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The Louisiana


Rosepine Dyslexia Training Class Graduation

1st Masonic District Dyslexia Training Class Graduation

Grand Lodge Session Monroe February 12-13, 2011

The Louisiana Cover

Two of the Graduating Classes from
your Louisiana Masonic Learning Center
Publication of The Grand Lodge of the State of of Louisiana Dyslexia Training Program
Louisiana, F & A.M., 5800 Masonic Drive, Alex- are featured on this issue’s cover.
andria, Louisiana 71301. Published quarterly for These children and their parents or
members of Lodges in Louisiana. U.S. rate only.
Mailed ‘Non-Profit Organization’ third class, pre-
guardians dedicated an hour after school,
paid at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. five days a week for two years in order to
The LOUISIANA FREEMASON will accept complete the course work. A great deal
unsolicited articles, with the right to edit, and use of appreciation and gratitude is warranted
when space permits. Articles and pictures become
the property of the magazine. Authors are requested for their commitment.
to sign articles and include their name, address, However, if it weren’t for a portion of
phone number and, if a member, the name of their your dues, Lodge and individual dona-
Masonic Lodge. Articles that are printed do not
tions and fund raising activities in the
necessarily reflect the views of the Grand Lodge
of Louisiana. State, this program could not be offered
Address Changes should be sent to the Lodge or sustain its rapid growth and future
Secretary who will notify the Grand Secretary on needs. These picture are a small reminder
the proper form. DO NOT send changes of address
to the Louisiana Freemason. Send all email, mail of the great work your Fraternity’s chari-
and /or material for consideration for publication table dollars provide.
in the Louisiana Freemason to: An accompanying article for each
W: Steven A. Pence, P.M. Editor
graduation can be found in the Lodge
105 Bayhills Dr., News Section of the magazine.
Benton, LA 71006


Committee To Supervise Grand Master’s Message Page 3
Publication of the
Opening on the 1st Degree Page 4
W: Steven A. Pence, P.M. Editor (362) by W: Bro Kenneth deMoss
105 Bay Hills Dr.
Benton, LA 71006
W: Wiley G. Bell III, P.M.-Chairman (398)
Amos-What Seest Thou? Page 6
99 Bayou Robert Road by our Grand Chaplain
Alexandria, LA 71302
M: W: Clayton J. Borne, III, P.G.M. (P.U.I.) Charity Begins at Home Page 10
433 Metairie Rd., Suite 100
Metairie, LA 70005 by W: Bro David Roach
W: Richard D. Mahoney, PM (246)
P O Box 369 Lodge News Page 12
Winnsboro, LA. 71295
W: David A. Roach, P.M. (221)
6511 Misty Ln. Memorization- Of What Benefit?
Pineville, LA 71360 by W: Bro Bill Mollere Page 34
W: Naresh Sharma, PM (47)
19414 Creekround Ave
Freemasonry As It Relates to Social
Baton Rouge, LA 70817
Justice: Introduction
by M: W: Bro Chip Borne III Page 38
Brothers, it seems as if it were only a few
days ago that we were hurrying through the
installation ceremony so we could be home
in time to watch our beloved New Orleans
Saints play in their first ever Super Bowl.
And, unless you have been in another dimen-
sion for a while you know that they indeed
won that Super Bowl. The Saints are World
Champions! Pigs are flying! I can’t think of
anything that surprises me more and makes
me happier at the same time.
But, alas, that was more than 4 months
ago now. That means that the first trimester
of my service to you and The Grand Lodge
Woody D. Bilyeu
of Louisiana is complete.
Grand Master
I am writing this while attending the 181st
State of Louisiana
Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge
of Florida. The operation of our two Grand
Lodges is quite similar. Other than the fact that Florida has just over twice as many
Masons as we do in Louisiana (46,000 vs 21,000) we are very much the same.
We face many of the same problems and concerns. If you were blindfolded and
dropped into their Grand Lodge Session, you would think you were at the Grand
Lodge of Louisiana’s session. Some of the Resolutions you would hear would be
almost identical.
One of the issues that virtually every Grand Jurisdiction is struggling with is
membership. In Florida there was a net loss of about 1200 Masons over the last
year. That equates to a 2.6% loss of membership. That number is very much in
line with what we have experienced in Louisiana and is in line with the national
average. Since 1965 we have experienced a decline in membership each year.
However, over the last 5 years we have had a slight stabilization of our losses. In
other words we are not losing at as high of a rate as we have in the past. Never the
less, we still have losses. Our numbers are now less than half of what they were in
1965. We had, in round numbers, 46,000 Masons in 1965. We have about 21,000
now. However, the number of Lodges has not dropped at the same rate, although
we have lost some Lodges in that time. On a per Lodge basis the numbers work out
like this, in 1965 there was an average of 158 members per Lodge. Today there is
an average of 77 members per Lodge. Should we carry this out a step further and
we assume that on average our annual dues are about $50.00 plus Grand Lodge
per capita we can determine that, on average, each Lodge has lost about $4,000.00
of income per year. Certainly that is a significant amount of money that has been
lost. This is money that could be used to fund the operations of our Lodges, or for
Charitable purposes, or for any number of projects that Lodges support. I went
through this exercise in order to try and quantify part of what these membership
continued on page 8
Opening In the First Degree
Kenneth B. deMoss, PM Hope #145
hy do the lodges of this state exclude all but Master Masons from stated

W communications? There are droves of Entered Apprentices and Fellow

Craft Masons in America that I feel should be free as brothers to attend
these meetings and sit amongst us. At one time they enjoyed this privilege
and still do in a large number of jurisdictions in the United States today.
Further, have you ever wondered why most American lodges only conduct their
business in the third degree? I can only assume that it is simply one of those things
that most of us have never even thought about and assumed that it is the way the
lodges’ business has always been conducted.
The Entered Apprentices and Fellow Craft Masons in our lodges were all but
disenfranchised when the two rival Grand Lodges
of Louisiana merged in 1850. Those very broth-
ers did at one time grace our stated communica-
tions with their presence. We were opening our
lodges in the first degree except when work per-
taining to higher degrees required it. A resolution
to repeal this practice was presented at the 2000
Louisiana Grand Lodge communication but failed to garner enough votes to pass.
However, eighteen of the Grand Lodges in the United States, have reversed their
decisions to conduct business exclusively in the third degree and have since reverted
back to how it was done 150 years ago and the way it is still practiced in most of
the rest of the world today.
Limiting business to just the Master Masons degree seems to have been strictly
an American innovation born out of suggestions and recommendations made during
a period when masonry was under attack from the anti-Masonic movement that was
rampant in America. The Washington D. C. and the Baltimore conventions of 1842
and 1843 brought forth this idea that by eliminating all but Master Masons from
attending our business meetings, we could better safeguard the secrets of Freema-
sonry from the profane world. This idea became a practice that quickly spread to
most Masonic Grand Lodge jurisdictions by the year 1852. Many brothers feel that
this practice has survived long past its intended purpose or usefulness.
Nearly twenty-four years ago, the Grand Lodge of Connecticut became the first
jurisdiction in America to allow lodges to conduct business in the first degree. They
abolished the practice of excluding members other than Master Masons from these
meetings, a practice that deprived Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft Masons of
the opportunities for fellowship and most of the overall actives of the lodge. The
Jurisdictions that have repealed the “Masters only” lodges have done so with some
necessary restrictions, namely… (1) The brothers are allowed to attend meetings
if the work being performed is not above their current rank; and (2) they may join
continued next page
continued from previous page
Opening in the First Degree:
in discussions but enjoy no voting privileges until they are raised to the degree of
Masters Masons. In this way, those brothers feel like they are an actual part of the
fraternity and are treated as such.
A man petitions our order, is balloted on, initiated and obligated. We call him
brother and welcome him to the Craft; place him in the Northeast corner where we
inform him he is now an upright man and mason and the newest building block of
the lodge. We congratulate him on becoming a Mason. Then in the next breath we
basically inform him that although he is to be governed by the rules and regulations
of the Craft he is not yet really a mason. We tell him he will be assigned an instruc-
tor who will teach him his work. And while he
can attend the initiation of brothers of the same
degree and to eat with us, he is not yet worthy
to sit among us in open lodge as a brother. I
know this statement may be over simplified but
the point I am trying to make is that by allowing
Entered Apprentices and Fellow Craft masons
(yes, brothers, they are masons) to meet with
us in open lodge, they would have an increased
sense of belonging to this Order.
The dropout rates between the initiation and
the raising of a brother to the sublime degree
of Master Mason are alarmingly great. Far too
many Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts
have decided not to continue in the process of
becoming Master Masons. Is it because they have become disenchanted and/or
disheartened with the procedure? Or is it that they have they become discouraged
because they do not feel themselves a legitimate part of the Lodge? We can and
need to address and reverse this trend to make a new member feel that we actually
want them as brothers and not just numbers to fill our rolls.
By excluding these brothers we are not only depriving them from learning from
us but also the opportunities to enjoy the fellowship with those brothers at our
meetings. We miss the chance to get to know them and interact with each other as
brothers. Including them will also afford them an opportunity to become familiar
with how to conduct themselves and how business is conducted within our lodges.
Hopefully by the time they are raised they will have already formed strong habits
of attending and participating in our meetings, and will have met and befriended
many more of the brothers than they would otherwise have had the opportunity
by being excluded. I believe that this practice would help to build and strengthen
the bond between them, the lodge and its members, and hopefully result in them
becoming more dedicated and active brothers.
What has been suggested is not a new solution to this problem. It is simply an
effort to return to the proven ways of the past, and to get in step with the practices of
continued on page 9
“Amos, What Seest Thou?”
W: William J. Mollere, Grand Chaplain
he Fellowcraft Degree, to me, is the most instructive, and when properly

