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Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 573–579

Displacement ventilation environments with chilled ceilings:

thermal comfort design within the context of the
BS EN ISO7730 versus adaptive debate
D.L. Lovedaya,*, K.C. Parsonsb, A.H. Takic, S.G. Hodderb
Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK
Department of Human Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK
School of Architecture, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK


The current design standard BS EN ISO7730 [Moderate thermal environments—determination of the PMV and PPD indices and
specification of the conditions for thermal comfort, International Standards Organisation (1995)] is based upon the work of Fanger, and
essentially comprises a steady-state human heat balance model that leads to a prediction of the sensation of human thermal comfort for a given
set of thermal conditions. The model was derived from laboratory-based measurements conducted in the mid-1960s in relatively
‘conventional’ environments. However, a chilled ceiling operated in combination with displacement ventilation represents a more
sophisticated environment as compared with the original conditions in which the Fanger model was derived. This raised a question about
the applicability of the current standard when designing for thermal comfort in offices equipped with chilled ceiling/displacement ventilation
systems. This paper presents findings from an EPSRC-funded study that sought to answer the above question. Human test subjects (184 in
total) carried out sedentary office-type work in a well-controlled environmental test room that simulated an office fitted with the above system.
Measurements of environmental variables were taken at a number of locations near the subjects, each of whom wore a typical office clothing
ensemble. The reported thermal comfort sensations were compared with values predicted from BS EN ISO7730 over a range of system
operating conditions. It was shown that the current standard BS EN ISO7730 may be used, without modification, when designing for the
thermal comfort of sedentary workers in offices equipped with chilled ceiling/displacement ventilation systems. These findings are interpreted
within the context of a proposed modification to thermal comfort design standards that includes adaptive effects, and the influence of BS EN
ISO7730 on the development of other radiant surface/displacement ventilation configurations is discussed. # 2002 Published by Elsevier
Science B.V.

Keywords: Chilled ceiling; Displacement ventilation; BS EN ISO7730; Adaptive thermal comfort.

1. Introduction added urgency to the search for lower energy techniques for
the conditioning of building spaces. Among these techni-
In industrialised countries, energy usage in buildings is ques are displacement ventilation and radiant surface heat-
responsible for approximately 50% of carbon dioxide emis- ing or cooling.
sions. A significant fraction of this energy is consumed to Displacement ventilation of a room takes place by intro-
provide comfortable, habitable, conditions indoors. In many ducing the supply air at low level and at low velocity. The air
countries, the prevailing climate frequently leads to the use enters at a temperature slightly less than that of the average
of air-conditioning for providing such indoor comfort. How- room air, and density differences cause the supply air to form
ever, air-conditioning is recognised as an energy-intensive a layer over the floor. Warm sources in the room (occupants,
solution. For example, in the United Kingdom alone, air- appliances) cause the lower level air to rise and form
conditioning systems consumed about 3% of annual national convective plumes that remove heat and contaminants from
electricity production in 1995 [2], yet the UK cannot be the sources. The warm, contaminated air is then extracted at,
regarded as possessing a climate that necessitates significant or near, ceiling level. The system is able to provide an
use of air-conditioning. Fears about global warming have environment of improved air quality as compared with the
mixing of air, which occurs in conventional HVAC systems
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44-1509-222635. (for the same air flow rate conditions). Also, the same heat
E-mail address: (D.L. Loveday). loads can be removed for a supply air temperature of

0378-7788/02/$ – see front matter # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 7 7 8 8 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 0 7 - 5
574 D.L. Loveday et al. / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 573–579

