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HFairiesGrove Edinamarry Oracle and Tarot

Version 2.0.3695.37102
Copyright 2010-2011, Tushar


Report Generated at: Time 23-41-27 PM -Date 2010년 4월 27일 화요일

Card 1: V Cups

Reading: Indicates awareness must be brought for a hard loss which brings failure, grief, fear, negativity,
diabolic behaviour and blue. This card indicates the suffering due to a loss of special person, relationship,
love, place, money, work, shelter, pride, and prestige. The card warns against such unexpected odds and
failures and advises to stand against them and to turn to a new direction with everything new, and with new
ideas; also to correct the odd menace or loss which has occurred.

Card 2: X Pentacles

Reading: First meaning: to accept culture, heritage, and traditions. One who lives in a very prospering and
traditional home or an environment. Richness and expansion of life and the living beings is observed. A time
when one's family and community prosper and produces new population which brings good times and the
requirements of the community and the family are fulfilled. A community where there is bliss and the entire
population loves, cares, and nurtures each other even the inferior creatures such as animals. An
environment, fort, castle, village, town, a city, that is well built, is widely and sincerely maintained, and is
still standing for generations with the same old tradition, religion, culture, myths, and heritage.

Second meaning: This card is a symbol of financial security, accomplishment, and comfort. The patriarch is
able to rest and enjoy the fruits of his labours in retirement while he looks on at the lives of his children and
grandchildren. Here we have someone who has accomplished a great deal during his life and is now able to
rest in the satisfaction of knowing that what he has created will provide value and joy to others even when
he is gone. A successful man who has preserved his prestige and heritage of himself and his family and has
produced a grand prospering family. A huge prospering joint family living on heritage and culture of

Third meaning: Through this Card, the greater intelligence advices you to produce a grand prospering and
flourishing family; at least to keep your traditions, heritage, culture, prestige, and religion protected and
preserved. To keep alive the traditions and heritage comes from one's ancestors. With this regard, you have
to put effort and practice for keeping this promise in your heart, if you took the promise for protecting and
preserving the ancestral heritage and culture. The card also advices to constantly renew your affairs with
your relatives and family friends. This will assure that your pride remains unharmed and you do not become
an anti-social kind of human being. Friends, family, allies, and relatives are treasure which is never to be
abandoned or else one looses the most important and desired events of his life and falls into various kinds of
misery and desparation.

To produce profit and income for a happier family, protection from misery, chaos, and emergencies. You
need to make your base secure. Draw support and protection from your past ties and rich family traditions.
If you invest conservatively and do not gamble, your success is assured. You may be able to find your own
dynasty, you may be able to fulfill the meanings written in this card. To create a grand family, one has to be
noble and to become strong. One has to produce more offspring who will support the heritage and riches
coming from the ancestors. One will be passing his riches to the child in the family who is disciplined, clever,
talented, and is able to handle the affairs, is able to manage the entire cosmos of the family and his
relatives, and is very honest; a saviour in a family or community. The ten of Pentacles stands for the
ultimate and excellence in worldly and material success. A symbol of Good luck with regards to one's family
and affairs.

Fourth meaning: this card points to a man, one who has completed his time of work and has accomplished
all his desires, wishes, dreams; who found riches and enough money to secure his family's base and his own
life; finally, is now resting in peace and prosparity with pleasure and playfulness in his own riches and
material world. One who is an elder who completed his entire work life and is now living in peace and
idleness, is also waiting for a peaceful and easy death.

The Ten of Pentacles indicate: Wealth, good life, health, heritage, riches in abundance. Traditions,
inheritances, grand picnic, grand parties, gifts, great social affairs prospering relations. Inheritance of land
and wealth. Good family life and secure family property. Marriage, continuance of family traditions. Not to
take things for granted, no money lended to someone, no money borrowed from somone or a bank loan,
and no risks anywhere within one's own life.

Pentacles are solid, earthy, heavy, not emotional, inspirational or mental. Pentacles are the essence of the
earth, and of manifestation in the "real" world. Shopping, eating, gardening, earning and spending money.
The things that happen on the material plane that ground you. Combining these two ideals then, one can
indeed say that ten of Pentacles is about reaching that comfortable space where things have been achieved
and rewarded and we have a time to breath before we start our next adventure.