T exemplified, the most meaningful. There is so much “meat” in it that a

Mason could spend his entire life studying the true meaning of the words,
phrases, passages - just the Staircase Lecture alone has so much philoso-
phy of Masonry, that we tend to gloss over it and forget that it is Masonry refined
and defined. But the message of Amos in the circumambulation, the plumbline,
is a message for today.
The Biblical passage in the Fellowcraft, Amos 7:7-8, has words overlooked,
especially for us today. In a story told in four
to five pages in most Bibles, Amos was an
Old Testament Minor Prophet who is de-
scribed as a simple man who grew figs and
raised sheep - a meek and mild man, but to-
tally devoted to God and devout in his beliefs,
certainly not one of the major “professional”
prophets who are often quoted, like Isaiah or
Jeremiah. Amos was called by God to leave
his home near Bethlehem in Judah and go north to Samaria, the capital
of Israel. About 750 BC, the two Kingdoms had Uzziah as King of
Judah and Jeroboam II as King of Israel, both were rich, the stock
markets were going up every day, home loans were easy to obtain,
the people felt little need for God and didn’t attend worship services
very often, especially when sporting events, golf opportunities and
social activities interfered with going to church, and Lodge was never
on a convenient night; and, Israel was expanding its influence due to
other nations fighting each other over boundaries, so Israel felt like a
“super-power” unchallenged in its financial and military importance.
Amos arrived in the prosperous capital of the Northern Kingdom and
in two days delivered the message that now appears in our Bible in
nine short chapters. But what was Amos delivering to the people that
God had sent him to deliver? Someone in the Northern Kingdom felt
it was important enough to record his message, and it actually became
the first Book to appear in the Jewish Bible when the Israelites sat on
the banks of the Euphrates River in Babylon not too many years later
yearning to return to their home. The message has great need to be
retold today.
God tells Amos to tell the people to get right with Him, return to
worship and practice the laws of Moses and live lives that help others,
continued next page
continued from previous page
“Amos, What Seest Thou?:
not to take advantage of others; take care of those less fortunate, help a Brother,
and practice justice toward all. Social justice, concern for the disadvantaged and
remembering God’s covenant with His chosen does not exempt them from sinning;
recognizing that God was and is God to all; no one
should exalt themselves over others thinking they are
better than anyone else; never profane God; do not
disobey God’s laws, or be prepared to be disciplined
- God can take away just as He gives - God can and
does forgive, over and over, but at some point, God
says to those who cannot and will not return to Him,
“I will not pass by them again”….and
the nation was destroyed and the people
of Israel were enslaved and scattered -
never to return. History - we are told
to learn lessons from it or be destined to repeat it.
Today, what have we learned from Amos? A nation that becomes
too big for itself begins to forget why it was blessed in its begin-
ning - a place that God blessed, a place of freedom and justice, safe
and secure in its beliefs, happy and prosperous by the effort and
dedication of its people relying on God for guidance, helping others
but not interfering and not imposing its beliefs and ideas of justice
on others - once those lessons are forgotten, overlooked, placed on
the side - that nation begins to lose God’s blessing and begins to
fall. History - learn the lesson or repeat the lesson. The Fellowcraft
Degree tells the Candidate to remember that he is connected by that
plumbline to Heaven and to God, to live an upright life, to be truth-
ful, to follow a path of virtue, to reverence all religions, do not envy,
hate or show contempt for others, to be dispassionate, and always
to practice justice to all. Israel could not live by these and it fell -
Amos tried and was only moderately successful and for only a short
period, then the people forgot and went back to their old ways. God
did not pass by them again. Today, do we practice the lessons of the
Fellowcraft? We are but one, each one of us, but together we are a great force for
good - What Seest Thou?

continued from page 3
Grand Master’s Message:
losses mean to us. This loss of operating funds is bad enough but there are deeper,
more troubling effects to this loss of membership.
One of those effects is a lack of potential leadership for our Lodge. We are at
the point where immediately after raising, we put a newly made Brother in a posi-
tion of responsibility. In many cases it is unfair to the newly raised Brother as he
does not have enough knowledge of Lodge operations in order to serve properly.
Unfortunately that is what many, if not most, Lodges are forced to do in order to
survive. Another effect is the lack of Brothers qualified to take part in degrees. Many
Lodges rely on sister Lodges to confer degrees for them. This is not an enviable
position in which to be. Brothers I point out these issues in order to make you aware
that, I feel, we are at a critical point with this decline in membership. We must act!
YOU must act. It is no longer permissible to sit idly by and watch membership
decline. We must do everything within our power to stop this attrition. We must
use the tools we have in order to stem the losses. Should the tools we have prove
insufficient we then we must develop new tools.
An item that each Lodge should pay particular attention to is the number of
“orphaned” or “stranded” Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Masons. Last year
M:W: Brother Jeff Webb, PGM, encouraged Lodges to contact these Brothers
that have fallen through the cracks and attempt to bring them back so they could
finish their degree work. It is my intention to reinforce that policy and to encour-
age Lodges to contact these Brothers and, should they show interest, expedite the
completion of their degrees. Should this require a dispensation, you can rest assured
that it will be forthcoming, just make the request. I have instructed our District
Deputy Grand Masters to check with each Lodge and review what they are doing
to expedite bringing these Brothers back. It is my fervent prayer that each Lodge
will embrace this program and work toward reducing these unacceptable losses.
May God Bless each and every one of you.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Woody D. Bilyeu
Grand Master, 2010-2011

continued from page 5
Opening on The First Degree:
the Masonic community around the world today. Perhaps an effort should be made
to contact those jurisdictions that have already repealed the regulation
and find out more about the benefits and possible problems they have
encountered with the change. Through this acquired knowledge we
will be able to make a more informed decision based on fact not just
emotions, adherence to the status quo and apprehension of change.
We should never dismiss a suggestion merely because it fails to
comport with the way things have always been done. I feel that it is
only a matter of time before this will happen, not only in Louisiana,
but the rest of the nation as well. Some day we will all wake up to the
fact and realize that our Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts are truly masons,
and that they, in the proper situations, should enjoy the rights and privileges to set
among us as brothers.

The Louisiana Masonic License Plates are ready to order! The charities of The
Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, F & AM receive 100% of the extra cost as-
sociated with this special license plate. You do not loose any equity in your current
plate and this will be good public exposure for Freemasonry. The new Library &
Museum Foundation will be one of the recipients of these new funds.
All of the ordering information is available from the computer or you may go
to your local Office of Motor Vehicles to purchase.
To order online:
Under “Vehicle Services” Click on: “Special Plates” Click: Continue
Enter the License Plate number you are replacing Click: Submit
Under “Select One”, scroll down to Organization/Service and continue
down and click on Grand Lodge
Click on: “Ordering Details” Click on: “Order Form”
Fill out form, print and mail with proper documentation
(Copies of: Registration Cert., Proof of Insurance, Dues Card & Check)
Charity Begins at Home
David A. Roach, PM Solomon Lodge #221
harity is the superstructure of Freemasonry. If that superstructure begins

C to decay or weaken, it makes no difference if the foundation is solid, the

building is coming down.
For many years, now, I’ve preached and written that our membership
is falling off because of a lack of charity. “Give good men good things to do and
they will attend Lodge and new members will join the Lodge.”
There is truth in that, but now I know that that is not the full extent of charity.
Charity is not just helping people outside the Lodge that may never become members
or take an interest in what we do. Charity is much more than that.
For many years I’ve told my Lodge that we don’t do enough charity work as a
Lodge. “If all we do is have meetings, people will stop attending and membership
will fall off.” There may be a little truth to that also. But the Lodges that we meet
with are probably our best and most important places to express the charity that is
the superstructure of Freemasonry.
I hope that you will see, just as I have finally learned, that charity begins at
“home”. Sometimes the things we’ve been looking for are right in front of our
I saw a young Mason bring his grandfather to Lodge one day. His grandfather
loved being a Mason, but had become blind in his old age making it impossible for
him to drive to Lodge or even recognize anyone who stood in front of him. The
young man took him to different Lodges, stayed by his grandfather’s side and in-
troduced everyone who approached him as they shook his hand. That’s charity.
I’ve seen men run to open a door for another man in a weakened state as he
approached the building. I’ve seen them go to cars and assist older men, chatting
with them all the way into the Lodge. I’ve seen able men bring disabled men to
Lodge. That’s charity.
I’ve seen entire Lodges of men bite their tongues as old lions now become lambs
try to roar once more in open Lodge.
I’ve seen a Lodge grant membership to a deaf man, not out of sympathy, never
looking down on his disability or getting frustrated because he’s not exactly like
everyone else, but fully accepting him as an equal - welcoming him with open
arms as a brother.
Sometimes charity is just listening to another brother pour out his burden when
tragedy strikes his life and never speaking to another person about it or betraying
his trust.
When a brother or someone in his family is ill and we go to see them in a hos-
pital or at his house just to see if there is anything that we can do, that is charity.
When we call out of concern to check up on a brother that we haven’t spoken to
in a while, that’s charity.
continued next page
continued from previous page
Charity Begins at Home:
When we go to a brother’s house to help him with an odd job that we know he’ll
have a problem doing himself - when we mow his lawn because he’s too ill to do it
himself - when we run an errand or take care of things for him or his family when
he’s unable to do it himself - that’s charity.
Sometimes charity is just speaking a kind word when someone really needs to
hear a kind word.
Pure charity is something that we do because our genuine concern for someone
besides ourselves gives us no other alternative. It’s not done out of greed or self
gratification or conquest or pride. It’s done because it’s who we are and we don’t
know how to be any other way. It’s a sacrifice that feels more like a blessing than
a burden.
The Great Light says this about charity. “Charity suffers long, [and] is kind;
charity envies not; charity vaunts not itself, is not puffed up, does not behave itself
unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil; rejoices not
in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all
things, endures all things.” (I Corinthians 13)
Charity is not just helping the “widows and orphans” of the world. It is an at-
titude, a way of life in which we approach all people with genuine selfless concern
for their wellbeing, not completely disregarding ourselves or our families, but
proving our regard for others. It’s how we treat each other. It’s something that we
do whether or not anyone else will ever know that we’ve ever done it.
As long as “charity” and “love” are synonymous terms in our Lodges (not “char-
ity” and “sympathy”, not “charity” and “self aggrandizing”), the “superstructure”
of Freemasonry will remain intact and a Lodge meeting will be more than just
another meeting.
I’ve finally learned that Charity begins at home. I thank all of my brothers who
prefer to remain unnamed for the charity from them that I’ve seen and experienced
and especially for that charity that I never knew where it came from.