typically 19 8C, as compared with an air temperature of was derived from measurements made in the mid-1960s in
about 13 8C in HVAC systems. As a result of thermal more ‘conventional’ environments. Chilled ceilings, displa-
comfort limitations given in BS EN ISO Standard 7730 cement ventilation, and the combined system produce envir-
[1], and currently assumed by practitioners to hold well in onments that are more sophisticated than those used in the
displacement ventilation environments (namely, that the original derivation of the Fanger comfort model, and so it
vertical air temperature gradient should be less than became necessary to investigate the applicability of the
3 K m1), a displacement ventilation system is limited to existing standard to such new situations.
removing a convective load of upto about 30 W m2 of floor The full results of the above investigation have been
area. However, since office thermal loads can frequently published elsewhere [3–5]. In this paper, we provide a
exceed this figure, additional cooling in the form of radiant summary of the key results relating to the applicability of
surfaces is employed. the current standard BS EN ISO7730 for thermal comfort
Chilled ceilings are the form of radiant surface that is predictions in such environments. This is followed by a brief
most usually specified with a displacement ventilation sys- review of recent developments in the technology of radiant
tem to provide the additional load removal. The ceiling surfaces/displacement ventilation with particular emphasis
surface is typically operated at a temperature of 16–19 8C. on the influence that the current standard has had in shaping
Chilled ceilings can remove thermal loads of up to such developments. Finally, the findings are interpreted
100 W m2 of floor area by the combined processes of within the context of the adaptive approach for thermal
radiation and convection, and are considered to enhance comfort determination. Outcomes are discussed in relation
the thermal comfort sensation of occupants in a manner to recent deliberation on the question of discrepancies
analogous to the outdoors and beneath the open sky. When between predicted and reported comfort sensations.
combined with displacement ventilation, the advantages
offered by each system separately (improved air quality,
enhanced thermal comfort) are claimed to be retained for the 2. Test facility and measurements
combined arrangement, but is this actually the case?
An EPSRC-funded research project was set up to answer A test room was constructed to act as an office environ-
not only the above question, but also to determine the extent ment, employing a chilled ceiling and displacement ventila-
to which existing guidance in the form of standard BS EN tion system (Fig. 1). It is a lightweight room 5.4 m long, 3 m
ISO7730 [1] can be used to design for thermal comfort in wide and 2.8 m high, and its four walls are clad with Frenger
combined chilled ceiling/displacement ventilation environ- panels offering control of the wall surface temperatures. The
ments. The standard is based upon the work of Fanger, chilled ceiling and displacement ventilation system con-
whose steady-state model for predicting thermal comfort sisted of commercially available units. The chilled ceiling

Fig. 1. Illustration of the experimental facility.

D.L. Loveday et al. / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 573–579 575

