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EDUHSDFA Executive Board Meeting

Tuesday, October 16th, 2018 - 4pm

Ponderosa High School - room F15

Executive Board Members present: Jina Jumper, Stephanie Davis, David Conrad, Jeff Zeller, Marci Brown,
Jon Owens, Natalie Fletterick, Eric Moeller, Tobias Gautschi
Absent: Lance Gunnersen, Jennifer Tomei
Bargaining Team Members present: Erin Arthur
Guests: none

1. Call to order
a. Stephanie calls the meeting to order at 4:07pm
2. Officers’ Reports
a. Presidents:
i. Review of student recording incidents in classrooms
1. In violation of Ed Code
b. Secretary
i. Review of 10-2 minutes (handout). Marci moves that we approve the minutes.
Motion approved.
c. Treasurer
i. Review of 9-30 operating statement
1. Includes Adopted Budget for 2018-19
2. Adding 2nd semester stipend for Membership Chair
d. Membership Chair
i. Added 8 new members last month
ii. Clarification from Nancy Handziak on enrollment process post-Janus
e. School Board Report (Stephanie)
i. Stephanie reported to the Board that teachers were disappointed with the District’s
offer of a .27% raise.
ii. Discussion of teachers endorsing candidates for elected office
iii. Review of SBAC test scores
iv. El Dorado HS graduation will take place on Thursday evening this year
3. Site Rep Reports
a. Alt Ed (absent)
b. El Dorado (absent)
i. 9-week check (teacher meeting records) is scheduled for this week.
c. Ponderosa
i. 9-week check completed
ii. Discussed school board election
iii. Discussed student recording issue
d. Oak Ridge
i. 9-week check completed
ii. Request for administration at meetings
e. Union Mine
i. 9-week check not yet completed
ii. Teacher subpoena issue discussed
iii. Grumblings about district’s initial offer
4. Old Business
a. District Direct Dealing on Service Credit
i. In special need cases, the contract allows the district to offer service credit to hirees.
ii. We have requested information about the records of district service credit offers for
the past 10 years.
b.Roberts Rules of Order (handout)
c.Pacing for Bylaw vote/new election
i. Members will vote on new bylaws first (Wed, 10-31 through Monday, 11-5)
ii. Next, will will open nominations for site reps (closing Friday 11-16)
iii. If there are more nominations than site rep positions, then elections will be held for
those sites the week of 11-26 through 11-30.
iv. The first meeting of Site Rep Council will take place on Monday, January 7th;
subsequent meetings will occur on the first Monday of each month.
d. LCAP Committee
i. Discussion of adding a member from the Bargaining Team to LCAP committee
e. Healthcare Committee
i. Solicit new members for committee
ii. Solicit new Chair of committee
iii. Reboot in spring semester
f. Bargaining Report
i. Submitted our proposal for binding arbitration for district’s consideration
ii. Discussion of teachers expressing opinions on controversial issues
iii. Proposal of earlier class size balancing date (4th week of 1st semester)
iv. Agreed on posting the workstation matrix to the district website
v. District offered 1% total increase (.73% benefits cap increase, .23% salary)
vi. Upcoming meetings are: Monday, October 22nd, November 9th, December 6th.
5. New Business
a. Know Your Contract: Article 9
b. Special Populations Survey
i. Creation of survey to solicit input from members on Special Ed, 504, and EL student
c. Calendar Survey
i. Review of responses to 2019-20 and 2020-21 calendar survey
d. Recording in Classroom
i. District will clarify and spread the information that recording in classroom is
against Ed Code and will not be allowed.
ii. Consisted discipline guidelines needed
e. Name Change
i. Eric moves that we change our name with CTA from ‘El Dorado Union High School
Faculty Association’ to ‘El Dorado Union High School District Faculty Association’
6. Talking Points
a. November 2nd social at The Breakroom, 3:30pm
b. CTA New Teacher Conference
7. Adjournment
a. Stephanie adjourns the meeting at 6:42pm

Respectfully submitted by:

Your humble servant - David Conrad

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