Did You Know?

Q. How many Texas counties are named for Freemasons?

A. 102 counties out of 254 in Texas are named for Freemasons. Some famous
names you may recognize are, Stephen F. Austin, James Bowie, David Crockett,
Sam Houston, James Madison, James K. Polk, and George Washington.
Honesty & Integrity Program
Athens Masonic Lodge No. 136 met to honor five high school juniors with the
Honesty and Integrity Award. The recipients were Michaela McCowen, Alexandra
Crain, Kelsey Lee, Cole Spigener, and Jason Marcantel. Kelsey Lee was unable to
attend due to previously scheduled school activity. The brethren and guests were
welcomed by W: James C Slaton, WM. The Worshipful Master introduced Bro. Na-
than Jump who gave an inspiring talk on the characteristics of honesty and integrity.
Each student was introduced and were presented with a framed certificate.
Following the awards presentation, everyone retired to the fellowship room to
enjoy a delicious meal of grilled hamburgers and hotdogs with all the trimmings.

L:R - W: James Slaton, WM, Jason Marcantel, Cole Spigener, Michaela McCowen,
Alexandra Crain, and Bro. Nathan Jump


50-Year Membership
R: W: J E “Buddy” Pearce, DDGM
11th District presented W: Lynn L
Fogleman, WM with his 50 Year Mem-
bership Certificate. Brother Fogleman
has dedicted 50 years to service in the
Fraternity and the presentation was in
recognition of the Worshipful Master’s
loyality to Masonic principles.

L:R - W: Lynn Fogleman, WM and R: W: Buddy

Pearce, DDGM.
St. JAMES #47
Honesty & Integrity Program
The Grand Master of Masons, Woody
D. Bilyeu, made his official visit to St.
James Lodge at an open dinner meet-
ing with about 50 members and guests
attending. The Grand Master was
accompanied by his wife, Mary, and
his Official Family, which consisted
of R:W: Carle Jackson, DDGM 13th L:R - Joe A Bardwell, Junior Warden, Shelby
Vignes, Deanie Vignes and John Vignes
Masonic District, and W: Bro Robert
Schaff, Grand Inner Guard. Honesty
and Integrity Awards were made to two
students - Shelby Vignes from St. Joseph
Academy and Christopher Akers from
University High School. Shelby was
accompanied by her parents, John and
Deanie Vignes, and Chris was accom-
panied by his parents, Jim and Denise
Akers. The Honesty and Integrity talk
was given by George Ragsdale, Youth
Director of First Methodist Church,
and a movie on Integrity was shown by L:R - Denise Akers, Christopher Akers and Jim
Grand Master Bilyeu. Akers.

TEMPLE #448 The presentation of the Honesty and

Honesty & Integrity Program Integrity Awards featured two Airline
High School students. The Lodge partic-
ipates in this youth program to support
and reward the chosen young leaders in
our community whom have shown an
affinity for being the best in all facets of
their young lives. W: Bro Fred Arthur,
Committee Chairman worked with Kim
Gaspard, Principal of Airline High and
Ms. Linda Finimore, Junior Counselor
L:R - W: Roy L Simmons-PM WM, Will Slack, in this year’s selection.
Abby Self and M: W: Bro S Bruce Easterly, Abby Self, daughter of Paula and
PGM. Parker Self and Will Slack, son of
Cathi and Dwayne Slack were thie
The evening’s guest speaker was
M: W: Bro Bruce Easterly, PGM who
spoke eloquently of this Grand Lodge
program and the honor’s significance
in our Fraternity. 13
Honesty & Integrity Program
Farmerville’s local Masonic lodge, Union Fraternal met a special awards pro-
gram. The Honesty and Integrity Award was bestowed upon three Union Parish
high school students after a year long survey by a Masonic committee. After the
lengthy selection process, Jake Auger and Chet Parks of Sterlington High School
and John McCallum of Cedar Creek were chosen for the prestigious award. Jake
is the son of Pastor Curt and Rene’ Auger of Farmerville. Chet is the son of David
and Candra Parks of Spencer and John is the son of Judge Jay and Deanna McCal-
lum of Farmerville. This the first time in the history of the lodge that three students
have tied for the award. W: David B Donavan, WM made the presentations and
presided over the ceremony.
W: Bro Reverand Woodrow W Reeder gave a brief talk about Honesty and
Integrity in honor of the recipients. Past recipients, Shelby Waltman and Haley
Porter (2009) and Marissa Estes (2008) attended. All attending enjoyed a potluck
dinner before the ceremony.

L:R - Jake Auger, Chet Parks and John McCallum

W H BOOTH #380 R: W: Ed Durham, GJW was the

Honesty & Integrity Program guest speaker for the Lodge’s annual
Honesty & Integrity Award program.
W: Bro Mike Ironsmith, Caddo Par-
ish Magnet High School’s Physics
and AP Physics teacher, provided the
background and accomplishments of
the students.
The recipients were Benjamin Cluver
and Rachel Sinclair. The students were
L:R - W: Larry C Blair, Sr., WM, Benjamin
accompanied by their parents, family
Culver, R: W: H Edward Durham, GJW, Rachel and friends for the evening.
Sinclair and W: Bro Edward M Ironsmith, III. A scrumptous meal was served prior
to the program and was attended by 77
14 members, visitors and guests.
Honesty & Integrity Program
The Honesty and Integrity Awards
Program was started in 1977 by the
Grand Lodge of Louisiana. Istrouma
Lodge participates in presenting these
awards to recognize the deserving youth
of today who may become our leaders
of tomorrow.
W: Warren Ray Leteff, WM present-
ed these awards to Miss Meghan Fennell
and Mr. Matthew Thibodeux. The guest L:R - Meghan Fennell and Matthew Thibo-
speaker for the program was W: Bro
Harold B “Cookie” Billingsley.
50 Year Membership
At a Stated Communication of Hurd
Merrill, in Livingston, Brother Charles
Kinchen Wheat, was presented with a
Certificate from the Grand Lodge of
Louisiana for 50 years service to the
fraternity. The presentation was made
by M: W: Bro Harold Gene Ballard, L:R - M: W: Bro Harold Ballard, PGM, Brother
PGM and W: James Stan Carpenter, Charles K Wheat, W: Stan Carpenter, WM and
Brother Ricky Wheat.
WM. Brother Wheat’s son, Ricky Lynn
Wheat, was raised as a Master Mason
that evening, making the communica-
tion truly special.
GRAHAM SURGHNOR #383 During a Stated Communication of
25 Year Membership Graham Surghnor, in Monroe Brother
John Edgar Vines II, was presented with
a 25 Year Membership Certificate from
the Grand Lodge. The presentation was
made by W: John J Boyd, WM and W:
Bro Thomas C “Buddy” Foster, PM-
L:R - W: Bro Buddy Foster, PM-Secretary,
Brother John Vines and W: John Boyd, WM.

Did You Know?

Q. In 1892, what was the tallest building in the world?

A. The Masonic Temple in Chicago, Illinois on the corner of Randolph and

State Streets.
25 & 50 Year Membership
Trinity Union Lodge cvelebrated 25
and 50 Year Award Night with M:W:
Bro Harold Gene Ballard PGM as guest
speaker. The following received their 50
year awards: Thurlow Parish, Philip Ha-
ley and Ramon Jarrell. Brother Bertis L. L:R - W: Terrell Howes, PM-WM, Turlow Par-
Hyatt and Geo L. Johnston also recieved ish, Philip Haley, Ramon Jarrell and M:W Bro
their 50 year awards.Brothers James Harold Ballard, PGM.
A Branzcum, Jr, and Martin E. Taylor
received their 25 year awards.

