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11/6/2018 Online Submit Tool - MyILC

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Assessment of Learning: Teacher-

Lesson 5: The rules of derivatives

Rates of change and derivatives

You are a quarter of the way through this course. This is an Assessment of Learning, which is used
to evaluate your work based on established criteria and to assign a mark. Your teacher will provide
you with feedback and a mark. This Assessment of Learning is worth 12% of your final mark for the

There are four Tasks in this Assessment of Learning.

Task 1: Knowledge and Understanding questions

1. Evaluate the following limits algebraically.

a. (2 marks)
lim 4x + 1

x + 2x − 8
b. lim (4 marks)
x→2 x − 7x + 10
√x + 1 − 1
c. lim (5 marks)
x→ 0 x

2. Determine whether the limit exists as x approaches –2 for the following piecewise function.
Explain your answer. (3 marks)
5x − 3, x < −2
f (x) = { }
4x + 25, x > −2

3. Using the rules of derivatives, find the derivative of each of the following functions.

a. (3 marks)
2 3 2
f (x) = 2(x − 3)(x − 5x )

b. (2 marks)
g(x) = 3(x − 5x + 1)

6x + 1
c. y = (6 marks)
5x − 2

Task 2: Thinking questions 1/9
11/6/2018 Online Submit Tool - MyILC
4. For the function f (x) = 2x
+ 3x
, determine the point(s) on the curve where the slope of the
tangent is 36. (5 marks) () My ILC
5. For the functions f (x) and g(x) , prove that the derivative of the sum of the
3 2
= 5x = 4x

functions is equal to the sum of the derivative of each function: [f (x) + g(x)] ′ ′
= f (x) + g (x)

(5 marks)
6. Sketch the graph of y by determining the location of any local
3 2
= − x + x + 24x − 5
maximum or minimum points, and the intervals of increasing and decreasing. (15 marks)

Task 3: Communication questions

7. Define each of the following mathematical terms: (12 marks: 2 marks each)

a. extrema

b. derivative

c. constant function

d. first principle of derivatives

e. differentiation

f. instantaneous rate of change

8. What is the difference between a local minimum point and a global minimum point? Sketch a
function where the local minimum is also the global minimum. (5 marks: 2 marks each for the
definitions; 1 mark for the graph)

9. For the function f (x) :

= (3x + 2)(2x − 1)

a. find the derivative using the product rule. (3 marks)

b. expand and simplify the function, then use the sum and difference rule to find the derivative. (3

c. What do you conclude from the results in parts (a) and (b)? (2 marks)

Task 4: Application questions

10. The equation M (t) = 12 − 0.2t2 models the mass of undissolved table salt in a glass of water,
where M (t) represents the mass of salt, in grams, and t represents time, in seconds.

a. When will all of the table salt be dissolved? Round your answer to two decimal places. (2

b. Use the secant method to find the average rate at which the salt is dissolving for the interval
5.5 < t < 6.5. (3 marks) 2/9
11/6/2018 c. Use the method of first principles to findOnline Submitat
the rate Tool - MyILCthe salt is dissolving at exactly 6
() My
seconds. (Note: Using the correct method ILC the steps in this solution will be worth
and showing
marks.) (5 marks)

d. When is the salt dissolving at a rate of 1.6 g/sec? (2 marks)

e. Use GeoGebra to sketch a graph of the function between the x- and y -intercepts. (Note: Refer
to the video in Lesson 2 on how to create graphs with restrictions on the domain and insert
them into your assignment. Make sure to label your axes with titles, and give your graph an
overall title. (3 marks: 1 mark for titles; 1 mark for the proper increments on the x- and y -
axes; 1 mark for the correct graph and domain)

11. Determine the equations of the tangent lines to the graph of f (x) = 3x(5x
+ 1) that are
parallel to the line y = 8x + 9. (4 marks) Use GeoGebra to sketch a graph of the function, the
tangent lines, and the line y = 8x + 9. (6 marks)

Feedback and marking

You will receive three kinds of feedback:

Your teacher will highlight the phrases on the rubric that best describe your assignment to show you
how you have done.
Your teacher will also provide you with detailed comments about the strengths of your assignment,
the areas of the assignment that need improvement, and the steps you should take before submitting
another assignment like this one.
The final piece of feedback that you will receive will be your mark. Each of the four categories of
knowledge and skills is weighted equally at 25 marks, making a total of 100 marks. The final mark
on this Assessment of Learning is determined by your teacher based on their professional
judgement of the requirements for the assignment.