has a 90% active area and consists of six individual circuits In order to determine the effect of ceiling temperature and
connected in parallel. Each circuit, in turn, comprises four or relative humidity on thermal comfort, 128 subjects (64
five chilled panels connected in series, and the area of each males, 64 females) in the age range of 21–60 years took
circuit is approximately 2.5 m2. The circuits can be activated part. Subjects were admitted to the test room in groups of
individually or collectively. Displacement ventilation is four (two males, two females) to carry out office tasks
provided by a semi-cylindrical wall-mounted diffuser (1.2 met) at their individual work stations for a period of
fitted at one end of the room; this is supplied with fresh 3 h. Eight experimental conditions were set up: four values
air which can be tempered and humidified prior to entry into of chilled ceiling surface temperature (14, 16, 18, and 21 8C)
the space. at two levels of relative humidity (‘‘medium’’ and ‘‘low’’,
The room is equipped with a window which overlooks the corresponding to 47 and 26% RH, respectively).
external environment, so as to preserve the impression of a For all eight conditions, a displacement supply air tem-
normal office. However, the window consists of seven layers perature of 19 8C at 3.9 air changes per hour was maintained.
of glass, providing insulation from the external environment, Subjects completed a questionnaire at 15 min intervals
and thus, minimising temperature differences between wall throughout the 3 h test, the data from the last 30 min being
and glass surfaces; this effect is enhanced by extending the used in the analysis (steady-state conditions). In calculations
water flow network (used to achieve a suitable temperature of predicted mean vote (PMV) values shown in Figs. 2–4, the
for the internal surfaces of the test room) to include the values used for air temperature were those recorded at a
window itself. All environmental parameters within the height of 1.1 m above the floor and, similarly, values for
room are controllable; these include supply air flow rate, mean radiant temperature (these data also being the values
air temperature, relative humidity, mean radiant temperature recorded during the last 30 min). Calculation of PMV using
and the surface temperature of the chilled ceiling. data recorded at a height of 0.6 m give values that are
The test room is carpeted and furnished to a normal office reduced by less than 0.2 scale value for all conditions. This
standard, and is equipped with thermal dummies to simulate has an insignificant effect on the results.
human heat sources. All surface temperatures in the room Figs. 2 and 3 show the comparison of PMV from BS EN
are measured using copper/constantan thermocouples (Type ISO7730 [1] and actual mean vote (AMV) over the condi-
T) to a resolution of 0.2 8C. The vertical air temperature tions tested. Each experimental point is the average of
profile in the room was recorded using eight radiation- 16 subjects’ responses. Fig. 2 additionally shows error bars
shielded thermocouples (Type T) mounted on a column. that represent the standard deviations of the subjective
The mean radiant temperature and the mean air velocity responses; similar spreads in subjective responses can be
were measured at three heights (0.1, 0.6 and 1.1 m) above expected in the other results given (not shown). For both low
the floor using a Type 1213 Bruel and Kjaer indoor climatic and medium relative humidity levels, there is excellent
analyser. All environmental parameters were logged every agreement between PMV and AMV values across the range
5 s and average values were calculated every 5 min. of ceiling temperatures investigated. As regards relative
humidity, no significant relationship with reported thermal
comfort sensation was found [4].
3. Validity of BS EN ISO7730 The effect of air change rate was investigated in another
set of experiments involving a total of 64 subjects (32 males,
To investigate the validity of the current standard, paid 32 females). Subjects followed the same procedure as above
volunteer subjects were recruited for experiments in the test for the following experimental conditions: four values of
room. An ensemble of appropriately sized typical office displacement air supply flow rate (2.5, 3.9, 6.0 and 8.0 air
clothing was provided by the experimenters for each subject, changes per hour), each at a fixed supply air temperature of
consisting of, for males, long sleeve, white cotton shirt 19 8C, and a chilled ceiling temperature fixed at 18 8C. The
buttoned to the neck; neck tie; dark mixed-fibre trousers values for air changes per hour that were selected for testing
(65% polyester, 35% viscose), and for females, long sleeve, represent a wider range than might normally be encountered
white cotton shirt buttoned to the neck (same type as for in practice so as to ensure a thorough investigation. In all
male subjects); dark, mixed-fibre knee-length skirt (65% cases, the same wall-mounted diffuser was employed, the
polyester, 35% viscose, and with 100% nylon lining); a pair highest air change rate tested remaining well within the
of 15-denier nylon tights. The subjects wore their own manufacturer’s recommended flow rate for the diffuser.
undergarments (males—cotton underpants and cotton Fig. 4 shows the comparison of PMV and AMV.
socks); females—bra and cotton pants) and their own office The exceptionally good agreement between PMV and
shoes (no sandals or training shoes). The clo value of both AMV that is seen in Figs. 2–4 is considered to be the result
the male and female ensemble was estimated to be 0.75 clo. of, firstly, the high degree of accuracy to which each variable
This value was obtained from data presented in EN ISO (used in the Fanger model) is known under steady state
(1995) for that combination of garments. The thermal conditions. Secondly, the good agreement is considered to
insulation afforded by the subject’s chair was also accounted also be indicative of the apparent suitability of the model
for in the analysis. itself for the prediction of thermal comfort sensations in the
576 D.L. Loveday et al. / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 573–579

Fig. 2. Comparison of AMV and PMV as a function of ceiling temperature, at low relative humidity, (N ¼ 16 subjects per ceiling temperature).

type of environment under investigation. It is interesting to it is concluded that Fanger’s model in the form of BS EN
note that agreement between AMV and PMV is still good, ISO Standard 7730 [1] is valid, without modification,
even with the use of different values for the metabolic rate for predicting the mean whole-body thermal comfort sen-
(1.1 and 1.2 met) and for the use of different values for sations of sedentary occupants performing office-type
the thermal insulation of clothing ensembles (0.7, 0.75 tasks in combined chilled ceiling/displacement ventilation
and 0.8 clo) in the calculation of PMV. From these findings, environments.

Fig. 3. Comparison of AMV and PMV as a function of ceiling temperature, at medium relative humidity, (N ¼ 16 subjects per ceiling temperature).
D.L. Loveday et al. / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 573–579 577

Fig. 4. Comparison of AMV and PMV for four different air mass flow rates (N ¼ 16 subjects per condition).