Honesty & Integrity Awards
Livonia # 220 of New Roads, held an open meeting to recognize two recent,
local graduates. They were recognized for there display of honesty and integrity.
Kristina Verzwyvelt was accompanied by her mother Kim Verzwyvelt. Her father
Thomas was unable to attend. Hunter Bordelon was accompanied by his parents
Donald and Liz Bordelon. Both students graduated in May from False River
Academy. Kristina will be attending ULL in the fall. Hunter will be attending a
medical training school to become an EMT.
These young students were chosen by their school administrators to receive this
award and a check for $100.00 dollars each. They felt they met the criteria needed
to receive this honor. The guest speaker for the evening was Sheriff Bud Torres, of
Pointe Coupee parish, who was accompanied by his wife Neysa. Sheriff Torres
spoke about the importance of being honest in all that we do.
The Masons and their wives wished these students the best in their future en-

L:R - Sheriff Bud Torres, Hunter Bordelon, Kristina Verzwyvelt and W:

Gene Vincent, WM
Honesty & Integrity Awards

L:R - Seated Sarah Elliott, Caroline May and Lara Hutchinson

Standing Walter Freeman, SW, Denise Elliott, Steve Elliott, Vicki May,
Marc May, Christine Hutchinson, W: Bro Tim Hutchinson, PM and W: Bro
Aubrey Brignac, PM
The Lodge hosted their annual Honesty and Integrity Dinner and Award program
to a crowd of sixty-five members, visitors and guests. W: Bro Aubrey Brignac, H&I
Committee Chairman, introduced the honor recipients Sarah Elliot of Central High,
Lara Hutchinson of St. Amant High and Caroline May of Dutchtown High.
W: Bro William Mollere, PM-Grand Chaplain was the guest speaker for the
evening. Acting Worshipful Master Walter Freeman presented each studen with
their certificates, key and a generous monetary gift.
Gold Award Presentation
W: Bro David B Way is the recipient
of the Gold Honor Award presented by
the Louisiana York Rite College. The
award is made to those Freemasons who
have worked for and served the Frater-
nity in an exemplary manner.
The organizers went to great lengths
to make sure the presentation would be Mr & Mrs David Way (Kathy)
a surprise to W: Bro Way. Fifity-four
members, visitors and guests, traveling
from the surrounding Parishes, were
present for the events. M: W: Bro Al-
len G Tidwell, PGM and Past Grand
Govenor of Louisiana for the York Rite
College made the presentation.
M: W Bro Allen Tidwell, PGM and Past Grand
Govenor and W: Bro David Way.
IDA #324
Honesty & Integrity Night
The Lodge held a Special Com-
munication to present Miss Katherine
Rashall as the recipient of the Honesty
and Integrity Award. W: Bro William
H Treadway, PM-WM introduced
Katherine and provided the members,
visitors and guests with a list of her
many accomplishments. Miss Rashall
excels in academics, community service
and charitable work in and around the
community. The Lodge presented her
with the Honesty & Integrity Certificate,
key and a monetary gift in recognition
of her character.
Members of Ida, Vivian and Plain
Dealing Lodges were in attendance W: Bill Treadway, WM and Miss Katherine
and many of these members assisted in Rashall.
making the evening memorable as well
as a success.
Honesty & Integrity Night

Front Row L:R - Justin Martin, Taylor Auttonberry, Tommy Glynn Williamson, Sarah Diana Caskey,
Seth Randall Rushing and Natalie Brooke Springfield.
Back Row: R: W: Michael A Watts, DDGM 6th District and W: Gerald R Robinette, WM

R: W: Michael Watts, DDGM was the guest speaker for the evening and as-
sisted W: Gerald Robinette, WM in making presentations to the six recipients from
Lakeview High, Saline High and Castor High schools.
Honesty & Integrity Night

L:R - Martin Marino, Courtney Schindler, Timothy Krennerich, Ariel Davis and W: Edgar L Lea-
The Lodge held its annual Honesty and Integrity Award night with fifty-six
members, guests and visitors in attendance. The Lodge selected three high school
students for the awards based on their achievements and individual belief in the
principles of honesty and integrity.
Martin Marino, District VI Jefferson Parish School Board member, was in at-
tendance and thanked the Lodge for taking the time to recognize these students.
Receiving the awards this year were Timothy Krennerich and Courtney Schindler
of Grace King High and Ariel Davis of Slidell High.
Honesty & Integrity Night
The Lodge presented the Honesty & Integrity Award to three deserving stu-
dents with fifty-three members, guests and visitors in attendance. R: W: Frank N
duTreil, Jr., GSW was the keynote speaker and addressed the audience with a talk
on Respect. Stephen Harding of Slidell High, Rebecca Brewer of Salmen High and
Taylor Putfark of Northshor High were the recipients this year.

L:R: Bro Lawrence L Labry, III-Acting WM, Stephen A Harding,

Rebecca N Brewer, Taylor C Putfark and R: W: Frank DuTreil,
The gift that keeps giving...Forever
The Grand Lodge’s Endowment which economically has insured its
stability has come from caring brothers’ gifts, which allows for effective
annual contributions, gifts of love and affection in perpetuity or

This can be a relatively easy way to ensure the future of your Fraternity
and as a personal reward, reduce your taxes on your personal estate.

You can even specify the charity you wish to benefit or create a special
endowed fund in your name or in the memory of a loved one or special
brother who meant a great deal to your life.

You have the option to use several efficient vehicles such as an Annuity,
Trust, Charitable Gift Annuity, Testamentary Trust, etc. to accomplish
your personal objective.

As an example, you may include a bequest to your Grand Lodge in your

will or simply designate your Brotherhood as a beneficiary of your retirement
fund. Only after your death such a bequest or designation would generate a
5% annual distribution, as represented in this table and would continue your
thoughtful annual contributions and support forever.
We will be happy to provide you or your attorney with sample language.

With a Bequest You can perpetuate an

Of at Least: Annual Never Ending Gift of:
$ 25,000 $1,250
50,000 2,500
75,000 3,750
125,000 6,250

Once established your name or the name of your special designee will be
cast in bronze and permanently displayed at your Grand Lodge

For more information, contact M: W: Clayton J. Borne, III PGM,

Director of Planned Giving at (504) 834-0274 or email: chipborne43@

Honesty & Integrity Awards
Four students were honored with the Honesty & Integrity Award by the mem-
bers of Center Lodge. W: Dallas M Alford-PM WM welcomed the honorees and
the members, guests and visitors gathered for this occasion. The recipients were
Tiffani Thomas, David Walker, Kebrina Young and Austin Rome.
The guest speaker for the event was District 12 State Senator Ben Nevers who
challenged the students to continue to work hard with the same determination
they have exhibited thus far. He presented each student with a certificate from
his office. W: M: Alford presented the recipients with a plaque recognizing their

L:R David Walker of Bogalusa High; Tiffani Thomas of Ben Ford Christian; W: Dallas Alford, WM;
Kebrina Young of Bogalusa High; Austin Rome of Bogalusa High and Senator Ben Nevers.

TRINITY UNION #372 During the Lodge’s Friend to Friend

Special Recognition Night a special presentation was made
to honor and recognize a true friend to
W: Bro Danny Smith performed the
duties of Master of Ceremony and pro-
vided a detailed history of the Lodge.
Acting W: Walter Freeman asked W:
Bro Smith to conduct George Morris,
Baton Rouge Advocate Staff Writer to
a postion West of the Altar. W: Free-
man, WM presented Mr. Morris with a
resolution and certificate of appreciation
for his efforts in promoting our chari-
George Morris (L) receives a certificate from W: table and Masonic activities through
Walter Freeman, WM. the newspaper.
Dyslexia Center Presentation
Members of Central Masonic Lodge
visited Trinity Union Lodge to present a
framed photograph of the 2007 Graduat-
ing Class of Central’s Dyslexia Train-
ing Program. In 2007, Trinity Union
entered into partnership with Central to
establish a class and help students with
dyslexia learning disability.
L:R - Bro Brandy Foreman, Central Lodge, M:
W: Bro Harold Ballard, PGM and W: Walter
Freeman, WM Trinity Union.


