general, TPC concentrations were higher in samples from free- Mariela Camacho-Barron and Aurora Mejía-Jáuregui. We also thank
range goats whose milk was not pasteurized, and which had been UAQ Amazcala campus staff for their assistance in the management,
drawn in dry season (Table 2). feeding and milking of goats; and María T. Ontiveros-Hermández and
The free-range grazing system was also found to significantly in- Carmen Redón-Rendón for their help in cheese production and sam-
crease TPC concentration in milk during the rainy season, when that pling for analysis. This research did not receive any specific grant from
milk is unpasteurized. TPC Concentrations may be higher in the milk of funding agencies in the public, commercial, or nonprofit sectors.
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