Card 3: XII The Hanged man

Reading: Unemployment, passing time, freetime, loose mood, truck-load of negative thoughts, more
negativity than positivity, unable to think or calculate the results or consequences of one's own actions and
performances, an individual who creates drama anywhere even in public, less indulgence in worldly affairs,
weakling, day-dreaming, having a nap in office or a school, denying any comments and suggestions from
others, denying talking to people, self-centeredness. The Hanged man card also points to independence,
loose character, believing and appreciating anything, freestyle, liberty loving creature, often making into
shape the unexpected and unwanted ideas, a person who flies above the normal line, an individual with
good grip on social activities and interactions, an individual with high adaptability, flexibility but no grip or a
control on the works and actions, an individual who does not listens or obeys to other's request, advise,
plea, and command. A colored individual who is lost in fantasies and cannot even think that he is standing or
hanging upside down because such individuals do not acknowledge or obey to responsibilities and duties, a
human being lost in day-dreaming and cannot find much of the knowledge and education which others learn
and master. It also points to a student in a school who is weak in studies, can't find liberty, can't make
friends, and is lost in day-dreaming even while a class is being held. Similarly a man lost in day-dreaming
while doing work in an office. And an unemployed man. Like the man hanging upside down chained by a
rope in one leg certainly means a dreamer and also a foolish craving human being with less intellect but
more wishes coming and going day-by-day. If the rope is set loose, the man will fall on his head will
certainly mean that the foolish dreamer is even lost in his own thoughts and will not even realize when the
rope is set loose, he would fall down. The solution is to indulge in wordly affairs and to increase social
contacts, to make good friends, and to do social activities, also to work harder and learn the knowledge
which the individual lost in the past or the knowledge which the individual didn't receive.

Card 4: Page of pentacles

Reading: A dreamer, a social being, an imaginative human being, or a person who believes in beauty in the
objects he sees. One who ventures into beautiful environment and seeks bliss. An adult person who has
mastered to manipulate the positive and negative ideas and to differentiate between them. One who loves
nature, meditation, greenery, forests, and animals, and he makes a loving bond with them. One who is
happy only upon entering into a naturally beautiful place such as a garden, forest, or in the snowy places. A
person who believes in finding grace in all material things including food, medicine, culture, a creature, and
anything which suits a positive human being. This person tries to live in nature and seeks healing and
replenishment. A humanitarian or an intellectual. A colorful human being with life in the touch, personality,
and spoken words. A highly sensitive and noble human being with passion of studying the nature and living
creatures. A gentle and a charming person who flirts with every other object or an idea. One who is
extremely positive and shapes only the positive and divine ideas and imagination. With the depiction of a
farmland in the right of the picture on this card gives an important meaning: A rich and educated person
living in a small town, or a village, who is adult, a senior in the entire village, who gives correct advise and
justice according to the laws of nature and humanity. An important person in the village or a small town who
is the member of a prestigious and cultured family or a dynasty. A person who has discovered a new idea
regarding any new project of his interest, so this person is planning the idea and want it to be shaped into
real form. Soon a new positive beginning would take place and a new project or an endeavor will be started
by the person. This meaning below is from Page of Cups card which also matches Page of Pentacles even
though it is not found in the Page of Pentacles, still I have urge to include it because somewhere it is
compatible to the person found in the figure in Page of Pentacles card: A human being who may or may not
be in spotlight, who cares, cultivates, and nurtures the things of his importance and interest, especially the
living things. A person who is attracted towards the grace and innocence of any creature whether bird, fish,
sheep, goat, cow, or an elephant. A human being who sympathizes at poor, innocent, or the weak creatures.
One who sympathizes at poor or weak human beings; a great urge and emotion rises in such persons which
often make them to keep or collect, protect and even pet the creatures around him or wherever he finds


Card1: V Cups

Indicates awareness must be brought for a hard loss which brings failure, grief, fear,
negativity, diabolic behaviour and blue. This card indicates the suffering due to a loss of
special person, relationship, love, place, money, work, shelter, pride, and prestige. The card
warns against such unexpected odds and failures and advises to stand against them and to
turn to a new direction with everything new, and with new ideas; also to correct the odd
menace or loss which has occurred.

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