Pay careful attention to the following rubric. Your teacher will use it to assess your work. You should
refer to it too, so you’ll know exactly what your finished assignment should look like.

Submission - Not Submitted

Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Knowledge and Evaluates the Evaluates the Evaluates the Evaluates the
Understanding limit of a limit of a limit of a limit of a
polynomial polynomial polynomial polynomial 3/9
Evaluate the expression with Online Submit
expression withTool - MyILCexpression with expression with
limit of a limited () My
some ILC
accuracy. considerable a high degree
polynomial accuracy. accuracy. of accuracy.
Evaluates the
Evaluates the limit of a Evaluates the Evaluates the
Evaluate the limit of a rational limit of a limit of a
limit of a rational expression with rational rational
rational expression with some accuracy. expression with expression with
expression limited considerable a high degree
Evaluates the
accuracy. accuracy. of accuracy.
Evaluate the limit of an
limit of an Evaluates the expression Evaluates the Evaluates the
expression limit of an involving limit of an limit of an
involving radical expression radical signs expression expression
signs involving radical with some involving involving
signs with accuracy. radical signs radical signs
limited with with a high
whether a limit Determines
accuracy. considerable degree of
exists for a whether a limit
accuracy. accuracy.
piecewise Determines exists for a
function whether a limit piecewise Determines Determines
exists for a function with whether a limit whether a limit
Apply the
piecewise some accuracy. exists for a exists for a
product rule to
function with piecewise piecewise
find the Applies the
limited function with function with a
derivative of a product rule to
accuracy. considerable high degree of
function find the
accuracy. accuracy.
Applies the derivative of a
Apply the chain
product rule to function with Applies the Applies the
rule to find the
find the some accuracy. product rule to product rule to
derivative of a
derivative of a find the find the
function Applies the
function with derivative of a derivative of a
chain rule to
Apply a limited function with function with a
find the
combination of accuracy. considerable high degree of
derivative of a
the product and accuracy. accuracy.
Applies the function with
chain rule (or
chain rule to some accuracy. Applies the Applies the
the quotient
find the chain rule to chain rule to
rule) to find the Applies a
derivative of a find the find the
derivative of a combination of
function with derivative of a derivative of a
function the product and
limited function with function with a
chain rule (or
accuracy. considerable high degree of
the quotient
accuracy. accuracy.
Applies a rule) to find the
combination of
the product and 4/9
11/6/2018 chain rule (or Online Submit
derivative of aTool - MyILCApplies a Applies a
the quotient () My
function ILC
with combination of combination of
rule) to find the some accuracy. the product and the product and
derivative of a chain rule (or chain rule (or
function with the quotient the quotient
limited rule) to find the rule) to find the
accuracy. derivative of a derivative of a
function with function with a
considerable high degree of
accuracy. accuracy. 5/9
11/6/2018 Online Submit Tool - MyILC
Thinking Determines the Determines the Determines the Determines the
() My ILC
Determine the point(s) of point(s) of point(s) of point(s) of
point(s) of tangency on a tangency on a tangency on a tangency on a
tangency on a function, given function, given function, given function, given
function, given the slope of a the slope of a the slope of a the slope of a
the slope of a tangent line tangent line tangent line tangent line
tangent line with limited with some with with a high
accuracy. accuracy. considerable degree of
Prove the sum
accuracy. accuracy.
rule for Proves the sum Proves the sum
derivatives rule for rule for Proves the sum Proves the sum
derivatives with derivatives with rule for rule for
Use derivatives
limited some accuracy. derivatives with derivatives with
to locate the
accuracy. considerable a high degree
local maximum Uses
accuracy. of accuracy.
and minimum Uses derivatives to
points on a derivatives to locate the local Uses Uses
graph locate the local maximum and derivatives to derivatives to
maximum and minimum points locate the local locate the local
Use derivatives
minimum points on a graph with maximum and maximum and
to find the
on a graph with some accuracy. minimum points minimum points
intervals of
limited on a graph with on a graph with
increasing and Uses
accuracy. considerable a high degree
decreasing on a derivatives to
accuracy. of accuracy.
graph Uses find the
derivatives to intervals of Uses Uses
find the increasing and derivatives to derivatives to
intervals of decreasing on find the find the
increasing and a graph with intervals of intervals of
decreasing on a some accuracy. increasing and increasing and
graph with decreasing on decreasing on
limited a graph with a graph with a
accuracy. considerable high degree of
accuracy. accuracy. 6/9
11/6/2018 Online Submit Tool - MyILC
Communication Defines Defines Defines Defines
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Define mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical
mathematical terms related to terms related to terms related to terms related to
terms related to calculus with calculus with calculus with calculus with a
calculus limited some accuracy. considerable high degree of
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
Distinguish Distinguishes
between a local Distinguishes between a local Distinguishes Distinguishes
maximum and between a local maximum and between a local between a local
global maximum and global maximum and maximum and
maximum point global maximum point global global
maximum point with some maximum point maximum point
Compare the
with limited accuracy. with with a high
product rule
accuracy. considerable degree of
and the sum Compares the
accuracy. accuracy.
and difference Compares the product rule
rules to find the product rule and the sum Compares the Compares the
derivative of a and the sum and difference product rule product rule
function and difference rules to find the and the sum and the sum
rules to find the derivative of a and difference and difference
derivative of a function with rules to find the rules to find the
function with some accuracy. derivative of a derivative of a
limited function with function with a
accuracy. considerable high degree of
accuracy. accuracy.