Blood Drive Trinity Union, with the assistance of
Central Wal-Mart, hosted a Metro-Area
blood drive to benefit the Our Lady of
The Lake Blood Center. The members
wish to express their sincere apprecia-
tion for the successful drive.
Joni Williamson of Pride was the
winner of the drawing for a Wal-Mart
Gift Certificate, which was donated by
L:R - Kiel Harton, Margaret Andrews and Emily the Lodge.
Territo, OLOL Blood Technicians with Brother
Richard Harris


Birthday Celebration
Landmark Lodge #214 F & AM cel-
ebrated the 90th birthday of Bro. Robert
“Bob” Huff . W: Billy Russell, WM and
the members surprised him with a birth-
day cake. Brother Huff, born March 20,
1920, has been a Mason for 49 years. His L:R - Brother Bob Huff and W: Billy Russell,
Mother lodge is Joppa # 362, but he has WM.
called Landmark home since attaining a vote in 1944 for Franklin Roosevelt.
plural membership in 1985. He currently His two proudest moments are the days
serves as Secretary. that his son, Richard Huff, was raised at
Bro. Huff is a veteran of WWII serv- Landmark and when Richard served as
ing in the Combat Engineer Corps and Worshipful Master in 1999.
fondly remembers casting his very first Happy Birthday Bob!
Masonic Awareness Day
On June 26, 2010, at the Baton Rouge Consistory, a Masonic Awareness Day was
held for Baton Rouge Area sponsored by The Grand Council of Cryptic Masons.
The theme of the day was “This day will remind you of things you
forgot about in Masonry, things that makes you feel good and Most
of All, hopefully, answer some questions on things that you were
afraid to ask anyone else”. The moderator for the day was W: Bro
William J. Mollere.
Pat Dickson The M.W. Grand Master Brother “Woody”
D. Bilyeau, GM started off the day with information about the
Grand Lodge. The following speakers talked on the various
philanthropies of their respective bodies for
Louisiana: Thomas “Pat” Dickson - Grand
Commandery of Knights Templar “Eye Foun- Dorian Heroman
dation and Holy Land Pilgrimage”, Dorian Heroman - Shrine
Hospitals and Clowns, Vernon Atkinson - Grand
Council of Cryptic Masons “Cryptic Masons
Clay Wolfe Medical Research Foundation and Council/Chap-
ter Foundation” and “The Grand Lodge Dyslexia program”, Joe
Stroud - Childhood Language Centers of the Scottish Rite, Clay
Wolfe and John Richter - Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons Carle Jackson
“Royal Arch Research Assistance”.
The afternoon session was very interesting
because W.A. Morris’ presentation was about the
Blue Lodge Mentor Programs and various Blue
Lodge Masonic topics. Carle Jackson - “Why does
Scottish Rite Masonry make me a better Master John Richter
and Man and why not wait till I am a Past Master to join? I’ll have
Vernon Atkinson
more time later”, and finally John Belanger “How
can the York Rite Degrees help me be better Lodge Officer; how can
this information help me understand the Blue Lodge
degrees, and how will it help me confer Masonic De-
grees more effectively.
Every one walked away with a disk containing John Belanger
over 60 talks on Masonic topics and two Blue Lodge
Programs; along with various information
A the York and Scottish Rites of Louisiana.
The meeting was well attended with masons from as far away
as Shreveport, Alexandria, Houma and New Orleans area.

M: W: Woody
Bilyeu, GM
St. Jude’s Trip
On June 6th a group of husbands
and wives from, Hurd Merrill and
Fairest Star Chapter No. 235 OES, in
Livingston, prepared a Louisiana meal,
at THE TARGET HOUSE, in Memphis,
Tenn. for staff, children, and families. L:R -Jimmy Alford, Berlin Hunt, Aaron Hughes,
The Target House provides, free of Conrad Wall, Buddy Williamson Sr., Phillip
Woods, and Bobby Sullivan. Not pictured Alford
charge, fully equipped apartments for
families, parents and children with long
term treatment at St. Jude Childrens
The combined group, prepared Gum-
bo, Jambalaya, and fried fish with all the
trimmings, in the Target House kitchen
and dinning area. This has become an
annual event and was inspired by W:
Bro Phillip R Wood after his grandson,
Trevor Vanpran, a patient there now,
was diagnosed with a rare form of
The food was provided from dona- L:R - Clara Hughes, Geraldine Woods, Janet
tions from both Hurd Merrill and Trinity Williamson, Janie Alford, and Janet Kemp.


Past Masters Night
Broadmoor Lodge celebrated it’s Pastmaster Night on April 19, 2010. W: Bro
James Walls served as the Master of Ceremonies for the occasion. Past Masters in
attendance and pictured below were James Walls, Roy Henderson, Gene Rayford,
Gary Gribble, John Ayer, Joe Miot, Tom Murphy, Joe Powell. W: Joe Moore is
shown in the photo graph in the back row far right.

Visting Lodge
On May 13th, members of Landmark Lodge #214 (Keithville) traveled to Lib-
erty Lodge in Keatchie for a time of fellowship and Masonic education. Thirteen
members of Landmark joined nine members of Liberty for a dinner of fried fish
and all of the expected sides.
W: Bro Andrew Bing presented the educational program with emphasis on
proper use of the rods in the three degrees.
Liberty Lodge made tentative plans to join Landmark Lodge in June as well
as making this an annual event. W: Bro Bing will provide a masonic talk on the
apron, proper means to purge a Lodge and other interesting topics.
Those in from Landmark were: W: Bro Warren Williams; Bro Kurt Kinard, JW;
W: Billy Russell, PM-WM; W: Bro Mickey Gilcrease; W: Bro Dale Harper, PM-
Treasurer; W: Bro Eric Harper; W: Bro Albert Hinson; W: Bro Durwood Lindsey,
PM-Tyler; Bro Chip Rogers, JD; Bro Ed Lazarus; W: Bro Jimmy Oates; W: Bro
Glenn Hunt; Bro J C Wallace, SD; and Bro Tony Wallace, SW.


Learning Center Graduation
Rosepine Lodge hosted a graduation
ceremony for the first Dyslexia Class
in Vernon Parish. After consuming
respectable amounts of Pizza and Ice
Cream, every one gathered in the lodge
room for some well chosen remarks L:R - Front row: Angela Harrel (Parent), Roy
from M:W: Bro Roy B. Tuck, Jr, PGM B. Tuck, Jr, PGM (Speaker), Brianne Jones
(Graduate), Neal McMullen (Graduate), Sandra
Grand Secretary. In addition to certifi-
McMullem (Parent), Joy Spencer,(Instructor)
cates being awarded to the two gradu- Back row: W: James L Froemming, WM
ates, Ms. Joy Spencer was presented a
plaque acknowledging her dedication
and commitment for conducting and attesting to the effectiveness of the pro-
administering the class for the past two gram was made by Graduate Brianne
years without the benefit of a relief or Jones who stated her grades when she
substitute assistance for the duration of started the program were D’s and F’s,
the program. One memorable remark and now she was getting A’s and B’s.
Start a Local Chapter
If you are interested in becoming a
member of Louisiana Mason Motor-
cycle Chapter or start one in your area,
contact W: Bro Tony Pohlmann:

ATKINS #266 F & AM

Annual Fundraiser
Atkins Lodge in Taylortown held its annual fundraising fish-fry with 50% of the
funds to be dedicated to assist the family of Odie Harris. Odie is the 12 year old
son of W:.Bro. Terry Harris and grandson of W: Bro Hoyt Hooper and is receiving
treatment at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Assisting in the cooking of the
fish and serving of the food were Pete Bretzman, SD; Charles Cupit; W: Bro Carey
Allison; W: Bro Jim Enkey; and W: Bro Hoy Hooper. Bro. Chandler’s wife, Suzy
Chandler and W: Ed Myers, WM wife, Gaye also provided invaluable assistance
to the brethren in this effort. Ninety pounds of catfish were cooked and served to
brethren, family, and guests, along with hush puppies, French fries (rendered by
the acclaimed chef above) and coleslaw provided by Bro. Cupit. Bro. Chandler
and Suzy also ran a yard sale during the morning of the 19th, with funds raised
donated to the Odie Harris family.
Anyone wishing to contribute to help defray the family’s expenses in these
circumstances is requested to contact Jim Allen, P.M. & Secretary of Atkins Lodge,
We cook fish every year at Atkins, and we do a good job of it. Plan to come by
and enjoy a plate of hot, really good catfish with all the fixin’s with us next year.

Acclaimed French fry chef W: Ed Myers, WM peers over the

grill used to keep French fries and hush puppies warm until
needed inside, aided by his faithful sidekick and steward, Ed-
ward Chandler, SS.
Special Recognition
Downsville Lodge declared April
25th 2010 as “Homer Bailes Day”. W:
Bro Homer V Bailes was a member of
the “Bailes Brothers” which regularly
played on the Grand Ole Opry and later
inducted into the Country Music Hall
of Fame and the West Virginia Hall of
Fame. Also, Brother Homer was one of
the founding members of the “Louisiana
Hayride”. Brother Homer was Master
of the Lodge in 1996 and is a retired
Methodist minister.

L:R -R:W: George Johnson, DDGM 3rd Masonic

District, W: Bro Homer Bailes and W: David
Nicholson, WM


Reciprocal Visit
W: Billy Russell, WM and the members of Landmark welcomed the members of
Liberty Lodge #123 for a night of dining and fellowship. The purpose of the meeting
was to reciprocate the hospitality of W: Harold Elliot, WM and the members of
Liberty when they hosted Landmark earlier in the year. W: Russell, WM presented
Liberty Lodge with a Certificate of Appreciation for their previous meeting. W:
Bro Andrew Bing accepted the award on behalf of W: Elliot, WM, who could not
attend due to a family emergency.
Bro Bing gave a presentation on the significance of the Apron. After closing the
Lodge, the Brothers were served a brisket dinner prepared by Bro. Eric Harper.
The members of Landmark have a special connection to Liberty Lodge. Land-
mark held its first meeting on March 23, 1872 after the split from Liberty Lodge.

What began as a small group of
Masons that met to study and maintain
proficiency in the Craft’s esoteric work
has grown into tight knit ‘lodge’ with
regular meetings followed by a festive
board. In order to bring some excite-
ment and breathe new life into the
study, the recitations are at times ac- L:R - W: Bro Gary Gribble, W: Bro Hoyt Hooper
companied with Renaissance, Baroque (new inductee), W: Bro Jim Allen, W: Bro Carey
and Classical musical work or could Allison (new inductee) and R:W: Ed Durham,
even presented as Gregorian chant.
As the allegories reveal their deeper
esoteric meanings, the group is able to
express them in differening styles, while
the words themselves remain forever
One of the highlights of the group’s
activities is the presentation of the
SSCL of CM’s Certificate and Jewel L:R - M: W: Bro Bruce Easterly, M: W:
along with the sign of recognition. The Woody Bilyeu, GM new member and W: Bro
accompanying photographs were taken GaryGribble.
during recent presentatons.