4. System developments report that previous investigations show (i) that large vertical
temperature differences (the current recommended maxi-
In this section, we briefly review some of the recent mum is 3 K m1) and (ii) draught, (risk currently evaluated
developments in the technology of radiant surface/displace- by the draught rating model in BS EN ISO7730) are
ment ventilation systems, and discuss the role of BS EN potentially the main causes of discomfort in displacement
ISO7730 in shaping these developments. This review is by ventilation. By increasing the flow rate (and the ability to
no means exhaustive. remove greater thermal loads), the vertical temperature
gradient can be reduced, but this could increase draught risk.
4.1. Radiant heating/cooling Olesen et al. [10] and Akimoto et al [11,12] have inves-
tigated the use of perforated floors for the supply of dis-
As well as the use of ceilings, several papers have placement air (here, the larger supply area could allow greater
considered the use of floors as radiant surfaces. Simmonds flow rates without increased draught risk). Heat removal rates
[6] used simulation to determine strategies for optimal in excess of 40 Wm2 have been reported whilst remaining
design for the case of a museum equipped with a cooled within current thermal comfort design limits.
floor. The use of a radiant cooled floor and variable volume Another approach was reported by Loomans [13] in which
displacement conditioning system in a large airport was a desk displacement ventilation system was employed in an
reported by Simmonds et al. [7]; here, PMV and predicted attempt to create a local mircoclimate around a desk-seated
percentage of dissatisfied (PPD) were used to assess thermal subject. Due to the proximity of the diffuser to the subject,
comfort. Thermal comfort design guidance for radiant floor supply conditions are important, the current thermal com-
cooling is given by Olesen [8] who states that floor tem- fort design standard placing limits on supply temperature
peratures should not be lower than 19 8C for comfort of with this system (greater than 20 8C recommended) with
seated/standing people, but that the temperature could be limited air flow rate due to draught risk. These, in turn,
reduced for higher activity levels. Further design guidance restrict the convective cooling load from one unit. Other
for such a system is also given. studies of desk-mounted ventilation systems have been
conducted by Tsuzuki et al. [14] to which the reader is
4.2. Displacement ventilation referred.
In view of the above findings, it is worth mentioning an
A critical review of displacement ventilation has been experiment conducted and reported by Wyon and Sandberg
given by Yuan et al. [9]. As regards thermal comfort, they [15] to investigate the effect of vertical temperature gradients
578 D.L. Loveday et al. / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 573–579

