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The Louisiana

The Louisiana Cover

Publication of The Grand Lodge of the State of Loui-
siana, F & A.M., 5800 Masonic Drive, Alexandria,
Louisiana 71301. Published quarterly for members
of Lodges in Louisiana. U.S. rate only. Mailed
‘Non-Profit Organization’ third class, prepaid at
Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
The LOUISIANA FREEMASON will accept unso-
licited articles, with the right to edit, and use when
space permits. Articles and pictures become the
property of the magazine. Authors are requested to The Square & Compasses placed above
sign articles and the front entrance of the Grand Lodge
include their name, address, phone number and, if a
building was designed, crafted and in-
member, the name of their Masonic Lodge. Articles
that are printed do not necessarily reflect the views stalled by the son of M: W: Bro J. Lewis
of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana. Faciane, PGM.
Address Changes should be sent to the Lodge
Secretary who will notify the Grand Secretary on
the proper form. DO NOT send changes of address
to the Louisiana Freemason. Send all email, mail and INSIDE THIS ISSUE
/or material for consideration for publication in the
Louisiana Freemason to:
Grand Master’s Message Page 3
W: Steven A. Pence, P.M. Editor
The LOUISIANA FREEMASON Feature Article Page 4
105 Bayhills Dr.,
Benton, LA 71006
Email: Masonry on Wheels Page 6

Committee To Supervise
Commentary Page 9
Publication of the
W: Steven A. Pence, P.M. Editor (362) Grand Lodge Session
105 Bay Hills Dr.
Benton, LA 71006
Friday, February 6, 2009
W: Wiley G. Bell III, P.M.-Chairman (398)
99 Bayou Robert Road AM-Committee meetings as required
Alexandria, LA 71302 10 am-Registration begins
M: W: Clayton J. Borne, III, P.G.M. (P.U.I.) Afternoon-Committee meetings
433 Metairie Rd., Suite 100
Metairie, LA 70005
Naresh Sharma, P.M. (47) 5:30 pm-Grand Master’s Reception
19414 Creekround Ave. Sai Convention Center
Baton Rouge, LA 70817 7:00 pm-Grand Master’s Banquet
W: David A. Roach, P.M. (221)
6511 Misty Ln. Saturday, February 7, 2009
Pineville, LA 71360 198th Session Begins
12 noon-Ladies Luncheon
Sunday, February 8th, 2009
Session continues
“The great proof of madness is the dispropor-
tion of one’s designs to one’s means.”
The Holiday Season is over, hopefully a time
when each of us paused in our individual way to
reflect, and to thank The Supreme Architect for the
unnumbered blessings and privileges granted to us
from His Bounty; for Family, Health, Friends, and
Freedom to Worship and practice Masonry without
fear of retribution.
This is my final message to you in this publica-
tion as Grand Master. I am grateful for the many
kindnesses, courtesies, brotherly love, support
,cooperation, and the great respect you have shown
me and the Office of Grand Master. I am likewise
grateful, and humbled, for the opportunity given
to share Masonry in Louisiana and beyond its
borders. I again thank you for bestowing upon
me the highest honor that Freemasonry has to Lloyd E. Hennigan, Jr.
offer. Never again will I have equal opportunity Grand Master
to serve the greatest people I know. Thanks for State of Louisiana
the wonderful memories Patricia and I will have
for our lifetimes.
As this year comes to a close, I am truly encouraged . With the adoption of our Grand
Lodge Business Plan last year, your mandate last February, and the implementations thereof
this year, we have made a good start toward our stated goals We have made significant
progress, but more is necessary. We face many challenges. We must continue to nurture our
newly-made Masons and establish a more structured Masonic Education Program, while
taking good care of our mature Masons and making sure all Masons and thier families are
included in Lodge activities.Let us always remember the necessiry for Masons to get outside
the Lodgeroom to clearly demonstrate our relevance in every one of our communities.
We must continue to pursue a “two-track” philosophy for our Fraternal and Charitable
programs. We need to increase our support of our Masonic Learning Center Dyslexia Treat-
ment Program with time and money. Just as importantly, we must exponentially support
our Perpetual Membership, Property Development and Endowment Programs. We must
remember that our Grand Lodge must be strong in order to perform our charitable work.
As I previously wrote you, the future is here. We are making real progress. To continue
to do so, we must all work together to support the programs that will create a healthier and
stronger atmosphere for Louisiana Masonry. As the guard changes, let us dedicate ourselves
anew to support those who assume the responsibility of leadership.
My personal thanks to each of you for all you do for our beloved Craft.
May God bless us and keep us all, until we meet again. I look forward to seeing
each of you at our Grand Lodge Annual Session February 6-8, 2009, at Alexandria.
So mote it be.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Lloyd E. Hennigan, Jr.
Grand Master, 2008-09

The 2009 Grand Lodge Session is scheduled for February 7th & 8th at the Sai Conven-
tion Center. Committee meetings begin on Friday February 6th.
United Grand Lodges of Germany
Clayton J. Borne III, PGM

ollowing my meeting with the German Grand Master, M: W: Bro. Klause
Kopp, at the 10th World Conference of Grand Masters, he tendered through
his Grand Secretary information on the structure of the fraternity in Ger-
many. I found the present structure of the VGLvD, Vereinigte Grosslogen
von Deutschiand, to be most interesting.
Historically German Freemasonry can trace its origins back to September 13,
1740, when the “Gross National Mutterloge zu den drei Welkugeln (Grand National
Mother Lodge of the Three World Globes) was established as the first Grand Lodge
in Germany, by Frederick the Great, who served as its first Grand Master. This
Lodge still proudly exists today as part of the VGLvD.
The VGLvD can best be described as a FEDERATION of five Grand Lodges,
united to form one SOVEREIGN Grand Body for Germany. This unification
originally was designed to accomplish two basic goals; First, to facilitate the need
to regain recognition for German Freemasonry after the debacle of World War
II; second, to unite different Masonic ‘systems’ existing within the remnants of
Freemasonry in Germany. The VGLvD was formed, and the constituting Grand
Lodges united under the terms of what is called the “Magna Charta” of German
Freemasonry. The Magna Charta, the ‘constitution’ of the VGLvD, can perhaps
be more appropriately termed ‘Articles of Confederation’. The Magna Charta has
been amended several times and under its authority, laws and regulations for the
government of the VGLvD have been adopted. Following is a listing of the five
constituent of ‘partner’ Grand Lodges which comprise the VGLvD, shown in the
order in which they became signatures to the Magna Charta of Freemasonry in
1. Grossloge A.F.U.A.M. von Deutschland: Sometimes referred to as “AFAM”.
This Grand Lodge was established through consolidation of surviving members of
seven pre-World War II Grand Lodges.
2. Grosse Landesloge der Freimaurer van Deutschland: Sometimes referred to
as “FvD” (referring to Freimaurer Orden). The FvD is part of a complete ‘system;’
of Masonic degrees based on the so-called Swedish of Scandinavian Rite. Christian
dogma is highly stressed within the FvD system, especially in its advanced degrees,
which in some ways can be equated with the American York Rite system.
3. Gross National-Mutterlodge “Zu den Drei Welkugellllln”: The oldest Grand
Lodge in Germany, it is often referred to simply as “3WK” (Three World Globes).
Time and the partition of Germany (We must remember its greatest strength was
in Prussia!) have taken its toll. This Grand Lodge’s system also includes additional
steps or degrees known as “Erkenntnisstufen”.
continued next page
from page 4:
4. Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany: Often very simply referred
to as “The Brtis, “BFG”, this Grand Lodge is composed predominantly of British
Forces personnel, with the result that more than half the total membership is not
physically residing in Germany.
5. American-Canadian Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M.: Generally referred to simply as
“ACGL”, this jurisdiction is composed predominantly of members of the American
and Canadian Forces or government personnel stationed in Germany, subject to
constant turnover resulting from reassignments; most of its current membership
also not physically resident in Germany.
In almost every other jurisdiction, reference to the Grand Lodge is always
simply “The Graend Lodge”. In Germany, almost always the Brothers use the
acronym or nickname - even for the VGLvD itself. This may be a natural result
of the proliferation of Bodies, or simply the result of the German penchant for
abbreviating everything.
The MAGNA CHARTA clearly states the constituent Grand Lodges are au-
tonomous; they govern their own internal affairs. The Magna Charta also contains
rules for electing a Grand Master and one Deputy Grand Master; regulations for
the regular convening of a Communication (called Konvent in German: a word
akin to the English convention); and various other rules for the government of the
VGLvD. There are no Grand Wardens in the VGLvD; but a Grand Treasurer and
a Grand Secretary are part of the so-called “Grossmeisteramt” (Grand Master’s
Bureau). The governing organ of the VGL is the ‘Senate’, composed of members
elected or appointed by their respective Grand Lodges, based on a proportionate
membership representation, and in the interest of continuity most are mortally
reelected or appointed for successive terms. Several committees exist, which are
appointed or confirmed by the Senate.
Since the VGLvD is recognized and acknowledged as the Sovereign Grand
Lodge in Germany, each constituent Grand Lodge enjoys recognition as the result
of its membership in the VGLvD. Fraternal relations with the other Grand Lodges,
including any exchange of representatives, are strictly within the sphere of respon-
sibility of the VGLvD. Generally, correspondence between Grand Lodges must be
channeled through the VGLvD, except when this authority is delegated. A prime
example of this delegation may be noted in the fact the ACGL has conducted all of
its vast correspondence directly to all other jurisdictions, as the VGLvD is neither
administratively nor financially in a position to handle the administrative require-
ments of the ACGL.
While the five partner Grand Lodges are autonomous and govern their internal
affairs without interference, specific restrictions are placed on their activities. As
‘subordinate’ Grand Lodges, those matters normally construed as the inherent right
or responsibility of a Sovereign Grand Lodge (In the sense of absolute responsibil-
ity and authority for a territorial jurisdiction) they cannot individually preempt the
prerogatives or rights of the VGLvD. As the VGLvD is the guarantor of recognition
continued on page 8
Brotherhood on Wheels