Birthday Celebration
On Thursday July 1st, W: Billy
R Russell, WM and the members of
Landmark Lodge celebrated a belated
75th birthday for W: Bro Durwood E
Lindsey, P.M. W: Bro Durwood, who
officially turned 75 on June 19th, was
treated to cake and ice cream.
L:R - W: Bro Durwood Lindsey and W: Billy
W: Bro: Lindsey served as Wor-
Russell, WM
shipful Master in 1987. He was raised
at Landmark Lodge in 1968. Also, it
should be noted that he was one of the
builders who constructed the addition of
a Fellowship Hall in the early 1970’s.
Extending Charity’s Hand Grahamn Surghnor Lodge # 383 donated
$500.00 to the Family of Phillip Sawyer
Jr. Phillip is an eighteen year old boy,
diagnosed with and receiving treatments
for cancer. The family has incurred as
one would expect a large debt during the
process of Phillips treatments.
L:R Parents Mary (Mom) and Dad Phillip Saw-
yer Sr.; Phillip Jr. and W: John Boyd, PM-WM
presenting the check to Phillip and Phillip’s
younger brother Nathon.


Proficiency Presentation
During R: W: Howard Entwistle,
DDGM 1st Masonic District official vis-
it to the Lodge, he took the opportunity
to present a Certificate of Proficiency
to W: Bro Frederick G Arthur. W: Roy
L Simmons-PM WM thanked W: Bro
L:R - W: Bro Fred Arthur, W: Bro Reed Holmes,
Arthur for his dedication to the craft and SD, W: Len Simmons, WM and R: W: Howard
continuing efforts to secure the esoteric Entwistle, DDGM
work in the Lodge.


Learning Center Graduation
For eleven years, Joppa Lodge has
proudly hosted the 1st Masonic District’s
Dyslexia Graduation Ceremonies.
The three graduating classes had
12 children to complete the two year
L:R - Layla Jackson, Freddy Green, Desiree
program. Our teachers, Betty Wheeler, White, Caleb Greer, Madison Lewling, Justin
Sandra Hooper and Cindy Braswell Doze, Caleb Brinkman, Hunter Wise and Mi-
presented their respective class to the cah Sims.
gathering of over 100 attendees. Bro attendance as were several members and
Ralph McCrory, Administrator for the officers of the District’s lodges.
Masonic Learning Center Dyslexia The students and parents dined on the
Training Program thanked the parents chosen culinary delight of pizza, soda,
and guardians for their dedication and cake and candy.
untiring support of the schools. He The District is currently interview-
congratulated the students on their ing and scheduling testing in order to
achievement. Dr. Norma Jean Paris, our fill the three classes for the 2010-2011
psychologist, M: W: Bro Roy Delaney, school year.
PGM, R: W: Ed Durham, GJW were in
New Plural Brings Perpetuals
On June 10, 2010, W: Billy Russell,
WM presented W: Bro Albert Hinson,
with a membership card for his plural
membership in Landmark Lodge. Albert
is a member of several lodges in the 1st
Masonic District, including Southern
Hills and Cedar Grove, and in the 6th
Masonic District.
Bro. Hinson has been a visiting W: Billy Russell, WM welcomes its newest mem-
Brother of Landmark for a couple years ber, W: Bro Albert Hinson.
and brings with him a vast experi- After the meeting, the Lodge quickly
ence and knowledge of Masonry. W: garnered five memberships and with W:
Bro Hinson challenged his new lodge Bro Hinson brought the total to 6. The
brethren to participate in the Perpetual new Perpetual Members are W: Bro Eric
Membership program and advised that Harper, W: Bro Albert Hinson, Bro Chip
he would purchase a membership at Rogers, W: Billy Russell, WM, Bro J C
Landmark if an additional 5 members Wallace and Bro Tony Wallace. These
would join him. are the first six members in the history of
the Lodge to participate in the Perpetual
Membership Program.
The certificates were presented on
June 24th by R: W: Howard Entwistle,
DDGM 1st District. Afterward, the
members and visitors feasted on an
etouffee dinner.
L:R - R:W: Howard Entwistle, DDGM, Bro JC
Wallace, W: Bro Albert Hinson, W: Billy Russell,
WM, Bro Chip Rogers, Bro Tony Wallace. (Not
pictured W: Bro Eric Harper)

Did You Know?

Q. What was unique about the laying of the cornerstone for the Grand Lodge
of California?

A. The lodge room was so crowded that the Grand Lodge Officers could not
enter, so they were sent to the ladies’ powder room to open the lodge.
The Grand Lodge Masonic Cemetery located at 400 City Park Avenue,
New Orleans, LA, announces the completion of three, newly constructed
columbarium sites on the premises of Cemetery 2 of the Grand Lodge Ma-
sonic Cemetery.
Each columbarium has 24 cremation niches on each side for a total of 48
niches for each columbarium. Choice of cremation niches are available for
purchase on a first come, first serve basis.
As it is a Masonic cemetery, the purchaser must be either a Mason or the
wife, child, parent, grandchild, grand-parent, brother or sister of a Mason.
The price for each niche is $1,500.00. The purchase package price includes
a bronze niche plate indicating the name of the person to be interred in said
niche and the birth year date.
The Cemetery Sexton, Alfortish Enterprises, Inc., will process the sale of all
columbarium niches. Their office telephone number is: 504-393-2026.


Ladies Night
The members of Mt. Moriah-Quitman
Lodge held its Annual Ladies Night. W:
John J. Babin, III, WM. opened the
evening by welcoming the members
and ladies for their attendance. The
Worshipful Master honored the ladies
in attendance with a short speech and W: John Babin, WM and the gathering of the
Lodge’s invaluable ladies.
thanking them for their support of their
husbands and being a valuable asset to lady in appreciation for their support. A
the Masonic family. Each lady was intro- delicious meal was served immediately
duced by their husbands with the number after the presentations.
of years of marriage and how many
family members. Gifts were presented
by W: John J. Babin, III, W.M. to each
100th Anniversary
On May 15th, the Lodge opened its
doors marking a 100 Year Anniversary.
W: James F Ridge, WM welcomed
the gathering of nearly 100 members,
visitors and guests. Attendees included
members of surrounding Lodges, mem-
bers of Parish Government, educators,
business owners and especially mem-
bers of the community.
M: W: Woody Bilyeu, GM presents the 100th An-
M: W: Woody D Bilyeu, Grand niversary Plaque to W: James Ridge, WM
Master was the guest speaker and was
received in due form by the Lodge. W:
Ridge, WM provided a detailed history
of the Lodge, its Charter Members and At the completion of the program, the
each Past Master. gathering assembled in the dining hall
M: W: Bilyeu, GM presented the to enjoy a time of fellowship and a great
Lodge with its 100th Anniversary meal. Fried catfish, with every imagin-
Plaque and spoke on the significance able side dish, brisket, sausage, fried
and importance of the Lodge to the chicken and desserts were available to
community and its members. satisfy any discerning palate.
PITKIN #338 F. & A.M.
100th Anniversary
With everyone assembled in the dinning room. W: Bro Bruce Bennett began the
program with several religious and patriotic recitations and songs with 67 members
and guests present. W: John R Johnson, WM welcomed everyone to Pitkin Lodge
explaining that today’s gathering is to celebrate 100 Years of Masonry in Pitkin.
He introduced our Chaplain, W: Bro Vance Johnson, and called on him to bless
the food about to be served and ask God’s blessings upon our program today and
the Masonic fraternity.
The Lodge was honored to serve 98 members and guests a delicious lunch of
brisket, sausage, baked beans, potato salad, dirty rice and a host of desserts including
3 decorated cakes to honor our celebration. The cakes were baked and decorated
by Mrs. Carolyn Stokes, wife of W: Bro Clayton J. Stokes, JW.
Everyone returned upstairs to the Lodge Room and the Worshipful Master M:W:
Woody Bilyeu, GM and his official family to retire to be received in proper manner.
The Grand Lodge Officers in attendance were:
W: Bro Robert L. Schaff, Grand Inner Guard, W: Bro James E. Steen, Grand
Marshall, R:W: H. .Edward Durham, Grand Junior Warden, R:W: Frank N. DuTreil,
Grand Senior Warden, R:W: B.J. Guillot, Deputy Grand Master and M:W: Woody
Bilyeu, Grand Master.
Worshipful Master Johnson that Mrs. Carolyn Stokes be conducted west of the
continued next page
continued from page 32
Pitkin #338-100th Year Anniversary: 2003, 2009, Raymond L. Taylor-2002,
Altar and with the assistance of M:W: James D. Flewellen-2004, Paul C.
Woody Bilyeu, GM, Mrs. Stokes was Nielsen-2005, Roy V. Cloud, Jr.-2007
presented a beautiful, framed certificate and Clayton “Jerry” Stokes-2008. W:
from the Lodge for her many years of Bro L.C. “Duke” Deverts, was elected
service. WM Johnson explained that for by resolution as Past Master the Lodge.
the past 4 years Mrs. Stokes has sup- He served as Worshipful Master of Sam
ported the Lodge by cleaning, cooking, Todd Lodge during 1964, 1975. Bro.
baking and simply being an all around Deters, on behalf of the Lodge thanked
friend to our fraternity. Bro. Flewellen, PM for traveling from
The Worshipful Master asked that Plainview, Arkansas to be part of the
festivities today.
M:W: Woody Bilyeu, Grand Master
of indicated Pitkin Lodge has shown
remarkable increases in membership
and retention. He is very proud to be
part of today’s ceremonies. On behalf
of the Grand Lodge Of Louisiana, M:W:
L:R - W: Bro Jerry Deters, M: W: Woody Bi- Bilyeu presented 338 a plaque represent-
lyeu, GM, Bro “Duke” Devers and W: John ing the first 100 years as a Chartered
Johnson, WM Lodge under the Grand Jurisdiction of
W: Bro Lloyd Charles “Duke” Deverts the State of Louisiana.
be conducted West of the Altar where
the Worshipful Master Johnson, W:
Bro Jerry W. Deters, PM-Secretary and
Chairman of the Permanent Committee
on Work and M:W: Bilyeu, GM, pre-
sented Brother Deverts his 25 year Gold
Certificate of Proficiency. During the
presentation, W: Bro Deters stated that
he and Bro. Deverts have been traveling
together for over 30 years and it is an M: W: Woody Bilyeu, GM presents the 100th An-
niversary Plaque to W: John R Johnson, WM
honor to present him this much deserved
Gold Certificate.
The Worshipful Master asked W:
Bro. Deters to give a brief history of
Pitkin Lodge. Brother Deters read the
minutes from the first meeting dated
February 27, 1909 U.D. Brother Deters
introduced the living Past Masters pres- 2010 Officers L:R 1st row Roy Cloud-JS, Wil-
ent at the celebration. They were: Bruce liam Davis-SW, W: John Johnson-WM, Vance
Johnson-Chaplain, M: W: Bilyeu-GM, Jerry
Bennett- 1965, Robert LaCaze-1981,
Stokes-JW 2nd row L:R Paul Nielsen-JD, Jerry
2006, Jerry W. Deters-1982, 1989, Ellis Deters-Sec’y, Raymond Taylor-SD, R.V. Cloud-
Yeley-1985, Rigsby R. Buxton-1992, Treasurer, Elis Yeley-Marshal
Memorization-Of What Benefit?
William J. Mollere, Lodge of the Nine Muses
e can all think back to that moment during our First Degree in Freemasonry