Application Solves word Solves word Solves word Solves word

Solve word problems problems problems problems
problems involving involving involving involving
involving polynomial polynomial polynomial polynomial
polynomial functions with functions with functions with functions with a
functions limited some accuracy. considerable high degree of
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
Find the roots Finds the roots
of a polynomial Finds the roots of a polynomial Finds the roots Finds the roots
function of a polynomial function with of a polynomial of a polynomial
function with some accuracy. function with function with a
Use the secant
limited considerable high degree of
method to Uses the
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
calculate the secant method
average rate of Uses the to calculate the Uses the Uses the
change secant method average rate of secant method secant method
to calculate the change to calculate the to calculate the
average rate of between two average rate of average rate of 7/9
between two change Online
points onSubmit
a Tool - MyILCchange change
points on a between two () My
function ILC
with between two between two
function points on a some accuracy. points on a points on a
function with function with function with a
Use the method Uses the
limited considerable high degree of
of first method of first
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
principles to principles to
calculate the Uses the calculate the Uses the Uses the
instantaneous method of first instantaneous method of first method of first
rate of change principles to rate of change principles to principles to
at a specific calculate the at a specific calculate the calculate the
point on a instantaneous point on a instantaneous instantaneous
function rate of change function with rate of change rate of change
at a specific some accuracy. at a specific at a specific
Determine the
point on a point on a point on a
tangent point Determines the
function with function with function with a
on a function, tangent point
limited considerable high degree of
given the value on a function,
accuracy. accuracy. accuracy.
of the derivative given the value
Determines the of the Determines the Determines the
Use technology
tangent point derivative, with tangent point tangent point
to sketch the
on a function, some accuracy. on a function, on a function,
graph of a
given the value given the value given the value
function with Uses
of the of the of the
restrictions on technology to
derivative, with derivative, with derivative, with
the domain sketch the
limited considerable a high degree
graph of a
Determine the accuracy. accuracy. of accuracy.
function with
equation of a
Uses restrictions on Uses Uses
tangent line,
technology to the domain with technology to technology to
given the
sketch the some accuracy. sketch the sketch the
equation of the
graph of a graph of a graph of a
function and the Determines the
function with function with function with
slope of the line equation of a
restrictions on restrictions on restrictions on
tangent line,
Use technology the domain with the domain with the domain with
given the
to sketch the limited considerable a high degree
equation of the
tangent lines to accuracy. accuracy. of accuracy.
function and
a graph
Determines the the slope of the Determines the Determines the
equation of a line, with some equation of a equation of a
tangent line, accuracy. tangent line, tangent line,
given the given the given the
equation of the equation of the equation of the
technology to
function and the function and function and
sketch the 8/9
11/6/2018 slope of the Online lines
tangent Submit to
Tool - MyILCthe slope of the the slope of the
line, with limited () My
a graph ILC
with line, with line, with a high
accuracy. some accuracy. considerable degree of
accuracy. accuracy.
technology to Uses Uses
sketch the technology to technology to
tangent lines to sketch the sketch the
a graph with tangent lines to tangent lines to
limited a graph with a graph with a
accuracy. considerable high degree of
accuracy. accuracy.

This submission will be available to you once you have completed the previous unit. 9/9

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