ll Brethren know of or have heard of a the Traveling Gavel. Would you
know about the Traveling Motor Home? The following story is a true
testament of Brotherly Love Relief and Truth. Although it begins in
late August 2005, the journey continues as this is being written, over
three years later.
Not that any of us need to be reminded, but Hurricane Katrina struck on the
morning of August 29, 2005. One week later, W: Bro Michael M. Dupree, Sr.,
PM-Treasurer of Daylight Lodge #412 called the Grand Lodge and asked if there
were any members that might have a motor home, camper or trailer available. W:
Bro Dupree’s house was destroyed in Katrina’s wrath. M: W: Bro Roy B. Tuck,
PGM-Grand Secretary spoke with Mike and advised that he would put out a hale
and get back with Mike as soon as any possibilities presented themselves. Fifteen
minutes later, the Grand Secretary called Mike with news. W: Brother Douglas R
Hatton of Century Lodge #190 in Greeley, Colorado had called the Grand Lodge,
five minutes after Mike’s initial call, with an offer of a motor home. Brother Hatton
wanted to donate the vehicle to a needy Masonic Katrina victim with one stipula-
tion. Brother Doug wanted the motor home to become a “Traveling Home”. When
the first recipient finds a place to live or his home is restored and the need for the
home no longer exists, it must be passed on to another needy Mason.
Mike Dupree made contact with
Doug Hatton and Doug volunteered to
drive the 1200 miles in the motor home
from Colorado to Monroe. Mike and
his son met Doug at a Chevron station
and during a down pour, filled out the
necessary paper work. A new friend-
ship developed and W: Bro Dupree
agreed to stay in contact with Bro
Hatton and update him on the travels
of the home. The picture at left shows
W: Bro Michael M. Dupree, Sr. (left)
and W: Bro Douglas R. Hatton (right)
in Monroe, Louisiana.
Mike Dupree and his family used
the motor home for a month. Brother
Dupree moved in with his son and
the home was again available. W:
Bro Hugh P Pentney, PM-Tyler of
continued next page
Dominque-You #468, Reggio, La. was in need of temporary housing. The motor
home was legally transferred to Bro Pentney and he was able to use it for two
months. The picture on the right shows
Mike Dupree passing the keys to Hugh
Pentney. Hugh settled in to living in
a home on wheels and also used the
vehicle to deliver meals on wheels to
needy families in his area. Members
and family of his Lodge prepared
meals, prepared them for transport
and Hugh would handle the transporta-
tion. After approximately two months,
Brother Pentney secured permanent
housing and the motor home was again
W: Bro Pentney was told of a need
by a Masonic widow. Mrs. Robin J.
Asevado (Anna) needed temporary
shelter and assistance. As promised to
Brother Doug Hatton in Colorado, the motor home was provided to Anna Asevado.
Anna needed the home for two months and was grateful to the Fraternity for as-
sistance in her time of need.
Once the motor home was again available, there was an immediate need by Brother
Johnny Nobles. Johnny’s home had been destroyed and he was in desperate need
of housing. The title to the motor home was transferred from Hugh Pentney to
Johnny. Brother Nobles is building a new home
and once it is completed the motor home will again
be available to a needy Masonic home.

Anna Asevado and her new home.

W: Bro Douglas R. Hatton is Past Master

of Century Lodge #190 A F & AM located
in Greeley, Colorado. Brother Hatton is
the Chairman of the Scholarship Commit-
tee for the Colorado Masons’ Benevolent
Fund. He has held this position for five
years. This committee selects the recipients
of scholarships of up to $7000 per year, Bro Johnny Nobles and the Traveling Motor
renewable for 4 years. He is an outstanding Home
Mason that walks the talk.
continued from page 5

ensuring that all lodges working under its sovereign authority are regular.
In effect, a ‘federal’ or ‘collective’ voice exists for recognized Freemasonry
in Germany, and as the result of this ‘partnership’ in the VGLvD, each partner is
involved in the decision-making process to those matters and laws affecting all
Freemasons in Germany.
Needless to say, as in any federal system, efforts to effect better coordination
among the partner Grand Lodges, as well as efforts to establish a greater uniformity
in respect of certain Masonic procedures are among the many subjects that con-
stantly involve the Grand Master and the Senate. On-going attempts to define and
regulate these and other important Masonic matters are undertaken at the regularly
scheduled meetings of the Senate and the several Senate committees.
The KONVENT is the regularly convened Communication of the United Grand
Lodges of Germany. As currently regulated, the Konvent is convened every three
years for the purpose of electing a new Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master,
who serve for a three-year period. Each Lodge is entitled to one vote at the Konvent
and that vote can only be exercised by the Master, one of the Wardens in succession,
or by a proxy as specified in the regulations governing the Konvent.
Interim Konvents may be called at any time, but these would be more ceremonial
in nature, with legislation normally not introduced except in emergency circum-
stances. The Grand Master of the VGLvD, together with the Senate, determines
when and where Konvents may be called in the intervening years. The triennial
Konvent is normally held in the City of Berlin, the official domicile or seat of the
VGLvD. The Grand Master’s successor for the next three years is elected and
It is hoped this article will be of some assistance in helping the Brethren to
better understand the complexities of the organization of the Masonic fraternity
in Germany. It is a structure that is unique in the world of Freemasonry; however
one that has proved exceedingly workable. It stands as a living monument to the
ability of Masons to harmoniously exemplify vital Masonic ideals.

M: W: Bro: Clayton J. Borne III, PGM and M:W:: Klaus M.

Koop, Großmeister of the VGLvD with GM Koop’s wife at the
10th World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges.

Actions Speak Loudest of All!
Thomas P. Brown, Grand Chaplain

ow many opportunities do we miss to let our Masonic lives speak for
our Fraternity? We have signs, bumper stickers, jewelry, etc. that let the
world know that we are Masons. But, does our behavior toward our fel-
lowman and society as a whole reflect what the brotherhood has instilled
in each of us? Is a handshake a binding contract between brothers anymore? Do our
bumper stickers and decals show up only when we are speeding or exhibit a little
road-rage when another driver cuts us off? Do we wear our jewelry with pride to
let the world know we are Masons or with arrogance to let our brothers know the
many degrees we have achieved? Do we limit our charitable gifts - fiscal, physical
and goodwill - only to those who are affiliated with a Masonic organization?
All of the above questions are pretty standard soul searching about an indi-
vidual’s reasons for taking part in any organization. We do it because we love the
craft and all it stands for. But, when our actions reflect anything other than charity,
we are not letting the Masonic light shine through our lives - thus, limiting our
own individual growth and certainly thwarting any efforts to increase participa-
tion by other members or to add new members. Remember, it is how we live that
is suppose to get the attention of others so that they will ask what they can do to
become a Mason.
The Master Architect lived a life of kindness, giving and service. These are
tenets of the foundational teachings of our fraternity. Should we not be as diligent
about letting these be the light for Masonry? There is not room for negatives - judg-
mental thinking, selfishness, exclusion, gossip, unwillingness to change or any of
the many tools which the master deceiver stores in his arsenal just for our use. We
have all of the correct tools for a good and upright life. These are actually kept in
mint condition by the constant use. In fact, they never wear out from overuse; they
only become sharper, stronger and easier to use.
A wise man once said, “ I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day.” Re-
member, we are writing our biography day by day by what we do and what we say.
Is the pen of your life your Masonic light?

