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Chapter I


A. Background

Mathematics students should be given to all students from primary schools to equip them with the
ability to think logically, analytically, systematically, critically and creatively and the ability to work
together. In membelajarkan mathematics to students, if teachers are still using the old paradigm of
learning in the sense of communication in mathematics tend to take place in one direction generally
from teacher to student, teacher dominates the learning tend to be monotonous learning resulting in
learners (students) feel saturated and tortured. Therefore, in membelajarkan mathematics to students,
teachers should prefer a variety of approaches, strategies, methods appropriate to the situation so that
learning objectives are planned to be achieved. Keep in mind that good or whether or not a learning
model selection will depend on the learning objectives, conformance with learning materials, level of
development of learners (students), teachers' skills in managing learning and optimizing learning
resources available.

B. Goal
This paper aims to broaden the readers, especially students majoring in math, science education faculty
teaching and Lampung University in making plans for the future implementation of learning to apply
the appropriate model of cooperative learning
with the level of student development and learning materials.
Chapter II
Cooperative Learning Model

A. Understanding Cooperative Learning Model

The efforts of teachers in membelajarkan students is a very
important in achieving success of the planned learning objectives. Therefore, the selection of a variety
of methods, strategies, approaches and techniques of learning is a major thing. According to Eggen and
Kauchak in Ward (2005), learning model is a form of program guidelines or instructions teaching
strategies designed to achieve a learning. These guidelines include the responsibility of the teacher in
planning, implementing, and evaluating learning activities. One model that can be applied to teacher
learning is cooperative learning model.

Is it a model of cooperative learning? Cooperative learning model

is a learning model that prioritizes the group-kelompok.Setiap students in the group had levels of
different abilities (high, medium and low) and if possible a member of the group come from race,
culture, different tribes and with regard to gender equality. Cooperative learning model prioritizes
cooperation in solving problems to apply the knowledge and skills in order to achieve the learning
objectives. According to Nur (2000), all models characterized by the structure of learning tasks,
structure and purpose of the award structure. The structure assignment, structure and purpose of the
award structure in different models of cooperative learning with task structure, structure, purpose and
structure of the learning model that other awards.

The purpose of the cooperative learning model is the result of increasing student academic learning and
students can receive a variety of diversity from his friend, and the development of social skills.

B. Basic Principles and Characteristics of Cooperative Learning Model

According to Nur (2000), the basic principles of cooperative learning as follows:

1.Setiap group members (students) is responsible for everything that is done in the group.

2.Setiap group members (students) should know that all members

3.kelompok have the same goal.

4.Setiap group members (students) have to share the duties and responsibilities in common between
members of the group.

5.Setiap group members (students) will be subject to evaluation.

6.Setiap group members (students) to share leadership and requires the skills to learn together during
the learning process.
7.Setiap group members (students) will be asked to account for the individual materials are handled in
a cooperative group.

While the characteristics of cooperative learning model is as follows:

1. Students in groups cooperatively complete the study materials according to the basic competencies
to be achieved.

2. The group was formed of students who have different skills, good level of high, medium and low. If
possible, group members come from race, culture, different tribes and with regard to gender equality.

3. Awards put more emphasis on group rather than each individual.

In the discussion of cooperative learning and communication developed with the aim that students
share their skills, learn critical thinking, mutual expression, giving the opportunity to channel capacity,
helping each other learn, each assessing the ability and the role of self and other friends.

C. Cooperative Learning Steps

There are 6 (six) steps in the cooperative learning model.

1. Delivering objective and motivate students.

Teachers express purpose of learning and communicating the basic competencies to be achieved and to
motivate students.

2. Presenting information.
The teacher presents information to students.

3.Mengorganisasikan students into study groups.

Teachers inform grouping students.

4.Membimbing study groups.

Motivate teachers and students work in groups to facilitate group learning.

5. Evaluation.
Teachers evaluate the results of learning about learning materials that have been implemented.

6.Memberikan award.
Teachers give awards to individual and group learning outcomes.
Chapter III
STAD Cooperative Learning Model Type

A. Understanding Type STAD Cooperative Learning

Type of cooperative learning Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) developed by Robert Slavin
and his colleagues at John Hopkins University (in Slavin, 1995) is the simplest cooperative learning,
cooperative learning and is suitable for use by teachers who are just beginning to use learning

Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) is one type of cooperative learning the most simple.
Students are placed in learning teams of four people who were a mixture according to their
performance level, gender and ethnicity. The teacher presents the lesson and then students work in
teams to ensure that all team members have mastered these lessons. Finally, all students are subjected
to a quiz about the material in the record, when the quiz they can not help each other. This type of
learning will be applied in mathematics.