when the Worshipful Master at the end of the Degree informed us that we would
be required to commit to memory a greater portion of the ceremony which we
had just completed, in order to advance to the next Degree. We were assigned a
Coach, many times someone whom we knew and had a close association with who
would take us through the tedious, gut-wrenching hours of learning, repeating, re-learning,
repeating and finally getting to the point that our Coach was satisfied that we could stand
before our Lodge and not embarrass ourselves or our Coach and repeat the many answers
to the questions for the catechism of the Degree. For some, it was easy to remember and
repeat; for others it took many sessions with the Coach. Regardless, we stood before the
Altar and repeated the answers drilled into our head concerning the Degree - from a begin-
ning that made little sense due to it all happening before we entered the Lodge, to the end
when we could say “West of the Altar!” We realized that we had gone through a ceremony
that everyone in the Lodge had endured and passed. Then we moved to the next Degree and
again were told that for advancement we would need to commit to memory major portions
of the Degree; and this time the learning seemed easier and shorter - with repetition from
the First Degree being slightly altered. It moved faster and we became more confident when
we appeared the second time before the Altar in our Lodge, knowing that we would not
confuse words and phrases from the First with words and phrases from the Second. Then
to the next, the Third, the FINAL Degree! Some learned and repeated that Degree work,
some did not because it was not required. We were done with memorizing. We were told
that we had advanced as far as anyone could ever go - Master Mason - anything else was
icing on the cake. We were done with standing before a Lodge of our peers and hoping
that our minds would not forsake us and the words and phrases drilled into our heads would
all come out in the proper order. We were a member, on the Level, and never needed to
memorize anything again.
Well, Truth is stranger than fiction, and the fiction that we were done with memorizing
was just that. Strangely, Truth revealed itself within hours of our Raising when we were
asked to learn a Lecture, or take a part in an upcoming Degree, or even sit in an Officer’s
Chair for an Opening or Closing. More memorization.
Was it necessary to memorize all of the answers to questions about a Degree if we were
to become active and involved and would witness many, many times. If we were not active
and involved, what purpose did it serve? Did the majority of those men who joined and
who would never be active or involved really serve any purpose and did they remember any
of the memorized words and phrases for any period of time following their Raising? Too
many men regurgitated the words, spit them out in the correct order, and left them where
they landed never to use them again. Too many never took the time to realize that the words
really meant to prepare all who took the Journey of Freemasonry for the “meaning of the
lessons” behind the words. Today, listening to the lectures of the Degrees still makes me
feel amazed at how the words come out and touch me and bring me closer to what I am
supposed to be trying to be; to remind me that I am a part of something very important
in the world; that surrounding me are like-minded men who have sworn to help, aid, and
support me - all Brothers.
continued next page
continued from previous page
Memorization - Of What Benefit?:
The purpose of memorization is many fold, in my opinion. Firstly, it places us with
someone whom we get to know very well - another member of Masonry who will take
valuable time to coach, teach, mentor, stand beside and uphold me for the rest of my life,
and I, him. To this day, Worshipful Brother Walter Pilcher has my undying appreciation
for taking me under his wing and being my Coach. He was an insurance agent, and to him,
time was money - if he missed a call, he could miss securing another insurance policy; if
he failed to respond to a policy holder’s needs, he could risk losing a customer - yet, he
took his time to coach me. I remember the two of us walking out in his pasture behind his
home in Greenwell Springs during the early June mornings when dew was still on the high
grass, and the cattle looked at us curiously as we walked and talked and I learned. Secondly,
my coach did not just teach me words, he taught me lessons, he told me of traditions and
shared stories of other Brethren in the Lodge, he gave me reasons for why the wording was
so strange, why passages from the Degree related to passages in the Bible that I had never
realized were related to Freemasonry; he set me on the path of Freemasonry. And he taught
me some lessons of life that I probably would have missed without his guidance - lessons
about dealing with different types of people, all Brothers, but different. That may have been
the most valuable part of the hours with my Coach.
We have all witnessed a man who has examined himself - questions and answers and
zipped through all three Degrees. We have also probably witnessed a man who struggled
with the memory work and made it through the answers with major pauses and a few word-
ing rearrangements - all passable, but not word perfect. But I ask you to also think - of
the two, who stayed and attended and became involved and worked at his Masonry and
lived his Masonry to the best of his abilities - the self-assured man who zipped through or
the struggling man who tried to make sense of the phrasing? My guess would be that the
one who struggled had invested more and the Degrees had more value, and he would thus
stay to learn more and polish and increase his knowledge. Perhaps that is not always the
case, but he who sees more value in his membership will always remain involved longer.
Advancement in Masonry means more than going from Degree to Degree after successful
recitation of a catechism.
Should men be required to commit to memory the greater part of each Degree? Are men
who volunteer to be Coaches wasting their time when a man never returns to become ac-
tive, or never completes his Degree work? Is memorization uniformly required throughout
Freemasonry? Are the catechisms uniform from state to state? How do other States deal
with advancement? It varies, and many States have completely deleted the long question
and answer catechism requirements and moved to a candidate understanding the Degree
before advancement. How is that accomplished?
Quickly looking into each State’s advancement requirements can give a better answer to
Grand Lodge methods nationally - Where is recitation of Degree work still required with
memorization and examination prior to advancement - Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut,
Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia - 23 require various detailed
recitation of all or major parts of the catechism, with some requiring additional written
understanding of Degrees.
The following States have requirements for advancement other than memorization -
Arizona requires a study of the history, philosophy and symbolism together with the steps,
signs and grips - learning the catechism is optional; California requires the Obligations, signs
continued page 36
continued from page 35
Memorization - Of What Benefit?:
and modes of recognition, an open book proficiency is given before each Degree, learning
the catechism is optional; Colorado requires signs and grips, Obligations are optional; the
District of Columbia requires the modes of recognition and penalties in each Obligation,
the Master must see to the instruction within one month of Degrees, and each Lodge has
the option of requiring a written or oral research paper of speech following each Degree
prior to declaring proficiency; Hawaii has the option of limited memorization with a Ma-
sonic educational program; Idaho requires limited recitation before the Lodge or before a
Committee and working tools, Obligations, methods of recognition and a written test on the
symbolism of each Degree; Illinois requires suitable proficiency determined by the Master
of the Lodge; Indiana requires knowledge of steps, due guards, signs, tokens, words and
provides a mentoring program; Iowa requires signs, words, grips and completing a Masonic
Enlightenment Course; Kansas requires limited memorization and Lodges each set their
standard; Maine requires limited memorization; Massachusetts requires that a candidate
attend a District Lodge of Instruction and receive a certificate after each Degree with a 4th
Class on appendant bodies following his 3rd Degree - each Lodge may require memorization
as it deems appropriate; Michigan requires signs, passwords and several sentences; Mis-
souri has no memorization and candidates may receive a Degree at each following meeting;
Montana requires limited memorization; Nebraska requires limited memorization; New
Mexico requires limited memorization; North Dakota requires limited memorization; Ohio
has one-day Classes and the Grand Master can exempt all Candidates from any memoriza-
tion other than Obligation, step, due guard, sign, grip and words, Lodges conferring may
determine what standard they chose to use on each candidate; Pennsylvania examines each
Candidate in the preparation room as to the grip, due guard, words and a short list of ques-
tions on the prior Degree; South Dakota uses an educational format with limited memory
work; Utah uses an Alternate Proficiency Program with written material that the candidates
studies and answers written questions, and must know the Obligations, words, signs and
a Master Mason test oath; Virginia requires candidates to know signs, due guards, grips,
words, and understand the Obligations, attend a course on ideals, philosophy, charities,
structure, history and customs is taught; Washington requires knowledge of Obligations,
signs, words, grips and all modes of recognition, and uses an educational program for each
Degree and to demonstrate knowledge before the Lodge votes to advance; Wisconsin has
limited memorization and an extensive educational program; Wyoming uses long and short
forms of proficiency and a candidate is examined by a committee before advancement - 26
states use modified proficiency for advancement.
What does Louisiana really require? In 2003, Grand Master Joe Cabuk issued a let-
ter, short of an Edict, saying prior to 1850 there was no memorization requirement, and
statistics showed that 1 out of every 3 Entered Apprentices dropped out, with over 5,000
Entered Apprentices quitting since 1980. Therefore, Grand Master Cabuk stated that total
and complete memorization of all catechisms would no longer be required in Louisiana.
Instead Lodges had to establish a program of classes where Masons could study, discuss,
and memorize catechisms. “Consistent with the original historic tradition of Masonry”, one
or more Masons could recite the catechism in the presence of candidates, pausing as needed
to insure that the candidate understood the meaning, and know now to give the step, sign,
and passes. This did not require any memorization, and might be done immediately after
a degree. Prior to this, Entered Apprentices were required to memorize 180 questions, and
Fellowcrafts were only somewhat shorter. Now, proficiency could be shown to a com-
mittee of 3, and a majority vote of the Lodge would be the sole judge of each candidate’s
continued next page
continued from previous page
Memorization - Of What Benefit?:
proficiency. The Lodge must be “satisfied”. However, at the Grand Lodge in 2004, the Law
was changed only to allow alternatively a committee of three to examine and report on a
candidate’s proficiency. A candidate still had to attempt to memorize and recite the entire
catechism. This matter is today still left to the sole discretion of the individual Lodge - they
must, in the end, be satisfied.
So, does learning the answers to 180 questions in the Entered Apprentice and 125 in the
Fellowcraft make a man a proficient Mason? If he learns no more - and many do not - is he
capable of going forth and practicing Masonry? Do the words make the Mason? So many
different systems are in place in the United States - almost all are geared toward advancement
in a short period of time, not losing the man along the way, getting the candidate through,
adding a Raising to the record of the Lodge, a number - but is this Masonry?
If we profess to practice Masonry, then perhaps we should practice - education, education,
education. Light added to More Light. We in this Lodge of the Nine Muses claim to be a
Traditional Observance Lodge. This Lodge tries to do it better - because he had studied,
our first candidate amazed us with his Masonic knowledge prior to the Entered Apprentice
Degree, his advancement was measured, and he gave each of us more Light as we advanced
him. We learned with and we learned from him. May we never lose the tradition that we
have started here - may advancement in this Lodge mean a measured, proficient, educated
candidate is joining Freemasonry better prepared to practice Masonry - so mote it be!
The content of this article was presented during a meeting of the Lodge of the Nine
Muses on May 12, 2010.