What if Education Broke into Your Lodge?
Kenneth Bond deMoss, PM
Hope Lodge #145
This article may be a harsh analogy and could offend some even though it is
written as a tongue-in-cheek satire. Regardless, the message rings true, and for
that no apology is given.
How long has it been since any form of Masonic education actually broke out
within the confines of your lodge rooms? Luckily, it doesn’t happen often. For if
so it would probably scare or disturb those of us who are still awake. So let’s be
extremely cautious and not permit it to occur often and surely not without much
planning, contemplation and defiantly not before forming several committees to
study its long term effects on the Lodge. Of course, then a report must be made and
returned to the brothers so that it may be discussed in great detail over the course
of several meetings, or until a consensus is made that it probably would take up
so much time as to surely shorten our business meetings. Thereafter, the thought
would be quickly dropped or tabled for future consideration by the Lodge.
The concept of actually having Masonic discussions or an education program
during open lodge though seemingly radical was successfully accomplished in
lodges that are near and dear to our hearts. Unfortunately, that was a long time ago in
our past when more men still read, studied and cared about such matters. Fewer men
read today compared to our brothers in the first part of the 20th century. Programs
were planned for regular meetings with articles prepared and presented by brothers
on subjects as varied as history, music, morality, philosophy, and symbolism of
the working tools and other elements within the degrees. These subjects were then
discussed in great detail where questions were asked and learning happened.
These events had a tendency to expand ones mind and knowledge not only of the
lodge, but society in general. If I am correct, one of the main tenants of the lodge
is to improve ourselves in Masonry. Too many brothers are so unaware of what the
Lodge is really trying to accomplish in its teaching by symbols and allegories. We
have nearly stopped educating ourselves about the meanings of the symbolism and
allegories presented in the degrees. Brother Oliver Day Street was quoted in The
Builder Magazine, August 1919 as saying, “[i]n our Masonic studies the moment
we forget that whole and ever part of Freemasonry is symbolic and allegoric, is the
same instant we begin to grope in the dark. Its ceremonies, signs, tokens, words
and lectures at once become meaningless or trivial. The study of no other aspect of
Freemasonry is more important, yet I believe the study of no aspect of it has been
so much neglected.” In Europe lodges take the time to teach these lessons. In their
lodges, the process of becoming a Mason may take longer, but their memberships
are growing and flourishing. Here in the United States we fail to adequately teach
candidates in our Lodges and we are experiencing a huge decline.
We all know the old standard goal of Masonry, “to make good men better”. In
reality it means so much more. It charges you to explore your senses and acquire a
working knowledge of the seven liberal arts and sciences, and to make you a more
continued next page
What if Education Broke into Your Lodge
continued from page 10:
rounded person by improving yourself in and through Masonry.
As stated earlier, this would have a definite and positive effect upon our business
meetings. It might even encourage men to attend meetings and participate in the
free exchange of knowledge and actually learn more about Masonry. A man freely
gives up his time to attend our meetings; sitting through a meeting which was very
much like the last one and rarely with much difference except when a degree is
performed. We may well have conditioned ourselves to these types of meetings. If
we are to attract and keep new members, we are going to have to give them some-
thing with more substance for the time they spend away from their families and to
make their attendance feel worthwhile. Be prepared to raise the ire of more than a
few brethren if you are so bold as to make a recommendation of injecting a little
Masonic education into their meetings. Change is so often met with disdain.
Please do not be foolish enough as to make the suggestion that once a year they
have a special meeting in which to put on a degree with all its related lectures.
This will be received as though you are a leper, heretic, iconoclast, or at least one
who goes around kicking the sacred cow. Despite the scorn you may attract, such
a meeting would be a perfect opportunity for the newer brothers to gain knowledge
and experience about the craft. It would also afford them a chance to learn and
participate in actual degree work. True, it would take longer to confer the degree
but not nearly as long as we have endured while setting through two degrees in
one communication.
By virtue of being a special meeting it could be scheduled for a Saturday which
would afford us the time to do it properly and not take time away from more impor-
tant deliberations like what brand of toilet paper to stock or which is the better of
the two light bulbs to use. This is by no means the only thing that could be injected
into our lodges. Some jurisdictions have instated informal study groups open to all
Masons on various subjects about the craft. We must be ever mindful that the new
members of today will have the stewardship of the Lodge tomorrow. The better
their knowledge of Masonry today, the better they may teach its principles to the
future generations of Masons.
But, as discussed above, we have stopped educating newly-made Masons about
the degrees and their symbolism, and how they pertain to the betterment of his life.
In doing so there has been a decline in Masonic knowledge. If this trend continues
and we fail to initiate some form of education program, our future leaders will know
only how to open, close, and conduct a business meeting, put on a degree and little
else. Will they have the knowledge to impart to a newly raised brother how a Mason
is to be made into a better man? So where will they gain this knowledge?
We have blamed every conceivable reason for our loss in membership, but the
root of the problem which we will not acknowledge, is APATHY. I will close with
this with a quote from an 1875 article by Dr. Oliver Mackey.” The ultimate success
of Masonry depends on the intelligence of her disciples.”

The Lodge held its Installation Officers and Christmas Party. W: Bro. Philip
L. Molaison served as the Installing Master, W: Bro. Robert W. Borgstede as the
Installing Marshal and W: Bro. Guy R. Gerhardt as the Installing Chaplain. Peggy
Huguenel presented her husband with a beautifully engraved gavel. W.M. Huguenel
presented each of the wives and newly installed officers with a gift marking the
After a moving speech, W.M. Huguenel dismissed the gathering to a delicious
meal and refreshments.

L:R W: Bro Jeffery P. Borgstede-Junior Deacon, Bobby J. Malbrough, MofC, W: Bro Philip L.
Molaison-Treasurer, Earl J. Huguenel, Sr.-SS, John J. Babin, III-Senior Warden, Earl J. Hu-
guenel, Jr., Worshipful Master, Frank J. Heinrich-JW, Steven M. Jayroe-Secretary, W: Bro Guy R.
Gerhardt-Chaplain, Earl W. McCurdy-Tyler and W: Bro Robert W. Borgstede-Senior Deacon - Not
Pictured-W: Bro Jules H. Tucker-JS.

CENTER #244 F. & A.M.

2009 Officers Front Row L:R Jim Morris, SW, W: Terry W Stewart, WM, W: Bro Jay J Piccinati,
MofC and W: Bro Carl W Jarrell, Chaplain Back Row L:R W: Bro Billy J Hughes, Teasurer, W:
Bro Henry E Vernon, Secretary, Dallas Alford, JW, W: Bro Earl Reese, Tyler, Hilton Spillman, SD


2009 Officers Front Row L:R Curtis Marion Brady-SD, Allen Ray Arnold-SW, W: Barney Frank Har-
ris-PM WM, W: Bro James R Corry, Jr.-PM JW and W: Bro Robert R Kilpatrick, PM Secretary
Back Row L:R W: Bro J S Hymer-PM JD, W: Bro Johnnie Darrell McMullen-PM Tyler, W: Bro
Harold Eugene Hodges-PM Steward and W: Bro James G Moore-PM Steward

PEACE & HARMONY #478 F. & A.M.

SULPHUR #424 F. & A.M.
A joint installation for the two lodges was held at Sulphur Lodge.

1St Row: Tom Boggan JW 424,Robert Faulk WM P&H,RW Jeff Webb DGM, Josh Vin-
cent WM 424, Clint Brown SW 424, WB Ray Moses DGL,
2nd Row: Mike Webb Tyler P&H, Rick Anderson Sect. P&H, Jean Duroux JS 424,
Mike Toerner Tyler 424, Harry NorthropIII PM Installing Marshal 424, Greg Bruce
Sect. 424.
3rd Row: Donald Head Marshall 424, Lanty Wylie JD 424,
4th Row: Curtis Spears SD 424,. Bud Smith JS P&H, Dempsy Pego JW P&H, Mike
Oxley Chap P&H, Steve Flenniken Chap 424.
5th DISTRICT LODGE Following the elections, installations
Elections and Installations were held were performed. The Installing officers
for the Fifth Masonic District at Eastern were M: W: Lloyd E. Hennigan Jr. , GM
Star Lodge #151. Elected officers are as and M: W: Bro I. C. Turnley Jr., PGM.
follows: W: M: Jimmy Lewis, Senior After the meeting and ceremonies
Warden W Bryan Price, and Junior were concluded, those in attendance
Warden Jason C Brewton. enjoyed a delicious meal of red beans
and rice prepared by Clifford D. White-

L:R R:W: Frank N duTreil, Jr. Grand Marshal,

M: W: Bro I C Turnley, Jr. PGM, W: Jimmy
Lewis, M: W: Lloyd E Hennigan, Jr., GM and
R: W: Woody D Bilyeu, GSW.

