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CIED 1003 Using Mullins Library to Find Articles Sam Rainwater

Part A

CIED 1003 Using Mullins Library to Find Articles Sam Rainwater

Part B

 Name of U of A class or sport: AGEC 4313: Agri Business Management

 Instructor/Coach of class or sport: Dr. Michael Popp
(Keyword: Microeconomics in Agri Business)

CIED 1003 Using Mullins Library to Find Articles Sam Rainwater

Part C

Thesis/Dissertation One:
1. Jiayu Li
2. Tracking Sales Activities in Agri Business
3. May 2015
4. Perdue University
5. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of science
6. This research has examined the differences between companies in terms of how
they track different types of sales data. There are some useful and practical findings
generated from this research, as well as some limitations and recommendations for future
studies. Promotional decisions regarding the sales force are critical to industrial firms. As
the agriculture industry continues to improve and meet customers’ demands,
manufacturers and retailers will have to adjust their strategies accordingly. Therefore,
continuing this research is important to the success of agribusiness companies and the
researchers who study them in the future.
7. This particular study would be important in my field because it breaks down and points
out the importance of learning the markets and how people buy (sales) in order to stay
competitive and become successful in the growing agricultural markets.
8. If I were to conduct a similar study such as Tracking Sales Activities in Agri Business I
believe I would have structured my study a bit differently. Jiayu Li starts off by
introducing us to sales people and how sales works. This is very important to know and
gain a background on but I believe I wouldn’t start right off with this tactic. Since the
study is tracking sales activities I would begin with giving the reader an understanding of
how they track these activities and what kind of locations they were tracking in. With
many beginnings I understand you don’t want to jump straight in but I don’t believe my
approach is necessarily jumping straight in I believe it is giving the reader more
background knowledge on the subject of tracking sales. Taking out Li’s beginning on
salespeople would not be necessary because it is valuable knowledge I just believe it
should be more in the middle of her study on how she analyzes on tracking the sales with
sales people.

These/Dissertation Two:

1. Dr. Nathan Paul Kemper

2. 2016
3. Query Theory Applications: Choice Experiments under Oath, Attendance to
Attributes, and Genetically Modified Food Labeling Policy
4. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

CIED 1003 Using Mullins Library to Find Articles Sam Rainwater

5. As the new rules for GM labeling are developed, a framework is needed that will
include individuals with a broad spectrum of worldviews. Our results demonstrate
that individuals less likely to support change in GM food labeling policy still, in fact,
support mandatory GM labeling at a high level. This shows that although many
differences do exist, there is common ground between individuals with differing
CWVs. Finding this common ground could greatly improve the chance of success of
a final program that has broad appeal and reduces contention between groups in the
GM labeling policy subsystem. Individuals with a hierarchical individualist
worldview express less support for mandatory labeling; however, 71 percent of these
individuals indicate that they agreed that labeling the GM ingredients in food should
be required. This is compared to 82 percent of the total participants in our third paper
supporting mandatory GM labeling. The preferences for types of labels are also
similar across groups with individuals from all worldviews preferring plain text (not a
warning) front of package GM labels. The inclusion of individuals with differing
points of view in the process of developing the GM labeling rules could potentially
identify more areas of common ground. Importantly, such an open and engaging
process could lead to a long-lasting solution to GM food labeling and reduce the
contention between the coalitions who advocate and oppose GM food technologies.

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