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Told by Angela


This week the MacKillop room children are focusing on Horticulture and exploring the types of
fruit and vegetables farmers grow. Today the year 11 child studies students invited us on a picnic
at Marist Park. We shared raw food sharing plates for a picnic that farmer’s may grow on
farms. This allowed us to try foods such as carrots and developed relationships and interac-
tions with other children. After our picnic the older children read us a story and we enjoyed ex-
ploring, rolling and climbing the hills and trees at Marist Park, playing ball, Frisbee, and colouring in.


The early years children shared laughter and humorous moments with the older children. The
early years children listened carefully to the stories the older children read with care. The older
children displayed respect and care for the younger children and engaged in play allowing the
younger children to explore and use their imagination in nature.

What is Next? Continue to explore different types of farming and continue to build relation-
ships and connections with children within the TWC community.


1.1.1 Build secure attachments with one and then more familiar Educators.
1.1.2 Use effective routines to help make predicted transitions smoothly.
1.1.3 Sense and respond to a feeling of belonging.
1.1.4 Communicate their needs for comfort and assistance.
1.1.5 Establish and maintain respectful, trusting relationships with other children
and Educators.
1.1.6 Openly express their feelings and ideas in their interactions with others.
1.1.7 Respond to ideas and suggestions from others.
1.1.8 Initiate interactions and conversations with trusted Educators.
1.1.9 Confidently explore and engage with social and physical environments through relationships
and play.
1.1.10 Initiate and join in play.
1.3.5 Develop strong foundations in both the culture and language/s of their family and of the
broader community without compromising their cultural identities.
1.3.7 Reach out and communicate for comfort, assistance and companionship.
1.3.8 Celebrate and share their contributions and achievements with others.
3.2.2 Are happy, healthy, safe and connected to others.
3.2.6 Demonstrate spatial awareness and orient themselves, moving around and through their
environments confidently and safely.
As today is ‘World Kindness Day’ the MacKillop room children have been discuss-
ing kindness using the Kimochis feeling characters. We spoke about doing an act
of kindness is being nice to another person. We created ‘Kindness flowers’ and
gave these as a gift to our new year 11 child studies friends.

We Waved Scarlett off as she had a ride on the

golf buggy to Marist Park. We met Scarlett and
the child studies students and enjoyed a picnic
and play together at Marist Park before re-
turning to the ELCC for a play together.

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