TEMPLE #448 F. & A.M.

Temple Lodge 2009 Officers: Seated L:R Billy J Pace, PM-Treasurer, W: James T Kelly, PM-WM,
George A McAnn, PM-Marshal and Benjamin Voss, PM-Steward
Second Row L:R Reed W Holmes, PM-Junior Deacon, Roy L Simmons, PM-Senior Warden, John
Webster, PM-Junior Warden, E Allen Kelly, PM-Chaplain, Richard L Dubois, PM-Secretary.
Third Row L:R James Harrison, Steward, Alvie L Bullock, PM-Senior Deacon, Kenneth R Fuller,
Tyler, Frederick G Arthur, PM-Master of Ceremonies and Installing Master and Mike Haygood-

ST. JAMES #47 F. & A.M.

St. James Lodge 2009 Officers: Front Row L:R Timothy H Atkins, Senior Warden, W: Joseph G
Richard, Jr., Worshipful Master, Turhan Ak, Junior Deacon, H George Scanlan, Jr., Master of
Back Row L:R William D Zollinger, PM-Treasurer, Frank E Dedman, PM-Secretary, Ben F Melan-
son, PM-Chaplain, John W Tilly, Senior Steward and Robert R Zinn, Junior Steward.
2009 Officers not shown are Dr. Lawrence D Wade, PM-Tyler, Dr. James R Robinson, Jr., Junior
Warden and Joe A Bardwell, Senior Deacon

JOPPA #362 F. & A.M.

Joppa’s 2009 Officers Front Row L:R M: W: Bro Ballard L. Smith, PGM-Treasurer (Installing
Master), E Allen Kelly, PM-Senior Warden, W: Chad C Driskell, WM, D Clifton Brown, Junior
Warden, Gary T Rushworth, Sr., PM-Chaplain and Norvel G Blaylock, Jr Steward. Bacl Row L:R
Steven A Pence, PM-Secretary, Kurt D Howes, Junior Deacon, Kenneth R Fuller, Senior Deacon,
Rufus E Wilson, PM-Tyler (Installing Marshal), James B Smith, Master of Ceremonies, J Michael
Talley, Senior Steward and Earl R Hancock, PM-Installing Chaplain.

EAST GATE #452 F. & A.M.

East Gate 2009 Officers Front Row L:R Scott A Dickess, Junior Deacon, Terry W Wilson, Senior
Warden, W: Kristoffer S Easterly, WM, Ronnie L Walker, Junior Warden.
Second Row L:R Robert Gann, Senior Deacon, Richard A Harris, Jr Steward, Charles R Peabody, PM-
Treasurer, James E Wingate, PM-Secretary and Earnest S Easterly, III-PM Installing Chaplain.
Back Row L:R Steven A Kemp, Jr Past Master-Installing Master and Larry H Moore, PM-Chap-

W: Kristoffer Easterly, WM is presented with The

Hiram by his father, W: Bro Earnest Easterly and
his mother Terry Easterly

ATKINS #266 F. & A.M.

The Lodge presented Bro Julian L
Alford with a 25-Year Membership
W: Carey C Allison, recently in-
stalled as Worshipful Master, made a
special effort to include Bro Alford dur-
ing the installation of officers.
Bro Alford being congratulated for his 25 Year
Membership milestone by W: Carey C Allison,
DERIDDER #271 F. & A.M.
R: W: J F “Jeff” Webb, Deputy Grand Master was the Installing Master. He
was assisted by W: Bro Jerry W Deters and R: W: Donald R Bush, DDGM 8thThe
installation ceremony was performed by the Deputy Grand Master of the State of
Louisiana, Jeff Webb, Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Works, Jerry
Deters, and the District Grand Lecturer of the 8th Masonic District, Donald R.
Ninety people from throughout the state, and Texas were present for the instal-
lation and steak dinner, despite severe weather throughout the area.

L:R - Carl J LeBleu-Junior Deacon, Ed Frazier-Senior Deacon, Robert P Grand-Senior Warden,

R: W: Jules Frederick Webb-Deputy Grand Master, M: W: Bro Clifford A Bradley-PGM & Senior
Steward, W: Charles A Bordelon-PM WM, W: Bro Joseph A D Loftin-PM Marshal, W: Bro Ronnie
L Jackson-PM Junior Warden, Richard D Maattala-Secretary, Elmer L Jackson-Treasurer, W: Bro
Billy R Creel-PM Chaplain.

HAUGHTON #95 F. & A.M.

2009 Officers Front Row L:R -W: Bro James M Lilly-PM Secretary, Charles H Rodgers-JW, W:
Johnny C Byrd-PM WM, Donald L Sanford-SW and W: Bro Albert Ray Turner-PM Chaplain.
Back Row L:R - William P Oxford-SD, W: Bro Frederick J McAnn-PM MofC, Joel A Stevens-JD,
Billy J Smith-SS and Christopher A Byrd-JS
AJAX #325 F. & A.M.
Honesty & Integrity Awards
Lynne Free and Jacob McAlpin were
our recent recipients for the Honesty &
Integrity Awards. Lynne attends con-
verse High and Jacob is at Natchitoches
Central High. W: Bro Robby Lane was
the featured speaker and W: Brian K
Settle, WM and W: Bro Keith L Birdwell L:R - W: Bro Robby Lane, Jacob McAlpin, W:
presented each student with certficates Brian Settles, WM, Lynne Free and W: Bro
and $100.00 savings bonds. Brian Settles.

ATKINS #266 F. & A.M. W: Terry J Harris, WM presented

Honesty & Integrity Awards Honesty & Integrity Awards to three
outstanding Parkway High students.
The Worshipful Master was assisted by
W: Bro James A Allen, PM-Secretary
and Dr. Cary C Allison, Senior Warden.
The recipients were Brandon Frierson,
Delanie Nock anfd Alyson Humphrey.
L:R - Cary Allison, SW, Brandon Frierson,
Allyson Humphrey, W: Bro Jim Alllen, Delanie
Nock and W: Terry Harris, WM.


Honesty & Integrity Awards
W: Richard E Trant, WM presented
Honesty & Integrity Awards to two stu-
dents that have excellent qualifications.
The recipients were Amanda Beshea and
Collyn Lee.
The young ladies were presented
certificates, H&I charms and a savings

L:R - Amanda Beshea, W: Richard E Trant, WM

and Collyn Lee

Honesty & Integrity Awards
W: Bro Randy L Yopp, PM-Secretary
welcomed everyone to the special com-
munication and after W: Fred M Sulli-
van, DGL 6th Masonic District gave the
invocation, the program was turned over
to R: W: Michael A Watts, DDGM 6th
District. R: W: Watts presented Honesty
& Integrity awards to Hailey Warner, L:R - Hailey Warner, Melaney Dupree and Clint
Melaney Dupree and Clint Whitehead, Whitehead
three deserving high school students. R: W: Watts presented a Master Ma-
son walking cane to the Lodge. The cane
was crafted by W: Bro Joyce Berry, PM
of Ajax Lodge using only a pocket knife
and smoothed by glass shards.
The District Deputy then presented
W: Donald R Holman, WM with the
Lodge’s 100th Anniversary Plaque.
L:R - R: W: Michael Watts, DDGM 6th Masonic
District and W: Donald Holman, WM

ALPHA HOME #72 F. & A.M.

Honesty & Integrity Awards
Victoria Montgomery and Christo-
pher Litton were recognized by Alpha
Home Lodge as recipients of the Hon-
esty & Integrity Award. The ceremony
was opened by W: Charles G Abadie,
PM-WM. W: Bro Robert S Morisette,
PM of Boaz #483 gave an impressive
talk on our youth, the trials they face in
today’s times, qualities and character ex- L:R - Victoria Montgomery, W: Charles Abadie,
WM and Christopher Litton
hibited by successful young people, and
positive parental support. Refreshments der of Rainbow and is Grand Immortal-
and fellowship followed the ceremony ity of Louisiana Grand Assembly.
and friends and family of the students Christopher is the son of Benjamin
were invited to attend. “Jody” and Sherry Wood of Terrytown
Victoria is the daughter of Nathan & and was a member of J. Chris Nung-
Liz Montgomery of Metairie and Steve esser Chapter, Order of DeMolay until
and Essie Woodham of Slidell and is a the chapter closed due to Hurricane
senior at Slidell High. She is Worthy Katrina. He is a junior at Archbishop
Advisor of Metairie Assembly #70, Or- Shaw High.
The gift that keeps giving...Forever
The Grand Lodge’s Endowment which economically has insured
its stability has come from caring brothers’ gifts, which allows for
effective annual contributions, gifts of love and affection in perpetuity
or forever.