on thermal comfort in a chilled ceiling/displacement venti- The adaptive approach to the assessment of thermal
lation environment. They found that local and whole body comfort takes the view that numerous other factors, includ-
comfort sensations are unaffected by thermal gradient and ing psychological and contextual effects, also influence the
they suggest that thermal gradients due to displacement human thermal comfort sensation. For a comprehensive
ventilation up to at least 4 K m1 are likely to be acceptable, literature review of the adaptive concept, refer to Brager
provided that air quality is satisfactory and that individual and de Dear [17]. The approach considers the human subject
control of whole body heat loss is provided for sensitive to be an interactive participant within the process, rather
individuals. These findings are important, as some degree of than being simply a passive recipient of his/her thermal
relaxation of the 3 K m1 limit for chilled ceilings/displace- environment. Evidence to support this view has been
ment ventilation environments would have significant impli- reported over a number of years. These generally take the
cations for the design of such combined systems and for form of discrepancies observed in field studies between
the load removal capacity by displacement ventilation. reported thermal sensations and those predicted using the
However, since the paper also reports that discomfort due current standard. Among the reasons suggested for this are
to dry eyes increased significantly above a thermal gradient the fact that the present (heat balance approach) standard is
of 2 K m1, further investigation is desirable before such a based upon tests conducted in laboratory climate chambers
relaxation is recommended. where conditions are well-controlled and all necessary data
It is also interesting to note that the imposition of a for comfort prediction are known accurately, but the envir-
3 K m1 limit on the vertical temperature gradient arose onment differs from ‘real’ offices.
from work conducted by Olesen et al. [16], who exposed 16 This background has led Brager and de Dear [18] to
sedentary subjects (8 males, 8 females) for 3 h to a range of propose a modification to the existing standard. They argue
vertical temperature gradients (0.4, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 K m1). ‘that an adaptive model of thermal comfort may usefully
The subjects were tested in a room in which the lower walls augment laboratory-based predictive models in the setting
and floor could be cooled, while the upper walls and ceiling of thermal comfort standards’. The current approach
could be heated; no displacement ventilation was employed appears to be able to predict comfort sensations with good
nor was the ceiling chilled. It was concluded that the vertical accuracy in centralised air-conditioned environments
air temperature difference between positions 0.1 and 1.1 m (conditions for which the design standard was originally
above the floor should not exceed 3–4 K in order to maintain set up, and which are similar to those of climate chambers).
acceptable thermal comfort. However, it was pointed out by However, the current standard does not predict well the
the authors that some of the discomfort expressed in the thermal comfort sensations in naturally ventilated environ-
experiments had been caused by a difference in radiant ments (where occupants have more opportunity to ‘interact’).
temperature rather than a difference in air temperature They, therefore, propose an empirically-based correc-
(higher air and radiant temperatures at head level than at tion to the current design standard to account for these
ankle level); it was then stated that if the radiant temperature conditions.
of the upper and lower half of the room had been equal, the The results reported in this paper show clearly that the
subjects would probably have tolerated a higher vertical air current standard (BS EN ISO7730) is able to predict very
temperature difference. well the comfort sensations in chilled ceiling/displacement
In view of the above, there may be scope to revisit some ventilation environments. It was therefore, concluded that
aspects of the earlier work upon which current design current thermal comfort design guidance can be applied to
guidance is based with a view to confirming, modifying the relatively more ‘sophisticated’ environment of chilled
or relaxing the limits originally set. ceilings/displacement ventilation. Interpreting these find-
ings within the context described above, it could be argued
that this result is entirely consistent with the centralised air-
5. Relationship to the adaptive approach conditioning category for which the current standard is
valid. This is because the investigation was based in a
Current guidance for thermal comfort design is based well-controlled climate chamber and that all relevant data
exclusively upon a deterministic heat balance approach were known accurately. Furthermore, the chilled ceiling/
as embodied within the current design standard BS EN displacement ventilation system could be regarded as
ISO7730 [1]. This standard has been shown to adequately another form of air-conditioning system. Viewed in this
account for human thermal comfort sensations in radiant way, it is tempting to say that, for chilled ceiling/displace-
surfaces/displacement ventilation environments. However, an ment ventilation environments, the exceptionally good
alternative ‘adaptive’ approach to the evaluation of thermal agreement between reported comfort sensations and those
comfort asserts that other factors, beyond those of heat predicted by BS EN ISO7730 [1] should come as no
transfer considerations alone, play a role. It is therefore surprise. However, the question remains as to the nature,
considered appropriate to interpret the work on chilled ceil- extent and cause of the discrepancies between predicted and
ings/displacement ventilation systems described above [3–5] reported thermal comfort sensations in naturally-ventilated
within the adaptive context. environments.
D.L. Loveday et al. / Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 573–579 579

6. Conclusions Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, Roomvent’96, Yokohama,

Japan, July 1996, pp. 307–314.
[4] D.L. Loveday, K.C. Parsons, A.H. Taki, S.G. Hodder, L.D. Jeal,
(i) The standard BS EN ISO7730 (ISO, 1995) has been Designing for thermal comfort in combined chilled ceiling and
shown to be valid, without modification, for the displacement ventilation environments, ASHRAE Transaction 104
prediction of thermal comfort sensations of sedentary (Pt. 1B) (1998) 901–911.
occupants working in offices equipped with chilled [5] S.G. Hodder, D.L. Loveday, K.C. Parsons, A.H. Taki, Thermal
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for situations where conditions are well controlled and 1039.
where necessary data are known accurately. In this [7] P. Simmonds, S. Holst, S. Reuss, W. Gaw, Using radiant cooled
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The funding of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences [14] K. Tsuzuki, E.A. Arens, F.S. Bauman, D.P. Wyon, Individual thermal
Research Council is gratefully acknowledged. comfort control with desk-mounted and floor-mounted task/ambient
conditioning (TAC) systems, in: Proceedings of the Indoor Air’99,
Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999, pp. 368–373.
[15] D.P. Wyon, M. Sandberg, Discomfort due to vertical thermal
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[1] ISO, BS EN ISO Standard 7730. Moderate thermal environments— [16] B.W. Olesen, M. Scholer, P.O. Fanger, in: P.O. Fanger, O. Valbjorn
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