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the journal of


Mark K. Huntington, MD,

Chenter for Family Medicine,
Neck mass: How would you treat?
Sioux Falls, SD
Barry O. Sewall, MD A 57-year-old woman with a history Family and social history
West Central Radiological of breast cancer comes to your office • Family history is significant for coro-
Associates, Willmar, Minn
complaining of pain and swelling on the nary artery disease late in life in her
left side of her neck. She has recently parents
had a mastectomy and chemotherapy; • No family history of cancer, blood
her port was removed in the past week. dyscrasia, or immunocompromise
She has no chills, cough, dyspnea,
ed ia
• Formerly a smoker, only recently quit
palpitations, chest pain, nausea, weight h M
• Moderate caffeine intake (coffee)
gain, edema, or urinary complaints. She
n H ea y • Employed as a banker
is, however, experiencing mild, general
t D al u
fatigue and a “scratchy se o
® throat”; otherwise
h n
there are no systemic symptoms. She is
yrig r perso
Physical examination
• Temperature 99.7°F, pulse 92, respira-
worried that her “cancer has come back.”
Fo tions 20, blood pressure 122/74 mm
Hg, weight 130 lbs
Q: What are some of the causes • Alert, oriented, no distress, full
of painful neck swelling? affect
In this Article How would you proceed with • PERRLA (pupils equal, round, reactive
the evaluation? to light and accommodation), extra-
Central venous ocular motions intact, cranial nerves
access: Ensuring A:
II–XII intact, mucous membranes
proper care moist, pharynx clear, no carotid bruits,
Page 119 minimal cervical adenopathy
• There is a tender, ill-defined mass on
Family Practice Other medical history the left side of the neck, extending
Perspective • Hypothyroidism and hypertension from angle of the mandible to the
Page 120 • History of deep venous thrombosis clavicle behind which it disappears
(DVT) attributed to her cancer; was on • Heart regular without murmurs or
warfarin but “held” last week for her enlargement
port removal surgery. • Lungs clear to auscultation in all
• Remote history of cholecystectomy fields
• No known drug allergies • Operative site on the left anterior
• No history of myocardial infarction, con- thorax (port removal) is clean, dry,
gestive heart failure, stroke, or diabetes nonerythematous, healing well
• No recent international travel • Abdomen is soft, nontender, non-
correspondence • Current medications: anastrozole, distended, no organomegaly, normal
Mark K. Huntington, MD, PhD, hydro-chlorothiazide, levothyroxine, bowel sounds
Center for Family Medicine, calcium, warfarin, epoetin alfa, and • Extremities show no significant edema
1115 East 20th Street, Sioux
Falls, SD 57105. acetaminophen or venous distention

116 vol 56, No 2 / february 2007 The Journal of Family Practice

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Neck mass: How would you treat?

figure 1 figure 2
Thrombosed veins Collateral circulation

CT image with IV contrast of the base of the neck showing This 3D reconstruction of CT images shows the ex-
thrombosed veins. tensive collateral circulation on the left, compared
with the right.

Q: What is your differential z Nextstep:

diagnosis? What investigations Order imaging studies
will you undertake to narrow it? This particular presentation prompts
A: you to order a computed tomography
(CT) scan of her neck and chest, look-
ing for a specific pathology (Figure 1 ).
When the scan is complete, the
radiologist calls and confirms that there
is occlusion of the left internal jugu-
Lab results lar vein, brachiocephalic vein, and a
• White bloods cell count elevated at 13 portion of the left subclavian vein with
(3.9–10.9), 76% neutrophils with no thrombosis.
bands A second CT of the chest again re-
• Mild anemia of 11.3 (11.7–16.0) veals the thrombosed veins, but there are
• International normalized ratio (INR)= no filling defects suggestive of pulmonary
0.94 emboli or peripheral infiltrates or cavi-
• Blood cultures are pending tary lesions suggestive of septic emboli
• Rapid strep test is negative (Figure 2 ).