This can be a relatively easy way to ensure the future of your Fraternity
and as a personal reward, reduce your taxes on your personal estate.

You can even specify the charity you wish to benefit or create a special
endowed fund in your name or in the memory of a loved one or special
brother who meant a great deal to your life.

You have the option to use several efficient vehicles such as an Annuity,
Trust, Charitable Gift Annuity, Testamentary Trust, etc. to accomplish
your personal objective.

As an example, you may include a bequest to your Grand Lodge in your

will or simply designate your Brotherhood as a beneficiary of your retirement
fund. Only after your death such a bequest or designation would generate a
5% annual distribution, as represented in this table and would continue your
thoughtful annual contributions and support forever.
We will be happy to provide you or your attorney with sample language.

With a Bequest You can perpetuate an

Of at Least: Annual Never Ending Gift of:
$ 25,000 $1,250
50,000 2,500
75,000 3,750
125,000 6,250

Once established your name or the name of your special designee will be
cast in bronze and permanently displayed at your Grand Lodge

For more information, contact M: W: Clayton J. Borne, III PGM,

Director of Planned Giving at (504) 834-0274 or email: chipborne43@
J C STEWART #460 F. & AM The J. C. Stewart Lodge held the
Honesty & Integrity Awards Honesty & Integrity award ceremony
with three of the four recipients present.
They were Whitney Nichole Roberts,
Jordan W. Waldroup, and Chance Bam-
burg. W: Willie D. Lofton, PM-WM pre-
sented the awards to Whitney Roberts
and Chance Bamburg. The Master gave
W: Bro William P. Griggs,PM-Secretary
the honor of presenting the award to
his granddaughter, Jordan Waldroup.
The fourth recipient Brian Hatten was
L:R- W: Willie Lofton, WM, Whitney Roberts, presented his award at a later date.
Chance Bamburg, Jordan Waldroup and W: Bro The guest speaker was W: Bro Dr.
Glenn Jordan. Brian Hatten’s picture is inserted H Glenn Jordan, PM Dee A Strickland
bottom right of photograph. #465.
R F McGUIRE #209 F. & AM
Honesty & Integrity Awards
R.F. McGuire Lodge honored two lo-
cal high school students. The Louisiana
Masonic Award for Honesty and Integ-
rity was presented to Anna Moore of
Rayville High School and Lee Beasley
of Riverfield High School. L:R - M: W: Bro Joe G Cabuk, Jr., PGM, Anna
Moore, Lee Beasley and W: Adren L Alderman,
Jr., Worshipful Master

CHOUDRANT #339 F. & AM Standing in for W: Carlton W Boyett,

Honesty & Integrity Awards WM, Bro Nathan D McNabb, Senior
Warden conducted the Special Commu-
nication to honor two local high school
students. Recipents for the Honesty
& Integrity Award were Carley Marie
Sproule and Joseph McClain Thomas.
M: W: Lloyd E Hennigan, Jr., GM was
the featured speaker and assisted in the
Ms. Sproule is the daughter of Carl
and Melinda Sproule. Mr. Thomas is
L:R - M: W: Lloyd E Hennigan Jr., GM, Joseph the son of Eddie and Angel Thomas.
Thomas, Carley Sproule and Nathan McNabb, The students are Juniors at Choudrant
SW-Acting Worshipful Master High.
Honesty & Integrity Awards
Mt. Moriah-Quitman Lodge located Blake Borgstede, second from left,
in Jefferson, LA held its annual Honesty is the son of W: Bro. Borgstede.,
& Integrity Award Night. W: Bro. Ed- nephew of W: Bro. Jeffery P Borgst-
ward Borgstede, PM served as Master ede, PM-Chaplain and grandson of W:
of Ceremonies and gave a fitting tribute Bro. Robert W Borgstede, PM-Master
outlining each of the recipients’ achieve- of Ceremonies, all members of Mt.
ments. W: Guy R. Gerhardt, WM Moriah-Quitman Lodge
presented each of the awardees with a
beautifully framed certificate.

L:R Raelyn Cavallo, Crescent City Christian School; Blake Borgestede, Ridgewood Prep High
School; Brittany Schexnayder, Archbishop Chapelle High School; Meredith Davis, Ridgewood
Prep High School and W: Bro. Edward Borgstede, P.M., Center Rear.


Honesty & Integrity Night
Hap Arnold Lodge presented Honesty
and Integrity Awards to two C. E. Byrd
High juniors. The recipients were Tanner
Murphy, son of Kevin & Janet Murphy;
and Caroline Hagan, daughter of James
& Connie Hagan.
Guest speaker, R:W: Clyde Strout,
DDGM 1st District, presented a brief his-
tory and the origin of the Honesty & In- L:R - Tanner Murphy, W: Lawrence Renfro, WM
tegrity program, the meaning of Honesty and Caroline Hagan
and Integrity and the importance it holds
in everyday life. W: Lawrence B Renfro,
WM presented each student a certificate,
Savings Bond and a H&I key.
Certificate Presentation
A Certificate of Appreciation for
many long yearas of service to Masonry
was presented to W: Bro Albert C Steen,
PM of Abbeville Lodge. M: W: Lloyd E
Hennigan, Jr., GM made the presenta-
tion at W: Bro Steen’s home. Albert was
raised a Master Mason on July 5, 1951
and became a plural member of Guey-
dan Lodge #429 in 1992. He has served
the Grand Lodge for a number of years L:R - M: W: Bro Roy B Tuck, PGM-Grand
Secretary, R: W: B J Guillot, Grand JW, R:W:
as a member of the Grand Lodge Hall J F “Jeff” Webb, Deputy GM and M: W: Lloyd
Board, Grand Pursuivant, Grand Lodge E Hennigan, Jr., Grand Master. W: Bro Steen
Session Arrangement Committee. is seated.

IDA #324 F. & AM After a breakfast prepared by Bro W

100th Anniversary H “Bill” Treadway and assisted by W:
Bro Virgil F Trenado, the Lodge was
opened. The Lodge’s stated meetings
are held on the 1st Saturday at 7:00
am. R: W: Clyde Strout, DDGM 1st
Masonic District and W: Bro Robert
E Bazzell, DGL 1st Masonic District
presented W: Gregory P Strickland, WM
with the Lodge’s 100th Anniversary
plaque. Visitors to the meeting included
several members of Benefield Lodge
L:R - R: W: Clyde Strout, DDGM and W: Gregory #270, which sponsored Ida’s formation
P Strickland, PM-WM on July 2, 1907.


50-Year Membership Certificate
The Lodge presented W: Bro Law-
rence W Hinyup with a 50-Year Mem-
bership Certificate. Bro Lawrence was
raised a Master Mason on July 10,
L:R - W: Bro Daniel B Alexander, W: Bro
Lawrence W Hinyup and W: Joseph J Pacac-
cio, WM

If a man empties his purse into his

head, no man can take it away from
him. An investment in knowledge al-
ways pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin
ASHLAND #196 F. & AM
50- Year Membership
During Ashland’s annual Past Mas-
ters Night, W: Thomas W Austin, WM
took the opportunity to present a 50-
Year Membership Certificate to Bro W.
LeRoy Rushing. Making the presenta-
tion was W: Fred M Sullivan, DGL 6th
Masonic District. Bro Leroy Rushing and W: Fred Sullivan.

CENTER #244 F. & AM

Fidelity Award
The Lodge recognized its oldest liv-
ing member who is 95 years young. Bro
Earl Rene Moak was raised on February
8, 1935 and has been a member in good
standing for seventy-three years. Bro
Moak continues to attend Lodge on a
regular basis, health permitting.