Type STAD Cooperative Learning Model is an approach that emphasizes cooperative learning
activities and interaction among students to motivate each other and help each other in mastering the
subject matter in order to achieve maximal performance. Teachers who use STAD propose new
academic information to students each week using verbal presentations or text.

B. Implementation Phase of Learning Model STAD.

1.Persiapan materials and application of students in the group
Before presenting the teacher must prepare the activity sheet and answer sheet that will dipelajarai
kelomok students in cooperative groups. Then assign students in a heterogeneous group with a
maximum 4-6 people, the rule of heterogeneity can be based on:
a). academic ability (good, medium and low)
Obtained from the academic (initial score) before. Please note that the division should be balanced so
that each group consists of students with students with achievement levels balanced.
b). Gender, social background, pleasure congenital / nature (quiet and active), etc..
2. Presentation of Lesson Materials
a. Preliminary
Here it should be emphasized what students learn in groups and inform the important thing to motivate
students' curiosity about the concepts they learned. Subject matter presented by the teacher using the
method of learning. Students follow the teacher presentation carefully in preparation for the next test
b. Development
To develop appropriate material to study student in the group. Here students learn to understand the
meaning rather than rote. Question-peranyaan given explanations about right or wrong. If the student
has understood the concept, it can switch another kekonsep.
c. Practice controlled
Practice of control carried out in presenting the material in a way telling the students do the problems,
calling students at random to answer or solve a problem for students is always ready and in providing
long time-consuming tasks do not.
3.Kegiatan group
The teacher distributed worksheets to each group as materials that will be studied students. The
contents of the BLM in addition to course material is also used to train the cooperative. Teacher
provides assistance to clarify the command, repeating the concept and answer questions. In this group
activity, students work together to discuss problems encountered, compare answers, or correct
misconceptions. The group hoped to cooperate with each other well and help in understanding course
Performed for 45 - 60 minutes independently to show what students have learned while working in
groups. After the presentation of activities of teachers and group activities, students are given the test
individually. In answer to the test, students are not allowed to help each other. The evaluation results
are used as the value of individual development and contributed as a value of group development.
5. Awards group
Each group member is expected to achieve high test scores because this score will contribute towards
increasing the average score of the group. From the results of development, the achievement award at
the group level award given in such a good group, great and super.
Re 6.Perhitungan score early and changing group
One assessment period (3-4 weeks) conducted an evaluation score recalculated as new students who
score early. Then do the changes in the group so that students can work with another friend.

C. Mathematics Materials Relevant to STAD.

Mathematics materials relevant to the type of cooperative learning Student Team Achievement
Divisions (STAD) is material only to understand the facts, the basic concepts and do not require too
hapalan tinggidan reasoning, such as integers, sets, number of hours, etc.. With the presentation of
material appropriate and interesting for students, as well as the type STAD cooperative learning to
maximize the learning process so that it can improve student achievement.

D. Type of Learning Excellence Model STAD

The advantages of cooperative learning method STAD type is the existence of cooperation in groups
and in determining the success of the group depends on the success of individual tar, so that each group
member can not rely on other members. Type STAD cooperative learning focuses on activities and
interaction among students to motivate each other mutual assistance in mastering the subject matter in
order to achieve optimum performance.
Conclusion and Suggestions

A. Knot

1. Cooperative learning is a learning strategy where students learn in small groups who have different
levels of ability
2. Learning the skills approach in the process of setting STAD cooperative learning can change the type
of learning from teacher to student centered center.
3. At the core concept of the learning model is the teacher presents the type STAD lesson then students
work in teams to ensure that all team members have mastered the lesson


1.Diharapkan teachers introduce and melatihkan keterampilam cooperative skills and processes before
or during the learning so that students can discover and develop their own facts and concepts as well as
to foster and develop attitudes and values required.
2.Agar learning skills of process-oriented approach to type STAD cooperative learning to walk,
teachers should make plans to teach the subject matter, and determine all the concepts that will be
developed, and for each concept defined method or approach to be used and the skills that will process

Ismail. (2003). Learning Media (Models of Learning). New York: Junior Quality Improvement Project.

Sri Ward. (2006). Examples of junior Mathematics Syllabus and RPP. London: PPPG Mathematics.

Tim PPPG Mathematics. (2003). Some Techniques, Models and Strategies In

Learning Mathematics. Instructional Materials PPPG Training in Mathematics, New York: PPPG

Widowati, Budijastuti. 2001 Cooperative Learning. Surabaya: Surabaya State University.

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