A closer look at the neck CT

The details. Thrombosis of the left internal of septic thrombosis. No soft-tissue abscess is
jugular vein extends from the jugular siphon to seen in the neck. The right internal jugular vein is
the left subclavian vein. A portion of the left sub- normal. No definite thrombus is seen in the left
clavian vein and probably the left brachiocephalic jugular siphon or sigmoid sinus.
vein are also thrombosed. Numerous collaterals The parapharyngeal spaces are symmetric,
appear in the neck base. The left internal though the infiltration of the fat around the left
jugular vein measures 2.0 cm in diameter; the internal jugular vein is causing soft-tissue swelling
right measures 1.5 x 1.1 cm. There is also mild and possibly mild tracheal deviation. The airway
wall thickening of the internal jugular vein and is not compromised. The superior mediastinum is
infiltration of the surrounding fat—suggestive grossly unremarkable. The upper lungs are clear. vol 56, No 2 / february 2007 117

the journal of

Q: How do you fit together this constellation of findings: septic neck vein thromboses, fever
(albeit low-grade), and leukocytosis in an
immunocompromised patient with history of DVT, recent pharyngitis, and recent central
venous access port removal?

You vaguely recall that jugu- You realize that most patients with
lar thrombophlebitis is associated suppurative thrombophlebitis present
with some syndrome, so you turn to in a much more toxic state than yours
UpToDate and do a search on “jugular did. Perhaps you caught it early. She
thrombophlebitis.” certainly has risk factors, including her
There you learn that Lemierre’s recent pharyngitis and central venous
syndrome, also known as necrobacil- catheterization. The prominent collater-
losis, is septic thrombophlebitis of the al circulation raises the possibility that
jugular vein. It most commonly devel- this may have developed subacutely, fol-
ops following pharyngitis, and has been lowing a more indolent course than is
associated with dental microbes.1,2 generally reported.
Similar syndromes of suppurative The organisms responsible for sup-
thrombophlebitis may also occur in purative thrombophlebitis depend on
peripheral veins, associated with intra- the infection’s site of origin. Most of the
venous catheterization (especially PICC time in the peripheral veins or vena cava,
lines3), the superior and inferior vena Staphylococcus, a member of normal
cava, always associated with central skin flora, is the pathogen. Streptococ-
lines,4 and the ovarian veins.5 cus, Enterobacteriaceae, Candida, and
fast track even cytomegalovirus have been docu-
THE CASE: mented.4,7,8 Jugular septic thrombophle-
z You caught it early bitis draws from the oral flora, with the
You can see Suppurative thrombophlebitis. This most common causative agent being the
thrombosed veins problem often presents with fever and anaerobic Fusobacterium.
on the CT but rigorous chills. Swelling and tenderness is A thrombus provides an excellent
noted over the affected vein in about half source of nutrients for the microbes,
nothing suggestive the cases. Obviously, though, inspection which colonize it and establish what is
of pulmonary and palpation of the vena cava is chal- essentially a biofilm. These complex mi-
or septic emboli lenging and such signs do not apply when crobial architectures are extraordinarily
these vessels are involved. resistant to antibiotic therapy, especially
Respiratory distress due to septic when compared with plantonic bacteria.9
pulmonary emboli and secondary pneu- Not only does the thrombus facilitate
monia is common. Metastatic abscess the infection, but the bacteria facilitate
formation at other sites, such as joint and thrombus formation by promoting plate-
bone, have been reported.1,6 let aggregation.10

Q: How are you going to treat your patient?


118 vol 56, No 2 / february 2007 The Journal of Family Practice

Neck mass: How would you treat?