Bro Earl Rene Moak and W: John W Sumrall,

Jr., PM-SM

FAIR PARK #436 F. & AM Award. Only one of these awards may
Special Recognition be presented each year in each jurisdic-
W: John T. Adams, Jr., PM-WM tion. The candidate is chosen based
called a Special Communication under upon leadership, service, and moral and
the pretext of having W: Bro Roy B intellectual qualities.
Delaney, PGM speak on the 1st Dis-
trict’s Masonic Learning Centers.
After M: W: Delaney’s presentation,
M: W: Bro Ballard L Smith, PGM and
Past Govenor in Louisiana of the York
Rite College, escorted W: Bro Roy E
May, PM-Chaplain to a position West
of the Altar. M: W: Delaney, PGM and
Grand Govenor-Louisiana of the York
Rite College, presented W: Bro May Grand Govenor Roy B Delaney, PGM, W: Bro
with the York Rite College’s Service Roy E May and Past Govenor Ballard L Smith,
Honesty & Integrity Award
Greenwood presented Honesty &
Integrity Awards to three students that
have exemplify the qualifications for
this honor. The recipients were Kelsey
Bazzell, Morgan Canfield and Katie
The young ladies were presented L:R- Kelsey Bazzell, Morgan Canfield, Katie
certificates, H&I charms and a sav- Malmay and W: Bro David Culligan.
ings bonds. W: Bro David L Culligan
was called to duty as W: Roy E May,
PM-WM was rushed to the hospital by
ambulance prior to the beginning of the
evening’s program. (Note: after a brief
hospital stay after surgery to implant a
pace maker, W: Bro Roy is doing well)
The program was especially memo-
rable for W: Bro Robert E Bazzell,
DGL 1st Masonic District. Kelsey and L:R- Morgan, W: Bro Robert Bazzell and
Morgan are his granddaughters. Kelsey

JOPPA #362 F. & AM

Certificate Night
During a Stated Communication, W:
Bro Robert E Bazzell, District Grand
Lecturer 1st Masonic District took the
opporunity to present Certificates of
Proficiency to three of our members.
W: Bro Gary L Gribble, Associate
Grand Photographer, W: Bro Gary T L:R- W: Bro Gary L Gribble, W: Bro Robert
Rushworth, Sr., 1st Masonic District Bazzell and W: Bro Gary T Rushworth, Sr.
Lodge Secretary and W: Bro H Edward
Durham, Grand Senior Deacon were
reexamined by W: Bro Bazzell and
Gold Certificate holder W: Bro Rufus
E Wilson.
W: Joel T Haston, WM continued
the presentations by providing Bro D
Clifton Brown and Bro Chad C Driskell L:R- W: Joel T Haston, WM, D Clifton Brown
with their lapel pins and Perpetual and Chad C Driskell
Membership Certificates. Their enroll-
ment brings the total of living Perpetual
Members to 47 or 22% of total member-
ship. .
Awards & Presentations
Six years ago, the Lodges in Franklin
Parish began a tradition of inviting the
Grand Master to Winnsboro Lodge #246
and holding an annual fish fry in his
honor. The five Franklin Parish Lodges
meet the 2nd Tuesday in October. As
they host the Grand Master, this meeting
binds the brothers closer to each other
as well as the Fraternity. L:R Bro Clifton Lord and M: W: Lloyd E Hen-
nigan, Jr., Grand Master
This year the event included a presen-
tation of a Meritorious Service Award
to Bro Clifton Lord of Winnsboror
Lodge. Bro Lord, Senior Steward is 90
years young and has been a Mason for
61 years.
M: W: Lloyd E Hennigan, Jr., Grand
Master took the opportunity to pres-
ent New Hope Lodge #328 with their
100th Anniversary plaque. Bro George
M “Skip” Huggins, Secretary accepted
the milestone commemorative on behalf
of Lodge.
L:R Bro “Skip” Huggins and M: W: Lloyd E
Hennigan, Jr., Grand Master

ATKINS #266 F. & AM Members and guests met at the Lodge

Fidelity Award for the purpose of presenting the Fidelity
Medal to W: Bro Elton A Bruner. W: Bro
Bruner was raised a Master Mason in
August 1956 and served as Worshipful
Master in 1964. He is the senior living
Past Master.
The presentation was made by W:
Terry Joe Harris, WM. Among the guests
were members of W: Bro Bruner’s fam-
ily and R: W: Clyde Strout, DDGM 1st
Masonic District.

L:R W: Bro Elton Bruner and W: Terry J Har-

ris, WM.

Awards & Presentations

L:R W: Bro Rory A Bozemen, WM Baton Rouge Relief Lodge #5, W: Bro Albert Farris, Recording
Secretary Permanent Committee on Work, W: Brok J W SMith, M: W: Bro Harold G Ballard, PGM,
W: Bro Jimmie D Dunkin, District Grand Lecturer 13th Masonic District, R: W: William E Free,
DDGM 13th District and R: W: B J Guillot, Grand Junior Warden
During a Special Communication of the 13th Masonic District Lodge, hosted
by St. Albans #28, in Jackson, W: Bro John W Smith was presented wit his 25 Year
Membership Certificate and his Gold Card Certificate of Proficiency. M: W: Bro
Harold G Ballard, PGM made the presentations. W: Bro Smith is a Past Master of
Denham Springs #297 and Olive #52.
Our purpose is noble and humanitarian. Our labors will be crowned with success, for as
Freemasons we will bring to our mission the best we have, regardless of what it demands
from us in the way of sacrifice and service. We will make sure that in the tomorrows, life
will be better for those who suffer today. Brother Danny Thomas


50-Year Certificate
During a Special Communication the Lodge had the distinct privilege in pre-
senting a 50-Year Membership Certificate to W: Bro T J Lundy. Bro Lundy served
as Worshipful Master in 1962. R: W: Clyde Strout, DDGM 1st District made the
presentation with the assistance of W: John H Hickman, PM-WM.
The Lodge also honored its Past
Masters and welcomed a majority of the
living Past Masters and their families.
Mooringsport Lodge was organized in
1910 and chartered in 1911. The build-
ing is scheduled to be placed on the
National Register of Historical Places.

L:R W: John H Hickman, WM, W: Bro TJ

Lundy and R: W: Clyde Strout, DDGM
Achievement Awards
R: W: Clyde Strout, DDGM 1st
Masonic District took on the task of per-
sonally presenting 2007 Achievement
Awards to the qualifying Lodges. The
Awards are normally passed out during
a District Lodge meeting in July but
they had not arrived prior to that meet-
ing. Not wanting to make the Lodges
wait until the next meeting in October,
Bro Clyde visited the ten Lodges and
L:R - W: Bro E Allen Kelly, PM of Temple Lodge
made the presentations to the Junior receives his 2007 Achievement Award from R: W:
Past Master and respective Lodge. Clyde Strout, DDGM

L:R - R: W: Stout, DDMG presents W: Bro Cecil L:R - W: Bro Jesse L Camp, PM of W H Booth
Dwayne Cryer, PM of Atkins Lodge his 2007 Lodge receives his 2007 Achievement Award
Achievement Award. from R: W: Clyde Strout, DDGM

JOPPA #362 F. & A.M.

Special Recognition
During a recent Stated Communica-
tion, Joppa presented Gold Proficiency
Certificate holder, W: Bro Rufus E
Wilson with his credentials in the
recently established SSCLofCM. Bro
Rufus holds the office of Largeimus.
Membership is limited to Certificate
holders. In lieu of a certificate, prospec- L:R - W: Bro Rufus E Wilson and M: W: Bro
tive members can gain favor with a large Ballard L Smith, PGM
cash donation.
PHOENIX #38 F. & A.M. W: Bro Joyce, PM-Secretary of Ajax
Award Night Lodge #325 presented a Master Mason’s
The Lodge held a Special Communi- cane to the Lodge. Bro Joyce used only
cation to award Membership Certificates a pocket knife to carve the cedar and
and to honor one of its members with a piece of glass was used to sand and
the Fidelity Award. W: John H McTyre, smooth the material. W: Bro Joyce plans
WM welcomed the large gathering and to present a cane to every Lodge in the
introduced M: W: Bro Charles H Penn, 6th Masonic District.
III, PGM, the evening’s guest speaker.
W: McTyre presented Bro Allen Ates
his 25-Year Membership Certificate. Bro
Ates had several members of his family
in attendance.
The Worshipful Master then had W:
Bro Wesley James Napper and his wife
of sixty-six years, Una, seated west of
the Altar. Bro Wesley, 95 years young
was presented with the Masonic Fidelity
Medal for his extraordinary service to L:R - Granddaugter Gracie Borders, Daughter
Masonry. W: Bro Napper was raised a Lisa Borders, Helen Ates, Grandson Hunter
Master Mason in 1954. He was elected Broadway, Brother Allen Ates and Daughter
Lindsey Broadway.
Worshipful Master of Central City
Lodge #305 in Selma, Alabama in 1958.
He joined Phoenix Lodge in 1972. Bro
Wesley served for 38 years in the Order
of the Eastern Star, Natchitoches Chap-
ter, thirteen of those as Worthy Patron.
Wesley married Una Lee in 1942 at
Pleasant Hill, La, served in the military,
Civilian Conservation Crop, the U S
L:R - W: Bro Joyce Berry, M: W: Bro Chuck
Army and Air Force for 30 years. Penn, PGM and W: John McTyre, WM