Did You Know?

Q. What was ‘Masonically’ unique about “Buzz” Aldrin’s moonwalk?

A. He carried a special deputation from his Grand Master to claim the moon
as part of the territorial jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Today, that
proclamation still stands.

Freemasonry As It Relates to Social Justice
Clayton J. Borne, III PGM
hat is it that makes an understandable definition of our Spiritual Brother-

W hood so elusive? Is it because Freemasonry is simply a uniquely indi-

vidual quest of what each individual brother, in his own mind, determines
it to be? If that be so, it should be nothing more or nothing less to each
Brother beyond what he himself makes it to be. Subjectively speaking,
I believe this to be true.
“Freemasonry is a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illus-
trated by symbols” or “A Fraternity established upon The Fatherhood of God, the
Brotherhood of Man and the Immortality of the Soul.” How many times have each
of us used these definitions, but what do they mean to the people of the world and
unfortunately to many of our brothers?
Masonic scholars attempt to define our fraternity with each of their definition
attributing a unique meaning and purpose as to who and what we are. They all
believe that they are defining the Craft, and yet none are able to totally do so. With
all of their well placed meaning, most explanations are abstract and indefinite,
especially to those outside our Fraternity. And yet, with all the ambiguity as to
what Freemasonry is to the outside world and with the lack of understanding of
its purpose even within the Brotherhood it is an organization that has changed the
course of civilized society.
Historical reflections clearly confirm that Freemasonry has developed quite
differently in diverse areas of the world. Masonic historian and philosopher, R.W.
Bro. Tom Jackson, Secretary of the World Conference of Regular Grand Lodges,
states that with slight variations four unique or distinctive styles of Freemasonry
have emerged: Philosophical, Sociological, Political and Philanthropic. These
characteristics or styles are molded by and are based upon the different emphasis
placed on them by the jurisdictions in which they function. There are others; how-
ever these are the most dominant.
In my travels to jurisdictions here and abroad I was able to see that the structural
philosophy of our fraternity is clearly universal; however the operational philosophy
and identity may vary considerable with each of those previously mentioned styles.
These personifications or identities are based upon and are the result of the way
in which the philosophical emphasis is developed and subsequently implemented
within their respective jurisdictions.
The tenets of Freemasonry have always been present in developed societies
even those with eclectic or different cultures; however the forces driving the fra-
ternity made it receptive to the social structure in which it existed. In almost all
environments where Freemasonry is found, the implementation of its philosophy
and charitable character has been shaped by the social and economic development
continued next page
continued from previous page
Freemasonry As It Relates to Social Justice:

of that society.
That having been said the obvious question that is created, the answer to which
molds and defines our Masonic identity, is, “Do we believe that the difference in
the social and economic structure of a society, of necessity, alters its preception
of social justice?” In other words, is the issue problematic or is social justice a
constant based on certain defined moral principles or standards?
A panorama of the world reveals that generally Freemasonry in Europe has
maintained its discipline and operates in an academic or “Philosophical” style. In
South and Central America, although retaining much of the philosophical character,
Freemasonry reflects a Sociological style.” In Mexico and North Africa, a “Politi-
cal” style is clearly evident.
I agree with those historians that say that North American Freemasonry with
its more affluent Society has deviated more from its roots than any other form of
Freemasonry and has developed into an almost purely “Philanthropic” style to
the neglect of much of the philosophical character for which we are known over
most of the world. Yet, even as it is different, it remains the same; it continues to
be Freemasonry.
Because of the variables in Freemasonry’s operational philosophy any specific
attempt at an all inclusive definition is difficult at best and perhaps impossible to
achieve. This is probably one of the reasons for the ambiguity in the definitions
that have been tendered over time by Masonic scholars.
The character of Freemasonry is almost paradoxical in the sense that even as
it changes it remains the same. That consistency is made possible because in all
jurisdictions there is actually some fusion or integration of styles. All evolved from
and contain aspects of the philosophical and charitable characteristics and seem to
vary only in the placement or emphasis of these disciplines.
What is certain is that no brother can actively participate in the practice of our
craft without it affecting his life. Freemasonry truly does become a way of life.
Its philosophy, if properly applied, could well serve as a guide post for human
understanding and a road map to world peace.
Now that we have established the predicate when, we are asked the question
“What is Freemasonry and what does it do?” Although each of our answers may
continue to be subjective and personal, we should all agree that Freemasonry is dia-
metrically opposed to and severely limited by a predetermined purpose or cause.
What Freemasonry is therefore, is an ideal, an esoteric tradition preserved by
good men for thousands of years. Embracing that thought I am not even sure that
Freemasonry is definable, for to define an ideal, is to limit the ideal and how can
one limit a concept whose object is perfection.

This article was presented at the Rosicrucian Society in March 2010. This is the
first of two installments.
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2010-2011 OFFICERS
Woody D. Bilyeu, Grand Master
Beverly J. “BJ” Guillot, Deputy Grand Master
Frank N du Treil, Jr., Grand Senior Warden
H Edward Durham, Grand Junior Warden
Joseph H. Baker, Jr., PGM Grand Treasurer
James M. Walley, PGM, Grand Treasurer “Emeritus”
Roy B. Tuck, PGM, Grand Secretary
William J. Mollere, Grand Chaplain
James E. Steen, Grand Marshal
Clifford D. Whitehead, Grand Senior Deacon
Bobby Wayne Harlan, Grand Junior Deacon
Elmo J. Pitre, Jr., Grand Sword Bearer
Travis M. Holley, Grand Pursuivant
John W. Lutes, Grand Standard Bearer
Ralph H. Owens, Grand Tyler
Willey G. Bell, III, Grand Photographer
J. Keith Gates, Grand Organist
I.C. Turnley, Jr., M.D., PGM, Grand Physician

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