Central venous access: Ensuring proper care

C hemotherapy is only one of the

many circumstances in which
central venous access is required. Cen-
tral venous access devices (CVADs) are
also used for administration of antibiot-
ics, hydration, total parenteral nutrition,
or long-term blood sampling.
The central lines that most family
physicians learned to insert during resi-
dency are only one of a dizzying array of
CVADs in use. The triple-lumen lines are
inserted transcutaneously by the resi-
dent into either the jugular or subclavian
veins and are good for short-to-medium Representative venous access devices.
duration therapies. They require diligent Clockwise from upper left: triple lumen
catheter, tunneled catheter, subcutaneous
care to prevent occlusion or infection, port, PICC.
including daily flushing.
For longer-duration therapies, tunneled staff, they are still fairly high-mainte-
catheters may be placed, typically by nance and require daily flushes.
surgical consultants. These are less prone Your patient had a subcutaneous
to bleeding or infection but still require dili- CVAD, which is often called a “port.”
gent attention and regular flushing. Some It is surgically implanted, not unlike a
models do permit weekly flushing. pacemaker, and is ideal for long-term
Peripherally-inserted central venous use, especially when required access fast track
catheters (PICCs) may be used for up is intermittent. It requires flushing only
THE CASE: Surgery
to a year. Generally inserted by nursing monthly (weekly when being accessed).
is not an option—
z Medication or surgery? benefit. In vitro studies show inhibition antibiotic therapy
Because of its resistance to antibiotic of this aggregation with aspirin,10 but no
treatment, peripheral venous suppu- clinical studies or even case reports indi-
is the best course
rative thrombophlebitis is a surgical cate improved outcomes with its use.
disease, not unlike an abscess, and re-
quires excision or incision and drainage
of the affected vessel. Antibiotics alone z A hospital stay
are inadequate. Excision of thrombo- Prolonged antibiotics
phlebitis of the central veins affected is You admit the patient to the hospital with
not feasible (though thrombectomies a presumptive diagnosis of Lemierre’s syn-
are occasionally undertaken). In this drome and begin piperacillin/tazobactam
case, prolonged antibiotic therapy is intravenously, covering both Fusobacte-
indicated. rium and Staphlococcus. You also opt to
Anticoagulation may also be con- begin heparin and resume her warfarin,
sidered, though no strong evidence sup- more for her history of DVT than because
ports that addition. Given the effect of of documented benefit of anticoagulation
Fusobacterium on platelet aggregation, in the management of suppurative throm-
aspirin might be expected to provide bophlebitis. vol 56, No 2 / february 2007 119

the journal of

Family Practice Perspective: Beware these complications

A n awareness of potential complications is vital before undertaking any medical

intervention. Although it would be unusual for a family physician to place a port,
insertion of central venous lines is a commonly performed procedure that shares
many of the same risks. Fortunately, septic thrombophlebitis is a rare complication;
unfortunately, a variety of other complications may occur. These include hemor-
rhage, venous thrombosis (uninfected), extravascular hematoma, local or systemic
infection, pneumo- hydro- hemo- or chylo-thorax, air embolus, catheter fragment
embolus, nerve injury, arteriovenous fistula, and cardiac arrhythmias or tamponade.
The likelihood of complications from this procedure can be diminished by strict
adherence to aseptic technique, and a thorough knowledge of the surrounding
anatomy. Contraindications include distorted anatomy, suspected superior vena
cava injury, compromise (such as pneumothorax on the side contralateral to the
planned insertion site), infection or full-thickness burns at the planned insertion site,
and coagulopathy.
—Mark Huntington, MD

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THE CASE: no growth; to your chagrin, you find
out that anaerobic cultures were not ob- 5. Garcia J, Aboujaoude R, Apuzzio J Alvares JR.
You begin heparin tained. After 8 days, the patient’s neck is
Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis: diagnosis and
management. Infect Dis Obstetr Gynecol 2006;
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warfarin, more down, she’s adequately anticoagulated, 6. Pruitt BA Jr, McManus WF, Kim SH, Treat RC.
has been afebrile for 48 hours, and is Diagnosis and treatment of cannula-related intra-
for her history extremely eager to go home.
venous sepsis in burn patients. Ann Surg 1980;
of DVT than for She is discharged with a prescrip- 7. Baker CC, Petersen SR, Sheldon GF. Septic
the management tion of amoxicillin/clavulanate 3 times phlebitis: a neglected disease. Am J Surg 1979;
of suppurative daily for 4 weeks, as the literature sug-
gests that most Fusobacterium are sen- 8. Peterson P, Stahl-Bayliss CM. Cytomegalovirus
thrombophlebitis sitive to this agent.11 She is instructed
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[letter]. Ann Intern Med 1987; 106:632–633.
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Syndrome: suppurative thrombophlebitis of the anaerobic gram-negative rods isolated from pus
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120 vol 56, No 2 / february 2007 The Journal of Family Practice

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