L:R - W: John H McTyre, WM, W: Bro Wesley James Napper, Una Nap-
per and M: W: Bro Chuck Penn, PGM
Special Mason
During a Special Communication,
W: Charles M Morse, WM featured
the close connection of Masonry and
Shriner’s Hospitals. Two guests were
invited to speak on their experience in
the Shrine.
W: Bro John T Williamson, PM of
Linwood-Ionic Lodge #167 and Past W: Bro John Williamson, W: Chuck Morse, WM
Potentate and current Recorder with and Bro Dan Caro
Jerusalem Shrine Temple addressed the
lodge on the history of the Order and Shriner who has gained a wide reputa-
beginning of the Shrine Hospital. W: Bro tion as an inspirational speaker. Dan
Williamson then introduced Bro Daniel showed a film of his progress and the
P Caro, the evening’s main speaker. work the Shrine Hospital network
As a toddler, Dad was severely provides. Bro Dan closed by saying “I
burned in an explosion and wasn’t wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for
expected to live. He was taken to the the treatment that I received from the
Shrine Hospital in Galveston where over Shrine Hospital.
an extended period into his late teens he There were over fifty members, visi-
endured treatment, extensive surgeries tors and guests in attendance and were
and therapy. treated to a meal provided by the Fern
Today, Dan is an active Mason and Leaf Chapter OES
VARNADO #461 F. & A.M.
Past Masters recognized
During the Lodge’s annual Huey
Williams Memorial Fish Fry, R: W:
Eddy Hudson, Jr., DDGM 14th Masonic
District was the featured guest speaker.
The Past Masters of the 14th District
and surrounding area were recognized
at this event. Past Masters all from L:R - David L Steinwinder-
Center #244, Lomar Stewart-Zona #337, Eric
W: Bro Ben W Boutwell and W: Bro D Nelson, Sr.-A U Peterson #455, Earl Reese-
Robert C Boutwell were among several Center Lodge, R: W: Eddy Hudson, DDGM-
members who prepared the great meal. Oceans-Orleans #144, Richard N Seals-Varnado
Of course, great fellowship, good food #461, Hylton Spillman-Varnado Lodge, Roland A
Perez-Invincible #361, Kenneth J Cowart-Pearl
and entertainment was enjoyed by #456 and Carl W Jarrell-Center Lodge
If you are interested in becoming a
member of Louisiana Mason Motorcycle
Chapter or start one in your area, contact
Tony Pohlmann:
Dale Quigley:

W: Bro Tony Pohlmann was involved

in a serious accident while riding his
bike. He suffered severe facial fractures
and subsequently had to have a leg am-
putated. Remember this good Brother in
your prayers.

HAUGHTON #95 F. & A.M.

Friend to Friend

L:R - W: Bro C Ed Collins, Grand Standard Bearer, W: Bro H Edward Durham, Grand Senior
Deacon, M: W: Bro Ballard L Smith, PGM, R: W: Woody D Bilyeu, Grand Senior Warden, M: W:
Lloyd Eugene Hennigan Jr., Grand Master, W: Johnny C Byrd, Worshipful Master, W: Bro James
E Steen, Grand Junior Deacon and R: W: Clyde Strout, DDGM 1st Masonic District.
Haughton’s Bring a Friend Night was a resounding success. Seven young men,
along with their respecitive families attended the event that featured M: W: Lloyd
E Hennigan, Jr., GM with members of his Official Family. A full course catfish
dinner was served along with several homemade desserts. The Grand Master’s
closing arguments convinced five of the seven prospects to ask for petitions. The
wives of the remaining two asked if there were programs that included the spouse
and our Eastern Star ladies were quick to offer suggestions.
SAINTS JOHN #153 F. & A.M.
Past Masters Night

Saints John Lodge held a Pastmaster Night in honor and to recognize its Past
Masters for their invaluable contribution to the Lodge and to the Masonic Fraternity.
The photograph above shows (L:R): W: Bro Ernest A. Schiro, Jr. 1986, W: Bro
James L. Stanifer 1990, W: Arturo V. Yap, WM, W: Bro Robert L. Reed 1981, W:
Bro James R. Valliant 2006, W: Bro Benjamin Jody Wood 2004, W: Bro Dominick
Manno Jr. 1972, W: Bro Aive J. Marlbrough, Jr. 1979 and W: Bro Francisco C.
Hernandez, Jr. 1995. Saints John Lodge, chartered in 1858, is located at 39 Fairfield
Avenue, Terrytown, LA and meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
Past Masters Night

L:R Past Masters all: Vincent E Guillera, Jr.-2005, Jules H. Tucker-2003, Jefferey P. Borgstede-1996
& 2006, W: Guy R. Gerhardt, W.M., Robert W. Borgstede-1989 & 2002, Anthony J. Alouise-1988,
W: Bro. Earl C. Bertin-1975 and Philip L. Molaison-1972.

The members of Mt. Moriah-Quitman Lodge located in Jefferson, LA held its

annual Past Master’s Recognition Night. W: Guy R. Gerhardt, W.M. opened the
evening by welcoming the members and guest for their attendance. The Worshipful
Master presented each attending Past Master with a Past Master’s lapel pin and
thanked them for their service and wisdom to the lodge.
CENTER #244 F. & A.M.
Past Masters Night
Some 58 members and guests at-
tended the annual Past Masters and
Award Night held by the Lodge. After
being treated to a meal of ribs, brisket,
sausage, chicken halves, pork loin,
baked beans, potato salad, hots rolls
and a large selection of desserts, ev-
eryone retired to the Lodge Hall for the
program. W: John W. Sumrall, Jr., WM
welcomed everyone and introduced
guest speaker W: Bro David B Way, Bro Joe Williams and W: John Sumrall, WM
District Grand Lecturer 14th Masonic
District. Bro Dave spoke about the du-
ties of being Master of a Lodge.
W: Sumrall took the opportunity to
present Bro Joe A Williams, Jr. with his
25-Year Membership Certificate.

Front Row L:R - Past Masters all: Earl Reese.-2007, Jay J Piccinati-1998, Carl W Jarrell-1968,
Billy J Hughes-1964. W: Bro Hughes is the Senior living Past Master
Back Row L:R -Charles R Rogers-2005, David L Steinwinder-1997, James M Coleman-1996, Henry
E Vernon-2002 & 2006 and Freddie W Boyd-1982.

Whenever or wherever people are in need Masons are there to help. From
large undertakings to the smallest of needs, Masons are always there, caring and
serving. I have always been interested as to why Masons devote so much time
to their Fraternity. A good answer to this question came from a Grand Master
who once told me that he enjoys his involvement because it gives him another
dimension to living.
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

PITKIN #338 F. & A.M.
Past Masters Night
Pitkin Lodge hosted Past Master’s Night with the evening beginning with a
delicious fried chicken dinner with many side dishes and desserts. The Lodge was
pleased to have seven Past Masters present accompanied by 30 members and guests.
The keynote speaker was M: W: Bro. Roy B. Tuck, Jr., PGM-Grand Secretary who
spoke of the importance of the Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge and the value
of Past Masters. Buxton, Cole Smith (current Lodge brat and future PM),

Past Masters Front Row L:R - Lloyd C “Duke” Deverts, R Robert Buxton, Cole Smith (future
PM) Jerry W Deters and M: W: Bro Roy B Tuck, Jr., PGM-Grand Secretary
Back Row L:R - Robert M LaCaze, Bruce H Bennett, Jerry K Inman, William Ray Lovelady
and Ellis H Yeley.

PITKIN #338 F. & A.M.

Community Contribution
The Lodge partnered with the Wash-
ington Parish Literacy Council to offer a
new program in the area. The program
is designed to help adults who may not
be able to read, for a number of reasons,
including dyslexia.
The Lodge contributed $1500 to
the Council to purchase the materials
developed by the Texas Scottish Rite
Hospital. Council member Brenda Cole-
man will serve as project coordinator.
W: John W Sumrall, WM presents donation to
Classes will be offered without charge Jo Purvis, chairman of the Washington Parish
at the Bogalusa Branch Library. Literacy Council.
HAUGHTON #95 F. & A.M.
Charitable Donation
W: Johnny C Byrd, WM and the
Lodge held two parking-lot sales with
the proceeds designated for the Louisi-
ana Masonic Learning Centers.
With the support of its members and
community, the Lodge raised over four
hundred dollars.
R: W: Clyde Strout, DDGM 1st District accepts
donation from W: Johnny Byrd, WM

JOPPA #362 F. & A.M.

Scottish Rite Degree
With the support from Lodges in the
1st District, Joppa #362 hosted a Scot-
tish Rite Degree Team from the 16th
Masonic District. The ten Lodges mak-
ing up that District conduct their labor
using the Scottish Rite Ritual. W: Joel
T Haston, WM set a goal to have their
Entered Apprentice Degree exemplified
in the Lodge and worked with W: Bro
Reed Holmes, PM Germania Lodge #46
and Joppa Lodge member, to have the
event come to fruition.
R: W: Andrew N Mims, DDGM
16th Masonic District, was the Degree
Master and traveled from New Orleans
with 7 of his brothers to perform the R: W: Andy Mims, DDGM prosides in the East.
degree. There were 89 Master Masons
in attendance not only from the 1st official family attended the event. A
and adjoining Masonic Districts but hearty thanks to the Degree Team. The
also from Texas. Grand Master Lloyd degree was educational, entertaining and
Hennigan along with members of his beautiful to behold.

A portion of attendees
JOPPA #362 F. & A.M.
Past Masters Night
With 71 members, visitors and guests
in attendance, the Lodge held its Home-
coming/Past Master program. M: W:
Lloyd E Hennigan, Jr., GM, the featured
speaker, was accompanied by R: W: J
F “Jeff” Webb, DGM, R: W: Woody D
L:R - W: Joel T Haston, WM, W: Bro Harold
Bilyeu, GSW, R: W: B J “Bev” Guillot, H Goff and M: W: Llloyd E Hennigan, Jr.,
GJW, R: W: Clyde Strout, DDGM 1st Grand Master
District, W: Bro H Edward Durham,
GSD, M: W: Bros Roy B Delaney,
PGM, Ballard L Smith, PGM and W:
Bro Gary L Gribble, Associate Grand
There were 10 Past Masters of Joppa
and 13 Past Masters of other Lodge in
attendance. With the assistance of M:
W: Hennigan, W: Joel T Haston, WM
presented W: Bro Harold H Goff with
his 25-Year Membership Certificate.
W: Bro Pat Miller, a 50-Year Member-
ship recipient was escorted by his long
time friend and Brother Oscar LaBorde
where the Worshipful Master and Grand
Master presented W: Bro Miller with his
certificate, credentials and lapel pin. Bro
Pat lives in Fairhope, Ala. and makes
a annual trip to Shreveport to visit the
LaBorde family.

W: Bro Pat L Miller, Bro Oscar C LaBorde and

M: W: Hennigan, GM.

Past Masters L:R - Frank H Falkenberry-1969 (Senior Living PM), Pat L Miller-1972, James T
Kelly-1977, Rufus E Wilson-1980 & 1994, M: W: Bro Ballard L Smith-1984, Michael W Mar-
tin-1986, E L “Blue” Archer-1996, H Edward Durham-2001, Robert L LaBorde-2003 and Steven
S A Pence-2004
TEMPLE #448 F. & A.M.
Past Masters Night
W: James P Allen, WM had two 25-
Year Membership Certificate members
attending the annual Past Masters Night.
The featured speaker was M: W: Bro
Roy B Delaney, PGM. Bro Roy pro-
vided an update on the Dyslexia classes
in the state.
Receiving their 25 Year Certificates
were W: Bro Alvie L Bullock and Bro
Earl Raley.
After M: W: Delaney, PGM made his W: James P Allen, WM and Bro Earl Raley.
presentation, the Lodge surprised him
with a donation of $1250.00 to offset
the materials cost for the new Learning
Center at either Minden or Coushatta.

W: Jim Allen, WM and W: Bro Alvie Bullock.

M: W: Roy Delaney, PGM and W: Jim Allen,


EAST GATE #452 F. & A.M.

Honesty & Integrity Night

The Lodge recognized Karli Schneider, a Senior at Parkway Baptist and Charles
Pell, a Senior at University High. Each were presented with a Certificate, key and a
monetary gift by W: Steven A Kemp, WM. Shown in the accompanying photgraph
L:R Charlotte Pell, Charles Pell, W: Steve Kemp, WM, Chuck Morgan, Karli Sch-
neider, Henry Schneider, W: Bro Larry H Moore, Robbie Schneider.
W H BOOTH #380 F. & A.M.
Past Masters Night

50 Year Certificates W: Bro Thomas K Black, Jr. Gerald L Weakly receives his 25-Year Member-
and W: Bro Billy Bob Robertson ship Certificate from W: B Keith Tindel, WM.

Nine Past Masters were in attendance during the Lodge’s annual Past Masters
Night. Honoring us with their presence were W: Bro Thomas K Black-1965, M:
W: Bro Roy B Delaney-1961 & Senior Living Past Master, W: Bro Billy Bob
Robertson-2001, Bobby Jack Daniel-1971, M: W: Bro S. Bruce Easterly-1995, W:
Bro Eugene D Seely-1996 & 1997, W: Bro Jesse L Camp-2007, W: Bro Edward
Michael Ironsmith III-2002 Broadmoor #432, W: Bro Richard C Haynes-1999 &
2002 and W: Bro Larry C “Buddy” Blair, Jr.-2004.

PEACE & HARMONY #478 F. & A.M.

Cochon non de lait With the US in a recession, R: W:
Webb hunts and traps so that pork could
again dress the dinner table.
Since “Shooter” Webb was a bit
rusty with marksmanship, several Lodge
members raised four pinned hogs and
put them in the back of a trailer and
delivered them to R: W: Webb. Shooter
took careful aim, having to reload only
twice, and brought the wild beasts
W H BOOTH #380 F. & A.M. It is not often that a father is able to be
Master Mason present during the three degrees on his
son but it’s an even rarer event when a
father has the opportunity to confer all of
the degrees. Haughton #95 has had this
happen not once, but three times over the
last two and a half years. Most recently
W: Johnny C Byrd, WM had the most
overwhelming honor of conferring all
three degrees on his son, Christopher.
Front L:R W: John T. Sasser. and Christopher As an added bonus, two very spe-
A. Byrd cial friends and brothers - W: John T.
Rear L:R W: Bro Rufus E Wilson, W: Johnny Sasser, WM for Lunar Lodge 918 of
Byrd, WM, W: Bro Robert Caswell
Madison, Alabama and W: Bro Robert
Caswell, PM Lunar #918 came to help
celebrate this historic event.

The Louisiana Lodge of Research (LLR) will hold its annual meet-
ing on Friday, February 6th, at 3:00 p.m. in the Saphire Room “D”.
All brothers are invited to attend but you are encouraged to join the
LLR to support its efforts. This year’s guest speaker will be M.W.
Bro. James Dean Cole, Past Grand Master-Virginia. M.W. Bro. Cole
currently serves as the Sovereign Grand Inspector General (SGIG)
to the Orient of Virginia and as the Grand Treasurer to the Supreme
Council of the AASR, SJ. Membership in the LLR is $20.00 yearly.
Petitions for Membership may be obtained from Marc H. Conrad, PM,
Secretary-Treasurer, Louisiana Lodge of Research (LLR), P. O. Box
10667, New Orleans, Louisiana 70181. New petitions will be accepted
at the annual meeting.
The Louisiana Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
P.O. BOX 12357 Baton Rouge, LA
Permit No. 920
ALEXANDRIA, LA 71315-2357

2008-09 OFFICERS
Lloyd E. Hennigan, Jr., Grand Master
Jules F. “Jeff” Webb, Jr., Deputy Grand Master
Woody D. Bilyeu, Grand Senior Warden
Beverly J. “Bev” Guillot, Grand Junior Warden
A. Ray McLaurin, Grand Treasurer
James M. Walley, P.G.M., Grand Treasurer “Emeritus”
Roy B. Tuck, P.G.M., Grand Secretary
Thomas P. Brown, Grand Chaplain
Frank N. DuTreil, Jr., Grand Marshal
H. Edward Durham, Grand Senior Deacon
James E. Steen, Grand Junior Deacon
Joseph S. Monaghan, Jr., Grand Sword Bearer
S. Scott O’Pry, Grand Pursuivant
C. Edward Collins, Grand Standard Bearer
Earl J. Durand, Grand Tyler
Willey G. Bell, III, Grand Photographer
Dr. Eric C. Hahn, Grand Organist
I.C. Turnley, Jr., M.D., P.G.M., Grand Physician

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